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andiatas · 6 months ago
Märtha and Durek about the monogram: - We found it natural that it should adorn the bottle
In a new letter to the Directorate of Health, Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett describe how they proceeded with the controversial princess gin.
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Photo: Oslo Håndverksdestilleri AS
Earlier this summer, Märtha Louise (52) and Durek Verrett (49) launched their wedding gin.
Both on the manufacturer's website and on the bottle, it said: "The gin was made for the wedding of Princess Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett".
Shortly thereafter, Vinmonopolet stopped selling the gin, and the Norwegian Directorate of Health announced that it would initiate supervisory proceedings because the launch might have violated the alcohol advertising ban.
Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett have now answered that.
In a recent letter to the Directorate of Health, Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett wrote that it was natural that the controversial princess monogram should "adorn the bottle".
Märtha Louise wanted Pink Gin
In 2023, they first had the idea to produce a gin or an aquavit for the wedding.
The Princess had several meetings with the producer. The letter states that it was important to Märtha Louise that this was a Pink Gin with a clear direction towards berries.
Durek Verrett was in the USA at the time and was very interested in and involved in the process. He had a particular point of view on the bottle's design and how it should look.
In March, the couple and the manufacturer had several meetings about how this should be launched and sold.
The monogram
The gin's label also featured the couple's monogram, which was prepared especially for the wedding.
But Märtha Louise is not allowed to use the Princess title in connection with commercial activity.
Princess Märtha's manager, Carina Scheele Carlsen, told VG in June that the whole thing was a mistake.
- Unfortunately, there was a mistake here, and therefore the title has now been removed from the website, and it will also be removed from the next batch on the bottles she wrote in an SMS to VG.
The letter to the Directorate of Health does not mention the princess title, but it states that the much-talked-about monogram on the bottle was not intended for use in other commercial contexts.
- It is very common nowadays for brides and grooms to make their own labels. The monogram has been prepared by a design agency in collaboration with PML and DV. We found it natural that it should adorn the bottle, the letter says.
In the reply from Oslo Håndverksdestilleri to the Directorate of Health, they wrote that the monogram should be placed discreetly on the back of the bottle.
- No financial gain from the sale of the product
The letter also states that the couple has no financial gain from selling the product.
- The idea was all along that it would be nice to make a gin for the wedding that refers to our Norwegian distinctive nature and traditions, the letter says.
It is further stated that the parties agreed that the manufacturer should make the product available for purchase for the wedding and that it should be sold at Vinmonopolet.
Oslo Håndverksdestilleri says that Märtha Louise has been a friend of the producer for 37 years and that this was a friendly service.
Based on the response from Oslo Håndverksdestilleri, Märtha Louise, and Durek Verrett, the Directorate of Health will now come to a conclusion on the matter.
Translation and editing for clarity by me from an article by Hedda Kurseth and Lars Hægeland for NRK, published August 6, 2024.
Note: Märtha Louise, if you happen to read this. I don't think the general public cares that much about the monogram; it's the use of the Princess title that upsets people. Most people don't care about what Märtha Louise puts her name on, but people definitely care what Princess Märtha Louise puts her name on.
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noisycowboyglitter · 4 months ago
From English to Norwegian: Ordering Beer Made Easy
"Beer Please in Norwegian" translates to "Øl, takk" (pronounced roughly as "uhl tahk"). This simple phrase is essential for beer enthusiasts visiting Norway, a country with a rich brewing tradition dating back to the Viking age.
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Norway's beer culture has experienced a renaissance in recent years, with a booming craft beer scene complementing traditional brewing practices. Major cities like Oslo, Bergen, and Tromsø boast numerous microbreweries and specialty beer bars, offering a wide range of styles from crisp lagers to bold IPAs and unique Nordic-inspired brews.
When ordering beer in Norway, you might encounter these terms:
"Fatøl" - draft beer
"Flaske" - bottled beer
"Halvliter" - a half-liter (roughly a pint)
Popular Norwegian beer brands include Ringnes, Hansa, and Aass, but craft breweries like Nøgne Ø, Lervig, and Haandbryggeriet have gained international recognition for their innovative approaches.
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Norway's beer culture is closely tied to its social customs. "Skål" is the traditional Norwegian toast, often accompanied by eye contact with fellow drinkers. Beer is a common feature at social gatherings, particularly during holidays and festivals.
It's worth noting that alcohol regulations in Norway are stricter than in many other countries. Beers above 4.7% ABV are only sold in state-run Vinmonopolet stores, not in supermarkets. Prices can be relatively high due to taxes, but the quality and variety available make it worthwhile for beer enthusiasts.
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Norwegian brewers often incorporate local ingredients like juniper berries, spruce tips, and Arctic herbs, creating unique flavors that reflect the country's natural environment. This blend of tradition and innovation makes exploring Norway's beer scene a fascinating experience for any beer lover.
Looking for the perfect way to tickle the funny bone of your beer-loving friends? Funny beer gifts are a fantastic choice! From quirky beer-themed apparel like hilarious T-shirts and socks to novelty items such as beer mugs with cheeky sayings, there's something for everyone. Consider unique gifts like beer pong sets, personalized coasters, or even beer-flavored jelly beans that bring a playful twist to any occasion. Whether it's a birthday, holiday, or just because,
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these gifts are sure to spark laughter and create memorable moments. Pair a funny gift with a selection of craft beers for a delightful surprise that will have them chuckling and raising a toast. Perfect for home brewers, casual drinkers, or anyone who appreciates a good laugh, funny beer gifts make every celebration a little more enjoyable!
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fransopdefiets · 7 months ago
11-7 Bodø - 2
Uit puur enthousiasme over de Thai in Aldersund, besloot ik gisterenavond om opnieuw Thais te gaan eten. Dom, dom, dom, het kon natuurlijk alleen maar minder zijn en dat was het ook. Tegen een vooraf te betalen bedrag (pakweg twee tientjes) kon je onbeperkt gebruik maken van het buffet. Helaas was dat buffet blijkbaar al een dag van tevoren klaar gezet en waren alle gerechten overgoten met een bremzoute sojasaus. Gelukkig kon ik het tekort aan calorieën daarna nog aanvullen in het hotel, waar ze ‘s avonds in de lounge een wafelijzer en een kom beslag hebben staan als service aan de gasten.
Daarna bracht ik nog een bezoek aan de Vinmonopolet, de staatswinkel voor alcoholhoudende dranken om een blikje echt bier te kunnen kopen. In de supermarkt mag het bier maar tot 2% alcohol bevatten. Voor pakweg 7 euro werd ik eigenaar van een blikje Noorse IPA, die prima smaakte.
Als ik opsta, regent het flink, maar het zal in de loop van de dag opdrogen. Ik wil naar het scheepvaartmuseum, maar blijf steken op het luchtvaartmuseum. Dat is op de route, maar gaat een uur eerder open en het is zo groot en goed opgezet, dat ik er de hele ochtend zoet mee ben. Er is een afdeling militaire geschiedenis met een enorme verzameling aan vliegtuigen en wapentuig vanaf 1910 en een afdeling burgerluchtvaart met veel aandacht voor de ontdekkingsreizen naar de Noordpool aan het begin van de 20e eeuw.
In de middag ga ik naar het lokale historische museum van Bodø, dat naast een reizende expositie van een Sami architect, twee kleine tentoonstellingen toegepaste kunst aanbiedt. Aardig, maar echt museaal vind ik het niet en mijn hoop op wat lokale geschiedenis wordt niet beloond.
De daarnaast gelegen kathedraal is nu open en is van binnen een fraai staaltje Scandinavische architectuur. Bij de bouw in de jaren 60 waren er nogal wat protesten tegen het ontwerp, men vond het te modern, nu doet het al weer gedateerd aan.
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marketplacebuyandsell · 1 year ago
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nomadictexan · 5 years ago
As we sailed into the port of Leknes with Viking Cruises, this magnificent church was on the shore and caught my eye. Lofoten (Norwegian “lu:fu:tn”) is an enclave of islands and a long-established district in Nordland Norway. It is infamous for its astonishing rugged mountains, protected bays and a pleasant summer conditions. Even though it’s …
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whiskymoro · 6 years ago
Nyheter på Vinmonopolet i januar 2019
Årets første polslipp nærmer seg, nå på fredag kommer det en god del whisky, særlig på bestillingsutvalget.
Noen amerikanske whiskeyer, og noen tapninger fra Taiwan er blant nyhetene, i tillegg til diverse skotsk single malt, mest fra uavhengige tappere. Den nye standardrekka til Old Pulteney kommer; jeg håper å få ut noen anmeldelser av hele rekka snart.
Her er hele lista - jeg tar som vanlig forbehold om feil fra polets/importørens side her.
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jeanine011 · 4 years ago
Lockdown med åpne Vinmonopol er ikke basert på annet enn Kapitalismens golde grin!
Lockdown med åpne Vinmonopol er ikke basert på annet enn Kapitalismens golde grin!
Utdrag sitat Benedikte Moltumyr Høgberg – professor i rettsvitenskap ved Institutt for offentlig rett ved Det juridiske fakultet i Oslo.: Den mest overraskende effekten av stengte skoler har kanskje likevel vært myndighetenes behov for å holde Vinmonopolet åpent og dermed unnta polene fra den nedstengning som har rammet andre butikker. Den triste begrunnelsen synes å være at barn i hjemmet trolig…
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priceybuds-blog · 7 years ago
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Escandinavia y su magnífica administración pública; de la educación hasta las copas. ¡Brindemos por el monopolio! 
Se habla mucho de sí el estado debería interferir en la economía, criticando medidas de seguridad en economías vulnerables y la rigidez con que se manejan, suponiendo que solo sucede en países de tercer mundo. Pero...¿Sabias que Noruega tiene el monopolio estatal del alcohol en su país? Esto, con el objetivo de regular el consumo de la población. Se hace a través de tiendas en centros comerciales llamadas VINMONOPOLET, con horarios y reglas bastante estrictas, así, en las tiendas de conveniencia y supermercados sólo podrías encontrar cervezas y bebidas de hasta 4.75% grados de alcohol. Además, hay bebidas que sólo se pueden comprar comprobando que se tienen más de 25 años cumplidos.
Noruega es un país de menos de seis millones de habitantes pero con un PIB de 370.6 millones de dólares, uno de los mejores sistemas de educación, administración pública, transparencia y con un índice casi nulo de inseguridad. Sin embargo, este paraíso habitacional (como casi todos los países escandinavos) tienen también un grave problema de salud mental entre sus habitantes, pues de acuerdo a cifras de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE) están entre los países con mayor consumo de antidepresivos en el mundo.
La depresión, viene siempre de la mano con el consumo no sólo de antidepresivos sino también con conductas auto-destructivas, y el día de hoy hablaremos del alcoholismo como un problema de salud pública que el gobierno de Noruega ya está controlando.
Las tiendas llamadas “VINMONOPOLET” son básicamente vinaterías manejadas por el gobierno noruego, teniendo un monopolio de casi todo el alcohol que entra y sale del país. Estas tiendas, tienen un horario de entre 10 y 11 de la mañana a 6 de la tarde de lunes a viernes y hasta las 3 los sábados, sin abrir los domingos (en México, parecería descabellado que no hubiera venta de alcohol los domingos) y en los supermercados la venta de alcohol es hasta las 6 de la tarde con la restricción de que sólo se pueden vender cervezas y bebidas por el estilo con un máximo de 4.75% grados de alcohol.
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Lo que sin problemas encontraríamos una vinatería/tienda de conveniencia/supermercado en nuestro bellísimo México.
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Lo que encontraríamos en Noruega. 
Estos establecimientos se dividen en siete categorías siendo la siete la más alta, en donde se puede encontrar la mayor variedad de alcohol (e incluso hay cata de vinos), y la uno donde se encuentra de lo más básico, sin embargo estas tiendas se ajustan a las necesidades de cada región y se calcula que hay alrededor de 300 de ellas en el país.
No olvidemos que la producción y venta de bebidas alcohólicas genera alrededor de 227,000 millones de dólares al año en promedio mundialmente, y el estado noruego obviamente se queda con la ganancia del monopolio que conduce en beneficio de su población. 
Retomando el tema de doctrinas económicas, ¿qué opinas acerca de las regulaciones que el estado noruego puso en marcha? ¿Te gustaría que se aplicara en tu país?
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occstudio · 2 years ago
VinVin. - Brief 3 del 3
Spread the love of wine. It´s a “VinVin” situation!
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Appen er ment å fungere som et knutepunkt mellom eksperter og nybegynnere, hvor begge parter har noe å vinne. Den skal kutte ned barrierer og senke terskelien for å lære mer og bli mer interessert i vin.
Appen er en sosial platform hvor man enkelt kan følge verifiserte sommelierer eller venner. Scan vinen/vinene og legg ut som liste eller singel. Appen innholder også education videoer som ekspertene kan legge ut.
Lær mer, del din kunskap og opplevelse eller se hva eksperten synes.
VinVin vil være integrert med vinmonopolets infrastruktur hvor bruker enkelt kan finne ut om de har vinen på lager og vilken butikk som er nærmest.
Brukerreise / Demo
Brukertestet vi nok? uhm, nei. :/
Note: brukertest mer og ofte.
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Components er NICE!
Det er umulig å ha en effektiv og rask workflow uten en god struktur. components (Parent & Child.), Variants etc.
Lage design system i starten? Eller ikke fokusere på sånne detaljer i starten?
Oi, hva skjedde med dokumentasjonen?😳
Når man sitter å prototyper er det fort å bli oppslukt i figma. Man glemmer fort andre deler av prosessen som å dokumetere. Her kan det da være smart å ta et steg tilbake for å få overblikk i ny og ne. "av med figma-shadesa" Dette hjelper også med å få et nytt perspektiv på ting.
Jeg føler prosessen startet bra, med litt rot i mitden men jeg føler meg fornøyd med resultatet og det har vært veldig lærerrikt.
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memecucker · 2 years ago
So in Norway the only retailer allowed to sell drinks with with greater than 4.75% alcohol is a state-owned company called Vinmonopolet which was the Norwegian compromise with the early 20th century temperance movement (bc the state can more directly control the price of alcohol) and one consequence is that businesses in Norway tend to close earlier on weekends than other countries so people can get to the local Vinmonopolet before it closes
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spokelseskladden · 3 years ago
There are few things that scream depression more than walking out of the grocery store with canned spaghetti a la capri and two boxes of snus on a friday, could only top it if i went to vinmonopolet afterwards tbh
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marketplacebuyandsell · 1 year ago
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nordkap2021 · 4 years ago
Tag 76: Vanvikan -> Berkak
Donnerstag, 22. Juli 2021
Die Nacht im Warteraum war ganz angenehm. Zum ersten Mal seit vielen Wochen haben wir richtige Dunkelheit erlebt. Wir frühstücken auch dort und nehmen das Expressboot kurz vor 8 Uhr. Mit 40 km/h geht es in knapp einer halben Stunde hinüber nach Trondheim, das erst langsam zum Leben erwacht.
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Wir genehmigen uns noch einen Cappuccino und besichtigen dann den Nidarosdom. Neben der imposanten Fassade hat uns vor allem die Innenbeleuchtung beeindruckt. So super ausgeleuchtet habe ich noch keine Kirche gesehen.
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Auf Fahrradwegen geht es den Berg hoch aus der Stadt und dann weiter parallel der vielbefahrenen E6. Plötzlich endet der Fahrradweg und wir müssen auf der E6 ein Stück radeln. Das ist bei dem Verkehr überhaupt nicht spaßig sondern eher gefährlich. Wir entschließen uns daher, über Forstwege die E6 zu umfahren. Das gelingt uns, ist jedoch mit steilen Anstiegen verbunden. Die Ausblicke entschädigen dafür nur zum Teil. Unterwegs gibt es mal wieder eine Bäckerei/Konditorei in der wir kurz vor Ladenschlusss um 16 Uhr (!) noch einen leckeren Kuchen bekommen.
In Berkak gibt es eine große Tankstelle mit Restaurant, einen Stellplatz für Camper und wenige Zimmer. Wir nehmen das letzte verfügbare Einzelzimmer. Hauptsache eine warme Dusche. Danach verspeisen wir eine Familienpizza im Restaurant.
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Auf dem Zimmer gibt es dann noch eine Flasche Barbera, die wir am Morgen im Vinmonopolet gekauft haben.
Mit Trondheim haben wir ein weiteres Etappenziel erreicht. Jetzt geht es südwärts nach Oslo, das wir in 5 bis 6 Tagen erreichen werden. Dort verbringen wir zwei Nächte. Die Fähre für den 29. Juli von Oslo nach Kiel ist auch gebucht.
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90 km in 7 Std.
Insgesamt 6.530 km in 417,5 Std.
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whiskymoro · 6 years ago
Nyheter på Vinmonopolet i september 2018
Det er tid for polslipp igjen, og det er som vanlig i bestllingsutvalget det skjer. Her finner vi for eksempel Mykens første whiskytapning, en treåring; riktig gamle saker fra Gordon & MacPhail og en tapning for Norsk Whiskyforbund kan jo også være interessant – om man har lommebok til det. Glencadam kan være bra, og kan kanskje være verdt å sjekke ut.
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isisisak · 8 years ago
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@linneaxskam look at the real reason they chose this flat.... I relate
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foolsbangle · 4 years ago
The fucking. The fucking "Vi må rekke vinmonopolet" dude was om TV OR AT LEAST THE CLIFF HE THREW HIMSELF OFF.
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