#visa saudi
jubaer01 · 7 months
SAUDI Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Official Visa Online
Saudi Visa Online Application - Pusat Aplikasi Resmi Arab Saudi
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Address : .2, Kuningan, Kuningan Tim., Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12940, Indonesia
Phone : +62 21 5206518
Website : https://www.saudi-visa.org/id/visa/
Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name :Roger Blinkist  Jacob
Description :eVisa Arab Saudi adalah jenis persetujuan Visa Elektronik baru yang merupakan cara paling sederhana untuk masuk ke Kerajaan Arab Saudi. eVisa untuk Arab Saudi adalah visa elektronik yang mengizinkan penduduk di sekitar lima puluh negara untuk melakukan Umrah, Bisnis, Liburan, Tamasya, Perjalanan, dan menjelajahi Arab Saudi. Ini adalah metode tercepat, termudah, termudah dan paling mudah untuk mendapatkan persetujuan Visa untuk mengunjungi Arab Saudi. Pada dasarnya yang perlu Anda lakukan hanyalah mengisi Aplikasi Visa Saudi Online yang sangat singkat di situs web dan menerima eVisa Arab Saudi Anda melalui email dalam waktu 24-48 jam. eVisa Pengunjung atau Bisnis untuk Arab Saudi disahkan oleh Pemerintah Arab Saudi pada tahun 2019 untuk memudahkan negara-negara maju mengunjungi Kerajaan Arab Saudi. Metode Visa Saudi yang lama tidak disarankan, seperti mengunjungi kedutaan atau mendapatkan stempel fisik di paspor Anda. Visa online Arab Saudi adalah jenis Visa yang berbeda untuk kenyamanan Anda. Anda cukup mengisi formulir online dan mengunggah foto wajah Anda. Selain itu, jenis Visa elektronik untuk Arab Saudi ini berlaku untuk beberapa kali masuk hingga 90 hari per kunjungan. eVisa berlaku selama satu tahun. Artinya Anda bisa masuk lebih dari satu kali ke Arab Saudi. Visa elektronik atau eVisa untuk Arab Saudi ini mengizinkan masa tinggal selama 90 hari setiap kali masuk ke negara tersebut. Visa Online Saudi berlaku selama satu tahun sejak tanggal penerbitan. Orang yang mengajukan visa online elektronik Arab Saudi juga diberikan perjanjian Asuransi Wajib yang juga terhubung dengan eVisa, yang merupakan prasyarat yang diperlukan untuk melakukan perjalanan ke Kerajaan Arab Saudi. Pengunjung ke Arab Saudi dapat menggunakan eVisa Saudi untuk memasuki Arab Saudi melalui pelabuhan laut, terminal udara, dan beberapa pelabuhan darat mana pun, dengan kata lain Saudi eVisa Online berlaku untuk metode transportasi Udara, Air, dan Darat. Traveller eVisa mengizinkan Anda untuk mengambil bagian dalam aktivitas terkait industri perjalanan seperti hiburan, liburan, bertemu teman, pertemuan bisnis, perekrutan, pembelian, perdagangan, penjualan, pembelian properti, pertemuan kunjungan keluarga dan anggota keluarga, dan Umrah. Negara-negara berikut diperbolehkan untuk mengajukan Visa Online Saudi, Maladewa, Slovakia, Ukraina, Yunani, Kanada, Portugal, Australia, Kazakhstan, Irlandia, Lituania, Kroasia, Tajikistan, Amerika Serikat, Korea, Selatan, Malta, Panama, Siprus, Islandia, Selandia Baru, Jepang, Montenegro, Seychelles, Spanyol, Uzbekistan, Hongaria, Federasi Rusia, Jerman, Slovenia, Norwegia, Italia, Belanda, San Marino, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Albania, Malaysia, Saint Kitts dan Nevis, Estonia, Swiss, Monako, Inggris, Belgia, Singapura, Republik Ceko, Finlandia, Luksemburg, Andorra, Latvia, Polandia, Brunei, Austria, Turki, Prancis, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Swedia, Denmark, Rumania, Afrika Selatan, Liechtenstein, Thailand, dan Mauritius. Saudi Arabia eVisa is a new type of Electronic Visa approval that is the simplest way to gain entry into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. eVisa for Saudi Arabia is an electronic visa which permits residents of around fifty countries to do Umrah, Business, Vacation, Sightseeing,  Travel, and explore Saudi Arabia. It is the fastest, easiest, simplest and the most straightforward method for getting Visa approval to visit Saudi Arabia.
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slutforpringles · 7 months
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A mood honestly (also how I will be perceiving the Daniel hate from now on)
Saturday | Jeddah | Kym Illman
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gssipformula1 · 7 months
𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭, 𝐮𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝, 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐠𝐲𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏
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lavender-bea · 7 months
Yuki p9 🐐
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chriss-club · 7 months
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nenaferrari · 7 months
I'm actually a big Dr3 fan but lemme tell u ya can't support both him n Ferrari or you'll be miserable...
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thu8mansion · 1 year
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melly-watches-racing · 7 months
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again thousand times more- fuck Yuki is small ain’t he.
Bless him
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Saudi Arabia GP 2024!
Mads' Race Recap!
Right, here we are, with another race recap. Yes, I know I said I would split these into 2, qualis and race, but I didn't. Oops. Anyway, we're going to do this in constructors again.
Red Bull - Refer to last weeks comments, I have nothing else to say really.
Ferrari - Right. Here we go. I'll start off with Charles, then I'll move onto the other fiasco. I think the overtake from Checo was inevitable in the end, the Red Bull has more pace, and Checo is great on street circuits. I didn't really see much of Lord Perceval, since he found a very comfortable spot between Checo and Oscar for the majority of the race. Very nice, brought some good points home. I like how he said in an interview (at some point after the race) that he thinks the Ferrari can have more pace later in the season. I would prefer it now, but I will wait. And fastest lap? OK my love, go for it. I saw it pop up and I thought it was a glitch on the graphics, I can't lie. He just though 'sod it, I've got space, let's go' and go, he did. Now onto my hero for the weekend. Ollie bloody Bearman that man is an absolute phenom. His first ever F1 race, some nice overtakes, did so so so well in qualis and in the race. He has gotten more points in one race than some people do in their entire career, which is quite funny IMO. Seriously though, on such short notice, he did such a brilliant job, and he is going to go far. Sad he missed out on the F2 race, and that's going to do a detriment to his points and Prema's, but he could have very well just made his career. One more thing before I move on to the other teams. Carlos. Carlos Sainz. Carlos fucking Sainz.
He drove for some reason during FP1 & 2, and I commend that, he wanted to get the job done. But, the man looked blue (the colour, not emotion). He looked so sick it was awful. Then I see the news that the poor man has already had his appendix out. I was just glad he was alright, THEN I SEE HIM AT THE TRACK?! I was just like 'Someone please put him back in bed and make him rest'. Then I see that the doctors told him to stay in bed and not go to the race. That man is a fighter, I'll give him that. And it was nice to hear from Ollie that he gave him all the tips and tricks, since it was his setup and everything like that. Hopefully, Carlos is back for Australia, but if Ollie has to drive for whatever reason, I won't be annoyed. Forza Ferrari!
McLaren - Oscar had a good race, he really tried to overtake Lewis. But, if they knew he still needed to pit anyway, why burn out the tyres and try to overtake? It would've gotten a better gap, yes, but I guess there wouldn't have been any point in just sitting back and letting him possibly gain extra time. Some good points in the bag there for them. As for Lando, I reckon if he didn't have Lewis badgering him the whole time, he would've been able to overtake Ollie for the P7, since he was lapping a whole lot faster and was on better tyres. Thankfully, Lewis actually did us a favour and kept Lando back, but Lando did a nice job. I don't know why he didn't come in under the safety car, but it didn't work out too badly for him, I guess.
Mercedes - Whatever is happening there is an absolute shit show. George stayed under the radar, just kind of driving in his big ol' empty space that he had between him, Ollie and Fernando. Lewis is really right when they have no speed in the high speed sections of the track. He did some nice defending on Oscar though, he was right to try and keep him back as much as possible, since that would have opened the space for other people to attack. All in all, Merc seriously need to sort their shit out if they want to compete for the higher places. Even then, they'll have to get through the McLarens, then the Ferrari's for those P3s that we are interchangeably giving to Charles and Carlos. Maybe P2s can be up for grabs if Checo fucks it, and maybe P1s if we get another Singapore situation.
Aston Martin - Not a bad one from Fernando, nice race from him. Instead of trying to compete with McLaren, he just let them do their own thing. He knows what he's doing. But, he was definitely in the top 3/4 for pole. Him, Charles, Max and Checo. But then he comes out bottom of the 4? He set osme mega laps, but then he just lost it. The Aston does that a lot. Lance was setting some lovely Q2 laps, but then it was like the car just said 'nah mate, I'm clocking out'. And, back to Lance. He just needed to be a little more careful. It was funny to hear his radio message, I'll admit, and I think his bringing out of the safety car definitely helped some of the others out a lot. Was I surprised though... no. Fernando nearly did the same thing, so did Oscar, but they were just a little lighter on it. Aston really has fallen, though.
Haas - Right, I'm officially a Haas girl Kevin Magnussen I absolutely fucking love you man. Matt & Tommy from P1 called it the Haasterplan. I completely agree. If Ollie wasn't driving, I would've given Kevin driver of the day. No, I would've given him driver of the year. After that first 10 second pen, he just said 'fuck it, I'm off' and just started going for it. Contact with Alex? Fine. Track limits? What are they? Do you want to absolutely send it into turn 1 again? Is that even a question? I bloody loved it. He just backed up all of those people from P11 and just let them suffer. He even ended up P12, even with the 20 seconds worth of penalties. Bloody lovely. I loved Kevin's radio just kept on going 'yeah, great one, keep it up'. Haas have found their new strategy.
Williams - Erm... not much to say? Mediocre qualis, Alex can get through to Q3 on a good day. Logan was out in Q1, this time it wasn't the steering wheel's fault. And... yeah. Wish I could say more, but I can't, really. Sorry.
VCARB/RB/REDBULLSHITTYEDITION - Daniel. Daniel Daniel Daniel. What is going on with you? I check the leaderboard, and I just see him chilling at the back. I don't even know what's going on there. And Yuki fell victim to the Kevin Magnussen Train of Terror. I honestly thought these guys were going to be your P11s-P14s, maybe with a few 10s and 9s sprinkled in there. But, I guess we have to put up with 15 and 16.
Kick Sauber - Right Valtteri really doesn't give a shit. He is quite happy just to toddle along at the back, as you do, in his little highlighter car. Good on him. I just felt bad for Zhou, I can't lie. He kinda just got stuck at the back and there was nothing he could do since the poor guy couldn't even set a quali time because his car was fucked.
Alpine - Jesus love of the lord above someone save these people. Pierre didn't even start the race, they had shit qualifying, and they have become the laughing stock of Formula 1. Estie was kind of just left to die, I guess. My delusional ass blames Pierre for a bad Charles start since his tyres were colder because he was faffing around at the back. Bullshit, I know.
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livefastdriveyoung · 7 months
Yuki just almost slammed him into a wall, and he just goes "naughty" over the radio.
I cannot. I would actually have to be censored, I swear like a sailor behind the wheel of any vehicle.
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jubaer01 · 7 months
SAUDI Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Official Visa Online
Saudi Visa Online Application - Pusat Permohonan Rasmi Arab Saudi
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Address : 17th Floor, 207, Jln Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur, 50732 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Phone : +60 3-2718 3333
Website : https://www.saudi-visa.org/ms/visa/
Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name :Roger Blinkist  Jacob
Description :Arab Saudi eVisa ialah jenis baharu kelulusan Visa Elektronik yang merupakan cara paling mudah untuk masuk ke Kerajaan Arab Saudi. eVisa untuk Arab Saudi ialah visa elektronik yang membenarkan penduduk di sekitar lima puluh negara melakukan Umrah, Perniagaan, Percutian, Bersiar-siar, Perjalanan dan menerokai Arab Saudi. Ia adalah kaedah terpantas, paling mudah, paling mudah dan paling mudah untuk mendapatkan kelulusan Visa untuk melawat Arab Saudi. Pada asasnya anda hanya perlu mengisi Permohonan Visa Saudi dalam talian yang sangat singkat di laman web dan menerima eVisa Arab Saudi anda melalui e-mel dalam masa 24-48 jam. eVisa Pelawat atau Perniagaan untuk Arab Saudi telah disahkan oleh Kerajaan Arab Saudi pada 2019 untuk memudahkan negara maju melawat Kerajaan Arab Saudi. Kaedah lama Visa Saudi tidak disyorkan, seperti melawat kedutaan atau mendapatkan cop fizikal pada pasport anda. Visa dalam talian Arab Saudi ialah jenis Visa yang berbeza untuk kemudahan anda. Anda hanya perlu mengisi borang dalam talian dan memuat naik foto wajah anda. Selain itu, jenis Visa elektronik untuk Arab Saudi ini sah untuk berbilang penyertaan sehingga 90 hari setiap lawatan. eVisa sah selama satu tahun. Ini menunjukkan anda boleh memasuki lebih daripada sekali ke Arab Saudi. Visa elektronik atau eVisa untuk Arab Saudi ini membenarkan tinggal selama 90 hari dengan setiap kemasukan ke negara itu. Saudi Visa Online sah selama satu tahun dari tarikh dikeluarkan. Orang yang memohon visa dalam talian elektronik Arab Saudi juga diberikan perjanjian Insurans Wajib yang juga disambungkan kepada eVisa, yang merupakan prasyarat yang diperlukan untuk membuat perjalanan ke Kerajaan Arab Saudi. Pelawat ke Arab Saudi boleh menggunakan eVisa Saudi mereka untuk memasuki Arab Saudi melalui mana-mana pelabuhan laut, terminal udara dan beberapa pelabuhan daratnya, dengan kata lain eVisa Saudi Online sah untuk kaedah pengangkutan Udara, Air dan Darat. Pengembara eVisa membenarkan anda mengambil bahagian dalam latihan berkaitan industri pelancongan seperti hiburan, percutian, bertemu rakan, mesyuarat perniagaan, pengambilan, pembelian, perdagangan, penjualan, membeli harta, bertemu keluarga dan lawatan ahli keluarga, dan Umrah. Negara berikut dibenarkan memohon Saudi Visa Online , Maldives, Slovakia, Ukraine, Greece, Kanada, Portugal, Australia, Kazakhstan, Ireland, Lithuania, Croatia, Tajikistan, Amerika Syarikat, Korea, Selatan, Malta, Panama, Cyprus, Iceland, New Zealand, Jepun, Montenegro, Seychelles, Sepanyol, Uzbekistan, Hungary, Persekutuan Rusia, Jerman, Slovenia, Norway, Itali, Belanda, San Marino,
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slutforpringles · 7 months
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oh he's pissed off
Friday | Jeddah | Peter Fox
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serchive · 7 months
All the F1 teams really annoy me today. STOP using women for your performative activism, but at the same time do nothing to keep them safe or take part in the things that really matter.
and the irony of doing all this on the same day your sister team suspended a woman who reported a sexual assault.
and I hope this sticker is not too "noise and distraction" for your drivers.
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enlightining · 7 months
the vcarb garage with all the white gives me hospital vibes
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chaosinstigator · 7 months
god the car is so pretty
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dichvulamvisatnm-blog · 11 months
Dich vu lam visa Saudi Arabia, thi thuc A Rap Xe Ut
Dịch vụ visa gấp các nước cung cấp dịch vụ làm visa Saudi Arabia diện du lịch, công tác nhanh, tư vấn hồ sơ tận tình, có kết quả từ 3-7 ngày
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Quốc gia Saudi Arabia, có tên tiếng Việt là Ả Rập Xê Út nằm ở khu vực Tây Á, nằm gần Các tiều vương quốc Ả Rập Thống Nhất (UAE), Dubai, Qatar,…Bạn muốn nhập cảnh vào nước này với mục đích du lịch, công tác làm việc với các doanh nghiệp tại Saudi Arabia mà không biết phải xin visa Saudi Arabia như thế nào, hãy liên hệ ngay đến dịch vụ làm visa Saudi Arabia của chúng tôi.
Dịch vụ làm visa Saudi Arabia giúp bạn xin cấp visa Saudi Arabia, thị thực Ả Rập Xê Út nhanh để được phép nhập cảnh vào nước này trong khoản thời gian ngắn hạn. Visa Saudi Arabia giúp bạn nhập cảnh vào Saudi Arabia với mục đích đi du lịch, công tác tối đa 90 ngày. Khi xin visa Saudi Arabia, bạn có thể vắng mặt, chúng tôi hoàn thành hồ sơ xin visa Saudi Arabia, hoàn thành thủ tục xin visa Saudi Arabia thay cho bạn.
1. Các loại visa Saudi Arabia mà chúng tôi hỗ trợ
Chúng tôi hỗ trợ khách hàng xin các loại visa sau đây:
Visa du lịch Saudi Arabia: cấp cho người đi du lịch Saudi Arabia.
Visa công tác Saudi Arabia: cấp cho người đi làm việc với doanh nghiệp tại Saudi Arabia.
2. Thởi gian trả kết quả xin visa Saudi Arabia
Chúng tôi cung cấp dịch vụ làm visa Saudi Arabia dựa theo thời gian ra kết quả:
Dịch vụ làm visa Saudi Arabia thường có kết quả từ 5-7 ngày.
Dịch vụ làm visa Saudi Arabia gấp có kết quả từ 3-5 ngày.
Bạn có nhu cầu xin cấp visa Saudi Arabia gấp để kịp lịch trình cho chuyến đi, chúng tôi có thể giúp bạn ra kết quả kịp thời và nhanh chóng với dịch vụ làm visa Saudi Arabia gấp. Chúng tôi cam kết ra kết quả đúng hạn. Chúng tôi giúp bạn giải quyết tất cả các vấn đề liên quan đến visa Saudi Arabia, thị thực Ả Rập Xê Út.
Chúng tôi thay mặt khách hàng tiến hành các thủ tục xin visa Ả Rập Xê Út nên khách hàng có thể yên tâm.
3. Hồ sơ xin visa Saudi Arabia
a) Danh sách giấy tờ cần cho hồ sơ xin visa du lịch Saudi Arabia
Hộ chiếu còn hạn trên 6 tháng
2 ảnh 4x6 cm, phông nền trắng, chụp trong 3 tháng gần nhất.
Bản sao công chứng Căn Cước Công Dân.
Bản sao công chứng hợp đồng lao động đối với nhân viên.
Bản sao công chứng Giấy phép đăng ký kinh doanh đối với chủ doanh nghiệp.
Đơn xin nghỉ phép đi du lịch Saudi Arabia.
Giấy tờ chứng minh tài chính: Giấy xác nhận số dư tài khoản ngân hàng.
b) Danh sách giấy tờ cần cho hồ sơ xin visa công tác Saudi Arabia
Hộ chiếu còn hạn trên 6 tháng.
2 ảnh 4x6 cm, phông nền trắng, chụp trong 3 tháng gần nhất.
Bản sao công chứng Căn Cước Công Dân.
Bản sao công chứng Giấy phép đăng ký kinh doanh của doanh nghiệp Việt Nam.
Thư mời từ doanh nghiệp tại Saudi Arabia.
Bản sao công chứng Hợp đồng lao động + Quyết định bổ nhiệm chức của nhân viên.
Quyết định cử đi công tác.
Các giấy tờ nêu trên là tham khảo, chúng tôi sẽ tư vấn chi tiết hồ sơ xin visa cho khách hàng khi liên hệ. Bộ hồ sơ xin visa Saudi Arabia sẽ được chúng tôi chuẩn bị chu đáo, hoàn thiện tạo tin tưởng với Đại Sứ Quán Saudi Arabia. Chúng tôi thay mặt khách hàng nộp bộ hồ sơ xin visa Saudi Arabia với Đại Sứ Quán Saudi Arabia, và nhận kết quả.
Ngoài ra, chúng tôi cung cấp trọn gói: xin cấp visa Saudi Arabia, bán vé máy bay đi Saudi Arabia, đặt phòng khách sạn tại Saudi Arabia, tour du lịch, bảo hiểm du lịch,…nhằm giúp khách hàng có chuyến đi an toàn, tiện ích và tiết kiệm.
Bạn muốn xin visa Ả Rập Xê Út vui lòng liên hệ:
- Ms Hạnh: Viber, Zalo 0903.709.178 – Email: [email protected]
- Ms Ngọc: Viber, Zalo 0988.512.577 – Email: [email protected]
Địa chỉ: 212/29 Nguyễn Thái Bình, Phường 12, Tân Bình, Tp Hồ Chí Minh
Xin cảm ơn!
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