lutes-of-the-world · 11 months
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famousdeaths · 11 days
French composer and conductor Jules Violle was known for his symphonies, concertos, and chamber music. He taught at the Paris Conservatory and was influenced by classical composers like Haydn and Mozart.
Link: Jules Violle
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starflouer · 4 months
tiny itty bitty tag dump⠀!
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scholarofgloom · 5 months
Deep Rain (Southern Gothic)
"Deep Rain"
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Chapter I
Clarence Barker lived, so most of the town thought, in an old, miserable hovel, even as the 1920's roared. Of course, it was South Carolina, and segregation held most like Barker back for their skin, but Barker was not most, and had a second life of which only a few knew.
In another part of the city, dressed as finely as his dress as Clarence Barker was shabby, he was "Joe Greenleaf", and had a remarkable fortune derived from taking a percentage from various gambling operations, always in a gray area with the law. It was as Greenleaf that he planned to make himself the wealthiest man, regardless of race, in all of South Carolina.
Weather forecasting was not much, but one of its pioneers was Barker, albeit very much with profit in mind. He sent little unmanned boats out into the Atlantic Ocean, equipped with radios, and if the signals stopped, Barker knew a storm was coming. Over time, Clarence learned the most common routes hurricanes took when they hit South Carolina, and would sail a ship out many miles in order to release more unmanned radio boats, to give himself days and even weeks warning when a hurricane was approaching, and this year, as Joe Greenleaf, he planned to turn a hurricane into a real estate empire.
When his little fleet stopped signaling, he knew a hurricane was approaching, and in return for his prompt warnings to locals, he made them sign contracts agreeing that, using his legal name, Clarence Joseph Barker, he and he alone would rebuild their homes and properties, repairing any damage, for a profit, and rebuilding from scratch if need be.
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Chapter II
Van Violle, known to most simply as "Vulture", took full financial advantage of hurricanes as well, but not only hurricanes. He burgled, robbed, stole and cheated anyone vulnerable, the elderly and the ill, people in wheelchairs, even street urchins on the rare occasions the kids got their hands on any money.
Vulture got the biggest haul from storms, though, and this time, with Clarence Barker giving advance warning, Van "Vulture" Violle thought that every abandoned home was ripe for the picking, and began to burgle them, even as the rains began. However, Barker, considering Violle both a professional rival and beneath him, gave Vulture one warning, clearly expressed with a shotgun, to leave the area or die, and off Vulture slinked.
With this hated fellow out of the way, Barker/Greenleaf had everything his way: He rebuilt the city's residences at an enormous personal profit, but in so doing, the homes he built, repaired and resold became targets of someone vengeful, someone burglarizing them, after the storm ended, and knifing more than one resident when interrupted.
At first, Barker thought it was Vulture wanting revenge, but instead, it was Barker's own brother.
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Chapter III
Three years before the storm, Clarence Barker and his brother, Egan Barker, had parted ways most bitterly. Egan Barker had, in the 1910's, traveled to New York City, and there become badly addicted to opium. As a result, he would steal, even from Clarence, and when Clarence caught him, Egan received an unwanted boxing lesson, for which he never forgave Clarence.
Now, he was back, and while he wanted the money for his opium habit, it was obvious to Clarence, once he realized that Vulture was still not daring to show his face, after Clarence's threats, that his real estate was being targeted, by Egan, to ruin him, such was the nature of "Cain", as Clarence "Joe Greenleaf" Barker called his brother.
Greenleaf (Clarence Barker) went to the Sheriff, Sleepy Harris, but as Harris's moniker suggested, he put in minimal effort, and that included the hiring process. If you wanted to be a deputy of his, so long as the county had a budget for your salary, Harris would hire you on the spot, simply to have someone else to do his work for him. Thus, the deputies Sheriff Harris sent to protect Greenleaf's real estate were cartoonishly inept, one wounding his own foot while trying to take a shot at Egan Barker.
Clarence realized that he would have to deal with Egan once and for all, and without any help from the Sheriff. It came down to Egan, in the act of burglary, armed, and on his trail, Clarence, with his shotgun. Both fired, but only Clarence hit his target. Legally in the right, Clarence nevertheless drew the disapproval of Judy Collier, an eccentric local mystic, a woman who believed that she was a prophet of the Apocalypse, who began to refer to Clarence, in turn, as "Cain".
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Chapter IV
The next year, when, in another part of South Carolina, Clarence Barker attempted to expand his real estate holding via the same means, monitoring hurricanes and the rest, Judy Collier followed him and told the locals that Barker was a "fraud", and not to buy any housing from him.
Collier, who preached her own version of the Gospel, had a considerable following, and Barker, apart from losing money, was also concerned that, since Judy was calling him a liar, residents would not heed his truthful warnings about oncoming hurricanes, and would lose their lives as a result. Confronting Collier with the fact that she might be costing lives, her response was predictable to those who heard her preach, "The Almighty sent the storm, and He chooses whom it plucks, and whom it spares, Cain."
Collier was not the only one trying to sabotage Greenleaf's plans, however. A small group locally, known as the "Radical Boys", anarchists who hated law and capitalism, saw Greenleaf as a "capitalist bloodsucker", as their literature described him, and took to sinking Barker's unmanned ships before he could use them to detect storms.
The rains were coming and Barker knew it was already too late. Even without hope of profit, Barker tried to warn locals to leave, but nearly half of them were followers, in this area, of Judy Collier, and refused, and those who did flee the impending storm had their homes burgled by the Radical Boys, who funded themselves and others in such ways, giving much of the money they gained to fellow revolutionaries, mainly in larger cities such as Baltimore and even New York City.
Collier, though, considered the Radical Boys scoundrels as well, as they were "godless thieves", so she brought a Tommy gun to confront them, even as winds became dangerously high. The Radical Boys themselves were well armed, and Clarence Barker, of course, had his shotgun.
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Chapter V
Judy Collier, muttering to herself as she trudged through ankle deep water and higher and higher winds, had the element of surprise on the Radical Boys, and would have mowed them down, but Barker, though he had no love for her targets, considered this murder, and so shot Collier, whose death resulted in her being seen by her following as a "latter-day martyr".
The Radical Boys knew no gratitude to a capitalist, however, and what though Barker had just saved them from death, fired shots at Clarence, while others of them tried to wade towards Barker/Greenleaf, knives in hand. The numbers were with the Boys, but the winds were against them, and off the rain and wind swept most of them away, these seen as political martyrs by East Coast anarchists, while a few survived and fled.
One pistol shot hit Clarence Barker in the hip, giving him a limp for the rest of his days. In the thirties, this entire story, as spelled out to the reader, was recounted, on a quiet Summer day, by Barker to Sheriff Elliott "Sleepy" Harris, though as they were seated, Harris nodded off before hearing how it all ended.
The end.
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my-saintecolombe · 4 months
Performed in Paris on a violl built during the period that Bach wrote the music.
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4eyecomplex · 7 months
In typical "occult enthusiast goes looking into the wrong secrets" fashion, I decided to look up odd instances around home. I was hoping for a larger iceberg, but I haven't looked into the listed ghost towns/reportedly haunted locations. (Not really on my radar)
As far as cryptids go, we got:
A sea monster said to live in the midst of the Chesapeake Bay.
A creature resembling a goat-human hybrid (mixed reports of satyr/faun and potentially my fursona) often credited with canine deaths and purported to take refuge in the woods of Prince George's County.
On what I've found so far regarding witch trials (1654 - 1712):
Mary Lee
In 1654, aboard the ship 'Charity of London', a rumor spread amongst the sailors that passenger Mary Lee was a witch. It's said that Captain Bosworth refused to try Mary Lee but eventually relented. Bosworth expressed interest in dropping her off in Bermuda, but cross winds prevented it. Mary Lee was captured by the sailors, and her body was searched for "the witch's mark." When they concluded they found the mark, Captain Bosworth was called to examine it. According to testimonies, Mary confessed. Bosworth was supposedly unwilling to sentence her to death and just retired to his cabin. Francis Darby, who helped search Mary's body, recalled how she was hanged by the sailors.
* The Charity of London would go on to be seized by the British in 1681
Elizabeth Bennett
In October 1666, Elizabeth Bennett was brought before the Provincial Court in Saint Mary's County. Bennett was charged with Witchraft, burglary, murder, and trespassing. In the same month, her case was deemed not presentable, and she was cleared by proclamation.
Rebecca Fowler
In September of 1685, Rebecca Fowler was tried by the provincial court of St. Mary's County. The widowed Rebecca was accused of performing witchcraft around Calvert County, even claimed to have harmed local residents. She was indicted and pleaded not guilty. Attorney General Thomas Buford ruled her guilty, and she was sentenced to be hanged early that October.
* The only person legally executed as a witch by a Maryland court
Hannah Edwards
In April 1686, recently widowed Hannah Edwards was brought to court in St. Mary's County, having been accused for the past year of being witch by Ruth Hutchinson. It was claimed that Ruth was consumed and pined for by Hannah. Hannah was indicted, pleaded not guilty, and was found to be such.
Virtue Violl
In October of 1712, Sheriff Foster Turbutt of Talbott County brought Virtue Violl to the Sheriff of Anne Arundel County to face the court. Virtue, a spinster, was accused of using witchcraft against Elinor/Ellianor Moore, who was rendered speechless. Virtue pleaded not guilty and was found as such a few days later.
Moll Dyer
Legend says Moll Dyer was accused of being a witch and was banished from Leaonardtown, Maryland. She was later found dead, frozen to a rock in the forest.
* Due to fires in both St. Mary's County and Calvert County archives in 1831, no legal records exist verifying the story of Moll Dyer.
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vreaenelpiso · 7 months
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violle fletes rakel
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
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So recently the lovely @angellazull did an awesome piece featuring himself in his country’s magic school’s robes  (in his case, Castelobruxo)...and I got inspired!
Being from America, my magic school should be Ilvermorny, but...yeah, Ilvermorny lives in New England. I spent almost all of my formative years in Maryland, not far from Washington, D.C. -- and quite frankly, if you don’t live in the U.S., then you’re probably unaware of the tensions that crop up between different areas of the country (i.e. Northeast VS South; Midwest VS Northeast and West) as well as between individual states (i.e. New York VS New Jersey; Texas VS California; Florida VS...everyone else...). It’s basically like saying that Beauxbatons is the only school for all of Western Euro -- oh wait. XDD
So yeah, um -- I have the headcanon that Ilvermorny and the Salem Witches Institute are not the only magic schools in North America, because that is absolutely impossible. So I made up a school for my younger self (since I’m no longer in school, LOL) that would’ve fit comfortably in my home state of Maryland -- a pair of schools called the Virtue School of Sorcery and Violl University, often casually shortened to Virtue-Violl. (Way too much additional info under the cut because I am a humongous nerd.)
The school was founded in the mid-18th century by Virtue Violl, a witch who was the last woman to be accused of witchcraft in Maryland’s history. She was spared punishment by the colony’s first Attorney General, a No-Maj named William Bladen. Even though Bladen suspected Virtue might in fact really be a witch, she had been nothing but kind to him, and so Bladen declared her innocent of any crimes and set her free. The two later became close friends, and Virtue decided to open a school where others like her could safely learn their craft away from No-Maj eyes. Decades later after the end of the Revolutionary War, this school would later be split in two, with both being named after her.
When a young mage in the Maryland area turns 10, they receive a letter inviting them to attend Virtue School of Sorcery the following school year. If the child’s family is magical, then the family can always decline in favor of attending another magical school or teaching their child magic from home. If the child’s family is No-Maj (or non-magical), then it’s strongly encouraged to accept the invitation or that of another school, but if the family still refuses, then the MACUSA may need to get involved to make sure that the child in question doesn’t become an Obscurus. If the invitation is accepted, then the following year, the child is provided a Portkey that will take them to their orientation.
Just like in other American private schools, the students are grouped by year (no house system here), and at the end of every school day, they’re allowed to return home to their families and sleep in their own beds. This both makes it easier to hide the two schools (the locations of which keep hopping up and down the Potomac River every few years to avoid No-Maj detection) and encourages the magical children to continue living in the No-Maj world so their magic isn’t as easily detected. (In America, the Wizarding World is even more underground than in the U.K., so Virtue-Violl strongly advocates its graduates being able to live comfortably in both the No-Maj and Wizarding Worlds. This is also why their school uniforms don’t include robes the way Hogwarts’ do.)
Once a student graduates from Virtue at the age of 14, they then move up to Violl University and study there for four more years. If Virtue teaches its students the building blocks of magic, then Violl teaches them how to apply what they’ve learned in the No-Maj and Wizarding Worlds. Violl students are more likely to be sent out into the No-Maj world on assignments and sent on field trips to the MACUSA, hidden magical communities, and other magical schools. Although the legal age in the Wizarding World is 17 and so senior year Violl students can openly use magic, they’re given an extra year of education in advanced magic like Animagi Transformation and Alchemy, both to make sure they’re well-rounded and so that Violl alumni are legal adults in the No-Maj world by the time they leave. Each Violl student must also pick an area of study like Charms or Magizoology as their specialty (rather like choosing a major in college), and is allowed access to a specific clubhouse (rather like a fraternity or sorority) for students interested in their area of study.
Virtue and Violl’s school uniforms have similar color schemes (burgundy/white/gold/black, just like the Maryland state flag), but slightly different designs. Virtue’s features a long-sleeved white shirt, a gold caped vest, a plaid burgundy skirt or shorts, black ankle boots, and (optional) a white pointed hat with a burgundy ribbon and Jobberknoll feather. Violl’s features a long-sleeved white shirt with a collar, a gold vest, and high-waisted, wide-legged burgundy plaid slacks -- the traditional hat is generally discarded at this point, so as to encourage a more “No-Maj-like” appearance in its older students, in an attempt to encourage future integration into No-Maj society. Burgundy-trimmed white wool capelets and long gold-trimmed black trenchcoats with flared sleeves are worn in colder weather.
The school’s mascot is the Jobberknoll, a magical bird that is silent its entire life before giving one last, long song just before dying. Its insignia, which depicts an crossed arrow and wand, resembles a Native American symbol of friendship and symbolizes the strong platonic bond between William Bladen and Virtue Violl.
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capricxs · 5 years
my brain: chloe why don’t you use an fc that’s not jake
my heart: ch LoE wH Y DOn’T yO uUsE A n Fc t Hat’S NoT J AkE
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gloamsims · 6 years
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i’ve been playing this game for 5 hours straight
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lutes-of-the-world · 3 years
Why is the guitar called violão in Portugal and Brazil?
The story as I know it:
Tar means string in Proto-Indo-European and Sanskrit. Instrument names like kithara and guitar have this word in it.
The kithara was a classical Greek large lyre.
Cithara is Latin for lyre, and in the renaissance it was used for lute, as well.
Words like citole/citula/cistern/gittern referred to medieval European wire-strung instruments derived from the classical Roman fretted instrument.
Cittern arose from this tradition by the 16th century. The 18th century English guittar was a cittern. It traveled to Portugual via sea trade and became the guitarra portuguesa. I I don't think it made it to the new world, though other citterns did, called mandola or bandola.
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The guitarra latina and guitarra morisca (pictured) were medieval instruments of Spain, the former being the citole from the Roman Empire and the latter being the qanbus/gambus from the Moorish conquest of Andalusia.
The guitarra italiana was a 16th century lute with a longer neck. Lutes were ouds brought to Spain by Moors. Arabic "al'ud,' meaning "the wood" or "the fragrance" became laúd (Sp), luth (Fr), liuto (It), lute (En), etc.
The chitarrone of 17th century Italy, aka the theorbo, was literally a big chitarra (italiana). It was also used as a humanist symbol to replace the lyre or kithara of the classical Greek lyric poets. Thus, it is also symbolically a big kithara.
Todya's guitar took on its familiar waisted shape in 14th century Spain and France. Its rosette was Arabic, not like the citole's and gittern's, which were Gothic. To me this indicates its Moorish origin. Before that, I don't know, though I did find its tuning in an 11th century Persian oud treatise. That may be coincidence.
All Latin American guitars are derived from European ones. The Hawaiian ukulele that the Portuguese brought over, the cuatro venezolano and the Mexican jarana jarocha retain some of its old character from the 16th and 17th centuries.
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These images are from the Cantigas de Santa Maria, a medieval Spanish songbook.
These are vihuelas. Left is a vihuela de arco (bowed viol) and right is a vihuela de peñola (plectrum viol).
Vihuelas in Spain and viols in Italy were played da gamba (held by the legs) by the 15th century. The viola da gamba survives as the double bass viol (the orchestral contrabass).
The violin family took shape in 16th century Italy: violin (small viola), viola, violoncello aka cello (little big-viola), violone (big viola). In the 16th and 17th century, violone was a broad name for any large bowed viola. The double bass that survives to the present is part of the viol family (viola da gamba), not the violin family (violin, viola, cello).
In 16th century Spain and Italy, a waisted, flat-backed instrument called the vihuela de mano/viola da mano was used as an alternative to the bowl-backed lute. In Spain the lute/oud had Islamic connotations, and the vihuela Christian ones.
Portuguese, and subsequently Brazilians, called our guitar the violão. That name comes from this medieval tradition.
So: the words guitar and viol have both been applied, across different languages, to the instrument family now commonly known as the guitar. But, the word guitar also historically applied to citterns, and still does in Portugal, and the word viol used to be applied to guitar-like instruments, and still does in Portugal and Brazil.
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exficatsalley · 3 years
Woo!!! I officially have 3 players confirmed for my DnD campaign now~ I just need to wait for one of my players to finish making their character now.
Here’s the character sheet template I drew up, as well!!! I’m going to be drawing all of their PCs on their character sheet, as well, so stay tuned!!! I’m super excited about finally being able to DM my own campaign soon!! This is a long overdue game, but I’m so glad that I waited until I developed things a bit more. Also, here’s an over world map of Veleria, which is the nation that my campaign is taking place on. I’ve been working on this world for well over 8 years now, and the campaign for about 4years now.
The name of the campaign is Veleria: Tales of the Void, and this is the description I wrote for it on dndbeyond.
“Veleria was once a vivacious land filled with many civilians and creatures from coast to coast. These vibrant localities have grown monochrome, however, now devoid or color and life. Parisha’s once vivid red elegant elvish cities have become as grey as the ash falling from the volcano the cities are built around. The glittering goldstone walls of the Wilolan Mines which dwarves call home have become dull and faded. The orange peaks of the orc’s Vemorian Mountains which once shined in the morning light have grown shadowy and grim. The once glistening yellow-orange Goblin caverns of the Aeclugoth Caves have become subdued. The gleaming yellow sands of the Kaleric Desert that the cradic had adapted to only a few decades before have become dim and pale. The yellow-green grasses of the Creomirus Savanah have become lifeless and wilted. The grand green leaves of the Berumian Forest that wood elves reside in have become barren and bleak. The Rullubis Swamp’s blue-green deluge where half-elves live has become impoverished and desolate. The sparkling blue underwater cities of the Godriac Sea that triton populate are now all but muted. The blue-violet-hued Nebruthra Icelands where humans are located has become colorless and stark. The shining purple shaded snow of the Varjonian Tundra where drow take refuge gas kits all shine and has become dismal.The red-violet stones of the Fractioned Vale that half-orcs occupy is dreary and somber.Even the island of Violl’s Garden has begun to feel the spiritlessness of the central lands.
Heroes and adventurers alike hav been called forth to the now desolate city of Noirvera in the middle of the lands to discuss how the Provinces and Tertiary Zones have become so lackluster; how their help is needed to return the essence of the lands back to normal. Celia Belford has decided to pay a visit to the city of Noirvera, and is holding a conference to discuss the recovering of the Primary Heart Gems which were stolen from the Province’s capital cities deity tree statues and are now being used in the temples by the six corrupted weather priests.
The lot of you have traveled from all over this devastated nation to seek solace in the central city. Vairdan Ilric, the leader of Noirvera, has invited you all to the local seminar in hopes that you all will find some comfort. You each enter the city, some accompanied by companions, others venturing on their own. On this fated day, you all begin to make your way to the city hall where Celia is scheduled to speak.
What will you do?”
I don’t know when we’ll be starting yet, or what day we’ll choose to play on, but I’m still super excited about this. 💙 💙 💙
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flowercape · 3 years
whatever happened to the loz oc you have on artfight, do you still use her??
Oh wow, you're the first person who's asked me about her! I created Violl for a Zelda AU joint project with my friend @twilightpoison that we've been slowly working on together over the past year or so. I added her to artfight because I was gearing up to participate this year, but realized there's no way I'd be able to keep up with it as I was busy with moving that month, and decided not to. We're still working on the project so I definitely do still use her, just haven't had much time or energy to draw for the AU since school started back up.
We have a lot of fun characters in the Legacy AU that we haven't revealed too much about yet, but Enno posted some writing and art for the AU on their Linked Universe-inspired blog here if you'd like to learn more!
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spacecadette85 · 4 years
To My Love
A Poem Dedicated to @steviethechihuahuawrangler
My Best Friend, My Love, My World This poem is for you that waves unfurled If only I could fill it with as much love as in my heart As with every day I will at least try to impart The depth of our love truly cannot be measured But that does that mean it is no less treasured A chest full of gold cannot be compared To the amount of love that will forever be shared Our hearts are so closed that they are almost the same we both love living with our shared emphatic flame With a heart filled with Compassion, and Joy I will fight for you, my Helen of Troy I strive to always be yours, be your wonderful, your everything Without you in my life I cannot be anything Heart to Heart, Soul to Soul Our love is a flame lit eternal, sung by a violle For forever as life will provide Our love for each other will never be denied
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viollinha · 4 years
◞  partner di biologia!
Os dedos longilíneos da destra de Violle --- ou Ollie, como melhor apreciava --- batucavam a capa do caderno enquanto a sestra segurava um lápis que ocasionalmente encontravam o caminho rumo aos lábios, recebendo algumas mordiscadas. Um costume adquirido com o tempo e o qual ela procurava livrar-se, mas sem sucesso --- principalmente em situações que deixavam-na ansiosa, como agora. Precisava dizer a si mesma que Matteo não era inalcançável, embora tenha tentado alcançar o outro em diversas oportunidades, ao longo da vida escolar em conjunto. Ao vê-lo sempre distante, Ollie tentara se aproximar, incitando conversações até mesmo sobre o clima! Ainda assim, ele não lhe dera tanta abertura. Acreditava que em dado momento isso passaria. E qual melhor momento que um trabalho, juntos? Era o pensamento positivo que inundava sua mente. Principalmente quando o observou passando pelo corredor, fazendo-a colocar-se de pé em um salto que a deixou ligeiramente tonta. “Matteo!” Chamou-o com um aceno e colocando-se ao seu encalço. “Oi! Acho que você lembra de mim das aulas de Biologia? Sou a Ollie.. Violle, na verdade, mas pode me chamar de Ollie.” E uma risada curta e nervosa viajara pelo espaço entre os dois enquanto a garota olhava para o chão com uma careta. Estava protelando. “Anyway, você não veio à aula ontem e a professora passou um trabalho em dupla. Como eu não tinha uma dupla e você faltou... Sou sua dupla! Yay!” Implicou um tom animado, embora sem qualquer grito.
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my-saintecolombe · 5 months
Phillipe Falle amateur viol player compiles hundreds of pieces for accompanied violla da gamba in score form in the early 18th century.
Then he leaves a few blank pages and proceeds to copy pieces for unaccompanied violla da gamba, including solo music for the lute transcribed for the violl. Here, in this solo section, is the last music for the violla da gamba solo by Sainte-Colombe's son.
(NB to avoid Facebook's AI attacks violla with two "l's is on purpose).
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