Amelie and I were just discussing how gay Tchaikovsky was (and also Verdi, obvy) and i wondered if the male/male relationships having more chemistry than the het ones in certain operas has to do with the fact that you can get closer harmonic lines with a tenor and a baritone than you can with a tenor and a soprano. Your thoughts?
One thought is what Wayne Koestenbaum says: “when a tenor and a baritone share a melody, one octave apart, I am relieved, as if a declaration of war has been called off, or as if a fist threatened to slug my face and then it retreated and then turned into a rose. Progress, not apocalypse! No reason to be lugubrious! The baritone, blending with the tenor, admits his affiliation with lightweight, headtoned men, while the tenor transcends the merely personal and annexes the masculine themes of politics and paternity. Together they take apart masculinity by exhibiting vocal difference within one gender: some men sing high, some sing low.” (p 219)
Another is that I think I heard an interview once with Fellow Travelers composer Gregory Spears where he said that something he enjoyed about writing love duets for two men was not just that the harmonic lines could be closer but that there was a sense of playful competition, like the same nearness of timbre that makes the homoerotic-duet-of-rivals or the homoerotic-duet-of-bros really slap can more or less be wholesale rerouted to outright gay desire.
A third is that I actually find opera to be a pretty unique art form in that I precisely don’t think the m/m relationships have more chemistry than the het ones. (You mention Tchaikovsky -- Onegin and Lensky are far less compelling to me than Onegin and Tatiana, and Onegin and Tatiana aren’t even actually in love!) I think this is bc compelling music can be compelling without having to rely on actors having chemistry or good writing in the book at all, so it’s kind of like if it slaps it works, and also because opera (like shakespeare) is heightened enough that any successful heterosexuality is a sort of fairy-tale heterosexuality that can justify itself p well. And bangers are really bangers, I don’t know that I actually think bangers are easier to write for tenor/baritone than tenor/soprano... I find Violetta and Alfredo singing in near unison as compelling as Carlos and Posa but I’m not a tenor stan and I’m way less of a Verdi Bromance stan than a lot of people on here! I will say that I find whatever like highly specific burlesquing of heterosexual desire that goes on in trouser-role dynamics most interesting of all but i also, again, don’t like tenors very much so i’m usually happy when there. isn’t one. 
My last thought is that in my extremely limited experience of opera, the least compelling heterosexual relationship I have ever encountered is definitely in Samson et Dalila, an opera that gives you exactly nothing to work with, despite having one of the best arias ever written in it. 
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desertpups · 6 years
@johnnydeppseyeliner ask and you shall receive lol. it was around 14 inches before. under the cut because that is real close😂 i think i forgot how to take pics of myself asdfgh.
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chrispineofficial · 6 years
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LOVE UUUUU thank you 💜
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lurkerdelima · 6 years
For the curious ask thing: Who do you identify with more: Silver or Flint?
Silver, like to a ridiculous degree. I don’t have a mysterious past, but I do tend to tell people what I know they want to hear, keep a lot of things to myself, and forge really close relationships with people if and only if I’m sure I can trust them. Even then, the people I trust most don’t necessarily know everything about me - I don’t think anyone in my life knows *everything* about me. I prefer it that way. 
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harrietvane · 6 years
johnnydeppseyeliner replied to your post “motleystitches replied to your photoset: ...”
How to watch? I feel like i've never found the right platform. Is it on hulu?
I’m in the UK, so I can’t be sure of other regions distributions, but here it went in order: 1. originally broadcast on BBC, and 2. released later on UK Neflix, but removed earlier this year), then c) re-available on UK BBC iPlayer this year, up until late October(?), when it will be removed again. If you can access BBC iPlayer via region emulator, they have all 3 seasons right now. Otherwise maybe keep an eye on BBC America, or hard copies (which the beeb have released on both dvd and bluray)
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hotniatheron · 6 years
johnnydeppseyeliner replied to your post: sorry but i read the softest fic on friday and i’m...
Link, please?
here ya go: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/SilverflintBigBang2018/works/15079079
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unstatedmartini · 7 years
johnnydeppseyeliner replied to your photo
hiiii! this is so cute! :D
aww thank you! 😊
hey, are you planning to come to the book fair this weekend? we should get together for lunch or something if you are! (or whenever is the next time you’re in the area!)
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anghraine · 7 years
johnnydeppseyeliner replied to your post: Jyn hate was definitely one of the things that...
She’s not even self-centered. She’s just not selfLESS and in this world that’s a crime for a woman. And I’m sure Cassian gets everyone’s sympathy for being ‘selfless’ because he’s a man, as if he wasn’t a fucking killer as well. (I love Cassian but i love him because he’s complex, which is why i love jyn too. Sheesh.)
Mm, I think she is self-centered, actually. The term has negative associations, but it can simply be healthy (whereas pure selflessness isn’t!). I do think Jyn approaches and processes things through a very personal lens, and it takes conscious effort to do otherwise. It’s actually one of the reasons I like her! 
I also don’t think Cassian’s sympathy is contingent on his gender. He is quite genuinely selfless, and I think a good part of the reason his killing doesn’t diminish that is because it’s actually an expression of his selflessness. He hates it and is tormented by it, but does it for something more important than his own conscience. As long as he has more or less justifiable targets and pulls back when they’re not, that’s only going to deepen sympathy for him. And it’s definitely framed as that, particularly with the addition of things like Chirrut’s remark about carrying his prison with him and “everything I did, I did for the Rebellion” etc.
A f!Cassian might have been hated over the moral ambiguity; that absolutely happens with female characters (impure!!!!). But I think it’s just as possible that her very real selflessness—the quality above all others demanded of female characters—would instead make her a highly accessible female character, with Jyn treated even more poorly in contrast. I can very, very easily see Cassana/whomever as a fan favourite (flawless queen!!!!) in contrast to the unwomanly Jyn. Something like what happened with Asami vs Korra in early LOK fandom, now with more SJ justifications.
(God forbid.)
Basically, the There Can Only Be One flavour of fandom misogyny rather than the It’s Okay If They’re A Man one, which I don’t run into quite as much. It’s hard to know. But I suspect Cassian would always be fandom catnip.
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desertpups · 6 years
johnnydeppseyeliner replied to your post “@johnnydeppseyeliner ask and you shall receive lol. it was around 14...”
yessssssss looks great! :D
thank you!!!💜
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chrispineofficial · 6 years
johnnydeppseyeliner replied to your post: uuuughhhasl;dkhfals;kdfj somebody yell at me to...
you’re great! and also, I totes wanna read the end of that fic! do the thing, please! xoxox
hi i love you xx
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jadeoxfordrose · 7 years
assumptions: you'd buy a motorcycle if you could justify the expense. your nibling thinks you are awkward and delightful and the most fun. your dnd group laughs together a ton when you are the DM (not at you, just generally during the game)
one is totally correct, the other two have elements of truth about them but aren’t quite right
Send 3 assumptions and I'll tell you how many are right         
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This is the first time I’ve ever done this on any of my blogs, but I finally found a suitable replacement that connotes the same chaotic genderqueer energy without the black cloud of spousal abuse attached. 
Out with Johnny Depp, in with Robert Sheehan. 
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deppsjournals · 8 years
I love all of you, infinitely x
Dear wonderful, wonderful Deppheads,
I'm so proud of everyone, proud is such a small word for the big meaning that comes from my heart. I think that out of every single fandom, we are the strongest. We’re more like a family than anything, we have stuck together through thick and thin, to support the person we love. We’ve gone through so much, we’ve laughed, we’ve laughed, we’ve cried, we’ve all spent nights worrying about what might happen to Johnny, we’ve got hate after hate claiming we are things we are not, but we’re always bounded together through love. Johnny is someone special man, he deserves more than the world, more than the universe, or infinity. Johnny fucking Depp is so strong I cannot find the right words to explain it. Through all of this he has come out the strongest, and the fact he’s now free of Amber is the best he deserves after what he has been through. Johnny, what you mean to us in infinite, and I just want you to know that we are always here, always.
So whenever you feel down, my lovely, precious Depphead family, think of how much we all love you, and we’re proud of you, and Johnny loves you with all of his heart. You are among one of the brightest stars to grace the universe, and we all admire you, my precious dolls x
Infinite love from Selena. :) x
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harrietvane · 6 years
owlbats replied to your post: johnnydeppseyeliner replied to your post ...
It’s on Hulu in America!
GO FORTH AND WATCH, FELLOW COLONIALS. Love yourself, watch The Musketeers.
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unstatedmartini · 7 years
johnnydeppseyeliner replied to your photoset
OMG! is that second one on home ave, south of south blvd? because if so, and iirc, that ivy will all go bright red in the fall. :DDD
yeah! i love the ivy SO MUCH. it also has the courtyard that gets gorgeously overgrown in the summer. we call it the jumanji building haha
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olincino · 6 years
When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications - I got tagged by @zooeyscigar, thanks man.
ok I did this for few times before, this is the tipsy version, ok more than tipsy, this is the drunk version
1)i told it before,  it stays -  toby stephens, ruper penry - jones and his dick
2) this - tumblr, black sails, all the fan stuff, especially fan fiction.
3) today’s event - a family party - it went well, i enjoyed it, than my husband spoiled the mood and i was crying (at home not publicly), idk, it doesn’t count though
one hour later
ok i calmed down
4) idk i am happy that i am not unhappy
5) some children stuff, their school achievements, pictures they made etc
tag 10 people???
well, guys what makes you happy in october @favouritealias, @patroclusdefencesquad, @riisinaakka, @thomas-hamilton, @undiscovereduniverse, @urcadelimabean, @wolfstarforever, @medusinestories, @johnnydeppseyeliner​
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