#virgil with the purple hearts and purple eyeshadow
12u3ie · 1 year
I am going ever so slightly feral over the Sanders Sides anime intro,
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halfhissandwich · 5 months
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@analoginceweek Day Five: “Here is where we shall stay.”
Story below! (Part two to Day Four)
“Hey, Virge, I need to go, Thomas is getting tired and I’m on dream duty tonight.” Roman informs Virgil of his situation. “Can… can you stay here and make sure our Perfect Professor is okay?”
“Nice alliteration… and yeah. Don’t worry, I’ll stay.” Virgil mumbles that last sentence more to himself than to Roman, but the prince gets the message regardless, and appears grateful as he pecks Virgil’s lips, causing the latter’s eyeshadow to quickly turn a sparkly purple color before he pulls away, lightheartedly slapping Roman’s arm. “You dork!”
“Haha! You know you love me, Virgil!” Roman playfully winks at him and Virgil’s face flushes when he finds that he can’t refute that claim. So he responds with a simple roll of his eyes. “I- oh, crap, I gotta go. You’ll be okay here?” Roman asks quickly, and when he gets a nod in response, he kisses Virgil’s cheek. “Bye V, tell Logan I said bye, I love both of you!” Roman takes a bow and sinks out.
Drama prince.
Virgil sits outside of Logan’s room for about 2 minutes before Logan finally opens the door, just a crack. Virgil jumps in surprise, looking at the door to find that Logan had in fact opened it… but Logan isn’t in the position that he had hoped. He still looked sad but on top of that, his eyes were a bright orange color, a sign that Virgil knew the significance of. “Logan…?” Virgil slowly speaks, trying not to provoke him.
Upon hearing Virgil say his name, Logan bursts into tears and falls down to his knees, babbling incoherent apologies to Virgil’s surprise. “I’m so- sorry- sor-” Logan practically chokes on his own sobs, prompting Virgil to kneel beside him and place his hands on Logan’s shoulders, observing the dark eyeshadow under Logan’s eyes. “L-Logan, hey, hey. Shhhh… look at me.” Virgil is unable to keep his own voice from shaking as he tries to get Logan’s attention, but Logan miraculously looks up at Virgil, breaking his heart with his terrified expression. “Do something for me. I want you to name five things you can see.” Virgil instructs, surprising Logan with the exercise that Logan had guided Virgil through before.
Shaking somewhat violently, Logan’s eyes shoot around the room, trying to decide what to say. “I-I can see… my- my bookshelf, I see… I s-see your s-sweatshirt… and your shirt… and I also see the lights in my room… and my blanket… was that five…?” Logan asks, gently fidgeting with the strings of Virgil’s hoodie, causing a warm smile to appear on Virgil’s face.
“Well done, Logan, that was five, very good.” Virgil praises Logan, keeping his hands steady on Logan’s shoulders, his own anxiety dying down with Logan’s success, which seems to also help Logan feel better. “Four things you can touch?”
As Logan continues through the exercise with Virgil’s guidance, Logan slowly finds himself being more and more grounded, and at the exercise’s conclusion, his newly orange eyes gaze into Virgil’s purple ones with hesitance, yet still with admiration. “You… you remembered.” Logan observes.
“Of course I did.” Virgil assures. “I still use that exercise a lot when I start feeling overwhelmed by my anxiety. It’s nice to have different options, know what I mean?” Logan nods wordlessly. Virgil looks at Logan’s eyes, then down at his hands as he takes them in his own, finally observing the elephant in the room. “So… he’s been bothering you.”
Logan averts his gaze, tears threatening to fall again as he nods. “He has… but not just him.” Logan starts, trying to find the courage to tell Virgil what had happened. Virgil, seeming to understand Logan’s feelings, squeezes his hands in order to give Logan the reassurance he needs. It proves successful as Logan continues talking. “When… when Thomas was cleaning, Remus showed up and started doing… doing his thing. I gave Thomas different methods to make himself feel better about how Remus was bothering him, but then he… he…” Logan clears his throat in an attempt to continue speaking. Nothing happens when he tries again. He clears his throat and tries to speak again. Nothing happens.
“What did Remus do, Logan?” Virgil asks, being as gentle with his question as possible, and struggling to hide his surprise when Logan yells. “HE MADE ME MAD! I- … I felt… so angry. He was ignoring me when I was trying to talk some sense and it felt like my blood was burning. And then he was right! The second that Nico called Thomas, Thomas started completely ignoring my efforts to tell him that implementing this damn schedule!” Logan rises, pulls out the schedule he had worked so hard to create with Thomas, a relic of how valuable he is, and rips it apart.
Upon seeing Virgil tense up at Logan’s outburst, Logan sighs and sits back down. “I’m sorry, Virgil… I just… I feel…” Logan begins, but trails off. Virgil holds his hand, wanting him to finish speaking. “I f-feel… sad. And mad.” Logan admits, lacking the appropriate emotional vocabulary to put a precise name to his feelings. “And I… something about Roman… he kept making me think about Remus. Like, I would see Roman but also see Remus. And I know that’s terrible! He’s nothing like Remus, I know that! Roman is bright, and intelligent, and funny, and… clean.” Logan looks down, avoiding meeting Virgil’s tense gaze.
“… I get it. When I first came to the light side, Roman did usually, well… remind me of Remus.” Virgil admits. “Granted, I barely knew Roman and I grew up with Remus, but still… We both know how amazing Roman is now, and we know that while he is similar to his brother, he’s different in all the ways that matter. He’s kind, he respects the space of others, he is able to reflect on his actions and take accountability and feel guilt when he makes mistakes, and well… when he makes us angry, there are good intentions behind it, right?” Virgil asks, prompting Logan to nod.
“I had a feeling that my brother was behind this somehow.”
Virgil and Logan both jump in terror realizing that Roman had returned, apparently done with his duties in creating a dream for Thomas. Virgil waves hello, but Logan is frozen as he desperately tries to explain himself to the prince, who was standing in the doorway with his arms crossed and a neutral expression on his face. “Oh my god…” Logan tears up. “Oh god, Roman, I’m so sorry… I swear, I didn’t mean to compare you to Remus, I promise, I… you… you aren’t mad, are you?”
“Mad? Oh I am absolutely furious, but not at you, mi amor.” Roman takes one of Logan’s hands in both of his own. “You haven’t done anything wrong.”
“I… I haven’t? But… I thought I hated when-” Logan starts.
“I hate when people imply that the only thing keeping me from being the evil twin is a mustache.” Roman clarifies with a small jab at Janus. “My brother and I are very similar, Logan, I know that. And I understand that if there are two Creativities, then they will naturally be connected. But you weren’t even comparing us, Logan, you looked at me and you were reminded of an event that really hurt you less than an hour prior.”
Listening to Roman’s voice was enough to completely soothe Logan’s tense body, his shoulders relaxing and his breathing slowing to a relaxed pattern. “May I hold you, Logan?” Virgil smiles, to which Logan snuggles up to him, letting himself be vulnerable in his partner’s arms as Roman maintains his hold on Logan’s hand. “Is there anything I can do to help you?” Roman asks. Logan looks at him, then down at the ripped piece of paper he had left at his feet. He pauses.
“Can you give me some tape?”
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littlerat2 · 3 months
Style Swap
This story is for @prinxietyweek
Prinxiety Week Day 1
Prompt: Style Swap/Sun and Moon
Warnings: Swearing, Food Mention. I think that’s it but if you think I should add others, please let me know <3
Words: 1351 
Virgil searched his room. Under the bed, in the hamper, even behind the bookshelf. His hoodie was nowhere to be seen.
He was halfway through searching his closet when Roman’s voice startled him half to death.
“Hey babe-”
“Fuck!” He yelped, placing a hand over his chest. He took a few deep breaths, and turned around to see Roman’s apologetic smile. Not only that, but he was clad in Virgil’s hoodie.
“Sorry for startling you,” He said with a soft chuckle. A mischievous glint sparked in his eyes. “You going back in the closet?” He teased.
“I was looking for that, actually,” Virgil growled, but without any real heat behind it.
“Oh… sorry. Again.”
“It's okay. Can I have it back?’
“Yeah.” Roman went to take it off, but stopped. “Later.”
“Wha- Princey, I'm cold!” He shot a glare Roman’s way, but smiled. It did look good on him.
Roman stuck his tongue out at him, but then his expression softened. “You can use mine.”
“Why are you using mine if you have your own?!” Virgil sputtered.
“It smells like you,” Roman mumbled, burying himself in the soft fleece of Virgil’s hoodie. Who was Virgil to deny him that? “Besides, you’re already wearing one of my shirts!”
Virgil sighed, rolling his eyes affectionately and walking up to Roman, pulling his face down to his level.
“If you insist on cosplaying me, at least let me do your makeup.”
“And look like a Hot Topic threw up on me? No thanks,” Roman teased.
“I’ll let you do mine-”
“Deal!” Roman said, running at Virgil and tackling him onto his bed.
“I gotta get the makeup first, get off!” He laughed. By god, he was smitten.
. . .
A few hours later, Virgil and Roman both had full faces of makeup. After giving Roman his signature eyeshadow, Virgil decided to go a little overboard, adding little crescent moons on the sides of Roman’s eyes. The moons themselves were erased from the shimmery purple eyeshadow Virgil had used on Roman’s top lids and blended out to the sides, and a little of the bottom. He was rather proud of the look, and may even try it out on himself sometime. He also let Roman wear his favorite matte black lipstick. The man looked stunning by the time he was done. He leaned more towards a galaxy goth vibe than Virgil’s usual scene aesthetic, but he did dabble with goth makeup and clothing from time to time.
And Roman had seemed to like it! Even claiming he wouldn’t mind if Virgil wanted to do his makeup more often. It made his heart swell with pride. Plus, he wouldn’t mind doing his boyfriend’s makeup again. The idea sent excited little spiders skittering in his stomach.
Roman was just finishing Virgil’s makeup now. Virgil was content watching him work, just mere inches from his face. Roman had this cute little concentrated expression, like when he was working on a story or an art piece. It took everything for him not to kiss him every time he got close.
Pulling away, Roman’s jade eyes examined Virgil’s face. 
“Done!” He announced, summoning a hand mirror. Virgil was pleasantly surprised that Princey didn’t go over the top. It was still extravagant compared to his usual tastes, but Virgil found that he didn’t mind.
Roman had applied a generous dusting of blush on his cheekbones, and some on his nose. He had golden graphic liner in the shape of a sun, and little golden stars littering his cheeks and nose like freckles. To top it off, he had a pale red lipliner on the corners of his mouth, blended toward the middle and finished with a transparent, pink tinted gloss. It definitely wasn’t his style, but he didn’t hate it. He dare say he might like it, though he’d definitely try it with a different color pallet on his own. He’d love to see it on Roman.
“This would be so fucking cute on your face,” he mumbled as he continued to admire the makeup.
“You think so?” Roman asked, a little smile creeping its way onto his lips. “It looks pretty gorgeous on you.” 
Virgil could feel his face warm up at the compliment, and Roman chuckled. He pulled Virgil into a hug.
“Come on, take a few photos with me.” He pulled out his phone and snapped a selfie with the both of them. Virgil gave a small smile. Roman took a few more. One where they both smiled. One where they were kissing. And one where Virgil laid against Roman’s chest.
Then Roman started taking dozens of photos of Virgil. Photos from every angle. Virgil even found himself posing in a couple of them, only to give in to the light giggles that attacked his chest a few moments after.
“I won’t show them to anyone, I promise,” he reassured. “I’ll put them in the locked folder of my phone, if it makes you feel better.”
“That’s really considerate of you, Princey,” Virgil said with a soft smile. Roman snapped another photo.
“Well, yeah. Wouldn’t want my boyfriend to be uncomfortable,” Roman said casually, taking another photo.
“Thanks,” Virgil smiled widely. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Roman snapped another photo, then gave Virgil a peck on the cheek. When he pulled back, he snickered.
Instead of explaining, Roman snapped another photo and showed it to Virgil. He had a big, black imprint of Roman’s lips on his cheek. Virgil found himself laughing brightly.
“Okay, okay, let me take a few photos of you before I mess up your makeup.” He pulled out his phone, and Roman launched into a series of poses, expressions, and ways of cradling his face with his hands. Virgil took about fifteen, which he would have deemed excessive about a year ago. But now, he loved having too many photos of his boyfriend, though his phone’s ‘Storage Space Running Out!’ notification didn’t share the same sentiment.
And, he’d seen Roman’s ‘Virgil Folder’ as he called it. He was surprised he hadn’t run out of space on his phone long ago.
When he was finished, he kissed Roman’s temple before nestling his face into the crook of Roman’s neck with a satisfied hum. As sappy as it sounded, any morning spent with his boyfriend was a good morning. 
The two spent the next thirty minutes pressing soft kisses to each other’s skin and basking in each other’s company, before a knock sounded at the door.
“Come in,” Virgil called. The door swung open to reveal Patton covered in flour, clad in two baby blue oven mitts. He visibly did a double take, before smiling widely.
“You two look great!” He beamed.
“Thanks,” Roman grinned. Virgil gave a sleepy hum of agreement, leaning into Roman’s side once again.
“Of course! I just came to tell you guys that breakfast was ready, but no rush to get down here,” Patton said, removing his oven mitts and fanning himself with them. Virgil guessed that he probably came straight after pulling something from the oven. 
“Thanks, Padre,” Roman beamed. “We’ll be down in a bit.”
“Alrighty!” He looked at the two of them again, before muttering, “I should have you two teach me your makeup secrets sometime.”
“Sounds like a plan, Pop-Star,” Virgil said, smiling. As Patton left, Virgil found himself pulling Roman into his arms, and resting his chin on his shoulder. “I love you,” he whispered, his lips brushing just under where Roman’s jaw met his ear. He was promptly swept into a soft, passionate kiss from his boyfriend. One that left him a bit dazed, and grinning like a fool into the crook of Roman’s neck.
“I love you too,” Roman mumbled, voice silky smooth and soft against his ears. The two shared soft, sweet kisses for a long while before Roman’s stomach reminded them they had breakfast waiting for them downstairs.
Today was going to be a good day. After a morning like this, Virgil wasn’t sure much could bring him down. Not when he had such a sweet boyfriend like Roman beside him.
Author’s Note: If this weren’t a human AU, I think it would be hilarious if Patton was like “Oh hey Virgil” to Roman cause they have the same face, and he thought Roman was Virgil, LMAO
Happy Prinxiety Week 2024!!! <33333 I am SO excited to be taking part in this event <3333
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part-time-zombie · 9 months
Ok yall so I'm sure someone else has pointed this out but I just gotta acknowledge this thing real quick because I've got a feeling this is going to be very important later on.
So I know in FWSA we all collectively lost it over virgils eyeshadow changing colors (I know I did at least) but I think a thing to note is When it becomes purple.
So if we're going by the idea that when the eyeshadow is purple then it means virgil is excited/happy, then it makes for a great mood indicator to determine his feelings regarding something.
Take this scene, for instance.
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Purple eyeshadow. Virgil is Excited about nico, about the prospect of dating and being in a committed relationship with someone. He is clearly on board with the idea of Thomas and nico dating.
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Even here, the eyeshadow is purple. I expected for Virgil to be more apprehensive about that notion, but instead he's excited. I mean the idea that everything you're used to is going to permanently change would normally be a terrifying thought, especially for the physical embodiment of anxiety, but going by his eyeshadow, he's Happy about that.
In fact, from what I've seen, almost every side has shown support towards thomas dating nico, at least the ones who have mentioned him before. That being said, there is one side who has shown some hesitation about it, one who was uncertain.
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It's more noticeable in the video itself from his voice that patton is unsure about nico. Logan was intrigued by nico and curious about his interests, roman is eager to take the next step, and virgils only criticism is about romans excessively eager attitude.
Here, patton can only say that "he seems nice". Patton, the heart, the core of Thomas's feelings, is unsure about nico.
If the others want for thomas to be happy with nico at all, they're going to need to get to the bottom of what it is that's got patton so concerned, because right now, it doesn't look like his heart is in it.
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Roman Accidentally Creates a Doppelgänger
A/N: I’ve been working on this one for a long time and I’m SO glad I finally finished it. I’ll likely write more expanding on this concept like Virgil eventually finding out and maybe even a threesome with the two Virgil’s but we’ll see
Summary- Roman, in the midst of dealing with a huge crush on Virgil, subconsciously uses the imagination to create his own Virgil. Basically, the imagination tells Roman to get laid.
Content warnings: none I don’t think? I mean Roman has sex with a Virgil doppelgänger so if that’s not your thing fair enough maybe skip this one
Roman had a problem that seemed to be growing each time he left his room. Ever since Virgil tried to duck out, the broody emo had been spending more of his time outside his room and with the others. Including Roman. With each new dilemma Thomas faced, the two grew closer and closer even as relationships with Logan and Patton grew strained now that Janus and even Remus were in the mix.
In the midst of all the chaos, Roman had undeniably become overwhelmingly attracted to Virgil. He adored everything about him from his snarky smile to the way his purple eyeshadow shimmered whenever he got excited. The nights they would stay up late watching Disney movies in Roman’s room, cuddled against each other under his sheets were Roman’s favorite. He loved the quips Virgil shot at him and his angelic laugh when Roman bickered back.
Despite being a romantic at heart, Roman was incredibly hesitant to further his relationship with Virgil in fear of ruining what they’ve worked so hard to have. To say they had a rocky start was understatement and Roman would sooner lose at the hands of the dragon witch than lose Virgil.
So he hoped that once their fractured relationships with the others healed, his feelings would fade and everything would go back to normal. Unfortunately, as Patton and Janus approached Roman with an apology and the hope of reaching an understanding, everyone worked together to make Logan feel more heard, and Janus and Virgil tentatively repaired their once unbreakable bond, Roman’s feelings stayed. In fact, now that they spent less time together and more time with the others, Roman found himself looking forward to their solitary movie and cuddle nights even more.
Sitting at the kitchen table as Patton mixed a fresh batch of cookies and Janus made some comment that resulted in Virgil’s gorgeous laugh echoing throughout the room, Roman was reminded of this exact predicament. He wanted to be the reason for Virgil’s elated expression, wanted to be the reason for the healthy flush across his cheeks, visible despite the white foundation. Roman loved it when he could see the red dusting his stormcloud’s cheeks and would love even more to see it without his makeup covering it as well as how the flush would spread across his body when he-
Roman’s eyes widened and a dark blush reddened his own cheeks as he realized just where his train of thought was heading. That was the other part of his problem. As much as Roman was embarrassed to admit it, his thoughts had recently taken a more... suggestive turn. He desperately wanted to know what Virgil would look like beneath him, bare and breathless and something Roman knew he could never have. The fact that he was even having these thoughts was enough to send him hurtling out of his seat and towards the privacy of his room despite the confused and concerned looks sent his way.
Closing and locking his door behind him, Roman sighed and settled behind his desk with the small hope that getting some work done would distract him from his heated thoughts. He began scribbling away, mostly nonsense base ideas that weren’t meant to really go anywhere, just something to keep his mind off Virgil.
The prince immediately perked up at the sound of the anxious emo’s voice and quickly took notice that his mindless scrawling seemed to take the form artful sketches of the emo side himself, causing Roman to panic and scramble to cover the pages before they could be seen.
“Ah! Just a moment, Virgil! Apologies, you caught me off guard, I-”
Roman froze and felt his cheeks heat up. Virgil’s voice was smooth, yet soft and if he wasn’t mistaken, a bit teasing. A small part of him even wanted to believe it was intentionally seductive because that tone of voice certainly did things to Roman. However, he quickly brushed those thoughts aside as he knew Virgil would never do that and he was ashamed of himself for even thinking such thoughts as he stood from his chair and turned around to face the side he had already kept waiting for far too long.
Roman felt his breathing stop and his heart rate spike.
There stood Virgil, leaning with one arm against his bedpost, in the most seductive clothes the prince had ever seen him in. The dark purple skirt he wore rose just above his midthigh and left very little to the imagination. He had a sheer, black crop top that didn’t cover anything and on his neck rested a deep red choker with a small crown charm dangling from it. Virgil’s eyes were lidded and his teeth bit his plush bottom lip teasingly, leaving Roman unable to look away without desperately wanting to know what those full lips would feel like on his.
Virgil giggled at Roman’s awe, his jaw nearly dropping to the floor as the normally anxious and reserved side swung himself around the bedpost and sat on the edge of the prince’s massive bed. The skirt rose up even more and Roman swore he could see a hint of what looked to be red lace underneath, causing his face to flare up even more than it already had. The object of his affections spread his legs slightly, just enough to tease Roman, and he laid back onto the bed, arms stretched above his head. Both the shirt and skirt rose higher as a result confirming there was in fact lacy red lingerie underneath those sinful clothes.
Roman could feel himself get light headed as all his blood rushed downward and he felt a familiar warmth coiling in his gut. He collapsed back in his chair, fearing if he stood for any longer, his legs would give out. Only the sound of Virgil’s teasing, seductive voice was able to snap him out of the trance he was in.
“Princey, I need you. I’ve wanted you for so long, please, I can’t wait any longer. Please, take me, Roman,” he whimpered desperately, batting his eyes innocently at the other side who was struggling to keep his composure.
Had it not been for the sheer amount of shock and confusion running through his head, Roman would have jumped the man’s bones by now, but his head simply couldn’t wrap itself around the situation at hand. Roman had just seen Virgil in the commons and was certain he wasn’t wearing the revealing clothes that now hugged his smaller frame.
“Virgil? I… What’s going on? Wait, how did you even get in here? This doesn’t make sense; when did you even change?” Roman stumbled over his words, confusion just barely beating out his desire to take Virgil’s newfound forwardness at face value.
Virgil replied coolly, sitting up and still looking at Roman with that horribly seductive expression, “You wanted me didn’t you? Well, here I am.”
“I…” The prince wasn’t completely sure how to respond to that. Virgil certainly wasn’t wrong, but it still didn’t answer any questions he had.
Unfortunately, before he had the chance to ask anymore questions, Virgil had moved from the bed right on to Roman’s lap, straddling him with arms wrapped around his shoulders. Roman’s grip on the armrests of his chair tightened as the object of his affections began mouthing at his neck, hot breath against his ear, whispering, “Stop worrying, my prince, that’s my job. Besides, there’s much better things you and I could be doing right now.”
Virgil’s voice was downright salacious and Roman was just about to give in, eyes drifting shut, leaning in towards the other’s lips…
Knock knock knock!
“Hey, Princey! Open up!”
Virgil’s voice called from the other side of Roman’s door who shot up from his seat, sending the look-alike to the floor. His mind racing, he looked from his door to the thing he had previously thought to be Virgil.
“What the hell? Oh my god, what the hell?! What is going on, what are you?” Roman cried as quietly as he could, hoping not to alert the real Virgil.
The fake just tilted his head to the side like a confused puppy. “I’m Virgil, dear. I’m here to give you everything you want,” he said, voice still using that seductive lilt.
“What are you… oh. Oh god. Fuck. Fuck! You’re a construct of the imagination, aren’t you?” The question was more of an accusation, but the imaginary Virgil didn’t flinch, even as Roman continued his panicked rant, “How did you even get here? I never made Virgil in the imagination! Who would even…? Remus. That jerk sent you here just to mess with me! When I get my hands on him-”
“Roman! Dude, are you okay? What the hell is going on in there?”
Right. Real Virgil. Right outside his door.
“Coming!” Roman shouted before turning to the doppelganger, “You! Hide behind the bed! Now!”
Roman all but dragged the construct to its makeshift hiding place before he opened his door just enough to let Virgil see him, but not into his room.
“Virgil! My dear friend! What brings you here?” He asked as casually as he could, mentally kicking himself for how unconvincing he sounded.
“Um… I was just checking in on you. You like… bolted out of the kitchen out of nowhere. Is everything okay?”
Roman was sure he was sweating at this point. He fidgeted with his shirt, answering nervously, “Yes! Yes, of course! I just… had an idea! I simply had to write it down right away before I forgot it. You know how forgetful I can be and when creativity strikes, I simply must act.”
While Virgil didn’t quite look convinced, he didn’t actively seem suspicious of Roman. Instead, he simply sighed and said “If you say so, dude. Just… let me know if you need to talk, okay? Bottling things up never does any good and I care about you. We all do”
Virgil’s voice had taken on a softer tone, one that melted Roman’s heart. His sincerity and concern was just so… Virgil, and Roman couldn’t help but think about how absolutely whipped he was for the man in front of him.
“Thank you, Virgil. Truly. You’ll be the first to know if something comes up.”
Virgil gave him an awkward smile in an attempt to mirror the genuine one Roman wore. With a small nod, he walked away, no doubt going to his room to decompress, and Roman closed his door with a sigh of relief.
Not-Virgil had moved from where Roman placed him, hidden behind his ornate bed, to lay on top of the covers, stretched out on his side, tracing circles onto the silk sheets with his finger. He batted his eyes and, for a second, Roman flushed at the perfect look-alike of the man he so desperately wanted before he got ahold of himself again.
“Nope, no. You are going back to the imagination where you belong and you can go back to Remus and tell him to fuck off. I don’t want any part in his stupid games. Creating you to torment me is a low blow and I won’t-”
“Remus didn’t make me.”
The doppelganger spoke up suddenly. It caught Roman off guard and caused him to stop in his tracks. His voice was quiet when he said, “What do you mean?”
“Remus didn’t make me. You did, Roman,” Not-Virgil continued, “You wanted me so badly so here I am. Consciously or not, you created me so we could be together, so I could please you. Let me please you, Roman.” His voice was barely a whisper now, hot and needy.
Roman swallowed heavily, mind muddled with conflicting emotions. Confusion at the whole situation, disgust and shame for himself, and still that simmering arousal settled deep inside him at the sight of Virgil in such sexy clothing practically begging for him, real or not.
Too caught up in his mind to notice, Not-Virgil had creeped up to him, snapping him out of his trance as the construct placed one hand on his chest, the other cradling his face. Their faces were inches apart and Roman was frozen in place, so desperately wanting to give in, but too filled with shame to do so.
“Please? I want you so bad, my prince. I’m all yours. I know you want it too so please just fuck me, I need it!” He cried softly, beginning to squirm as he desperately rolled his hips against Roman’s, whose own twitched in return. Roman was already half-hard and couldn’t deny how badly he wanted it as well. This Virgil was right; the imagination did have a habit of acting on both creativities’ subconscious and now that he really thought about it, Roman was almost surprised something like this hadn’t happened sooner.
Surely because it's not real, it would be fine, right? It would be no different from masterbating while thinking about Virgil which he already did often. Maybe if he was lucky, fucking his feelings out would reduce them to a much more manageable state! Roman tried to reason with himself all while his hands hovered just over “Virgil’s” hips and said emo mouthed at Roman’s neck, waiting for a response.
Roman pulled away with a frustrated groan and ran his fingers through his hair.
“Okay, fine. I’m horny, the imagination seems to think I need this, and maybe it’s right. This… it’s only weird if I make it weird, right… Virgil?” He asked mostly to himself, but he saw how a new hunger sparked in Virgil’s eyes before the scantily-clad man threw himself at the prince.
Their lips crashed together in an aggressive and needy kiss, moans escaping each of them. Virgil’s arms wrapped around Romans neck, hands reaching into his hair to tug and scratch at his scalp. The creative side growled into the kiss, biting his partner’s lip and grabbing him by the thighs, prompting him to jump and wrap his legs around Roman’s waist, so the prince could carry them to his bed.
Even as Virgil collapsed on the bed, their lips never separated, Roman falling with him. He let out noises that wouldn’t be out of place in an over-the-top porno and made Roman blush madly, thankful his room was soundproof.
However, Virgil wasn’t content in just making out and grinding against his partner. Soon his mouth traveled down the prince’s neck, biting harshly before pressing gentle kisses on the same spot as though in apology. Roman moaned and his nails scratched lightly down Virgil’s body. He could feel the other’s hands trail down his own body, grasping at the bottom of his shirt and tugging it upwards.
Roman took the hint and quickly pulled his shirt over his head, immediately moving to do the same for Virgil. The emo reached for Roman’s belt as soon as his hands were free, not waiting a moment longer to remove his lover’s pants.
Both sides were breathing heavily with some whimpers and groans dispersed throughout. Roman even let out a high pitched whine as he slowly pushed Virgil's purple skirt up and dragged the red lacy underwear down his thick thighs. He didn’t even bother removing the skirt, content to fuck Virgil in it.
The idea of Virgil wearing his color, sending the clear message that he belonged to Roman sent his mind reeling. Even as he mourned having to toss the lingerie to the side, Roman took solace in the fact that Virgil still had the deep red collar that he would give anything to see the real Virgil in.
He was soon drawn away from all thoughts of real and fake Virgils as the one in front of him flipped them unexpectedly, leaving Roman beneath his smirking partner. The cocky expression he wore was just so Virgil, Roman couldn’t help but sigh dreamily, completely enamored.
Virgil began to kiss down his chest, stopping at his nipples to take one into his mouth. The prince cried out at the sensation, arching his back in response. Virgil only snickered before continuing his path downward and slowly peeling his partner’s underwear off with lidded eyes and hot breath. Roman’s cock sprang from its confines, causing him to gasp quietly. He bit his lip and Virgil’s fingers caressed dick with feather-light touches that became firmer as if in awe of the man before him.
The dark side’s tongue flicked out, licking Roman’s tip as he stroked him. He slowly took Roman into his mouth, clearly intent on teasing if the sinful look in his eyes was anything to go by. Bit by bit, Virgil swallowed around him until the tip touched his throat with no hint of a gag reflex.
By now, the creative side had one hand on Virgil’s head and the other in a fist where he bit his knuckles in an attempt to keep quiet. The hand keeping Virgil where he was tightened, fingers curling around his hair in a slight tug. The simple gesture caused the dark side to moan loudly, eyes rolling back slightly, and the vibrations from his throat to go straight to Roman’s dick whose knuckles did nothing to hide the shout of pleasure that escaped him.
Virgil was really working to drive his partner crazy now. He bobbed his head, tongue running over the cock in his mouth in the best way possible. Occasionally, he would tease the head, running his tongue over the slit, or just barely grazing his teeth over the sensitive skin, making Roman’s toes curl. The sight of his crush like this was enough to get him off alone so needless to say, his grip on Virgil’s hair soon tightened as he gasped in warning of his imminent release.
But before he could cum down that gorgeous throat that hadn’t been marked nearly enough for Roman’s liking, Virgil pulled away. Where Roman had been strung tight as a wire before, as soon as the overwhelming sensations stopped, all the tension in his body released, still reeling from being right on the edge, but not given the final push he needed.
“You didn’t think this was gonna be over that quickly, did you?” Virgil teased, licking his lips with a heated expression, “I want you inside me, Roman, need to feel you. Don’t even need to prep, baby, I’m ready. Been waiting for this for so long.”
Roman nodded, not trusting his voice enough to speak. They both maneuvered so that Roman was back on top, his cock grinding against Virgil’s hole before lubing up and pressing in, all while nipping and kissing the pale neck before him. Roman groaned at the warm pressure enveloping his cock and squeezed his eyes shut, relishing in the pleasure and the breathy moans coming from his partner.
Virgil’s hands scrambled to claw at Roman’s back, desperate to get as close as possible. Roman set a quick pace, unsure of how long he would be able to last and determined to bring his partner with him. His hands found Virgil's hips and his mouth found his lips in a dirty kiss. They panted into each other’s mouths, unable to keep their noises to themselves, but refusing to part until their lungs ached.
When he pulled away, Roman took a moment to admire the sight in front of him. Virgil’s flushed skin was gorgeous and the way he bit his lip made Roman want to bite it himself. His head was tipped back as angelic pleas and moans poured from his mouth in a symphony that intermingled with Roman’s own sounds. The skirt that still remained pushed up around Virgil’s waist bounced with the force of the prince’s thrusts, the movement of the delicate fabric a wonderful sensation against each of their bodies. Roman’s eyes flickered up to the red choker wrapped tightly around the pale neck, now mottled with bruises.
That little splash of red on his partner, signifying ownership, made Roman growl and double his efforts. Virgil was his, even if it was just for these fleeting few moments. That thought alone had a new rush of arousal coursing through his veins and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer.
Moving one of his hands from where he gripped Virgil’s hip, Roman began stroking his lover’s dick in time with his thrusts to bring him closer to the edge. He bit down hard on Virgil’s neck, leaving behind teeth marks and turning the skin there a gorgeous shade of red as the bruises began to set in. Virgil's cries grew louder and his hips bucked to meet Roman’s.
Roman couldn’t hold back any longer and came inside Virgil with a long groan, grinding his cock deeper as he rode out his orgasm. Virgil’s eyes fluttered shut when he felt Roman fuck him through his orgasm and warm cum spill inside him. His ass tightened around Roman’s cock, causing the prince to let out a choked whine.
Even as he reached his peak, Roman never once let his partner feel neglected, still stroking his cock until it became too much to bear and Virgil came too. His orgasm was unbelievably physical, hips thrusting wildly and hands grabbing at Roman wherever they could. His toes curled and eyes squeezed shut as his whole body tensed, cum squirting from his cock onto his and Roman’s stomachs.
Roman finally pulled out when Virgil finished and his body fell pliant once more. The creative side collapsed onto the bed next to his partner who seemed to already be on the verge of sleep. He waved his hand, using mindscape magic to will away the mess they had created, and wrapped his arms around Virgil who, in turn, snuggled closer and Roman swore he let out a purr.
Closing his eyes, the prince let his breathing even out, letting himself relax with Virgil’s head on his chest. Warm and content, they fell asleep in a matter of seconds.
When Roman woke up, the first thing he noticed was that his bed was empty. Pushing aside his disappointment, he got up and realized he had slept through the whole night and was now likely late for breakfast. Distantly, he hoped that his thoughts and feelings surrounding Virgil would be less of a nuisance now that he had… expressed some of them.
Unfortunately, he had no such luck. As soon as he heard three hard knocks at his door and deep grumbling voice still drenched in sleep, Roman knew he was more screwed than ever.
“Hey, Princey, you comin’ to breakfast or what? Pat’s makin’ pancakes so get your royal ass down to the kitchen already,” Virgil mumbled.
Roman had no idea how he was going to face Virgil after yesterday. He could only act like nothing happened and pray he never sees Not Virgil again… even if deep down he really, really wanted to experience it again. Just, preferably, with the real thing next time.
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hootnhoney · 1 year
*holds patton up like a cat*
See this? This right here? Think it’s cute? Very sweet right?
Bunny Clouds
Word count: 1407
Warnings: Blood, Hurt No Comfort, Major Character Death
Patton thought he could hear his name. He couldn’t tell very well, because it sounded like it was underwater. Was he underwater? He could see a lot of blue.
No that's not right, he wouldn’t be able to see clouds if he was underwater. One of them looked kind of like a bunny. Thomas should get a pet bunny. They’re so cute and fluffy! He could even get a white one and name it cloud.
Someone was calling him?
He should call back. That would probably help them out. He opened his mouth to call but the air that left his lips was thick and warm and dribbled down his chin and into the soft ground beneath him. He felt like he was spinning a bit. His eyes shut tight, like that would stop the spinning.
He gripped the earth beneath him, to try to keep himself still. It was mostly moss.
It smelled like moss too. And dirt.
And… metal? That was funny. It wasn’t like Roman to get a detail like that wrong.
Roman paid so much attention to the imagination and the attention to detail was always amazing. He was such an amazing kiddo. Patton loved him so much.
Roman would love getting a pet bunny. Maybe he could summon one for Patton.
Oh! There was his name again. It still sounded under water. Maybe they were the ones underwater. Logan always loved the ocean. He knows so much about it. He’s so smart and hardworking. Patton should make him some cookies for his hard work. They could eat some while they watched the clouds.
Virgil was in front of him now. His eyeshadow was running almost all the way down his cheeks. Patton reached up to try rubbing it off, but for some reason it just turned red. That wasn’t right.
Shouldn’t it turn purple?
Patton giggled, choking on it a bit.
He loved it when Virgil’s eyeshadow turned purple. It always came with the sweetest smile on his face.
Virgil grabbed Patton’s hand off his face and held it to his chest. Patton’s gaze felt glued to their hands.
Where did the red come from?
“Patton!” Oh. Virgil was talking to him, “Patton please answer me!” He sounded underwater too.
Patton tried to answer but only managed a moan.
“Ok. Ok. Shhhh shh. It’s fine, you’re fine. It’s gonna be fine.”
Virgil was pale and his hand shook where it held Patton’s.
Virgil gripped his shoulder’s and tried to shift him so his legs weren’t folded awkwardly. Pain shot through Patton and his hearing cleared up in a rush. Why did that hurt so much? He felt his lips tremble and his vision went blurry. He tried picking his head up to see where the pain was coming from but Virgil was faster.
He moved so that his body crowded Patton and grabbed his head with both hands. “Don’t!” He forced Patton to face him and wiped something wet off his face. “Don’t- don’t look. Just look at me, ok? It’s fine. You’re gonna be fine. It’s- it’s not-” Virgil cut himself off with a full body shudder and a groan of distress. His eyes darted between Patton’s face and the rest of his body.
Patton pressed a palm to his chest. His heart was beating so fast.
Virgil’s voice rang through the forest, receiving only silence in response. He was shaking around Patton, and the moral side duly noted his own body was trembling as well.
Virgil turned his attention back to Patton, eyes wild. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I don’t know where they are. We had to split up to search for you. None of you knew where you went. Where did you go? Pat, what happened?”
What had happened? Now that Patton tried to recall, he doesn’t really remember how he ended up lying on the ground, looking at the sky. He was in the imagination so he was sure he must have gone for a walk. How did he end up on the ground? He thinks he might have been high up somewhere. Somewhere he was able to see the clouds really well. But that's silly because he can see the clouds right now from the ground.
“Virge,” his voice sounded funny.
A hand ran through his hair and Virgil hummed.
“We should get a bunny.”
Virgil made a choking sound and jolted above him. He was still shaking. “Yeah, yeah. Sure. Logan and Roman are gonna be here soon and they’ll take care of you, ok? Then you can get whatever you want. Just keep still, ok? You're gonna be fine.”
Patton didn’t think he’d heard Virgil sound so frightened before. He should look at the clouds with Patton. That might calm him down.
“Nonononono- No. Pat, keep your eyes open, ok? You’re ok. Roman and Logan will be here soon.”
Patton hummed. His eyes were open.
“Ok kiddo.” Everything sounded like it was underwater again. Or more like someone stuffed his ears with cotton. “I just need to rest a little bit. Then we can go find them, ok?”
There was a moment's pause, but faintly Patton heard,
Ah. There they were. All three of his kiddos.
Patton sighed. They were so good. He loved them so much.
Patton went still in Virgil's arms and Virgil’s heart dropped to his stomach.
But Patton’s eyes were still open, gazing up at the sky like he had been doing when Virgil found them.
And was his chest still rising?
Yes. Yes it was, it was. He could hardly see it but it was.
He was alive. Patton was alive. And now Roman and Logan were here so they would know what to do.
The two sides rounded a tree, and upon spotting Virgil and Patton on the ground, sprinted over.
“Put pressure on the wound,” Logan commanded Roman, who fell to the ground beside Virgil to do just that.
Logan brought two fingers to the side of Patton’s neck.
“What happened?” Roman’s tunic already had red on it.
‘I- I don’t know! I found him like this and- and he seemed really out of it!”
Roman, nodded once. Then twice. “Ok. Ok. It’s fine we can get him to my room and I can heal him. Logan can tell me what needs to be fixed and-”
“He’s gone.”
Silence rang out in the forest.
He wasn’t. His eyes were still open. He can’t die.
“No! No- don’t say that! You can’t say that! He’s alive. Help him!”
Logan brought a hand to Patton’s face and brushed his eyes closed. His eyes were wide, shocked. But despite that his face was blank.
A sob rang out, and Virgil noted tears were already pouring down Roman’s face. Roman brought his hands up to rub at his eyes, only smearing blood.
“Stop! Roman, stop crying! Stop it!” How dare he! He couldn't cry when Patton wasn’t even dead. Virgil shoved at Roman’s shoulder. “Stop it, Roman! He’s not dead!”
A hand pulled Virgil’s hand back and Virgil eyes tracked it up to Logan's wide eyes. “Virgil, stop that!”
And there was red on him too. There was red, so much red.
“What about you!” Roman’s voice wobbled despite the fury in it. “Why are you angry with me when you didn’t even do anything! You found him and you what? Decided that was a good time to just start cloud gazing?”
“Well at least I was there! I called you! I called you. Where were you!?”
Virgil couldn't breathe. His lungs burned. It felt like his chest was collapsing in on itself.
And there was still red. Red red red red red redred
Logan was crying. His eyes were wide and tears poured freely.
Virgil has never seen Logan cry.
Logan froze, and tilted his head to the sky.
The forest was still.
“Both of you sink into your rooms. Do not say another word to each other until you are cleaned and have calmed down.”
He tilted his head back down to face them both.
“I will be with you shortly.”
No one moved for a moment. There was no sound. Not even a rustling leaf. The silence was somehow the loudest sound Virgil has ever heard.
“Now.” Logan’s voice was softer, but still firm.
Virgil took one last look at Patton. Then he sunk down into his room.
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This Fanfiction Of Sanders Sides Is Called "Bluey" Part 2: Virgil and Remus
[olivia's note: hey y'all! this is chapter 2 of a fic by the amazing anne onymous!]
chapters (1) 2 (3) (4)
Patton searched for Virgil in his room but he wasn't there. He continued to search through the Mind Palace until he walked back into the living room and found him napping on the couch, a very common sight. He contemplated giving him a blanket and a kiss on the forehead like usual, but then a more fun idea came to mind. He walked over to the sleeping emo and gently shook his shoulder, causing Virgil to stir. "Hey kiddo. Sleep ok?" Patton asked quietly. Virgil nodded, letting out a yawn and rubbing his eyes. He looked up and noticed Patton's Bandit onesie. "Nice onesie." Virgil whispered. "Thanks. Want some company?" Patton asked softly. Virgil nodded and moved over, giving Patton room to lie down next to him. Patton almost chuckled when Virgil seemed to instinctively snuggle up to him and returned the embrace. Virgil was always extra cuddly when he's sleepy. "I'm like a human pillow, huh?" Patton joked, smiling at Virgil's faint nod. After a couple of minutes, it was safe to assume Virgil fell asleep again and Patton contemplated napping away the afternoon with him, but he still needed to help Roman. Luckily, he already had a plan in mind for waking up Virgil.
Patton began to lazily draw shapes with his fingers on Virgil sides, causing him to smile and twitch in his sleep. Patton switched from drawing to poking which got a few sleepy giggles, but Virgil still didn't wake up. Finally, Patton started rapidly squeezing his sides and Virgil woke up squealing and cackling. "Hahahahaha! Whahat's gohohoing ohohohon?" Virgil squeaked, wriggling around in Patton's arms. "I'll tell ya what's going on. I'm not a human pillow, I'm a crazy pillow! Tickle tickle tickle!" Patton teased, spidering across Virgil's tummy. "GAHAHAHAHAHA! PAHAHATTOHOHON!" Virgil bellowed, kicking and bucking. "Whoops, sorry kiddo. Forgot that's your worst spot." Patton apologised, moving back to his sides. "Apohohology accehehepted! Hahahahaha!" Virgil laughed. Patton couldn't help the huge smile on his face as he looked at Virgil, his eyeshadow purple and glittery as he wiggled and giggled his heart out. But when he started hiccuping between laughs, it was time to stop. Patton let go and kept his hands away, even when Virgil rolled off the couch. "You ok?" Patton asked. Virgil gave a weak nod as he recovered from the phantom tickles until his breathing fully calmed down. 
"Well, at least I'm awake and in a good mood. So, thanks, I guess." Virgil said. "You're welcome. And since you're awake now, could you help me with something?" Patton asked. "If I can, sure." Virgil replied. "Do you know where I can find Remus?" Patton inquired. Virgil's eyes widened in shock and his eyeshadow went back to black. "You're actually actively looking for Remus? On purpose?" Virgil questioned. "He's been giving Roman a hard time and I told him I'd help." Patton explained. "Ok, that makes a lot more sense. But still a little surprising since you hate Remus." Virgil confessed. "'Hate" is a pretty strong word. I don't hate Remus, I'm just...not particularly fond of him and kinda scared of him." Patton reasoned. "Either way, I don't know where he is, but I know how to get him to come to you." Virgil said, summoning a sheet of paper and handing it to Patton. "Just follow the instructions and he'll show up, which I don't wanna be here for, so I'm heading back to my room." Virgil explained, getting up to leave. "Thanks Virgil!" Patton chirped. Virgil gave an acknowledging nod and left the room. Patton looked over the list of instructions Virgil gave him and went to the kitchen.
First step was simple: find a container and pretend to struggle opening it, groaning loudly and all. Patton looked around the kitchen, observing his options, until he decided to grab a Crofters jar. He pretended to struggle and groan then proceeded to the 2nd step which was to say certain phrases that were listed. "This is so hard! I can do this all day, you know!" Patton groaned, pretending to be angry at the jar. After a few more innuendos, he opened it. Time for step 3. "Ah. That was satisfying." Patton sighed before hiding under the table. Just as he hoped, Remus appeared. "That's what she–What the fuck?" Remus blurted out, looking around in confusion. With no time to waste, Patton tackled Remus to the floor and pinned him down. "Oooh, you have my attention now, Daddy." Remus teased, winking. "Normally that would gross me out, but not today. Know why? Because a certain someone has been naughty and needs to be punished. And I have a certain way of teaching bad boys some manners." Patton stated. "Oh really?" Remus asked, quirking an eyebrow. "Mm-hmm. Roman!" Patton called out. As soon as Roman popped up, it fully dawned on Remus what was happening. "Shit!" he whisper-shouted. 
"Did you really think I was never going to tattle to Dad?" Roman asked, kneeling next to Remus. He moved his shirt up and sat on his upper arms, leaving both of Patton's hands free. "Thank you Roman, you're very helpful. And speaking of helpful, I heard there's two helpful little crabs that would like to assist us." Patton said, making pincer motions with his hands. Roman smirked and copied him. "What the fuck are you two talking about?" Remus asked. "TICKLECRABS!" Patton and Roman yelled before attacking Remus at the same time. Roman went for the armpits and Patton went for his belly, causing Remus to shriek, buck, cackle, squeal and swear like a sailor. "NOHOHOHOHO! FUHUHUCK YOHOU BAHAHASTAHARDS! HAHAHAHAHA!" Remus laughed. As if two people tickling him wasn't bad enough, Patton and Roman were saying nothing but "tickle tickle tickle tickle" over and over again, which seemed to be making it worse. He tried bucking, shaking, wriggling, twisting and even attempted to punch and kick but it was futile. He was pinned down good with no chance of escaping. Suddenly there was a glimmer of hope in the form of Logan's sudden appearance.
"Excuse me?!" Logan yelled over Remus's boisterous laughter, causing Roman and Patton to halt their attack. "Hi Logan!" Patton greeted. "Hey Specs." Roman said. "Logan, save me!" Remus begged. "Whatever it is the three of you are up to, can you please try to keep it down a little? I was trying to read upstairs but it's hard to focus when all I could hear was confounded cackling." Logan complained. "Sorry. We were just teaching a certain brother of mine a lesson or two about boundaries and Bluey references." Roman explained. "Lesson learned! Now let me go, Pissy!" Remus barked. "Such language in Patton's presence! I'd say we need to wash your mouth out with soap, but you're allergic." Roman taunted. "Sounds like someone hasn't learned their lesson and tried to lie to us to weasel out of it." Patton teased, wiggling his fingers threateningly. "Logan, help!" Remus begged. "Come on, Teach. What's better? Reading a book, which you can do any time, or seeing Remus being figuratively put in his place?" Roman queried. Logan remained silent before sitting at the table, placing his book down. "You may continue." Logan said. Remus was about to protest but it was too late. Patton and Roman already picked up where they left off and went back to teasing and tickling.
"GAHAHAHAHAHA! I FUHUCKING HAHATE YOHOHOU, LOHOGAHAHAN! HAHAHAHAHA!" Remus cackled. "Love you too, Remus." Logan responded nonchalantly. Remus would've flipped him off if he could. This was torture, and not the good kind. Just as he thought this couldn't get any worse, he felt Roman move his scribbling fingers to his neck and Patton worked his way down to his hips. "AHAHAHAHAHA!!! NOHOHOHOHO!!! PLEHEHEHEASE, GUHUHUYS, STOHOHOHOP!!!" Remus screamed as two of his worst spots were attacked ruthlessly. "Hmmm. What do you think, Roman? Should you two stop?" Logan asked. "Hmm, I'm not sure, Logan. This par-tickle-ar Duke seems untrustworthy." Roman replied as he continued to torment his brothers neck with tickles, Patton giggling at his pun. "I CAHAHAHAN'T BREHEHEHEATHE!!!" Remus wheezed. "Ok, we'll stop. Can't have you dying on us, now can we?" Patton asked rhetorically, immediately stopping. Roman groaned and stopped also. Logan merely smirked as he watched them, Remus curling into himself and breathing heavily as he got the last of his laughs out. "Are you ok, Remus?" Logan asked. Remus flipped him the bird, too weak to speak yet. "I think it's safe to say he's alright." Roman remarked. 
"Now Remus, do you understand why me and Roman did this?" Patton inquired. "Because Roman is a whiny bitch and decided to snitch?" Remus sassed. "We did this to teach you about limits, boundaries, and that "no" means "no" and "stop" means "stop". It wasn't very fun when we kept going even though you were miserable, was it? How do you think Roman felt?" Patton questioned. Remus rolled his eyes. He liked torturing his brother, but now Patton ruined the fun by showing him how it feels. "Is there something you'd like to say to your brother?" Patton asked. "Fuck you." Remus said, freezing when he felt Patton grab his ankle. "You wouldn't." Remus said. "Wouldn't I?" Patton asked, dragging his boot off before swiping a finger up his sole. "Ok, ok! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Remus yelled. "One more time, a bit slower please?" Roman asked. "I'm. Sorry." Remus repeated slowly. "For what, specifically?" Roman queried. "For tickling you too much, even when you said "no" and "stop"." Remus replied. "And?" Roman inquired. "Tickling you to the point where you pissed yourself or nearly passed out." Remus added. "And do you promise to never do that again?" Roman asked. "Yes! Can I go now?!" Remus barked. "You're excused." Patton said. Remus grabbed his boot and sank out.
To be continued...
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tss-grimmverse · 1 year
Prologue: Patchouli
tried to forget when i left this town but it takes me right back when i come back around
It was quiet in the tiny motel room.
Not a complete absence of sound; no shared human space could replicate the unique hush of a mushroom ring in a dark forest. Humans were noisy, restless things, forever surrounding themselves with distractions and gadgets to reflect their noisy, restless souls back at them. This room’s sad, gray air conditioner gurgled under the window like a hungry beast, exhaling icy air and dripping condensation. Distant car doors slammed outside; voices chattered; the parking lot buzzed with ambient road noise.
But it was quiet. The tiny TV on the dresser stood black and silent, its remote carelessly tossed on the bed next to a battered red backpack. The clock on the nightstand blinked teal numbers, cheerfully disconnected from anything resembling actual time. In the bathroom, the shower cut off with a squeak and a hiss.
Moments later, Roman stepped out in a cloud of steam, a white towel wrapped around his waist.
He shivered, gooseflesh prickling his bare skin. Cheap motel AC units never worked right; rooms were always either blazing hot or freezing cold. Usually the latter, bitter like lonely nights never spent in the same bed twice. Bleak like too many nightmares and too long running away from them. Cold like Bale territory and the regard of winter faeries.
Roman unfolded a white dress shirt from a shopping bag and spread it out on the bed. His nicest pair of dark wash jeans followed from his backpack, along with clean sneakers and, after some hesitation, his makeup bag. He combed fingers through his damp hair, grimacing at the moisture still dripping down his neck. Removing the towel from his waist, he dried it again before pulling on a pair of boxer briefs. 
He left his sword where it was: spanning the length of his bag, safely tucked away. He’d barely been able to look at the blade since killing Deceit, let alone hunt with it. For…reasons.
He’d get back to hunting one day. He would.
The starched shirt dragged stiffly across skin accustomed to simple cotton. He tucked it in, opened the first few collar buttons, and rolled up the sleeves. He could do fancy when necessary, but a hunter needed freedom to move. Socks, shoes, wallet, keys…and then there was only his makeup left to do.
He carried the small bag into the bathroom and studied his reflection with a critical eye. Messy hair, average brown skin, too-wide mouth, prominent nose, red changeling iris rings…spectacular eye bags.
You look tired, pet, a melodious faery voice whispered in his memory.
“Like looking in a funhouse mirror,” he whispered back, his imagination painting a mustache and ghoulish purple eye makeup. Roman leaned closer and glowered at those dark circles, the inevitable result of too many troubled thoughts and not enough sleep.
Well, that won’t do at all. Bad enough I remind myself of my fetch; at this rate I’ll start looking like old Panic at the…
Long bangs over snapping brown irises flashed through his mind’s eye; smokey eyeshadow against pale skin. A tiny smirk lifting the corner of a mouth, the one that always made Roman’s heart stutter… he pulled back his train of thought and ran a hand over his face.
He won’t be there.
He let out the breath in a huff, the hand over his eyes tightening for a moment, and inhaled again. You are going to this party to support Logan and Patton, and for no other reason. And if they see you like this, after not having seen you for months, they will worry.
He dropped his hand and straightened.
Lift the chin.
Eyes forward.
Roman forced up the corners of his mouth, seized a concealer tube, and set to work. A little foundation, a hint of blush for color, and only the thinnest of outlining around his eyes to finish the look. This was his friends’ engagement party; it would be rude to show up looking like he was going clubbing. Plus, if Virgil was there, he’d probably make some snide remark…
Roman capped his eyeliner pencil with more force than needed and stalked back into the room proper. No one in his right mind would subject himself to an engagement party between his best friend and his crush. He won’t be there.
Kate would be, though.
I should call her. She deserves a heads up before I crash back into her life at a public event.
Roman pulled out his phone. He wasn’t proud of the fact that he’d dropped off the face of the earth after killing Deceit, ignoring all attempts to reach him.
Even though Kate lied to him about his father…
Stop. Roman scowled. Deceit wanted to drive that wedge between us. Too bad it had fucking worked…but he wouldn’t be petty. He scrolled to her number and dialed. She was still his foster mother. It was time.
Kate answered on the first ring.
“Roman,” she breathed, sounding so relieved that Roman’s whole face grew hot. It had been weeks since he’d heard her voice, and he hadn’t realized until that moment just how much he’d missed it.
“Yeah, it’s me.” He paced the room, injecting a note of false cheeriness into his voice. “I’m, ah, in town. Was planning to crash Logan and Patton’s thing tonight.”
Silence. Roman could almost hear the gears turning in her head.
Will she lecture, or act like I never left? Sometimes Kate played the part of a stern parent; other times, a commanding officer. Most of the time, however, she was something between an eccentric, cool aunt and best friend. Her authenticity was one of the things Roman valued most in their relationship. He could always be real with her because she was always real with him.
Except, apparently, when it came to my parentage…
He shoved the traitorous thought down. That was not a discussion to be had over the phone.
“You know the party started ten minutes ago, right?” Kate finally settled on.
“You know you should always arrive fashionably late, right?” Roman snarked.
“Whatever, kid.” Her voice softened. “I’m glad you’re okay. I…I’m not gonna lie, I did worry.”
Roman closed his eyes. “Sorry for disappearing and not telling you.”
“You’re an adult; you can make your own choices. I know you needed time after everything.” Kate’s voice dropped. “But next time you feel the urge to vanish? A head’s up for your poor mentor and her poor worried wife would be appreciated.”
In a vain attempt to not show favoritism within her murder, she never called herself his mother. Roman was used to it. Actions spoke louder than words with Kate.
“Noted.” Roman sat on the bed, wondering if the rest of his murder had missed him. If they saw him differently now that they knew who he truly was…
But he’d called Kate for a reason.
“Um, Kate? Is, uh…is Virgil with…I mean, he’s doing okay?” Roman tried to sound casual, and knew he’d failed miserably.
“Oh, I see how it is.” Kate’s tone lightened to something gently amused. “You only called to find out if you were going to run into your beau tonight.”
“He’s just a friend.” Roman’s face heated, and he was glad she wasn’t physically in the room to rib him for it. “And maybe I wanted to hear the sultry sound of your voice as well!”
“I think you were hoping to hear someone’s sultry voice—”
“Kaaaaate.” Roman groaned.
“Oh, both of you are so easy to embarrass.”Kate chuckled. “You really haven’t talked to him in the last two months?” She sounded surprised.
“I haven’t talked to anyone.” Roman paced to the motel window, peeking out onto the depressing parking lot. “I…honestly don’t know if Virgil and I are still on speaking terms after everything that’s happened.”
Kate’s concern radiated over the line so hard he could practically feel it, making him glower.
“Was he thinking about coming to this party?” he asked.
“I’m not sure. He stayed with us to finish recovering and then left Philly a week ago, claiming he would make his own way down. You know how prickly he gets about people paying his way.”
Roman’s heart skipped so hard he missed a breath. “So…that’s a yes.”
“Well, he didn’t clarify if ‘down’ actually meant ‘Florida’ and ‘this party’. Rosa and I only got into Orlando last night, and we haven’t heard from him at all,” Kate went on. “He may show up, he may not. But Roman…I wouldn’t get your hopes up. After the hospital, and these last few weeks especially, he’s looked about one scowl away from hitting the road for good. If he was one of my hunters, I’d have expected to wake up and find him gone weeks ago.”
“Yeah, that’s…not surprising, I guess,” Roman said. He remembered Virgil lying in that hospital bed, bandaged and frail, tubes sprouting everywhere. Anyone would want to run away from that.
Technically, Roman had run away.
“After the party, are you—?” Kate hesitated. “Are you coming home? If you still need more time, that’s fine, but—”
“How can I, Kate?” Roman closed his eyes. “How do I walk back into Smile like nothing happened, after what Deceit said back in that castle? About me being…being—”
“Johnny Prince’s son,” Kate finished lowly. “I know. You want to know why I never told you.”
“You recruited me into an organization founded by my own father!” Roman burst out, stalking back to the bed. “How could you not tell me?”
So much for not doing this over the phone.
“That’s exactly why I didn’t tell you.” Kate’s voice sharpened. “Imagine growing up with everyone expecting you to live up to a stranger’s legacy. I was planning to tell you once you became a full hunter, Roman, because I wanted you to know you’d earned that on your own merit and not on Johnny’s reputation.”
“And Deceit ruined that,” Roman said bitterly.
“That Unseelie’s name doesn’t deserve space in your mouth,” Kate snapped.
“What are the others going to say?” Roman paced the tiny room. “Johnny’s a fucking legend, even if he did cut and run. I’m just me.”
“It doesn’t matter where you came from or who your father was. All that matters is the man and the hunter you’ve become. You know Smile will always be waiting when you’re ready to come home.” Her voice grew soft.
Roman’s heart pinched. He knew Kate meant he’d always have a home with her…but of course Smile would always be waiting for the son of Johnny Prince, he thought bitterly. How could it not?
“I’ll see you tonight?” she said.
“Yeah,” he echoed. “See you.”
He hung up and let out a long sigh. It does matter where I came from, Kate. Other people will care, whether you think so or not.
“Damn it,” he muttered, only just stopping himself from scrubbing his face and messing up his makeup. Maybe it was just as well he hadn’t been able to track down Johnny. Roman still hadn’t decided if he’d have hugged his old man or punched his lights out.
The motel he’d chosen wasn’t far from the park, so Roman elected to burn some restless energy by walking to the party. He stepped onto Woodland Avenue and prowled downtown, passing familiar buildings: the upstairs pool hall, the old yoga studio, that weird underground Christian coffee shop, their little grocery store. Every sight and smell in this town carried memories.
The Main Street diner where the four of them—himself, Virgil, Logan, and Patton— sometimes used to eat was gone, he noted; replaced with yet another generic copycat that would probably only last a few months. Their beloved Santorini’s lived on, thank goodness, loud and lively at this time of night.
Merlin’s Vision, the little witchy shop where Virgil used to work, had moved to a larger corner location. Even after hours, the musky scent of nag champa lingered and clung to Roman’s skin as he slowed, looking at the window display of wands, dragon figurines, and kitschy, stockinged faeries. There’d been a time when Roman associated nag champa with Virgil almost as much as patchouli. Smelling it now brought back a familiar wave of sadness and want.
“One day you will ache for something your stolen power can’t give you. And I look forward to cataloguing all the ways that will destroy you,” his former master crooned in his memory, eyes glinting bright silver.
Roman smiled at the sight of a particular figurine: a knight on a white horse, clad in silver plate, spear leveled at a green dragon curled around a tower. Like many captured changelings, Roman had learned to read in the Hedgerow: a scattered network of Arcadian adults and teenagers who’d taken it upon themselves to educate as many children in faery captivity as possible. He’d always gravitated towards tales of Camelot, of King Arthur and his brave, loyal knights questing for the Holy Grail—which, in Roman’s childhood mind, had been freedom.
“One day you will ache for something your stolen power can’t give you.”
Roman sighed, biting back the sting in his eyes, and tilted his head to stare at the October sky. Maybe coming back here after everything was a mistake.
But Patton made a point to give him the date and time of this party before Roman dropped off everyone’s radar. Patton would be hurt if he didn’t show up, all because Roman couldn’t handle being in a town where every little thing reminded him of one particular person.
I’m tired of running, Roman told himself. When I do see Virgil again…I want to be able to find some closure, whatever that looks like. For both of us. He’d been telling himself the same thing for two months.
He reckoned it was getting easier.
Chin up, eyes on the target.
Roman walked on.
He heard the party before he reached Painter’s Pond; an acoustic version of some vaguely familiar pop song spilled from the trees onto the sidewalk. Roman paused at the park’s edge, a smile pulling at his face. Streamers hung from trees, round tables surrounded one of the park’s open spaces, and tiki torches cast a warm yellow light on knots of milling people. The food table looked thoroughly picked over, but Roman hadn’t come with any expectation of eating.
He scanned the crowd, smiling when he spotted Kate and Rosa twirling each other on the dance “floor”; he remembered when they’d taken swing lessons together. Patton was, amusingly, dancing with Logan’s mother. He didn’t see Logan at all…until he did, and the sight made him draw in a sharp breath.
Logan sat at the table furthest away from the band, leaning back in a chair and talking to someone with long purple bangs, a hunched pose, and a heartbreakingly familiar patched jacket. Roman exhaled again, his heart thrumming into high gear in his chest.
He had to blink several times to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating.
Virgil showed up after all. But…why?
The last time he’d seen his emo, he’d been stretched out on a hospital bed with his chest all bandaged up, unconscious. Now he was just…here, sitting with Logan like the half-faery hadn’t broken his heart into a million pieces.
Logan looked particularly sharp tonight: hair immaculately braided, gold tie nestled at his throat, his nicer pair of glasses perched on his nose. Roman hated to admit it, but his pansexual ass understood why Virgil had gotten his heart in such a mess over this guy. Logan was smart, poised, and annoyingly, effortlessly sexy, with those cheekbones, that posture that showed off his chest, and those soul-piercing, fae eyes.
He was also a know-it-all, stubborn, and more unforgivingly, an oblivious asshole when it came to other people’s hearts.
Roman ground his teeth when Logan laid a hand on Virgil’s arm, leaning close. Virgil twisted his head away, but to Roman’s surprise, he looked back and said something that made the nerd smile. Familiar, sour jealousy bloomed in Roman’s heart.
Even now, at his own damned engagement party to someone else, Logan just can’t leave Virgil alone, can he?
Logan got up to join Patton on the dance floor, squawking in protest when Patton grabbed his hand and spun him around. Roman took a deep breath, recentering himself, knowing he wasn’t being fair. As much as he hated what this had to be doing to Virgil, Logan and Patton made an objectively adorable couple. Honestly, Patton’s warmth and sweetness were probably exactly what Logan needed to work that metaphorical stick out of his ass.
Virgil remained at the table, alone.
He’d put his back directly to Roman now, making it impossible to see his expression. Was he still pining, even after all this time? Was he here just to torture himself…or did his presence tonight mean he’d finally turned a corner, put the feelings behind him for good? Roman bit his lip, abruptly unsure if he was ready to know.
Now, more than ever, he wanted to melt back into the shadows and pretend he’d never come, Patton’s Disappointed Dad face be damned. The thought of looking into Virgil’s cynical, piercing eyes with their mismatched rings…what would Roman even say to him? The last thing they’d done together was fight, which ended with Roman punching him in the face, and then they’d been too busy dealing with Deceit to even begin to reconcile.
He also remembered that claw, blossoming like a red thorn from Virgil’s…dying, he could have died…
Roman shuddered and covered his mouth, letting the trembling and redness in his vision pass. He couldn’t think about that, not even for a moment, or he’d never sleep tonight. He had to be brave, like Sir Lancelot and Bedwyr the One-Handed and poor doomed Tristan.
Inhale for four.
Hold for seven.
Exhale for eight.
When he could breathe again, he squared his shoulders, took a breath, and walked to Virgil’s table.
Patchouli: grounding
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t4t-apexeclipse · 2 years
my side designs
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[ID: a lineup of all six sides. from left to right, the order is roman, janus, remus, patton, logan, and virgil.
roman is wearing his prince outfit with white top and pants, gold accents, red sash, and black boots. he is tan skinned and he has brown hair and brown eyes. their hair is short and mildly fluffy. they have a scar on the left side of their jaw and diagonally across their nose. he has a doodle of a crown above his head and some heart shaped glasses, with an arrow pointing to him and text that reads “glasses (sometimes)”. there is text that says 5’7”
janus is wearing their dress shirt, capelet, yellow gloves, black slacks, black shoes, and bowler hat. they are pale with light green scales on the left side of their face. they have long blonde hair and their left eye is green and their right eye is brown. there is a good chain connected to their capelet. there is text that says 5’8”
remus is wearing his black top with green puffy shoulders, silver accents, and green sash. they have a puffy black skirt with green lining. she wears hot pink high heeled crocs. it is pale with long fluffy brown hair and a blonde patch of hair in the front, and a brown mustache. faer smile reveals sharp teeth. pup has scars under kits right eye, on vaeir neck, and on weres legs. ey have a beauty mark on stars right cheek. there is text that says 5’5”
patton is wearing his light blue polo shirt, grey cat hoodie around her neck, khaki shorts, grey socks, and brown sandals. he is fair skinned and has dark brown eyes and dark brown hair similar to romans. she has rectangular glasses. he has leg hair visible between her socks and shorts. there is text that says 6’0”
logan is wearing her black polo shirt, dark blue tie, light blue jeans, and black converse. it is tan skinned and has brown curly hair and brown eyes. he’s wearing circular framed glasses. she has freckles across its face. there is text that says 5’4”
virgil is wearing a purple zip up hoodie, black t shirt, black jeans, and black shoes. they are pale and their right eye is purple and their left eye is green. they have short straight blonde hair that goes slightly over their eyes. they have freckles across their face and black eyeshadow under their eyes. there is text that says 6’1”
there is almost transparent text that says januskin. End ID]
idk if the proportions or heights are right??? but i tried. also i might change the clothes at some point idk. it’s been a while since ive drawn regularly so this isn’t my best work but i wanna get back into art and get better
i know my designs aren’t exactly creative but i like em!!!! and i know roman looks basically the exact same but why mess with perfection? kajdjdjffj
now for pronouns
roman: he/they
janus: they/them
remus: every pronoun ever
patton: she/he
logan: she/he/it
virgil: they/them
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typically-untypical · 2 years
Echoes of the Past - Day 23
Prompt: “There are some temptations that cannot be resisted, some lessons we never learn.”
CW: Neglect, Dark Roman
Roman never learned his lesson. Because of an optimism he couldn't shake, he had been repeating this same mistake over and over again. He believed too much in the people he cared about, even when he knew that care wasn't mutual. He attempted to prove his point, attempted to show that he was the right choice as Thomas’ driving force, and every time it would blow up in his face. If he wanted to listen to Deceit because he made some valid points, then that was wrong, and the snake was evil. If he wanted to push Deceit to the sidelines because the input of a villain shouldn’t be trusted, then he shouldn't be so judgmental, and everyone deserved a second chance. No matter where Roman turned he was told no, and yet he knew fighting. He was Passion; he was desire; and he was doing everything to give Thomas the life he deserved.
Roman was fighting because he knew that this was what was right. He kept fighting each and every day despite the fact that he felt more and more alone. He had already lost his brother years ago, a crack that fissured its way down his soul, a crack he specifically ignored. This wasn't new. He barely thought about that loss now, the hole in his heart was something he worked around. He dressed it up in stories and tales so that he didn't have to wall his heart off. He kept it open, despite knowing how much it hurt to be abandoned. When he lost Logan, it hadn't been a surprise. The two of them had never really been on his side for anything. It was easy to cover the cracks that formed each time that Logan called him an idiot. 
Roman could survive that. If it had only been those two he would have been able to keep going, but that wasn't it. Patton betrayed him too. He and Patton were supposed to stay together forever so that they could conquer the world, or at least Thomas’ world. The heart and desire, connected, linked, and inseparable. 
But Patton abandoned him and in a strange twist of fate, the person by his side wasn’t the cardigan clad father figure, but rather the ebony darkness that was anxiety. He and Virgil hadn’t really gotten along before now, but ever since the wedding, things had changed. He was afraid to ask why, afraid that breaking the tentative truce between them would make things go hurtling back into their twisted maze of emotions that they had been before. He wasn't sure he could handle anymore cracks in his heart, but shimmering purple eyeshadow and the shy smile made it all feel so much better.
Roman never learned.
It was a calm cool night in the imagination, Virgil was supposed to be meeting him here for a few night time battles, a game of “enemies” though Roman was hoping this time, things could be more. Maybe it was a bad idea to pin all of his hopes on one person, on someone who had once been his enemy but Roman was a romantic. He was a lover. He was Passion. Walking around the imagination, Roman planted a few flowers that only bloomed at night, after their fights the flowers would be in full bloom. Roman could set the scene. Looking around he smiled happily. It was beautiful. It was perfect. He turned back to the door that he had set up specifically for Virgil, watching, waiting. He kept his hands behind his back, looking at the door with all of his hope.
Virgil was late. It was fine, something probably happened, but it was completely fine. He would wait. He could be patient.
He could be patient.
As the night flowers opened up, Roman's shoulders fell. He let out a slow sigh, allowing the garden around him to wilt. Never before had he so mercilessly destroyed his creation. He was a fool, but maybe it was time for himself to learn. He looked around, dragging his arms down his shoulders as he changed his outfit. He had thought he had an ally, he had thought he had had someone he could count on and hold onto. He had kept his heart open no matter how the past repeated itself. Despite the cracks and the fissures he kept everything open, and others took advantage of it.
“You want me to be the bad guy?” He asked the world around him, feeling its echo. He wiped the imagination clean, a blank slate. “Fine then, I guess I’m the bad guy.” 
Roman didn’t care about the ripple effect, didn’t care what this might do to Remus' domain, didn't care what this was going to do to the others. He was tired of being alone. He was tired of fighting. If they didn’t want to respect him, he wouldn’t respect any of them, and there was no reason for him to fight anymore.
@simplestoryteller @fantasticfangirl21 @joylessnightsky @melaniidarling @tsshipmonth2020
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kanene-yaaay · 1 year
Which three sides from Sanders Sides would you choose to wreck with tickles, have an evenly two-sided tickle fight with, and tickle you into oblivion? And why?
That little "and why" is such a power move DFGHJKJJHGFDFGH What do you mean I can't even just drop off the names and run away to an unknow forest in my own home smh smh (/j)
Okay!! So! To wreck with tickles I would def choose Patton. No questions asked, no hesitation. He is such a goofy, sweet bean that I would LOVE to see how wider, happier and sillier I can make his smile. I bet all my souls that hearing his giggles would melt my heart and his squeals would heal me. Besides!! He is a very comforting character for me so !!! to show him at least a lil bit of the care he shows everyone else? THAT IS MY JAM!! Also,,, imagine him just,,,,, happy,,, smiling and laughing,,,, how could I not-
Now, to have an even tickle fight with I am LOOKING at Roman because HOLY GOSH!!! How fun would that be!! I have no idea what kind of reactions he would have to wiggly fingers and silly scribbles but I BET that he wouldn't back away from a challenge, even if a tickly one!! And I mean, look at him, he DO DESERVE A LOT OF LAUGHTER IN HIS LIFE. And, again, listening to him laughing out my name? That would def heal something inside me. And he is playful and that would destroy me EDFGTHUJKIDFGT I am all but a simple gurl with simple wishes and no energy to fight back a lot so he would def win the tickle fight but I would have caught a lot of snorts and yelps so I think we're very even.
So, 'tickle you into oblivion' is DFGHYUJKIDFGH def one of the sentences ever written in an ask alright. I refuse to acknowledge it. but Virgil. Just.... I MEAN. HE IS. FIGH AND FLIGHT. AND HAVE YOU SEEN HIS SMIRK? HIS PURPLE EYESHADOW? THE WAY HE LIKES TO PRANK BEANS? Look, look, I just think that he is neat okay and I wouldn't have to care about my reactions around him. Also he is anxious and he would get me alright. Besides Idk I feel like he would be a KILLER with surprise attacks and yet sweet enough to forget he is supposed to be teasing the person and just bask in the joy of being able to make someone laugh. The fact that I had to type all of those words with my own two hands....
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emoprincey · 2 years
Drabble/ficlet masterpost
Here’s the masterpost of my ficlets and drabbles!! Most of these are short fics under 1000 words, and most aren’t posted on ao3 
Fortunately, Unfortunately
Relationships: Romantic dukeceit
Summary: Canonverse. Janus reassures Remus that he really does love him.
"You own my heart"
Relationships: Romantic anxceit
Summary: Janus is a prince, and a lot of suitors are after his hand in marriage. His boyfriend, Virgil, isn't too happy about this.
The Truth Hurts
Relationships: Romantic anxceit
Summary: Canonverse. Angst. Janus tries to stop Virgil leaving. Then he doesn't.
"How do you get accidentally married?"
Relationships: Romantic moceit
Summary: Patton has some wonderful news (at least, he thinks so). Virgil takes it about as well as you'd expect.
A shoulder to cry on
Relationships: Romantic loceit
Summary: Canonverse. Logan is feeling a bit overwhelmed. Fortunately, Janus is there to comfort him.
Where Loyalties Lie
Relationships: Platonic anxceit
Summary: Janus finds out his best friend is a traitor to the crown.
Feels Like Forever
Relationships: Romantic analogical
Summary: Virgil goes to visit his boyfriend. This would be easier if his boyfriend wasn't the prince, and if he didn't have to scale a tower to see him.
Race Against Time
Relationships: Romantic dukeceit
Summary: Perhaps the middle of a heist isn't the best time to Define The Relationship.
Of Flying and Flowers
Relationships: Pre-romantic logince
Summary: Roman and Logan are both pilots, dedicated to their jobs with no time for a relationship. Why then, is Roman gripped by the desire to do something romantic every time he sees Logan?
The Curious Case of the Missing Jacket
Relationships: Platonic anxceit
Summary: Based on this prompt by @/sleepyvirgilprompts: Virgil can't sleep without his hoodie. When it disappears one day and ignores his attempts to summon it, this becomes a problem.
Stay With Me
Relationships: Romantic moceit
Summary: Janus doesn't know what happened, or even where he is. All he knows is that he doesn't want Patton to leave his side.
Moceit parents au
Relationships: Romantic moceit
Summary: Janus and Patton are both busy parents, but maybe they can make time for each other.
Falling for you
Relationships: Pre-romantic analogical
Summary: Logan is a little nervous about talking to his crush. Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately) Roman is there to help out.
Two can play at that game
Relationships: Romantic loceit
Summary: Logan thinks Janus should get out of bed. Janus disagrees.
Steal a hat, or a kiss
Relationships: Romantic anxceit
Summary: Virgil tries to pull a prank, and it goes better than he could have expected.
Stimming and sparkles
Relationships: Romantic anxceit
Summary: When Virgil gets excited, his eyeshadow turns into purple glitter. Janus thinks it's beautiful.
Relationships: Platonic anxceit
Summary: Virgil isn't doing so well, but there's one Side who will always be there for him.
Relationships: Romantic anxceit
Summary: Based on a headcanon by @/princeanxious. Janus has cold hands, and delights in using this to prank the other sides. That is, until he tries to prank Virgil.
The World is Ugly
Relationships: Romantic intrulogical
Summary: Remus is a newly turned werewolf, and unfortunately he has to deal with the prejudices that come with that.
Dukexiety high school au
Relationships: Romantic dukexiety, platonic LAMP.
Summary: Remus bumps into his crush. Literally.
Anaroceit cuddles
Relationships: Romantic anaroceit
Summary: Virgil is rudely awoken from his nap, but somehow he doesn't mind too much.
Relationships: Romantic analosleep
Summary: Virgil and Remy make sure Logan gets some sleep.
What's In The Box?
Relationships: Romantic logicality
Summary: Patton brings home a surprise.
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quarantinevibes2020 · 4 years
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How could I NOT-
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the-officially-kat · 4 years
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dankcinnamonroll · 4 years
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seething-fire · 2 years
How I think the Sanders Sides would look if they were real
Warnings: mentions of weapons, but only as tattoos 
Tall boi, like 6’2 (187 cm)
He’s pretty pale, like could get a sunburn anytime, anywhere, kind of pale
His hair is naturally curly and blond, but he colors it brown because he got tired of all the blond jokes 
I don’t really know how to describe the length, but all of it covers his ears, but doesn’t quite hit his jaw
He has acne scars on his cheeks and along his jawline 
When he has more than two days off, he lets his beard grow (but not because he’s ashamed of his scars, he just likes having a beard) 
Some freckles around his nose 
He doesn’t lift weights, but he’s just a solid guy, ya know? 
Has been asked if he’s a football (American football) player because of his build 
Light blue eyes
Only wears square glasses 
Immediately puts on some kind of woven bracelet when he gets home 
When he’s not at work or school, he wears those gray sweatpants you know what I’m talking about 
Only has about a million shirts with science and space puns on them 
Has a pair of fluffy slippers that he loves 
He’s just a bit shorter than Logan and Virgil, so he’s 5’9 (175 cm) 
His skin is gorgeous, a rich tawny shade
Dark wavy hair that almost reaches his shoulders
He’s kind of lanky; he’s thin and has long legs 
Brown eyes (He likes to describe them as a “cocoa” shade because of his love for chocolate lol) 
Has faint smile lines because he smiles so much 
Has a slit in one of his eyebrows (not on purpose; gardening accident)
Likes to wear glasses in fun shapes or circles 
When he’s at home by himself, he’s sporting the cat hoodie and boxers we all know this man doesn't wear pants if not necessary 
He also loves socks with cute designs, so whenever he’s with his friends, he shows them off
Loves rings, especially ones that have hearts, or some other kind of shape/pattern 
Paints his nails a new color every week 
Tiny pride flag tattooed on his thigh
Enjoys experimenting with makeup, so he wears eyeshadow and lipstick sometimes
He’s 5’7 (170 cm) 
His skin is a warm sepia
His hair is pretty short, but long enough to make a quiff (yes, that’s how he wears his hair)
Currently it’s the natural color, but before he cut it, it was blue 
As far as his body goes, he’s muscular 
He could be considered ripped
Wears smaller shirts than he needs to so he can show off his muscles (think Steve Rogers)
Deep brown eyes
He has a small scar on his right cheek (He’s learning to love it)
*Loves* tattoos, so he has a few small ones 
There’s a sword behind his ear
A crown on his shoulder 
A rose on the inside of his right wrist 
And a Disney quote along his left forearm 
He thinks of himself as a art museum and those are his tiny pieces of art
He lounges around the house in a muscle tank and athletic shorts 
Paints his nails with Patton 
Another tall boi; he’s 6’1 (185 cm) 
He has dark brown skin 
Bright purple fade, and you cannot change my mind (he loved the purple hair on Thomas)
The top is a bit long and very curly (He has 4C curls)
Hazel eyes 
He’s chubby and has a cute belly 
He’s got a little bit of extra fat on the sides of his lower rib cage, so when he’s home alone, he goes shirtless so he can see it all 
He really adores the way piercings look, so he has a couple 
A bar in one of his ears
An eyebrow piercing 
And a lip ring 
He also likes tattoos He and Roman may or may not get theirs done together 
But Virgil is covered in them 
He’s got some music related ones (you know one of them has to do with MCR) 
A few small skulls here and there, spider webs on the skin in between his fingers 
Things that symbolize mental health struggles 
Jack Skellington ;) 
And just a few random ones (a very small goldfish on his ankle) 
He just wears boxers when he’s by himself so he can see all the art all over his body 
But when there are other people around, he wears band t shirts and pajama bottoms 
Short king; 5’6 (167 cm) 
His skin can be described as terra cotta, almost 
Long, dark hair
He puts in a bun when he wears his hat
Has a similar build to Logan, but he’s shorter, so it looks different on him 
His shoulders are broad, and his legs are on the shorter side 
Has been described as “solid”
His eyes are a stunning deep deep brown 
Also has dimples 
May or may not have acrylics 
He likes to get snakes painted on them 
Permanent dark circles under his eyes 
Tongue piercing 
We know he can ROCK a skirt, so he wears them a lot
But when he’s by himself, he wears a fluffy white robe, no matter the weather 
Because of the aesthetic, obviously 
He also saves his money for designer jewelry, so over the years, he’s slowly acquired a nice collection of expensive stuff that he wears all the time 
Somehow much taller than Roman; 6’0 (182 cm)
Like his brother, he has the same beautiful skin tone
He has a curly mullet (his hair is naturally straight, but he got a perm) 
It’s shaved on the sides 
Has two slits in both eyebrows 
And dark brown eyes like his twin  
He’s the thinnest out of everyone
Has a couple face tattoos and piercings 
Septum piercing, snake bites, eyebrow piercing 
A tiny garbage can tattoo on his temple 
“pull the lever” across his jawline (yes, it’s an Emperor’s New Groove reference)
He also thought it sounded metal as hell
A dagger on his neck 
And a small “x” under his eye 
Always wearing eyeliner and black nail polish 
Wears punk clothes 
Even in his down time 
Chains, patches, safety pins, diy clothes, all of it 
HUGE platform boots 
Still hasn’t taken his hospital bracelet off since the last time he was there 
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