#violetta harmon.
phvebee · 1 year
𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙧 : @wldschild​
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the moment the redhead lady had departed the gardens following her conversation with the prince , she quickly made her way back into the ballroom . emerald hues scanned the various masks until they fell upon the unusual but beautiful hair of her best friend . a sigh of relief left her body as phoebe quickly but gracefully made her way over to violetta , immediately linking their arms together . being next to the other woman brought a sense of peace to phoebe , allowing her to breathe a little easier for the first time since the incident . “ something happened , “ her words were low as a well practiced smile graced her lips , not wanting anyone to know something was wrong with the young debutante . “ i need to speak with you , vi . “ 
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frannieb · 1 year
𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙚 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙩 : @wldschild
❝ you sleep like a baby, you know that right ? ❞
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blinking herself awake at the sound of a voice within her bed chambers , the strawberry blonde frowned gently as her vision begun to unblur . " violetta ? " her tone was confused as francesca rubbed her eyes gently , the other becoming more focused in her vision , " how did you get in here ? "
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cfislas · 1 year
𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙧 : @wldschild
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" i may not have submitted a basket but there are plenty of other things to enjoy at the fête . care to join me while i search for them ? "
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rainsofvioleta · 11 months
I'll never let go of the camp of s1...the sincerity in its cringe... most of all i mean the live vocals they did for early s1 where someone would just PLAY the guitar and harmonize with someone over it, BADLY. violetta singing in public for the first time and it sounds live??? this is something that is so personal to me why did they stop doing it
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blueberrywhale123 · 11 months
Can you compare Violetta and Leon's voices? I know it's a little weird to compare female to male vocals but anyway
Uhhhh, I’ll give it a shot!😅
So after some research, I can say that Violetta is a mezzo soprano. This means that she is in the middle of an alto and a soprano, giving her a higher range than altos but a lower range than sopranos. A mezzo soprano’s range is usually G3-B5.
Violetta’s head voice is phenomenal! When you listen to Underneath it All, I mean- I just …. *chef’s kiss* It’s such a perfect example of her agility vocally and her head voice. Her transitions are very nice from chest to head, no breakage. She has a wonderful belt; Habla Si Puedes is a good example of her belting. In fact, her voice is just an all around powerful one, her head voice is very strong and her chest voice is full. Her enunciation is very nice and clear, not slurred at all.
Violetta has a very clear and bright tone when in the upper part of her register but when she’s in mid and low range, her voice has a rich, rounder, darker quality. En Mi Mundo is a good example of this difference in tone - listening to her lower notes, you can hear the dark rich round quality and when she hits her high notes, you can really hear how it brightens up.
Now, I already talked about León but I don’t know how to do a link so … oh well🤷🏻‍♀️ Here’s a quick recap:
So León’s a tenor and their range is C3-B4. León has remarkable control over his voice, his belts are powerful, his falsettos are marvelous, and his range is wide though he tends to sing on the higher side of his register. He has a clear, bright, pingy tone in his voice. His transitions are so seamless, no cracks or faltering, he just slides into his head voice like it’s nothing. His runs are a pleasure, no flat notes.
NOW, for both of them together. I loveeeee it when Violetta and León sing together because they blend and harmonize like nobody’s business. They have such powerful voices that it’s easy for them to over power a weaker voice (I hate to say it but Violetta overpowers Tomás in Tienes Todo). Again, I offer up Yo Te Amo A Ti as a prime example of their blending and agility capabilities, but really, I feel like all their songs are decent to wonderful at showing off their harmonies.
I hope that was good!😊
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fantasy-so-far · 2 years
Day 10 - ...And In Sacrifice
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Lily left no room for argument. The petite, generally docile woman dug her long nails into Adrionne’s wrist as she pressed a few sheets of folded paper into it. The young elezen couldn’t see what the object was as she fought to hold the distraught twins. Around them the hall echoed with bestial roars and wet screams.
“Run!” Lily commanded. Her voice had a chilling dual-harmonic quality to it and the air turned electric when she spoke.
As a duskwight native to the Black Shroud, a third-generation surface-dweller, Adrionne was immediately uncomfortable when she recognized that Lily was calling reluctant land spirits to herself, driving them against their instincts and will. Like so much else that was occurring in the chaos, this would not end well. Still, Adrionne was frightened. No amount of training prepared her for what was coming.
“No, Lily! You must come with me. Rataskr said—”
“He can’t do this alone. We banish it together, or not at all. My children will be free! Go!” Adrionne was stubborn, but all fight died as Lily turned and charged into the fray. Beyond, the creature known as “the Patron” tore free of its vessel and belched a stream of caustic shadows over those who fought against him.
Over Adrionne’s family.
If not for the two squirming, inconsolable toddlers in her lean arms, she would have chased after Lily. However, she had been taught to honor one’s oaths and stick to plans. She was to escape with the twins, and although Lily would not join her, she could carry out at least that one task. Against her desire, she turned her back on the battle and rushed toward the Grimm dwelling.
“The vessel –" Anu howled behind her.
Adrionne looked over her shoulder in time to see the lalafel woman get impaled on a dagger. The elezen assassin, though wearing a thick mask, shot a blue-eyed glance at Adrionne before silently nodding his approval. That parental approval banished what remained of her apprehension, and Adrionne sprinted to the door and kicked it open.
Once inside, the young woman put the twins down and pushed several pieces of furniture in front of it. The plan was to make it seem as though they were barred inside, even if she intended to promptly escape with the twins. Unfortunately, with only one adult going with the twins, she would not be able to take the two bags with her. She skidded across the floor on her knees and tore the bags open, looking for anything vital.
“Maybe Lily and Rataskr would both survive and take the rest before meeting her at the manor house…” Adrionne thought to herself.
That thought, though, brought her to a stop. Her family would not let Rataskr survive. He was void-touched and could not be suffered an existence any longer. It had taken several firm voices in the family to save him for as long as they had. Adrionne glanced to the twins who were trying to pull the furniture away from the door while calling out to her.
“Entie! Help! Out! Go out!”
In response, she only redoubled her effort to find only the most important things in the bags. She found Rataskr’s letter and recalled the papers Lily had given her. One was an envelope like the letter Rataskr had used, and in neat script, it was addressed to Violetta and Valerian. The other sheet of paper was addressed to Adrionne. She debated the letter a moment, but ultimately decided that she had to read it before going any further.
“Dear Auntie,
I am sorry. I always knew what was coming Rataskr wouldn’t hear it, though. It distressed him too much. I am so sorry, dear. Today will devastate you, and I wish that I could walk with you from this place. However, Rataskr and I must banish the evil to give our children any hope of long lives. This will not end their battles, nor yours, but it will give you all the time you need to grow. I really cannot say more than that in writing. I can, however, tell you that I am so eternally grateful for your understanding and compassion, and the future still holds love and joy for you. What you mean to me and what you will mean to my children is of little consolation, I know, but that cannot change just how grateful I am to you.
Now, rather than trying to carry the bags of belongings we packed, I have smuggled a respectable stash of gil out to an ally with connections in Gridania. The information you need to claim that coin is at the bottom of this letter. Use that to replace what you cannot take with you. Please, though, take these letters, mine and Rataskr’s, so that my children might one day have some answers. I feel cruel making such a request, especially when you may not have nor find comfort in the answers you seek. Just know that, I tried. I spoke to your father. He knows everything that I know and he has still decided to undertake this fight. I hope he left you a letter at home.--”
Adrionne refused to read anymore. She angrily stuffed the paper in her pocket and then completely empty one bag and started stuffing it with clothes, a couple plushies, and the security blankets. She looked angrily at the letters from the Grimm parents, but rather than giving into petty fury, she shoved them down at the bottom and then picked up the bag and secured it to her quiver, so she could still draw her bow if necessary.
“Come on, you two,” she said softly.
The twins were wailing calls to their parents and didn’t pay any heed to Adrionne’s request. She stared at them a moment, trying to empathize with their distress. This brought her uncomfortably close to accepting Lily’s vague premonitions, though. With a frustrated grunt, she stomped over and picked up each of the toddlers. Their scratching, slapping protests were largely ignored. Even when they reached up to grab her earring or hair, she marched toward the pantry. She opened it clumsily with her foot just as someone started to beat on the door. She paused, wondering if it might be one of the Grimms.
“I̴ ̴w̸i̴l̸l̴ ̸h̷a̶v̷e̷ ̸t̴h̵e̸m̶!̷”
The person’s voice was warped by possession. It was a familiar sound, like the amateur usage of fresh, fleshy vocal cords. While the creature was likely still fighting for its foul approximation of life, it was sending the possessed dead to claim the very children that had sparked Rataskr’s betrayal. Surely the creature didn’t need a child vessel, it could find someone else to claim. This was about hurting the would-be betrayer.
Adrionne gave no answer, but also didn’t try to silence the twins. Instead, she wove just a bit of aether into the room, and bounced the twins’ calls around the space. The haunting, thrown voices would resonate for several minutes, giving her time to extract the two toddlers from the hellish compound. She dashed through the portal in the floor and landed roughly on her boots. The portal was tucked in an unnatural alcove, on the freedom side of a caved in tunnel. She could smell the rain and hear the thunder, but it did little to discourage her from rushing out of the tunnel. Both twins had fallen eerily silent, each becoming dead weight in her arms. She could only assume they were shocked from the transport via portal.
She only made it about 200 yalms before the earth shook beneath her feet. It was enough to drive her to her knee, but Adrionne was able to keep the twins safe during the fall. She let them go and turned back to the place they had just escaped. A cry of devastation tore through her as she stumbled to her feet. She staggered a few feet back the way they had come before dropping to her knees.
The once pristine grove of trees, a veil to disguise the subterranean compound, were all felled and laid broken over a vast network of sink holes. Smoke billowed from a central crater, and in the wake of the explosion, only the sound water rushing into the depression and the crackling sound of settling earth and lumber came from the site. There was no life emerging from the wreckage. Whatever had happened in the battle had been absolute, just as Lily had foretold.
Minutes ticked by and Adrionne’s tears flowed in hot juxtaposition to the rain that soaked her through to her bones. The shock was overwhelming, and once she was thoroughly numb, she crawled back to the twins. They were both unconscious, and she didn’t have the mental capacity to spare for questions like “why?” Instead, she reached out and gently patted their cheeks, silently and automatically encouraging them to awaken. In time, Valerian sputtered and opened his eyes. If Adrionne had had her wits about her, she might have noticed the pale blue irises were now scarlet in color, but she didn’t. She was registering very little. Valerian’s tears and wailing started again, but rather than fighting Adrionne, he got up and wrapped his small, thin arms around her. Violetta wasn’t far behind. Maybe Adrionne would have benefitted from sitting and crying with them, but instinct demanded motion. Action. She detangled herself from the weeping children and stood. She adjusted her things, and then reached out to each of the twins, taking their hands. Before she left, she turned to cast one more glance at the smoldering mass grave. She knew she should feel something, but so much was displaced by shock.
There was only shock.
[Master Post]
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mary sharma is looking for their past suitor. it’s important that you know that the man that she literally ran from to marry kate and edwina's father.  it's likely there is ill feeling but everything else could be discussed, coould this be a second chance, could this be a friendship anything is open. their age is age 45+. fc suggestions include - any fc.
nathaniel  oldenburg is looking for their sibling ( 2 ). it’s important that you know that they are here by invitation of the queen,  being very distant cousins on king georges side. but basically it's a pretty open plot, their father died about ten years ago and he's been the king of denmark for a while but his mother is demanding he marry as she can no longer continue with duties of the queen as queen mother etc,  so  essentially  they're  probably here  to  help  and  make  his  like  hell. their age is 18+. fc suggestions include - any fc.
nathaniel  oldenburg is looking for their lover  /  best  friend. it’s important that you know that this muse has been at his side since they were kids but they are both in agreeance that them married would be a terrible idea, they love one another but not like that. their age is 40+. fc suggestions include - any fc.
priya kapoor is looking for their past almost married suitor.��it’s important that you know that this muse and priya were on everybody's thoughts last season, she was the diamond and they were almost wed but when news broke that he broke off their courtship for some reason, up to writer.. their age is 24+. fc suggestions include - any male fc.
priya kapoor is looking for their one she has a crush on. it’s important that you know that she barely knows this man, but everything about him she likes, from appearance to things she's heard, but she's always to afraid to mention anything, this muse would be unmarried and unattached at this stage but we can plot. their age is 24+. fc suggestions include - any male fc.
violetta harmon is looking for their potential lover, or suitor it’s important that you know that this man,   well  he  makes  her  incredibly flustered and unsure and violetta that is so strange, she feels she can't be herself and she needs to be perfect but he just makes her nervous.. their age is 19+. fc suggestions include - any male fc
+6 connections added
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dukescharming · 1 year
━ › 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧 𝐝𝐚𝐲 ━ › will be reblogged throughout the day on other blogs.
colby ledger !
defne avci !
delilah whittle !
elizabeth webber !
lucia alvarez !
marguerite potter !
mary sharma !
violetta harmon !
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supernova-151 · 3 years
german never sang once with angie and violetta but the first time esmeralda comes over to his house he’s playing the piano harmonizing and all???
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Dex was surprised she'd convinced Luca to go to a karaoke bar. The man had no problem with a night out drinking, but he didn't strike as the type to willingly go sing karaoke. But here he was, laughing alongside her as they watched a bridal party stumble off the stage after a rousing rendition of John Legend's 'All of Me.' Downing the rest of her tequila sunrise, she turned back to Luca with a grin.
"I've lived with you for a few weeks now, and every day you surprise me, Archer."
Luca raised an eyebrow, hiding his smirk behind his glass of bourbon. He motioned to the server passing by for another round.
"I'm full of surprises, Riley. Just you wait till I get up on stage and belt out some Beyoncé," he teased back.
"He does a really great rendition of Single Ladies," V teased, winking at Dex as Luca let out a bark of laughter. The trio shared a grin as they clinked glasses. Their cheer died down as Luca's eyes traveled across the bar to where Derek and Rome were sitting. Dex could see his mood sour as he watched Rome wrap a protective hand around Derek's bicep. She nudged his shoulder gently.
"I know it's hard but you just gotta ignore them," she whispered to him, earning herself a skeptical look from the man. "At least for tonight, you gotta be over her. Let yourself have some fun and forget all about her."
"You know as well as I that it's nearly impossible to do such a thing."
"Maybe it's impossible to do sober," Dex shrugged, pushing his new drink closer to him. "But a little bit of booze may help."
Under normal circumstances, Dex would not be encouraging his alcoholic tendencies. Ever since moving in, she did her best to curb his incessant drinking. But she wanted Luca to have fun tonight. Real fun for once. And if alcohol would help keep his mood up, well then she would drink right alongside him.
"You two are going to be trouble tonight, aren't you?" V sighed, watching warily as the two roommates downed their fresh drinks. Dex got the attention of a server for another round, adding on a round of tequila shots as well.
"Yes, we are," she confirmed with an apologetic smile. "But I promise you don't have to take care of us. I arranged for Samuels to drive us home. He owes me after I covered for him with his capo last week."
She passed V one of the shots the server delivered before leaning closer to the girl.
"You also don't have to drink with us. I know you're not a big drinker. But I wanted to give you the option so you wouldn't feel left out."
"She absolutely does have to drink with us," Luca argued, having overheard Dex's words to V. "At least this shot and the drink already in her hand. You said I needed to have fun tonight, and I can think of nothing more fun than a drunk Violetta.."
V rolled her eyes but decided to humor Luca. Picking up the shot glass, she raised it alongside her friends before following their lead and downing it. Dex laughed lightly as she watched the pain and disgust cross V's features as the tequila burned her throat. She handed the girl a lime to help the sting.
"Alright, Luca," Dex called, turning to the man as he set his glass down with a raised eyebrow. "I think what you need is a song. C'mon, let's go put our names down with the DJ. V, keep our table safe."
Four minutes later, after a rousing rendition of Queen's 'Bohemian Rhapsody' that Dexter was honestly surprised at, it was Dexter and Luca's turn to hit the stage. Luca kept muttering that he wasn't drunk enough, but Dexter dragged him up with her (a new drink in his hand). She hadn't told him what song she'd given the DJ, but she knew that he would know the lyrics. She'd been playing the song pretty frequently in their apartment and had caught him humming along more than once. Plus, it was perfect for this situation.
Luca gave her a pointed look as the song started, shaking his head. But after Dex sang the first few bars, she could see the grin he was trying to hide. He knew this song was perfect for the night too. For the both of them really. She grabbed hold of his hand, forcing him to spin before he finally lifted his mike and joined her in the chorus.
"But I won't break down at 2 AM and call," he sang back to her. "'Cause I don't miss you at all."
Dex smiled as he turned to face the audience, singing with a little more passion in his voice. She was rather pleased that her plan seemed to be working, even as he locked eyes on Rome as he sang the bridge. Because for the first time since she met him, he seemed a little freer. His shoulders weren't as tense and his body language wasn't as guarded. He was letting himself feel good for the first time in a long time.
"And I'm sleeping fine. I don't mean to boast, but I only dream about you once or twice a night at most." Dex couldn't really tell from here, but she was pretty sure that Luca's words were getting to Rome just a little bit. At least, if the way she dropped Derek's arm was any indication, his words were.
Dexter joined him back in the chorus, her arm wrapped around his shoulder as the two harmonized. A grin was starting to spread on Luca's face and Dexter felt like the two of them were lighter now. Like the baggage they both had been carrying for so long was finally lifted. That and maybe the drinks they'd been downing were finally starting to hit.
"But I won't make that mistake again and fall," they sang. "So I say I don't miss you at all. And someday I won't miss you at all."
They weren't exactly met with a standing ovation, but the applause did last longer than Dexter had been expecting. She and Luca shared a laugh and a hug before coming off stage and hurrying back to V who pulled them in for another hug as soon as they were close enough.
"That was amazing! I didn't know you could sing, Dex," she cooed, her words slurring ever so slightly. Dex smiled lightly. V was not a drinker. She wasn't necessarily drunk, but she was feeling the effects of the liquor.
"I'm full of surprises," Dex teased, winking at Luca as she quoted him from earlier. The boy merely rolled his eyes before motioning to the bar. He'd be back in a few with a new round of drinks.
"Well, count me surprised. You have a great voice," V assured her as the girls sat back down at their table. "And you sang with such emotion! I know that song was meant for Luca and Rome, but I couldn't help but think it was for you too."
Dexter knew V wasn't trying to pry. V would respect her privacy, wouldn't ask questions if Dex didn't want to talk about it. But she was allowing Dexter to open up. To share about her past and her old pack. To share about the events that had so clearly left her broken hearted and lead her here. Dex scooched her chair closer to V.
"We're friends, right? Like I'm not just your brother's mate to you? You and I are friends?"
V nodded, her demeanor quickly growing serious to match Dexter's tone. Even in her intoxicated haze, she knew that this was a big deal for Dexter.
"Before Frankie," Dex started, glancing around to make sure that V was the only one listening. It was a crowded and loud bar, but one could never be too careful.
"I thought I had already met my mate. Her name was Maise. She was... She was wonderful. Beautiful, witty, strong-willed. She was perfect and I loved her completely. And I didn't have a mom to tell me what it was like to meet your mate for the first time, so I was convinced that Maise was mine. We were deliriously happy together. She was my best friend, my closest confidant, and the love of my life. But Maise already had a mate. Devin. Our Alpha."
Dexter felt the words in her throat. A lump that didn't want to move. That didn't want to be spoken aloud. Once they were out there they'd be real. She felt V place a hand on her knee.
"When Devin found out he was angry, to say the least. And when he confronted us, I thought to myself, 'Now's our chance. Maise is going to admit that I'm her real mate, and we're going to be together. We may have to leave the pack, but we'll be together.' Obviously, that's not how things played out."
Dexter watched as a couple took the stage, belting out Elton John and Kiki Dee's 'Don't Go Breaking My Heart' slightly off rhythm. She focused her attention on them, tried to match her breathing to their off beat voices.
"I'm still scared he's going to find me one day. Even though Maise chose him, even though she told him that she had lied to me, he's still furious. Still thinks I took something from him. He gave me a head start when I left. It was unspoken, but... I know he let me get away so that he could have the satisfaction of hunting me down."
V squeezed Dex's knee, bringing her attention away from the singing couple to the friend sitting beside her.
"That's why you freaked out when you found out your mate was Frankie, isn't it? At least in part," V guessed gently. "Because you know that as the Alpha's mate-"
"My scent is going to be stronger to outsiders. Easier to find," Dex nodded. "That's not all of it. But it doesn't help."
The two sat together silently for a few moments. V was presumably processing everything Dex just told her. It was a lot to take in considering she hadn't known a thing about Dex's past before. V broke the silence.
"You still love her." It wasn't a question. V knew that Dexter still had room for Maise in her heart. The way Dex spoke of her. The way she sang about not missing her. It was all so clear.
"Another reason I wasn't too keen on finding my mate," Dex mumbled, picking at a cocktail napkin. "And another reason why I'm so terrified for when Devin finds me. He'll bring her with him. To taunt me. To taunt her. To punish us both. I may not be part of his pack anymore, but... He still has power over me."
V wrapped her arms around Dexter, pulling the girl in for a bone crushing hug. Dexter felt the tears poking at her eyes. She let herself bury her head in V's shoulder, finding the girl's embrace comforting.
"He does not have power over you. Not anymore," V whispered into her ear. "You're strong and you have a whole pack surrounding you. We will protect you. I promise."
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mikauzoran · 5 years
Lukadrien: Études: Fifty Kisses: Forty-Third Kiss
Études: Fifty Lukadrien Kisses: Forty-Third Kiss
(Prompt Forty-Three: A kiss pressed to the top of the head.)
“Okay. Sit here so that I can help you,” Luka instructed, patting the spot on the couch between his legs.
Louis eagerly climbed up and held his hands out for the baby. “Papa, I can do it. I know how. You showed me.”
“Yes, but it’s very important that you do it exactly right,” Luka replied with a calming tone and a soft smile as he eased Hugo down into Louis’s arms, letting Louis support most of the weight but keeping a hand under Hugo’s head. “See. You’re doing it. You’re doing a good job, Loulou.”
“I’m a good big brother,” Louis announced proudly.
“Yes, you are,” Adrien affirmed, chuckling as he came up from behind, leaning over the back of the couch to press kisses to the sides of Louis and Luka’s heads in quick succession. “I’m really proud of you, Lou.”
Louis giggled happily as he looked back over his shoulder to Luka. “Can I feed him? I wa’a feed him.”
“It’s not time now, but I’ll come get you when it is, and you can give him his bottle, okay?” Luka offered appeasingly.
“Oookaaay,” Louis sighed, obviously disappointed but, oddly, not making a big deal out of it.
“No one is paying attention to me,” Emma whined, coming over from where she’d been coloring at the kitchen table to hang off of the back of the couch. “All you guys do nowadays is bring home new babies and fuss over them, and no one is paying attention to me.”
“I’ll pay attention to you, Sweetie,” Adrien offered, giving her inky black hair a gentle pet.
“I want Papa,” Emma asserted, pulling away.
“Emmie,” Luka chided. “You’re too old to be acting like this.”
“Pay attention to me,” Emma demanded sulkily. “You never pay attention to me anymore since we got them.” She pointed accusatorially at her younger brothers.
“I’ll pay ‘tention to you, Emmie,” Louis offered.
“Hey,” Adrien called softly, reaching out again to place a hand between Emma’s shoulder blades and guide her towards the parlor. “Come on. Let’s go play piano together. Show me how good you’re getting.”
Emma grumbled under her breath but consented to be led away.
They sat down side by side on the bench, and Adrien began leafing through the piles of sheet music that had somehow accumulated over the years.
“How about this? I know you and Luka were working on this one.” He placed Debussy’s Petite Suite for four hands on the stand in front of them.
Emma grumbled under her breath but ultimately put her hands into position. “Ready? I’ll count six and then we go.”
“Ready when you are,” Adrien assured, doing a quick scan of the key and time signature and determining that he should be able to sight read without too much trouble. It wouldn’t be perfect, but his father wasn’t there to critique the performance, and Luka and Adrien made a point of not exacting perfection from their children or themselves.
They played the first movement of the piece, En Bateau, with all the serenity of a peaceful body of water mixed with the exuberance and fun of a sunny day of sailing.
It wasn’t perfect. Emma was still learning, and she didn’t have a real love of the piano that inspired her to play over and above what was required to progress in her lessons. Adrien didn’t expect she would ever truly be good, but she was good enough. They mainly had their children take lessons for the personal enrichment of learning a skill, the sense of accomplishment when a piece went well, the discipline learned from practice, the cultural experience of being exposed to music, and so that they would all have an activity in common as a family. It didn’t matter that Emma was mediocre.
“You know…” Adrien cleared his throat at the end of the first movement. “This is my old piano.”
“Mmhm,” Emma confirmed disinterestedly, picking out pitches, improvising a wandering tune.
“I used to play like you and I just did with my mother.” He swallowed down the emotion that welled up when he thought of her. “That was really special for me…. I never really liked the piano until I met your father, though.”
Adrien’s fingers started to move on the keys, harmonizing with Emma’s melody.
“Luka was the one that made me really love piano…. I realize that you don’t love piano right now, Emmie, but I hope you’ll like it better someday because, as special as playing with my mom was, what’s even more special is sharing this with you. It’s like…all three of us are connected by this piano. Maybe this means nothing to you right now, but…I hope that it will someday. I hope someday you’ll play this piano with your own children.”
Emma stopped playing to look up at Adrien in surprise. “You’re not going to give it to Louis or Hugo?”
Adrien blinked down at his daughter. “Well…I mean…you’re the oldest. It only seems right to offer it to you first.”
“But…” Emma bit her lip, looking down at her hands and hesitantly picking out dissonant keys before hitting on a sequence that worked. “…It’s your piano. I just thought you’d want to give it to your own children.”
Adrien stared at Emma in shock. “What?”
“I know that I’m not really your daughter,” Emma mumbled.
“Who the hell told you that?” Adrien tried not to snap, but he couldn’t help the seething edge to his voice.
“I figured it out,” Emma confessed. “After Louis was born. When I started to go to school and I realized that everyone else had a mommy and a daddy, but I didn’t. And the other kids said that I had to have a mommy because everyone has a mommy except for the girl with the braids whose mommy died, so I asked Auntie Juleka because my cousins don’t have a daddy, so I thought the kids at school were wrong.” Emma took a deep breath and switched keys into C minor. “Then Auntie Juleka explained how Auntie Rose was really my mommy and how you and Papa were really my cousins’ daddies but how you and Papa were raising me instead of Papa and Auntie Rose because Auntie Rose is in love with Auntie Juleka and Papa loves you. So…I know I’m not your daughter…and I know that Louis and Hugo and Josephine and Violetta are your real children, so it makes more sense to give the piano to one of them.”
“Emmie,” Adrien called gently. “Look at me.” He stilled her hands with his own, wrapping his fingers around hers.
She looked up at him with Luka’s ice blue eyes.
“Baby, you may not be mine biologically, but that doesn’t make you any less my daughter,” he explained, voice almost cracking with emotion. “I have been there with you every step along the way: when we first found out you were coming, your first photos on the ultrasound, when you first started to kick, the day you were born…. I’ve fed you and clothed you and bathed you. I’ve changed your diapers and held you when you cried. I’ve taken care of you when you were sick and sung to you when you’ve had nightmares. I’ve been there for birthdays and holidays and all the boring, normal days in between. I taught you how to brush your teeth and tie your shoes. Emma, even though I’m not related to you by blood, I have done everything a father is supposed to do and more. I love you just the same as I love Louis and Hugo.”
“But you don’t fuss over me the way you do them,” Emma mumbled, voice small and sad.
“I did when you were little like them,” Adrien countered. “You were too young to remember, but I held you and fed you and carried you around in a sling just like I do Hugo.”
Her eyes widened. “You did?”
“I did,” Adrien confirmed. “In fact, you got even more attention than Hugo because, at that point, you were the only one Luka and I had to worry about. We lavished all of our attentions on you. You didn’t have to share with another sibling like Louis and Hugo. When you were a baby, it was all about you all the time.”
“I don’t remember,” Emma giggled.
“Trust me,” Adrien chuckled, pulling Emma into a hug. “We were at your mercy…. I’m sorry if it feels like we’re neglecting you lately with adding Louis and Hugo to the family. I promise you, we don’t love you any less even though we’ve got two other children to love now. Do you think it would help if Luka and I made time to do things with just you? Would you like to have Daddy-Daughter time? Maybe go see a play together or the ballet or maybe just go to Angelina’s and get hot chocolate and mont blancs? Just you and me?”
Emma pulled back, eyes going wide. She drew in a large breath and exclaimed, “Angelina’s! Can we? And then Tom and Sabine’s for macarons! Can we?”
“This afternoon,” Adrien promised.
“Yes! Thank you, Daddy!” Emma trilled, leaning in to give Adrien’s cheek a kiss.
“You’re very welcome, My Little One,” Adrien cooed, nuzzling her midnight black hair. “Never forget that you have two parents who love you very, very much. Not everyone is lucky enough to have that, but you do. Please don’t ever doubt that. If you ever start feeling neglected again, say something, Darling. I never want you to feel like that, okay?” He gave her one last squeeze and then let go to look her in the eye.
Emma nodded. “Okay…. I’m gonna go draw some more now, okay?”
“Okay, Sweetie.” Adrien gave her a pat on the shoulder and let her go. “Have fun.”
And she was off, racing past Luka on her way back to the kitchen.
Adrien smiled sheepishly at his husband. “How long have you been standing there?”
Luka grimaced, readjusting Hugo in his sling as he came over to Adrien at the piano. “Louis got tired of holding the baby since it wasn’t feeding time, so he went to color pretty much as soon as you and Emmie left. I’ve been loitering in the doorway since then, listening to you guys play Debussy…eavesdropping on your conversation…. Are you okay, Perfect Fifth?”
Adrien winced. “Still kind of smarting that my daughter’s been thinking that she wasn’t really my daughter for three years.”
Luka leaned in and gently placed a kiss to the top of Adrien’s head.
Adrien stood up to wrap his arms around Luka, resting his head on Luka’s other shoulder, opposite Hugo, careful not to jostle the baby.
Luka held him tight, and they just stood there breathing in and out, letting the time tick by unaccounted for for several minutes.
Adrien took a deep inhale and pulled back. “Thanks.”
“Any time, My Love,” Luka assured with an adoring smile. “…Want to play something together?”
Adrien motioned to the piano questioningly with his head.
Luka nodded.
A shy smile slowly spread across Adrien’s lips. “Okay, but I’m not as good as you, Monsieur Professional Pianist Agreste-Couffaine.”
Luka shrugged. “You’re not bad. I’ll let you bottom.”
“I’d hit you for that, but you’re currently wearing our son,” Adrien snorted.
“That’s okay. You’ll get me back for it tonight, I’m sure,” Luka chuckled, sitting down on the bench and flipping the Debussy score to movement number three, Menuet.
“I most definitely will,” Adrien promised, already concocting plans.
Luka smiled coyly. “But seriously. Which part do you want to play?”
“The bottom part,” Adrien grumbled, sitting down to Luka’s left and lightly hip-checking his husband. “I like the low registers better.”
“I know you do,” Luka laughed.
“I’m going to bite you,” Adrien threatened…and then actually carried through.
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phvebee · 1 year
𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙚 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙩 : @wldschild
[ distance ] across a large space, sender blows receiver a kiss
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phoebe could not hold back the giggle that left her lips as her emerald green hues watched her best friend blowing her a kiss . it was something so small but the redhead appreciated immensely . raising her hand to her mouth , she blew a kiss back to lettie , allowing for a wink to accompany the action . " you know if you wanted to kiss me , i would never deny you , " she jested .
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Girl Genius Liveblog #210
UPDATE 210: Time Shenanigans May Enter the Girl Genius Story
Last time Agatha had gotten a lead about who to talk with to solve the time bubble problem in Mechanisburg. To excuse herself and go read something pretty important, she asks where she’ll be staying, and is now being escorted there. Let’s continue.
So, the place where Agatha is staying?
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Yeah, it’s the Master’s own home. Golly, cleaning that place must be a major nightmare. This is where his entire family stays, for safety reasons, meaning as long as Agatha is inside that building, she’ll be safe. This all only makes me assume later the safety of this place will be tested. I’m also a tad concerned this means the Master will hear about stuff it may not be convenient for him to hear, such as – possibly – the contents of the book, if it really is the one Margarelotta had.
A large family needs a large home, and the Master has a very large family, all of them are Colette’s siblings. Yeah, the yellow lady is named Colette, according to the dropdown menu here at the bottom of the page. The whole cadre of siblings had nothing better to do other than coming to gawk at Agatha, saying nonsense and being generally annoying, much to Colette’s chagrin. That’s the reason why she’s apologizing, she knew everyone would hound Agatha and friends for one reason or another. There doesn’t seem to be anything interesting here, other than how the Master is very old. I wonder how long he has been the Master of Paris? Could he be the founder?
Now that Agatha’s group are all in the room they’ll share, Violetta takes out the book Margarelotta had, asking Agatha if she was sure this was the one. Turns out that book is the same Moxana had given her like three years ago, so long ago I didn’t remember it at all. I suppose Agatha left this book behind when the Sturmvoraus family drugged her to plug Lucrezia into her head.
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Oh, now that I remember kind of better. That’s the thing that had appeared out of a portal at the very start of this story, no? Does that mean the Foglios had planned all this in advance already? That’s years of work, more than a decade. If they had already decided most of these details, or at least the major plot points...it’s pretty impressive, really!
This book page seems to be full of interesting stuff, let’s see...this drawing was made of memory, meaning the person who wrote all this didn’t do it when this clank was right in front of them. The author remembers an armor, a very angry attitude...medusa hair? Curious choice for a clank, really. This is the Muse of Time, no mate given, from what I see.
‘Voice echoed through my own did not’. This could be meaningless, but for some reason, the thing about the voice brings Lucrezia to mind, given how her voice’s harmonics was such an important thing back then. I’m not sure Lucrezia wrote this book, though...she is a spark, but if this is a muse, then this is one of Van Rijn’s clanks, no? Did Lucrezia have much contact with Van Rijn’s clanks? It’s not impossible, but I don’t recall how that may be possible...although...perhaps if the clanks were at the Sturmvoraus’ home maybe she may have seen them, back when she was scheming with Tarvek’s father.
Nice of the writer of this book to note the odd hat, I was about to comment about that. After what happened with Gil’s revelation, those hats are important. It’s the same kind of hat those things have, you know, those that are creepy and cryptic.
Agatha theorizes Van Rijn didn’t build that one. If not him, then who? Is there more than one person in history building a set of clanks with very narrow yet powerful specialties? I don’t think so, honestly.
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The next time Violetta or Zeetha sees Von Zinzer they’ll ask ‘what the hell?!’
It seems the information about the Muse of Time is from before the Storm King’s times. Well, its age must be really hard to pinpoint, what with...you know, it being the Muse of Time.
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Yet it seems the information was added after Agatha received the book, so yup, there definitely are time shenanigans going on here. If, and it’s a very big IF, there are no shenanigans at all then there’s pretty much only one person who could have written this, I think: the Other in Anevka’s body. If it had been Tarvek, then the notes would have his handwriting and Agatha would be able to notice that, and if it had been the Other in Agatha’s body, then...Agatha would know? I think?
But that all is only if there were no time shenanigans related to writing those notes, and given this is the Muse of Time, well, I’m so certain there are time shenanigans.
This book is something Margarelotta stole, Tweedle spent so much effort to try to get back, and everyone even risked getting in trouble with the train monks, so there must be something very important about this book. Well, it’s information about very amazing clanks, including one that can do stuff with time, so it’s not too surprising everyone wants it so badly.
Or not, there’s something a little more concrete here. Agatha realizes she may find out what Margarelotta was looking for in the train monks’ fortress, and pinpoints something that does sound pretty intriguing:
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Oh, great! Interesting. So it’s a tool the Muse of Time had? Hmmm...could it be Margarelotta was looking for that lantern so she could free Tarvek from Mechanisburg, so someone would go against Tweedle? It was remarked Margarelotta still had the emblem that showed she still was loyal to Tarvek. Whether she was truly loyal is still unknown, but it’s a possibility. And hey, this is a lead! To start the search, Agatha decides to go to the black market, to try to find the professor who went missing.
Wooster shall be taking them to the black market later, once the theater closes – which I suppose means late at night. With this, the plot will be stopping for a while! In the meantime, Agatha finds someone eavesdropping, it’s one of the students, hoping to join so he can get extra credit. Doesn’t seem like a bad person, maybe it’d be okay if he joins.
The guy’s name is Hoffman, and he can come along. Since Colette is asking why they’re going to the black market, Agatha comments the notebook she has is what the professor had been looking for, and Colette recognizes it as Tarvek’s notes, even wondering if Tweedle knows Agatha has them.
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...well Tweedle sure is going to find out, then. I imagine Colette is going to tell her Agatha has Tarvek’s notes. Agatha may have told this to the wrong person.
Well, nothing to do but wait for the late night. For now, they’ll have to sit around and rest. Zeetha has to do something for a moment.
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Aaaw, that’s pretty sweet! That’s the thing that was on Zeetha’s circlet, the one that imitated her facial expression. Always thought it was kind of a weird object, didn’t get the point of it given, well, it was like Zeetha was having a second face on her forehead. This here, though, it’s a pretty sweet thing to be doing with that thing. I like it.
Gil better never try to mess with it, though, that’d be unforgivable.
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--without wanting to throw her into a cell so he can examine her head and try to get the Other out of there? Yeah, happens all the time.
Whatever Gil wants to say to Agatha, he can’t do it because like so many lovebirds in fiction – ever since I started this website the amount of stuff I read has increased a lot, haha – he can’t say a romantic thing in a smooth manner. Higgs, channeling the frustrations of many readers, demands Gil sits down and writes a letter instead of going in complicated tangents that’ll end in he not saying anything successfully. Nice. I don’t think there’ll be any results, but Higgs tried and that’s what matters.
Also, quite telling Higgs can slap Gil around like a ragdoll and not suffer any consequences from manhandling the head of an entire empire. Higgs has privileges in this empire, hah!
Alright, let’s end for now.
Next time: in six updates
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Amelie and I were just discussing how gay Tchaikovsky was (and also Verdi, obvy) and i wondered if the male/male relationships having more chemistry than the het ones in certain operas has to do with the fact that you can get closer harmonic lines with a tenor and a baritone than you can with a tenor and a soprano. Your thoughts?
One thought is what Wayne Koestenbaum says: “when a tenor and a baritone share a melody, one octave apart, I am relieved, as if a declaration of war has been called off, or as if a fist threatened to slug my face and then it retreated and then turned into a rose. Progress, not apocalypse! No reason to be lugubrious! The baritone, blending with the tenor, admits his affiliation with lightweight, headtoned men, while the tenor transcends the merely personal and annexes the masculine themes of politics and paternity. Together they take apart masculinity by exhibiting vocal difference within one gender: some men sing high, some sing low.” (p 219)
Another is that I think I heard an interview once with Fellow Travelers composer Gregory Spears where he said that something he enjoyed about writing love duets for two men was not just that the harmonic lines could be closer but that there was a sense of playful competition, like the same nearness of timbre that makes the homoerotic-duet-of-rivals or the homoerotic-duet-of-bros really slap can more or less be wholesale rerouted to outright gay desire.
A third is that I actually find opera to be a pretty unique art form in that I precisely don’t think the m/m relationships have more chemistry than the het ones. (You mention Tchaikovsky -- Onegin and Lensky are far less compelling to me than Onegin and Tatiana, and Onegin and Tatiana aren’t even actually in love!) I think this is bc compelling music can be compelling without having to rely on actors having chemistry or good writing in the book at all, so it’s kind of like if it slaps it works, and also because opera (like shakespeare) is heightened enough that any successful heterosexuality is a sort of fairy-tale heterosexuality that can justify itself p well. And bangers are really bangers, I don’t know that I actually think bangers are easier to write for tenor/baritone than tenor/soprano... I find Violetta and Alfredo singing in near unison as compelling as Carlos and Posa but I’m not a tenor stan and I’m way less of a Verdi Bromance stan than a lot of people on here! I will say that I find whatever like highly specific burlesquing of heterosexual desire that goes on in trouser-role dynamics most interesting of all but i also, again, don’t like tenors very much so i’m usually happy when there. isn’t one. 
My last thought is that in my extremely limited experience of opera, the least compelling heterosexual relationship I have ever encountered is definitely in Samson et Dalila, an opera that gives you exactly nothing to work with, despite having one of the best arias ever written in it. 
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randomly-random-jen · 6 years
Uncalled For Actions (1/?)
A Girl Genius fanfic written in sentences.
At the beginning of the month, I decided to try a new format to break through my writer’s block. Instead of a set number of words to write every day, I chose to write a certain number of sentences--one sentences on the 1st, two sentences on the 2nd, etc., updating the post each day with the new set of sentences.
As that repost is getting extremely long, I’m condensing the first 14 days into one post and starting a new one for the rest of the month.
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When Gilgamesh Holzfäller is fourteen, he’s taken on as an apprentice to Baron Wulfenbach as part of a program to produce the next generation of leaders in the Empire--a group that will hopefully get along (although most see this as wishful thinking on the Baron’s part).
He’s learned a lot over the months of shadowing the Baron, but nothing has prepared him for his most challenging assignment: confronting the skeletons in his closet.
“I’m telling you,” Gil said through clenched teeth, “this is a really bad idea.”
The Baron regarded him over the edge of the newspaper he read with a withering stare. “Please sit down, you’re agitating the Jägers.”
Across the room, a couple of Jäger guards snickered to each other. Gil glared then crossed his arms, staring out the porthole–pointedly not sitting. The Baron went back to reading his paper with a rustling flourish, the Jägers continued to giggle and Gil pouted as Sturmhalten grew large on the horizon.
* * *
Tarvek watched from his window as the great Wulfenbach airship docked with the tower across the castle. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck prickle a moment before he smelled Anevka’s perfume flutter in ahead of her.
“That’s sure a big one, isn’t it?” she said, leaning against the other side of the window.
Tarvek huffed at her terrible incorrectness–this was nothing compared to Castle Wulfenbach.
“So, how much of a disaster do you expect this farce to be,” his sister asked with humor in her eyes.
“Unmitigated,” Tarvek answered flatly as the stewards ran around the roof opposite of them, tying off the airship. It was almost showtime.
“Oh, come now, baby brother, I thought this was your thing–politics and intrigue-”
“Members of the Fifty Families under one roof with the Baron–this is a nightmare.”
“Always the optimist,” Anevka said with a sigh, patting his cheek affectionately. Tarvek slapped her hand away, and she left–her tinkling laugh following behind.
Across the courtyard, the airship was finally secured and the gangplank clanked down with a hiss of steam that matched the puff of Tarvek’s breath against the cool windowpane.
“I know you’re there,” he said suddenly to the silent room.
From the shadows, the small girl materialized, her wild red hair held in place by a golden headband. “Not fair,” she said, lip out in a pout.
Tarvek ignored her petulance. “Report.”
Violetta glared at him a moment longer–probably considering if she could get away with murder at the age of ten, he imagined–but eventually snapped to attention. “The castle is at capacity; we await only the Baron and his en- entou- entourage.”
Tarvek smiled at his reflection as she tripped over the new word he’d taught her earlier in the day. “How full are we talking?”
“Not including the castle residents and staff, fifty-four delegates of the Fifty families, their apprentices, 270 attendants, and about a hundred Smoke Knights.”
When Tarvek made no comment, Violetta shifted her weight nervously. “Do you really think something bad is going to happen?”
“With the various branches of our family involved, it’s almost a given.” He removed his glasses to rub the bridge of his nose. “Just keep your eyes open and stay out of sight, okay?“
Violetta didn’t answer, and when he replaced his glasses, he found himself alone again. She was getting good. She was going to need to be better.
* * *
The deck shuddered slightly as the steam winches kicked in, slowly tugging the airship closer to the landing tower of Sturmhalten Castle. The castle itself looked like the dozen others Gil had visited in the months since officially becoming the Baron’s apprentice, if not a little more war-torn–almost as if the residents failed to repair the century’s old scars of battle as a matter of pride. Knowing what he did of the Storm King myths, it probably wasn’t far from the truth.
“Gilgamesh,” the Baron called without looking up from his paper, “stop fidgeting.“
Gil winced, dropping his hands to his sides before he worried the buttons right off his new greatcoat–a habit he thought abandoned years ago. It was this place–Sturmhalten and all it represented–that was twisting his insides into knots. “I knew this was a bad idea,” he mumbled to his reflection in the porthole.
Across the compartment, the baron sighed, snapping his paper shut with the flick of a wrist.
The expected lecture was interrupted by a flurry of fur and velvet bursting through the door.
The Jäger guards darted out of the way of the diminutive human-canine hybrid the Baron had picked up from an ousted Madboy in Vienna–something about wanting minions as loyal as his dogs.
“Herr Baron,” he called, waving a paper.
“What is it, Barkley?”
Barkley bowed, his snout nearly touching the floor. “Initial reports from our spies inside Sturmhalten, sir. Already five assassination attempts thwarted.”
The Baron took the paper and scanned it. “Only five? I would have expected more.”
“The delegates from two of the Fifty Families have fallen to a mysterious illness producing bizarre symptoms,” Barkley continued.
“What symptoms?”
Barkley’s ears flattened against his skull. “Apparently they cluck now.”
That got a raised eyebrow from the Baron. “Cluck?”
“Yes, and they’ve grown feathers, but only when a bell rings.”
"Sounds like early-stage Oxfam’s Hypnotosia–very contagious. They’ll need to be isolated before the entire summit is laying eggs.”
Barkley nodded. "There have also been rumblings of monsters under the village.
“Well, it is Sturmhalten–I would expect nothing less.”
The Jäger next to Gil clapped his hands. "Monsters? Now hyu iz talkink.”
“No, Skurzi,” the Baron interrupted sternly. “No Jägers at the summit–that was the agreement.”
Skurzi sulked, shoulders hunched. “Hyu say dat now, but just hyu vait until a monster iz chompink on hyu head then hyu vill be all like, ‘why Hy not listen to Skurzi. Oh, howz Hy vish Skurzi vas here to fightz dis big scary monster.’”
The other Jägers nodded in agreement, but the Baron didn’t look at all swayed by the argument.
Gil watched the entire exchange with interest–he’d only recently been taken on as an apprentice, and found the day-to-day running of the Empire predictably tedious but also exceedingly fascinating where personnel was involved. Especially the Jägers. As much trouble as they caused, Gil wasn’t quite sure why his father kept them around but hadn’t found the nerve to yet assuage his curiosity.
The Jägers continued to grumble as they all followed the Baron through the decks of the airship but veered off when they got to the hatch to keep out of sight. Barkley hurried over to the rest of their party, leaving Gil alone with his father.
His anxiety ratcheted up with every clank of the gangplank lowering into place. He’d been excited months ago when his father took him on as an apprentice–some new Empire program to ready the next generation of rulers–but this assignment was going to kill him. There was absolutely no way it ended well.
The Baron suddenly reached out, slapping Gil’s hand away from the button of his coat. Gil cradled the injured appendage to his chest, shooting his father a withering glare. "You could have just said,” he muttered.
“You will be on your best behavior and none of this moping.”
Gil’s glare intensified. “I’m not moping–I have genuine misgivings about this meeting, and you aren’t listening to me.”
He hadn’t meant to say all of that, but his boldness seemed to soften his father’s characteristic sharp edges. “I know you’re worried about seeing the young prince again, but time marches on, Gil.”
Time marches on? An electrifying anger built in Gil, filling his chest and spreading outward like lightning until the tips of his fingers and toes burned.
"That kind of betrayal isn’t something you just forget,” he spat through clenched teeth. How could he think Tarvek would ever be over it when Gil still hadn’t forgiven himself, and he wasn’t the one betrayed?
A hand clamped down tightly on his shoulder. “Control yourself,” his father commanded.
Gil seethed, eyes blazing, electricity crackling around him. Everywhere colors popped extra saturated and bright; sound returned more crisp and clear. Thoughts bounced around his head at supersonic speeds yet his brain didn’t struggle to keep up, and at the same time, reality seemed to slow down allowing for enhanced clarity. The increased harmonics of his voice finally registered, and he blinked, resetting the world around him.
He took a deep breath, letting it out in a shudder. “I’m sorry–I didn’t mean to.”
“The same passion that fuels the Spark often intensifies other emotions, and you must learn to restrain them lest they overwhelm your reason.”
If triggering his Spark was that easy, this trip just got a whole lot more complicated.
[PART 2]
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blueberrywhale123 · 11 months
I liked your post about the guys vocals. Can you share some more thoughts about Leon's voice?
So, without getting technical, León has a very smooth and clear voice. I definitely like it the most out of the guys but all of them have a special place in my heart. It’s definitely a tenor because if you’ve heard Entré dos mundos, it’s nice and high. His pronunciation is very clear, his syllables aren’t slurred from what I can tell. He harmonizes beautifully and when it’s with Violetta, it’s just the best!🥰
Now I can’t speak as a total professional because I’m still learning, but technically speaking, León is a tenor and tenors typically have a vocal range of C3 - B4 (now men have a wider range than women and I don’t want to sit down to work out his vocal range so he’s likely in this range or wider). They are light and bright and kinda have a pingy resonance. León’s chest voice is great and his head voice is sooo nice. His falsettos and the transitions from chest to head in his mask are done so beautifully and seamlessly. He has a flexible voice which he utilizes well in songs like Amor en el Aire. He has a good strong belt. His riffs and runs are a pleasure to listen to, no sour or flat notes that I’ve noticed but then, my ear isn’t perfect. Also, when he sings with Violetta, their voices blend and meld so well, like that’s one of my favorite things and when you sing with someone a lot it’s easier to blend with them - I personally love it when my voice blends with others. A good example of his wide range and head voice as well as his blending with Violetta is their song Yo Te Amo A Ti
All in all, León has the benefit of a nice voice coupled with some very good training.
Hope this is a good answer!😁
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