barbiebraganca · 1 year
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     - ‘ HAVE YOU spoken to verona yet ? the past few weeks really slipped through my fingers, i haven’t been able to reach her yet. ’ / @alessandrxs​
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svljc · 10 months
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❝ HOW ARE YOU still alive ? didn't you run into olimpia a handful of times already in the past month ? no way you'd survive every single time. ❞ / @alessandrxs
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hshqedit · 2 years
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alessandro  &  olimpia   /   @alessandrxs ,  @olimpiacroy​
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ilijaf · 1 year
GROUP FIVE: @mchaeleicn, @mvrcellc, @alessandrxs, @niklausses​, @iretiolowu​, @jinxiuying​, @effiestuart​, @rxnancromwell​.
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     - ‘ DOES ANYBODY have any ideas for how we can get help ? ’ without getting killed in the process. 
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olimpiacroy · 5 months
idk june 2024, @alessandrxs
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" i wanted apologies and a chance to scream at you. you didn't give me that. you just disappeared. " she had had a lot of time to find the right words and form the most eloquent sentences — and still had nothing prepared. the only good thing that had come with time was that the anger didn't feel as acidic as it had in the beginning.
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vcrcnc · 1 year
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welcome back @alessandrxs
tl;dr: pax aterna leaked some documents that prove that the danube got poisoned bc of italy
ale and olimpia are no longer engaged
this news post was supposed to be out 2 months ago but i am not good at doing things
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vrnvuld · 2 years
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i continued the taylor swift theme so here, have exile. @jclvni, @olimpiacroy, @alessandrxs-a, @fvmikc, @vslvano, @laylabahiti, @arturcii, @fannicroy
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elysefz · 1 year
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hans had been taking out of the room and elyse hadn’t expected to feel so alone. she paced, twisting her fingers together almost painfully. it was horrible, this panicky feeling she had, awash in a sea of chaos and uncertainty. the door open and new people were shoved into the room. she didn’t even turn to look, “has anything seen max? king of switzerland. is he alright?” ( @jinmeixu​, @kcliningrcd​, @uriahzakuani​, @jvlicn​, @giselledorleans​, @olimpiacroy​, @alessandrxs​ )
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mvrcellc · 1 year
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“I can go in first, the rest of you follow — or does someone else want to go first?” His eyes naturally landed on the king. ( ** group five — @alessandrxs, @mchaeleicn​, @iretiolowu​ )
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giorxcci · 1 year
⁎  ╱  @alessandrxs​​.
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。  “–Nonno said we can visit if we need a break from . . . this lifestyle,” he motions around the landscape and beyond before plucking a smooth skipping stone from the grass. “I’ve been thinking of taking him up on the offer.” 
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iretiolowu · 1 year
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she had never regretted letting go of someone’s hand in her life. only god knows whether or not ilija had made it away safely. “we can’t keep doing this — we need... clean water, at least.” ireti swiped her hair out of her face, desperately glancing at her fellow runaways in turn. “there’s less of us now, the least we could do is sneak into one of the buildings to find some supplies... if we’re lucky there might even be a phone.” ( @alessandrxs, @mvrcellc, @mchaeleicn​ ) 
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barbiebraganca · 5 months
JULY, 2024
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❝ HER NAME WAS actually going to be giovanna but i did not want to give your brother that much power. ❞ / @alessandrxs
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highsocietyhq · 1 year
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​ &&. announcing his royal highness, ( alessandro emilio di savoia ), the ( 27 ) year old ( prince ) of ( italy ). he is often confused with ( giuseppe maggio ). some say that he is ( capricious & rigorous ), but he is actually ( courteous & endearing ). ( ooc: lina / 25 / bst / she & her )
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bielbraganca · 2 years
BARBIE’s FARM, august 8th - las vegas.
the pang in the back of his head was enough to tell that: it doesn't matter how the engagement ring got stuck on his pinky finger, he was probably never going to remember –– as much can be said for the entirety of last night. “this thing is stuck,” an abruptly pause, when his lips partly open and he stood still staring into what was laying on the floor of the other room. “is that a baby tiger? did you kidnap a baby tiger? is it my sister’s? tell me you didn’t bring those creatures with you” @alessandrxs @georgetstuart​ @princesten​
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nataliademarquis · 2 years
[ * / @alessandrxs + @princesten​ ]
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“ oh – boys ! ” she jogged a few steps to catch the two new television stars. “ i just saw the news on your new show and have the most PERFECT suggestion. ” she kept her smile wide as she clapped her hands together. one might say she’s gushing. “ scuola elementare di domagnano. ” the italian is too pronounced to be her native tongue. “ it’s this adorable school i visited in san marino. i’m sure they’ll need your help after ... “
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olimpiacroy · 2 years
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“ astrid’s sister sure has a sense of humour... is she this big a bitch in person or... ? ” | @ilijafilipovic @vstridb @jclvni @arayamahidol @aurcls @iretiolowu @alessandrxs @bastivvn @beaudebelgique​ + ariel whose url i can’t recall atm i’m so sorry
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