#visage :: clyde
onexeyedxtwin · 1 year
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This is as good a place to fall as any                                         We'll build our altar here
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 3 months
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Clint Eastwood and Manis the orangutan in the role of Clyde on the set of the 1978 film Every Which Way But Loose.
近來在各大網站的朋友頁面常看到一則短文關於他生活智慧的分享,於是查了一下... 啊!原來他下個月就要94歲生日了,無論他幾歲都很令人著迷!
《什麼是真正難得的享受?What's True Luxury?》 智慧告訴我們,無形的、真誠的經驗比物質財富更有價值。Wisdom tells the value of intangible, heartfelt experiences over material possessions.
👍 Wisdom by Clint Eastwood 
別在手錶或手鐲中追求奢華, 也別在豪宅或帆船中尋找它。
奢侈就是歡笑和朋友, 奢侈是不要生病, 奢華是雨水打在臉上, 擁抱和親吻才是奢侈。
別在商店裡尋找奢侈品, 也別在禮物中, 別在舞會裡找他 也別在慶典之際。
奢侈就是人們愛你, 奢侈是他們尊重你, 奢侈就是父母健在, 奢侈就是含飴弄孫, 金錢買不到的小事才是奢侈。
Don’t look for luxury in watches or bracelets, don’t look for it in mansions or sailboats,
luxury is laughter and friends, luxury is not being sick, luxury is the rain on your face,
luxury is hugs and kisses.
Don’t look for luxury in shops, don’t look for it in gifts, don’t look for it at parties, don’t look for it at events.
Luxury is being loved by people, luxury is being respected, luxury is having parents alive, luxury is being able to play with your grandchildren, luxury is what money can’t buy.
Ne cherchez pas le luxe dans les montres ou les bracelets, ne le cherchez pas dans les manoirs ou les voiliers.
le luxe c'est des rires et des amis, le luxe c'est de ne pas être malade, le luxe c'est la pluie sur le visage, le luxe c'est des câlins et des bisous.
Ne cherchez pas le luxe dans les magasins, ni dans les cadeaux, ne le cherchez pas lors des fêtes, ni lors des événements.
Le luxe c'est que les gens vous aiment, le luxe c'est qu'ils vous respectent, le luxe c'est que vos parents vivent, le luxe c'est de pouvoir jouer avec vos petits-enfants, le luxe sont ces petites choses, qui ne s'achètent pas.
PS. I love his superb acting skills and the movies he has acted in. 🫶 Lan~*
Clint Eastwood, 93, makes rare public appearance with Jane Goodall, 90, at hometown event
Actor and director Clint Eastwood was seen attending a conservation event hosted by Jane Goodall as he sat front row at her talk and then was seen chatting with Jane backstage
By Tatiana Krisztina, Showbiz Reporter
19:09, 15 Apr 2024 | UPDATED19:57, 15 APR 2024
from www.mirror.co.uk
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shadowcatgirl09 · 9 months
Bonnie going dark and merge kai egging her on while at the same time not being as bad as before would have been so interesting and it brings up the question if kai would have stayed merged kai with her bad influence on top of his own Urges and The chaos they would have brought together Would have been so epic bonnie and Clyde nope we got bonnie and kai here
God that would've been so interesting! But not in the hands of Plec obviously, we saw what her ass did. Since this ask has been sitting in my inbox I had some thoughts and fragmentary pieces for a season 7 au on my mind.
It would have followed after 6x16 ignoring basically everything that happened after that. Mama Salvatore would have been a figment of Bonnie's imagination for being in the prison world too long. The Gemini would've just killed her. Why would they imprison someone who had no ties to their coven? We ain't connecting them to the Salvatores bruh. Bonnie is still trying to adjust being in Mystic Falls again. Goes on a spiral that makes what she did with Expression look like child's play. Her friends attempt an intervention and it goes so so well.
Kai, after trying to apologize to Bonnie, would be stuck in an uphill battle against Joshua and the rest of the Gemini. Probably bring in some off the wall politics and more magic based stuff to the forefront. Kai is trying so hard to be somewhat good and the rest of the coven is straight up testing him.
I'd introduce an enemy that has both ties to the Bennett's and the Gemini. Someone from Qetsiyah's era or a little after. The enemy would be looking for Bonnie specifically. A species not yet introduced in the series at the time. Something that is on Lovecraftian levels.
Obviously circumstances would have Bonnie and Kai forced to interact. They get stuck in an alternate dimension not unlike the prison world. Kai grovels for Bonnie's forgiveness so she can at least somewhat tolerate his presence. At this point she snaps and takes out her anger on him. This doesn't magically, pun intended, bring them closer but she now semi-tolerates him. The creature plays upon this, mimicking their voices and taking on their visage. He puts them through the wringer before Bonnie and Kai dig deeper into the family history and find out what he is: a being so corrupted by wild magic that he is no longer considered human. They defeat him and the wild magic finally gets what it wants, Bonnie.
The season would end with Bonnie basically going through the phase she did with the huntress but way worse (for her and everyone else)
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shelbsmlynn · 7 months
A Modern Day Bonnie And Clyde {a Tig Trager X OC LoveStory} CHAPTER ONE
Bellatrix Morrow commanded a reputation that preceded her, not merely because of her lineage as Clay Morrow's sole daughter or her role as Tig Trager's devoted partner, but rather due to her own formidable nature. Possessing a fierce and unhinged disposition akin to both her boyfriend and her adopted brother Happy, Bellatrix was a force to be reckoned with. Despite the notable age difference between herself and Tig, their bond was unbreakable, a testament to the deep and unyielding connection they shared.
In the depths of their hearts, Bellatrix and Tig found a love that bloomed swiftly and fiercely, yet they chose to shield it from the prying eyes of their motorcycle club brethren. Their clandestine affair, born of passion and forbidden desire, remained hidden until the fateful moment when Clay, Bellatrix's father and a prominent figure in the club, stumbled upon them in the throes of intimacy.
Despite the constant teasing and jokes that surrounded Bellatrix and Tig's relationship after its revelation, the club stood united in support of their bond when it truly mattered.
Bellatrix lounged upon a picnic table, the tendrils of cigarette smoke swirling around her as she observed her stepbrother and Chibs laboriously attempting to affix a hose to a recalcitrant radiator. With a nonchalant flick, she extinguished her cancer stick and embarked towards the Ford Explorer, the distinctive click of her platform Louboutins resonating with each purposeful step. As she approached, Bellatrix assertively hipchecked her brother aside, disdain etched upon her features. "Move, you imbecile," she chided, her tone laced with impatience, before deftly reaching into the engine bay to expertly connect the radiator to the engine.
Jax's eyes rolled in exasperation as Bellatrix stepped back from the car. "I'm not an imbecile, baby sister," he retorted, "but one might question your judgment, given your choice in significantly older men." His words were delivered with a hint of playful mockery.
Bellatrix's visage hardened into a mask of ice, her jet-black acrylics digging into her palms as she prepared to retort. Before she could utter a word, however, her "knight in shining armor" appeared, approaching her from behind. His large hand gently pressed against her throat, pulling her into his embrace as he placed a tender kiss upon her cheek. "Hey, Punkin'," he murmured, his affectionate nickname for her cutting through the tension like a soothing balm.  She whirled around in Tig's embrace, pivoting to face him directly as she initiated a more intimate kiss. "Hey, Big Daddy," she greeted him warmly, her tone laced with a hint of playful teasing. "I didn't expect you back so soon. I figured Pops would have kept you out longer," she remarked, her words tinged with a sense of curiosity. As their lips parted, she leaned back slightly, her gaze locked with his. Tig's smile was warm as he idly toyed with a lock of Bellatrix's long, cherry cola-colored hair. "He wanted me to stay," he confessed, "But I told him I had to get back to your pretty lil' ass." His words filled with a tender affection.
Hours later, the couple found themselves nestled in the comforting embrace of the clubhouse's common room, ensconced upon the plush sectional sofa. Meanwhile, Clay, Jax, and Opie were engrossed in the action unfolding on the massive 85-inch TV screen, which was broadcasting a live NFL game. As the game transitioned into a commercial break, Opie gracefully extricated himself from the opposite end of the sectional, intent on replenishing their libations. With a casual stride, he made his way towards the bar, his presence a stark contrast to the cozy tableau Bellatrix and Tig had created. "Could you two freaks not get all lovey and gross in the fuckin' common room?" he quipped good-naturedly, his words carrying a playful admonition. Tig shot Opie the middle finger, his other hand still gently stroking Trixie's hair. "Excuse me if my Ol'Lady laying on my lap offends you, shithead," he retorted, unapologetic in his response.
Opie rolled his eyes in response, making his way back to the sofa with a hint of exasperation. "It's not a matter of offense, Tigger," he remarked, his tone laced with a touch of amusement. "It's just... unsettling. I'm not accustomed to seeing you display such genuine affection. It's a bit of a departure from your usual sleazeball antics," he added, a playful jab at Tig's reputation.
Trixie looked up at Tig with a sleepy yet lustful gaze, pulling herself up to sit. "Take me to bed and fuck me to sleep, Tigger. Your lil' princess needs a good railing," she said, her tone brimming with sass and sarcasm.
The next morning, Bellatrix awoke to the gentle warmth of the California sun cascading over her heavily tattooed back. The electric blue numbers on her bedside clock glowed, indicating noon had already passed. She reached out to Tig's side of the bed, expecting to feel his warmth, but was met with cold sheets and a chilled pillow instead. "Dammit, Tiggy," she muttered to herself, a hint of frustration coloring her thoughts.
The petite woman rose from the expanse of the king-sized bed, retrieving yesterday's pastel purple thong from the floor. With a deft motion, she slid it up her legs before wrapping herself in her lover's Teller-Morrow Garage button-down, using it as a makeshift robe. Once semi-clothed, Trixie grabbed her pack of Marlboro Red 100's and Zippo lighter from the nightstand before making her way to the clubhouse's kitchen,As she entered the kitchen, Trixie lit up a Marlboro Red 100, the smoke curling around her as she spotted her stepmother, Gemma. 
"Well, look who decided to wake up," Gemma greeted her with a sly smile. "Tigger must've worn you out good for you to be sleeping in this late, darlin'," she teased, the playful tone of an older woman who knew a thing or two about life's pleasures.
Trixie grinned mischievously as she blew smoke in Gemma's direction. 
"Well, Mama, I reckon you're onto something, especially considering I've still got  Tigger juice drippin down my thighs," she quipped, her words laced with a playful hint of innuendo.
Gemma rolled her eyes, a mixture of amusement and exasperation crossing her features. "Bellatrix Eileen, I did NOT need to know that," she chided with a playful shake of her head.
Trixie couldn't help but grin as she poured herself a generous cup of Folgers Black Silk coffee. With a flick of her wrist, she reached into the fridge for her favorite Mocha-flavored International Delight coffee creamer. "Y'all should know by now that I love to mess with you," she teased, the cigarette dangling from the corner of her mouth adding to her playful demeanor.
Once satisfied with her coffee, the petite, tattooed woman set out in search of her honey.She found him in the shop, diligently changing the oil on his motorcycle.
Trixie sauntered up behind Tig, her steps light and barely audible on the concrete floor of the shop. With a gentle touch, she leaned against his back as he tended to his motorcycle, her demeanor soft, sleepy, and innocent. "Good morning, Daddy," she whispered, the honorific carrying a sense of reverence and affection.
Tig laid the socket wrench he was using on the ground, rising slowly as his left hand traced a tender path up his Princess's tattooed calf, "Well, good afternoon, babydoll," Tig murmured, his voice low and soothing as he leaned in closer to Trixie. "Did you sleep good?" he inquired, his tone filled with genuine concern and affection.
Trixie rolled her eyes playfully as her big, bad biker, stole a sip of her so-called "frufru coffee." "Sure did, HoneyBear, slept like a rock!" she replied, her tone teasing yet affectionate.
"That's good, darlin'," Tig replied, a hint of excitement in his voice. "We've been assigned the Costco run for the big summer bash this weekend. Let me finish up here, and I'll meet you in the shower," he added, his words laced with anticipation.
"Actually, I kinda wanted to watch you work. You look sexy when you're doing all that mechanicin'," Trixie grinned, leaning against the stainless steel toolbench, her gaze fixed on Tig.
The man shot Trixie a flirty grin as he went back to working on his bike, his attention divided between the motorcycle and the tiny woman who was staring at him with pure adoration.
  An hour and a half later, Trixie emerged from Tig's dormitory transformed into a vision of allure. She was dressed in a black bustier top, paired with black leather skinny jeans that accentuated her curves. Her feet were clad in black Loubi Queen Alta's , adding an extra flair to her ensemble. A cropped black leather jacket completed the look, adding a touch of edginess.
Her cherry cola red hair was styled to perfection, teased and done up to the nines. Her makeup was equally striking, with a black smokey eye that highlighted her eyes, and a wine-red lip that added a bold finish to her appearance. She carried a large Louis Vuitton Neverfull, which was her signature purse.
The psychotic couple cruised down the road toward Stockton, Tig confidently at the wheel of Bellatrix's prized midnight black 2012 Dodge Challenger. Beside him, Bellatrix sat, her presence a potent combination of danger and allure. Their hands were intertwined on the center console, a silent affirmation of their bond as they embarked on their journey together.
A comfortable silence enveloped the car, the only sound the deep growl of the engine as they sped down the highway. Bellatrix broke the quiet by cracking her window slightly. "You got the Costco card from Bobby, right?" she asked, her voice cutting through the rumble of the car.
Tig nodded, his eyes briefly leaving the road to meet Bellatrix's gaze. "It's in my wallet, punkin'. Did you get the list from Gem?" he replied, his tone casual yet attentive.
Back in Charming, chaos unfolded as both Jax and his Ol'Lady, Tara, were rushed to Saint Thomas Hospital. The reason? A simple accident: they had fallen while making love in the shower. Both the matriarch and patriarch of the club were furious. While they might have expected such behavior from the Sergeant at Arms and his Ol'Lady, it was a shock coming from the Vice President.
Gemma sat in the absurdly uncomfortable chair of her son's hospital room, disappointment drenching her features. "You're a goddamn moron, Jackson Nathaniel. Leave that shit to your stepsister and Tig," she muttered, her words laden with frustration and concern.
Jax scoffed and rolled his eyes, trying to adjust to the jet-black cast encasing his wrist. "My bad for trying to have a happy marriage, Ma. Is Clay keeping an eye on Tara?" he asked, annoyance evident in his tone. 
"Yes, baby, he is. The doctors are making sure she isn't concussed, although I'm sure she is. She bounced her head off a cast iron tub," Gemma said, her tone informative.
Just then, Clay and Tara strolled into the room casually. Tara's eyebrows jumped to her hairline when she laid eyes on the cast on Jax's left hand. "Oh, Jax, honey, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" she asked, her tone dripping with concern.
The Sergeant at Arms and the Enforcer barreled down the highway, heading back to Charming. The trunk and back seat were loaded down with their spoils, while the lady Enforcer laid peacefully asleep in the passenger seat. The song "Luckenbach, Texas (Back to the Basics of Love)" played softly in the background, adding to the relaxed atmosphere of their journey.
Tig glanced over at Trixie with a loving gaze as he reached for the seatbelt she had refused to wear earlier on their journey. "Silly lil' girl," he muttered affectionately, a hint of amusement in his voice.
Pulling into the parking lot of Teller Morrow, Tig spotted Jax and Clay sitting at a picnic table, smoking cigars. Once the car was parked, Jax stalked over to the passenger side and slammed his large palms on the window. "SONOFABITCH!" Bellatrix hollered, jolting awake from a dead sleep.
The tiny woman removed her seatbelt in a flash and practically threw herself out of the car. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" she shouted, chasing after her brother.
Tig knew better than to get involved. He stood idly by, watching as Bellatrix chased after Jax like a jungle cat on the hunt. It was clear she could handle her brother on her own. True to form, she caught up to him and proceeded to kick the crap out of him, much like a jungle cat asserting dominance over its prey. 
Although he had to intervene once he saw Bellatrix reach for her blade. While SAMCRO was fine with their Vice President being beaten by his baby sister, knives were where they drew the line.
Tig marched over to the siblings, reaching for the twenty-seven-year-old and pulling her into his embrace. "Shh, shh, darling. Daddy's got you. Big brother got the message, huh, punkin'?" he whispered, trying to calm her.
He left Jax on the ground and carried Bellatrix to the picnic table where her father sat. Tig took a seat, sliding his babydoll into his lap, and then let her play with his left hand so she could self-soothe. 
Bellatrix grabbed his hand by the pinkie and thumb, her voice barely above a whisper. "He scared me, Tiggy. Wasn't expecting him to do that. Shit! We still have to get the groceries," she said, her words a mix of relief and concern for their unfinished task.
Clay eyed his only daughter with concern. "Jax! Prospect! Come here and get the groceries out of Princess's car," he bellowed, his loud voice only serving to frighten Bellatrix more.
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thewolfruns · 1 year
dottie novak was a survivor. it was a mantel she’d never imagined herself taking. reincarnation of grace kelly? she’d love to be. instagram’s answer to old hollywood martha stewart? certainly. even a hitchcock blonde? a not-so-secret desire. but a survivor? that was something other girls were. not that dottie was completely vapid, but her entire existence seemed to be based on the material–the aesthetic. she was two-dimensional to her followers–a shallow paper doll of little dorothy who could never wear the right thing to the right place. her career was largely shallow, even if her love of vintage chanel, retro wallpaper, mid century modern furniture, and brigitte bardot singing bonnie and clyde stemmed from somewhere deep. everything she was–every particle, atom–lacked substance, mass. she was pretty, but in a way that made her just a little too weird. she was crafty and painfully lonely and that made her good at learning everything she could about debbie reynolds and patternmaking, cut creases and vintage lingerie.
and yet, somehow, dottie novak was still a survivor. even now after months of scavenging around with her makeshift group as she mourned homemade pies and late night jayne mansfield marathons. the girl can’t help it – that’s who she was. a girl who couldn’t help it. when the raiders or whatever they were had some in the night and slain her companions, she’d slid through the flash flood of blood and tears and james dean knew what else and she’d played dead. she’d never figured herself for an actress, though many of her followers had told her she ought to try and cross over, but in the moonless night she didn’t have to be that good. when morning came, waking her from a slumber that felt like waking up in a crypt, she’d resumed her breakout performance, though she was certain her chest heaved with every stuttering breath. closing her eyes tightly to blink away her tears, she sucked in as much air as she could hold, sent her gaze glassy, and began to ration her exhales just as she heard the sound of boots on dated linoleum. 
if they were back, she wasn’t a fighter, but she could play dead. if it was someone new, hoping to pick the bones of her little camp clean, she’d try and play dead until they were gone. hopefully, she’d be convincing enough and, if she wasn’t, hopefully the critic who deemed her performance unworthy would at least be kind. she braced herself as she felt their visage block the light in the bedroom doorway. showtime.
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sushi-giri · 2 years
susheee??? ;; asks
fish out of water ;; ooc
order up! ;; meme
teeming tatsugiri ;; dash commentary
master sushi sandwich ;; crack
false dragon research ;; headcanons
casseroya tour ;; visage
sushi spotlight ;; promo
tiny but mighty ;; clyde (ic)
strategist afishionado ;; droopy (ic)
banana fish ;; squishy (ic)
hungry hungry catfish ;; don (ic)
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eddiclupin · 2 years
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[  ben barnes, cis-man, he/him + Migraine by Twenty one pilots ]   ━━   Hey, that’s [ Edward Remus Lupin ]? I read an article on them once ; they're [ twenty-eight ] years old of [ half-blood ] descent, a [ wizard/ metamorph ] and a [ Hufflepuff ] alumnus. I heard they had gone on to be an [ auror ] . I've also heard they can be quite [ Humble + Supportive ], but I don’t know… they came off very [ Frivolous + Workaholic ] in that interview. It really is hard to know what to believe these days though, isn’t it?
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[ playlist ] [ pinterest ] [ musings ] [ visage ]
full name: edward remus lupin name meaning: edward - meaning “guardian” or “protector.” remus - meaning “twin.” lupin - meaning “pertaining to wolf.” nicknames: eddie, eds, teddy, ted age: twenty-eight (28) birthday: april 13 gender: cis-man pronouns: he/him/his sexuality: unsure blood status: half-blood alliance: neutral
face claim: ben barnes height: 6′1″ (six foot one) eye color: brown hair color and style: dark brown, often worn shaved on the sides and slicked back. Sometimes he’ll let it to it’s own devices. scars/piercings/tattoos/other markings: scars across knuckles, a scar on his cheek, ear pierced. fashion sense: almost always has a suit on, if he doesn’t it’s a simple pants and a t-shirt style.   
the label: the bereft meyers-briggs:  ENFJ-T ; the protagonist :  Protagonists are inspiring optimists, readily taking action to do what they feel is right. (Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging, Turbulent) likes: sweets, star gazing, collecting shells, and origami dislikes: bullies, mirrors, pet peeves: loud chewing, vices: tbd
patronus: wolf wand: It is made of Walnut, possess a Snallygaster Heartstring core, and it's Swishy. Length:13⅓" (33.87cm) amortentia: fresh baked cookies, lavender, and petrichor boggart: himself
was a prefect before appointed head boy at hogwarts
was in the dueling club at hogwarts
well known for having cotton candy blue/pink hair at hogwarts
doesn’t have full control of his metamorph abilities 
Scorpius Malfoy; easily his best friend growing up once the bloke was born. A part of Teddy always viewed Scorpius as his younger brother. Whether that were true or not, the boy was still his family and the older boy would fight anyone that said otherwise. He often did his best to set an example for the other, even though to him Scorpius seemed far more put together than he did.
Victoire Weasley; He’s in love with her. Would he admit that out loud? Absolutely not. Victoire is also one that carries the title of best friend. One day she was just there and it was all just history since. Teddy adores her. He loves how protective she is of the weasley-potter clan (especially since he holds the same sentiments), loves the way she lights up a room with her presence, the way her hair falls when she wears it down, and the little bounce in her step whenever she sees him. A lot of the time he seems unamused with how she is with him but that is far from the truth.
Clyde Nott; during his time as prefect, Teddy made friends with Clyde. The younger bloke approached him for help on hobby searching and while he knew he didn’t have to, especially since he wasn’t his prefect, he still helped. Teddy took some time to get to know the other. It was after getting know him that he suggested maybe commentating for one of the quidditch games since he noticed the other liked to talk a lot, not that it was a bad thing. After he graduated, he often received owls from clyde about how things were going at hogwarts and eventually it went to text messages. Teddy stressed he wasn’t one for phones though.
Teddy often heard stories from Harry and his grandmother about his parents. How valiant they were. But that was all they were to him; stories. 
As a young boy, Teddy was a handful. He acted on his emotions and often slammed doors and yelled. He was always so angry and bitter towards the world, towards himself. When he realized that screaming wasn’t fixing anything he just opted to not speaking. 
There’s always been a part of him that wishes he had that picture perfect family, or a family at all. Especially when it comes around the holidays and everyone is talking about what their parents got them or what their parents did for them. He wanted that. He wanted his parents alive, or at least just one of them. A mom to help him understand his metamorphmagus abilities rather than them just acting on his emotions; probably his least favorite thing about himself. A father to pick him up when he falls. It’s not that he’s not thankful for what his grandmother and godfather did, no, he appreciates it, but it just never really felt... fair. He knows that the weasley/potter clan are family, as well as the malfoy’s it just never seemed to make him feel any better. There had always been this hollow feeling for him and it didn’t make any sense until he had found the mirror of erised at hogwarts.
In hogwarts he was sorted into Hufflepuff, like his mother. Teddy focused on his school work, joining clubs to distract himself, especially the first two years he was there. When Vic came to Hogwarts the two basically became joined at the hip, at least for the times they could be. His focus was still on his schooling and it showed with his marks and the fact he was able to be appointed prefect and later on head boy. 
Now, Teddy drowns himself in his work. Any time they need someone he throws himself their way. Anything to stay away from going home to an empty flat. The only time he ever has free time is when he’s forced to take time off or when Victoire drags him away going on about self-care and the likes.
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danieljbc · 11 months
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Savez-vous que la grande famille William à une partie noire de peau métissée vivant en Afrique et supervisant le monde à pouvoir egale du trône d’Angleterre mais pour sa sécurité et le maintien de son pouvoir occulte ils sont sous diverses faux noms africains et vous ne les remarquerez qu’a la ressemblance de teint , visages textures de cheveux venant de la race blanche et aussi l’intelligence supérieure des Anglais dans leurs amours du monde des eaux.
Famille C
Famille W
William Clyde du trône du Dragon Rouge d’ecosse .
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mtntwn · 4 years
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;; a clyde for these trying blog-editing times
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hecatescion · 4 years
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“Go on, have a bite...~”
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horrorbeauties · 4 years
dolores tag dump!
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girlqvccn · 4 years
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    ooc; tag dump!!!! 
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storytell · 5 years
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clyde ;; IC . ISAAC ‘‘that’s right miria!’‘ ;; ASK . ISAAC this is a train robbery! ;; OPEN . ISAAC i could even be a joker! ;; VISAGE . ISAAC ‘’why it’s simple miria!’’ ;; HEADCANONS . ISAAC know where a real cowboy keeps his guns? in his heart! ;; MUSINGS . ISAAC don’t be suspicious. don’t be suspicious. dON’T B ;; CRACK . ISAAC what do you to to prepare for a party? ;; DASH COMMENTARY . ISAAC
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wantlonger · 5 years
tag dump one.
#⊱    ᵃ ᵈᵉᵃᵈ ᵇʳᶦᵈᵉ ᶦⁿ ʰᵉʳ ʷᵉᵈᵈᶦⁿᵍ ᵍᵒʷⁿ ᵎ   /   visage .#⊱    ˢᶦⁿᶜᵉ ᶦ ʷᵃˢ ᵃ ᵍᶦʳˡ ᶦ ᵈʳᵉᵃᵐᵉᵈ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᵈᵃʸ ᵎ   /   musings .#⊱    ᶦ ʷᶦˡˡ ⁿᵉᵛᵉʳ ˡᵉᵗ ᵃⁿʸᵗʰᶦⁿᵍ ᵈᵉˢᵗʳᵒʸ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵎ   /   headcanons .#⊱    ᵇˡᵒᵒᵈʸ ᵍᵃʳᵗᵉʳ & ᵘⁿᵈᵉʳᵍᵃʳᵐᵉⁿᵗˢ ᵎ   /   aesthetics .#⊱    ᵇˡᵒᵒᵈʸ ᵈʳᵃᵍ ᵐᵃʳᵏˢ ˡᵉᵃᵈᶦⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰᵉ ʰᵘˢᵇᵃⁿᵈ ᵎ   /   leroy clyde .#⊱    ᵉˣᵃᶜᵗ ᶜᶦʳᶜᵘᵐˢᵗᵃⁿᶜᵉˢ ᵒᶠ ᵈᵉᵃᵗʰ ᵘⁿᵏⁿᵒʷⁿ ᵎ   /   references .#⊱    ᵈᵉᵃᵗʰ ᶦˢ ᵖʳᵉᶠᵉʳᵃᵇˡᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵃ ˡᵒˢˢ ᵒᶠ ᵛᶦʳᵗᵘᵉ ᵎ   /   mannerisms .#⊱    ʷʰᶦᵗᵉ ˡᵃᶜᵉ & ˢᶦˡᵏ ᶠˡᵒʷᵉʳˢ ᵎ   /   wardrobe tag .#⊱    ᵃˡˡ ᵗʰʳᵉᵉ ᶠᵃᶜᵉˢ ᵃʳᵉ ˢᶜʳᵃᵗᶜʰᵉᵈ ᵒᵘᵗ ᵎ   /   brother ronald .#⊱    ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵉᶜᶦᵖᶦᵉⁿᵗ'ˢ ⁿᵃᵐᵉ ˢᶜʳᵃᵗᶜʰᵉᵈ ᵒᵘᵗ ᵎ   /   answered asks .#⊱    ᵃˡˡ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ʳᵉᵐᵃᶦⁿ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉᶦʳ ˢᵖᵉᶜᶦᵃˡ ᵈᵃʸ ᵎ   /   memes tag .#⊱    ᶦⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜᶦᵗʸ ᵒᶠ ᵃⁿᵍᵉˡˢ ᵎ   /   the murder house .#⊱    ᶦ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵗᵒ ʷᵃᶦᵗ ᵒʳ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵃⁿʸ ˡᵒⁿᵍᵉʳ ᵎ   /   saved tag .
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pcpermoon · 2 years
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thisisa-knife · 7 years
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“—How terrible is it to love something that death can touch.”
// @daggermxchanic
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