#vinegar isnt a food its a drink of the gods.
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plumknodel · 2 months ago
i love food that digests you back. the thrill of survival makes it taste even sweeter
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elliotthezubat · 6 years ago
 atsushi: *asleep*
Kenji: *asleep upside down next to him*
Tanizaki: *splashes water on his face in the bathroom*
naho: *vibrating with excitement*
Tanizaki: *exits the bathroom, nudges Atsushi*
atsushi: *snrk-* a-WHA-WHAT-WHERE AM I?!
Tanizaki: "?! Easy, easy--you're in the hotel..."
Kenji: =w= "Zzz..."
atsushi: oh, right right. *yaaaaawn*
Tanizaki: "???" *checks the time on his phone*
-7 AM-
Tanizaki: -_-; "We haven't even eaten yet--"
maki: easy, naho, calm breaths.
naho: ahhh im so excited i cant stand it! >w<
Tanizaki: ^^; "Atsushi, I guess pick up the pace."
naomi: we're actually going to meet touya diaz and caleb brent and carina bishop IN. THE. FLESH.
maki: i hear the hotel's cafe is doing a morning special on toast to go.
Kenji: *bounces up* "TOAST?!"
caleb: hmmm. should i do this in costume or not?
Touya: *looking through his phone* "Depends--how much attention you looking for?"
caleb: >n< im just trying to do this right. its been a while since last i did one of these contest fan meet ups.
Estevez: "I think it's best to give the audience what they want."
caleb: i just hope that crazy wiggum girl doesnt try to break in again. she scares me. Q_Q;;
Estevez: "Caleb, I don't want you having to worry. I'll ask for increased security."
caleb: thank you sir.
amanda: hey guys. *waves* good luck with today's meet up.
caleb: t-thanks amanda.
Touya: *grunts, still staring at the phone*
amanda: hey touya.......mr estevez.
Estevez: "..." *nods*
Touya: *looks through text messages* "?? No word from Carina."
caleb: i saw her this morning earlier...
amanda: maybe she's still getting ready?
Estevez: "She needs to hurry..." *stands up*
amanda: why dont i go get her?
caleb: just dont sneak up on her, she's been a bit on edge lately...
Estevez: *looking on his phone for medicines...*
amanda: *walks up to carina's trailer* *knocks* carina? the othesr are waiting on you.
amanda:....carina? you ok in there?
amanda: miss bishop? helloooo?
-no answer-
amanda:.....carina? are you in there? *grabs the door handle. it's unlocked* ?? *opens* carin-......a-....*SCREAMS*
Estevez: "?!!!"
Touya: *leaps up* "What's going on?"
caleb: amanda? what happ- !!!!!
-in the trailer, carina lays on the ground, eyes wide open, throat slit open, blood everywhere-
maggi: what happened? i heard yelling. *looks* o-oh my god, oh my god!
Estevez: *calling the police*
fuyumi: *worried, making a call*
Todoroki: "Hello?"
Todoroki: "...Hello. Yes, I am fine. How are you?"
fuyumi: im just glad you're ok! i just saw the news!
Todoroki: "Yes. It was frightening, but no one in my class is seriously injured."
fuyumi: will you be home soon?
Todoroki: "Yes. I-Island security wants to debrief us, however, then they seem focused on keeping outsiders away for a bit."
fuyumi: i guess that's understandable.
Todoroki: "It'll be fine, and I'll be home before you know it."
mitsuki: easy there inko, easy.
inko: Q~Q *unintelligable blubbering and screaming*
Masaru: *offers a paper bag*
inko: *takes it and starts breathing into it*
mitsuki: need something to drink? water? zinfandel spritzers?
Masaru: ._.; ("Little early for drinks, but understandable...") ^^; "I'll try calling. Again." *dials*
mitsuki: need us to set up the guest room for you for a bit?
inko: yesh pleashe Q~Q
Masaru: "... ...Come on, answer..."
eijiro: yes? this is bakugou's phone, eijiro speaking.
Masaru: "Oh, Eijiro! It's Katsuki's father, hello. Is he there?"
eijiro: yeah, he's here now. *away from the phone* bakugou, it's your dad calling!
Masaru: ._.; ("I've called 4 times already with no answer...")
eijiro: you were still in the bathroom-
Masaru: "I know, I know--and I appreciate that concern. But your mother and I were worried sick. Are you okay?"
Masaru: ^^; "Great. Let me put your mother on..."
Masaru: ^^;;;;
Bakugo: "IF IT'LL SHUT YOU UP ALREADY--I GOT THINGS TO DO TODAY!" *steps outside, bangs on a door* "GET OUT OF THERE, NERD!"
Izuku: O_O; "..." ("Nope.")
Izuku: "?!" *slightly opens the door* "O-Oh?"
Bakugo: *shoves the phone in his face* "STOP MAKING HER WORRIED AND TALK, DAMN YOU!"
Izuku: "H-Hello?"
mitsuki: hi there izuku. ^^ im gonna put your mom on now, ok?
Izuku: "Oh, thank you, Mrs. Bakugo."
inko: *takes the phone* ISHUKHUUUU *unintelligable blubbering and crying*
Izuku: Q_Q *crying, incoherent blubbering response*
Bakugo: ._______. "...What the fuck am I looking at?"
mitsuki: *sigh* the fruit doesnt fall far from the tree, it seems.
Masaru: "Indeed. At least they're safe."
Kyotoku: *headbanging into the phone* "KYOKA! I'M SO GLAD YOU’RE SAFE!!!!"
jirou: yeah, im ok dad.
Kyotoku: "WWAAAAAAAAAAH!" T~T "They feeding you well? The cops aren't a problem, are they?"
jirou: -_-; im not in jail, dad.
Kyotoku: "You never know! I once shared a cell with Bowie!"
jirou: david bowie or the bird?
Mr. Uraraka: "I'm so proud of you!"
ochako: aw thanks dad. ^^;
Waiter: *sets down food*
Mr. Uraraka: "Make sure to rest up--you're going to need to re-charge."
Waiter: *sets down a cell phone charger in front of Kaminari*
kaminari: -_-;
Hagakure: *has jam on her face from the pastries* =w= "So good..."
mina: thanks for the recommendation, melissa!
melissa: no problem. ^^
Iida: *passes the steamed vegetables*
Patty: "Upsie daisy!"
shiori: ^o^
Patty: "Aren't you a cutie? How's it going, kiddo?"
shiori: *baby babble*
Patty: "Hee hee! Want to see something really cool?"
shiori: bah?
Patty: "Kid! The topiary is off on one side--"
Kid: *rushes in, already in overalls, a sunhat, and a tool kit of clippers* "Ready!"
shiori: *head tilt* ~?
Patty: "You changed so quickly, like magic!"
Kid: "I cannot afford to let one bit of asymmetry manifest in this estate." *looks behind her* "...Wait...That topiary looks fine--"
Patty: *giggles* "Trick ya!"
Kid: -~-
shiori: *reaching* ki! ki!
Kid: ^^; *sets down the clippers, pushing them away, picks up Shiori* "Hello, Shiori!"
shiori: *laughs* ^o^
Patty: "D'aw..." *snaps a pic on her phone, texting it*
Chuuya: "??? That's a lot of cupcakes..."
miyuri: ^w^
sonia: so what else do we all need?
Chuuya: "Hmmm...Some leafy vegetables."
miyuri: *GASP* papa! sonia! look! *holding up broccoli* baby trees!
Chuuya: "Yep--that's broccoli. It's good to eat."
miyuri: can we eat trees too?
sonia: broccoli isnt a tree. it's a vegetable.
miyuri: ooooh.
Chuuya: "There are things that come off trees, like fruits." *reaches for an apple--stops...grabs an orange instead*
miyuri: oooh neat!
sonia: oranges are technically citrus. ^^;
Chuuya: "Yes--good for vitamin C to grow big and strong."
miyuri: wooow!
Chuuya: "How about we make a salad tonight?"
sonia: sounds good.
Chuuya: "I'll even show you some different vinegars to try."
lavender: saaakuyaaa~ you have a visitor~
Sakuya: -____- "I'm not really feeling like visitors."
lavender: you sure about that?
mahiru: i could come by later-
Sakuya: "?!!! Ma-Mahiru?!"
mahiru: *waves* hey sakuya.
Sakuya: *smiles--then tries to play it cool* "Oh, hey. What's up?"
mahiru: lavender invited me over to hang out with you. ^^;
lavender: you're welcome~
Sakuya: "Oh...Um...How you been? Hungry?"
mahiru: sure.
Kanin: "Wow, watch out!" *holds out an arm before crossing the street*
amelia: *stops*
*a car speeds by--followed by police*
amelia: *watches*
Villain: *cackling in the car*
Kanin: "Someone should help stop them..."
amelia: *looks up*
*vines come down, forming a wall that--*
Villain: "!!! SHI--"
Villain: *hits the air bags* *groans...* *starts...falling apart like slime?!*
mt lady: what the-
Villain: *tries to slither away into the sewers...*
mt lady: *pulls out a vacuum*
Villain: O____O *scurrying as fast as it can to the sewer grate--*
Villain: "EEEEEEK--" *sucked in, but not before some splashes onto Kamui*
Kamui: "?!"
mt lady: oops, missed a spot. *uses the vacuum on kamui*
Kamui: -_-; "Watch that--you're going to pull twigs out."
ochako: thanks for the food! *eating a burger* mmm~ yum!
Izuku: ^^; "We're all finally able to get a break."
kaminari: hey tokoyami, i got a question for ya; do you ever molt?
Tokoyami: "..." *sips on his straw*
eijiro: *smiles*
Bakugo: -_-# "Don't ask stupid questions--we don't ask you whether you get static cling if we shove you in the dryer."
eijiro: *still smiling*
Bakugo: "...WHAT?"
eijiro: you called me by my first name last night. ^^
Bakugo: "?!!! ..." >\\\> "Don't make anything out of it--I'LL CALL YOU WHATEVER I WANT TO GET YOUR ATTENTION IN A FIGHT, YOU DUMBASS!"
eijiro: ^^
ochako: same old bakugou. ^^;
Todoroki: *nods* "Very tsundere."
ochako: *giggles*
Todoroki: *smiles* "Ha."
melissa: ...
Todoroki: "You see they started the concert again?"
ochako: yeah, we should check it out later.
Todoroki: *nods* "Sounds great. My sister was telling me about the instruments they're using--they change the notes by colors."
ochako: wow that's so cool!
Todoroki: "Yeah!" *smiling wider*
melissa:...say, todoroki, may i talk to you for a moment.
Todoroki: "Oh...Um, okay?" *looks at Ochako* "Be right back."
ochako: ok, im gonna get some more ketchup in the meantime.
Todoroki: "?!!!" .\\\\. "...Huh?"
melissa: you seem to smile more around her than most of the others in your group.
Todoroki: "I...smile. At times."
melissa: you also seem to look at her a lot.
Todoroki: "?!! I-I'm not trying to be creepy or anything."
melissa: ^^; sorry, if this is a bit personal-
Todoroki: "It-It's fine...Not many people have said something like that to me."
melissa: ah...well, that's all i wanted to say.
Todoroki: "...Could I ask for some advice?"
melissa: sure.
Todoroki: "If it was you...what would you do? I...don't know that I'm...deserving."
melissa: ._.; honestly, im not the best person to ask in regards to that sort of thing, but she seems happy around you, doesnt she?
Todoroki: "Y-Yes? But Ochako is a very friendly person."
naomi: were almost there!!
Tanizaki: "Right..." *looking at a map on his phone*
naho: >w<
Kenji: *looking around* "Ooooo! So modern!" *staring at the palm trees and--* "Shiny lightposts!"
maki: *snapping pics*
Tanizaki: "Sending any of those back home?"
maki: yeah.
Kenji: "Atsushi, what do you want to see while we're here?"
atsushi: i dont even know where to begin. ._.;
Tanizaki: "How about the giant 'Hollywood' sign? It's a bit of a climb, but I heard the view is incredible."
atsushi: sounds good.
Kenji: "I want to see how they put movies on the screens! How do they get all of that done in just one go?"
maki: it takes a long time to make a movie, days, months, even years sometimes.
naho: even the police get called in to make movies, see?
naomi:....guys....i dont think they're acting....
Tanizaki: "!!!"
maki: oh-oh shit!
Kenji: "??? What happened?"
naomi: i dont know. bro, stop the car!
Tanizaki: *pulls over*
naomi: *gets out and walks over*
officer: ma'am, this is a crime scene, we're going to have to ask you to vacate the area-
naomi: what happened?
EMT: *removing a body...*
naomi: !!!!
Tanizaki: "...Someone died?"
naomi: who died?!
officer: that's classified-
Kenji: "How sad. Were they an actor?"
naomi: we just so happen to be detectives!
Officer 2: "Hmm...Well, she was found dead in her trailer."
naho: who?!
Officer 2: "...Carina Bishop."
naomi: !!!!!!!
maki: WHAT, NO!!!
Tanizaki: "!!! H-How did this happen?"
officer: we're looking into it now.
Tanizaki: ._.
Kenji: ^^ "Let's do this!"
officer: ._.;;; i'll talk to commander fold...
Tanizaki: "Th-Thanks..." *looks around*
-there are officers and crewmembers about the place-
make up artist: well, i heard amanda screaming, and when i came in, i saw the body.
Tanizaki: "It could've been anyone..."
???: it's a good riddance honestly.
Kenji: "...?"
-a short, somewhat chubby girl with brown hair is talking to an officer-
???: that mary-sue bitch was dragging the show's quality down. with her gone, things can only improve.
naomi: exCUSE moi?!
Tanizaki: "Naomi, easy--"
naomi: a person just DIED and you just bash on her?!
???: that's what she gets for being in the way of zephro!
maki: YOU TELL 'EM!
Tanizaki: -n-;
caleb: what the heck is-... oh great. _you_ again.
???: nero-kun! these twats are actually DEFENDING that breeder, carina! we all know they're idiots and that zepher is your one true love, right~?
caleb: for fucks sakes, wiggum, how many times do i have to tell you, i'm caleb. nero is a fictional character.
Kenji: "Wow, are all fans in this city this mean?"
maki: nah, she's just one of the crazy fans most likely.
naho: it's people like her who give us fujoshis a bad rep!
Tanizaki: "And that's saying something."
atsushi: *looks at the crime scene*
Officer 3: "Careful!"
atsushi: *looking around*
*it's bloody...*
Officer 3: "Don't touch anything! We don't need some outsiders screwing this up."
atsushi: *shows his ID*
Officer 3: "Is that supposed to impress me? What are you, 16?"
atsushi: 19, actually.
Officer 3: "You ever see this kind of a murder before?"
atsushi: i am a detective, so...
Officer 3: "In your opinion, then, how do you think this happened?"
atsushi: did miss bishop have any enemies?
Officer 3: "You kidding me? Actors always do: fans, other actors, writers..."
atsushi: hmm...
Officer 3: "We're starting with interrogating her coworkers, find out who had motive and means."
lukas: so how was the trip, saria?
Saria: "A lot of fun! We roasted marshmallows, Dad tried a new grilled cheese recipe. And we got to watch the wildlife." *sets down some sodas* "How have things been for you?"
lukas: same old, same old, i suppose.
Saria: *nods* "Well, I'm excited to get back to training with you, especially before the summer desert camp work. Looking forward to the camp work?"
lukas: i suppose so.
Saria: "Let's do our best! I'm sure we can improve our resonance rate!"
lukas: right. shall we go to the training room then?
Saria: *nods* "Lead the way!"
Sakuya: "And that's been about it--just trying to stay under radar so we don't get some C3 weirdos bringing us in."
mahiru: ah. i see.
Sakuya: "...You sure you're doing okay?"
mahiru: hmm? oh, yeah im well. kuro's well too, see?
Kuro: =_= "Zzz..."
Sakuya: "...Yeah, totally." *poke*
Kuro: "Stop that."
*someone is sitting at Vortex Cafe*
Akutagawa: "..."
Akutagawa: "...Montgomery. Hello."
lucy: let me guess, tea again?
Akutagawa: "No. I'll also have some tea cookies."
lucy: .....
Akutagawa: "What, no investigations today with the Tiger?"
lucy: he's on vacation.
Akutagawa: "...He never told me that."
lucy:.....in phoenix, did you and him...talk about anything?
Akutagawa: "??? Yes. We discussed our respective visits. I was vacationing with family, he was on some murder mystery, if I recall. That is what we discussed."
lucy: i see.....
Akutagawa: "...Why do you ask?"
lucy: ...nevermind.
Akutagawa: "Hmm. I'll suppose the Tiger said something nasty behind my back. I'll have to insult him back when he returns. Where did he go anyway?"
lucy: why should i tell you?
Akutagawa: -_-# "Fine. Be difficult. I'll ask him myself when he returns."
elise: *walking through the halls*
*looks like mafiosos milling about...Motojiro can be heard in his lab...Tachihara is examining his handgun*
elise: *pokes her head in chuuya's office*
Chuuya: *has a map rolled out, circling armories*
elise: hiiiii chu-chu~ ^^
Chuuya: "Hmm? Oh, hello."
elise: how're sonia and miyurin?
Chuuya: "Quite well, thank you. They're playing with Kouyou."
elise: can i visit them?
Chuuya: "Sure...They were supposed to be in the garden."
elise: thanks. ^^ dont worry, i wont tell rintarou, he's busy with something anyway.
Chuuya: "..." *nods* "Good."
Damon: *looks at Soul's motorcycle* "How did you learn to ride a bike?"
soul: oh this? well, i've known how to ride for a while now. also it's a motorcycle, a bit different from a regular bicycle.
Damon: "I-I know the difference! I...just was curious since..."
soul: ??
Damon: >_>;;; "I'm not very good at it..."
soul: did you want to learn, buddy?
Damon: "C-Could we?"
soul: sure thing.
Fear Factory Droid: "YOUR MEAL." *shoves a sealed plastic packet of liquid into Shotaro and Mana's cells*
Shotaro: ._. "...Is this pee?"
Shotaro: *picks it up, sniffs at it* "Hey, where's Yohei?" *looks at Mana* "We were wondering when we could talk to him."
mana: yeah. is he alright?
mana: oh?
Shotaro: "??? Someone that important wants to meet with us? But we haven't had a chance to bath--and I'm kind of smelling rank."
Droid: *presses a button, revealing a giant hose, aims at Shotaro--and fires water at him*
Shotaro: "UMPH!" *slammed by the water into the wall*
mana: well? take us to your leader already.
Shotaro: X____X *spits up water, coughs*
mana: you alright, showtaro?
Shotaro: "Why are they doing this to us? They're the bad guys!" *shakes his nutrition packet* "And I got no bones to bite!"
mana:...*punches the wall* DAMMIT! this is so FRUSTRATING! i couldnt even do anything to stop them! I HATE FEELING SO GODDAMN HELPLESS! i hate this.....*she curls up and silently cries*
Shotaro: "..." *reaches out a hand through the cage--but can't reach* "...Hey. Don't cry. We'll get out of here. Yohei's smart--he's probably thinking up a plan to get us out right now!"
Yohei: *still tied to the crucifix* "...42...43...44...45..."
???: yoooooheeeei~
Yohei: "..." *looks up*
nofix?: ya miss me baby~?
Yohei: "..." *smiles weakly* "I was just counting off how long it had been since I saw something really stupid. 45 seconds. New record."
nofix?: =3= aw boo, you're no fun.
Yohei: "What are you even doing here?" *looks at the crucifix behind him* "...This is all sadly familiar..."
nofix?: *swoon* brings back memories, doesnt it~?
Yohei: "Bad memories." *struggles against his restraint* "It's bad enough to be tied here--now I have to listen to your ridiculous ass?"
nofix?: yep! nice job making the jailbait cry, THAT was hilarous, GYAHAHAHA!!
Yohei: "...If this is a hallucination, of course you would know that. But if it was a hallucination, I'd be able to influence it...So, how do I get rid of you?"
nofix?: jeeez you're such a party pooper, yo-yo.
Yohei: "I sure am...Just like I got us all stuck in this situation. Even you, you fucking insane nut-bag."
nofix?: ooh yohei~ you flatter me~
Yohei: "I'm not kidding...Chie wouldn't be in this mess if I didn't go to I Island...Shotaro and Mana would've been fine if I hadn't listened to them, bringing them to IC Prefecture...If I didn't help Fear Factory build their killing machines...Help the Dokeshi Hunt track down even people like you...I ruined a lot..."
nofix?: welp, nothing you can do about it now i guess.
Yohei: "...Maybe. Guess I got to wait for...whatever happens next...No one even knows where I am..."
nea: and that's basically the situation.
Chuuya: *tapping a finger on the table* "...A space ship? Seriously?"
Abernathy: Q___Q *just peeking over his desk* "An-And you want our help, m-ma'am?"
Bryn: *gripping her desk so hard it's cracking*
nea: that's the main gist of it, yes.
Chuuya: "This is asking a lot...I'll see what the Mafia can do."
Abernathy: "We still have leftover robot suits--my team has been modifying some for more ammo--"
nea: that will be our ground army.
nea: thank you for that. chie and saki will appreciate it.
Chuuya: "...Nea, Fear Factory was trying to do a lot for Dokeshi. What are we looking at here?"
nea: while that is true, but they also wish to eradicate humans as well. us dokeshi arent over-all trying to be _better_ than humans, we just want to be accepted. but i do have some schematics of some of their tech.
Abernathy: "I'll pass those onto the tech team--HEY, MITCH! READ THE SCHEMATICS OR I'LL CHOP YOUR FINGERS OFF!"
Chuuya: ._.; "...'Better than humans' is a low bar."
nea: ....
Bryn: "I'm booking a flight now...Honey! Grab the kids! We're going to Death City!"
nea: oh that reminds me, shinoda~ call up our friends on japonshima, will you~
setsuna: i'll contact minato as well.
Shinoda: *nods* "On it..."
Assi: "I put in time off with Mr. Fitzgerald--he didn't really have anything to offer because, and I quote, 'Wait, how much will this cost me?'"
David: *passed out*
{David: "Look at her...She's so tiny."}
{rebecca: hmhm ^^ }
{David: *holds out a finger* "Hello, Melissa."}
{melissa: *yawn* -.- }
{rebecca: aw, did we wake you?}
{David: "Sorry, sweetie. We just wanted to check on you."}
{melissa: *small baby babble*}
{David: *smiles* "You sound happy. And Mommy and Daddy are so happy to see you."}
David: *wakes up with a start--then cringes, gasping, clutching his stomach*
nurse: mr shield?
David: "Ah...S-Sorry..."
Iida: "Keep up, people--we only have so much time to take in all the sights!"
Tour Guide: -_-; "Sir, _I'm_ the tour guide."
ochako: ^^;
Todoroki: .\\\.;
Bakugo: -_-# "This is boring. We don't even get to have the tournament done..."
Izuku: "Yeah, it's really awful we don't get to fight each other since I-Island is dealing with injured people, property damage, and missing people kidnapped in space ships."
Bakugo: "...No one likes sarcasm, Deku, you fucking asshole."
ochako: that actually happened.
Izuku: .~. *backs up to Tsuyu*
tsuyu: *chops bakugou on the head*
Mineta: "...Frogs can do that?"
momo: now now, behave, all of you.
Iida: *nods* "This is our limited opportunity to learn as much as we can about this island before departing--HATSUME, STOP THAT!"
Mei: *trying to disassemble the security robots* "--and how do you increase processing power without losing mobility?"
Arthur: *petting the donkey head hanging on the office wall* "Good, Silver. Who's a regal steed? You are! Yes, you are..."
Vulcan: "...Why do you call it 'Silver'?"
Arthur: "??? All horses are Silver's."
Vulcan: "...It's a burro, not a horse."
Arthur: "...Okay, 'Silburro' is his name now."
Relan: *sitting at his desk* "..." *headdesk*
shinra: it's also an ass, fitting for arthur.
Arthur: "?!!!"
Vulcan: "HA!"
Takehisa: *under his desk, curled up in a ball*
iris: we're ba-. ... ._.;
Petra: "??? What the devil happened to these fools?"
Arthur: *shaking Shinra* "TAKE IT BACK!"
tamaki: *sigh* the 8th brigade at it's finest. -_-;
Akitaru: "Okay, reviewing missions. Arthur and Shinra--"
Arthur: *headlocking Shinra*
shinra: *ARM BITE*
Takehisa: "..." *sad sigh, crawls up under the desk...he doesn't look shaven...pulls out a whistle...BLOWS LOUDLY*
shinra: AH! >!<
Takehisa: "..." *sad sigh, crawls up under the desk...he doesn't look shaven...pulls out a whistle...BLOWS LOUDLY*
tamaki:....maki please get back soon.
maki: so can you walk us through the crime, mr estevez?
Estevez: "It-It all happened so fast...We heard Amanda scream, we get there--and there's Carina, dead."
maki: i see. out of curiosity, did amanda have any connections to carina personally?
Estevez: "You mean outside of work?"
maki: *nods* but really, anywhere works
Estevez: "Yeah, for drinks after a long day..."
maki: was there any hostility?
Estevez: "None that I noticed..."
amanda: oh gosh, no! i mean, it did hurt when carina got the role, but i'd never _kill_ over it!
Tanizaki: *nods* "We're just trying to determine means and motive, ma'am..."
Tanizaki: "Can you think of anyone who would have a problem with her?"
amanda: other than miss wiggum, i dont know...but she did seem a bit uneasy when we had lunch together last time. she mentioned that she felt like she was being watched...
Tanizaki: "??? 'Watched'? She's had stalkers before?"
amanda: *nods* given her status, that's to be expected...
Tanizaki: "Did she speak to the police?"
amanda: i-i think so?
Tanizaki: "We'll check with their reports. Thank you, ma'am."
amanda: r-right...
Tanizaki: *opens the door* "We'll be in touch..."
Emine: *staring up at the hospital ceiling* "..."
chie: *outside, holding toru* .......
Tool: *walks up* "...We got a flight booked."
chie: ......
Tool: "..." *sits with her* "...Nea told me she's got something planned."
Tool: "...Hey, have you had some sleep? I can watch Toru..."
chie:.....*biting her lip*
Tool: "..." *pats her shoulder*
Duncan: *following Izumi* -n# *holding ice to his face* "Stupid dodgeball..."
izumi: you probably shouldnt have been so rude as you always are. -.-;
Duncan: "How was it rude?! I said, 'I bet my grandmother can throw harder than you!'"
*looks like some students in the hall, giggling, pointing towards Izumi and Duncan*
izumi: to be fair, i dont even _know_ your grandmother, so i'd be in no position to judge, i guess.
Duncan: "Oh, she was super frail! I remember one time--"
Bully: *giggling* "Look at her hair--just pathetic."
izumi: ?? excuse me?
Bully: "Ha! The Albarn twin can talk."
izumi: i-i dont have any twins.
Bully: "Right--'cause she's dead, you faker."
izumi: *wince*
Duncan: "..." -_# "Excuse me, we were having a conversation--"
Bully: *brushes a hand over Izumi's hair* "Pigtails? Really? Jeez, you do want to be daddy's little girl, don't you? Weirdo."
izumi: *backs up* just stop it.
Bully: "Or what?" *puts hands against both sides of the wall behind her, stopping her path* "You'll go crying to the Death Scythe?"
Duncan: "!!! H-Hey! She said stop!"
izumi: i-im...-
Bully: *grabs Izumi's pigtail--and pulls down*
izumi: OW! STOP!
Duncan: "!!! She said stop!" *tries to grab the Bully's arm--*
Bully 2: *slams Duncan into the wall*
izumi: !!!!
Bully 1: "See, my big brother told me about the previous students here. And from what I heard, you're just some pale imitation. Why you even here..." *transforms her arm into a curved sword* "And if you're too weak to be a meister half as good as Maka Albarn, then what're you doing here?" *traces the blade against Izumi's face*
izumi: you...YOU THINK I KNOW THAT?!
Duncan: "Ow..." *trying to wiggle loose*
Bully 1: "??? Oh, you smart enough to figure that out?" *punches Izumi in the chest*
izumi: GRK- im just trying to find a purpose in life....a real purpose......not just some test-subject of my birth father.....i just....want to find who _i_ am....
Bully 1: *picks Izumi up by her shirt* "Ha! You hear that, ladies? She's a freak! She just admitted it!"
izumi: *tears falling* just please leave me alone already...i never did anything to you…
Duncan: *wiggles loose--and bites on Bully 2's hand*
Bully 2: "OW!" *punches Duncan in the chest*
Duncan: X__X *passes out*
Bully 1: "Aw, but now your boyfriend just hurt one of my girls..." *points the blade into Izumi's chest* "And that means..."
izumi: !!!
Bully 1: "HA HA HA--"
*a whip grabs Bully 4 by the ankles, pulling her down*
Bully 1: "?!!" *turns--*
Saria: "Let her go!"
Bully 1: "..." *smirks--lowers Izumi* "What? Can't some friends talk?" *puts an arm around Izumi's shoulder*
-shot by bully 1's head-
izumi: eep!
Bully 1: "?!! WHAT THE FUCK?!"
preston: *holding up a rifle* ah do believe that's our friend yer harassin'
Bully 1: "..." *backs up* "Hey, if you want a duel, I'm open to it. But we'd need a teacher here, now wouldn't we? Or are you just some thuggish rule breakers?"
genny: like you arent?
hibiki: picking on others just to make yourself look tougher, people like that just really peeve me off.
Bully 1: *smiles* "Just call me a tutor: if the weak-ass teachers won't build up people's strength, my girls will..."
Bully 4: *drags Duncan over, drops him in front of Genny and Hibiki*
lei-lei: HEY! beating up duncan is OUR job!
Duncan: *murmur of pain*
Bully 4: *eyes* *mumbles something, walks over to Bully 1*
genny: and we only do it when he's being a total dick. which granted is almost always-
Duncan: >_# "I GET THE POINT!"
Bully 1: *nods* "Well, this was fun." *winks at Izumi* "See you around..." *turns...*
izumi: ?!
Bully 1: *knocked back, her nose bleeding*
Asher: *their arm transformed, looking furious*
izumi: asher.....
Asher: "Never...touch her again..." *marches forward*
Bully 1: "!!!" *roars, leaping up*
Spirit: "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?! Break it up, all of you!"
Asher: "..." *looks down*
izumi: this is my fault....
Yafeu: "?! NO IT ISN'T--"
Spirit: "..." *looks at the bullet hole in the wall* "...All of you, follow me." *walks with Izumi*
izumi: *curls up into fetal position* it's my fault for even existing to begin with....*crying*
Spirit: "!!! ..." *looks at the others* "Go to Room 101, now! You have detention!" *gets down on his knees, picks up Izumi* "It's okay--Daddy's here..."
izumi: the others didnt do anything wrong....they dont need to be punished for what i did......
Spirit: "We'll sort that out later...Come on--let's get you home."
lei-lei: yeah! it's those nasty girls that started it!
Spirit: "Lei-Lei, just...Please. I need a moment. Go to Room 101."
lei-lei:....yes sir.
hibiki: *glares at the bully squad*
Bully 4: "..." *middle finger*
Asher: *rolls up a sleeve, moving towards Bully 1--*
izumi: dont.
Asher: "..." *backs down*
Spirit: "..." *pats Izumi on the shoulder*
bully 3: looks like we get off scott free, eh?
bully 3: OwO
bully 2: great going, steph.
stephanie: ooopsie~
bully 2: _this_ is why you're the dumb one of the group.
Spirit: "And ask Naigus to patch up your buddy."
Bully 1: -_-#
Spirit: "..." *looks at Izumi*
Hani: "--and let me know how the project turns out. I'm so excited to see your progress on the class project!"
student: of course, professor. ^^
Hani: *her wrist watch beeps* "Whoops! I'm behind schedule. Let's check in for coffee tomorrow, okay?" *walks towards her office*
Tanizaki: "You handled that well, Maki. Did you do police work before?"
maki: not personally, but my bro is part of the military police. ^^;
Tanizaki: "Oh, neat! Kind of runs in families with siblings, huh?"
Kenji: "Is he like the cops on TV?"
maki: how so?
Kenji: "Does he say cool catch phrases and wear sunglasses and drive a convertible?"
maki: well.... ^^;
Tanizaki: ^^; "I'm guessing that's a 'no.' I'm sure he's working hard, though."
maki: credit where credit's due.
Kenji: "Oooooooo! It'll be so helpful to see how big city police handle crimes!" *looks around* *GASPS* "Look! It's Elvis!"
*an actor walks by*
naomi: bro, could you talk to miss wiggum? naho's not doing well without it turning into a screaming match. remember that ship war she got into a while back? turns out it's this person. -_-;
Tanizaki: "Oh no..." *runs over* ^^; "Hey, so, what's going on here?"
wiggum: _SHE'S_ THE WRONG ONE!
Tanizaki: "Well, I mean--Um...What led you to your conclusions?"
naho: SEME!!
maki: time out girls, time out!
Tanizaki: >~< "I'm no good at this...Can't you two just ship your own things and be happy with that?"
naho: you dont get it do you, tanizaki? zeke is a protective badass who will always be there for daichi.
naomi: (i sometimes wonder how she can yell so much without breathing. then i remember she's a vampire.)
Tanizaki: "I mean, couldn't Daichi be _both_, um, 'seme' and...'not seme'? Or alternate at different times of day?"
maki: reba ship!
naho: i guess he has a point.
wiggum: you actually listen to HIM?! heh, show's how much of a fan you are~
naho: D8< HEY!
Tanizaki: ._.;;; "...Is this really worth getting upset over? In this world, we have such bigger problems, like a real-life murder. Shouldn't that be what we worry about? How brief life is, how tenuous it is, how we could die at any moment and need to value all moments we have left?"
naomi: in case you didnt know, we're in a CRIME SCENE, so can we save the fandom drama for some other time?
naho:....i bet she's the killer.
Tanizaki: "?!!! Naho!"
wiggum: just because im glad she's dead doesnt mean _i_ did it. if i could have i would have, but i didnt!
naomi: easy nahonaho, let's not let opinions cloud our judgement.
naho: GRRR...you're right. -n-;
Kenji: "???" *looks at Wiggum*
wiggum: the fuck are YOU looking at?!
Kenji: OxO "That's not a nice thing to say, ma'am."
wiggum: you think i care?
Tanizaki: -_-; "Could you not curse in front of him? Kenji is a nice boy."
naomi: ok sweetcheeks, here's how this is gonna work. we're gonna ask you some questions and you just answer honestly. no snide remarks or rude comments, capiche?
wiggum: tch-
Kenji: ^^;;;
Tanizaki: "Where were you before the murder?"
ochako: SERIOUSLY, HATSU-MEI?! A FLYING SHIP?! *shiny eyes*
Iida: "..." -_-; *starts to walk away* "I'll take my chances on a flight--"
ochako: come on iida! A FLYING PIRATE SHIP! HOW IS THAT NOT COOL?!
Izuku: "Yeah, Iida--this is the fastest way to get back to Death City due to all the flight delays and investigations out of Death City!"
Iida: -_-# "I...can't ignore the pragmatism."
eijiro: then it's settled!
Bakugo: *staring at the ship* "...This thing isn't going to crash, is it?"
Mei: "NOPE, KACC--"
Bakugo: *glares*
Mei: OwO; "...Bakugo. It is air-worthy! Or you can deal with cramped seating in couch--"
Bakugo: "Let's get on board."
Spirit: *sets down a cupcake and some milk* "..." *sits with her* "Your classmates explained what happened."
Spirit: "Sweetie, I'm sorry. I just thought...until I could sort out what happened, it'd be best..." *sighs* "Don't believe that nonsense--those kids are idiots."
izumi:...it's not fair, dad.....
Spirit: "No, it isn't..." *looking away from some photos on the mantle, one of Maka...*
izumi: i thought, partially imitating her would help me feel closer, but it hasnt helped at all. i just-....i wish they wouldnt compare me to someone i never met!
Spirit: "I know--and no one is expecting you to be someone else. You're Izumi--and that's who you are."
izumi: yeah, people always say that, 'be yourself!' 'be yourself!' but how can i do that when i dont even know who 'myself' is supposed to be?
Spirit: "...That's what takes so much time to figure out."
Spirit: "Sorry, I'm not much help..."
Spirit: *hug* *pat pat*
izumi: thanks dad.....
Spirit: "You're welcome...Let's take this one day at a time..."
Saria: T~T "How am I going to explain this to my dads..."
Asher: "Just sneak in through the window when they don't notice you're coming home."
lukas: a fine mess we're in.
lei-lei: mrgrgr! this is so unfair! those mean girls were the ones that started it, not us!
Duncan: "...They hurt me, too."
hibiki: that one's less surprising.
Duncan: >_<# "SCREW YOU!"
Sid: *tosses an eraser at Duncan's head* "Pipe down!"
lukas: OxO
Sid: "I think you all need a punishment to show you the error of your ways--and since you're all interested in physical activity..." *holds up toilet plungers and scrubbers*
naho: thanks, naomin.
Naomi: "Any time--we all get hot and bothered about things we're passionate about." *passes a tissue*
naho: right. *sniffles*.......
Naomi: *pat pat* "I think a walk may help--we're in Hollywood after all." *smiles* "And I got a business credit card..."
naho: *sniffing*
Naomi: "..." *hug* "It's okay."
naho: no....*her eyes go almost wild* i smell blood......
Naomi: "?!! N-Naho?"
naho: it's coming from over here! *runs inside to the staff areas*
Naomi: *follows, dialing her phone*
naho: in here! *it seems to be the trailer of the make up artist*
Naomi: *snaps a pic of the trailer, texts it to the Agency LA team* "Okay--let's be careful about this..." *looking at the door*
-seems ajar-
naho: *looks inside* in the trashcan.
-there is a note on the desk and a photo-
Naomi: *studies*
-the photo is of carina-
Naomi: "Why would this be here?"
note; mags, since mr bishop has failed to pay up, why not take his little angel downtown to visit ~Don Dios
Naomi: "...Oh man..."
naho: !!!
-in the trashcan is a bloody box cutter knife-
Naomi: "!!!" *snaps pics*
Shinoda: *hangs up* "I have finished travel arrangements."
nea: excellent. we'll be regrouping with emine and the others soon, and then we raid the fear factory's base!
Shinoda: "Right! Oh, this will be a good opportunity to finally put them down--"
*something like spires explode through the wall, nearly piercing Shinoda and Nea*
Shinoda: *had tried to block for Nea* Q__Q
Zuno: *sniffle* "Sorry--my nosehairs have been all weird lately..."
*a giant goby frog is hopping in place impatiently*
*an old farmer pets it*
Chai: <Hey, hey--it's okay, calm down. It's just a short trip. And they even got you your own seat!>
Oolong: Q_Q *nudge nudge*
kisuke: <mr chai?>
Chai: ??? <Yeah, Chibi-suke?>
kisuke: <will the marketplace be far?>
Chai: <Just a few hours--we should be back by nightfall.> *loads up the wagon*
kisuke: <be safe!>
Chai: <You know me! And don't forget your chores!>
kisuke: <yes sir!>
Bakugo: *passed out in his comfy seat* "Zzz..."
Iida: -_-
mina: woooooah! so cool!
Hagakure: "I can see the horizon!"
Izuku: ^^; *looking around the walls of the ship* "It is some impressive tech..."
-text message-
Izuku: "???" *looks*
melissa: [dont worry deku, your secret is safe with me]
Izuku: "...?" ("What is she talking about? I hadn't said anything to her even after she realized All Might--!!!!") O________O "..." [kay thanx]
ochako: isnt this fun, deku? *she's in a pirate costume*
Izuku: "... ... ..." ^^;;;;;;; "SUPER FUN YES FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN..."
Todoroki: "...Where did you get that?"
ochako: oh this? there's a room with lots of pirate themed costumes and props! hatsu-mei said it's for guests to get into the spirit of things on the ship. ^^
Iida: -____-#
Mei: *in a captain's outfit* "YAR, MATEYS!"
Mei: "TO THE STARBOARD GALLEY!" *swings a sword in that direction*
iroha: *looking out the window*
Iroha's Dad: "Excited?"
iroha: hmm? oh, yeah!
Iroha’s Mom: ^^ "I know this will be a new experience--but we'll get to see something new."
iroha: yeah...(and i'll find ui there....i just know it....she just has to be, that's where her hospital is after all....)
Iroha's Mom: "I think you'll like the neighborhood, too! The neighbors are friendly..."
iroha: do you think there'll be other magical girls?
Iroha's Dad: "Um...Maybe?"
Iroha's Mom: *nudges her husband* "Hey, come on! Kamihama is like a magical girl capital, right?"
iroha: i know that, i meant like in our neighborhood. ^^;
Iroha's Dad: "We could hold a potluck and see what we find out."
sayaka: wow! you were actually in the kamihama winter parade?
mami: yep. i was kind of called in at last minute. ^^;
Crona: "A-Ah..."
kyouko: they originally wanted to bring in that local artist, alina gray, right?
mami: yes, but her take on the dress was a bit.....obscene.... ^^;
Crona: ._.;;;
kyouko: yeah, she is a bit controversial. she makes art about death for cryin’ out loud.....she'd fit right in with the death city crowd.
Crona: >~<; "That's kind of creepy..."
Todoroki: *adjusting his pirate outfit* "...This seems silly."
Izuku: *putting on a bandana*
eijiro: THIS IS SO COOL!
Bakugo: *wearing an eyepatch, carrying a big-ass sword* "...Okay. I could get used to this..."
Iida: -_-; *has a parrot on his shoulder*
kaminari: yolo~ yolo~ a pirate's life for me~
jirou:....*siiiiigh* -_____-
Mei: OwO; "C-Careful--Grunkle has a rule against that song..."
momo: *squints* ... !!! oh! come look! out in the distance!
Izuku: "??? What is it?" *picks up a spyglass*
-sky whales can be seen on the horizon-
Izuku: *GASPS*
Iida: "Incredible!"
tsuyu: i've only ever seen sky whales in books or on tv.
Izuku: *snapping pictures*
sero: huh, the world's full of surprises, huh?
Todoroki: "Hmm...I think I hear their singing..."
Asher: "..." *knocks*
sachiko: yes?
Asher: "Hello, Mrs. Albarn...How's Izumi?"
sachiko: oh, asher, come on in, she's resting right now.
lukas: ...
Saria: ^^; *waves* "Hello, ma'am..."
sachiko: and i see you brought friends.
Asher: -____-; "..." *looks at Izumi's door*
-she has a rather adorable name plate on the door-
Asher: "..." *sighs* *small knock*
-it's unlocked-
izumi: *lying in bed, facing the wall*
Asher: "..." *opens the door slightly* "...Hey."
Asher: "...This okay, or..."
izumi:.....*holding a pink dog plushie*
Asher: *sits down* "...Nice room...Sorry."
izumi:...you didnt...do anything wrong...
Asher: *rubs their neck* "...I let my meister get hurt."
Asher: "I'm not very good at this, am I?"
izumi:...thanks..for standing up for me....
Asher: "..." *nods* "It was the others who did that..."
Asher: "...They're actually outside. Everyone was worried, wanted to make sure...you were okay."
izumi:....im fine....
Asher: "..." *looks at the dog* "...The plushie has a name?"
izumi: this is Wancha. she helps me feel better when i feel bad...
Asher: "She's...very pink. A gift?"
izumi: my mom got her for me when i was little.
Asher: *nods* "That's nice...She looks like a happy companion."
izumi:.....*stomach growl*
Asher: "??? You haven't eaten?"
izumi: *shakes head*
Asher: "...Want to step out with me to get something? Or we could bring something in..."
Asher: *nods* *opens the door--*
Saria: *ear to the door* "...!" ^\\\^;
izumi: oh, saria!
Saria: "Hey! Just wanted to see how you're doing."
Asher: -____-
PlushFix: *tapping his fluffy mitt on his phone* "...DANG GPS ISN'T WORKING!"
mimeca: *raises hand*
PlushFix: "Yes, Mimeca?"
mimeca: *makes a 'hitchhiking' motion*
PlushFix: "OOOOOO, good plan!" *holds out his leg, whistles*
All Might: *lifts his suitcase* *looks around* "..."
melissa: *waves*
All Might: "!!" *waves back, walks to her* "Hey! Come to see me off?"
melissa: yeah, dad's still in the hospital....i'll probably see him later today...
All Might: *nods* "I'm on my way there to say goodbye..."
melissa: ah....want me to go with you?
All Might: *nods* "I'd like that."
Pirate Sidekick: "YAR! Any last words?!" *aiming a sword at someone on the plank*
kaminari: OwO;;;
Mei: ^w^; "Let's not be too hasty..."
Mineta: >_>; "I'm just glad they didn't get at me for teaching the parrot new words..."
ochako: *offers the parrot a sugar cube*
Parrot: *TILTS HEAD...picks up the cube, happily gnaws on it* ^w^
Mineta: *relieved sigh*
*looks like other students are listening to pirate stories...*
Ogun: *puts items in the grocery cart, then notices--* "...Put the cigarettes back."
juria: *grumbles*
Pan: *checking off the list* "Don't forget your cooking responsibilities: we need nutritious meals--" *puts back Ogun's cupcakes*
Ogun: D8< "Sir!"
Poe: *looks through the newspaper--and spots a photograph of--* "..." *tenses*
karl: o^o~?
*the newspaper shows a crime scene...Touma is seen in the background...*
Poe: *small growl*
karl: *chitter*
Poe: "..." *folds the paper, hides it under a book* *frowns*
Tanizaki: *looking over the photos* "...Horrible."
naho: we figured it out!
Kenji: "Wow--so, this was about a bad relationship?"
naho: what? it has to do with local mafia!
Tanizaki: "Take us through this again--what was the mafia hoping to get out of this murder?"
naomi: from the looks of things, it seems miss bishop's dad had mafia ties, so they executed her as a way of 'sending a message'.
Tanizaki: "Where was her father last seen?"
naomi: we're trying to figure that part out, but we do know who the main suspect is.
Tanizaki: "I think the police will be interested in hearing this."
naho: we suspect the make-up artist had something to do with this.
make up artist: !!!!
maki: you found the evidence in her trailer, right?
caleb: then again, it could have been planted there to frame her too.
Tanizaki: *looks at the Make Up Artist* "Where were you at the time of the murder?"
make up artist: *shaking* i-i-i was-...i-i was...
naho: *shivering*
Tanizaki: "Hey...We're just here to make sure we got the facts right..."
Kenji: *noticing Naho* "???"
make up artist: i-i-i was just-
naho: *pounces on her, her eyes crazy*
naomi: NAHO! STOP!
wiggum: WHAT THE HELL?!
Tanizaki: "?!!! Kenji--"
Kenji: *tries to grab Naho--*
naomi: bro, give me a knife!
amanda: i-i dont feel well.
Tanizaki: "?!" *hands her one*
naomi: *makes a cut on her wrist* here naho, drink this.
naho: *sniffs and latches on, sucking on the wound*
make up artist: *in shock*
caleb: !!!! s-she's a vampire!
atsushi: ......
maki: naho? are you ok?
naho: *pulls away, panting and crying*
Touya: *staring*
Estevez: *rubbing his chin, staring at Naho and Naomi*
naomi: it's ok, naho, it's ok.
naho: i-im sorry....i could....smell the remnants of blood on her....and i could feel her heart pounding and i-i lost it....*sobbing*
Tanizaki: "Let's get you out of here for a bit..."
make up artist:....i...i was.....only.....following orders......
Tanizaki: "I think the cops will have more to say about this."
Touya: "..."
All Might: *sitting by David's bed*
melissa: h-hey dad....
David: *wakes up* "...All Might? Melissa?"
All Might: "Hey, buddy...How you holding up?"
David: "...In a bit of pain."
All Might: "...I know what you did was wrong...but I appreciate your concern."
David: "...What's going to happen when you lose it all? This world can't survive that--not like how things were before."
All Might: "..." *pats Melissa's shoulder* "You've seen what Melissa invented?"
melissa: the first on kinda....broke, but i'll make a new one soon....
All Might: *nods* "And if you have kids like this out in the world, like Melissa and Young Midoriya, then I have to have faith that our future is going to be fine."
Hani: *opens a drawer, removing a jar of honey...one of dozens of bottles of honey in just that one drawer* "..." *spoons out a tablespoon of it--*
student: hey teach?
Hani: "Oh--it's just you, Andrea." *relaxes but has a more sour persona than her usual chipper facade* "What brings you here?"
andrea: just, uh....
Hani: "Yes? Well, spit it out?"
andrea: so, i heard that dr shield was in the hospital.
Hani: "Uh huh..." *licks the spoon clean* "He got there after that failed attack by some random thugs."
andrea: riiiight, so...
Hani: -_-# *sighs* *presses a button to shut the curtains...stands up, walks around* "What is wrong?" *pulls out a screwdriver*
andrea: well, there's a rumor going around that he might have had more involvement in the incident than just being a hostage.
Hani: *staring at the back of Andrea's neck* "Is that so? What do you mean?"
andrea: they're saying, get this, that he orchestrated the whole thing! can you believe that?
Hani: "Do you believe that?" *taps the screwdriver against the palm of her hand*
andrea: i mean, i dunno.
Hani: "Let me help answer that...my busy bee, your labor is a chant, your idleness a tune, oh, for a bee's experience of clovers and of noon..."
andrea: ugnhh... *collapses*
Hani: *groans* "Thought she'd never shut up." *drags her over to a chair* "HMPH!" *lifts her into the chair, lets her head rest on the desk...then reaches to her neck and...pulls enough of the skin away to reveal a USB port...she plugs a cable into the port and then into her computer...revealing a list of folders marked by date, and video files marked by times* "Let's see who exactly has been telling you that news."
Shotaro: *hanging upside down from a bar atop his jail cell* ;_-_ "Let us out already...I'm hungry. These liquid meals suck! I'm bored!"
Droid Security Guard: "SHUT UP."
mana: *worried*
Shotaro: "I don't wanna! I want some bones so I can open up this cell, get Mana out, watch her beat you up, then we'll go rescue Yohei and leave this-- ...How high up are we?"
Droid: "416659.162 kilometers."
Shotaro: "THIS REALLY HIGH UP PLACE!" >n< "...Do you need me to do any good deeds now?"
mana: (i just hope he remembers the plan...)
Droid: "YES. WE HAVE ANOTHER DROID THAT NEEDS TO BE RECHARGED." *drops a tiny droid-mouse into the slot, passing it into Shotaro's room* "PLUG IT INTO THE WALL OUTLET."
Shotaro: TnT "This isn't a good deed--it's just busy work..." *plugs the mouse's USB tail into the wall outlet*
Mouse Droid: O_O *its eyes fade in and out as it charges*
Rin: "Yo, Shiemi! How's studying?"
shiemi: exhausting.
Rin: "No kidding..." *flips open his notebook* "I can't figure out any of this--the Tanacu incident is just bizarre."
shiemi: *looks*
*it seems to be a mistaken case of demonic possession that led to the death of a nun in Romania...*
Rin: "Just bizarre--they screwed it up."
shiemi: how awful...
Bon: "The reason that's on the test is to make sure you look for all pieces of evidence instead of running in blind, Okumura--duh."
Rin: "Oh, really? Huh--that makes sense. Thanks, Bon!" ^w^
Bon: -_-;
Yafeu: "WOW. YOU HAVE A BIG BACKYARD, IZUMI!" *collapses on the grass*
Saria: ^^;
izumi: yeah, it is big, i guess.
axel: sweet shed! we should totally have a camp out in it sometime! bro and i did that all the time as kids, right bro?
Zeke: "Yeah, we'd pretend it was a fortress and that there were dragons outside--and hit Dad with a slingshot by mistake."
axel: ^^;
Asher: *looks at the tree* "...Maybe a tire swing...Nah, that's stupid, isn't it?"
hibiki: sounds like fun.
Asher: >_>;
Saria: "Maybe a barbecue, too!"
izumi: i'd like that...
Spirit: "Speaking of which..." *sets down a tray of hamburgers*
hibiki: oh!
Zeke: "Thanks, Mr. Albs!"
Black Star: *calling Naho* "..."
naho: hello?
Black Star: "Hey! It's the amazing Black Star! How you holding up?"
naho: im pretty good. ^^
Black Star: "Good! How's California?"
naho: it's nice. really busy. *wipes her eyes*
Black Star: "...I see...You sure you're okay?"
naho: eh? oh, im fine, im fine, really.
Black Star: "Alright--glad to hear! You enjoy this trip, okay?! Do some touristy stuff, like taking photos!"
naho: right! i will, thanks. and tell sakkun and lilac that im thinking about them ok?
Black Star: "On it! Later!"
naho: ok, bye. *hangs up and wipes her eyes*
Naomi: *knock knock*
naho: it's open.
Naomi: "Hey...Feeling better?"
naho: i guess.....
Naomi: *sits by her* "...You really helped us on this case."
naho: even though i lost control and caleb brent probably hates me now.
Naomi: "But you got control back...and you don't know that--maybe he was just surprised."
naho: .....did i mess up?
Naomi: "I don't think so...but this is something you're having to deal with."
naho: im scared that i'll lose control again and hurt someone....*whimpering*
Naomi: "..." *hug* "Has this happened before?"
naho: i-i dont think it has....
Naomi: "What do you notice before it happens? You just really want blood?"
naho: well, i can smell the blood, and then i see just their veins and heart and stuff, and i dont see anything else.....it was scary, like i wasnt even me....
Naomi: ^^; "Sure...I'm there if you need it."
Tool: *waves down the car*
toru: baba?
Kepuri: "...Babe..."
akaderu: yo.
nea: hello dearies~
Emine: "OW!" *collapses*
Emine: "..." *hug*
nea: well, we better get going, time's a'wasting.
Emine: "...I want to know what you intend to do and what resources we have."
nea: alright, so here's the plan.
Security Droid: *opens a slot in Mana's cell* "PUT YOUR HANDS HERE FOR THE CUFFS."
Security Droid: *puts cuffs onto her* "DON'T TRY ANY FUNNY STUFF, YOU TWO." *opens both cells...Shotaro also has on cuffs*
Shotaro: "??? Where are we going?"
Security Droid: *aims a taser at Mana* "MOVE."
mana: ...
*the doors open, revealing a hallway...the walls are clear, revealing all of outer space, with a door at the opposite end...*
mana: ......
Shotaro: "Oh, wow! Look at all the stars!"
Droid: "I SAID MOVE!" *shoves Shotaro, knocking him down*
mana: hey!
???: "Now, now--that's no way to treat prisoners...The President won't be happy, R-8."
R-8 (Security Droid): "..." *steps back*
mana: ??
Luke: *picks up Shotaro*
Shotaro: ._.;
mana: let him go!
Luke: *picks up Mana, too* "Be careful how you speak, Hinoki. You don't want to be crushed too, do you?"
mana: *she just stares at him* ....
Luke: *carries them effortlessly to the door, which slides open to reveal a dark room with curved walls and a high ceiling...in the center is a crucifix...*
mana: !!! YOHEI!
Yohei: *looks up* "...Thank goodness..." *tries to move--but he's stuck*
Shotaro: "Hey, you're alive! Great! Now we can bust out of here--"
Luke: *tosses Shotaro to the floor, as he skids to a stop, crashing into the bottom of the crucifix*
Shotaro: "...Ow."
Luke: *lowers Mana* "The President will see you now."
Yohei: "President...I crushed the President with the Fear Robot..."
{Yohei: *hands over a chip to Dr. Agei* "Here you go."
{Agei: "Finally--it took you long enough!" *waves to mechanics* "Take this and install it immediately!"}
{mechanic: got it, boss!}
{???: *walks down a stairway* *looks up* "..." *smiles wickedly* "Finally...With this, Mr. Nanami, I can strike fear into the hearts of those despicable humans...Present company excluded, of course."}
{Yohei: *lights up a cigarette* "No skin off my nose..." *exhales* "Ready to test it out?"}
{Queenie: *nods to the mechanic* "Initiate the test!"}
{mechanic: roger roger!}
{*the Fear Robot is motionless*}
{Yohei: "Hang on--it just needs to warm up..." *stepping back towards a Fear Factory jeep...*}
{Queenie: *stares at the Robot...*}
{Fear Robot: *its eyes brighten, and it steps forward, just tapping into the mechanics on the stairway*}
{Queenie: *her smile widens, as the Fear Robot approaches her...*}
{Fear Robot: *stops moving...then starts to shimmy in place*}
{Queenie: "??? What the hell? Is...Is that some kind of dance? Like the kind bees do to communicate?"}
{Yohei: *starts the jeep* *shouts* "Yeah, it's an interpretative dance I programmed! You know, to test the motor functions!"}
{Agei: -_-; "Madam President, I think Nanami is wasting our time, yes?"}
{Queenie: *enraptured* "--and this movement tells other bees where to find the best flowers! It's so delightful!" *overjoyed in one spot...right under the Robot*}
{Yohei: *takes out a remote...pushes a button...*}
{Fear Robot: *starts dancing faster--then lifts its foot--*}
{Agei: O___O; *steps back...then runs away--*}
{Queenie: OwO;}
{mechanic: 0_0}
{mechanic 2:....does this mean no raise?}
{Agei: D8< *dials his phone* "VICE PRESIDENT! WE HAVE A PROBLEM, DON'T WE?!"}
{Rodigy: "...How would I know? I'm not where you are. What is--"}
{Yohei: *drives off...looks at the rear-view mirror...*}
Yohei: "...I saw her get squished under the foot of the Fear Robot."
Shotaro: "Wow...She must be a pancake now!"
mana: -_-; that's your main concern?
Yohei: "I agree...Since the Robot's feet had markings along the bottom, it's more like she was squished into a waffle."
Shotaro: "Ha ha! Waffled President!"
mana: guys, please. -_-;
Luke: *smiles*
*something lights up in the room, in an oddly insectoid shape...*
mana: !??
Shotaro: "?!!! Hey, it's all bug-like! Kepuri must be here!"
Yohei: *squints* "Guys, Kepuri may be smart--but how would she locate us?"
Shotaro: "The GPS chip she put in your brain."
Yohei: "WHAT."
Shotaro: "What?"
mana: GUYS
*the light fades, revealing a bee-shaped human-sized container...a figure in shadows is seen against the light...the door opens, as she walks out*
mana: !!!!!
Yohei: "...No..."
Queenie Hani: *smiles* "Hello, Mr. Nanami. It's been too long..."
Shotaro: "...That beehive lady from the island got kidnapped too?"
mana: you!
Queenie: "Allow me to properly introduce myself. I am Hani, I Island Executive. And I am the President of Fear Factory, the one this turncoat left to die--"
Shotaro: "Waffle Woman!"
Queenie: "... ... ...Akiho."
Luke: *bumps the bottom of his laser sword atop Shotaro's head*
Shotaro: "OW!"
mana: SHOWTARO! *glares* let them go!
Queenie: "All in good time...I intend to free you all from your lives--along with the rest of humanity."
Shotaro: "?!!! You can't do that! That's just wrong!"
mana: yeah! *lunges at her*
Queenie: *holds out a hand--*
*Mana feels herself freeze in place*
mana: .....
Shotaro: "...Well?! Mana?! Aren't you going to bash her face in?!"
Shotaro: "?! That's the wrong way!" *blocks*
Yohei: "...So that means..."
Queenie: *smirks* "I never showed you my Dokeshi Ability, did I, Mr. Nanami?" *opens her purse, removing a spoon and a jar of honey* "I have mind control abilities."
Shotaro: "Mana! Did you go blind or something?! I'm not the Waffle President!"
mana: .....*throwing punches*
Shotaro: "Stop it! This isn't good..."
Yohei: "Let go of her, you monster!"
Queenie: "Oh, a monster am I? What is it, Mr. Nanami? Is that what you think of _my_ kind? After all, I thought you married one--"
Queenie: "..." *licks the spoon clean with a smirk* "Temper, temper. It'll be the death of you."
Shotaro: "Yohei! I don't know how to stop her without hurting her! And she punches way too hard!"
Yohei: "..."
Shotaro: "YOHEI! I don't know what to do! Help!"
Yohei: "..."
Shotaro: "YOHEI!"
Yohei: "!!! You need to break off the mind control!"
Queenie: "Ha! It can't be undone. Knock me out, and she'll stay in that state until I will her to stop!"
Yohei: *smiles* "I think you forget what is Shotaro's ability..."
Shotaro: "??? But I don't have any bones!"
Yohei: "Oh, yes, you do...PUNCH QUEENIE IN THE MOUTH!"
Queenie: "...I'm sorry, what?"
Shotaro: "??? I don't understand, but okay!"
Queenie: "!!! Akiho!"
mana: *lunges*
Luke: *laser sword out, swings at Shotaro--*
Shotaro: "?!!! Mana, forgive me..." *picks up Mana by the head--and flings her right into Luke's chest--*
mana: *groan*
*Mana's head is now shoved _through_ Luke's torso*
Luke: O_O;
Queenie: "USELESS!" *stamps her foot* "DRONES! GET IN HERE NOW--"
Shotaro: *punches Queenie so hard it knocks out one of her teeth*
mana: !!! WHAT THE FUCK?!
Queenie: "GAH! ...WHAT THE HELL?! Do you know how much reconstructive surgery I needed just to keep up appearances?!"
mana: *shoves herself out of luke's torso and lunges*
Yohei: "..." *glances at Mana* "..." *looks at Shotaro* "I don't think Mana is out of the Waffle Woman's grasp. Her tooth is like a bone, so shove it in your mouth and take on her power."
Shotaro: "What?! I don't want to put her tooth in my mouth!"
Yohei: "You put dead animal bones in your mouth."
Queenie: "GAH! Why is everyone PUNCHING ME?!!!!" *stamps her foot up and down* "DRONES! GET IN HERE ALREADY! KILL THE BOY AND THE OGRE GIRL!"
Shotaro: *knocked out, sucking on Queenie's tooth* XxX
mana: *GLARES* showtaro, get yohei. im gonna-....SHOWTARO!!
Yohei: "Yeah, maybe knocking out the guy who could absorb the mind-controlling powers was a bad plan, Mana..."
*windows open around the dome, with Drones pointing bee-stinger shaped projectiles at Mana and Yohei*
*stingers start firing towards Mana*
mana: *dodging* *running for showtaro*
Yohei: *looking around* "Huh...Fear Factory bots still have terrible aim, don't they?"
Queenie: "SHUT UP, YOU!"
Luke: *sparking...rips himself loose at the torso, running on two arms after Mana*
Shotaro: *groans, waking up* *looks up* "!!! Mana! A gremlin!"
mana: ?!
Luke: "Get back here! The Queen commands it--" *leaps towards Mana, mouth open--*
Luke: *knocked back into the crucifix--slamming through it...*
Yohei: "..." *stands still...as the crucifix falls to the side, with Yohei still attached to it*
mana: oh shit!
Yohei: "Hi. Could you get me out of here already before we're shot to death? Or, so that _I'm_ not shot to death?"
Shotaro: "...Mana, you thinking what I'm thinking?"
mana: cant say i am, honestly.
Shotaro: "I'll take the top of the letter T, you take the bottom of the letter T!"
Yohei: "...No."
-and so-
mana: how do we get into these scenarios?
Shotaro: "Must be luck!" ^w^
Yohei: *hanging from the crucifix, staring facedown on the floor* "YOU COULD HAVE JUST FREED ME FIRST!"
Drones: *firing at Shotaro and Mana, running after them*
Luke: "Don't let them escape, Drones!" *still running on his arms*
Queenie: *holding ice to her mouth* "Give me back my tooth!"
*up ahead is a side: Turn left for Escape Pods; Turn right for R&D; Straight Ahead for the Cafeteria; Turn around for the Video Game Arcade*
Shotaro: "Ooh! Look! An arcade! Let's go back--"
mana: TURN LEFT!
Shotaro: "Okay!" *turns...right*
Yohei: O____O;
*The crucifix slams onto the floor...with Yohei underneath it*
Shotaro: "..."
mana: D8
*The Drones all stop*
Yohei: "..." *muffled groan*
Queenie: "...HA! NOW YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS!" *leaps on top of the crucifix, stamping on it*
Queenie: *face-first into the wall*
Shotaro: *pushes the crucifix back up...* "So...How you feeling--"
mana: showtaro, come on!
Yohei: *freed--and his hands wrap around Shotaro's throat* "...Let's get the fuck out of here already."
Shotaro: XwX *choked* " 'Kay..."
mana: let's go!
Yohei: *runs with Mana* "Escape pods. I'll need to check the trajectory inside the unit..."
Drones: *firing at them*
mana: ACK!
Yohei: *taps onto the keyboard* "Okay--I programmed it for Death City. Get in--"
Yohei: "OW!"
Luke: *biting Yohei's leg*
Shotaro: "...Oh! Now I recognize him! That's the guy Mana fought in the Robot Tournament! ...He got shorter."
mana: YOHEI! COME ON! *reaches out*
Yohei: *reaches out a hand--*
*The door slams shut on the escape pod on Mana and Shotaro*
Shotaro: D8 *slams his fist on the door* "Hello?!"
Yohei: "...Well, shit."
mana: !!! SHIT! *trying to open the door*
Drones: *approaching*
Yohei: "...Mana, Shotaro...Tell Chie...I'm sorry."
Yohei: *slams the button on the pod, shooting it into space*
mana: NO!!
Shotaro: *slammed into the wall, as the escape pod blasts towards Earth...*
mana: GRK-
Queenie: *watching from the window* "...Initiate Phase 2. Tell our soldiers to scour Death City--scour every major city. I have given you the map of the Dokeshi's locations--so we are moving forward..."
Yohei: *stares at her*
Queenie: "And bring him to my room. I'm not through with him...AND GET ME A DAMN DENTIST!"
Shotaro: "Because he knows he'll be fine."
mana: how do YOU know that?!
Shotaro: *smiles* "Because things tend to work out when you work for them! We stopped Fear Factory before! How hard can this be?"
*something big and blue is seen through the window, quickly approaching*
mana: !!!!!
Shotaro: "...Hey, is that the ocean--"
mana: !!!
Shotaro: *slams into the wall, as the escape pod turns over and over itself as it descends into the sea...*
mana: shit!
*the pod finally smashes into the ocean floor...and something drips onto Mana's head*
mana: .....ha...hahaha....well...we're really fucked now, huh?
Shotaro: *looking out the window* "Oh, fish!"
Fish: O^o
Shotaro: "Hello, little fish--"
*a shark comes by, scoops up the fish in its mouth--then spits out the bones*
Shotaro: "..."
mana: .....heh....stupid showtaro...always so optimistic...even when we're probably going to die.....
Shotaro: "..." *grabs Mana's hat* "Here, use this to breathe for the next few minutes."
mana: !!!! my hat! how did you-
Shotaro: *leans back on his hands so he can lift up his feet--and slams them into the window, breaking it open, causing water to flood into the pod*
Shotaro: *disappears into the water, while the water rising, with Mana's head just poking over it next to the pod's ceiling*
mana: !!!! *shuts her eyes*
*something grabs her, pulling her down the pod and out the window--and up towards the surface
mana: ?!?!? *holding onto her hat*
Shotaro: *Bone of the Angelfish, as he assumes a more aquatic appearance, one arm around Mana while his back feet are like fins, helping him swim upward until their heads over the ocean's surface*
mana: *gasps and coughs*
Shotaro: *gasps, dropping the bone out of his mouth to lose the gills* "Woo! We made it!"
mana: ha..ha.....*laughs*
Shotaro: "Hee hee! We're alive, Mana!"
mana: *laughs* i was so scared, you dummy.
Shotaro: "Me too! You were all 'Ah, we're going to die!' so I did the first thing I could think of..."
mana: i really thought...we would die....you know the last thing i probably would have done?
Shotaro: "???"
mana: *kiss*
Shotaro: "...?!"
-they seem to be...floating?-
Shotaro: >\\\\\> "If-If you needed oxygen, I could've just gotten us here faster than you kissing me--...Do you...feel like everything's gotten lighter?"
mana: m-maybe....i-it's my fi-
fisherman: <WHAT THE?!>
Shotaro: O_O; "...Is this a net?"
mana:..... O///////////O;;;;;
fisherman 2: <a-are those kids?>
Fisherman 3: <That or the ugliest fish we've ever caught...>
Shotaro: *bumps into Mana in the net* "Hi! Can you point us to Death City?"
mana: d-do-<DO YOU MIND?!>
fisherman: <im gonna get the boss, she'll know what to do!>
Shotaro: "We lucked out again, Mana!"
setsuna: !!!
Shinoda: "??? What is it?"
setsuna: showtaro and mana! they're on a boat!
Zuno: "??? Is it a motherf--"
Assi: *slaps a hand over Zuno's mouth* "No."
setsuna: they seem to be on a fishing boat towards....japonshima!
Shinoda: "All the way back there? Is that where Fear Factory is operating again?"
*the front door is heard opening, as Kepuri, Chie, and others return*
nea: we're baaaaack~
saki: chie! *hugs her*
Kepuri: *storms in* "Hugs and love later!" *presses a button under the living room table--causing the TV to flip over to reveal a giant computer system--but not before the flip smacks Assi in the head*
Assi: "OW!"
Tool: *walks in* "..."
io: tuu! tuu!
Tool: "..." *weak smile, picks up Io* "Hey, buddy."
io: ^o^
Shinoda: *looks at Nea* "How much did you tell them about the plan?"
Emine: *enters with Lin* "Enough..."
nea: told them everything~
Kepuri: *marking on the computer screen's map of the world* "That covers Salt Lake City and Death City, as well as some contacts we can make in London...But that leaves too many other metropolitan areas uncovered! We don't even know anyone left in Japonshima, do we?!"
setsuna: speaking of japonshima....
Kepuri: "What what what?!"
-she explains what happened-
I Island Executive: "Andrea? Have you seen Professor Hani?"
andrea: i dont think i have.
Executive: "Darn...If you do, please have her report to the Executive Room? There's something important to discuss."
All Might: "Well, there's my plane..."
melissa: *waves*
All Might: *waves* "Be safe, Melissa! I'll call when I get back to Death City."
Chai: *loads the last bag of fertilizer onto his cart...then holds his back* <Getting too old for this...>
*some people walk by in a rather stilted fashion...*
oolong: ??
Person 1: *to shopkeep* <We want all of your fertilizer.>
shopkeeper: <um...ok?>
Chai: ^^; <Sorry about that, folks--I did buy some of it before you got here-->
Person 2: *takes Chai's bag*
Chai: D8< <Hey!>
shopkeeper: <OI!>
Person 1: *snatches more bags, carrying them effortlessly*
Chai: *grabs a broom, smacking Person 2* <Let go!>
shopkeeper: <THIEF!!>
Person 1: *their hat comes off...revealing a person with glowing eyes*
Chai: O_O; "..." *drops the broom* <Take it! I don't like that stuff anyway--it smells...>
Person 1: *swings his fist*
Chai: "EEK!" *ducks*
Person 1: "?!!!" *pulled back by Oolong*
-yoshi nom'd-
Chai: <Good Oolong!>
*Screams are heard behind Chai, as more of these people in these outfits start terrorizing residents*
shopkeeper: what the hell is going on!?
Chai: <Must be that vaping the kids are doing nowadays--messing with the brain-->
Resident: <Dokeshi! They're all Dokeshi!>
resident 2: <what's happening?!>
Person 3: <We are taking over this village for supplies--starting with explosive material and human labor. Quake before the might of Fear Factory.>
resident 3: <fear factory?!>
Chai: <Does this look like IC Prefecture to you!> *picks up the broom again* *whap whap whap* <Go back where you came from, you city slicker!>
Izuku: *looking out over the ship, down at the clouds* "It's just...so amazing up here!"
ochako: hmm? what's that?
*sounds like thunder*
Todoroki: "??? That dark spot...A thunderstorm?"
momo: we better get inside-
momo: EEP!
Hagakure: "What the H?!"
jirou: a villain attack?!
*something loud buzzes by--dropping explosives down onto the ship*
jirou: !!!!!!!
*it looks to be some insectoid glider, with a giant "FF" logo on its side*
Bakugo: *climbs up from below* "WHAT THE HELL IS ALL THAT NOISE?!"
swashbuckle: alright, battle stations! we got ourselves some ruffians!!
Mei: "Aye-aye, Captain Grunkle!" *jumps into a shooter seat, aiming...*
Izuku: "Battle stations?! Where do we go?!"
ochako: should we be doing this?!
Iida: "We do not have licenses, so we cannot interfere--"
*a giant blast knocks Iida forward*
momo: TENYA!
Iida: *falls over the rail of the ship, descending through the clouds*
momo: !!!!!
Iida: O___O; *desperately running--and just going in a circle downward*
ochako: OH SHIT!
Mei: "EYEGLASSES!" *presses a button--causing a claw to pop out from under the ship, grabbing him*
Iida: ._.;
momo: *phew*
Insectoid Rider 1: *calls through a megaphone* "Attention Swashbuckle! Surrender your airship to the might of Fear Factory!"
swashbuckle: FIRE!
Mei: *aims--and shoots at the Riders*
Insectoid Rider 1: "!!! Swarm them, soldiers!"
Bryn: *looking at Io and Toru* "Look at the cute babies, kids! Aren't they just adorable?"
daughter: aww, so cute!
toru: *baby babble*
Bryn: "Now, behave yourself for Aunt Helen, okay, kiddo?" *holds up a high five to her daughter*
daughter: will do, mom.
Bryn: *nods* *stands up, turns to look at Emine and the others* "Just point me where to punch."
lin: will do~
Emine: "First we have to find their target. Knowing how Fear Factory operated in IC Prefecture, they're going to try to find something they can use to power up their technology..."
Bryn: " 'Kay, so, what kind of power is used in Death City? Doubt it's hydroelectric, right?"
nea: that we're figuring out.
Bryn: "Maybe we could convince someone to give us some answers..." *cracks her knuckles, looks outside* "...That guy looks suspicious."
Hiro: *across the street, carrying groceries*
mono: actually, he's just-
Bryn: *roars, rushes at Hiro*
Hiro: O____O; *drops the groceries, runs*
mono: .... -_-
Emine: "At least she's doing something. What can you do, Dokeshi Hunt reject?"
mono: i-i have a knife!
Emine: "..." *holds up a multiple-bladed hand by forming blood around it*
chie: please....now isnt the time... to fight amongst ourselves.....
Emine: "..." *lowers his blade* "You better be useful. We are getting Shotaro back, or God help this world..."
Shotaro: "AH-CHOO!" ^^; "Thanks for pulling us out of the water..." *wrapped in a blanket, sipping tea*
captain: <of course. it seems you two have been through quite a lot.>
mana: <no kidding...>
Shotaro: <Yeah! On top of the legless robot man, the giant space station, and our friend stuck up in space, we need to call home!>
captain: <we'll get you back to the island, and you can use a phone there.>
Shotaro: <Yay!> *nudges Mana* <And we can pick up real food, too!>
mana: r-right.
Shotaro: "..." .\\\. <So, um, Mr. Captain? If you hear anyone asking about us and they say they're from Fear Factory, c-can you lie to them?>
Chuuya: *gets off the plane at Salt Lake Airport, walking to a limo* "You Abernathy's people?"
grunt: yeah.
Chuuya: *tosses a bag to him* "Get me to the armory."
grunt: r-right.
grunt 2: is that the port mafia's underboss?
grunt 3: he's even dreamier up close~ >w<
Grunt 4: "So he's really buddies with the boss?"
grunt 5: he's a lot younger than i was expecting.
Chuuya: *trying to ignore the gossip, hardening his expression as he gets into the limo...*
Abernathy: *leaning back in the car, smiling* "Welcome back."
grunt: where to, sir?
Abernathy: "Let's swing by--"
Chuuya: "The armory."
grunt: r-right away.
Abernathy: "Um...Buddy, I'm the one to--"
Chuuya: *points at a grunt* "How many mech suit prototypes you got?"
Kouyou: "So you'll be staying with me tonight."
miyuri: yaaay sleepover!
sonia: *holding mito*
Kouyou: *nods* "Anything you would like for dinner?"
GNN Reporter: *on TV* "We have reports of multiple attacks on Paris, London, and Beijing by a group claiming to be Fear Factory..."
lord death: this is troubling...
Yumi: "We've increased security around potential terrorist sites at DWMA facilities, but that is spreading ourselves thin."
lord death: any updates from the other death scythes?
Yumi: "Spirit is in the middle of something, Justin is checking Amaterasu, Tezca said...something incoherent. And Jinn and Zubaidah are at one of the Sage shrines."
lord death: as for marie and soul?
Yumi: "I asked them to come here for back up for students."
lord death: *nods* and the safe houses?
Yumi: "In optimal condition and ready to receive anyone."
lord death: excellent...i feel this is going to be a long night...
Yumi: *nods* "You also have calls coming in from world leaders. The Governor of Japonshima as well."
lord death: put them on the call then.
Yumi: *presses a button, pulling up a mirror*
Governor: <--ello? Hello, is anyone there?!>
lord death: <yes, this is lord death speaking. i see you're in good health, governer towa.>
Governor Towa: <Appearances can be deceiving--as seen by this horrible news. I was not expecting another Dokeshi uprising...>
lord death: <nor have we. is there anything we can do at present?>
Governor Towa: <Your Death Scythe for our area is not presently here, so we feel we're at a bit of a disadvantage. Are there any members overseas in Japan that could come here to assist with some muscle?>
lord death: <we're currently working on that as we speak.> yumi, who do we have for our japan team?
Yumi: *nods* "They are on their way."
lord death: <they are en route.>
Towa: <Keep us posted, please. It is bad enough we were trying to improve relations with Dokeshi--now we have this PR nightmare.>
aimi: daddy, what's going on?
Tetsuda: "...I'm afraid some bad people are out there right now, hurting others."
aimi: im scared, daddy.
Tetsuda: "It's going to be okay...Come on--let's get into the safe room."
mana: *making a call*
Tool: *picks up* "Hello?"
mana: tuhl, are you there?
Tool: "Mana?! Is that you?!"
mana: yeah! showtaro is here too, we're in japonshima!
Shotaro: *looking at shirts at a booth* "You got this in a small?"
Tool: "Japonshima...Mana, have you seen the news? How did you even get there? Where's Yohei?"
-she explains what happened-
Tool: "...Okay. We're working to get you both back here, but getting Yohei down from outer space is more challenging. Has Fear Factory followed you?"
mana: i dont think so, but we're laying low for now-
Shotaro: *looks--spots someone* "!!! We got to move!"
mana: ?!
*Fear Factory drones are marching through the street*
mana: !!! hide!
Shotaro: *pushes Mana into the shop's dressing room*
Tool: *on the phone* "Mana? Mana! What's going on?!"
chie: what happened?
Tool: "It was Mana--she's with Shotaro in Japonshima, like Setsuna said. But then the call went out!"
chie: !!!
nea: well, we best get a move on! no time to waste!
Tool: "It's not going to be easy to get all the way to Japonshima on such short notice--"
Kepuri: *chuckling* "Oh, there are ways..."
Queenie: *rubbing her cheek* "Those stupid brats...How the hell did those 2 and that kappa help you destroy my Fear Factory..."
Yohei: *bleeding, slumped against a wall* "..."
marie anette: awww, arent you gonna answer?
Yohei: "...Because my friends, as dumb and stubborn as they are, are freaking geniuses compared to you knuckle-dragging dumbasses."
Queenie: "!!!"
naoka: *WHACK*
Yohei: *knocked down* "..." *spits blood*
naoka: so disrespectful....
Queenie: -^- "Thank you, Naoka." *holds up chains* "Bring him to the command center...He's going to want to see what happens next."
Luke: *reassembled, looking at an army of drones* "Get ready for them to mobilize...Where did that escape pod go?"
drone: we've tracked it to the bottom of the pacific ocean, sir.
Luke: "Life signs?"
drone: nothing, sir.
Luke: "...Hmm..."
{???: "My...robot...Where's my robot? Tournament..."}
{*wheels are heard rolling, bringing in a bandaged person*}
{Queenie: "...What's his condition?"}
{medic: alive, but critical condition.}
{Queenie: "...Have you reviewed Agei's notes? Can it be done?" *staring at the Fear Robot chip* "Could you implant it into this human?"}
{medic: i think we can, note i havent tried it before-}
{Queenie: "Then consider this near-corpse your new guinea pig. Get to work."}
Luke: "...What was that?"
drone: sir?
Luke: "...I'm going to run self-diagnostics. Have the ship ready to leave for Japonshima--we're heading out in 20 minutes."
*from Chai's farm, a fire can be seen in the village*
kisuke: !!!!
*something is hopping up the trail, panting*
Oolong: *panting...legs of someone are sticking out of its mouth*
kisuke: <oolong! what happened?!>
Oolong: *drops a half-conscious Fear Factory mook out of its mouth*
Fear Mook: @~@ <It was so gooey inside...>
kisuke: ?!?!?
Fear Mook: *looks up* "?!!!" <Filthy ogre!> *heats up their fist, aiming at Kisuke's head*
kisuke: !! *dodge*
Fear Mook: <Beast! I'll bend you to the will of Fear Factory for our glorious leader!> *firing blasts around Kisuke*
Oolong: *upset growl*
kisuke: *jumps onto oolong's back with a shovel* <CHARGE!>
Oolong: *hunkers down and--LEAPS*
Fear Mook: <HA! Got you right where I want-->
Fear Mook: X_______X
Oolong: ^_^
kisuke: <come on! to the village!>
Oolong: *hops towards the village with Kisuke*
Mei: *sword fighting an insectoid Dokeshi* "Have at thee, vile knave!"
momo: *shooting at fear factory mooks with a net gun*
Mook: *caught, slammed down into the deck*
ochako: way to go, yaomomo!
Hercules Beetle Dokeshi: *roars at Izuku, punching holes into the walls*
Izuku: "AH!" *dodges, trying to find a weak spot* ("Maybe the back--") "CLEVELAND KICK!" *direct hit--knocking the Hercules down*
eijiro: *slicing*
Todoroki: *getting splashed with water by a Water Beetle Dokeshi, putting out his flames before he can get a hit*
Stone Beetle Dokeshi: *blocking Eijiro's slices, but getting pushed back to the plank...*
eijiro: NOW, BAKUGOU!
Bakugo: "I KNOW!" *fires a blast, knocking the Stone Beetle off the ship's edge* "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!"
eijiro: nice one! ^^
*a loud buzzing is heard...like a swarm...*
Mineta: Q___Q "Guys..."
ochako: ?? aw heck
*it's an entire armada of Insectoid Fighters*
Insectoid Leader: "Yar! Surrender your vessel, you Quirk-ridden abominations!"
jirou: any plans?
Mei: "YEAH!"
*The insectoid beasts they ride fire at the ship, blowing a hole in its bottom*
mina: *SCREAM*
Todoroki: "!!! Yaoyorozu! We're going down to the breech to seal it!"
momo: RIGHT!
*the swarm persists, rushing onto the deck and flying around the ship, blasting at it*
kouda: >~<
Izuku: *thinking* "...!!! Kouda! Can you talk to them?"
-a low droning noise is heard-
mina: uhhh guys?
*something dark is underneath the clouds...and then a water spout erupts upward, knocking through the swarm*
jirou: holy shit.
*The sky whales fly up, blasting water from their blowholes at the Insectoids--and inhaling others*
Insectoid Leader: "?!!! Retreat!"
mina: WOO HOO!
Hagakure: "Yay, Kouda! You did it!"
kouda: ^^
Mei: Q___Q "Man, I'm never going to be allowed on this ship again..."
Insectoid Beast: .___.; *scitters along the deck*
-tongue attack-
tsuyu: <where do you think _you're_ going?>
jirou: then start talking.
Justin: "Thank you for coming on such short notice, Sisters."
Petra: -_-# "Why is this non-Sol Church priest here?"
nayumi: i guess they're short staffed given the incident?
Justin: ^^; "We're just trying to have as many people familiar with Amaterasu nearby--given heightened security--" *looks around and spots--* "...Is that a battle nun?"
tamaki: hello. *waves*
nayumi:....war cleric sounds cooler.
Karim: "??? New threads, Tamaki?"
tamaki: it's a work in progress.
dia: *glares*
tamaki: *HISS*
Foien: "Ah, like cats and dogs--good times..."
*looks like tourists passing by with cameras, snapping pictures of Amaterasu*
Justin: "..."
Petra: -_-# "How awful--reducing this holy building to a tourism site. HEY! THIS IS NOT JUST SOMETHING YOU PHOTOGRAPH, YOU PHILISTINES--"
Tourist 1: *snaps photos of Petra--blinding her with the flash*
Petra: "?!!! AH! I can't see!"
Justin: "!!! Them!" *transforms his arm*
Tourist 2: *unzips a fanny pack--as multiple limbs explode out of it*
Foien: "...Oh, that's just wrong."
pearl: !!! *summons flame wall*
Tourist 3: *pierces the flame wall with a selfie stick, stretching a hole through the flames...*
pearl: !!!
tamaki: OH COME ON!
*the Tourisst flood in, one of them swinging a suitcase at Justin*
Justin: *slices through the suitcase--which explodes out clothes, falling onto him and Petra and...changing their attire into flashy Hawaiian shirts and bermuda shorts*
Justin: ._.
Petra: "...Great. First I'm blinded, now I'm fashion blind..."
Tourist 4: *snapping photos of Tamaki, Pearl, and Dia* "OMG, you're so cute! Can I take your photo? I promise not to post them online!"
Tourist 4: "OH YEAAAAAAH--" *flies into the flame wall, screaming as he's burned alive*
Tourist 5: "Cutting in line, cutting in line..." *rushing into Amaterasu...*
Tourist 5: "OMPH! Darn you, security guards!"
Tourist 6: "Hey, is this the line to get for Shatner's autograph? And do you take credit?"
amy thyst: oh dear, this is....troubling.
Karim: "Then let's wrap this up already...by holding them in place." *channels the fire wall into his instrument and--* "FREEZE!"
Max: "?!!!" <Sir, we have a situation outside the Haijima chem lab...>
mr helvitz: <what is it?>
???: "GIVE ME AN F!"
Crowd: "F!"
???: "GIVE ME AN E!"
Crowd: "E!"
???: "GIVE ME AN A!"
Crowd: "A!"
Max: -_-# <They've been spelling words in English for 20 minutes.>
fawkes: <oh?>
*A hole smashes in Helvitz's office, as a gigantic American football player crashes through*
helvitz: ?!?!?!?
Max: *pulls out the Sol Temple sword, aiming it at the footballer*
*Suddenly, a cheerleader squad rushes through the hole, doing flips and cartwheels before forming a pyramid*
fawkes: <what is this, high school rebellion? has the education system gone that sour?>
Max: <Get back!>
Haijima Security: *aims taser at the Captain--*
fear-leader captain: *throws a baton-boomerang at them*
Haijima Security: "OMPH!" *struck--sent flying through another wall*
Max: "?!!!"
captain: <so, are you gonna, like, surrender now? or are we gonna have to force you?>
Fear-Leader 1: *shakes pom-poms--that send vibrations through the room*
helvitz: !!!
Max: *struggling to stay upright* <St-Stay behind me, Sir...> *runs at the Captain with the sword--*
captain: *takes megaphone and SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH*
Max: *gasps, dropping to his knees, clutching his head*
helvitz: !!!!!
Footballer: *smashes into Helvitz's safe, pulling something out...*
fawkes: ...
helvitz: !!!!!!
Fear-Leader 2: *doing poses while reporting* <WE! GOT! THE! LOOT! FOR! THE! BOSS! BOSS! BOSS! BOOOOOSS!>
GNN Pundit: *on TV* "This is outrageous! Dokeshi are always saying they deserve the same respect as other empowered beings--and they are no better than villains!"
GNN Pundit 2: "That's not fair--these are people who did not ask for these abilities--"
hachi: *looking at a TV in a store window* ....
"Zach": "What a bunch of assholes, yelling at each other. People get paid for this on TV?"
hachi: i actually get paid to watch this.
"Zach": "For real?! How did you con your way into that job?"
hachi: -,- wow, you're gullible.
"Zach": -_- "Not my fault you keep lying."
Colleen: "Hey, Andrea!"
andrea: !!! oh, hey colleen.
Colleen: ^w^ "Ready for the exam?" *she's holding a note for her and Andrea from Professor Hani*
andrea: *looks*
Colleen: "Oh! This is from Hani--she said to meet at the Executive Offices first. Think she's going to give us some last-minute tutoring--because I could really use it..." ^^;
andrea: ah.
Colleen: *walks with Andrea to the tower...a metallic glint in her eyes*
Fear Factory Mook: *projects images off their wrist, showing Mana punching a tournament opponent into the ceiling, and another showing Shotaro with pencils up his nose* <Have you seen these fugitives?>
man: <er-...no.>
Fear Factory Mook: <Damn...> *looks across the street* <Move along--we have more people to interrogate.> *walks across...*
man:....*looks back toward the dressing room*
Shotaro: *pops out his head--he has on a wig with the hair looped on the sides* <They gone?>
man: *whispers* <yeah>
Shotaro: <Great!> *steps out in a white cloak* <Come on out, Mana!>
mana: *in a white shirt, brown vest, jeans, boots, and a black wig*
Shotaro: "Neato, right?! But not as fun as the cloak..." *sways in place* "It's so fluttery!" *his bone-covered boxers are exposed*
mana: -___-;; *facepalm*
Shotaro: "Hee hee!" *turns, watching where the Fear Mooks are going* "Looks like they're heading to city hall...They're probably bringing more soldiers there to take control of the government and hold hostages."
mana: alright, so what's the plan?
Shotaro: "As awesome as these disguises are so that they won't recognize us, I think we should find a secret entrance..."
*there's a sewer grate near Mana's feet*
mana: through here?
Shotaro: "Oh, sure!" *pulls out a box* "And the butcher shop was kind enough to give me all these leftover bones: cow bones, pig bones, chicken bones, cat bones-- ...Wow, that raises uncomfortable questions."
mana: let's just go. -_-;
Shotaro: "Right!" *Bone of Cow* "Moo..." *lifts up the sewer grate* "After you!"
mana: *drops down*
Shotaro: *follows, using Bone of the Cat's claws to break his fall* "Watch the water--looks dirty."
mana: eugh...
???: <oh, what's this?>
Shotaro: "???" *blinks, using Cat Eyes to see* <Oh, hey!>
-two female kappa stand near the end of the tunnel-
kappa 1: <say, you're setsuna's boy, arent you?>
Shotaro: <Heck yeah I am! ...Wait, how do you know my mom?>
kappa 1: <well, i helped her find you, actually.> *extends hand* <call me minato. i think you're friends with my son, tuhl.>
Shotaro: <?!!! Wow! Hi, Tool's mom! I'm Shotaro! And this is Mana!>
minato: <nice to meet you. and this lass here is kaoli.>
kaoli: <nice to meet you. im tuhl's neighbor. i was visiting this village to visit my family by the seaside when all this happened. luckily, minato was here too, so we decided to take cover.>
minato: -,- <if it were just me, i'd have taken those grunts head on, but kaoli's not much of a fighter, and i didnt want her getting hurt.>
Shotaro: <Hee hee--I'd love to see that! We're fighters! Mana and I were going to break into the City Hall and free any hostages in there!>
minato: <is that right?>
kaoli: <i think there is a way to city hall from here, but i warn you, it's not too pleasant....>
Shotaro: <We just sank to the bottom of the ocean, got caught in a net, and Mana saw me change, and now we're in a stinky sewer--How much worse could it get?>
Kepuri: "Tah-dah! Our new mode of transportation!"
*It's shaped like a rocket looking like GET and WASHU*
Kepuri: *twirls keys on her finger* "GET, WASHU--load them in so we can take off! I'M DRIVING!"
nea: NOOOO! D8>
Kepuri: "Come on--I promise I'll brake for red lights this time--"
*a loud trucker horn is heard from the street*
Assi: "Hey, guys! There's a big rig outside!"
mono: ??
mimeca: *waves*
*a noise is heard from the front of the vehicle*
???: "What's up, bitches?!"
chie: !!!!
*tied to the front of the big rig is a foul-mouthed toothy plush teddy bear--*
PlushFix: "Now...I suppose you're wondering where to find Yohei..."
chie: *has stabbed him with a shadow spike* what....are you doing here? *her expression is one of rage, hatred and disgust*
PlushFix: GAK! You know--heh--usually, this'd feel good, but the surprise kind of ruined the pleasure." *looks at Chie* "Jeez, someone's PMS'ing royally. Look, Mrs. Yohei-hottie, I got a sixth sense for all things related to your hubby--and since I don't remember any of you knowing much about Fear Factory's inner-workings--"
Kepuri: "I worked for them and know they have Yohei on a space station they developed years ago."
Assi: "Yeah, quite a few of us worked with them."
Zuno: "D'aw, a little plushie!"
mono: ....i say we burn him.
Tool: "I'll start the barbecue."
PlushFix: D8
mimeca: D8> *shakes head no*
nea: wait now. are you certain about the coordinates? you arent just bullshitting around?
PlushFix: "Cross my heart! ...Stuffing. Plastic eyeballs--WHATEVER I'M NOW MADE OUT OF! Why would I lie about this?! I could've stayed in hiding and just showed up to, what, troll your asses?"
mono: i wouldnt put it past you.
saki: it'd be classic you, certainly.
akaderu: you arent exactly what we'd call 'popular' here, my dude.
Kepuri: "Hang on, babe--I hate to admit it...but Fear Factory did keep the coordinates secret. And even I can't back-track from Shotaro and Mana's escape pod crash the exact location. Fear Factory could be a galaxy away for all we know."
PlushFix: *smirks* "Sixth. Sense."
nea:.....*sigh* very WELL i guess, but we're keeping an eye on you, fuzzball.
PlushFix: "Keep wherever you want on top of me, my delicious bowl of soft serve~"
nea: *STOMP*
chie:........*looks at mimeca* why do you even follow him?
mimeca: *points to herself, then makes a heart shape with her hands* ^////^ ~<3
nea:......honey, your taste in men is awful.
mimeca: >3<#
Shinoda: "In any case, if we now have Yohei's location, we don't need everyone going on one mission to get Mana and Shotaro. I propose we break up into teams."
mono: i am NOT going with this family killing dokeshi-bear!
Emine: "Then you're coming with me to Japonshima."
mono: *grumble* FINE!
Kepuri: "Hey, if it's between boring old Japonshima and space, I'm picking space every time, creepy death bear doll or not!"
Bryn: "...I'm going to rescue Mana. That thing? That thing needs to be exorcised."
akaderu: i'll probably stay home.
Tool: "We tried. I'll tell you about it on the way to Japonshima."
Bryn: "...Jesus, you people live weird lives."
setsuna: as will i. as much as i want to see my son again, im afraid i wont be much help.
Assi: "I like not dying, and I can't really fight...Mono...This could be the last time we see each other..."
Assi: O\\\\o "B-But we don't know what could happen! Emine could stab you in the back!"
Emine: "This is true."
mono: *glare*
lin: ^^;
Bryn: *pats Mono's shoulder* "Calm down, Blades--I won't let M&M hurt you."
Emine: "..." -___-
Queenie: *opens 2 boxes, removing a repaired Quirk Detection Machine...and a repaired version of David Shield's Quirk augmentation headband*
Yohei: *chained to the wall, upside down* "...Neat. You subscribe to Loot Crate, too?"
naoka: do you ever shut up?
Yohei: "You want me quiet? Then knock me out again."
naoka: tempting.
Queenie: "Not yet, Naoka. Nanami has to witness this..." *taps a globe, causing the images behind her to shift until they show that point on the globe: Japonshima*
Yohei: "Hmm...I see some device for diagnosing genetic structures...I see some body enhancement device. What, you're going to empower yourself?"
Queenie: *smiles to Naoka* "He isn't too stupid, now is he?"
marie anette: coulda fooled me~
Queenie: "And what do you think I'll do when I enhance my mental powers of mind control? Maybe I'll use it to order every human being on earth to kill themselves..."
Yohei: "..." *shakes his head* "No. You prefer drawing out the pain."
Queenie: *smiles* "Correct."
Mayor: *hands behind their head, on their knees* <Please, let the hostages go--you can keep me, but let them-->
Mayor: <OW!> *collapses*
City Manager: *standing against the wall, smirking* <Jeez, you humans are so fragile...> *juggling items on the Mayor's desk* <And naive. So easy to infiltrate your sanctuaries for the powerful and the elite...>
guard: ...
kaoli: *listening*
minato: *whispers* <alright, do you know the plan?>
Shotaro: <I kind of forgot the middle parts...The smell might have done something to my brain.>
mana: -_-;
Shotaro: ^^; <Still kinda fuzzy on things since the ocean crash. But I know how to punch those people really hard.>
minato: <good enough>
Shotaro: ^w^ <Great! Let's start the good deed!> *bites down on a bone*
City Manager: *whistles to one Mook* <Get me another bottle out of the Mayor's private stock.>
grunt: <yessir>
Shotaro: <!!! Hey, that one mook is coming here!>
minato: <you know what to do.>
Shotaro: *nods* *gets down on all fours, wagging his behind like a cat, ready to pounce...*
grunt: *turns*
Shotaro: "MEOWR!" *pounce-tackle*
grunt: GRK-
Shotaro: *drags the Mook behind the corner*
City Manager: *not noticing, still juggling*
mana: *RUNS IN AND-*
Mook 2: <Halt!> *aims a rifle at her--*
minato: *WHACK*
Mook 2: X-X *falls down*
Shotaro: *picks up the rifle* <Okay! Let the Mayor go!>
City Manager: *still juggling* <Ho-hum...I suppose it couldn't just be easy.> *looks at Mana, Shotaro, and Minato* <I can't believe a Dokeshi is fighting against us, let alone a kappa and...an ogre girl?>
City Manager: <Tell me, something. 'Dokeshi'...Why do we let them call us that?> *juggles...with one hand, as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a hankie...that's tied to another one...and another one...in a multi-color string...*
mana: ....
City Manager: *wipes his face...revealing clown makeup underneath as he smiles at them*
minato: ...
City Manager: *chuckles* <Perhaps we all just need to embrace our inner 'clown'--> *pulls out knives from his pocket, starts juggling them* <I awoke my ability in a circus--when a knife went the wrong way and killed a little girl...> *fixates his stare on Mana*
mana: !!!
City Manager: *tosses the knife--which just passes Mana's head--just slicing a bit of her hair before it imbeds in the wall*
minato: *takes out sword*
City Manager: <Ah, I see you are someone with a cutting wit as well.> *pauses* "..." *double over, cackling*
Shotaro: "...HA!" <I got that one!>
City Manager: <Then my Daily Condition is fulfilled--one corny joke, one laugh-->
minato: <why dont you cut it out then.> *lunges*
City Manager: *dodges* <Ah...> 蛙が帰る。(かえるが かえる。! [In Japanese: "The frog is coming back"--where "frog" and "coming back" use the same character...]
minato: -_-# *SLICE SLICE*
Shotaro: <Ha! It's funny because she's not a frog...Wait, that kind of a ruins the joke-->
City Manager: *tenses* TwT <Being witty on demand weighs heavily on me.>
mana: showtaro, focus!
Shotaro: *claps his hands on his face* <Right!> *bites into--* <Bone of the Boar!> *charges at the City Manager*
City Manager: <And now, to go international:> "Oh, I'm sorry--was I boring you?"
Shotaro: *pig snort, as he rushes--*
City Manager: *le leap* *flips over Shotaro, tosses a blade--that embeds in Shotaro's back*
Shotaro: *pig squeal--as he hits the wall*
City Manager: *grabs Mana's hand, twirls her--then dips her like a dance* "Bavonjavour! Pouvons-nous danser La Javnaise?" ("Hello! May we dance the Java?") *He's making a pun on "Java" and the French slang "Javanais."
mana: *POW*
City Manager: *falls back onto his head...then falls back and upright again* "Golly! I said I wanted a drink, but no punch!" *smiles, revealing a black eye from her punch* "Sorry, am I 'wine-ing'?"
Shotaro: *picking the blade out of his back with Bone of the Octopus* "Okay, I'm kind of over this guy...Mana, can you hit him again? I need to find something..." *searches through his box* "Thanks for the extra bones, Kaoli!" *searching*
mana: who even is this guy? -_-;
City Manager: "Er, man--forgive my manners! I am the supreme jokester of all Dokeshi, P. Erot!"
mana: cool story bro. *POW*
P Erot: "OW-P!" *tumbles back*
Shotaro: "Got it!" *pulls out 2 dog bones* "Bone of Kerobos!" *bites down, looking canine*
P Erot: *lying on his back, looking up* "Hey...In what unit do dogs measure their temperature?"
Shotaro: "..."
Erot: "Belgrad." *smiles goofily*
Shotaro: "..." *bites down on P Erot's head*
P Erot: "...It's funnier in German."
Shotaro: *muffled* "I think we've freed the hostages!"
kaoli: that's good.
Mayor: Q___Q <What the hell is even going on?!>
mana: *releasing the mayor* <we'll explain.>
Justin: *pants* "There...That takes care of that."
Karim: "Good." *in swim trunks* "If I had one more wardrobe change by those maniacs, I'd lose my mind."
Petra: *in a ballerina outfit* -_-# "I'm going to kill them..."
pearl: goodness.
tamaki: -_____-###
Foien: ^^; "Nice outfit, Dia--"
dia: *in a doggy mascot suit* -_-#
Justin: "Let's look on the bright side--we repelled their attack, Amaterasu is safe--and that was an impressive fire wall, Sister."
pearl: t-thank you mr law.
Karim: "..." *looks away* "I just hope none of them got inside...The Church has been really paranoid about anyone going inside the Amaterasu facility."
Kepuri: *rubs Akaderu's cheek* "I'll be back soon--faster than you know it, given how fast I made that ship."
akaderu: *holds her hand* be safe, ok?
Kepuri: *nods* "Hey, this is me--I'm coming back in one piece."
Emine: "...Mom...I..."
setsuna: *hugs him* please, be safe.
{emine's mother: *throwing a beer bottle at him* <useless piece of shit kid...>}
Emine: "...Hmm."
Colleen: "??? I don't see her anywhere...Hey, what time is it?"
andrea: *checks watch*
*an alarm goes off on Andrea's watch...Colleen's eyes turn white*
Colleen: "..." *approaches a security panel, punches in a code, opening the doors to the security office*
Security Guard: "?? Hey, you can't be here--"
andrea: *turns*
Colleen: *a taser pops out of the palm of her hand, as she shocks Security Guards*
andrea: *jacking into the security system*
Security Guard: *struggles, reaches a button--*
Colleen: *stabs the Guard's hand with a pen*
andrea: *turns off communication*
Chuuya: *points at one mook* "Why do you guys have these mechs? You can't be getting this much crime here."
grunt: arent you a bit short to be a mafia exec-
grunt: x~x
Abernathy: "Hey, hey--buddy! Don't go punching all of my people. We're going to need them if we're going to take out those awful, dirty Dokeshi--"
Chuuya: *hard glare*
grunt: OxO;
Abernathy: "What? I'm just saying--"
Chuuya: *looks at the mooks* "Get the bots lined along the armory. Keep an eye for airborne attacks--I'll take them, you take the ground."
Abernathy: "Hey, who is running this show here?!"
Mitch: "Here's your drink, Mr. Nakahara."
Abernathy: "GODDAMN IT, MITCH!"
grunt: um sir, we actually got some info on mr nakahara, and well... *whispers*
Abernathy: "... ... ..." Q_____Q "Ooooooooooooh, I'm going to die today."
Kouyou: "Girls, I think we'll be staying in...How about I make us some tea?"
miyuri: ok!
sonia: *petting mito* .....
Kouyou: "Very good..." *taps a button on a tablet, triggering security on her estate*
sonia: ....will papa be alright?
Kouyou: *smiles* "I've never known him to be otherwise."
Kenji: -n- "There are no rodeos here. I can't believe this city would lie to me."
naomi: *pap pap* cheer up kenji, there's plenty of other things to do.
Kenji: *sniffle* "Yeah..."
Tanizaki: "There's the Griffith Observatory for looking at stars--although that's more of a nighttime thing. Or the Pier has the Ferris Wheel."
atsushi: ?? you guys hear something?
Kenji: *stomach growls* "Sorry about that."
atsushi: no, it sounds like-
*a giant wave of water appears above the buildings...coming down towards Atsushi and the others*
atsushi: !!!!
Tanizaki: "!!! Run--"
naho: !!!
Kenji: *floating upside-down under the water* .-.
*SNAP SNAP* *a lobster claw passes the side of Naomi's head*
naomi: WOAH!
*tentacles wrap around Atsushi, pulling him up*
atsushi: O_o
Lobster Man: *toying with Naomi* "Jeez, Takoya! Stop fixating on that scrawny kid and wrap up the others."
Takoya, the Lady Octopus: "Yeah, yeah..." *ropes up Tanizaki, missing Kenji*
naho: looks like we got a whole sea kingdom here!
maki: well fire's gonna be useless here...
jellyfish kid: kukuku. *sends an electric shock*
Kenji: "EEP!" *hit, falling back into the water, screaming*
Tanizaki: X\\\\\X *choking* "Can't...breathe..."
Takoya: *not even looking, just shoots a tentacle towards her--*
Takoya: "Like I haven't heard that one before...Hang on, I'm going to need another hand..." *tosses Atsushi and Tanizaki into the same tentacle, squeezes* "What can you do? We're freaking Dokeshi--the C Team of Fear Factory."
atsushi: *tiger jaws and bites the tentacle*
Takoya: Q______Q "OOOOOOOOW!" *lets go*
Tanizaki: *falls, pants...uses his ability to hide*
izumi: dad? mom?
Spirit: "Hmm?"
izumi: what's going on outside?
sachiko:...why dont you kids go to the basement for a bit?
izumi: !! o-ok.
Spirit: *looks at Sachiko* "Stay here..."
sachiko: *nods*
Spirit: *opens the door, closes it behind him, stands on the front step* "...I'm Spirit Albarn, Death Scythe. State your business."
PlushFix: *in a tiny spacesuit in the shuttle* "Hurry up and get on this rocket!"
Kepuri: "You sure you can drive the new car?"
chie: ...
Bryn: "Yeah, I used to make deliveries--how hard can this be?"
Shinoda: "You're likely a better driver than Kepur--"
Kepuri: *tugs on his ear* "Quiet, Johnny Appleseed."
Tool: "We'll be back with those idiots before you know it."
mimeca: ^o^
mono: well let's get a move on already!
Emine: "Indeed--cease this prattling."
Kepuri: "Okay--everyone on Space Team got your suit on?"
chie: *nods*
PlushFix: "You know it, brainy bug eyes!"
mimeca: *thumbs up*
nea: indeed~
Kepuri: "Great! PlushFix, put in the coordinates!"
PlushFix: OwO "...Huh? I don't got those."
chie: WHAT?!
PlushFix: "I do know, honeybee! But you can't quantify the sixth sense. It's an innate feeling, as my Power of Spin taps into the multiverse of harmonic energies." *leans back in his tiny chair* "So just blast off, float around in space for a while, and I'll let you know when my Soul Resonance or whatever taps into Yohei's~"
chie: i have half the mind to rip you to shreds. and the other half is inclined to agree.
nea: or we can just look for a big station with the fear factory logo on it.
Kepuri: -_-; "Nea, space is pretty big. Factoring in the speed at which the star cruiser was going, the radius by which to locate them is--"
mimeca: *takes out a phone*
*there's a photo from the Griffith Observatory of a giant space station with the Fear Factory logo on it*
Kepuri: "... ... ...Everyone just shut up!"
Shotaro: *looking at a map in City Hall* *making marks on it* <So, they still have the police station and the electric power plant and the mall...I think we should go to the mall first.>
mana: sounds good.
Shotaro: <Great! We can also stock up on weapons and food!> *looks out the window...* "Um...But that's a lot of Fear Factory people..."
mana: crap.
Shotaro: "We need to distract them..."
mana: and how do we do that?
Fear Factory Mook: "Hey, up in the window! It's that Dokeshi and that ogre girl!"
Mook: *KO'ED!*
Mook 2: "HE'S BEEN HIT!"
Shotaro: "Dang, Mana--you didn't even hesitate. You shot first!"
mana: -_- let's just beat them up.
Shotaro: *bites on Bone of the Bird* "Works for me!" *picks up Mana and leaps out the window--as his cloak flies up into his face*
Chai: <What are you going to do with all this fertilizer? You boys don't exactly look like farmers...>
Fear Factory Mook: <Explosives.>
Chai: ?!!!
kisuke: <MR CHAAAAI!>
Chai: <Kisuke! Watch out!>
Mook 1: "?!!" *aims a gun at Kisuke and Oolong*
kisuke: <OOLONG! GET HIM!>
Oolong: *wraps his tongue around the gun, pulls it--then whips it down on the Mook's head, knocking him out*
Mook 1: X_X
Chai: <Good boy...> *pets Oolong* <We got to get out of here!>
kisuke: <right!>
*Mooks surround the three of them*
Mook 2: <AIM!>
Chai: <?!!> *gets in front of Kisuke--*
Mook 2: "..."
kisuke: ??
Mooks: "..."
*All Mooks spray out with blood in the shape of sharp angles before collapsing*
kisuke: !!!!
Chai: <...Are these those new-fangled exploding mooks I heard they have in the big city?>
*from the shadows, a pair of serpentine eyes watch...*
kisuke: !!
???: <You're welcome.>
kisuke: <who...are you?>
???: <The direct hero, Vector Jibako.>
kisuke: <i...see.>
Chai: <I don't. This guy's in the shadows!>
Vector: <It maintains my sense of mystery. Also, I hate the smell of fertilizer, which is now everywhere.>
*in the Pacific is a small boat*
Fisher: "..."
-seems quiet...?-
*suddenly, a fast-moving vaguely car-shaped vehicle sails by towards Japonshima...knocking the boat around a bit and kicking up a ton of fish onto the small boat*
Fisher: ._.
Bryn: "...Huh. This thing handles really well."
Tool: *covering his mouth, about to vomit*
Emine: "...So, this is how I die."
lin: >~< *holding onto her hair buns*
GPS: *in Kepuri's voice* "You are approaching your destination in 8 SECONDS. Preparing emergency airbags..."
mono: THIS SU-
Fear Factory Mook: <So I said, 'She's sweet as honey!' ...She filed a sexual harassment allegation against me.>
mono: *face in an airbag* is this....heaven?
lin: smells like...wisconson.
Emine: "This isn't what i imagined Heaven would be like--too many annoying people--"
GPS: "You have arrived at your destination. Vomit bags are in the door pockets--"
lin: oh look, we're here.
Shinoda and Tool: *fighting for the bags*
*muffled screams underneath*
???: take THIS!!
Bryn: "???" *rolls down the window* *looks out the window* "...Hey, we had a soft landing, too." *opens the door, steps on a Mook* "Alright, kiddos, depart! We got a busy day ahead of us!" *turns on the vehicle's car alarm*
Emine: "???" *looks to the distance at ???*
-seems two figures are taking on a group of mooks, along with two kappas-
???: "Bone of Kangaroo!"
*a mook goes flying, crashing into the top of the vehicle, setting off the car alarm*
mono:...found 'em.
Bryn: "!!! Mana!" *waves* "How you doing?!"
Tool: *holding his stomach, dragging himself over*
minato: <tuhl!>
Tool: <?! Mom?!>
Emine: "...Ha."
minato: <we-he-hell! look at you, all grown up!>
Tool: -\\\\\- <Mooooom, stop, you're embarrassing me...>
kaoli: ^^;
Shotaro: *lands on the ground in front of Mono--his cloak lifting up to expose his boxers*
mono: D8
Emine: "Shotaro..."
Shotaro: "!!! Emine!" *hug--then pulls back, holding up--* "I stole the President's tooth!"
Emine: "...Shotaro, you're infringing in my territory."
Shotaro: ^^; "Heh, yeah..."
Mook: *approaching Mono from behind...*
Mook: "UMPH!"
Bryn: "Nice one, Mono! Mana, heads up--" *tosses a Mook towards her*
Mook 2: *HIGH-PITCH SCREAMING as he flies towards Mana...*
Shinoda: *collapsed on the ground, looking pale* "Apples...Someone, help me..."
lin: *takes an apple from a stand and gives it to him*
Shinoda: =w= *nom nom nom--powers up, Olympian pose* "I am ready!" *speeds across the field, swings his arms--and knocks back 20 Mooks in one blow*
Emine: "..." *removes a bandage...a small drop of blood forms, which circles around his arm, generating electricity* "Let's begin..."
grunts: HYAAAAAH!!!
Tool: *swings the pickaxe* <Mom, how did you even get roped into this?>
minato: <long story, kiddo. just in the right place at the right time, i guess.>
Tool: <Typical---Mana and Shotaro got all the dumb luck...>
*meanwhile, atop a building is an archer...*
???: *aims at Shotaro...fires*
Shotaro: *giving a noogie to a mook* "Say uncle! Say uncle!"
lin: *throws a fork at the arrow*
*the fork catches the arrow, knocking it away*
Shotaro: "??? Did anyone feel a breeze?"
???: wow, nice aim, sagi.
Sagitarrius: -_-# "It's not my fault--I wasn't expecting eating utensils."
???: come on canni, save your agitation for later, we got to report to the squad boss.
Sagitarrius: "Let's go..." *horse gallop...*
Kepuri: *piloting...looks out the window* "Enjoy the view, people--you're not getting a view like this from earth..."
nea: woah...
PlushFix: "Makes you feel kinda small, doesn't it? ...Granted, I'm already tinee tiny now."
mimeca: *face against the window*
Kepuri: "Now approaching the Station. Turning on cloaking tech..." *presses a button*
*their spaceship seems to disappear...*
Kepuri: "Okay, GET, put in the security code to get in through the doors..."
nea: ..um guys, i think we're about to crash onto the moon.
Kepuri: "Wait, what--"
chie: that's no moon....
PlushFix: "That's yo' mama."
chie: *GLARE*
PlushFix: ^^; "I didn't mean you! Jeez, just trying to calm everyone down..."
Kepuri: "That is a big facility...How are we going to find him in that?"
*CRASH in the back*
Zuno: *pops up in the back, gasping* "I CAN'T BREATHE!"
nea: .... -_-;;
PlushFix: "!!! A Klingon! Kill it! Kill it!"
mimeca: ._.
Kepuri: "How the hell did you get in here?!"
{Zuno: "Oh, a door!" *opens it, walks in--and falls into the storage closet on the spaceship*}
chie: we're here...
*the doors slide open into the Fear Station...*
Kepuri: *deep inhale* "Stay calm..."
PlushFix: "Someone, please hold me..."
mimeca: *does so*
PlushFix: =w=
chie:... *grimace*
*the ship docks*
Kepuri: *sighs* "Okay...We're still cloaked, so we need to get off carefully, quietly, find some disguises, and locate Yohei."
PlushFix: "Leave me to sniff out Yohei!"
Zuno: "???" *picks something off the floor* "Wow, astronaut's ice cream!"
nea: hands off, buddy.
Zuno: OxO *backs up--and falls out the spaceship with a loud crash into some boxes*
Kepuri: D8<
0 notes
deraywrites · 7 years ago
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Boxing With God: The Power of Anointing, Part 97: Weary of the Ways of the World Having #MarsInGemini is not an easy placement to have in your birth chart. Its like having the power of 2 minds in one brain. Most of the time, they're like oil and vinegar so you spend a lot of time trying to find mental balance and harmony within yourself. However, for me, one mind tells me "yeah, I know you feel like a $2 prostitute working just to barely make ends meet and you're ready to snap at the next person you have to put on a fake smile and tap dance for but at least your responsibilities and obligations taken care of" while my other mind is like "man, you really wasting your precious time and not enjoying it to the fullest? Tomorrow isnt promised. Dont be 60-something years old talmbout I shoulda, woulda, coulda..." So here I am...How do I enjoy my remaining time on Earth while successfully fulfilling my responsibilities and obligations and while achieving better every day and while overcoming obstacles and challenges along the way and while multitasking and juggling so many things? #MarshaSinetar once said, "Do what you love and the money will follow." I love to color in adult coloring books, drink tea, read tarot cards, indulge in good food and sex (safely and within reason) and go for walks in nature when my #sciata aint bothering me...and I been doing this for a while, so when's my ship coming in, God? Where's my pay day? I mean yes, I'm rich in spirit but my landlord and these debt collectors arent accepting any spiritual #Bitcoin for payment. Being human is frustrating af God, especially when you feel as though you have to sacrifice your happiness to get ahead in this world. Does one have to become like #Trump to survive in this Trump-ish world, God? One more thing God, you know I hate conflict and avoid it with a passion, so why am I fighting so much? Are you still fighting with me? #BoxingWithGod #LaoTzu #Anxiety #stressed #Worry #SeekingAnswers #ConversationsWithGod #Weary #Solange (at New Jersey)
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