tenaflyviper · 4 years
My fave grocery store is 24/7 again!!!
I can shop antisocially at 3 in the morning again!!!
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teaismysafefood · 4 years
0 Calorie Vitamin Water
Kirkland has a zero calorie vitamin water called VitaRain Zero and it’s really good and another alternative to water or if you just want Vitamin Water but without the calories. (Lemonade and Dragon Fruit are the best flavors. The others are eh).
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deeeelightfuldee · 2 years
In what form of communication did you last use to talk to the person you’re currently interested in? I’m currently putting myself on dates and while im only mildly interested i would say snap or text.
If you were to leave the house right now, would you change your outfit all? i wouldn’t need to, but i would.
When was the last time something really cute happened to you? last night. 
Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed? i am.
Has anything happened to you within the past month that’s made you really happy? i had a great birthday with the people that cared to celebrate it. 
Do you want to see someone right now? no. 
Did a boy or girl text message you last? Guy.
When was the last time something bothered you? today. 
What was the last thing you looked up on Youtube? the way to recharge ac on my own for the car
Have you held hands with anyone in the past 24 hours? Nah but this week i will
Did the last guy/girl you kissed have any piercings?  no he doesnt
What exactly did you drink the last time you were intoxicated? a lot of stuff lol. 
Do you actually love your parents? my mom yes, not my dad.
Have you ever had a school picture turn out absolutely dreadful? no, but we never hard like official ones.
Are you more prone to being the social butterfly, or the wallflower? a mixture but definitely more towards wallflower.
Would you rather go to a Katy Perry or Taylor Swift concert? i dont know that id actively try to see either but probably swift.
Have you ever thrown up from working out? once
What pattern do the sheets on your bed have?  its a white background with black polkadots.
Are your days full and fast-paced?  half of the week my days are PACKED. the other half are slow thankfully
What languages can you count to ten or higher in?  english, spanish, ASL.
Where did you get the underwear you are wearing right now? i think either amazon or like target.
Are you good with painting nails with your left hand? its ok. 
Do you feel uncomfortable sharing drinks with other people? only a very, very, very small handful of people. 
Have either of your grandparents ever told you a sexual joke? when my grandpa was alive and had pretty bad dementia, he would sometimes say things like that were MILD innuendos and never about his family but just like obscure. it was kinda funny.
Do you spend more time outside or inside? Inside.
Would you rather give up the computer or the TV? i guess computer sadly.
Do you own any fake designer purses? No.
Who was the last person you were with that smelled REALLY good? its been a litttle bit. i just love clean, clean, clean scents.
Do you think braces are sexy? lol no. 
What were you for halloween in first grade? bumblebee.  Last person to make you seriously mad? uhhhhh either K or mom Don’t you hate when people have cell phones but never answer them? No, no it doesnt bother me.
Who have you recently made up with after fighting? Z What kind of toothpaste do you use? i think colgate
Last thing you bought at the grocery store? uhhhh probably hair stuff.
What were you doing this morning at 1am? staring at my phone waiting for a response i would not get.
What could someone do to irritate you? say they love/care for me but then ignore me and make me feel worthless. SIMULTANEOUSLY
Have you used a tissue today? i did. multiple.
The last person that slept in your bed gets arrested, what do you do? i would probably be relieved tbh.
What color hair does your mom have? Black/silver
When people ask “how are you?” do you say “good” even if you aren’t? yep. 
Honestly, did you really love the last person you said I love you to?  more than he will ever grasp.
When was the last time you were told you were cute? last night
How was your Friday? lovely.
When is the last time you were in a swimming pool? like the 26th of june.
Did you speak to your father today? no, ive not spoken to him since i had to text him and say that his grandson was born. 
What was the last thing you drank? lemonade vitarain
Is there anyone you want to come see you? up until last night i would have screamed yes to this. i think right now, i would say forget it. i need my life to look different
How did you wake up this morning?  i just woke up organically.
0 notes
napiakcio · 3 years
Vitaminos zuhanyfilter, zuhanyszűrő, Levendula illatú csak 4.290 Ft
VITARAIN - Vitaminos zuhanyfilter, zuhanyszűrő, Levendula illatú
A csapvíz a víz tisztítása érdekében klórt tartalmaz
A VITARAIN megóvja a bőrt, mert eltávolítja a visszamaradt klórt, ami különféle bőrbetegségeket okoz
A C-vitamin a bőrnél anti-oxidásként működik, azaz legyőzi a bőrbetegségeket, a száraz bőrt és kisimítja a ráncokat
Nagyszerű öregedésgátló, fehérítő hatásával hozzájárulhat a fiatalos kinézetű bőrhöz
Ezen kívül nedvesség tároló anyagot is tartalmaz, amely segít a bőr nedvességének megtartásában
A VITARAIN hozáadott aroma illatot is tartalmaz, így aromaterápiás hatása van
Segít a relaxációban és a stressz megszűntetésében
Felszerelése egyszerű, nem igényel szakembert
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lirlovesfic · 7 years
Top five things to drink. ☕️
This was harder for me than it probably should have been, lol. Please note: I’m skipping coffee not because I don’t drink it (I drink far too much), but because I’m no connoisseur. My body can’t handle strong coffee, and for me it’s more of a convenient caffeine delivery system than a loved beverage.
You didn’t specify between potent and non-potent potables, so I’m going with a little bit of both:
1. Diet Coke, in a cup and heavily iced. Not regular, it tastes like syrup, and I can’t drink it out of a can--the carbonation is too much. I’ll substitute Coca Cola Zero or diet Pepsi (as a fountain drink) if necessary. Oddly, I don’t care for diet Pepsi from a can. Really nasty. *shudders*
2. Lemonade flavored Glaceau Vitamin Water Zero, although I usually drink Costco’s VitaRain Zero (any flavor) because it’s cheaper. I bought a thing that makes ice cubes in the shape of a tube that will fit in the bottles, so I usually drink it iced. 
3. Margaritas, salted or unsalted, over ice or with crushed ice. 
4. White wine, usually chardonnay or something else fairly dry and tart, usually over ice. :P  (I’m all about ice.) I do like a dry red wine, like a cabernet or burgundy, room temp. My taste in wine follows my budget, which usually means some sort of box is involved.
5. Tortuga coconut (or banana) rum. Not just any rum, TORTUGA rum. I had it on a cruise once and brought some home and have been hoarding it for years because we can’t get it here. I’ve tried to find other brands that I liked as well, but Tortuga spoiled me. I may have to go to Grand Cayman again, just for the rum.
Thanks for playing!
Ask me my “TOP 5/TOP 10” anything!
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mynetdiary-blog1 · 6 years
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dealsatx-blog · 7 years
Costco Deal Membership for (effectively) Less than $30
Costco Deal Membership for less than $30
Costco Groupon Deal
Groupon currently has a fantastic deal for a gold Costco Membership. While the price of $60 cannot be reduced with discounts you receive some amazing extras effectively halving the price.
$20 Cash card
Paper Towels Create-a-Size 12/160 ct ($15.69 value)
VitaRain Zero Flavored Water 24/20 oz bottles ($9.99 value)
Food Court Whole Pizza ($9.95 value)
$25 off an order of…
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deeeelightfuldee · 2 years
Do you know how to wrap a present? yup! i love to wrap 
When was the last time you ate a candy cane? Do you even like them? each winter i have several. i like them
Is yoga something that interests you? only in the sense i would like to increase my flexibility. but i cant do something like that because my shoulder would be wrecked. 
Do you enjoy reading, or is it something you don’t do much? I love to read. I havent done it as much as i used to but man i love it. im planning to schedule more time in my day for it.
What’s the worst hangover you’ve ever had? lol my 28th i think? we just had a total crap show of drinking it was so fun. 
If you’ve had a job before, what’s the worst thing you’ve ever had to do there? the store i worked at was for babies and pregnant women and there was a lot of things happening in the bathroom areas that were just... disturbing. having to clean that was traumatizing lol. 
Did you see 500 Days of Summer? Yes. i love and hate that movie. its such a good depiction of how love changes over time and what unrequited love and grief look like.
What time will you be getting up tomorrow morning? 6:50am
Are you saving money for anything? i wish. i try and save all my money right now because im strapped and i need to have a tiny bit of money for my trips.
Who in your family are you closest to? Mom
Ever sat in someone’s lap because there were no more seats in a vehicle? as a kid, all the time. not as an adult i would never hurt anyones lap that way lol.
Would you rather go to a heavy metal concert or a country concert? country pls.
How do you hang up your posters on your wall? i dont.
Do you ever highlight excerpts of books that you particularly enjoy? textbooks yes.
What feeling do you have right now? oh boy. lets see... im motivated for some new exercises and gym time. im excited for tomorrow which should be a fun day and help get my mind off of things for a little bit. im a little nervous about my trip. im heartbroken about K and im just constantly thinking and wondering about him. im nervous about some other stuff and am thinking of what im going to do.
In your opinion, what is the scariest natural disaster? fire. 
Have you ever woken up from a dream and thought it had actually happened? yes. many times lol
Do you wear glasses or contacts? neither my vision is fine
What do you tend to drink a lot of? Water first. then diet coke /  vitarain (costco vitamin water)  / g2 gatorade. 
Do you have a beach house? no. 
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couponsworld · 4 years
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‏‎باليه كوم تسوق افضل منتجات العناية بالبشرة والشعر والجسم مع كود خصم اضافي 👈 AC166 #bessline #balanx #vitarain #ikoo #نورسين #العناية_بالبشرة #العناية_بالشعر #العناية_بالجسم #العناية_بالوجه #العناية_بالأسنان #جونسون #جلايكوليكس #عطر_لانكوم #عطر_جوفان #عطر_جوفان_مسك_نسائي #تطبيق_باليه_كوم #باليه_كوم #باليه #السعودية🇸🇦 #السعودية #جدة #كود_خصم_باليه #كود_خصم_باليه_كوم #باليه_كود #باليه_كوبون_خصم #كوبون_باليه #balleh #balleh_code #balleh_coupon #coupon_balleh‎‏ https://www.instagram.com/p/CK8ZPVZrgtJ/?igshid=1wxpcsyx5sgfx
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couponsworld · 4 years
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‏‎باليه كوم تسوق افضل منتجات العناية بالبشرة والشعر والجسم مع كود خصم اضافي 👈 AC166 #bessline #balanx #vitarain #ikoo #نورسين #العناية_بالبشرة #العناية_بالشعر #العناية_بالجسم #العناية_بالوجه #العناية_بالأسنان #جونسون #جلايكوليكس #عطر_لانكوم #عطر_جوفان #عطر_جوفان_مسك_نسائي #تطبيق_باليه_كوم #باليه_كوم #باليه #السعودية🇸🇦 #السعودية #جدة #كود_خصم_باليه #كود_خصم_باليه_كوم #باليه_كود #باليه_كوبون_خصم #كوبون_باليه #balleh #balleh_code #balleh_coupon #coupon_balleh‎‏ https://www.instagram.com/p/CKwoMEmL_kW/?igshid=1d4iya71dgw0i
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