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sleepykas · 2 years ago
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The first kill is always the hardest.
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dalekofchaos · 7 months ago
Fixing the Geth-Quarian War in ME3
I've was admired how fleshed out were the Geth in ME2, with Legion being a "diplomatic platform" for the Geth Consensus, showing us that the Geth were not all evil.
They didn't want to be like humans, they were happy just being all together, with building a dyson sphere where every geth would be uploaded into, so no Geth would be alone.
Also they rejected the Reapers (Old Machines) help to achieve their goal, believing that they would be blinded to other paths if they accepted the Reaper's offer.
A part of them accepted the Reapers' help due of "mathematic variable", they allowed their own people to leave them to serve the Reapers, and were not expecting that the "Heretics" were planning to unleash a virus on them to make them worship the Reapers too.
Then in ME3, Legion accepts the Reaper code "upgrade" that makes the Geth individual AI, but that's not what they were after, suddenly wanting to become like organics, when Legion told us that the Geth hated the concept of organic individuality.
Legion's quote when I destroyed the Collector Base cemented my respect for the True Geth.
"An interesting choice, Shepard-Commander. Your species was offered everything the Geth aspire to, true unity and understanding in transcendence. You rejected it, you even refused the possibility of using the Old Machines' to achieve on your species' own terms. You are more like us than we thought".
I am aware that the real reason for this change is due of change of writers, when Chris L'Etoile wrote Legion and the Geth in ME1-ME2 and was no longer in Bioware in ME3. For me, Legion is the Geth in ME2, in ME3 is not Legion.
This coincidentally with the Quarians de-humanized and portrayed like complete monsters with the Geth as innocent, with the favourable points for the Quarians reduced drastically if not removed. For example: Han' Gerrel: In ME2 he was very friendly with Tali and Shepard, and didn't even want to put Tali on trial, he was sympathetic with them, but disliked the Geth. Suddenly in ME3 he's portrayed like a dumb warmongering idiot that shoots the Geth dreadnought where Shepard and Tali are on, risking their lives "for a perfect target". Also we are given the option to punch him, but no option to confront Legion about the Reaper code BS.
Kal'Reegar: A badass quarian marine that isn't afraid to defend Tali in front of the Admiral board if it means to save her. In ME3, he was conveniently killed off in a mail.
"Damn straight! Tali's done more for this fleet than you assholes ever will! You're pissing on everything I fought for! Everything Tali fought for! So, if you decide to exile her... you may as well do the same to me."
Originally he was supposed to be appearing on the mission on Rannoch, instead of the Geth conseus, leading a Quarian specialist team known as "Fire Time Taurash", happy to see Shepard again. Replaced by a mission that sympathizes for the Geth.
The only Quarians that are left and are likeable are Tali and Raan, where Koris the admiral that in ME2 costantly pissed on Tali and her father, is now portrayed like a savior and the only good guy.
The Quarians were de-humanized to make the player see the Geth as good and Quarians as bad.
How I would have done Rannoch arc
Legion: He appears asking help to Commander Shepard, isolated from the Consensus to free his people from Reaper control, that would use them as slaves to wipe out the Quarians.
Tali:If was pardoned, she appears as one of the Admirals trying to advocate for peace, if exiled, she appears alongside Legion to ask Shepard to help them to prevent the Geth from killing the Quarians.
Geth: Under reaper control the Geth are forced to amass an army that the Reapers want to use to help them exterminate the Quarians and the rest of life after, to ensure compliance, the reapers used a virus that has an effect similar to indoctrination for synthetics, but can be reversed and use a research on that Virus to make the Geth immune to Reaper hacking.
Quarians: The quarians are now looking for a planet to host their refugees and non combatants, as the Reapers attack, they need a planet closest to their physiology to minimize risk for them, Rannoch.
Quarian admiralty: Han Gerrel wants to push for war and claim their homeworld with brute force, but understands that attacking a Reaper and a full Geth army will tear apart. Zaal' Koris asks for a way to free the Geth from the Reapers to turn them in allies. Daro' Xen instead suggests exploiting the Reapers' hold on the Geth and reprogram the Virus to make them their slaves.
The mission arc would be trying to be helping Legion and the Quarians research the Reaper Virus, that would have three possible choices:
Neutralize the Virus, to prevent the Reapers from taking control of the Geth Consensus, Geth and Quarians join as war assets, requires Tali and Legion alive, Legion and Tali join as permanent squadmates.
2)Use the Virus to shut down the Geth, all Geth shutdown, and all their servers destroyed, the Geth are wiped out, and the Quarians join as war assets.
3)Exploit the Virus, Admiral Xen's plan with help from Rael's research and potentially from Project Overlord's data to make the Geth slaves to the Quarians again, both join as war assets, but Legion shuts down.
In any case, the Geth follow their old philosophy
Something else I would add. Kal'Reegar as a squad member.
part of me wishes Reegar could've been recruitable. Maybe it's like a KOTOR 2 situation where if we chose a male exile, then we get the Handmaiden. If we chose female exile, then we get the Disciple. If we chose Male Shepard, then Reeger is just a war asset. If we chose femshep, then Tali stays with the Admiralty board and becomes a war asset while Tali recommends Reegar to join the Normandy.
I'd also like to add possible romances after the direction of the war.
If you romance Tali in ME2, Tali is yours.
If you didn't romance Tali and Legion lives, then you can point them in the right direction like you do with Gabby and Ken
If you didn't romance Tali and Reegar lived, then Tali and Reeger get together
If you didn't romance Tali and Reegar and Legion are dead, then Tali and Garrus get together
If you're a Femshep and you can romance Reegar.
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havendance · 8 months ago
Because @zahri-melitor’s idea looked like a fun way to procrastinate starting my new52 read, I decided to give it a spin. My randomly generated date was January 22nd, 1990, which yielded the following list of comics:
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And thoughts:
Hellblazer #27 -- I somehow managed to land on a standalone issue of hellblazer that was in between parts of a multi-part story, that is also one of the two issues of Hellblazer written by Neil Gaiman! It's very atmospheric and very Vertigo. John Constantine goes to a party and meets a lesbian who tries to get him to be her sperm donor. Also there's a ghost killing people because it longs for connection.
Superman #41 -- This is the start of a multi-issue superman title crossover arc so there's quite a few moving pieces. Lobo and this other guy want to kill superman. Lobo is also very drunk the whole time, something appears to be up with Clark as he refuses to see Jimmy and also is cold at Lana's Birthday party, and finally Jimmy's looking for the truth behind his dad's death which involves Cadmus. It was interesting seeing all the different moving pieces, but I could do without drunk!Lobo.
The New Titans #64 -- The conclusion of an arc that involves Deathstroke and also some sort of alien animal plague virus. Kory's got some nice moments. Also this is the issue before the one where Tim shows up asking Dick to train him so he's got a cameo appearance at the end :)
The Ring of Nibelung #3 -- This one was interesting. Appearently DC did a whole comic adaptation of Wagner's ring cycle. This issue follows events of Seigfried as the titular character forges his blade, slays the dragon, and wakes Brynhild. It was a pretty comic and neat to read since my only exposure to the ring cycle previously was a concert of some of the music played orchestrally.
Time Masters #2 -- The only one I'd read previously. I read issue 1 of Time Masters for a Helena cameo and it left me with enough momentum to read issue 2 as well. Anyway Rip Hunter and co is like 'we need to use time travel to defeat the illuminati' which was fine, but the most interesting part of this issue to me was when Superman makes a cameo appearance:
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Superman: Dr. Hunter, I appreciate your concern and what you're telling me is an incredible story. If what you say is true, this may be too big a job, even for me. Perhaps it would be more logical to take it to the J.L.I... It's more in their league. Rip Hunter: Superman wait! Rip Hunter (thinking): Wow. He's a little colder than I thought. Rip Hunter (aloud): Great. Thanks a lot. Editor's note: to see why Superman is so aloof, check out Superman this month and next! --Bob
When I first read this, I definitely just assumed Superman didn't believe him, but having actually read the issue of Superman now, I can see that there is something going on.
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kramlabs · 2 months ago
<Links are rough from the copy and paste>
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Reply-To: Sage Hana from Sage’s Newsletter
"We are not here to talk about the vaccines." Robert Malone, September 13, 2021 WHEN IT COUNTED. WHEN THE SHOTS WERE GOING IN.
"These products were designed to injure, maim and kill." Mike Yeadon
“We are here not to discuss the vaccine”
From LifeSite News, September 13, 2021, regarding the Global Covid Summit.
(LifeSiteNews) — A newly formed group of physicians, the Pandemic Health Alliance insists on alternative ways of treating COVID-19. Instead of pointing to the vaccine as the most effective way to prevent death and disease, these medical doctors stress the importance of treating the virus early on, using effective medications such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
Let me just say that this alternative treatments thing is a red herring.
It is a clever laser pointer bait and switch.
Tier One, Tier Two, they all co-signed the threat of zeeeeeeee Dangerous Rogue Koronavirus that hopped from bat to pangolin or raccoon dog or fell out of a lab and managed to travel from the sticks of Nebraska to the Antarctica at the speed of science and murdered everybody in its path."But this (Covid) is the most complex and most violent disease that I have seen and the most difficult to treat in the ICU." Dr. Pierre Kory
APR 15
Not one of the doctors downplayed the seriousness and deadly nature of the Covid pandemic. “I've never, ever walked into an ICU that's full of every patient on a ventilator with the same disease,” Kory noted from last year when he responded to the call for help at his old ICU in New York City. “It was wicked back then,” he recalled. “We’re not in that c…Read full story
Got that?
THE MOST COMPLEX AND MOST VIOLENT DISEASE THAT I HAVE EVER SEEN.Hello, is Anyone in New York NOT an Emergency Room Simulation Expert?
DECEMBER 31, 2023
Okay, I get it. I get it.Read full story
Guys it’s the most VIOLENT DISEASE he’s ever seen.
It’s so VIOLENT that if you sprinkle a little magical Ivermectin on it, it goes away, poof.Heather Gessling treated 1500 "COVID-positive" patients with NO deaths. Pierre Kory, why were all of your patients dying slowly of "COVID, COVID, COVID"?
MAY 18
Prome Code: Heather B.Read full story
I’m asking you to think about some stuff now.
Use YOUR critical thinking skills.
You have been sold much bullshit. 
How dangerous and lethal is the Koronavirus if a doctor can treat 1500 patients and none of them died?
Or…7,000 patients.
Sure. Why not?
How Two Doctors Successfully Treated 7000 PatientsIf it wasn't Hospital Murder, then why were all of YOUR PATIENTS DYING OF "COVID", DR. KORY?
No one needs to die! Overcoming the COVID Darkness is about two doctors who used a treatment protocol early in the pandemic and early in treatment when the conventional wisdom issued was not to provide any treatment to patients and send them home until they got sick and then go to the hospital where they were then often put on breathing machines – many …Read full story
No one needs to die! Overcoming the COVID Darkness is about two doctors who used a treatment protocol early in the pandemic and early in treatment when the conventional wisdom issued was not to provide any treatment to patients and send them home until they got sick and then go to the hospital where they were then often put on breathing machines – many of whom died. To the contrary, every one of the patients Dr. Tyson and Dr. Fareed treated early in the illness recovered and there were NO deaths. They also treated those who were severely sick and only lost a few. The treatment protocol they used included pharmaceutical and nutraceutical ingredients and has proven to be highly effective and safe with COVID, especially when caught early. This book is their story complete with testimonials from patients and other doctors, research studies, news clippings, and most of all, the reasons why this successful treatment was held back from the public. Overcoming the COVID Darkness is a must read for anyone concerned about their health and successfully negotiating the pandemic.
Okay this is marginally sophisticated, and some of you are badly augmented from a lifetime of watching TV and getting sold a limited hangout of choices in this life and accepting that TRUTH IS LIKE A LION but anyway, it can’t really be spoken or your HERO can’t get elected.
And off the cliff you go. Like a useless lemming.
Then how did Heather Gessling and the Kali Boyz manage to TREAT 1500, 7000, WHATEVER patients and NONE OF THEM DIED?
Is that a Super-Antigen laying waste to the world necessitating lockdowns and herd-culling mRNA gene editing drugs?
That is MARGINAL CRIMINALS ALL hyping a THREAT MATRIX for the STATE."I’ve been watching them bring in trailer trucks — freezer trucks, they’re freezer trucks, because they can’t handle the bodies, there are so many of them.” 
JULY 16, 2023
Promo Code: Amazing PollyRead full story
All of these various narratives do not add up.
They are not congruent.
They do not make sense.
Even within the paradigm of Dangerous Germs, the numbers do not add up at all.
If it was denial of treatments such as Magic Mectin Sauce of HCQ or blah blah blah fucking make it up as you go…then that is HOSPITAL MALFEASANCE MURDER.
From what I gather, few if anybody DIED OF COVID/FLU/Radiation Poisoning outside of medical “treatment”.
And all of the above is before we even get to this fucking bullshit:
Make sense of this graph. Why did it go back down?
The threat was over. Hallelujah! The Super-Antigen was defeated! No shots!
How did this miracle happen?"...And then it just goes off...like a bomb."
AUGUST 3, 2023
Jessica Hockett asks the most basic questions.Read full story
Now go to the beginning of the graph. The left side.
January, 2020.
Donald Trump had the shots on the way.
Before Warp Speed. Before the graph spiked like a bomb went off.
https://x.com/IvankaTrump/status/1328324970854948866"There was no excess mortality ANYWHERE...in any country, in any jurisdiction...until they announced a pandemic." Denis Rancourt
AUG 21
And that all your favorite Goodies went along with the lie.Read full story
The virus is dead until it hacks a host’s life machinery.
But lives on the soles of your shoes.
Here is another one of Bob Malone’s International Covid Summit Crisis Summit Global Covid Summit they just keep re-naming it BIOWEAPON LIFERS Steven Hatfill selling the Threat Matrix.
Where the hell is a liver-kicking Lusitano when you need it?
To just macerate some old bastard’s liver with a hooofie print tattoo for good measure?
This thing is different. 
What did you think it would look like if the Devil operated amongst men?
Did you have comic book idea of how Evil might get done?
Evil might get done with regular people just…going along.
Let’s move on.
Alternative Treatments was a red herring designed to assume the sale of a Dangerous Germs Pandemic that necessitated Operation Warp Cull Emergency Countermeasures.
It was 100% scripted to provide a theater of dispute to cover up the Giant Root Lie.
Here is the Global Covid Summit content which is poof, scrubbed now. 
Guess it was deemed to be inconvenient to the new TRUMP ADMINISTRATION narratives.
"President Trump’s unparalleled creation of Operation Warp Speed was one like we’ve never seen before!" 
👇 Inconvenient."This is not a novel disease, this was an orchestrated Terror Event", David Martin in Global Covid Summit News, May 21, 2022 (Now Scrubbed) 
Last night I wandered over to my Stack not signed in and realized my entire library was paywalled.Read full storyWhy is the "Global Covid Summit" website featuring Bob Malone, Pierre Kory, and Ryan Cole being scrubbed from the internet?
SEP 25
What is the Global Covid Summit?Read full story
And that is why it went away.
The mythical Global Covid Summit website launched on a hot Puerto Rico island by some Crypto Dudes.
Okay, here is Yeadon.
My dilemma.
It wasn’t this thread one year ago, which was more Jabs Bad Placation.
Pacification and Control.
It was months prior to that.
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Dr. Mike Yeadon: “Why Didn’t They Want Me To Speak?” 
Exposing The Darkness is a reader-supported publication. To support my work, please consider becoming a paid subscriber…
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a year ago · 118 likes · 50 comments · Lioness of Judah Ministry
On Monday, December 4, (2023), a meeting of the minds took place inside the United Kingdom’s halls of Parliament. Called “For Democracy, Truth, and Freedom,” those attending are recognized as leading members of the growing skeptical community who question the COVID mRNA inoculations and warn people against using them. This group of doctors and scientists comprises predominantly Americans who have become household names across Substack—Steve Kirsch, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, and other doctors and scientists now oppose the COVID-19 shots—most of these gentlemen have been pushing back on the COVID jabs for over two years.
So push back on Trump NOW, team!
Now tell Trump!
Publicly. Loudly.
"The Swiss army knife of harm." [VIDEO]
A group of scientists and doctors spent two hours warning the UK Parliament on the mRNA injection and spike protein health crisis. Will the MPs listen and do something about this public danger?
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"The Swiss army knife of harm." [VIDEO]
On Monday, December 4, a meeting of the minds took place inside the United Kingdom’s halls of Parliament…
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a year ago · 14 likes · Matthieu Lumière
Yeah, do it now to TRUMP.
You got your hero in there, right?
Save the World, bros!
(LifeSiteNews) — A newly formed group of physicians, the Pandemic Health Alliance insists on alternative ways of treating COVID-19. Instead of pointing to the vaccine as the most effective way to prevent death and disease, these medical doctors stress the importance of treating the virus early on, using effective medications such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
Speaking with Steve Bannon, host of “War Room: Pandemic,” Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Heather Gessling, and Dr. Ryan Cole explained that some 15 physicians met a few days ago in San Juan, Puerto Rico, to discuss their experiences with early treatment and with different early treatment protocols, as well as writing a manifesto. Malone is the president of this new Pandemic Health Alliance. Gessling successfully treated about 1,500 patients with COVID-19, none of whom died. She is the group’s medical director. Cole is the director of research.
“We are here not to discuss the vaccine,” explained Malone, the original inventor of the mRNA technology. Instead they came together to defend “the freedom of physicians to practice.” Doctors are “being prevented from providing early treatments,” he said, referring to pharmacies blocking certain prescriptions. “We are in a situation where the government has seized control of the medical profession and this is causing death,” Malone continued.
Gessling later in the show explained that the doctors had “incredible success” with early treatment protocols “that have already been tried and have [been] found to work very well.” She said the world is dealing with a “pandemic of censorship” regarding ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. “We are being shut down,” Gessling added. “We cannot even tell people what has worked.”
A pandemic of censorship.
Again, if you are treating patients and they are doing well and nobody dying, THEN IT AIN’T A SUPER-ANTIGEN THREAT.
It’s just Murder.
“We are here not to discuss the vaccine.”
Why not, Bob?
Why not?
Don’t you want to save the world from the Herd-Culling Shots?
"How to Save the World" 
DECEMBER 13, 2023
One guy is a Big Tech One ID Surveillance helpful inventor. Came up the ranks with DARPA as a kid and went on to become a quarter billionaire and Democratic Party Megadonor.Read full story
You are a hero, Bob!“Few people are in a better position than Robert Malone to know what lies the government told us about COVID. And very few are brave enough to expose those lies. Whatever they’re saying about him now, history will record Malone as a hero.”
I sincerely hope that these heroes all get nasally vaccinated for the Dangerous Koronavirus with mRNA Turbo Cancer-inducing prophylaxis and the next rollout will be brighter in their Brain Scans.One Degree of Separation
OCTOBER 12, 2023
“One of the most important things about [Malone] reading out [his] history like that is he is one of the most qualified people in the world to talk about vaccines … I'm very grateful that there's courageous people like [Malone] that do put [their] reputations and [their] careers on the line by speaking out against the stuff when it is very difficult and…Read full story
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ethmaron · 5 months ago
some random bits of the zombie au in no particular order because i want to talk about it
they almost miss picking jason up into the group--only run into him because their bikes pop a tire and they find him in his mechanic shop
jason almost doesnt come with them even then--steph convinces him
bruce is in florida for a business meeting and when the virus hits he teams up with other JLA members
kon and clark are cousins--kon and clark (and kara, but they don't know where she is) are the only living members of their family. everyone else either turned or was killed once turned
the group find kon on their way to florida and decide to take him along (hes been living alone in the farmhouse)
kon is a good shot with a rifle/bow+arrow from hunting, but still gets squeamish about killing humans/zombies
dick has the most human kills under his belt
steph is great with snares and netting (helps catch them food, sometimes--and kon can gut whatever she catches well enough)
the joker captures and cuts jasons hand off with plans to cut the rest of him up (kon kills the joker in the end)
they eventually find bruce
they hardly recognize each other at the end of it all
damian picks up a couple stray dogs along the way (most of them die, but he seems to attract them, to everyones irritation)
steph steals nail polish from the houses they raid to paint her nails, and sometimes paint the others nails when they have time
they limit gun usage as much as possible and rely on various blades/alternate weapons
the JLA group has a small area they keep safe, with some farming space
dicks group find them on accident and hal nearly kills dick and jason before bruce shows up
they help provide the medical care jason needs to his arm so he doesnt die
headshots kill zombies for final kill
the white of jasons hair occurs naturally
tim and kon enter into a very badly hidden relationship
literally no one cares they have bigger things to worry about
kon and damian get along on the animal front
jason misses ac the most (hes sick of being hot and gross)
dick misses the phones--he doesnt know where kory is or if shes okay (or any of his other friends)
cass and steph worry about babs a lot (gordon is with her, and they handle okay)
steph is only with their group because she had happened to spend the night when things started to go south and decided to stick around
most of them sleep in pairs to help with night terrors--when damian picks up animals sometimes they sleep near dick or jason
jason is the best shot out of the group besides kon
he favours blunt force though--doesnt like the risk of attracting zombies or other survivors
bruce taught all his kids basic gun/weapon training after what happened to his parents
their own weird various interests help fill some of the gaps of surviving
they fight and argue less than youd think, but it tends to bottle and then explode
no privacy and arguments are very public and often end with sides being taken
dick and tim have a habit of passing food along to damian because they worry hes too thin (they have more reliable food once kon shows up)
kons family had lots of preserves/cellar items and they stay there for a little bit to eat/pick strength and pack to continue on
kon is in Georgia! but is originally from kansas
kon wears his parents rings on a chain round his neck
they run into some other groups along the way, some good, some bad
they try to steer clear of compounds/settlements
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pandoraimperatrix · 2 years ago
Wandering Worlds Meta (Part III) - The Evanescent Tamaranean Empire 
Reminder that everything I'll write here only applies to My Fanfiction. Please for the love of GOD do not use this as some claim I'm making over the DC or the HBO Max's show canon.
Tamaran is a Monarchy of coalition, it means the Monarch's power is not absolute, as most monarchies go... But unlike, idk, the monarchies of Europe, because Tamaraneans are deeply emotional straight forward people, and because they have a Living Goddess; there is no pretence that the Monarch’s status comes from God.  
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X'hal is alive, and well, living her best life and the Tamaraneans believe that when they die their life-energy will return to her. And by coalition, I mean there are various small kingdoms under the Great Monarch (Kory’s family, at the moment) they are closer to a democracy than an absolutist monarchy. 
For the last three generations the And'r House has been the Great Family House, the family that has been ruling over the small local Kingdoms, but it doesn't mean there has been many internal and external disputes.  
Tamaran is under constant attack from the Citatel and their Gordanian Mercenaries, they attack to capture prisoners for slave trade; and the Psions, enemies of the Citatel, a race of Scientists that like to capture other species to experiment on them until they die. 
In Wandering Worlds, unlike the New Teen Titans Comic Book, Kory's parents never exchanged her for peace with the Citatel, therefore, she was never sold to slavery. She was never experimented by Psions either, her powers are her own, there was never stealing of Kom’s powers. 
Kory's mission to kill the Raven and save the world from season one, was the mission that would make her ascend from Crown Princess to Queen, after that, she would marry and take over while her parents would step down. 
She was promised to the House of Arras, but not to Prince Karras, but his older brother Yarras. And Karras was supposed to marry Komand’r. Yarras died as a child of the same illness that handicapped Komand'r, Ga’ula.  
What is this sickness? It's a viral infection result of Psion experimentation that became pandemic, it’s the reason why Okaara perished and they had to move to Tamaran.  
Tamaraneans have the great ability of absorbing solar radiation and store it. This radiation is how a Tamarean feeds. They don’t need to eat everyday, nor to breath oxygen everyday, but they cannot go without sunlight for longer than three days. 
The radiation from the sun is metabolize and used to create starbolts, repair their own bodies super fast, to fly AND to absorb and share language through touch. 
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Ga’ula damages the photoreceptors of the tamaranean skin, without being able to absorb sunlight the person dies of inanition.  
Depending of how much damage the virus does to the body, you can have someone with handicaps like Komand’r who has many issues in the high functions (her deficiency concerns the mostly the ability of absorbing and communicating using language) but has never been in danger of dying. Karras older brother was so ill, that he couldn’t even feed from the sun to keep his body functioning. When Yarras died, Kory became Karras promised. One of many reasons why Komand’r always felt like she only Kory’s hand-me-downs, and it didn’t help when after Karras became Kory’s fiancé, nobody cared to set a new match for Kom. 
When Kory failed to return to Tamaran, the Citatel used the fragility caused by the internal politics to finally invade Tamaran, they had been making small attacks for eons, but this was a frontal attack how they had never dared before. Whole cities were raided, and millions of tamaraneans were kidnapped and sold to slavery. 
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With their heiress still lost, Myand’r and Luand’r tried to negotiate peace, the Citatel offered ten years of truce if they were handed Komand’r as a prize. The nobles and smaller kings and queens who had already lost their own children, pressed the House of And’r to take the deal since Kom was already damaged. When Kom found out, she murdered her own parents and tried to take over the planet, breaking the attempt of peace and drowning the Tamaran in civil wars. When things got really bad she went after Kory and season 3 and the plot of Wandering Worlds happened. 
 Next on part IV: Tamaranean noble houses, foods, military, words and traditions. 
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senden111 · 2 years ago
Undertale - VIRUS OUTBREAK au
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About several months ago since monster kind has been free from the underground, A virus has spread throughout the city of ebott. The cause of the outbreak is still unknown and yet to uncover; Most of monster kind has been turned as well as the human race being infected are called " Growlers " which is what named by a certain pun master.
The last few remaining survivors are alpys, nabstablook, MK & Kori the Protogen; There main goal is to head towards the mount ebott for shelter; theyre only safe haven is the underground where they were once trapped in.
This au is still a fresh fawn; so I'll be adding some posts and updates on it when I have the chance!
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tuzesdays · 2 years ago
TUZ I RUN AT YOU "You're not alone. You never were." FOR VIRUS COOKIE DUO
cookie duo official name now? love that, let's do it.
WORDCOUNT: 814 | 'INTO THE Y/N-VERSE' AFTON VIRUS (non-canon) | Hurt/Comfort
Viper became someone they’re not.
As soon as they’re close enough to see what’s happening to them, it’s too late. This isn’t a sickness they can look away from anymore – their coworkers, their friends, are slowly being taken over by the nightmare that swallowed them. Their roommate doesn’t sleep through the night anymore. The most paranoid people have gone a deathly quiet.
Viper has gone deathly quiet.
They begin looking away from other things, now – things they wouldn’t dream of ignoring if they were still… still the person they wanted to be. The person they were, for a time. Nervous gestures. Missing posters. Power outages. They know what causes these things now, and something in them still screeches in horror and anger at every one, but that part of them is buried under the purple tinge of their vision.
The day they meet Kori’s eyes and see recognition is the day that part finally shuts up for more than a few seconds.
He looks bad. He looks like he hasn’t slept. There’s a glaze to his eyes that should frighten them, but all they feel is relief. Whatever conscience Viper has left is silent, no doubt reeling in agony at the sight of their- their…
Kori meets their eyes once, long enough for them to see each other as they are now.
They don’t speak for a while afterward.
The two of them do their jobs, both official and not. They watch Kori’s eyes glaze over again and again. Kori watches their hands shake, unable to stop. Viper hopes that these small signs show there’s still something left of them. They don’t know what Kori thinks.
They haunt the halls of the plex together. Vanessa starts referring to them as a unit.
It takes a long time for them to speak to each other again.
It happens for the first time in weeks after wandering through the tunnels. They’re the only ones in this section of the building, and while most of Viper wishes to alleviate the boredom, there’s still a small bit dedicating itself to praying they stay bored, that nothing catches their eye, that if anyone’s lost here they would stay lost until the two of them leave.
So attentive to the silence, it’s startling when Kori speaks.
“I’m tired.”
Viper freezes, eyes flashing over to him. He looks tired. He’s looked tired for a long while. They both have.
There’s not a speck of loyalty left in Viper. Not one. The person that swore to stick by their friends’ side is dead and gone, leaving behind a husk that’s just fortunate enough, just crafty enough to avoid becoming a puppet.
“There’s a couch in one of the security rooms,” they say, voice passing through them rather than coming from them. “We can lay down. Like we used to.”
Kori swallows. “I don’t think I can do that anymore.”
“Laying down?”
He shakes his head. “Sharing.”
Something in them writhes. “I can keep watch then.”
“… Okay.”
They haven’t walked side by side in weeks, and they don’t start now. Kori trails behind them with light steps, light enough that Viper can barely hear them moving. Viper plunges ahead with a watchful eye, not wanting a single obstacle between them and their destination.
They travel together. They move as a unit.
Having a partner has never felt more lonesome.
They reach the office, and Viper immediately sets to clearing off the couch; it’s been buried under knick-knacks and memorabilia. Sometimes they see a bit of trash and knock it to the floor. Everything gets piled to one side and immediately forgotten about. Kori takes a seat.
He doesn’t lay down. “Viper?”
They give him their attention.
He’s… it feels like he’s looking for something. Waiting, maybe – waiting for them? He’s already said they can’t share the seat. Kori doesn’t let strangers touch him. He’s looking right into their eyes, there has to be something they’re missing.
The silence stretches. Kori’s eyes go glassy- why is he crying!?
“You’re still- still with me,” he breathes, “right?”
He’s looking for them. For Viper.
“Right here,” they say, and it’s the easiest thing in the world. Viper doesn’t lie to their friends, no matter how much they lie to themselves. “I’m right here. You’re not alone. You never were.”
He nods, eyes shining in the light from the camera monitors. This isn’t relief- the air isn’t light with reunion, it’s heavy with grief. They are still here. The people that have been piloting their bodies are still them, despite wishing otherwise. The Viper and Kori that were are still alive.
If they ever make it out, they’re going to need so much therapy.
For now, having Kori take their hand when they offer it is enough. The two of them are not strangers. They work as a unit.
And even hell can’t last forever.
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isonoe-kallichore-kirby · 10 months ago
infection au (all my OCs but if they were in an infection au)
Status: fine for the most part
Sanity: 99%
Health: 100%
Strength: 89%
Stress: 4%
Hunger: 2%
Thirst: 1%
Status: worrying about Boozacco
Sanity: 100%
Health: 100%
Stress: 20%
Hunger: 4%
Thirst: 3%
Status: chilling
Sanity: 99%
Health: 100%
Strength: 99%
Stress: 0%
Hunger: 0%
Thirst: 0%
Status: eating meat unwear that it has the virus
Sanity: 99%
Health: 100%
Strength: 99%
Stress: 5%
Hunger: 20%
Thirst: 56%
Status: infected (mostly likely dead)
Sanity: 0%
Health: 0%
Strength: 0%
Stress: 100%
Hunger: 100%
Thirst: 100%
TV Lee:
Status: stange 1 infected
Sanity: 98%
Health: 80%
Strength: 78%
Stress: 51%
Thirst: 12%
Status: Knows what's going on but doesn’t care much
Sanity: 98%
Health: 100%
Strength: 99%
Stress: 59%
Hunger: 0%
Thirst: 1%
Status: Knows what's going on but doesn’t care
Sanity: 100%
Health: 100%
Strength: 99%
Stress: 0%
Hunger: 0%
Thirst: 1%
Status: doesn’t know what's going on and about to cry
Sanity: 100%
Health: 100%
Strength: 99%
Stress: 60%
Hunger: 0%
Thirst: 0%
Status: all ready done this and doesn’t care
Sanity: 100%
Health: 100%
Strength: 99%
Stress: 0%
Hunger: 0%
Thirst: 1%
Status: worried about N/Y
Sanity: 79%
Strength: 59%
Stress: 60%
Hunger: 0%
Thirst: 0%
Status: worried about N/Y
Sanity: 79%
Health: 100%
Strength: 100%
Stress: 70%
Hunger: 0%
Thirst: 0%
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sleepykas · 2 years ago
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wolfverse-stories · 1 year ago
It's the end of the world as we know it (And I'm not fine)
(Reverse Robins / Zombie au)
Chapter 1
"Come on Roy, pick up" Tim paced nervously back and forth listening as the phone rang.
     "Hey this is Arsenal, Me and Hood are out doing rad guy stuff right now so leave a message" Tim sighed shoving the phone back in his pocket.
     "Did he just say Rad guy stuff?" Jason peered over the couch.
     "Come on we need to leave" Tim ordered tossing his backpack over his shoulders.
     It had been a week since the world was plunged into madness. Most of the Justice League had unexpectedly disappeared leaving the world in panic. The next day a virus was released upon the world, one that turned its victims into flesh-eating Zombies.
     Tim had been watching the news when two sidekicks appeared at his door looking absolutely terrified. He let them take shelter while he tried to figure out what was going on. Damian called him, telling him that the girls were safe with him along with the baby bird, they had been working on a case outside of Gotham when the virus hit. They were now staying in an abandoned hotel trying to wait out the swarm of flesh-eating. Tim did not have that luxury as all the zombies were moving towards big cities such as Gotham.
     The few heroes and sidekicks that were left had agreed to meet at the watch tower. Sadly most of the Zeta-tubes were out and the closest to Gotham was in Texas. Tim had been waiting to see if he could find anyone else in Gotham but it looked like they were all that was left.
     "Where are we going?" Bart asked curiously.
     "To pick up Babs then we're heading for the watch tower," Tim said pulling out a grappling hook "You know how to use this"
     "Yeah Cass showed me," the speedster said talking to the device.
     "Good, no one is touching down today, the streets are too dangerous"
     Damian, Dick, and Cass had been working on a case when this mess started. It had been a blood bath, he was so grateful that Kori was off visiting her home planet.
     Wally and Steph managed to find them somehow and now all four were staying in an old hotel. As soon as they were safe he called to check on Jason and Tim. They had agreed to meet in Huston and go to the watch tower. However, they had to wait until the swarm had moved away before they could leave.
     "Looks like this is our chance," Wally said peering out the window "I'll go ahead and make sure the path is clear" Wally zoomed out of the building to the car once he got there, and he gave the others the okay sign.
     "Okay straight for the car" Damian ordered picking Dick up. The girl nodded before dashing off. Damian stayed right behind them in case something attacked from behind.
     "Everybody in?" Wally asked as the others climbed in. Cass responded with a swift nod as she buckled her young brother.
     "Then let's get going" Damian ordered. Wally quickly started the car and drove out of the parking lot.
Back in Gotham
     "Tim" Barbra smiled with relief "it's good to see you're all okay"
     "I'm glad you're okay too Babs" he gave her a friendly smile.
     "What about the other?" she asked anxiously.
     "Steph Cass and Baby Bird are fine, They're with Big Bird Jay's with me" he nodded to where Bart and Jason were sitting on the roof.
     "That's good" she nodded going back to her computer.
     "Are you ready to go?" He asked getting his line ready.
     "I'm not going" she replied softly.
     "What?" Tim jerked back nearly falling out of the window.
     "I can't," she said meeting his gaze "Gotham needs me, my father needs me"
     "In case you haven't noticed there's not much left of Gotham and your dad can come it's not like secret identities are that important anymore" She shook her head sadly.
     "I'm sorry I can't leave This is my home and when this is over the survivors are going to need someone to guide them" Determination burned in her eyes.
     "Are you sure?" She nodded "Okay I'm heading to Roy's to check on him then we-"
     "Tim" Barbra frowned putting a hand on his shoulder "Roy didn't make it"
     "Oh," something inside Tim broke as he realized his best friend was gone "What about Rose?"
     "I'm not sure," Barbra said wrapping her arms around him as he collapsed "I'm so sorry"
     "You've been awfully quiet" Damian observed turning to Steph.
     "Well forgive me if the end of the world brings me down" she snapped before looking away "I'm sorry it's just I can't help but worry about Jason"
    "He looks at me" Steph looked back tears pricking her eyes "Jason is too stubborn to die, he will make it out of this on pure spit and then he will make it his mission to spend the rest of time annoying everyone in the watch tower"
     "Thanks" Steph laughed whipping the tears out of her eyes.
     "There's no need to thank me it's the truth"
More stories / Next
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moonlightperseus · 2 years ago
i get that hbo wants gritty but titans really should lean heavier into the superheroes traveling around in an rv and gar can turn into a virus bit even more. for me
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blanddcheadcanons · 5 years ago
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(DCeased): Ra's found out that he was also immune to the Anti-Life virus because of the Lazarus Pit in his skin much like Slade and Vandal. Talia warned Jason who was deep undercover. He left everything to go to Manor and then to warn Roy, Kori, Artemis and Bizarro. Along with Gordon and Cass, they met Damian when about to leave the Solar system in a Tamaranean ship.
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darkmaga-returns · 2 months ago
Here I document the brazen censoring behaviors of numerous major medical journals attempting to prop up the "safe and effective" narrative despite mountains of evidence to the contrary.
Pierre Kory, MD, MPA
Nov 11, 2024
In this post, I want to further the historical record of massive censoring actions by medical journals on the unprecedented adverse vaccine data of the Covid vaccines. A Midwestern Doctor, my colleague and friend, has done a masterful job of detailing that history in regard to small pox, polio, HPV and many other aspects of childhood vaccines. Never forget the Cutter incident, where officials covered up the fact they were distributing contaminated and deadly polio vaccines:
The censoring of Eddy’s report led to:
120,000 doses of polio vaccine that contained live polio virus.
40,000 children recipients developed abortive poliomyelitis
56 developed paralytic poliomyelitis—and of these, 5 children died from polio
exposures led to an epidemic of polio in the families and communities of the affected children, resulting in a further 113 people paralyzed and 5 deaths.
Thus, censorship of adverse vaccine data is not new but the deadly impacts of the polio vaccines is nowhere near the scope and scale of the current mRNA vaccine catastrophe.
Of those who, like me, started studying the dangers of Covid gene therapy “vaccines”, many then moved on to learn about the rest of the childhood vaccine schedule by reading “Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth.
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truemedmd · 4 years ago
Ivermectin for Covid, The Failure of American Medicine
Ivermectin for Covid, The Failure of American Medicine
Ivermectin for Covid, The Failure of American Medicine The FLCC Group led by Drs Michael Marek and Dr Pierre Kory have reviewed massive amounts of data from medical studies showing Ivermectin to be highly effective repurposed anti-viral drug. The international study data is massive and overwhelming showing dramatic reduction in mortality from the Covid-19 virus for hospitalized patients…
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fightwing · 5 years ago
would browse the anti titans tag and pick fights:
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