#vincent gs
Leslie Winer - Results more like this?
Written-By Christophe Van Huffel, Leslie Winer & Vincent Gallo 2004
'LW &c.'  The Wormhole WHO#03 tapeworm.org.uk/who03.html boomkat.com/cds/593270-leslie-winer-leslie-winer-c
Images & edition : Sébastien Chou
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depression-napping · 1 month
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Ok which one of you was gonna tell me about the special attack where he kisses his gun
Edit: Is it called “Charm Shot” in English? Because that’s what it’s called in Japanese. I’m certainly charmed…
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cheaasen · 1 year
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You've asked for it. Here's ...Vincent!Felix (or Vinlix. Felicent?) and Yuffie!Sheba (Shuffie?), the Elemental Star Hunter. Also based on the screenshots.
Final Sun Fantasy - Felix and Sheba
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jargonbaby · 2 years
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— Edna St. Vincent Millay in a letter to Arthur Davidson Ficke (19 October 1921)
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docgold13 · 2 months
yes! please tell me more of your detest for John Wayne. My dad loves that guy and I need ammo for arguing that the dude was a douche
I don’t think you’ll make much headway with your dad.  Once someone has their mind set on something, cognitive dissonance can become a force stronger than gravity.  
But I’m happy to try to help out.  
Anyways, John Wayne he played a significant role in creating the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals (MPA) in 1944 and was voted in as its president in 1949. This was an anti-communist organization that blacklisted industry professionals suspected as being in any way shape or form associated with the communist party.  He was additionally an ardent and vocal supporter of the infamous House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) as well as the work of Senator Joseph McCarthy. 
Despite his dodging the draft for World War II, he continued to make war films presenting himself as this great leader of the armed forces.  Furthermore, his movie,  The Green Berets, was an overt attempt toward rallying support for the ruinous Vietnam War.
Wayne did not just hate communists, he also hated those who were gay.  He lambasted  Dustin Hoffman and Jon Voight’s characters in Midnight Cowboy, calling the pair ‘a couple of f@gs.’  He also accosted Kirk Douglas over his role as Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh in the film Lust for Life. He was reported to have said, “Christ, Kirk, how can you play a part like that? There’s so goddamn few of us left. We got to play strong, tough characters. Not these weak queers.”  There were rumors that Wayne was a closeted homosexual and that some of his hatred may have been a sort of reaction formation, but who knows if that is true.
He also didn’t give a damn for Native Americans, whom he deemed as savages.  “I don’t feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from the Indians,” he said, “Our so-called stealing of this country from them was just a matter of survival. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves.” 
But perhaps he strongest animosity was reserved for Black Americans.  “I believe in white supremacy,” he said in a notorious 1971 interview with Playboy magazine.  He added that he did not want Black people working on his films until they became “educated to a point of responsibility.”
He also made disparaging remarks about Jewish people and was entirely against any form of social welfare programs.  
Apologies to anyone hurt by seeing all of this hateful stuff disseminated.   
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silver-wield · 6 months
So, according to Audrey's (ugh) translation of the new Ultimania, scripting for the story is complete and they're already moving on to recording with the cast members. Nomura also mentions that there'll be a "very important" scene that wasn't in the original game. Do you have any opinions on what it could be?
I said a coupla months ago the script was finished, and there's been a few sus tweets from Shibai about mocapping that seem to fit part three, so I wouldn't be surprised if they've been working on it for a while.
Voices are one of the last things they do, so the fact Nomura says they're almost ready to start means they're definitely aiming for that 2027 release date window to coincide with the 30th anniversary of OG.
If they nail the date exactly then it's 1023 days until part three 🤣
I think we've all been wondering what Kitase is up to and what new scene he wants. He gave us the Shinra rooftop scene between Cloud and Tifa and he said he'd been thinking about that for years. Nomura has already said he's thinking about how they can include the suggestion, so it's obviously good enough and in line with canon to make a part of the game.
I have a couple of ideas:
Scenario at modeoheim - real Cloud went there with Zack and since we start up north they could include it as a new location event
Tifa Vs Sephiroth in the lifestream - when she and Cloud originally fall in she's alone in the dark hearing voices accuse her of things. We saw Sephiroth manifest in Gongaga to attack her, so maybe they'll have a proper battle that she can't win because ykno he's Sephiroth and only Cloud can beat him, and that leads into Cloud appearing to save her and take her into his subconscious for the start of the lifestream scene.
New scenes between Cloud and Zack as part of his revelation or even just showing their escape - they could even tie in parts of last order to expand how they got away and how much time passed.
What happened to Cloud after Zack died - I still wanna know where he got that busted uniform from.
A fancy event scene in Wutai - wall market had a series of bouts and a show, GS did too, so Wutai could have Yuffie's tower trial and a traditional Wutaian show.
Vincent and Lucrecia - as much as I hate her I know Kitase loves Vincent so I'd expect something more detailed included for his history with that bitch.
Cloud and Tifa reunion date - they've been teasing it since Remake and we've seen what the devs for XVI did for Clive and Jill so they know what kinda thing we'd like to see.
Extended HW scene - the game is T rated but that doesn't mean they can't push that limit and make something new from it 🤭
New epilogue scene - the original epilogue the devs kinda forgot to add smoke in the background to show people lived in Midgar still, although maybe it's just me but I thought there was smoke and they just didn't notice it, but a fuller epilogue of a sweep down through the streets kinda like how AC opens and then ending at a familiar bar being run by Cloud and Tifa's descendants would be the kind of sad wholesome closing shot I'd expect from SE.
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samuelerssonupdates · 6 months
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IN TONIGHT'S GAME, Samuel Ersson had:
21 saves
6 goals against
.778 SV%
Sometimes I worry that the Flyers' style of defense doesn't work well for Ersson. He's mentioned in multiple interviews that he prefers to see shots on goal early on in the game, to get a feel for the puck and to warm up, but in tonight's game there were long stretches of time, minutes and minutes of play, where he didn't see a shot. And while the self-sacrificing nature of Flyers defense might look good on paper and prevents many a goal, does it also have a tendency to mindfuck our goalie? I think it's not out of the question to speculate that that might be an issue that Sandström faces as well, though I don't know for sure.
In Ersson's postgame interview he was visibly upset: "Obviously I know I gotta come up with a couple of saves, it's... tough, I felt like in the times they had the shots they went in, I didn't really get to feel that puck that much in the third, so it's one of those things I gotta find a way to handle it better mentally and come up with those saves when the team needs it."
Ersson's at the high end of what I'm generally seeing as the league median for high danger scoring shots against – 16.5% of the shots he faces are high danger chances. Seems like most goalies face around 14.5-16% – there are some outliers, like Shesterkin (17.3%) or Jordan Binnington, at a whopping 18% – but factored in for the fact that the Flyers are blocking shots at a league-leading rate? Shouldn't his high-danger SA be lower simply due to the fact that more shots are blocked? For example, the Isles and the Panthers may not be shot-blockers, but Ilya Sorokin faces only 14.5% HD SA; Bobrovsky faces 14.7%.
What I'm trying to get at is that while the Flyers block a number of low-danger or good scoring chances, they leave their rookie goaltender vulnerable to a higher average of high-danger shots through a lack of defense in other areas of the game, and simultaneously don't allow him to practice making saves and getting comfortable in the net. When he does face a shot, it's often high-danger: multiple opponents crashing the net, or a speedy forward on a breakaway. Ersson made his last save of the game at 3:23 of the 3rd period. The next shot he faced was over 6 in-game minutes later, and you won't believe what it was: a shorthanded 2-on-1 breakaway with Mika Zibanejad and Vincent Trocheck, and we all know how that one ended up. Man, six minutes. You get cold. Even a pro.
Much love for Sam Ersson. He looked pretty upset in the postgame. Being a Flyers goaltender's not for the faint of heart. You got this, bud.
Samuel Ersson stats during the Gauntlet:
5 out of 7 GS
2-1-2 record
.847 SV%
122 saves
17 goals against
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theshenami · 4 months
On which GS date is canon in FF7 Rebirth: honestly, it's doesn't matter
I've seen a lot of debate lately around the Rebirth Ultimania not clearly stating whether any of the GS dates are canon, just a vague statement about how they're all sort of removed from the main story. Rather than focus on the shipping aspect of it, I wanted to share my thoughts in terms of which date best fits the story that Rebirth is trying to tell.
My understanding of the story is that the overarching plot concerns the pursuit of Sephiroth, and within that structure each of the main cast gets some character development, some of which leads to the resolution of their inner plots at the same points in the story as they were resolved in the OG. Aerith, Barrett, Nanaki and Cait Sith get their character arcs resolved by the end of the Disc 1 story, just like in the OG. Aerith's arc might continue on to some degree in part 3, but again, I'm just focusing on the plot of Rebirth. Yuffie gets a modified character arc, focus on joining AVALANCHE in the fight against Shinra rather than being all about the materia (don't get me wrong, it's still important to her, just no longer her core motivation), but since we can't go to Wutai yet like we could in the OG her character arc cannot resolve yet.
For the remaining cast, their arcs don't resolve until Disc 2 or later. Cloud's character arc peaks in the Lifestream, but his inner struggle doesn't reach a complete resolution until the end of Advent Children (it remains to be seen whether the devs change this in part 3). Tifa's character arc was also intimately intertwined with Cloud's, but I would argue that her arc also continues post-game, like when she's dealing with her guilt over the destruction of Sector 7 during On the Way to a Smile. Cid's don't resolve until Disc 2 in the OG, when he finds out the truth about Shera, and that hasn't changed here since we have not yet gotten our goddamn tea. Finally, Vincent's character arc doesn't fully resolve until the end of DoC.
So what does this mean for which GS date best fits the story arc of Rebirth? Well, I would argue that Nanaki's probably best fits the central premise of the whole Remake project, whether or not we can change fate (e.g. save Aerith, see Zack again, etc). That is literally the $64000 question in this game, and Red is the only one who brings it up on his date, so that would be my vote. I know Aerith's date best fits the narrative of the OG, since it both alludes to Cloud's dissociative identity disorder as well as sets the player up to be devastated when she meets her end at the Forgotten Capital, but the story being told within the plot Rebirth is all about whether she can be saved. My honorable mentions would be either Yuffie's or "the others", since they are just so damn funny to watch. I didn't seriously consider Tifa's date, despite how much I personally enjoyed watching it, because this resolution really should come later in the story in part 3.
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1944 09 Panther Ausf G befehl - Vincent Wai
The (short-lived) WW 2 German Hinterhalt or 'Ambush' scheme was at least 4 different paint schemes applied directly to Panther Gs by the MAN and Daimler-Benz factories, between 19th August and 14th September 44 (with zimmerit, on the dark yellow base) and from 14th-30th September (without zimmerit and on the red primer base).
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aminta · 1 year
the fact that theyve FINALLY managed to have found a potential cure for FIP with such a high success rate warms my heart so much. Sucks that it's technically not "legal" yet to provide to animals, but thankfully there are under the table options for acquiring GS (its like remdesivir) for pet owners to use. a family friend of ours adopted a kitten with FIP and he was dying until they managed to get him some and he's made a complete recovery.... genuinely makes me so so happy that there are less people out there now who would otherwise have to go through what we did with vincent. i wouldnt wish someones cat dying like that on my worst enemy.
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heya zee <333
which which non-horror movie do you think scares the characters the most
(i definitely do believe that wilhelm grew up being absolutely terrified of yogi bear because reasons)
Hi darling!
You know what? I'm going to agree with you on the Wilhelm one. I don't know what your reasons are, but I'd say yes, that makes sense in my head.
I feel like The Truman Show scares the shit out of Simon. Even more so after the video. (I am scared of the Truman Show)
Felice I feel like would be scared of Black Swan. "It should be a horror movie" is her reasoning or something.
Sara is scared of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and for several years she refused to eat chocolate because of it.
August is scared of Gremlins and Goonies equally. His "friends" refer to it as the Fear of Gs. (I could make a really inappropriate joke here but I'm not going to)
Walter is scared of Cats and anything else that has animals that are that human-like.
Henry is scared of The Joker.
Fredrika has an irrational fear of the movie Hairspray. "Too much product"
Stella is scared of The Wizard of Oz. Like to the point that she will shriek if someone shows her a picture of it.
Nils is scared of the Titanic. He spends too much time in boats for rowing and it freaks him out.
and Vincent is scared of not Star Wars in general, but of Darth Vader specifically.
Last Unhinged Hours before Season 2 drops.
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tiressian · 4 months
finally finished rebirth, notes under the cut
for how vast the map was it felt really empty if that makes sense
and the cities felt claustrophobic but that cant be helped
man fuck those wifi towers, i stopped caring for those real early on
synergy skills were fun and dynamic
did not care for the Both Sidism slant they were going for here re Shinra
Gongaga and Nibelheim - hands down best cloti material, as much as i squeed during the GS date, the fact that all dates are optional boosted Gongaga and Nibelheim for me
Aerith's song gave me feels - couldnt tell if she was singing about zack or cloud, but zack's end scene with him winding up at "their spot" and talking about meeting again made me sure she was singing about Zack
clerith moments were cute - if a bit frustrating, but that's core to aerith and cloud's relationship, that girl is forever clowning on him
costa del sol was a slog - i absolutely am not the audience for minigames, did not care for the soccer one
god i hated the minigames - did i mention how much i hate them? one or two were novelty but then they turn into a slog real quick
jesus christ what a leap in difficulty the piano minigame was lmao, had me fighting for my life trying to get that A
i love Queens Blood - but it too also became a slog after a time
fort condor was a nice call back to the OG f
i could have done without the cait sith section, i swear if i see another box or crate im gonna hang myself
did not care for the summons - i rarely used them in battle, but it was nice to see them in 4k the first time lol
Cid was a breath of fresh air and Vincent too, Cid has to be the highlight of the game for me - AND I DIDNT EVEN GET TO PLAY HIM (I know why, storywise, having played OG but still lmaooo)
the jenova boss fight in ch 14 was great - i loved switching between teams, yuffie is SO BROKEN as a character i love her lmao
anyway, excited for rocket town as well as vincent's past chapter - i really didnt care for dirge, but seeing nero in integrade made me wonder
im would like to replay the OG to compare the differences between the OG and rebirth but im too time poor - im sure someones made a youtube video on it so ill watch that instead lol
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4gspeed · 6 months
Cụ thể, trả lời phỏng vấn có ông Vincent Conti (Kinh tế gia cao cấp chuyên về khu vực châu Á - Thái Bình Dương - Tập đoàn Standard & Poor's (S&P Global Ratings - Mỹ); ông Robert Carnell (Kinh tế gia trưởng, lãnh đạo bộ phận nghiên cứu, Ngân hàng ING - chi nhánh Singapore); GS David Dapice (chuyên gia kinh tế tại Trung tâm ASH thuộc Trường Chính sách công Kennedy của Đại học Harvard, Mỹ); chuyên gia kinh tế Danny Kim (Công ty phân tích Moody's, thuộc Tập đoàn dịch vụ đầu tư Moody's).Tình hình kinh tế thế giới năm 2024 dự kiến có nhiều khó khănBức tranh ảm đạmÔng dự báo thế nào về kinh tế thế giới và khu vực châu Á - Thái Bình Dương (APAC) trong năm 2024?Chuyên gia Danny Kim: Nền kinh tế toàn cầu sẽ tiếp tục tăng trưởng chậm trong năm nay, bởi chính sách tiền tệ vẫn còn hạn chế ở hầu hết các nơi trên thế giới. Lạm phát dần giảm xuống và các nước sẽ tập trung vào việc tính toán lại chính sách tiền tệ vào giữa năm theo hướng nới lỏng chút ít. Nhờ đó, trong nửa cuối năm 2024, các thị trường lớn bao gồm Mỹ và châu Âu sẽ có sự tăng trưởng nhu cầu. GDP toàn cầu có thể tăng 2,3% trong năm 2024, thấp hơn mức ước chừng 2,6% của năm 2023.Đối với khu vực APAC, xuất khẩu hàng hóa sẽ bắt đầu hồi phục trong nửa sau của năm, với sự tăng đáng kể từ nhu cầu về các sản phẩm công nghệ. Nhu cầu nội địa tại APAC sẽ được kích thích trong nửa sau của năm sau khi lạm phát hạ nhiệt.Ông Vincent Conti: S&P Global Ratings dự kiến kinh tế thế giới sẽ có điều chỉnh nhẹ vào năm 2024, các nhà hoạch định chính sách có thể sẽ đạt được kết quả lạm phát thấp hơn mà không có sự suy thoái kinh tế đáng kể. Tuy nhiên, dự kiến nền kinh tế Mỹ trong vài quý tới sẽ có tốc độ tăng trưởng thấp hơn so với hiện tại.Ở khu vực APAC, sự trì trệ trong lĩnh vực bất động sản của Trung Quốc sẽ tiếp tục làm áp lực lên nền kinh tế nước này, và tăng trưởng có thể sẽ dưới 5% vào năm 2024. Tuy nhiên, nhu cầu xuất khẩu cho phần còn lại của khu vực APAC có khả năng tăng trưởng trở lại nhờ vào sự phục hồi của lĩnh vực điện tử sau một chu kỳ giảm dài.Ông Robert Carnell: Nền kinh tế toàn cầu sẽ suy yếu hơn trong năm 2024, tỷ lệ tăng trưởng của Trung Quốc có thể thấp hơn năm 2023, châu Âu đã rơi vào suy thoái và tác động từ việc tăng lãi suất trước đó có thể thể hiện rõ hơn trong năm 2024, kinh tế Mỹ cũng sẽ chậm lại dù chưa thể khẳng định có rơi vào suy thoái hay không. Nhìn chung, bối cảnh bên ngoài cho VN sẽ vẫn rất khó khăn.GS David Dapice: Nền kinh tế thế giới dự kiến sẽ tăng trưởng chậm hơn so với năm 2023, mà theo Ngân hàng Thế giới (WB) dự báo thì kinh tế toàn cầu tăng trưởng ở mức khoảng 2,5%. Trung Quốc sẽ đạt mức tăng trưởng 5% trừ khi có thêm các biện pháp kích thích. Kinh tế Mỹ cũng sẽ chậm lại. Châu Âu gần như hoặc đã rơi vào suy thoái do siết chính sách tiền tệ và giá năng lượng tăng. Nhiều quốc gia đang phát triển đối mặt với vấn đề nợ nần. Trong bối cảnh này, lãi suất toàn cầu và lãi suất của Mỹ sẽ giảm dần, nhưng phải chờ đến năm 2025 thì mới có tác dụng. Tổng thể thế giới đang đối mặt với tình trạng dân số già đi và tỷ lệ sinh thấp; nguồn vốn cho quá trình chuyển đổi xanh bị hạn chế…Kỳ vọng xuất khẩu của Việt NamQua đó, ông dự báo thế nào về kinh tế Việt Nam trong năm 2024?Chuyên gia Danny Kim: Chúng tôi dự báo nền kinh tế Việt Nam sẽ tăng trưởng 6% trong năm 2024, tăng từ mức mở rộng 5% trong năm 2023. Điều này chủ yếu được thúc đẩy bởi chi tiêu tiêu dùng mạnh mẽ và sản xuất công nghiệp. Sau khi tăng trưởng trong năm 2023 không đạt được mục tiêu được đặt ra ban đầu, chính phủ đã dời tập trung sang việc thúc đẩy kết nối khu vực và chuyển đổi số. Điều này sẽ giúp hỗ trợ sản xuất. Theo đánh giá sơ bộ, quý 4/2023 Việt Nam tăng trưởng 6,72% so với quý 4/2022, và quý 4/2023 là quý có mức tăng trưởng cao nhất trong 4 quý năm 2023. Đây có thể là kết quả từ việc xuất khẩu mạnh mẽ hơn. Chúng tôi dự kiến đà tăng trưởng xuất khẩu mạnh mẽ sẽ tiếp tục vào năm 2024.Ông Vincent Conti: Đối với Việt Nam, chúng tôi dự kiến tăng trưởng năm 2024 sẽ là 6,3%. Sự tăng trưởng này đạt được do sự phục hồi của lĩnh vực điện tử và một lĩnh vực dịch vụ mạnh mẽ sẽ hỗ trợ triển vọng tốt hơn, mặc dù các thách thức từ lĩnh vực bất động sản tiếp tục có thể làm giảm tăng trưởng công nghiệp nội địa tổng thể.Ông Robert Carnell: Tôi đồng thuận với sự báo của Bloomberg về việc GDP của Việt Nam sẽ tăng trưởng 6,1% trong năm 2024, sau khi tăng trưởng 5,1% trong năm 2023. Đây là một sự tăng trưởng nhẹ.GS David Dapice: Xuất khẩu c���a Việt Nam bắt đầu tăng trưởng vào quý 4/2023 và điều này có thể tiếp tục trong năm 2024, do có sự tác động từ việc đầu tư trực tiếp nước ngoài (FDI) tiếp tục tăng. Mục tiêu tăng trưởng 6 - 6,5% cho năm 2024 là hợp lý nếu nền kinh tế thế giới không tồi tệ hơn. Du lịch dự kiến sẽ tiếp tục phục hồi về mức độ trước đó, mặc dù tăng trưởng trong số lượng du khách đến sẽ chậm hơn so với năm 2023.Trong bối cảnh đó, ông có khuyến nghị Việt Nam nên có chính sách thế nào?Chuyên gia Danny Kim: Ngân hàng Nhà nước Việt Nam (SBV) đã không rơi vào xu thế chung siết chặt tiền tệ toàn cầu trong năm 2023. SBV đã giảm lãi suất cơ bản còn 4,5%, nên nếu cắt giảm tiếp thì sẽ không khả thi trong tương lai gần. SBV gần đây đã nhấn mạnh kỳ vọng lãi suất có thể không tăng trong năm 2024. Khi hoạt động kinh tế toàn cầu trở lại, thì có lẽ chính sách tiền tệ không cần phải vận dụng quá nhiều. Thay vào đó, cần tập trung vào chính sách tài khóa. Chúng tôi kỳ vọng Chính phủ Việt Nam sẽ ngày càng nhấn mạnh việc phát triển cơ sở hạ tầng như một nguồn động lực chính cho tăng trưởng kinh tế trong những năm sắp tới.Ông Robert Carnell: Nhu cầu của thị trường nước ngoài bị yếu thì mức độ cạnh tranh trên thị trường thế giới sẽ càng gay gắt. Trong bối cảnh đó, Việt Nam nên cố gắng đảm bảo hàng hóa xuất khẩu không mất đi tính cạnh tranh khi vẫn duy trì đồng tiền mạnh. Ngoài ra, Việt Nam cần củng cố nền kinh tế nội địa bằng các biện pháp tăng cường năng suất và tính cạnh tranh (ví dụ phát triển hạ tầng).GS David Dapice: Việt Nam cần đảm bảo nguồn cung cấp điện ổn định và giải quyết các vấn đề ngành bất động sản và trái phiếu doanh nghiệp. Thêm vào đó là việc duy trì quan hệ tốt với các đối tác kinh tế lớn như Mỹ và Trung Quốc.
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snoople-boop · 9 months
!!I will not be censoring any of the supporters names, this is what they've done to me!!
This is all done by my memories, if I got any info wrong please correct me
Here is the Twitter version in case you need it (it also has screenshots)
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The context behind how this bullshit started was someone on a Natewantstobattle discord server who said that Daniel was innocent and taking his name out of the blacklisted. They argued that Daniel had been unfairly targeted and that he had done nothing wrong. They argued that the decision was wrong and that Daniel deserved a chance to be heard. They also argued that Daniel should be given the opportunity to explain his side of the story and that the decision to blacklist him should be reversed... Which I got banned from the server too (or the server no longer exists)
Abi and Loki had the nerve to tell me that what I was doing was totally fine, and then they went ahead and gaslight me even more. They had the audacity to say that the people on Reddit (r/Natewantstobattle and r/GetScared) were the ones in the wrong, not me. And then they had the nerve to praise me for asking people to harass the victims. but they continued to support that worthless sack of dried cum. They believed the lies that Sabrina said!
They said that I was doing a great job when I "found evidence of Daniel being innocent" (which was either a crappy written tweet or a horribly-evidenced screenshot thing that can prove if stuff is fake or not) Then, when the first server went to crap, they all bailed and deleted the evidence of the entire server. One of the supporters went ahead and posted "evidence" without even asking me first. Asshole. They also put my username on the NWTB wiki without my permission. I had to tell them to take it down. Then they asked me to tell Boy Hero about Christina Vee and if the stream freezes, ask him again. I was like, "why?" But I went along with it because that's what they wanted. They made a Justice For Mandopony Reddit and dumped the responsibility on me. Again. (Tbh the Reddit was already dead). They had the nerve to ask me to make another Mandopony subreddit. So, I did it, but none of them wanted to join except Abi. (The GS + NTWB one I made for fun.) . They actually told me to go around telling people about it and posting it everywhere "what Nate did," (which wasn't true. Abi forced me to call her mom, a request to which I was ok with for some reason,
In addition, Abi made a point of that we, are a family. She said that Loki is the dad while she was the mom. She also promised undying attention (which I never got), I thought doing all of these things would give me attention from them
I wanted to make them happy and proud for what I've done, Abi in one of the discord servers pulled a "people are harassing me wahhh Vincent come save me" card.
She also said that Nate's mods and the entire fandom hold hate towards her. She also said that I was "special". She has a separate account that she spies on me, She said and I quote "I prefer to keep my second account private just in case I get harassed too much here". One of them bothered Iskey and I told Iskey it wasn't me, I sent her the proof and it pisses them off and yelled at me on why I I gave it it Iskey. Some dipshit told me to go spread everywhere on discord servers that "Mandopony is innocent" bullshit and I got banned from every single one. But they still had the nerve to praise me for what I was doing on the GS Reddit. I mean, I could go into detail, but let's just say it's not worth the effort... During my time on Tumblr I came across a rumor of Johnny visiting Joel In jail. It pissed me off, I spread misinformation and chaos, adding to the confusion surrounding the rumor. I reached out to Johnny via email, sincerely apologizing for my role in perpetuating the rumor, He responded with kindness and understanding (I still wanna beat the shit out of who made the rumor but still). Once they made me write a fanfic of Joel and Johnny. It made me super uncomfortable. Plus they wanted me to post it on Wattpad. It had to do some serious damage control once it hit r/GetScared, I played it cool and acted like I wrote it for shits and giggles... I don't remember the rest.. So, months later, I finally told them about what Joel did. I compared the chats to that one screenshot I had of the GS discord servers (now delete, not showing it. The screenshot is now pointless) and one of the conversations with those cunts. And that led to a full blown argument. Told them that Sabrina LIED about the shit rumors she made about Nate. BUT. They said "it was an adult and not a minor so it's ok". Like dawg that's still cheating how dumb are you. like both are horrible.
They took advantage of a minor (I was 17) who's autistic, barely talks, and stutters words. They even used my hyperfixation as a trap, and my horrible social ques as a trap also
I'm super sorry to the people I hurt
!!On March 27th 10:00 PM, I stopped being friends with Abi and Loki, which resulted in me being stalked by his supporters. They have been claiming that claimed that I am lying. They also got one of the people that I used to know suspended from their account, and also harassed and stalked them!!
Abi and Loki manipulated me into thinking i wasn't uncomfortable to moving in with them, because of how bad Texas was at the time and my autism, they convinced me that jumping off a water tower will twist your ankle and not paralyze you. They said "that bitch is lying, you can't get paralyzed but jumping off a water tower. The only thing that can happen is you twisting your ankle!" They sent a photo on a small water tower because I didn't know what they looked like "oh those? Aren't they big?" "Didn't you say you have messed up vision? Your eyes are tricking you"
I've had really horrible nightmares about them, they got so bad to the point where one of the nightmares was them trying to fuck me
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albertserra · 6 years
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Claude Rains and Walter Abel in Mr. Skeffington (1944) dir. Vincent Sherman
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234am · 7 years
headcanon: Vincent is a hoarder of small objects, squirreled away in hidden pockets.
He either collects lost objects or keeps borrowed belongings. Always small, mundane things like pens, string, lipstick, spare change, travel kit-sized toiletries etc, never anything of real value. Then someone will need a thing, and he hands it over without a word.
Imagine: he awkwardly befriends the gang during the OG this way because talking to them is difficult. Tifa snaps her last hair tie, Vincent’s got a ribbon from Aerith. Single servings of tea or smokes for Cid, bandaids and throwing stars for Yuffie, lotion, stray bullets, and gun oil for Barret...
Also: Yuffie finds it funny to give Vincent seemingly useless objects, like shells, marbles, or other small knickknacks to see if he’ll ever find a use for them. (She has also used him as a stash for stolen materia with regrettable results; Vincent passed the responsibility and headache to Cloud.)
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