arabellasxndrine · 5 months
"I might have gone a little overboard." It was more than a little actually. That was obvious as she entered the room with a garment bag in her hands and her bodyguard followed her with three in his. "I just saw a photo of you with your little angel and the inspiration hit. Here's hoping I got your measurements right. How is she by the way? And how are you?" ( @yihwa )
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arabellasxndrine · 5 months
It may have been years since she looked straight into those eyes, let alone hear the voice of the one who it belonged to, but she had no problem doing either with those things now, not when she has accepted that their decision to call things off and spend time apart was what was best for them both as individuals and as a couple (if she could still call them that). If there was one thing she was sad about while looking at him now though, it was that she could not call him her bestfriend anymore. That, unfortunately, was the price she had to pay.
"As tempting it is to tell you to get lost again, I promised that I will do my best to be nice to you. Lucky you." She laughed before taking the glass from him. "Good evening, Prince Gabriel."
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A silent nod followed suit when azure orbits focused on hers as soon as he walked into the penthouse. It's been a while since they last spoke or stood in the same room ––– his first fear coming true, that their relationship would come in the middle of their friendship. In truth, he missed that, having one of his closest friends to confine. Excusing himself from the conversation that unfolded, crossing the room to walk out to the terrace, grabbing two glasses of a nameless drink. "So, last time we were here, you told me to get lost." He starts, a playful tone behind words as he offers her one of the glasses. "What's going to be now?"
july , 2024 . new york city ( @arabellasxndrine )
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arabellasxndrine · 2 years
Maitê D’orléans e Bragança​:
“I’ll start to redirect all my mother’s call to you” A sanctimonious affirmation coming through a honeyed tone, she was starting to decline most o those calls. The former princess of Austria itching with questions and concerns about her homeland. “Although, my visit is to see how are you dealing with everything. Have them reach out to you?”  / @arabellasxndrine​
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“She finally saw the news about what happened then? I should just have a group call with her and my mother so I can try to ease their concerns at the same time. You should join because I have a feeling some of those concerns would involve you at one point.” For the first time in a while, the heaviness of what was happening was getting to her but she still tried her best to keep a level head. “My doctor ordered me to rest again and focus on taking care of my health but that has been difficult with all the calls I’m receiving.”
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arabellasxndrine · 2 years
Kristoffer Sønderburg​:
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                        “    i’m sorry to hear about the danube.    ”    is that even arabella’s business anymore  ?    do the von habsburgs even have any say in anything  ?    he’s not sure.    would it be out of place for him to ask  ?    possibly so.    “    i hope you’re coping well, despite the circumstances.    ”        ﹟    @arabellasxndrine​.
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“Thank you. It’s really a relief that not a lot of people were harmed.” In the midst of everything that was happening in her country, that was something she was not prepared for and while they were quick to respond to the disaster, it still made her anxious. “I am doing the best that I can. We all are. What about you? I have not seen you in so long.”
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arabellasxndrine · 2 years
Mimi de Bourbon Grimaldi​:
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“Bells!” Mimi called from her car as she pulled up beside Arabella. “Get in. Come shopping with me. I need to decorate my place before Petro and Claude try to do it themselves…Where are you staying?” @arabellasxndrine​
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As she was walking down the neighborhood, she heard someone say her name and seeing who it was made her smile. “I didn’t expect to see you today but I am happy to! I’d love that.” She opened the backdoor and hopped in. “I’m on Ryman Road.”
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arabellasxndrine · 2 years
Beau de Saxe Coburg Et Gotha​:
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​he knocked at the door and cursed the part of him that wished gabriel wouldn’t be the one to open the door. his relief when belle swung the door open was, he was sure, entirely visible on his face. “i brought lunch. hungry?”
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“Why do I have a feeling that you wouldn’t look this relieved if it wasn’t me who opened the door?”, she asked with a quick laugh before making way for him to enter her new home. “Definitely. I have a box of fresh pastries here for dessert so it’s perfect.”
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arabellasxndrine · 2 years
Andrew Beaufort​:
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“Obviously. As you’ve probably guessed, I have a sweet tooth.” He grinned. “Besides, what better way to start off a new location than by scoping out the local bakeries.”
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“I like the way you think.” She set two places and two glasses on the table, taking a pitcher of water out of the refrigerator after. “You seem to be in an oddly cheery mood today. Who do I thank for that?”
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arabellasxndrine · 2 years
Hafiz Osmanoğlu​:
“Wow,” her astonishment didn’t have a single hint of sarcasm. Hafiz had become curious about the woman since she left Brazil. Tearing her gaze from the page, she smiled at the kind offering and explanation. “It’s one way to keep your mind off things. We’re chained to your rooms so I think you may find the time sooner than you think.” Hafiz placed the sketch onto her lap to admire it for a moment longer. Fashion design didn’t exactly scream fine art but she respected the soul that had been woven into it. “This one,” she fanned Arabella softly. “I love a classic silhouette.” 
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“I have been instructed to rest for a bit because of all the traveling we’ve done the past few months so you might be right about that. Would you by chance want to see how I do it?” It probably was a weird question to ask but isn’t it that a good way to get closer to someone is to share your passion with them? She hoped that was true. “I will make that first then! Could you send me your measurements?”
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arabellasxndrine · 2 years
Selene Glücksburg​:
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            ❝      Με   συγχωρείς  ,      would   you   mind   𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐   𝚝𝚘   𝚝𝚑𝚎   𝚕𝚎𝚏𝚝   𝚜𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚕𝚢  ?     you’re   blocking   my   light  .        ❞      kind   voice   lilts  ,      BROWS   CREASE   while   brush   strokes   across   the   page  .      after   a   moment   she   glances   up   offering   a   friendly   smile  .             @hshqstarters​  .    
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“Oh, I’m sorry!” She did what she was asked and ended up sitting on the bench, causing her to see what the other woman was working on. “That looks beautiful. Do you always paint in your free time?”
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arabellasxndrine · 2 years
Ronan Cromwell​:
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“This complex isn’t big enough. If isn’t not the overlapping groans from various houses, it’s the loud whispers over crackling radios. I don’t see how we can be productive here with all the noise..”  
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“Is this your subtle way of saying Maite is a loud roommate?”, she asked, feigned disbelief in her tone as if he’d be in trouble once her cousin finds out. “Well, ever since college, I actually work better when it’s a bit noisy back. Though I admit it can be too much, just like when our neighbors threw a party, I ended up attending it instead.”
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arabellasxndrine · 2 years
Araya Mahidol​:
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“ um,  hi!  have you seen a chicken? ”  @hshqstarters​
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“Do you mean this?”, she asked upon walking up to Araya with a chicken in her arms. “Does this belong to Lola or has she influenced you to have one of your own?”
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arabellasxndrine · 2 years
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“I was a little bored earlier and ended up baking Apfelradln. Brought you a few in case you haven’t had an afternoon snack yet.” She placed the container on the table and looked around the house. “How has it been living with Araya and George here?” ( @loladebelgique​ )
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arabellasxndrine · 2 years
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“It’s true... you’re actually here.” That was the first thing she said upon realizing who it was that she bumped into on the way back home. “I would give you a warm welcome but first, do I have a reason to question you again?” ( @alekbielecki​ )
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arabellasxndrine · 2 years
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“I am sorry that I didn’t welcome you to the program sooner. Things have been quite hectic.” To say the least. Still, after everything that’s happened, Arabella felt like that should not have stopped her from visiting Anastazya sooner. “Has anything interesting happened to you since you arrived?” ( @anastazyas​ )
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arabellasxndrine · 2 years
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“Everyone is still alright, yes? Please make sure it stays that way on your end and I’ll do the same here. Thank you.” Just as the call ended and Arabella put her laptop to sleep, she heard footsteps that caused her to take her head out of her hands and look up. “Oh, you’re finally awake. Billie made us breakfast if you’re hungry.” ( @bielbraganca​ )
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arabellasxndrine · 2 years
Favorite memory in the programme
"I have quite a lot but off the top of my head, it's the first day that I got to spend with Lola after she joined." ( @loladebelgique )
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arabellasxndrine · 2 years
why is biel 'the one' for you?
"I’m honestly not sure if there’s such a thing but if it does exist, he could be and whether it’ll take three years or fifty, I want to stick around to find out. I don’t really see myself being with anyone else, nor do I want to be.” ( @bielbraganca )
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