victoriadallonfan · 2 months
Ward AU: Rain and Victoria swap
Rain is one of few remaining members of the Risen, a religious hero organization that was hit hard by Gold Morning due to Scion’s attack and the fact that they worshiped him as the second coming of Jesus Christ. Struggling with his faith, the betrayal of Scion, and capes hating him for his past life, he is approached by Yamada to help guide or dissuade her therapy group from going into heroics.
Victoria is a newbie cape who was raised in the villain family known as Dark Tide, who gained infamy for kidnapping the child of indie BB hero Vitamancer. Her power is broken into facets as is her mind, however, and her “adopted” sister’s attempt at fixing the power causes her to lapse into the “Wretch” personality, nearly crushing her mother’s skull as she makes her escape. Furthermore, with each lapse, she gets a fragile sense of the power network behind the scenes.
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briefdreamgiver · 3 years
Click Here to see full article 
Guavas is the fruit and it is extremely rich in vitamins and substances that do nothing more than favor our health. it can be used to improve heart health ,blood sugar, digestion. Health benefits Guavas are tropical trees it fruits are oval in shape with light green or yellowish skin color  the fruit is just delicious and amazingly rich in antioxidants vitamin c potassium and fiber.
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pencilbrony · 4 years
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Did a short stream on me discord
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kobl-squares · 7 years
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thetreasuregoblin · 3 years
Schools of Magic: Vitamancy
Vitamancy is, in short, the magic which affects life energy, or vitae. To elaborate further, Vitamancy manipulates the natural energies and processes of living things, the most well-known being healing magic, but it also includes spells which enhance or diminish the abilities of creatures, those which induce states such as sleep or paralysis, and rarely, directly drain the very life of its target.
Healing magic works, in most cases, by accelerating the body’s natural healing processes. For minor wounds this is an easy process: simply apply the salve or  cast the spell, and (usually after some discomfort), the target will be restored. For more serious injuries, traditional methods must also be applied. Broken bones must be set, gaping wounds sutured, and missing pieces put in their proper places. The energy for the more intensive processes must come from another source, lest the patient be drained of months worth of vitae. The faithful are most efficient at this process, as they receive energy directly from the boundless well of divinity. Alchemists and practitioners of the Craft typically put some of their own energy or that of an external source into their curatives, as a relatively small amount is required for these balms. In desperate circumstances, the vitae of the caster or surrounding organisms may be used, but this is a very dangerous practice, and can result in more harm then what it heals.
The ability to actually drain the life of other beings is typically very difficult, as the vessel is resistant to losing its vital energy. Of course, this practice is frowned upon in many cultures, especially when performed on other people. This darker aspect of Vitamancy is often confused with Necromancy, and indeed any effective necromancer should learn at least the fundamentals of Vitamancy, but it is essentially the same practice as healing, only in reverse.
Vitamancy is one of the most widely-used and appreciated schools of magic, but by no means should it be taken lightly, nor does its use, like any magic, have any inherent morality associated with it. Just as a flame can warm or burn, a Vitamancer can bring a person back from death’s door just as they can stop the breathing of another.
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leeloonva · 7 years
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This kids cray cray. #shesmine #vitamanc #orangeismyfavoritecolor #fruitjuice #snowbaby #babysnow #babyariasnow #aria #ariasnow (at Harris Teeter)
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Necromantic Engineering 2: Interview
“Gah! Are you unfamiliar with the concept of personal space? At least knock! What if I hadn’t been decent?
“The likelihood of my being nude in my workshop is irrelevant, the point stands! Whatever. More importantly, why are you barging in while I’m working?
“Just some minor modifications to Daisy* here. I assume you’ve come in to document my process? So be it. It’s nothing exciting.
“The process begins with a spell. It’s one of the first you learn as one of my profession: Bonesculpt. A simple internal-external spell that alters flowless bone tissue that the caster touches.* This tissue can be molded like clay by the caster, and returns to a rigid form at the caster’s will. You may notice Daisy’s arms are thicker than yours or mine despite being made of bone. This is because several bones have been assimilated into it.
“I poured blood and sweat into Daisy’s design—not literally, mind you! I am no vitamancer—and spent dozens of hours more crafting it. Instead of a ribcage there are interlocking plates that provide far more protection and hide enchantments, and its horns were very carefully crafted—
“Humph. I suppose I am ranting. You did barge in here to interview me! Yes, yes, I’ll move on. As you can see, skeleton golems do not have ligaments. Therefore our next tool: Bonemooring. The names are derivative, I know. Instead of a spell, this is an enchantment and therefore one will need to know the fundamentals of enchanting to perform it.
“Two or more bones are carved with the enchantment*, which is in turn tinged with the caster’s mana*, and can stick together at any point on their surface. These bones can move as if on a ball and socket joint with the connection point as the socket in question. The bones form a web of connections that, if done correctly, form a skeleton.
“What comes next is the most underwhelming step: Animation. With your project assembled, it is time to give it… pseudo-life. Now, my dear scholar, please write this down good. Because I am sick of all the misinformation surrounding my profession.
“I do not summon souls to inhabit the project. I especially do not summon an amalgam of souls to do so. I do not perform elaborate rituals in which I insert an innocent sod’s mind into a construct. And, I swear to Vuldia, I do not coat my projects in the highly magical blood of elves to give them life!
“…I’m sorry. I let my emotions get the better of me. There have been so many lunatics with pitchforks that… I’m sorry. I shall… continue. Ahem. The animation process entails a series of enchantments allowing the construct to move in accordance to the will of the controller. Undead cannot move on their own, to clear up another bit of misinformation. Without direction, they do not move and will not react to outside stimuli. They have nothing resembling a mind, and such a thing is impossible to create.*
“Aside from physical form, enchantment complexity is the metric by which the quality of a construct is measured. Daisy here is a masterpiece. It can understand complex orders, and is inlaid with enchantments that allow it to react without my input. It will defend itself, defend me, receives orders up to seven kilometers away, knows how to utilize several weapons proficiently and more. If separated from me, we both know the other’s location up to fifty kilometers away.
“There we go. A minor alteration to its durability enchantment. Its skull will prove far harder to disconnect from the spine, and a good amount harder to fracture. Hope you’re satisfied with the impromptu lesson. Now get outta here, I’ve gotta work on a commission.”
- Umul Enayat, Mage. Necromantic Engineer & Co-Author.
* Umul’s bodyguard, a skeleton golem of his design 223 cm in height. Artist’s depiction below.
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* Internal-external entails a spell that affects both the caster and their surroundings. For more details see page 342-345, Internal Magic versus External Magic & How They Interact
* Umul elaborated on this point at a later date. To prevent running out of space on the surface of a ‘project’, enchantments can be carved at various depths and then the Bonesculpt spell can be used to bury the enchantment deeper into the construct. Thus several enchantments can be layered on a single bone or hidden from view.
* Upon additional questioning, Umul explained that the creator can relinquish or grant command of the undead to another individual by giving them an item keyed to the construct’s enchantment web. Some mages keep secondary keys in case clients attempt to sic their own creations on them.
* At this point, Umul paused for around ten seconds and seemed to ponder on something. When questioned, he snapped at me and refused to answer any questions on the topic.
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weaajkal · 5 years
وٹامن سی کی کمی سے ہو نے والے مسا ئل
وٹامن سی کی کمی سے ہو نے والے مسا ئل #VitamanC #Toothcare #HairCare
قاسم حسین وٹا من کی کمی سے دانت جو انی میں ہی ٹو ٹ سکتے ہیں ۔ وٹامن سی کی شد ید کمی سے با لو ں کی نشو ونما متا ثرہو تی ہے۔
وٹا من سی کی سنگین کمی کا امکا ن بہت ہو تا ہے مگر پھر بھی ہما ری کچھ عا دتیں جسم کو ضرورت کے مطا بق اس وٹا من سے محر وم کر نے کا با عث بن جا تی ہیں ۔ ہما رے جسم کو متعد افعال کے لئے اس کی ضر ورت ہو تی ہے جو چر بی کھلا نے کا کا م بھی کر تا ہے چو نکہ ہما را جسم اسے نہیں بنا تا…
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mythicnoir · 6 years
Runaway, Part 1
Last session began a new chapter, and took Thunderclan from the cities to the catacombs.
Rae and Emilia stow away on a ship. The adventurers watch as it bobs and tilts away over the foggy horizon, bound for, as Freesia unhelpfully put it, ‘a better place’. The three stood on the docks for a bit following their partings, but then it’s back to business.
Young legends die all the time, after all.
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Equaarion, Freesia, and Salty move throughout the distilleries and waterfront, pissing off locals and pushing through smokey bars. A quick meeting with Salty’s sister and crewmate Melanie establish the plan and the prior events -- it seems the strange lightning that took them from Harpy’s Roost in Drownesia shot them to soul relays around the island. From here, they’re going to follow Salty’s contingency plan of going to the nearest port city where they’re not wanted criminals and keeping their eyes open. Salty wants to get to the bottom of this. Melanie takes a long drag on her pipe, “Weird shit happens all the time, baby sister.”
The heroes pay Professor Chess, the dragonborn vitamancer, a visit. He’s dissecting an aumaua and has crystal strewn about his office, a matter he’s willing to throw under a tarp and ignore in favor of examining the magic items the group needs identified. It’s only a matter of time before Chess is making offers for anything they have that’s evron, but the group is fine, they’ll hold on to things for now. Chess is doing fine, but he sighs a bit dejectedly about the state of his marriage (to a revolutionary zombie bartender living a week’s travel away) and his growing anxiety that his pursuits into controversial sciences will put him on the wrong end of a torch-and-pitchforks mob one day soon.
Night is falling soon, and the heroes have to crawl through the darkened streets of the Gate District, a place now torn apart by domestic conflict, gang warfare, and riots in the streets. The splendor of the district when the level 2 heroes first visited it has been replaced with something resembling a gothic maze, populated by pickpockets and burned-out shells of buildings that got on the wrong side of a local guild.
They return to the Fighting Fox, a shambling boxing ring and inn that’s seen better days. But Tuorg, the gnoll behind the counter, is still happy to see them and offers them a room for a fair price. In the morning, Salty revisits Chess, and they swap brief, numb statements of dissatisfaction and loneliness. Chess asks Salty to bring Set, his husband, a gift.
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After the purchase of a coach -- only luxury for the halfling -- the crew begin a journey to the undead city of Necropolis, populated by the once-army of a nasty necromancer, who miraculously had their souls restored to their now-decrepit bodies. The city resides in the crypt that once served as their resting place.
The adventurers are going to follow up what they heard about the Crimson Bat, a demon princess possibly associated with the missing King Ezra. The Crimson Bat, they’ve heard, could pose a serious threat to Necropolis, a place populated generally by good people, despite their undead nature.
Along the trip, the crew find a pool of rainwater surrounded by sleeping animals. As Equaarion and Freesia approach it, they each seem to hear something within their minds. Neither of them mention it. Salty isn’t bothered.
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Freesia is bothered by the undead within Necropolis, but not so much that Set’s sarcastic barkeep with weird hidden depths act can’t appeal to her a little bit. The adventurers have news and questions: A while ago we heard that there may or may not be a demon bat worthy of worshipping directly beneath you and your friends’ home. Maybe we could take a look in the archives and see what we can find?
After a couple hours of book-learning and tying red yarn between documents, the adventurers put some things together and have an idea of something. A Duke of Hell named Eligos once rode on a giant devil-bat. But something happened that caused them to separate. If news of the bat demon is correct, and they are beneath the city, they find a map that could lead them to such a location, an underground fort beneath the city. Could this be the Crimson Bat? Worth checking out.
Set tells them to bring along Dodge, one of the town’s guards. Dodge is a skeleton that was abused and brainwashed in his living years to serve as a mercenary for whomever carries his contract. Set doesn’t like the idea that he’s in possession of the contract, but he’d rather have Dodge work with people who want to break him free of his conditioning rather than someone who will purely abuse it.
Freesia and the gang are sympathetic and slightly disturbed, but overall treat the situation with a seriousness that Set appreciates.
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The group shops for some potions (the alchemist Siobhan is thrilled by Salty’s ‘pet’ familiar) and some climbing supplies and magic items (the inconsistently accented shopkeeper is thrilled to accept a preposterous trade balanced in his favor).
The next trick is to simply dive into the catacombs, and beneath, consulting the map the group dug up in the archives. Freesia uses some dancing lights to help guide the party deeper. Eventually they reach something secret and unknown, a tiny crevice purportedly leading to an unexplored region. As Dodge -- skeletal as he is, squeezes into the crevice, the group hears sounds behind them. The shuffling and skittering of footsteps on the ancient stones of the catacombs. Freesia sends lights down the hall and sees two humanoid figures duck into a corridor.
Salty goes through next -- she takes the longest, as the largest party member to pass through -- Salty sweats as she struggles to press through the tiny space, not helped by a claustrophobia problem. (“I do not like being underground.”) The scuffling continues. Freesia and Equaarion watch two humanoid figures with giant, canine-like heads dash between hallways. They 
Freesia squeezes into the crevice next. Equaarion gives a final look to the darkness, then melds through the stone to the other end. (“New trick?” “Yeah.”)
The group inspects the cavern they’re in now -- large and spacious, enough to accompany a keep late in the stages of destruction. The walls are almost unrecognizable, and the keep could barely function as a home, but they do spot a nearby tent.
Equaarion shifts into a bobcat and moves to explore silently. He digs through the campsite, finding food and simple supplies, then finds a nearby dwarven corpse -- a few days dead. Overturned backpack. He delves deeper into the keep and begins to hear voices.
A deep voice complains about the taste of zombie meat, and a shrill voice apologizes for the state of their diet. Two corpulent (“Corpulent?” “Yeah, it means like… fat.”) ogres sit and poke at a slow-burning campfire, eventually breaking the silence to tell the other they love them. They mention, offhand, the ‘people below’.
Equaarion returns to the group and suggests that the gay ogres are probably hungry, and that he’s interested in who could be living in this place. He’s also a little concerned about the ogres. (Their one previous ogre experience had them being hit by a tree branch.)
Salty points out that they should see if Dodge can get them to cooperate, as he doesn’t really have any meat on his bones. Hilariously, this is convincing to Dodge and he heads to speak with the ogres. 
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As the group waits for him, Freesia spots something in the darkness -- a large feline appears atop the keep ruins. The figure watches, then ducks behind cover. The three keep their eyes open and see nothing but another flicker of movement. Then nothing. Something, or possibly multiple things, are watching.
Dodge returns from the keep. The ogres will speak with them. Perhaps there’s some helpful conversation to have.
Next time: Talk with the gay ogres, learn about this place and if there’s any connection with the Crimson Bat, and hope that whatever lurks in the darkness down here isn’t too aggressive.
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pencilbrony · 5 years
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Wonky from the front
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kobl-squares · 7 years
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pencilbrony · 5 years
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2019 update
Reencatment planet (roaming, enforced - lax)
Banishing the undead and the resurrected
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pencilbrony · 5 years
What have the Vitamancer been up to anyways?
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No clue
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pencilbrony · 6 years
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pencilbrony · 6 years
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Easy pick
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pencilbrony · 6 years
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Stream Pieces! See you guys next time!
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