howlsofbloodhounds · 4 months
I think Killer deserves to be called “buddy” and “bud” by the Epic Sanses especially while in stage 3. No reason for this came to me in a dream even. My prophetic visions can’t be wrong
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blindsightted · 10 months
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Only the fearless may proceed.
Brave ones, foolish ones. 
Both walk not the middle road.
Ultra!Tale by Animated Zorox
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popcorndispenser · 8 days
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koubu6841 · 9 months
Danse Macabre, Rise
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DRC25 - INK13
The inspiration for this piece is the San Vitale Basilica's wall mosaic (shown below) depicting Justinian I (6th century Eastern Roman Emperor) and his retinue.
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I shall try my best to explain the Byzantine complexities that are present here:
Toyosatomimi no Miko (Shoutoku Taishi) as Justinian I: The most obvious reason here is that they were both kings who reigned in the 6th (7th) century AD. Even though Justinian passed away before Shoutoku came to power, I took creative liberties with bypassing this fact - Shoutoku's true contemporary, Heraclius, only has his face depicted on a coin - which is anything but sufficient. Mononobe no Futo (Mononobe no Moriya?) as Flavius Belisarius and Soga no Tojiko (Soga no Umako?) as Narses the Armenian: The relations between these two and Miko are not unlike Justinian and his generals. Even Belisarius and Narses quarreled with each other, much like the friction between the Mononobe and Soga clans in Shoutoku's reign. Matara Okina (Hata no Kawakatsu / Matara-jin) as the bishop Maximianus of Ravenna: Both of them served the king, and both of them had religion-related professions - those are the only connections I could find. Other than the aforementioned characters, the remaining people depicted on the mosaic could not be identified with anyone in particular; rather, they were simply generic elements of the king's retinue. Thus, I also took creative liberties in depicting them: Eternity Larva (Tokoyo-no-kami): This kami (god) is Matara Okina's enemy, as indicated by Okina's dialogue in Hidden Star in Four Seasons' extra stage (Cirno's scenario). Kaku Seiga, Miyako Yoshika (Miyako no Yoshika): Their dynamic needs few explanations. Seiga is the master, Yoshika is her undead servant. Moreover, Yoshika is depicted in her living form - inspired by the fan-work "Suikakasen" by Joyfull.
As for why I did not choose Theodora's mosaic as a reference, I simply forgot about its existence until much later. Even so, I found Justinian and his retinue to have much in common with Shoutoku and his contemporaries.
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thekillermaretwinz · 2 months
More ocs mainly from my utmv era
Demise & Vitality
These lil 5 year olds are twins and are Afterdeath(Reaper sans x geno sans) ship children. Demise is not a talker meanwhile Vitality talks a lot Demise has death touch btw and wears gloves that let her touch living things
They are close friends of Lunar and Solar's
Demise is on the left and Vitality is on the right.
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Blossom this pyschotic skeleton is nightmare and dream's younger sister. She has plant manipulation and is very similar to the bloodmoon twins except she doesnt eat ppl.
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Lunar & Solar, you already know these sillies
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Virus, you know the basics of him but he is Error Sans apprentice.
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mioritic · 2 years
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Mosaic depicting the Hospitality of Abraham and the Binding of Isaac
Basilica di San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy, 532-547
Arte Svelata
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Con le prime due immagini ci si trova proiettati nella Basilica di San Vitale, a Ravenna, capitale della Prefettura d’Italia istituita dall’imperatore Giustiniano alla metà circa del VI secolo, dopo la rovinosa guerra greco-gotica, combattuta dall’esercito imperiale d’oriente contro gli ostrogoti occupanti la penisola e durata per oltre un ventennio.  Una Ravenna già di tradizione imperiale, centro fortificato per via naturale da aree lacustri e paludose che ne rendevano impervio l’eventuale assedio e collegato, mediante il porto di Classe, direttamente a Costantinopoli lungo la rotta dell’Adriatico.  Non è per caso, quindi, che la Chiesa di San Vitale ospiti queste due “apparizioni”, simboli rimasti inalterati della tecnica musiva antica, di per sé dotata di più robusta tempra rispetto alla tecnica pittorica. Se la “religio” è unione e il sacro è separazione, Giustiniano e la sua corte incarnano entrambe le dimensioni: la separazione sacrale è insita nella perentoria affermazione di superiorità della funzione, qui stabilita dai simboli che accompagnano le figure. L’unità del mondo cristiano è invece rappresentata dalla rivelazione della stessa sacralità del potere che è incarnata in figure umanissime.  Si tratta dell’umanità degli sguardi vivi, determinati, carismatici, quasi seducenti nella loro fissità superiore: “eccoci, noi siamo il potere, siamo i protettori della fede” sembrano affermare senza proferire parola.  Un potere talmente chiaro da non aver bisogno d’altro che di quello sguardo così intenso rivolto verso il pubblico da figure che lo richiamano alla palesata potestà dell’investitura divina. Questa è la forza intrinseca dei mosaici di San Vitale: epifania che dischiude, squaderna un solido impianto ideologico di implacabile fondatezza e di non comune fascino.  Estrema espressione del processo di elevazione divina entro il quale l’immagine del potere ha attraversato la trasformazione del ruolo imperiale, fino a coincidere con le più accentuate rappresentazioni della funzione regale in Oriente.  Profondamente significativo in un’epoca di ricostruzione del concetto di potere e di incessante ricerca del suo fondamento, in Occidente. 
- VI sec. d.C. Pareti laterali dell'abside della Basilica di San Vitale a Ravenna: L'imperatore Giustiniano ed i suoi più stretti dignitari; La Basilissa Teodora e la sua Corte 
- in copertina: Maria Casalanguida, "Bottiglie e cubetto", 1975, collezione privata
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wgm-beautiful-world · 2 years
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Basilica of San Vitale, Revenna, ITALY
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jules-and-company · 1 year
si jamais quelqu’un a un lien pour Pas Son Genre par pitié aidez-moi. j’ai BESOIN de voir corbery jouer un semi-connard prof de philo mais non moins gros simp toujours sapé en noir
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thirdlifesstuff · 9 months
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grimrester · 2 years
look i get yall are voting cecil for sexyman to honor our roots but sans *still* has a chokehold on the sexyman and undertale au economy and if you dont vote for sans thats just disingenuous i feel
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stealthatsweater · 1 year
introvert San
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museoweb · 2 years
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Maestri mosaicisti - L'imperatrice Teodora e il suo seguito - 546
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child-of-hurin · 2 years
San Vitale, begun c. 526–27, consecrated 547, Ravenna (Italy). A conversation with Dr. Steven Zucker and Dr. Beth Harris
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giovannibenvenuto · 2 years
There are innumerable churches in the world but Basilica San Marco, Duomo Di Milano, and Duomo Di Siena are one of the best churches in Italy. These cathedrals have an astonishing and impressive appearance. Add these to your bucket list & take an amazing experience to explore Italy. For more information read this - https://www.benvenutolimos.com/blog/top-italian-churches-for-your-bucket-list/
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thevitaltattoo · 2 months
Tips to choose the best tattoo expert!
Want to embellish your body? Confused about where you can get an energetic tattoo inked without much pain? Here, we’ve laid down some tips to assist you select a reliable tattoo parlour to get your much-wanted tattoo professionally inked. Make sure to visit a well-known tattoo studio to get an eye-catching tattoo carved by skilled tattoo artists.
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Experienced team of tattoo experts:
A noted tattoo parlour will selectively hire tattoo-inking pros who have the vision and expertise to ink tattoos efficiently, fulfilling all custom prerequisites of clients. This will enable you to show off your dream tattoo design in whichever portion you want to get placed.
Unmatched recognition and reliability:
If you’re about to get a tattoo inked for the first time, you must be glancing for experts you can trust for a hassle-free experience. Go through the official website of your chosen tattoo studio to see their customer reviews. A popular tattoo parlour like KHAO San tattoo shop will furthermore have ample newspaper recognition and social media fame to declare its dependability as well as the sincerity of its tattoo artist team.
Hygiene awareness and environmental safety:
Hygiene and cleanliness are significant steps to take when it comes to getting a tattoo safely inscribed on your skin. Make sure that the professionals of your preferred tattoo parlour follow sufficient sanitization measures to keep you safe from infection risks and virus threats.
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Having checked out all the crucial information, you can visit The Vital Tattoo shop to get a well-known tattoo carefully inked by competent tattoo professionals to portray its story and contemplate your specific personality.
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