yaelstiel · 10 years
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Can we talk about height difference? 
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legacysam · 10 years
oooo samisfaithful is pretty cool
constellationsammy said: 
i really love legacysam and sambelongstosam
moondoorqueen said: 
I like enduringsam & legacysam! :)
ifelldownthefandomhole said: 
I really like enduringsam and legacysam! But that’s just me :) good luck figuring it out!
vipersam said: 
I like enduringsam and legacysam.
Thanks for all the input! I’m leaning strongly toward legacysam at the moment—I like the Men of Letters connection but also the idea that Sam as a character has a legacy that will live on for lifetimes, in his world and in ours with all the people who have been saved by him or found something in him to admire and emulate and fight for in themselves and their own lives. Like… sam!fans are his legacy in a way, you know?
enduringsam is a close second, though. Because his endurance is part of what becomes his legacy and inspires people. I’m going to take a few days to think about it and then decide, though.
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vipersam replied to your post:Okay okay, everyone is out of the house and i have...
And it’s on Netflix
OH YEAH duh I forgot all about that :P
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For the yes or no ask game: After Supernatural ends, will you still be as active in the fandom as you are now?
Yes. (I think so.)
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buffyboleyn · 10 years
One more if you don't mind: Bangel
Sure :)
I consider this ship’s feelings: Mutual | Mixed | Strange | Awkward | Platonic | Sibling-like | One-sided | They don’t really like each other |I’d consider the relationship: Healthy | Awkward | Abusive | Doesn’t work properly | They’d never get together |Children: No | Yes | They’d think about it (Angelus would eat whatever babies they had if he was unleashed, so I think even if they had the fertility problem fixed, neither would knowingly risk it) General Opinion: No matter what you ship, the end of Becoming and the break up in Prom still gets to you...by itself I’m okay about it at best. It certainly very important to both their development, but very exhausting. It also came about more inorganically  than I like my ships: we were to assume from the start that they were destined for each other and bound by duty and that Angel fell for her instantaneously and Buffy soon followed too...that level of determinism is like the kiss of death for shipping to me: it doesn’t let the characters breathe! The actors had excellent chemistry tho and I think that tbh is why the ship sailed
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hottiehaise · 10 years
The ship is my: nothing in particular?
I consider this ship’s feelings: Mutual | Mixed | Strange | Awkward | Platonic | Sibling-like | One-sided | They don’t really like each other |
I’d consider the relationship: Healthy | Awkward | Abusive | Doesn’t work properly | They’d never get together |
Children: No | Yes | They’d think about it
General Opinion: I enjoyed their relationship while it lasted. They definitely made a good (and cute) couple. Even though I ship Fred/Wesley more, I do wish there wasn’t a Wes/Fred/Gunn love triangle to begin with. Fuck love triangles man.
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kangseluigi · 10 years
Something I like about myself
Oohhhh uuuhhhhhhh
*taps fingers*
*rattles chair*
*swings left and right*
I… umm. Idk
I’m cute?
Thank you
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joelhammnd-blog · 10 years
vipersam replied to your post:i just lost four followers ): okay
for the Casey spam? Their loss
It could have also been because of that huge horror spam I did earlier. Who knows. People are nitpicky.
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yaelstiel · 10 years
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So I was tagged by green-circles​ and savingchesters​ remake my first gif / gifset. I remade my 3rd because the first two weren’t spn. 
And I’m gonna tag: vipersam​, laoih​, brotherlyfeels​ and dahliasheng​ to do the same.  Obviously, you don’t have to do this and if you’ve already been tagged then just ignore this. 
Feel free to delete the caption if you just want to reblog the post (◕‿◕✿)
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aphony-cree · 10 years
46, 48, & 52
Absolutely but I don’t follow many Sherlock/Doctor Who blogs anymore. I used to but I saw a lot of negativity going around. When I see people posting hate I unfollow them and, unfortunately, that means I don’t have many Sherlock/Doctor Who blogs left in my follow list
48:What’s an unpopular ship you have?
I’m not sure which ships count as unpopular. I recently discovered Team Free Love, which is an OT4 between Dean, Cas, Sam, and Gabriel. I don’t see much of it so I guess it’s not very popular but I’m really enjoying it and wish there was more.
52:What’s your opinion on Zachariah?
He was an utter bastard and it was perfect. Kripke has said that he resisted the idea of angels because he didn’t want to do a good vs evil story-line. He changed his mind because angels in scripture weren't the fluffy do-gooders that modern society interprets them as, they were warriors and often very ruthless. The first planning meeting for season 4 he walked in and said “Angels, but they're dicks” and that was a perfect move. Zachariah balanced out Lucifer. You couldn’t root for heaven or hell because both sides were being assholes so the focus was right where it should be, on the Winchesters and their rebel angel. 
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vipersam replied to your post:hi :) i'm a new spn blog and i was wondering if...
Sorry, I spazzed out for a second. Thank you for the promo. :D
heh spaz ily
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deanscarlett · 10 years
BBs, I need your help. I need a scene of Dean driving during daytime, in which he’s talking to Sam (or anyone who happens to be in the passenger seat during that scene), but I cannot remember specific episodes at the top of my head atm.
(tagging you three, but this goes for anyone with better memory than me :D)
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mayaofthemountain · 10 years
vipersam replied to your post “Sam Winchester & Sam Anders (I am so predictable, sorry)”
I don't know if that's an unpopular opinion either, but I agree that Sam would probably be okay with a poly marriage.
"Do you love Lee?...Then you gotta go to him."
 He accepted all of Kara, all her good parts, all her flaws, and never tried to change her. He was forgiving even when she treated him poorly, but it wasn't being stepped on. He just loved her so much and didnt want to stand in the way of her being who she was I JUST. SAM.
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buffyboleyn · 10 years
I consider this ship’s feelings: Mutual | Mixed | Strange | Awkward | Platonic | Sibling-like | One-sided | They don’t really like each other |I’d consider the relationship: Healthy | Awkward | Abusive | Doesn’t work properly | They’d never get together |Children: No | Yes | They’d think about it General Opinion: Spangel is a running joke/crack ship for me really. They got together one time sexually, but hate each other on a truly visceral level even when both are “good.” This is tempered by their ability to get each other in ways others can’t as they’ve shared so much; they have their own language, if I’m making any sense. But anything substantial they create together beyond begrudging friendship can’t possible last long term...too much resentment. It’s fun tho!
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dickbaggins · 10 years
Hmmm, Michifer and Sadreel?
I could probably get into some Michifer, yeah, let's otp that shit. angsty dirtybadwrong angelcest? I'm there
Sadreel is totally a brotp though, like they'd go running together and make matching bitchfaces and eyerolls and awwww what a cute brotp!
these were leftover from last night but I'll do more idc
Lets play: OTP, BROTP, or NOTP! send me a ship
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kangseluigi · 10 years
vipersam replied to your post “Top five movies?”
Good list. I bought 'Mysterious Skin' years ago, haven't watched in a long time though.
Ahh probably for the best. It's so damaging ;-;
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