#virgin galactic holdings inc
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glamurai56 · 2 years ago
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rdsolenodonte · 2 years ago
Virgin Galactic llega al espacio luego de un debut comercial que se gestó por dos años
Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc. envió por primera vez a clientes de pago al borde del espacio, un hito para la empresa fundada por Richard Branson que lleva casi dos décadas gestándose. La nave VSS Unity llegó al espacio alrededor de las 9:30 a.m. hora local en Nuevo México, reveló Virgin Galactic en una transmisión en vivo del evento en su sitio web el jueves. Eso fue aproximadamente una hora…
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miraimonogatarilabo · 3 months ago
New Post has been published on https://senor-blog.com/2035%e5%b9%b4%e3%81%ab%e7%94%9f%e3%81%98%e3%82%8b%e6%8a%80%e8%a1%93%e6%a0%bc%e5%b7%ae%e3%81%ab%e5%b7%bb%e3%81%8d%e8%be%bc%e3%81%be%e3%82%8c%e3%81%aa%e3%81%84%e6%96%b9%e6%b3%95%e3%82%92%e7%9f%a5/
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本ブログでは、皆様の中で現在生じている問題を解決し、明るい未来へつなげる本をご紹介します。具体的には、週一回程度の頻度で、皆様の問題を解決するうえでお役にたつ本を1冊ピックアップし、簡単に解説します。 現在、未来予測プロジェクトを実行中です。具体的には、これから先の2030年~2050年までの未来を予測する本を解説して、皆さまとともに未来の物語に向けたトレンドを共有してまいります。これまで4回に渡って「2030年:すべてが「加速」する世界に備えよ」の解説することで、2030年に訪れる未来に対応する方法として以下4点の方法を解説しました。
今回から、未来予測プロジェクトの2冊目「2035年の世界」を2回に分けて解説します。 解説は以下3点を中心に私の意見としてご紹介します。
【2035年に生じる技術格差に巻き込まれない方法を知りたい】でお困りの方へおすすめの本は、【2035年の世界】です。 以下でおすすめの理由を解説します。
【2035年の世界】で、【2035年に生じる技術格差に巻き込まれない方法を知りたい】を解決できる理由は【世界中で研究される最先端の内容をジャンル別に100項目紹介する】からです。 著者である高城剛氏は、本書の冒頭で医学特に遺伝子工学の進展により、人類は死ななくなる、あるいは信じられないほど長寿になる一方、最新テクノロジーに触れることができる者が長寿になり、触れられない者はより短命になるという二極化(技術格差)が進むだろうと予測します。このような技術格差に巻き込まれないようにするために、「日々、仕事をしながら世界を放浪し、行く先々で最先端の研究機関に出向き、そこで出会っ��研究者や学者と話の中から感じた未来のキーワードを100項目にまとめた。(本書「2035年の世界」の「はじめに」より引用。)」ようです。以下では、100項目のうち私が特に重要であると思われるものを2-3項目ずつ技術ジャンル別に解説します。ぜひ最後までお読みください。
未病とオミックス医療:東洋医学で「未病」とは潜在的に病気を抱える状態のことです。アメリカではすでに遺伝子を調べることで「未病」の状態を知るサービスが一般化しており、日本でもいくつかのサービスが開始されています(例:ユーグレナ マイヘルス)。そして、2035年までに遺伝子情報から一人一人に最適な薬を配合して自分だけの薬を作り、発病のリスクを減らす「オミックス(omics)」医療が普及するでしょう。世界的な少子高齢化で医療費の増大が課題とされる中、医療費削減のため未病とオミックス治療は強力な解決策となるでしょう。
オートマトン:「オートマトン」とは、自律的に動く機械人形のことです。最近、Chat GPTを含めてAI(Artificial Intelligence 人口知能)がすさまじい速度で発展してきています。ロボット工学の世界では、2045年に技術的特異点を迎えてロボットがロボットを作るようになるといわれています。つまり、オートマトンが自分たちで勝手に繁殖をはじめる未来が訪れるかもしれません。この先ほとんどの仕事はロボットに奪われるかもしれません。そのとき、人間に残された仕事はロボットのはできない感情面をケアするマインドセラピストになるでしょう。
人工合成技術:「人工合成技術」とは、遺伝子技術で有機体同士、あるいは有機体と化学物質を組み合わせて合成することです。現在、世界で最も弾力性があって強い繊維であるクモの糸と化学繊維を混ぜ、人工のクモの糸を作る動きがあります(例:スパイバー)。また、イスラエル軍は人工合成技術によってパイロットの座った形状を記憶する素材を開発しました。2035年には、エルゴノミクス(Ergonomics 人間工学)による誰にでも通用するデザインではなく、個体重視のデザインへと変わっていくでしょう。
宇宙旅行:最近の技術進展によるコストダウンにより、民間企業でも宇宙船を打ち上げることが可能になりつつあります。その結果、宇宙旅行をレジャーとして提供する試みがはじまっています。例えば、ヴァージンギャラクティック社は、大気圏と宇宙の境界付近で4分間無重力を体験するツアーを提供しようとしています(Virgin Galactic Holdings, Inc.)。また、別の試みとして、気球を使って成層圏まで移動するツアーを提供しようとしています(Space Perspective)。
空飛ぶ自動車:空飛ぶ車「スカイカー」が実現すれば、滅多に車が通らない場所に道路を整備する無駄がなくなる、自動車の通行量が減り渋滞がなくなる、交通アクセスできない場所に行ける、等様々な課題解決につながります。これらのメリットがあるため、スカイカーへの取り組みが始まっています。アメリカでは、飛行するときにボタン一つで羽根が広がる二人乗りのスカイカーが開発されており、燃料補給なしで航続距離787kmを実現したようです。また、ホバリングシステムを利用して垂直飛行する実験も始まっています(所謂VTOL機、英語: Vertical Take-Off and Landing aircraft)。その結果、滑走路が不要になります。
静音超音速旅客機:1976年にフランスとイギリスが共同で音速旅客機「コンコルド」を開発しサービスを提供しました。マッハ2.0で空を飛ぶ夢の旅客機として期待されましたが、超音速飛行で生じる衝撃波が課題となり2003年に就航を中止しました。しかし、宇宙旅行の項目で解説したように、低コスト化したロケット技術を活用して、静音超音速旅客機「QSST(Quiet Supersonic Transport)」の開発が試みられています。2035年には東京からロスアンジェルスまで2時間半で快適に移動できるようになるかもしれません。
温暖化と寒冷化:「今、地球温暖化と同時に地球寒冷化が同時進行している」と聞くと驚くかもしれません。本書によると、2010年にNASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration、アメリカ航空宇宙局)は、地球を覆う外側の大気層である熱圏が過去43年で最大に縮小したと発表しました。何が起きているかというと、熱圏=地球を覆うバリアが壊れたので地球規模で気温の差が激しくなり急激な温暖化と同時に寒冷化が起きています。つまり暑い地域���より暑くなり、寒い地域はより寒くなるという変化が起こります。その結果、2035年には生態系が大きく変わり、食料不足や水不足が世界中で起こるでしょう。
FCV(Fuel Cell Vehicle):FCV(Fuel Cell Vehicle)とは、燃料電池で動く自動車のことです。電池は現在3種類あります。1次電池とは、乾電池のことです。2次電池とは、充電して繰り返し使うタイプで現在主流のBEV(Battery Electric Vehicle)の動力源にあたります。そして、3次電池が燃料電池のことで、燃料を電池に供給することで新たに電気を生み出します。そして、本書の発行時点では言及されませんが、トヨタ自動車が水素を燃料とするFCV「MIRAI」を市販化し水素ステーションも整備しはじめました。しかし、世界的な電気自動車ブームにおされ商業的には失敗に終わりました。しかし、2024年現在、電気自動車の弱点である「充電時間が長いわりに航続距離が短い」ことがネックとなり、FCVが見なおされつつあります。2035年には、日本発の水素自動車が世界中を走っているかもしれません。
では、この本を読んだあと、我々は具体的にどう行動すればよいでしょうか? それは、【未来につながる新しい技術を使った製品やサービスを使ってみる】です。 2035年に技術面で予想される未来は以下4点です。
以上です。最後までお読みいただきありがとうございました。今回は、未来予測プロジェクトの2冊目「2035年の世界」の解説第一回目として、2035年における身体科学、科学、移動、環境について、12個の未来をご紹介しました。今回は、2035年におけるスタイル、リスク、政治、経済について解説します。ぜひ最後までお読みください。 本ブログでは今後も、皆様の中で現在生じている問題を解決し、明るい未来へつなげる本をご紹介します。
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fmarkets · 8 months ago
Virgin Galactic Soars with Record Revenue but Fails to Break Even in Q1 2024 $SPCE #NYSE
Company Focuses on Future Growth Despite Financial SetbackVirgin Galactic Holdings Inc. recently announced its financial results for the first quarter of 2024, revealing a significant revenue improvement of 406.378% year on year to $1.99 million. However, the company also reported a net deficit of $-102.012 million for the quarter, compared to a deficit of $-159.385 million in the same quarter of the previous year. Despite the losses, Virgin Galactic remains focused on executing its Delta Class program and has taken steps to attract and retain top ta
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martinpeter200 · 9 months ago
8 Stocks to Invest in the Future of Space Exploration
Space, often referred to as the “great unknown” or the “final frontier,” has long captivated humanity’s imagination and ambition. The allure of exploring beyond our earthly confines has propelled us to remarkable achievements. The narrative of space exploration is dotted with significant milestones, including the United States’ Apollo 11 mission, which marked the first human footsteps on the moon in 1969, and the Soviet Union’s pioneering achievement of sending the first man into space. Nations worldwide have contributed to this ongoing saga through various soft landings on celestial bodies, showcasing our collective quest to reach further into the cosmos.
The most recent chapter in this epic journey was written by Houston-based Intuitive Machines, Inc. (NASDAQ: LUNR). In February 2024, their Nova C Odysseus lunar lander embarked on its voyage aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The mission initially reported success but later encountered difficulties that obscured its triumphant narrative, highlighting the unpredictable nature of space ventures.
These endeavors into space are not just scientific quests but also present high-risk, high-reward opportunities for investors. Exploration companies are at the forefront of pushing technological boundaries, offering a unique investment avenue that intertwines financial prospects with the human spirit of discovery.
Investing In Space Through Different Verticals
Investing in space exploration involves understanding the diverse landscape of companies contributing to this sector’s growth. Let’s delve deeper into the capabilities and visions of the companies leading the way in other-worldly exploration. Each entity not only represents a unique investment opportunity but also plays a pivotal role in humanity’s quest to explore, understand, and utilize space.
AST SpaceMobile, Inc. (NASDAQ: ASTS)
AST SpaceMobile aims to revolutionize global connectivity by deploying the first space-based cellular broadband network, directly accessible by standard smartphones. Their proprietary technology promises to eliminate the need for terrestrial cell towers in remote and underserved areas, potentially connecting billions more people to high-speed internet. With strategic partnerships with mobile network operators around the world, AST SpaceMobile’s vision extends beyond connectivity; it’s about fostering global economic inclusion and emergency communication capabilities.
Virgin Galactic Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: SPCE)
Virgin Galactic is pioneering the space tourism sector by developing spacecraft that provide civilians the opportunity to experience space. Their spaceflight system consists of a carrier aircraft and a spaceship, designed to offer passengers a few minutes of weightlessness and stunning views of Earth from the edge of space. Beyond tourism, Virgin Galactic is exploring opportunities for space science research and satellite deployment, diversifying its potential impact and revenue streams in the space industry.
Intuitive Machines, Inc. (NASDAQ: LUNR)
Intuitive Machines is at the forefront of lunar exploration, aiming to provide commercial lunar payload delivery services. Their Nova C landers are designed to carry payloads to the Moon for NASA, commercial customers, and international partners. Despite the setbacks faced by the Odysseus mission, their technological advancements in propulsion, navigation, and landing systems position them as a key player in enabling sustainable lunar exploration and utilization, including mining, in-situ resource utilization, and lunar base construction.
Terran Orbital Corporation (NYSE: LLAP)
Terran Orbital specializes in satellite technology, offering end-to-end solutions that cover the design, manufacture, and operation of small satellites. Their expertise supports a wide range of applications, from Earth observation and satellite communications to national security and scientific research. With a focus on innovation and reliability, Terran Orbital is enabling smaller, more affordable satellites to play a crucial role in addressing global challenges, monitoring climate change, and enhancing global communication networks.
Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (NASDAQ: RKLB)
Rocket Lab has established itself as a leader in small satellite launch services with its Electron rocket, and is expanding its capabilities with the development of the Neutron rocket aimed at larger payloads. Their launch frequency, flexibility, and reliability cater to the growing demand for satellite deployment, space research, and interplanetary missions. Rocket Lab also ventures into satellite design, manufacture, and space systems, providing comprehensive solutions for the rapidly evolving space sector.
Telesat Corporation (NASDAQ: TSAT)
Telesat is deploying a state-of-the-art global low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellite network, Telesat Lightspeed, aiming to deliver fiber-like internet across the globe. This network is designed to serve the unmet needs of remote and rural communities, maritime and aeronautical markets, and government operations, offering low-latency, high-capacity connectivity. With a legacy in satellite communications, Telesat’s advancements signify a transformative step towards global digital inclusion and enhanced connectivity for critical services.
Boeing Company (NYSE: BA)
Boeing’s space exploration initiatives span a wide array of activities, including the design and manufacture of advanced spacecraft, satellites, and space systems. Their involvement in the International Space Station, the development of the CST-100 Starliner commercial crew vehicle, and contributions to the Space Launch System for NASA underscore Boeing’s integral role in both manned and unmanned space missions. Boeing’s commitment to innovation drives the future of space travel, satellite technology, and deep-space exploration.
Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE: LMT)
Lockheed Martin’s extensive contributions to space exploration encompass satellite technology, human spaceflight, and planetary exploration. Their work on the Orion spacecraft for NASA’s Artemis program to return humans to the Moon, development of interplanetary spacecraft, and leadership in satellite technology for communications, weather monitoring, and national security applications underscore Lockheed Martin’s comprehensive capabilities in advancing our presence in and understanding of space.
Investing in space exploration offers a unique frontier for those looking to diversify their portfolios with high-risk, high-reward opportunities. The companies listed above represent just a glimpse into the myriad ways investors can engage with the space sector, from satellite communications and tourism to lunar exploration and beyond.
However, it’s crucial to recognize that space investing is not for everyone. The inherent risks, including technological challenges, regulatory hurdles, and the long timelines for realizing potential returns, necessitate a careful assessment of one’s risk tolerance and investment horizon.
For those drawn to the promise of the final frontier, investing in space exploration can be more than a financial decision—it can be a participation in humanity’s grandest adventure, pushing the boundaries of what is possible and contributing to our collective journey into the cosmos.
Disclosure: No position. Spotlight Growth has no relationships with any of the companies mentioned in this article and did not receive payment in any form for its creation. This is an opinion article and is not meant to be financial advise. We are not broker-dealers or investment professionals. Please conduct your own due diligence. For more information on our disclosures, please visit: https://spotlightgrowth.com/disclosures/
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spacenutspod · 1 year ago
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Dec 21, 2023 Virgin Galactic Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SPCE) has officially announced the opening of its 'Galactic 06' flight window on January 26, 2024. This mission will mark the company's 11th spaceflight, following a year of remarkable achievements in human spaceflight, including six suborbital missions in just six months. The upcoming 'Galactic 06' flight is set to continue Virgin Galactic's pioneering
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ailtrahq · 1 year ago
Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc. SPCE stock price fell 15% in October and hit a fresh low. It displayed a bearish pattern and continued the downfall by forming a lower low.  Virgin Galactic stock price is in a strong downtrend and trading far away from the downward-sloping EMAs. However, the short sellers are continuously selling from the higher levels so it increases the risk of the squeeze.  In mid-August, SPCE stock price broke the crucial support of $3.00. It triggered the negative sentiment and invited further fall.  Virgin Galactic stock price formed a double-top bearish pattern. Later, the price broke down the neckline support which triggered the next phase of decline.  The price behavior of the SPCE share is quite volatile and speculators are active. So, the short sellers must remain careful before building fresh shorts.  Previously, buyers tried multiple times to push the price above the 50-day EMA. However, due to the strong presence of sellers, the price kept on facing rejection.  Virgin Galactic stock price closed the previous session at $1.53 with an intraday decline of -8.93%.  SPCE Stock Price Analysis: Beware of Short Squeeze SPCE stock price is inside the bears’ grip and no signs of recovery are visible. The sellers are more active as compared to buyers. Therefore, any short-term upmove will not be reliable and might face difficulty in sustaining the higher levels.  Till Virgin Galactic stock price trades below $3.00, it is expected to remain in the bears’ grip. The analysis suggests a short squeeze might trigger to clear out the shorts’ positions. But the up move will be temporary and the price will again revert down. Virgin Galactic Stock: Bearish Momentum Might Continue Virgin Galactic stock is bearish on a multiple timeframe chart. The financials of the company are not upto the mark and unable to generate profit for the last five years. So, investors seem to have taken an exit from higher levels.  Technical indicators like MACD are below the zero line indicating that bearish momentum might continue for some time. The RSI at 28 denotes weakness and is near the oversold territory. So, it increases the probability of a squeeze.  Conclusion Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc. SPCE stock price fell 15% in October and dropped below $2.00. It has corrected a lot in the last two months but still no signs of recovery are visible.  The analysis suggests Virgin Galactic stock price is inside the bears’ grip so investors should avoid creating any positions.  Technical Levels Resistance Levels: $2.12 and $3.07 Support Levels: $1.50 and $1.00
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ryz-market · 1 year ago
⚠ 10 stocks to stay away from 🚫
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📝 Do your research and make strategic decisions intelligently. Some stocks are riskier than others. Stay away from these:
❎ GameStop Corp. (GME)
❎ AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc. (AMC)
❎ Tesla Inc. (TSLA)
❎ Nikola Corp. (NKLA)
❎ Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc. (SPCE)
❎ Palantir Technologies Inc. (PLTR)
❎ Coinbase Global Inc. (COIN)
❎ Moderna Inc. (MRNA)
❎ Beyond Meat Inc. (BYND)
❎ Zoom Video Communications Inc. (ZM)
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⚠ 📜 Note.-Investments in the securities market are subject to market risks, read all related documents carefully before investing.
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notiziariofinanziario · 2 years ago
Virgin Orbit Holdings non ce l’ha fatta
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La società di lancio di satelliti legata al miliardario britannico Richard Branson, sta cessando le operazioni a tempo indeterminato, soccombendo alle crescenti pressioni sulla crisi di cassa. La società ha dichiarato giovedì che sta tagliando 675 posti di lavoro, ovvero circa l’85% della sua forza lavoro, «al fine di ridurre le spese alla luce dell’incapacità dell’azienda di garantire finanziamenti significativi». Un portavoce di Virgin Orbit ha affermato che il restante 15% dei dipendenti lavorerà alla liquidazione dell’attività. Fallita la ricerca di capitale Virgin Orbit aveva già temporaneamente sospeso le operazioni all’inizio di questo mese mentre cercava capitale aggiuntivo. L’azienda - parte dell’impero di Branson che comprende la compagnia aerea Virgin Atlantic e la compagnia di voli spaziali Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc. - non ha realizzato profitti da quando è stata quotata. Le azioni Virgin Orbit sono scese del 50% nelle nel premercato di New York a New York alle 4.30 di venerdì ora locale, scambiate a soli 17 centesimi ciascuna. Le azioni valevano più di 7 dollari un anno fa. Gli oneri per la dismissione ammonteranno a circa 15 milioni di dollari, costituiti principalmente da 8,8 milioni in indennità di licenziamento e benefici per i dipendenti e 6,5 milioni in altri costi come i servizi di outplacement, ha affermato Virgin Orbit nel deposito. Solo due settimane fa, la società ha approvato un piano di liquidazione per i dirigenti di alto livello, con l’amministratore delegato Daniel Hart pronto a riscuotere un compenso pari al doppio del suo compenso base. 10,9 milioni di dollari per le indennità di licenziamento e altre spese Branson ha iniettato 10,9 milioni di dollari acquistando una nota convertibile in azioni tramite la sua Virgin Investments Ltd., consentendo all’azienda fallita di finanziare l’indennità di licenziamento e altri costi, ha affermato Virgin Orbit nel deposito. La società con sede a Long Beach, in California, è una delle numerose startup legate allo spazio con valutazioni un tempo elevate che hanno visto le loro azioni precipitare mentre gli investitori si allontanano da modelli di business non testati e operazioni in perdita. Altri esempi sono Astra Space, che ha riferito giovedì che le sue riserve in contanti sono diminuite del 32% nel trimestre conclusosi il 31 dicembre, e Rocket Lab USA, che ha dichiarato il mese scorso che si aspetta che la sua perdita trimestrale sia tre volte maggiore di quanto previsto dagli analisti. Virgin Orbit sta ancora cercando di vendere tutta o parte della sua attività, secondo una persona a conoscenza della questione. Quelle discussioni per una possibile transazione non includono Matthew Brown, un investitore di capitale di rischio poco conosciuto con sede in Texas che aveva detto di essere interessato a un accordo all’inizio di questo mese, ha detto una fonte anonima. Brown si era presentato come un possibile salvatore di un business che valeva miliardi solo un anno fa. Ma il suo accordo di finanziamento è fallito durante il fine settimana, secondo quanto riferito dalla CNBC il 27 marzo. La storia Virgin Orbit è stata fondata nel 2017 come propaggine di Virgin Galactic; la quotazione risale al 2021. L’attività di Virgin Orbit era incentrata sul lancio in orbita di piccoli satelliti, distinta da Virgin Galactic che si occupa dell’invio di esseri umani nello spazio. Read the full article
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norbertemileleonbonimond · 2 years ago
GEO: Conquête spatiale : l'espace est-il une zone de non-droit ?
GEO: Conquête spatiale : l'espace est-il une zone de non-droit ?.
Nous n'en sommes pas à la conquête mais à l'exploration en vue d'exploitation, principalement minérales, des ressources spaciales.
Le droit spacial semble hors de portée pour l'instant, on peut espérer voir des jurisprudences internationales s'instaurer à fur et à mesure de la progression de l'exploration.
L'intervention d'agences privées sous la primature d'agences nationales d'Etat vise à démultiplier l'effort d'exploration en vue des exploitations futures et à venir !
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worldservicedirectory · 3 years ago
Lowe's, Virgin Galactic and more
Lowe’s, Virgin Galactic and more
At Lowe’s hardware store in Philadelphia. Mark Makela | Reuters Here are the stocks making the biggest moves midday: Lowe’s – Shares of the home improvement retailer added 3.5% after the company reported quarterly results that beat top- and bottom-line estimates. Lowe’s also issued upbeat full-year guidance, citing continued demand for tools and building materials. Tupperware Brands – The stock…
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fmarkets · 10 months ago
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Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc. Sees Strong Share Price Gains, Improved Financial Performance https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=SPCE&date=2024-02-28143333&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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watinfo · 3 years ago
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"Virgin Galactic mag weer vliegen na FAA-onderzoek | " is toegevoegd aan onze site. Bezoek voor details. https://watinfo.nl/2021/09/30/virgin-galactic-mag-weer-vliegen-na-faa-onderzoek/
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news-hst-pakistan · 4 years ago
With meme stocks on the move again, these are the next Reddit stocks to watch
With meme stocks on the move again, these are the next Reddit stocks to watch
A logo of a Virgin Galactic is seen outside the building during the company’s first day of trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on October 28, 2019 in New York City. JOHANNES EISELE | AFP | Getty Images Meme stocks are grabbing the spotlight once again and Bank of America said to watch out for a handful of new names seeing a pick-up in chatter. So-called Reddit stocks came back from the…
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newszada · 5 years ago
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Stocks making the biggest moves after hours: Carnival, T-Mobile, Virgin Galactic and more Carnival Cruise Line's Carnival Ecstacy cruise ship is docked at the Port of Jacksonville amid the Coronavirus outbreak on March 27, 2020 in Jacksonville, Florida.
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fmarkets · 1 year ago
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$SPCE #SP500 #NYSE SPCE's Third Quarter Revenue Skyrockets by an Astonishing 125.293%: A Game-Changing Milestone for Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc
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