#vimse tag!
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mire-draws-things · 2 months ago
Hi. Are you Mire from the blog that was once known as mire-draws-things dot tumblr dot com? 👀
Hi hello hiii, Vimse how glad I am to see you christening my inbox :D It do be me, I'm back on my clone gratuitous sexualizing drawing bs 😌
Also, I've heard the road ahead is dangerous, take this Tech sketch (x2) with you 🤲🏾✨ 🤲🏾✨
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auntie-venom · 1 year ago
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Being attracted to Crosshair is very situational for me, and this is one of those situations. Hot damn.
Last Line Challenge
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like)
Thank you for the tags @the-bad-batch-baroness and @anxiouspineapple99!
Uhh, the last line I drew today was a sketch for a Crosshair painting I wanna do in the future. I’m not sure about the hair, since I usually want curly hair on my clones. But his placeholder hair kind of fits with the sleek vibes I wanna portray, so maybe I’ll keep it. Also unsure about the expression. I was aiming for the crooked smirk he does in the tcw episode but I think I missed the mark when I cleaned the sketch. Oof enough rambling, enjoy the wip:
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Tagging: nobody because my brain is mush and I can’t think properly rn 😅
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pinascloneevents · 21 days ago
Hello friends! Piña here!
I have been thinking about this for over a year now and I’m finally ready to throw this out to the masses for an interest check.
Below is an interest form for a Clone x OC Zine.
As you can guess, this zine would be an appreciation for clones and their oc ships. Please fill out the form if you’re interested and reblog for visibility!
Potential interest tags: @vimse @523rdrebel @wizardofrozz @a-single-tulip @clonethirstingisreal
@the-bad-batch-baroness @kimiheartblade @rexxdjarin @eclec-tech @crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf
@eobe @nika6q @multi-fan-dom-madness @frostycatblr-fandom-files @gregorsmissingarmor
@ghostymarni @lonewolflupe @photogirl894 @queenjiru @ulchabhangorm @eternal-transcience
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ghostymarni · 25 days ago
last line challenge
tysm @collophora for the tag 😭✨🤩 most of my wips were either scrapped or are words on my notes app BUT I have one I started that I flash colored recently; I wanted to attempt more armor practice 🫣☕️✨
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I tag @lonewolflupe @eobe @yunyun160 @vikushat @vimse @crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf
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eobe · 7 days ago
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Up to no good... 👀✨
I thought myself that I recently mentioned quite often, that I drown in WIP 🙈 So have some glimpses of some artworks that are almost ready to rock the next round when some evil plans will launchhhh... 😎🖤
And you thought that I've got tired of gothing clones? 😁 Uhm, NO! 🔥 Me and maybe some others have just begun 😱 Hold your spotchka glasses and raise your horns, the #gar goth night is young and full of possibilities 🤩 Also check out the @gargothnightzine 😽 (yeah 👀 "-zine"! ✨) Use those two tags to join with your art, writing, super incorrect and inappropriate quotes and fun chat dialogues, thoughts, ideas and creations if you thirst for dark and gothy clones, OCs and shenanigans! 💜✨🖤
Taglist: @bixlasagna @returnofthepineapple  @vrycurious @dystopicjumpsuit @chaicilatte @spaceyjessa @freesia-writes
GAR Goth Night friends and Chaos vode 🖤✨ @ghostymarni @lonewolflupe @wings-and-beskargam @eclec-tech @foxwithadarkside @fiveminutetrash @crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf @feral-ferrule @ladylucksrogue @nika6q @skellymom @vimse @sunshinesdaydream @noblelightfighter @freesia-writes @covert1ntrovert @vikushat @nocturius8015ficore @mamuzzy @risavulpes @niobiumao3 @sazzujazzu @thepinkwool I hope I didn’t miss someone? 🤔 If you interested to stay tuned, comment and tag me or PM 🤩 
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foxwithadarkside · 1 month ago
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@nika6q @eclec-tech here's the vision @ghostymarni I'm consumed by GAR Goth Night. GUYS! Let's make digital Zine out of this?
@lonewolflupe @wings-and-beskargam @eobe who else we're tagging now...? @crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf @vimse @ladylucksrogue @letshareapapou maybe you'll like this Tech
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feral-ferrule · 1 month ago
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Choy made it to 79’s for GAR Goth Night and brought a friend😃
So to review and preview a little bit- Choy is an Earthling, when she gets to Coruscant she makes a friend. She’s pink twi who works in the Jedi temple kitchens who had avoided Jedi detection as a child but was exploited for her powers and is a force sensitive adult now without Jedi training. (Not named yet)
Troopers keep telling Choy about the theme nights at 79’s and that goth night was coming up and she should go. And she really wants a girls nite out so she proceeded to talk her friend into it. Her friend had a million questions. Choy had to start with what goth means, explain the fashion, aesthetic, pertinent human history. Friend does not like dressing in black so Choy suggested cyber goth but friend didn’t like that one either. So Choy suggested the winter/ice queen/all white look.
But what really sold it was doing a Marie Antoinette theme. Choy had already told her all about French culture after telling her that Twileks sounded French to her. And being a pastry cook she had taken to the idea that French pastries were so good and with the story of the revolution and the queen saying “let them eat cake.”
So it was decided that friend would dress in a chemise a la reine in an almost sheer clingy fabric that looked wet. (Choy explained the whole muslin sickness story and the scandal that women would wet their dresses and go out which might be the oldest urban legend but probably had to do with tuberculosis being a problem back then) Her skin would be powdered white and she’d have a lace and flower fontage even though that was out of fashion in Marie’s time -but who should know except fashion history nerds- and her makeup look would be vampy consumptive chic. She felt super tall already and opted for little flats. She was very pleased with the look because it served as a good disguise and she didn’t want her Jedi overseers to know she was going to 79’s.
Choy heard that some of her favorite troopers were into the whole chains and rings and rivets kind of thing so she wanted to contrast that with the super girly Lolita look. She found a dress that worked for that and it even was like a what the queen would have worn in court, which delighted friend.
Choy made a quick stop in a pet shop on the way to the club. Friend was very puzzled by this and her purchase….
Once they got to the club friend felt a little out of place until she caught sight of a tall slim trooper wearing a white suit and- goggles? She couldn’t take her eyes off of him as Choy steered them through the crowd and under the silly paper bats someone had strung up for the night.
A non-definitive tag list:
@eobe @crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf @foxwithadarkside @eclec-tech @ghostymarni @skellymom @wings-and-beskargam @vimse @ladylucksrogue @lonewolflupe @nika6q @sunshinesdaydream
If I didn’t tag you it’s because I didn’t see you in the gar goth night tags, I’ll keep collecting peeps here.
There is definitely more to come!
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wings-and-beskargam · 3 days ago
Holograph of Archer walking into 79s GAR Goth Night!
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“The club was bumping, and everyone seemed to be having a good time! I noticed a very fresh-faced lad who appeared to be studying me (while talking to himself?) before I finally spotted a familiar face (well one whom I know at any rate) - Gregor! Just as I was moving to chat with Gregor, a vaguely familiar man approached and quickly snapped this holo of me. Strange. I didn’t know there was going to be event holography….”
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Using @eobe tag list for GAR Goth Night folks: @ghostymarni @lonewolflupe @foxwithadarkside @fiveminutetrash @crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf @feral-ferrule @skellymom @vimse @gargothnightzine @sunshinesdaydream @freesia-writes @covert1ntrovert @vikushat @nocturius8015ficore @ladylucksrogue @eclec-tech
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freesia-writes · 1 year ago
Master List of Clone Wars/Bad Batch Fanartists, PART ONE
Part Two here!
Hi guys. I'm always trying to remember all the AMAZING talent we have here, so I wanted to try to put together a master list of the fanartists in this particular realm. If you have any to add, yourself included, you can either comment or reblog it and I'll add it to the list! Or, if you're not active anymore or wish to be removed, feel free to let me know. 💙 I'll put em in alphabetical order so they're easier to find.
Edited to add: DANG, I can only tag 50 peeps at once. And it keeps giving me an error message even with fewer than 50. What the heck?
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talesfrommedinastation · 1 year ago
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Happy Tech Tuesday!
This is the first piece of post-Far Past the Ring Tech and Sjael art that I commissioned back in May. Done, once again, by the incomparable @matthewyeetz on Twitter.
Tech’s rocking his sweet Transport Union uniform, Sjael’s in her work dress with her beloved vanilla orchid, and most importantly, they look like they stepped out of a Disney movie.
Oh, and Tech isn’t shorter: Sjael is 6’4, right at Tech’s height. Shes a Belter and taller than humans born on planets with natural gravity.
Gotta throw the tags for those who haven’t seen it yet: @eyecandyeoz @sued134 @rocicrew @techs-stitches @ilikemymendarkandfictional @anxiouspineapple99 @amalthiaph @freesia-writes @littlefeatherr @vivaislenska @vimse @blitzink @marymunchkiin @merkitty49 @megmca
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skellymom · 1 month ago
Did I miss it???
GAR Goth Nite?
I accepted an invite to the group Tues but didn't get my art done until 5am Wed.
But, here it is:
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Art marker on paper.
It's my OC Mad with Hunter from my Bad Batch series "Vagabonds."
Mad is wearing a Goth tribal belly dance outfit, complete with a Beskar Unk. She's got a full circle skirt that can be swished around as she dances.
Of course I pick Dead Can Dance for the music to go with my artwork. Sensual, dark, world music with Middle Eastern flair.
It's a classic 🖤✨
YouTube link to the song:
Thanks to the following people who made GAR Goth night:
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vimse · 3 months ago
Wip Game
Thanks for the tag @freesia-writes. I can’t write to save my life but I think this is fun? I’m commandeering this game to apply to artists too, and modifying some rules to challenge myself.
Game rules:
Make a 24hr poll with the titles of every WIP you plan to work on even if it’s only one or two. Once the poll closes, write one sentence for every vote received on the winning WIP spend 10 minutes for every vote received on each of the WIPs.
The ones marked with 🌶 contains nudity.
The Tilvie sketch redraw refers to this one that I did in December 2023:
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NPTs: @crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf @ghostymarni @523rdrebel if y’all haven’t already been tagged 🧡
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crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf · 3 months ago
WIP Poll Game
Thanks for the tag @vimse!
How... To do this though.
I'm only working on Disgrace and ClonexOc Week currently, I've had some ideas for some smutty one shots but I'm not gonna say I'll write them right now cause I won't. I'm doing the CxOc comics by batch So I have the line work for the first few days done, I'm weighing if I want to color those or finish more line work first.
Help me prioritize the work load??
I'm gonna do more Ga'hah Guidebook too but can't commit right this second.
Who amongst you are jugglers?
@haybellewrites @orangez3st @leapingbadger @gun-roswell @eobe @feral-ferrule @cloneflo99 @clonethirstingisreal
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ghostymarni · 3 months ago
WIP TAG GAME (art edition)
tysm @vimse for the tag! I’m nosy + I like seeing what others are working on I think it’s creatively interesting + sometimes it can inspire other things too!
[RULES: Make a 24hr poll with the titles of every WIP you plan to work on even if it’s only one or two. Once the poll closes, spend 10 minutes for every vote received on each of the WIPs.]
this is outside of working on the holonet clone asks, there like 8 left. Then the 300 follower event which nsfw won the vote, but there will be a sfw version too since the vote was so close.
// @lonewolflupe @eobe @wings-and-beskargam @yunyun160 @thora-sniper @noirrart @leenathegreengirl @nika6q //
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clonemedickix · 1 year ago
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Commander Wolffe
If you’d like to be tagged for new art, click here.
If you’d like to see the entire collection, click here.
@theogfulcrum22 @king-chaos-world @sunshinesdaydream @starrylothcat @anxiouspineapple99 @sev-on-kamino @mire-draws-things @the-bad-batch-baroness @cloneloverrrrr @mandos-mind-trick @padawancat97 @dukeoftheblackstar @wolffegirlsunite @isthereanechoinhere96 @jediknightjana @wackylurker @moonlightwarriorqueen @wizardofrozz @multi-fan-dom-madness @starqueensthings @dickarchivist @amorfista @villanousace @mythical-illustrator @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @523rdrebel @vimse @a-single-tulip @sinfulsalutations
Commissions open, click here.
Dividers by @dystopicjumpsuit
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523rdrebel · 2 months ago
Wow! I got tagged by quite a few people, thank you for the tags: @wings-and-beskar @littlemissmanga , @eternal-transcience, @frostycatblr-fandom-files, and @dystopicjumpsuit (if i missed you, I'm sorry!)
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips or close enough, idk, I'm not a cop
- Far Beyond Loyalty (Rex x OC Embrey)
- Royalty AU/ Princess x Body Guard (Isabella x Crosshair) - Answered here
- Murder in Neon - (Fox x Detective OC) - Answered here, here, and here
- Untitled - (Tech x OC Tay'la)
- Tales from the Underworld - OC Trooper Squad (The Underworld Squad) Answered here
- Untitled - (OC Daneel Ramót)
- The CF99 Special - Caf Shop AU (TBB and mutliple OCs) Answered here
I do have many many more ✨️concepts of WIPs✨️ lol but these I at least have a solid enough idea to have Pinterest boards and/or have written a little bit on them.
NPT: @dickarchivist @vimse @freesia-writes @a-single-tulip @starrylothcat @coffeeandbatboys
(Sorry, if you've been tagged already, I wasn't sure)
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