#violett lombardi
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sweetness-pop · 3 years ago
Falco, on how he feels about his daughter Violett someday having a boyfriend:
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Falco: That little SHIT will have to go through me first before getting some with MY SPICE!!!
Marcus, Tripp, & Ruby:.....Uncle Falco, please don't start a murdering spree.
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sweetness-pop · 3 years ago
Merry Christmas FalcoBlue20
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💙Falco x Katt💖
Merry Christmas ✨🎄❄️
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fiercedancers · 7 years ago
TDA Vegas Predictions
Just for fun/ to see how close I get! Again I didn’t know a lot of names so this is probably inaccurate but whatever 
Bold is top 3/4, * is who I think will win/want to win
Seniors Female top 20: Charity Anderson, Stephanie Sosa, Morgan Quinn, Sarah Reasons, Aaliyah Zolina, Bethany Violett, Tayler McGuire, Marissa Ferm Top 10: Shelby Patterson, Alexis Warr, Lucy Vallely*, Lauren Yakima, Talia Seitel, Jada German, Chau, Bella Allen, Jamie Bacon*, Gerianna LoTempio, Aria Terango Males: Andres Penata, Zeke Lindsley, Yadiel Figueroa, Jaxon Willard, Ferris Schley, Jake McAuley, Julian Lombardi, Scott Autry, Ezra Sosa, Christian Smith*
Teen Female top 20: Alexis Weldner, Courtney McColley, Kailyn Yi, Paige Litle, Summer Vu, Alex Andrada, Reyna Pine, Michelle Siemienowski, Jade Bucci, Kamryn Funk, Madalin Autry, Charlotte Foldes Top 10: Ava Brooks, Tate McRae*, Taylor Nunez, Ella Horan*, Sophia Frilot, Jenna Valenzuela, Mia Maxwell, Emmy Cheung, Brooke Judge, Carlee Schield, Aysia Ianero  Males: Brian Hooper, Holden Maples, Zach Cordova, Easton Magliarditi, Alexander Shulman, Carter Williams*, Sam McWilliams, Zach Sommer, Joziah German, Jemoni Powe
Junior (I realize I have way too many but I am just struggling to narrow it down) Female top 20: Ally Cheung, Athena Andrade, Farrah Hirsch, Milla Fabirkiewicz, Madelyn Munz, Summer O’Haver, Paige Kracht, Zoe Ridge, Kate Deschler, Vanessa Francis, Tegan Chou, Bryten Belka, Emma Donnelly, Lola Iglesias, Ava Lynn, Top 10: Aimee Cho, Marion Norris, Courtney Chiu, Allie Andrew, Sabine Nehls, Tegan Chou, Brooke Shaw, Addison Leitch, Brooklin Cooley, Hailey Meyers*, Ellianna Manella, Emma Hellenkamp, Sabine Nehls Male: Anthony Curley*, Devin Mar, Jonah Benyamin, Ashur Taylor, Jonathan Paula, Marcus Taylor
Mini Female top 10: Ellianna Walmsley, Gracyn French, Izzy Howard, Savannah Kristich*, Harlow Ganz, Rachel Loiselle, Crystal Huang, Sophia Sands, Avery Watson, Addison Jones, Brooklynn Jones, Kamri Peterson, Bella Sor Males: Nathaniel Chua, Gavin Miele, Tristan Gerzon*, Ethan Huang
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donaruz · 7 years ago
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Primavera .. #violette# (presso Mede, Lombardy)
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coe-lilium · 8 years ago
Many thanks and a little side-eye to @charlotte-bird who tagged me in one of these things. First one I do, let’s see how it goes.
Rules - copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in your own. when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person that tagged you….most importantly, have fun!  >> what. 10 people? help

a / age - 25 
b / biggest fear - uh. Not figuring out what to do with my life until it’s too “late”? I guess. End up doing underpaid stages after underpaid stages for years and abandon all my -already few- ambitions along the way. Not finding/forming a family of my own.   
c / current time - 16:00/4:00 PM GMT+1 (Italy) 
d / drink you had last - evening: a cup of chamomile. It does wonder when I’m stressed 
e / everyday starts with - my cat jumping on my bed and biting my legs because he wants to have more space. It’s my bedroom, my bed and my precious duvet, but does he care? Not a bit. 
f / favourite song - I don’t really have one, per se. I rarely listen to music unless it’s disney songs or anime openings and english covers, but Im quite attached to This illusion (and its many remix) from the Fate franchise.  g / ghosts are real? - Nah 
h / hometown - Canegrate, Italy 
i / in love with - no one bar fictional characters, unfortunately XD I’m... waiting.  
j / jealous of - People who’ve found their path, mostly, but it kick in only in very bad days, for I’m rarely jealous.   
k / killed someone - nope, what kind of question is this? XD 
l / last time you cried- yesterday morning. Latin exams are very bad for my well being. Psychological and physical, how wonderful.    
m / middle name - Maria (Mary) 
n / number of siblings - one 
o / one wish -  Apart from getting this fucking Literature degree? Keep writing and doing my best. I really want to bring this story to its end and not give up halfway. 
p / person you last called.texted - Lucia, to organize our weekend/next movie and sending the link for my fic   
q / questions you’re always asked - “You want to be a teacher?, you sure?” Yes, hell yes I am. The few past experiences I’ve had had been the best of my life. “But *insert one/more of the 10k problems of the italian school system, usually “low income” and “how to get hired”*, you know that?” YES I DO, no, I don’t care. It’s worth it.   r / reasons to smile - making people happy with what little I create or what knowledge I can share. I smile and grin like an idiot every time I see my Ahsoka & Temple fanart get a new note. Also, my family being happy.  
s / song last sang -  How far I’ll go and Song of the ancestors from the Moana soundtrack. They’ve really being of help in this period.    
t / time you woke up - 7:30 
u / underwear color - well. red.  
v / vacation destination - every where is fine as long Im with my friends, but my dream destination is the Natural Bridges National Monument in Utah. The Owachomo Bridge, to be more specific. Just look at it. I saw a night view of it on the National Geographic... maybe 12 years ago and been dreaming of admiring the sky from it since then.     
w / worst habit -  procrastination.   
x / xrays you have had -left arm. I’ve got an exostosis on it and it need to be checked regularly 
y / your favourite food - ooh, man, this is difficult. I like almost everything. But some plates are simply the best thing ever, like polenta and zola. Or Cassoeula (a traditional winter dish from Lombardy, have a look: here). Or a pizza (every type is fine, they’re that good) from a specific restaurant in Padua.    
z / zodiac sign - Cancer
Tagging: @bounding-heart, @delphi-rey, @chaos-online .... @violett-shadow and @dinoralp . Not ten, but they’ll do :P 
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sweetness-pop · 4 years ago
She seriously needs more love. Too underrated! Too be honest, I favor Katt more than I do with Krystal. The beautiful & feisty pink kitty deserves the recognition! FalKatt(Pairing of Falco Lombardi x Katt Monroe) is my number 1 OTP in Star Fox! (2nd is Fox McCloud x Krystal) I ship them nonstop! Interspecies Love is like the best! Hehe I even made up two half-pheasant bird & half-domestic shorthair cat hybrid kids for the blue pheasant & hot pink domestic shorthair. & They are a vivid violet griffin daughter named Violett Lombardi, the oldest & the youngest, a hot pink/blue reverse griffin son named Ace Lombardi. I posted some posts about them in case you are interested. Griffins(also spelled griffons of gryphons) are so cool for mythical creatures!
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Katt Monroe from Star Fox Zero
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sweetness-pop · 3 years ago
Imagine Falco and Katt's 16 year old daughter being a very strong-willed, athletic, and attractive avian-feline hybrid girl in the Star Fox next/3rd gen.
Never Mess With The Lylat System's Ultra Violett Lombardi!!!!!
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sweetness-pop · 3 years ago
Someday in the future, Falco and Katt will have a daughter who will be the one hybrid girl to not FUCK with unless anybody in the Lylat System wants to get severely HURT!!!! 😠💀💢🔥😈🐦🐈👊💥🤬
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sweetness-pop · 3 years ago
You want to date my daughter? Because then you're taking a nice FUCKING trip to the hospital!
-Senior advisor of 3rd gen Star Fox, Falco Lombardi, 49 when his and Katt's 16 year old daughter Violett gets asked out by too many boys in high school.
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sweetness-pop · 3 years ago
I really love FalKatt, pairing of Falco Lombardi x Katt Monroe. I ship them together like nonstop. I love & ship them so much that I always fantasize about them getting married around their 30s & then have two pheasant-domestic shorthair griffin kids. First is daughter Violett Celeste Lombardi who would be born almost 11 months after her parents married. Second & last is son Ace Falco Lombardi who is actually a pheasant-domestic shorthair reverse griffin & would be born 4 years after his sister. & I don't give a damn what others say! It's my RIGHT!
FalKatt Deserves LOVE
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sweetness-pop · 4 years ago
"Buonanotte Mia Dolce Violetta."
In a big and beautiful, vivid violet-colored bedroom, Falco and Katt smile as they have tucked their beautiful and precious sleeping daughter, Violett in her violet toddler race car-bed.
The 4 year old vivid violet gryphon with all of her short snowy white hair being down. Her emerald green eyes that are encircled by the red patches are closed and that shows her "pretty in hot pink" eyelids. Her closed adorable, yellow fang-like beak is turned into a sweet smile. She is wearing her two-piece pajamas that are a long-sleeved shirt and pants in a lilac color with sparkles, and have cute white and black skull prints. The Lombardi princess lays on her left side, hugging her Kirby plushie as she now sleeps peacefully.
Daddy Falco Lombardi, 37, wearing an outfit of a long-sleeved white t-shirt with a V neck, unbuttoned black vest, dark grey pants and a dark brown belt(yup dressing up Han Solo-style😎✨), and wedding band on his left ring finger. The blue pheasant smiles down as he places his left feathery hand on the side of Violett's car headboard and with his right wing, he pulls a blue blanket with flowing and smooth, hot pink lines up to cover his baby girl to make sure she has enough warmth.
And mommy Katt Monroe-Lombardi, 37 1/2, in a long and beautiful, casual red dress with long sleeves, pale pink trim and a square neck, and wedding ring on her left finger. Her beautiful, long white hair is down. The hot pink shorthair cat sits on the side of her little spicy violet's race car bed as she also smiles down. She lays her right paw on the blue-pink blanket while also rubbing her large stomach with her left paw as she is now 7 months pregnant with her and Falco's second gryphon who is going to be............their son and Violett's little brother. (Yes, Katt is wearing a maternity dress🤰👗)
Finally, the avian husband and feline wife take turns kissing their sleeping first born "kitten-chick" on her feathery/furry forehead. First was Vi's mommy Katt who whispers, "You're going to be the best and sweetest big sister". And last was her daddy Falco who whispers, "Buonanotte mia dolce violetta", which is supposed to be Italian for.........."Goodnight my sweet little violet".
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sweetness-pop · 4 years ago
"Don't Come Near My Little Spicy Violet! Or I'll Kick Your Asses!"
-Falco Lombardi with his & Katt's baby daughter Violett in his arms & glaring at the viewers' direction.
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sweetness-pop · 4 years ago
*Falco holding his tiny gryphon Violett*
Falco: C'mon Spice! Say "daddy"!
Violett: Ma!
Falco: No not Ma. "Daddy".
Violett: Da!
Falco: Almost got it! Now finish it!
Violett: DaMa!
Falco: KUSO! (Shit in Japanese)
Violett: Kuso! (Shit!)
*Falco sweatdrops*
*Katt walks in the living room*
Katt: Hey hons I'm home!
*Baby Violett is so happy*
Violett: Mommy! Kuso!(Shit!) Kuso!(Shit!)
*Katt gets shocked*
Katt: Vi! Where did you hear that word from?!
Violett: Daddy! Daddy!
*Katt glares at Falco*
Falco: Hey sexy! Our baby princess just said mommy AND daddy! She said daddy twice! Isn't this amazing?!
Violett: SEXY! SEXY! SEXY!
*Falco and Katt are shocked as they've just heard their infant daughter saying a dirty word......three times*
Katt: Dear.......(she has a death glare on her face)
Falco: So I'm sleeping on the couch tonight?
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sweetness-pop · 4 years ago
I use to vision Violett's hair being in a natural blue/pink bicolor due to the rare color mutation from Falco's feathers & Katt's fur, which others would often mistake as her hair dye.
However now I'm thinking it might be better if she has Katt's snowy white hair color. That way Violett has another feature to inherit from her mom.
She dyes her bangs though.
I just typed some editing from this post about the Spicy Violet's redesign from a few months ago.
& Here is her birth story from last month if you FalKatt shippers would please take your sweet time to read.
I also do have plans on how I will make up the 2nd FalKatt fankid who will be a younger brother for Violett. So someday I'll write a post about him.
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sweetness-pop · 3 years ago
Personally, I prefer you two!
-Falco Lombardi, 41 as he joyfully carries his two and only kitten-chicks, Violett, 8 and Ace, 4 in his strong, blue feathery arms as the three grin and laugh together!
Picture gets taken with the caption by Katt Monroe-Lombardi, 42.
🐦Happy Father's Day!🐦
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sweetness-pop · 3 years ago
4 Years after their daughter Violett Lombardi was born, Falco Lombardi and Katt Monroe-Lombardi welcomed their 2nd child into the Lylat System on May 15, 18 ALW. Their son Ace Lombardi.
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