#villian deku series
bibibbon · 2 months
I'm so done with MHA now which is so sad because at one point in time I loved it.
Just all this time, (and MONEY!) I and all of us spent on this shit of a series , and the conclusion is that all the 99% of the main villians die, (and fail to be saved by thier hero counterparts eventhough that was poorly set up - but I digress).
Izuku remains abused by Bakugou (with Bakugou growing over Izuku's character and role as MC.)
Todoroki Enji remains free and relatively well off despite being outed as an abuser (with his narrative growing over Shoto's story especially but also Rei's, Dabi's and every other Todofam members too.)
Talking of Izuku, ironically, the poor kid has become more of a literal 'Deku' controlled by the narrative the more the series has gone on. To the point where I couldn't feel connected to him anymore, despite him being my favourite at one point, because all these major things have happened, such as losing OFA he's like 😐 / softly smiling at Bkg while Bkg, his abuser, is the one who bawls about it.
I'm so dissatisfied, so angry that even my love for fic of this has faded because it's so rare to find one that offers true concequence to Bakugou, Endeavor and Aizawa - that also treats Izuku well.
Sorry for the vent, I was furious, but now I am just sad and needed someone like minded to anonymously talk this out with.
That's a totally valid feeling to have towards MHA. To be honest I have kind of gotten used to watching/interacting with shows that have a lot of wasted potential so MHA doesn't bother me as much (even if I go on long rants about it's wasted potential tbh I find it more fun to just ramble at this point)
I have never actually spent money on a lot of the media I consume so I can't actually relate but dam I do feel bad and can empathize with you over that.
Overall I do every much agree with your rant and the way the narrative simply sucks everything interesting out of izuku is so disappointing. Ironically izuku has been turned literally into a physical "deku" whether that be 1) by the narrative or 2) in his fight with shigaraki where he literally couldn't move without the help of blackwhip.
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thekingofwinterblog · 28 days
I think your point of Deku feeling like a lesser All Might is the result of the story not wanting to commit to any too radical change, only saying "people will try harder and do better" - hence Deku at best is an imitation of All Might, the symbol which for all the critisicm, basically got rehabiliitated.
Thats why, besides all the build up and weirdo fans that whiteknight the LOV too much, there was need for "redemption" - because this would make Deku look different, as someone who brought something truely new, something that could surpass even All Might - saving not only the civilians, the status qou - but also the villians, fixing society and not just letting it go on forever.
Back when the series was still running i was honestly thinking we were building towards the idea that the entire series was gonna be the origin story of the MHA universe's justice league.
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That seemed the logical solution to a lot of the current system's flaws.
The pro hero system was an imperfect solution to a real, complicated problem(namely how to have a running society in a world where everyone has superpowers), and the series was ultimately about exploring those problems, and by extension the obvious flaw of having a superman figure to rely upon to effectively patch up it's shortcomings.
But the fact is, putting every, single problem upon the back of one man, no matter how strong and powerfull didnt work, and in large part was the reason why everyone was so complacant.
For all the infighting and competion for the rankings, the reality was that the entire system was built upon the expecation that all might would always be there, and when he wasnt, the much more flawed upper rankers failed to uphold the system, and in endeavor's case, did more to hurt the public's faith in the system than anyone else.
The obvious solution, and the one i expected the series to head towards, was to effectively do away with the competition element that the rankings represented, and solve the problem through how the Superheroes of the DCAU effectively solved superpowered crime once and for all.
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centralize the entire japanese hero system into one, overarching organization that was for all intents and purposes a centralized superhero team with the entire group working together for the good of the nation, where people would be sent where they were needed, when they were needed, and because this would allow more control, heroes would both be more effective, but also have way more "time to kill" due to not constantly competing to stay relevant, and thus being able to devote more of their lives to do silly little things like take better care of their families.
That was where i thought the series was heading, and how izuku was going to surpass all might, by being the lynchpin for this new system.
obviously it wouldnt have solved all the problems, but i think few people would argue this kind of ending would have been a worse outcome than what we got.
Regarding the idea that the series would somehow "fix" society forever though, it's something i actually disagree with most of the others who hated the ending.
One of the things that made MHA special, is that unlike One Piece, that far too often had endings that were way too happy, MHA made no bones about the fact that there were no perfect fixes. the world was complicated, people were and would forever be flawed, and there was never going to be any one size fits all solution that would make everything better.
Im glad the ending did not backtrack on that point... But the problem is the fact that it offered NO solutions or improvements as a whole, with Uraraka and Shoji's work being the only real things that seems to have changed the system beyond everyone "Working harder".
also, there is one other point that the series screwed up on, which is how it handled the way it presented the virtues of what "The status quo" actually means.
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MHA's entire first two thirds are about building up to a societal collapse, where law and order break down, where to hero system fails.
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One of the reasons why the LOV are the villains of the piece, and what separates them from the heroes, is their ability to completely dissasociate the fact that they just set into motion events that killed hundreds of thousands of people, while discussing their hopes and dreams, as gigantomachia is killings thousands up people that they are literarily trampling underfoot.
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One of the reasons Dabi is such an amazingly good villain is that he is the only leaguer who just throws any and all justifications for the greater good to the wind when Twice dies, and he commits himself fully to his actual goal, of hurting his dad, and ripping their society to pieces.
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and he does just that in spectacular manner, as using his understanding of how society works, he shifts all blame unto him in the eyes of the public.
chapter 290 is probably MHA's best chapter, and definitly it's best villain chapter as Dabi in one move rips his dad's life and Japan's society to pieces.
But the manga does not in any way try to present him in a positive or even neutral light.
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After all, his amazingly devastating revenge is juxtaposed with images of what ripping down the "Status Quo" actually looks like.
Shattered lives.
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destroyed children.
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lives on a grand scale snuffed out.
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When Shigaraki gives his famous villain and heroes speech, what we are actually shown when he describes "Trash that needs to be coddled" we are shown what that actually means. Innocent children, who's lives have just been ruined, many of them who will now have to live with lifelong trauma.
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and after all is said and done, what was the actual result of "Tearing down the status quo"?
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Fear, hatred, mistrust, and murder. might makes right.
THIS is what always happens when law and order breaks down, and anarchy actually gets to reign.
it has happened countless times throughouth history, be it Japan's Sengoku Jidai, China's warring states periods, the french revolution, the russian revolution, the haiti revolution, the splitting of Alexander's empire, the norwegian civil war period, the era of the princes in ethiophia, the fall of the western roman empire, The Bronze age collapse, and so, so many others.
This is what ALWAYS happens when the "Status Quo" is violently torn down. And MHA for all it's faults does a pretty good job showcasing it.
No the problem is two fold, in how it actually showcases it in a grander context.
It lacks a figure that really calls the villains out on their hypocisy and the aftermath of what their actions have actually lead to.
2. We arent given a real estimate of just how BRUTAL their actions actually were.
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In One piece chapter 543, the main protagonist of the series, Monkey D. Luffy is called out by Hannyabal that his actions in that arc, are, WRONG.
That the prison of Impel Down, that luffy and his gathered band are breaking out of exists to keep the people of the world safe, and to let innocent people live their lives in a "Status Quo" of peace and order, withouth having to fear for their lives from the "Golden age of piracy".
Now the One Piece universe has the caveat that the World Government is so objectively evil, that despite Hannyabal's good intentions here, you could make a solid case that every single one of the pirates in impel down is an objectively lesser evil than the WG.
However, that is not the argument luffy makes, because he is NOT a hero.
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Luffy does not CARE about a debate in right and wrong. While he has his own morals, if the time comes that he has to choose between what he wants, or what others considers good, luffy does not care to debate such issues with them. because he is not a hero. he is a pirate, and he does as he will.
The reason why this scene works so well, is to illustrate the fact that luffy, despite doing a lot of good through the series, is NOT a Hero.
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it's why at the end of this chapter, luffy is put face to face with his main rival, the likely final villain of the series blackbeard.
This is not the story about the rivalry between a good hero and an evil villain. It's the story about two men with the same goals and willingness to step over others that they dont like to reach that goal.
this entire scene and what it represents is all about laying this bare, and to prepare to lead into the fact that luffy's main motivation through most of one piece second half is to assassinate his political rivals.
While they might be objectively evil people, and luffy gets more, and better moral motivation to kill both of them, Luffy's actual motivation to kill kaido and big mom are built upon pure ambition and nothing more.
which is the point about the aforementioned scene in Impel down.
unlike MHA, One piece is NOT a story about good versus evil. it's main themes are freedom, for both good and ill.
MHA however, IS a story about good and evil, and as such is REALLY needed a figure like Hannyabal during the final arc, and objectively good person who called the league as a whole out on all their bullshit.
Because withouth it, it can, as proven by all the people who were confused about the league not getting any redemption, think that MHA is saying the league's actions can, in some way justify their actions, when the entire point of the latter half of the manga is to illustrate just how much it VERY MUCH CANNOT.
The destruction and death is there... but this was really a point where the story would have benefited from being blunt as a sledgehammer about just how evil the villains actually were.
which leads me to point two.
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Hunter X Hunter has a villain group that also tries to rip down society and conquer the world in the form of a faction known as the chimera ants.
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Their leader Meruem is frankly speaking one of the best shonen villains ever, and a REALLY well developed character, where over the course of one arc he becomes a far better and more nuanced person... though he never stops being an actual villain who's death was an objective good for the world.
He does HORRIFIC shit and is ultimately responsible for a lot of the horrible stuff his faction does... and yet his actual goals and death count is probably not THAT different than Shigaraki.
Both of them wanted to destroy the current world order, and both of them were stopped before their rampages could expand beyond one single country.
If this is the case, then why is Shigaraki fans far more upset that he was ultimately killed, than Meruem fans are that he was?
Well the fact shigaraki had a much more sympathetic backstory helps, i would argue there is a much, much bigger reason. Namely the fact that HXH focuses FAR more on the actual destruction and attrocities that Meruem's little takeover actual caused... but it also gave us clear, hard numbers, which makes it WAY clearer that despite everything, Meruem was a TRUE monster.
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During the Ant's invasion they killed about half a million people, 478 594 of which were civilians, and 12 905 who were actual soldiers.
Those numbers are about comparible to what shigaraki probably killed, give or take. half of the heroes of a country with tens of thousands of them were killed, while law and order dissapeared, and gigantomachia smashed his way through a dozen cities in one of the most densly places on the earth.
I think MHA would probably have silenced a LOT of critisim for killing of Shigaraki and the League, if they had actually shown these numbers, and given us an exact number of just how many innocent people the league butchered or were responsible for dying in their war against Hero society.
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butterfly-writer · 1 year
So I know u already did part 2 which was phenomenal Iike Amazing so just have to to do another final part 3 will be last one I promise I just having so fun making these ideas request cuz jinx is my fav
Takes place where left off bakugou doesn’t die maybe he blocks the attack from hitting him reader bakugou and reader both have battle have monologue about the past bakugou trying to mends his ways of hurting the reader but reader slowly have meltdown attacking agressive letting her rage get her she slowly getting vulnerable state bakugou like maybe hugs her saying heartfelt speech sorry about everything but maybe he notices one the villains tried to stab or shot BAKUGOU without notices but jinx pushes him out the way users her numbs ti defeat villian to save his life but she got extremely hurt and change of heart but is slowly dying bakugou is in shock and cries while holding her
I can imagine reader saying like “I’m always a jinx I guess I deserve this fate
bakugou is just in shocked tries to help the reader saying she could be hero but reader is like it’s too late for me maybe that can could end I know it’s angst but originally I was gonna let reader have redemption but i felt like wouldn’t fit her arc unless u want to change to be somewhat good ending it up to u but this final part I had in mind for idea it doesn’t have to exact this but u can add changes to ur liking u see fit aslo dm me for any questions cuz I love ur blog aslo i Hope this ok Request and that won’t be trouble just jinx is just fav charcter sm
Always a jinx
Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Summary: Bakugou managed to avoid the attack made by Jinx, but will he be able to change her heart?
★☽A/N: WE DOING IT AGAIN!! I honestly love making this, I haven't had this much fun writing something in a long time!! I'm actually considering making a series (With my own BNHA oc) and will be posting it on Wattpad and maybe Tumblr! Enough of this, let's get into it! ENJOY!!!!
Contents: Angst - a few breakdowns - death(?)
Y/N’s quirk: Arcanna (Allows the user to create crystal-like balls that can be used to boost the user’s stats, power up weapons (Like guns), and can be used as explosives when crushed.)
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Wait.. How? Bakugou was still alive..
Bakugou managed to dodge the shot but caused himself to fall down on his side, still tied onto the chair. “Y/N, YOU REALLY NEED HELP!” Bakugou angrily said. “WHY CAN’T YOU JUST– DIE?!” Y/N cried, her face was twisted with anger and sadness. She has been tormented by the memories, almost becoming deaf, almost dying from drowning and from his Quirk, and she hated it. Her breakdown was worse this time. She was yelling, trashing her surroundings while Bakugou tried his best to get out of his restraints. “Why can’t you leave me alone? I hate you! Stop! Shut up!!” She said to herself, her hands gripping her hair hard.
Bakugou managed to get out of the restraints and quickly walked towards Y/N. “Y/N, calm down.” He said in a stern voice, almost demanding. Y/N just looked at him with her E/C eyes that glowed a pink glow. “Leave me ALONE!” She screamed, pushing him away.
“Y/N, listen to me. I know I haven’t been the nicest to you in the past but what I know, I can change. Someone showed me that I could change to be a better person, a better hero. I hate that I couldn’t mend things with you but this is my chance to mend things with you if you let me help you. You can become the hero you always dreamed of with Deku.” Bakugou softly said, extending both his hands out as he walked slowly towards Jinx who was looking at him with widened eyes, her hands fidgeting.
“I don’t need your pity.” She spat with venom. “I’m not pitying you, I’m trying to help you.” Bakugou replied, getting close to her by the second. “I don’t need anyone’s help. I’m hopeless! I’m a freak case! What makes you think you could fix me?!” Jinx asked, her body was in an unstable, angered, and vulnerable state. She was shaking as she heard the voices messing with her head.
By now, Bakugou was standing close to her, looking straight at her but she was standing on her left side, not noticing Bakugou as she held her head in a tight grip. Bakugou felt guilty, how is that possible? He feels no quilty over bullying Deku but he felt the guilt twist his guts when it came to remembering his torment on Jinx. If he wanted to be a hero, he needed to make some changes. His hands reach towards Jinx’s trying to get her attention. But as his hands reached closer, she turned her head to look at him with frightened eyes as she looked at his hands that were reaching for hers.
She couldn’t help but sob more as she pounced on him, crying hysterically. Bakugou was stunned but soon hugged her back, combing her hair to soothe her. “I don’t think I can fix you.. But I can help you.” Was all Katsuki said.
She lifted her head to look him in the eyes. “Do..Do you think I can be a.. Hero too..?” She asked in soft hiccups. Katsuki had a small smile on and nodded, “Yes.” He answered.
Jinx couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief? Of what? Oh… Relieved that she could change paths, that she could follow her dreams instead of following her nightmares. Relieved that she could make new friends, friends with the same goal.
That all faded away when she saw someone behind Katsuki. Toga, and she looked furious. Furious that one of her close friends in the League was hugging a hero course student, the League’s target no less! She grabbed her knife and swung it towards Bakugou’s back. Jinx’s eyes widened and quickly hugged Katsuki tight which shocked him. What shocked him more was when she quickly turned around, swapping their places when she was stabbed by the thrown knife, its very tip grazing her heart.
“Y/N!” He called out. He was furious, blasting Toga away from them. Katsuki didn’t pull the knife out since it was impaled in her and would only cause her to bleed out if he were to take it out. “Why the fuck would you do that?!” He angrily asked. Y/N just smiled. “A hero would do that… Right?” She asked with a smile. Katsuki couldn’t stop the water from pouring out of his eyes. “...Right.” He grinned.
“Shit- I’m always a jinx so I guess I deserve this fate.” She chuckled. Katsuki couldn’t help but tear up a bit. He quickly grabbed her to try to pick her up to bring her to the hospital– But she stopped him. “You won’t be fast enough.” She protested. “I will be fast enough!” Bakugou protested back, picking her up and ran as fast as he could to bring her to the hospital.
Just as they were a mile away from the hospital, someone yelled from a distance. “IT’S NOT OVER YET!” Bakugou didn’t look but he knew it was a member from the LOV. Shigaraki was furious that he lost his little play toy. Using two of his fingers, he grabbed a crystal that was long ago made by Y/N. He smashed it to the ground, inches away from Y/N and Katsuki.
Bakugou managed to blast away before it exploded, creating a hole in the city’s ground but only caused the knife to slip even deeper by the impact. “You’ll make it.” He promised to the girl who had fallen unconscious, running as fast as he could.
The hospital’s walls were white and clean, the air was fresh, and patients and medical staff crowded the halls and rooms.
In one of the rooms, Katsuki Bakugou held the hands of Y/N L/N who lay unconscious on a hospital bed. He hoped for the best for her.
Slowly, she opened her eyes to the bright light of the hospital room, taking quick glances around the room before her eyes landed on Katsuki’s figure. He felt eyes on him and looked up to see her looking at him. He couldn’t help but show a small smile before hugging her softly.
Jinx was no more… It was just.. Y/N. A soon to be hero.
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★☽A/N: And that’s the finale!! I hope it wasn’t that short. I just want to thank you all for the support that you have given me. I hope to learn how to write better, fix my grammar and update my vocabulary!
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year
I saw your ask about how you would change MHA and want to add...AFO should be utterly pathetic.
Yes. I love evil mastermind as much the next guy. But AFO is a loser, look he has a powerful quirk and could have taken down the world but he instead figgle his tumbs and pines over Yoichi.
(The final villains should have been Redestro and HC)
Like the man is such loser...if I see any fic where he is a competent villain...I will think is an oc.
But let me ask you this: aside fron how loser AFO is, have you noticed how the world in mha seems to be a dystopia?
Hi @mikeellee 👋,
My issue with AFO is essentially this, he was built up by Hori at the beginning as someone who was meant to be the big bad, intimidating, powerful and a real threat to the heroes.
Yet later in the series he makes some of the most dumbass and infuriating decisions and reactions. I'll give some examples:
Screwing Shiggy's potential as a threatening villain in his own right? - AFO's fault.
AFO getting scared by a first year (Tokoyami and Dark Shadow) and getting strange PTSD off Bakugou? What the fuck was that Hori?!
Staying in Tartarus and waiting for Shig to get him out even though he could bust out at anytime himself? Lazy motherfucker.
Getting tricked by first year's including the UA traitor, who he didn't think to secure the loyalty of somehow? Like I don't know by making Yuuga explode like we just saw him do to Nagant? Yeah AFO didn't think to do that apparently...
I can find pathetic AFO funny and can laugh about it at times however an reflective issue of that on the story is this : If AFO becomes a pathetic villain by extension all the OFA holders 1 - 8 (including All Might become pathetic too.) Because if he is pathetic it shouldn't take 8/9 generations of OFA holders to end him.
As for your next point -
The main villains should be ReDestro and the HPSC. I can see where you're coming from and I think it would be a more interesting story if they were bigger villians. Many themes and ideas would tie organically here
1) ReDestro could have a quirk marriage of his own to carry on and strengthen his / his families legacy. (A good idea you gave to me in our private messages. This would fit his character.)
2) Geten being a Himura would tie in organically here as well as having him parallel Endeavor's lust for power/ attitude.
It would tie more into the world building of MHA and "heroic corruption" that Hori tells us off but never shows (bar Endeavor whose pathetic redemption undermines that anyway.)
And the final point - is MHA as a dystopia?
So a Dystopia is defined as this on Google
'An imagined state or society in which there is great suffering or injustice, typically one that is totalitarian or post-apocalyptic.'
Hmmm. Yes I can see where you are coming from. I would definitely say that Hori wanted to set it up as the heroic industry / society being corrupt and flawed initially and Deku / his peers to be the one to change that before he pivoted hard away from this angle and the systemic issues go ignored.
Quirkless Discrimination? Unexplored / unresolved.
Mutant Discrimination? Barely given the focus it deserved.
HPSC corruption? Destroyed by a ReDestro clone so they're now a non issue except when Hori wants us to feel sympathy for Hawks or Nagant.
Quirk marriages/ corrupt heroes like Endeavor? Well a 'hero' like that could easily happen again because he received no consequence for being an abusive POS or engaging in a quirk marriage. Also the ranking system remains in place so someone else abusive, powerful and equally driven could occur again.
Do you feel how infuriated I am with all this? Why waste this set up like this, Hori?!
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mliter · 1 year
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Izuku Midoriya.
"If I can't save the one small girl in front of me, how can I become a hero that saves everyone?"
Initially starting out the series as a timid boy that was bullied, he's grown into what i see as one of the greatest characters to come out of a manga. How did he grow into this? He was given a chance.
Deku's a kid that really likes superheroes. He's super passionate about them. He spends his childhood being a superfan of all might. In a world where so many people have superpowers, he spends his early years with the confidence that he'll be blessed with one too. He later finds out that he's quirkless. No superpowers.
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It's a heartwrenching moment that plays out at the start of his story. You see how his life is being the few without superpowers, but he's still him. By complete chance a villian attacks, and even without superpowers, he jumps in to help his bully. You can tell he has a lot of character at this point. In the story, he goes through a lot.
His design is great. The green jumpsuit coupled with the bright red shoes and big white gloves make for a look that can be picked out of a crowd. His green, fuzzy hair is pretty unique to him as well. I still wonder what that thing around his neck is though.. I forgot. Horikoshi’s unique artstyle and proportions also make him even more unique.
As a character, he’s constantly put down by shonen meatheads because he’s too nice, and expresses emotions other than being pissed at his enemies. He does have a tendency to get really into analyzing his opponent and what theyre doing mid battle. Most find it annoying, but I find it a charming trait of the character. He’s a bit of a Boy Scout. Like superman. He’s part of a wave of anime protagonists that are very kind. Deku’s compassion and humanity are some of his strongest attributes. He really lives to the idea of a hero.
Dare I say? he’s one of the greatest superheroes to appear in the recent years.
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aashi-heartfilia · 1 year
worst things about the lastest chapter of mha is the number of people saying ochako cucked izuku with toga (I don't think these people know what that word means) that the plot to stop the villians by trying to get through to them is pointless cause they are irredeemble (the only irredemeble people are those who refuse to change) or them claiming their opinion of ochako couldn't got lower cause clearly by seeing the pain of that the villians are going through means they don't care about their victims or are rewriting the series to support her view
Yup, that sucks.
One of the reasons I'm not able to post much regarding this chapter is because of all this banter. The arguments mostly goes like this...
Ochako finally confessed her deep love for Deku, now they're gonna get married.
See! See! Ochako finally confessed. Now only Izuku needs to confess and then they'll get married and have a bunch of babies (Ewww)
No!! Ochako is TOGA's wife. She called TOGA cute!
Ochako should have just killed the staby pants. So disappointed!
Deku this, Deku that.
It's always the shipping wars!
It's like no one even wants to pay attention to the actual story and always fight upon shipping wars.
And I agree with most of what you've said. Instead of looking at the bigger picture, these types of people are actively making the community more and more toxic.
Personally, I don't engage with them. It's just a waste of time. So, I just laugh from the sidelines.
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 1 year
A Call for Help
A Call for Help by CalicoLynx, Catlady5001, Withstarryeyes
“Deku, Ingenium's needed on the south side for ground support.”
Izuku presses down on the call button, waving Tenya off as he depresses pegs to update the hero's position. “Copy, Ingenium dispatched. ETA two minutes.”
Izuku leans back, allowing himself a moment to breathe as he stares at the clear sky. It smells like saltwater on the mild breeze and Izuku can't say he's ever had a more peaceful job during a rescue. He can do this. It's only temporary. Besides, Izuku wants to be, has to be helpful.
He readjusts his headset, double-checks that his monitor is properly arranged, then settles in for a long day of dispatch.
Or...Izuku's on desk duty and it's up to him to aid in missions and ensure the safety of the friends he works with.
Words: 3996, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of A Friendly Purple Round of Telephone
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, Multi
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto, Iida Tenya, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Class 1-A, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Nishiya Shinji | Kamui Woods, Takeyama Yuu | Mount Lady
Relationships: Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku, Iida Tenya & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Jirou Kyouka & Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Kaminari Denki & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Characters Are Pro Heroes, Pro Hero Midoriya Izuku, injured midoriya izuku, Midoriya izuku is on desk duty, dispatch au, Present Mic and Aizawa own a hero agency, Class 1-A Shenanigans, Midoriya Izuku-centric, Hurt Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Hurt Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Hurt Bakugou Katsuki, Building Collapse, Fires, Reckless Midoriya Izuku, brief mention of a panic attack, Minor Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Minor Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Minor Iida Tenya/Todoroki Shouto, Minor Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Class 1-A as Family, Found Family, Villian Raid, Mission Gone Wrong, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Canon-Typical Behavior, Discord: No Writing Academia Fic Fight, NWA Fic Fight Team Vigilantes
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48608113
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 1 year
Hero's Can Be Villain's in an Alternate World
Hero's can be villain's in an alternate World by LivStarOP
In a world where things went down differently, heros are villians and villians are hero's
Words: 1280, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Villians Can be Hero's in an alternate World
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Himiko Toga, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Toya (Critical Role), Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki, Sensei | All For One, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Akaguro Chizome | Stain
Additional Tags: villian deku, Villian All Might, Hero Toga, Hero Dabi, Hero Shigaraki
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48412195
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Wanna work a nightshift?
Wanna work a nightshift? by Villian Deku but not really
How did one of the kids of Aizawas class get turned into animatronics? He just wants to talk to the person he swears
Words: 1021, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The chaos of crossovers
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Five Nights at Freddy's
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Midoriya Izuku, Maijima Higari | Power Loader, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: Parental Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Izuku turned into a animatronic, he can't turn back
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47647831
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ao3feed-izch · 1 year
A Call for Help
by CalicoLynx, Catlady5001, Withstarryeyes
“Deku, Ingenium’s needed on the south side for ground support.”
Izuku presses down on the call button, waving Tenya off as he depresses pegs to update the hero’s position. “Copy, Ingenium dispatched. ETA two minutes.”
Izuku leans back, allowing himself a moment to breathe as he stares at the clear sky. It smells like saltwater on the mild breeze and Izuku can’t say he’s ever had a more peaceful job during a rescue. He can do this. It’s only temporary. Besides, Izuku wants to be, has to be helpful.
He readjusts his headset, double-checks that his monitor is properly arranged, then settles in for a long day of dispatch.
Or...Izuku's on desk duty and it's up to him to aid in missions and ensure the safety of the friends he works with.
Words: 3996, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of A Friendly Purple Round of Telephone
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, Multi
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto, Iida Tenya, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Takami Keigo | Hawks, Nishiya Shinji | Kamui Woods, Takeyama Yuu | Mount Lady
Relationships: Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku, Iida Tenya & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Jirou Kyouka & Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Kaminari Denki & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Characters Are Pro Heroes (My Hero Academia), Pro Hero Midoriya Izuku, injured midoriya izuku, Midoriya izuku is on desk duty, dispatch au, Present Mic and Aizawa own a hero agency, Class 1-A Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), Midoriya Izuku-centric, Hurt Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Hurt Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Hurt Bakugou Katsuki, Building Collapse, Fires, Reckless Midoriya Izuku, brief mention of a panic attack, Minor Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Minor Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Minor Iida Tenya/Todoroki Shouto, Minor Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Class 1-A as Family (My Hero Academia), Found Family, Villian Raid, Mission Gone Wrong, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Canon-Typical Behavior, Discord: No Writing Academia Fic Fight (My Hero Academia), NWA Fic Fight Team Vigilantes
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48608113
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chibibeem · 2 years
Anime Talk Time #1
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Let's talk about Boku No Hero Academia! I have watched Season 1-4 so far, this review will be generalized with little to no spoilers!! It is just my overall opinion, what I say is not 100% true just how I feel about the series itself without going too in depth!!
It took a lot to sit down and watch even just the first season of this anime. For one I am not a huge Shounen fan, I tend to find them to be boring and repetitive after a while with no real feeling that the mc will ever fail. For two I didn't like Deku in the beginning, I found his weak willed disposition to be really annoying and it didn't seem like he had much potential to become a hero. But I powered through the first season anyway, not really a huge fan, not really enjoying it more just enjoying the animation that Bones had done.
From there I moved on to season 2 and honestly it was the same mix, not a fan, deku annoyed me but Bones started to step up their animation more and I was enjoying seeing the quality of the show increase. Season 3 was much the same for me all in all.
Then we get to season 4, the turning point. Not only did Bones step up with some insanely good animation to the fight scenes but the story started to drag me in more. The discourse between the heroes and the villains started to feel like it had more substance overall, felt like it was diving a bit deeper into the "who are the real heroes and villians, why do heroes get away with doing the same things and praised for it" which I'm all for, its an interesting concept to consider and mull over. Deku as a character also grew an insane amount, he is still a cry baby but he is no longer weak willed. He falters still but his overall disposition improved in strength and security it made him far more likeable for me. I found myself enjoying season 4 way more than the other 3 seasons.
I still have season 5 and 6 to catch up on and I would like to dive into the manga as well but overall it won me over around season 4 and I'm excited to see more once I get to the next seasons!
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lrandconkdors · 2 years
Reviewing Fall 2022's Anime Openings: My Hero Academia (Sixth season, first half; 9th OP overall)
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Hitamuki ("Single-minded"), by SUPER BEAVER
Opening director: Tsuyoshi Tobita
My Hero Academia's newest opening kicks things off with a dorky-looking handwritten title card underlined by a bodacious guitar riff. It then proceeds to undercut anything they were going for with that, by hard cutting to the show's normal logo on a black screen once the vocals kick in. This start is rather representative of the OP as a whole.
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Gonna be upfront and say that My Hero Academia's growing line of OPs haven't really sparked with me. There are only two that I would say "I enjoyed" when they came on, as opposed to "I patiently watched them run their course." This is mainly because they kind of all try to do the same thing... Hitamuki stands out with scenes rendered in an alternate art style - arguably a first for the series. Monochromatic backgrounds, giant written sounds, rough outlines and bold shading... the outline->bevel->drop-shadow look of the credits text is blatantly clashing with the aesthetic, and a handful of shots don't really have any sense of flow connecting them, but I appreciate what we have right there.
Then the chorus kicks in and the animation switches to the anime's normal artstyle. At the part where an OP typically goes all-out, it decided to kill off the one thing that made it unique.
Everything from that point on is just tricks and tropes already beaten into the ground by the OPs before it. I'm having a hard time describing the rest of the contents in a succinct fashion because it felt so aimless. But the majority of it is fast-paced animation-intensive shots designed to stimulate your senses, of heroes jumping into the sky and/or throwing out their respective attacks in the direction of some off-screen threat. Yeah, I remember when that amazed me back in 2017. And remember my nitpick about scene flow? Yeah, it's still out of wack! I just cannot get over how the opening's chorus-hype moment consists of the heroes trying to assault the camera for all of four seconds, then we see a shot of Hawks that looks like it's going to transition into something with all the flashing lights, only to hard cut to a completely unanimated group shot that lasts for the entire rest of the musical phrase! They didn't just stop the car, they negated its velocity and inflicted whiplash.
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Thing is, though, even if someone reanimated every scene in the OP to look like the first half, and then rearranged them all until they discovered an order that flows 60% better, this product would still fall under the sin of not being that great a representation of the program it's attached to. Sure it makes sense for a My Hero Academia opening, but it's kind of off-base for a My Hero Academia 6th Season opening. It doesn’t feel like it’s trying to sell me on something different than its predecessors. Like, yeah, I guess the throwaway shots cram in all the characters who get relevance in this respective cour, but all the core shots are focused on Deku, Bakugo, and Shoto, even though part of the narrative made me forget they existed for at least a full episode. Yeah, if you pay attention you’ll see the characters are being depicted against various sceneries that line up with the time said character did a thing in said place, but yet the OP doesn’t feel like its heart is in it. It just feels like another OP that calls out, "Join your favorite heroes as they train for greatness, and eventually get in another scuffle with dark forces!" That is not the case for Season 6. The first episode sees the Hero Association proceed to throw every hero and hero-in-training they have at the enemy's base(s) of operations in an attempt to thwart the League of Villians* once and for all. This isn't the kind of arc you give an OP with a basic, inoffensive excitement curve. It should be balls to the wall from the get-go! *Not officially their name anymore, but I can't remember the new one.
As for the opening theme itself, it's... fine? I mean, it's exactly the kind of rock song you'd expect to hear on this show once again. But my feelings upon listening to it kept oscillating between "a cute yet powerful self-contained ditty" and "a generic bout that sounded cut up to fit the time limit."
For the record, I'm not completely caught up on the anime as I write this, and have yet to witness whether the OP succeeding makes any improvement.
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palettepainter · 2 years
WARNING: There will be spoilers to MHA manga chapters 362 and 365
Before I begin, I want to stress that I do not mean any hate to the creator, this post is simply to share my thoughts and hopefully hear some of yours. My opinion may change later down the line when more manga chapters come out or when I read some of your thoughts if you want to share
So I know I’ve said before that generally I’m not a Bakugo lover, but in all seriousness, it’s never been a deep rooted hatred. Generally I’m just a bit iffy with bully characters and Bakugo right from the start did not have a good first impression. Ontop of him literally telling Deku to take a swan dive and the multiple attempts to attack Deku in training (note the time he tried to attack Deku during the baseball training exercise and the exercise where Bakugo and Iida played villians and Deku and Uraraka where heroes): overall I just don’t like him and find myself frustrated with his character
But to those of you who have seen the more recent chapters in the manga, you’ll know that Bakugo isn’t doing so hot - and when chapter 362 came out, I didn’t feel anything towards Bakugo’s death. I dislike him sure but it’s never been a “Gah I hate this character so much I wish they would get killed off” hate. When chapter 362 I was convinced that unless they threw Eri into the fray, Bakugo was dead and he wasn’t coming back. I thought this could be a genuinely interesting and good idea for the story, especially concerning Deku. (I know Deku continuing to be Bakugo’s friend is all about him being a perfect hero to weild OFA but at the same time, come on Deku get a better bestie Todoroki and Iida are RIGHT THERE-)
And for the briefest of moments I was actually happy that Bakugo was dead, because I thought hey, this could lead to some really interesting conflicts in Deku’s actions and emotions concerning whether he saves or kills Shigaraki
And then chapter 365 came out.
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I’m conflicted on how to feel about this. And I have three reasons
1) I know this isn’t a “fake out death” because Bakugo is quite literally dead/dying, but to suddenly have one of the heroes show up and have a solution to save him, it just feels a little...too convenient? I’m not sure if convenient is the right word to use, but it’s the best thing that comes to mind - and I hate having to use this word to describe this anime. MHA was the first anime I ever started watching and I DO think it’s a very good series! Calling it convenient just feels insulting so I really hate that I think this sudden move from Edgeshot is a bit too good to be true
2) Now this is a point I may be wrong on as I can’t look back through the entire manga for any appearances of Edgeshot, but to my knowledge, overall, we haven’t had a great deal of screentime with Edgeshot throughout the series. (Please note I do not read the vigilantes comic so I don’t know how much Edgeshot appeared in that series if he appeared at all) I feel nothing towards Edgeshot potentially sacrificing himself to save Bakugo, and that’s because - for me personally - I’ve not gotten attatched to his character. We’ve had nothing really impactful with Edgeshot (to my knowledge) that would make this death particularly impactful. Think back to chapter 285 - one of my only moments in the manga I actually like with Bakugo 
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Even though personally I don’t like Bakugo that much, even I can hold my hands up and admit that him taking the hit for Deku, both genuinely caught me off and guard actually had me feeling some sympathy and worry for him. Remember how impactful this moment was?? I remember seeing it everywhere under the chapter tag on Twitter. What about the Touya Todoroki reveal?? Remember when that out-trended the election on Twitter because the mystery of Touya had been built up for so long? 
I just don’t think Edgeshot’s sacrifice is gonna get the same amount of hype because we just haven’t had a great deal of screentime with Edgeshot enough to feel shocked or sad for his (possible) sacrifice. 
3) Generally, from a story stand point, I think Bakugo dying would be really interesting. Though I personally don’t think Deku should put up with the constant yelling, threats and more yelling Bakugo throws at him that’s not what Deku’s character is, Deku wants to be the best hero ever, he doesn’t use his quirk to get back at Bakugo for the sake of revenge, but he isn’t as easy to push around anymore (note the fight him and Bakugo had after All Might’s retirement). I’m not really sure what their bond is - again, not a big fan of Bakugo and not really Deku either (nothing against Deku I’ve just always liked side/backgrounds characters) - but based on how Deku reacted when he saw Bakugo get hurt in chapter 285, it’s clear Deku cares for him still, even after everything Bakugo put him through. I respect that about his character, but even so - imagine the emotional conflict Deku would have to face if Bakugo stays dead? If Edgeshot couldn’t save him: I think watching that emotional reaction and explosion afterwards as Deku battles with his emotions and his idea of wanting to save Shigaraki would be AWESOME
And yeah, I know we might be getting that in the next few chapters of the manga, but I still think Bakugo dying would be a really good plot point for this series. Watching Deku grow up into a hero, who despite having lost someone like Bakugo to a villain, continues to want to save villains rather then destroy them - putting his wants to get revenge behind him so he can continue his dream of saving people with a smile. That would be AWESOME (also generally seeing Deku go batshit with his quirk is awesome in generally, look at how far he’s come)
Now all these points aside I just want to say that if Bakugo DOES end up surviving, I’m not gonna be mad. Like I said this anime was the first anime I ever started watching so it’ll always hold a special place in my heart for the people it’s introduced me to, and the wonderful fan works I’ve been able to see. 
What are your guys’s thoughts on this?? I’m genuinely willing to discuss opinions and ideas as long as it’s all constructive
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gemgdynamight · 3 years
WAIT A MINUTE I HAD A BRAINFART. What if...Hisashi is the mass murderer? But Deku looks just like his dad so he gets confused for him??
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drawingtr · 6 years
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Villain!Fantasy!Deku - Ready as I’ll ever be
Yeah, want to see more?
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korebringerofded · 2 years
Missing Persons-A Prohero!Deku X F!Reader
AUTHORS NOTES-Okay so this might be messy. Saddle up. Might make this into a full length thing. Please interact if you guys enjoy the interaction really encourages me to keep writing! Also my requests are open so please send me what you would like! I write for a bit of everything! Okay now for the stuff.
Summary- Izuku Midoriya is a pro hero now in his prime and living the life he only ever dreamed of when he was a child. Despite the joy he formed with you a storm of cruel proportions and horror will begin to swallow him whole. A new villain with a horrifying quirk is looking to catch the attention of Izuku Midoriya. How will the pro hero respond when everything and everyone he loves is torn apart? Not well tbh.
Warnings-Eventual gore, serial killer mentions, angry Deku being an absolute babe, a possible series?? Angst, talks of dead people
This is teaser to see if anyone likes the concept!
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Having his own agency was much more work than Izuku Midoriya ever could have realized, late sleepless nights at his desk were becoming a regular event. He groaned softly as he pulled his face off of the cluttered surface of his desk, taking a moment to wipe the drool off of his chin. He glanced at the clock and leaned his head back, it was almost midnight. 
He had been completely distracted dealing with a long string of murders tied to a new upandcoming villian. He has an absolutely horrible quirk, one that Midoriya’s agency still couldn’t quite understand other than the fact that the victims of this villain would be left in strange distorted positions as well as a horrifying and twisted look on their faces. The scenes were less than messy and rancid. So for now most of the pro-hero’s time was taken up by staring at the victims' files, their faces. He would avenge each and everyone of them. He couldn’t rest until he did. 
Despite these troubling thoughts while Midoriya sat at his desk his eyes fell on the small picture at his desk, at your smiling face being illuminated by the sun. He really couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming guilt. He had promised you countless times he would be home at a reasonable time and he had once again not been able to do as he promised. He knew it worried you, but what would sting the most was how understanding and kind you were. You knew his work was hard, and as his wife you loved him regardless. You only ever welcomed him home with a smile and a kiss. Being with you was a dream for him. 
Midoriya was pulled from his thoughts with a jolt as he heard his phone vibrate softly on the table. As he glanced at it he felt his heart fall to his stomach.
Another attack. 
Here is the location. 
Followed by a link that connects Deku to his gps. It was close to the apartment he shared with you. Icy cold fear rushed over his entire body. After clicking through his phone to your contact page he hit the call button as he pulled his hero outfit on, holding the phone between his cheek and shoulder. 
“Pick up, baby, please…” His voice was pleading and desperate, tears forming in his eyes as the phone rang once, then twice, then a third time. Each ring passed in agonizing succession as the fourth rang played out followed by your tired voice.
“Hmm? Is everything okay?” You yawned into the phone. You had been asleep, you were completely safe. Midoriya could have broken out in sobs as your voice played methodically through the speaker of his phone. 
“I just needed to hear your voice, princess. That's all.” He smiled, sniffling softly. “I gotta go, I’m sorry. I will be home soon.” 
There was silence for just a moment
“Be safe, my hero.” Your voice cut through and Midoriya breathed a sigh of relief before hanging up.
He had a job to do. Then he had someone to get back to.
Entering the scene was difficult, easier knowing it wasn’t your body, but still difficult knowing how the other victims had looked when he found them. Upon entering the dusty abandoned building his anxiety continued to grow by the second as his boots sank into a thick crimson liquid on the floor, he kneeled down for a moment and stuck a gloved finger into the foregin liquid. It wasn’t blood but instead a thick clumpy paint, coating the floor leading into the other room of the tall warehouse. Following the trail of blood into the other room Deku channeled flickering electricity over his entire body, he was supposedly the first on the scene and it was possible the assailant was still somewhere nearby, he had to be ready.
The only thing in that room was an odd shaped lump, slumped against the wall, and covered in the same thick paint as in the other rooms. Deku was sure it was a body but as he approached it was a bag stuffed with what he could only assume was rotten meat. It had been stuffed into a large duffle bag and was brown and gray. The room was filled with a putrid stench that made his eyes water, as weird as the scene was it wasn’t necessarily anything dangerous so Deku settled for calling it in to get a proper analysis on that meat, as long as it wasn’t human there wasn’t really a crime here. Probably just some kids pulling a weird ass prank.
It was only as he turned, putting his cell back in his pocket and staring at the far-left wall. He hadn’t noticed it before, but written in thick messy letters was a message, the paint was still dripping down the wall in slow meticulous movements. His breath caught in his throat. He knew the message was for him, he just knew it.
Come and find us, hero
He was drowning in his panic as he rushed out of the building, his hands trembling softly as he called your number, his heart beating rapidly in his chest as it rang once, then twice, and then a fourth and final time before your bright voice playing your voicemail was all he heard. He hung up his phone and channeled all of his abilities in his legs, cracking the cement beneath his feet as he launched forward. 
He couldn’t bother with the door, his panic had him blind and trembling. Deku ducked his head to climb through the window of the apartment the two of you shared, you had a habit of leaving it open for him. 
The apartment was in shambles, furniture tilted over and the front door busted open, dangling off of its hinges. Izuku Midoriya was not one to lose his temper often but upon seeing a large thick message written on the wall he felt all at once his anger burning him up from the inside as he read those words written in a shiny crimson fluid. Not the clumpy paint he knew but what he could only believe to be blood. Your blood.
Three days. 
After reading that his body grew hot, a sharp electric cloud circled around Deku, his hair flickering and shifting as tears streamed down his face. He would find you and destroy whoever thought they could take you from him.
Please please let me know what you guys think, if you want another character please please send me a request! I am really trying to expand this page and would love to get some more interaction.
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