#villain quirk
wolfgiselle · 1 year
Summary: Just a single moment, a single split second, and everything falls apart for no reason. Within the sound of a snap, the car crashes, lightning strikes, tragedy strikes, and people can’t even realize what’s happened until after the fleeting moment has passed. It was ephemeral, but at the same time, it was lasting, eternal, because the echoes of its consequences would continue to haunt them long after the lightning and its storm had passed. Long after the wreck of the car has been cleaned off the street.
When his quirk first appeared, Midoriya Izuku had learned that all men were not created equal. Some were born into this world lucky and others were born into it unlucky. He also learned that he was one of those born unlucky. It would be hard not to be, considering his quirk was a Jinx.
When the weight of his misfortune became too heavy to carry, Izuku was pushed over the edge. Only for another boy with a different "villain quirk" to pull him back over. Together, the both of them move forward trying to prove to the society that not everything painted in a dark light is bad.
The real question is whether or not Izuku can prove that to himself first.
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I LOVE stories where Midoriya is born with a quirk! This is one of the most creative ones I've read yet. 
There are plenty of fics that give Deku some form of telekinesis, fire, or a mixture of both. There are just as many that have him gaining a 'cannot-die' or 'reset' quirk. 'All for One' is a poplar quirk for him to get, as well (usually in stories where the villain 'All for One' is his father, of course, but this is a popular trope). 
'This' is the only fic I've read, though, where Deku (or anyone, for that matter) has a 'bad-luck' quirk. This led to some interesting quirk use and added damage to his psyche. Instead of being bullied for being quirkless, he's bullied for a villain quirk. It makes perfect sense that a  quirk that causes bad-luck would fall under that classification in this world. It would suck to be known to everybody as the personification of misfortune - on top of having to deal with the misfortune that said quirk caused.
The closest relationship in this story appears to be ShinsouXMidoriya. I'm not a big Shinsou fan, but he does seem to be very popular in fandom culture. It also makes perfect sense to set Midoriya up with Shinsou in a story where he's had to live with a so-called 'villain' quick yet still intends to become a hero. This gives them something to bond over - having such a similar backstory.  
Trigger Warning for attempted suicide. Yep. It's also one of 'those' stories. One of those where Midoriya takes Bakugou's advice to 'hope for a quirk in the next life and take a swan dive off the roof.' Thankfully, in this story his depression and attempt are being dealt with.
Also related to this is one of my favorite tropes: Bakugou faces consequences. Realistic consequences, at that. Ones that might actually lead to him becoming a better person over just punishment or judgement. God, do I wish therapy was an actual thing in the MHA universe canon. So many characters could use it.
Midoriya's friendship with Tokoyami in this fic is also worth mention. He's a character I wish more people wrote about. Then there's his interaction with Hawk's -- which has led to me being curious if the two are going to have any other meetings (because I very much enjoyed them. I love stories where Hawks takes Midoriya - or any student - under his wing. Heh...'wing', get it?)
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
Thinking about how Leo says he uses his jokes to cope and y’know, thinking harder on it I think it may very well be because of what else uses one-liners and puns and that type of humor.
Specifically, 80’s action movies and campy sci-fi. Even more specifically, the protagonists of these.
So I can imagine why, exactly, Leo leans toward this brand of humor. It’s directly linked to things he loves! But even more than that is why I think it’s used as a coping mechanism.
In these genres, these quips tend to be said by the winner - or, if not a winner, then someone who will stay alive. So there’s a confidence behind them, an assurance, almost, that even if things go wrong, things aren’t ever too serious. There’s no bad endings here! It’s all good fun, even if the stakes seem high.
Leo canonically has been known to steer his brothers away from the more brutal villains and toward more fun, lighthearted activities and not-so-dangerous criminals. So for Leo, these jokes definitely make things less heavy, make the situations they find themselves in less intense.
It’s kinda not just coping, but also can be seen as a form of escapism. A safety blanket. A way for Leo to defuse the tension of knowing just how dangerous their lives are and replace that with a levity which implies that things will be okay.
Unfortunately, levity alone does not alter reality.
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moodyvoid · 2 months
Reblog and say who and why, if you’d like!
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haine-kleine · 2 months
anyway. the ending was like That because it was Izuku's hero academia. it was his story told from his point of view and it concluded all the plot points he was concerned with, like his relationship with Bakugou, Allmight, the public's opinion on the heroes, what the new generation of heroes is going to be like, how Shouto is perceived by the public, Izuku's general relationship with his former classmates and Aizawa.
he never really cared about Shigaraki outside of their brief confrontation. he didn't really know Shigaraki as a person, and nor was he interested in getting to know him, even when he got the chance to peek into his past, Nana and Allmight had more reason to be interested in who Shigaraki the person was. to Izuku, Shigaraki started as a terrifying villain and ended as a crying boy he was unable to save. this is why, as he joins the rest of his classmates and becomes a pro hero, he imagines the ghost of Shigaraki looking over him, haunting him, reminding him of his failure but also inspiring him to try harder and 'keep reaching out'.
The villains were the ones concerned with their stories. Spinner wrote that book by himself, as Izuku's notes are being written at the point the book has already been published. Izuku never mentions any contents of that book nor Spinner or Mister Compress. Because they do not belong in his story, not really.
They belong with each other, in the League of Villains, as they have proven time and time again how important they are to each other and how far they are willing to go to protect their own. Shigaraki's thoughts before Izuku had killed him were all about the League. Kurogiri's last act was trying to save Shigaraki from AFO and the heroes. What kept Spinner's spirit from crumbling after losing everyone he had cared about was his burning desire to tell their story to others, to let their stories be heard. Touya finds no solace despite getting everything he had ever wanted from his family and being reunited with them - because his place was in the League of villains, the place where he was accepted just as he was, unconditionally.
the conflict of heroes versus the villains led to nothing but devastation and destruction for the villains. even those who were heard out and validated by the other party ended up becoming victims, or martyrs.
after that experience, after having a whole crowd of pro heroes, the people who made it their lives career to save others witness his destruction by the man who stole his body from him and by the boy who swore to save him, why would Shigaraki be interested in keeping in contact with these people, had he survived? why would Kurogiri go out of his way to let Shirakumo's friends know he had survived their students attempt to take his life and the life of the boy he wanted to save, all because they couldn't accept his affection for that boy outweighing their long gone friendship? why would Toga, when the reporters and the heroes saw her body after starting to transfuse all of her blood to Ochako and not even bothered to pick it up, to save her life or even to bury her?
here is how it went: Kurogiri did end up successfully saving Shigaraki, the fact going unnoticed by the heroes because both of their bodies were crumbling. he had also taken Toga, which is why her body wasn't picked up together with Ochako (and why Ochako doesn't have any memories of Toga's dead body, only of her final words to her). and then Kurogiri teleported them far away, where they healed and started planning how to get the remaining three LOV members back, while they are still alive.
they broke Spinner and Compress out of the prisons. In memory of Twice, Hawks had covered it up, as long as they don't resurface as villains.
Shigaraki and Toga had considered letting Touya stay together with his family, up until the news of Endeavor's disgraced villain son being on his deathbed got out. On the very next day, Shigaraki broke the tank Touya was residing in to pieces. Enji and his sidekicks had covered his eldest going missing by holding a funeral ceremony for him (the second one, this time knowing full well it's a fake funeral). Shouto was enraged with his father's decision and Enji used Shouto's just starting pro hero career as an excuse, don't you want to have a clean start, without the weight of mine and Touya's crimes weighting you down? It's not like Shouto has a choice in the matter, just as when he was a kid. The family wonders about the missing one's fate. Sometimes, Shouto gets messages from unknown numbers. He doesn't share them with anyone, except for Natsuo, who is still devastated about not using his one last chance to reconcile with the brother he had been so sorely missing for 8 years.
The ghosts of Toga, Shigaraki and Dabi live on, haunting the heroes who failed to save them. Himiko, Tenko and Touya also live on. They are very different from these ghosts.
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gemstarstarlight · 2 months
“You don’t have to make the elevator noise” and “Masters of she—” “The elevator is slow” is so funny to me because Izzy clearly loves and respects Brennan’s comedic and personality style, but every once in a while she has to snipe him for the bit and it’s the funniest thing in the world.
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jayfey-anime · 2 months
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Part 1/3
My fave part of dabi is his smile, they draw it so good
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arakn0 · 7 months
what on earth would spinner look like in a non-quirk universe?? just some guy??
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gayfortheplot · 2 months
I know we're ignoring canon right now, but can. Can we just talk about Dabi's ending for a second? Because like. What the fuck? This guy's been suffering his entire life. From being abused by his father, to being kidnapped and experimented on while he's in a coma, just to escape and go home to find out his worst fears have come true, his family abandoned him, they never really cared. Then, he spends the next 8 years homeless, where he damages his body so much to the point he's being held together by staples? How painful was his daily life?? No wonder he wanted to die. His life was hell. And now, he spends his last days alive trapped in a fucking fish tank, in excruciating agony (you cannot tell me he isn't in any pain. He has no fucking skin left, along with his other injuries. Not to mention the emotional and psychological trauma once again inflicted on him). He doesn't get to choose whether or not he wants to keep living through this nightmare. He doesn't get to choose whether or not he wants Endeavor to visit him every day. No one asks him his opinion on any of this. They decide for him, and he doesn't have the strength left to protest. He can't move, can't talk, can't do anything. All he can do is sit there, watching on helplessly, with the knowledge that after his death, his family will once again leave him behind and forget all about him. He'll never see the League again, the only people in the world who actually loved him unconditionally and never saw him as a problem or a mistake. He has to die with the knowledge that he failed. His family won't ever truly see him as a person, and he never, not once in his life, got to be happy.
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oifaaa · 2 months
I have a suggestion for a bnha dc crossover. What if you have the Bats simple non heroic quirks? They simply don’t use them for vigilantism and instead rely on their detective and martial art skills. Bruce Wayne can use his quirk as a party trick while leaving people wondering what Batman’s quirk is.
This is kinda were I was going with Tim and price tag tho I still think Bruce would be quirkless I have come up with ideas for some of the other bats quirks
Dick - spotlight - can summon a beam of light that shines over himself or an object of his choosing
Jason - swip - the ability to take things out of a person's hands without them noticing
Cass - Soundproof - can silence herself and the close sounding area
Damian - Tame - can get animals to like him (*can't control them or tell them what to do tho)
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atalkingrat · 2 months
Deku's final battle: recognising his self-worth
I really wanted Kacchan to tell Izuku he could be a hero without a quirk, but I just realised how important it is for Deku to come to that realisation on his own.
Everyone always told him he could never be a hero. Even though he was persistent in pursuing his dream, he was still desperate for validation, haunted by his mother's apology to him after finding out he was quirkless. When All Might tells him he can't be a hero without a quirk, Deku seems to give up. He only accepts the chance to stand in the ring that AM offers him with OFA.
We have yet to see Izuku break free from the feelings that he has to make himself worth everything he was given. While part of this is his own satisfying journey of self-improvement, as Kacchan points out: "deep down, he doesn't take himself into account" (ch284). Izuku lives to be useful and approved of by others.
I would love to see Izuku recognise his inherent worth and unique skills, and to reconnect with a desire to save people, not out of necessity or to be a satisfactory successor, but because it fulfills him.
As for what quirkless hero Izuku could look like:
I don't think AM was wrong for telling Izuku he needed a quirk to be s hero. His logic was sound, and AM has the irreparable injuries and decades of experiences both quirkless and with OFA to back it up. However, AM does not have Izuku's creativity. While they have the same spirit, Izuku' ingenuity, intelligence, and appreciation for different kinds of quirks is his own unique combination. He was never going to be a hero like All Might, as much as a desires it. His stature does not allow it, and the damage he has done to his body means his fighting style is completely different. Izuku has to find his own way.
This could be through support items. I believe All Might's super suit demonstrated his own admiration of Deku as a hero, and teased what Quirkless Pro Hero Izuku could look like.
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moodyvoid · 10 months
Tomura: “Spinner, I have a problem and I’m not sure how to deal with it.”
Spinner: “You’ve gotten yourself this far. How have you dealt with every other problem you’ve faced?”
Tomura, age 6, decaying his vegetables.
Tomura, age 15, decaying his laundry.
Tomura, last week, decaying a rug that had a Mountain Dew: Code Red stain.
Tomura: “You’re right.”
Tomura, reaching towards Dabi.
Spinner: “WAIT—“
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haine-kleine · 3 months
Reason why Touya won't die nr 14
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If Horikoshi wanted for him to die, there was already a sick setup for him to go out with a bang.
Letting him pass away quietly in a bacta tank marinade would be so lame in comparison and we all know Horikoshi is better than that. Touya is too dramatic not to make an interactive performance out of his third, real death.
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epickiya722 · 10 months
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I'm gonna be honest and I don't expect for anyone to agree with me, but...
I actually don't care for an explanation for where Quirks came from, I don't.
I feel like it's just one of those cases that not everything in a story needs to be explained, let alone if the idea is spontaneous like Quirks just popping up out of the blue.
I like that in the story Quirks just happened one day and started with some glowing baby. It just vibes well to me for the story. Not everything is some plan or whatever.
It's just a sudden impulse of nature. Like, how some of the characters are impulsive.
I just feel... it's a fictional story where practically anything is possible. Does everything need to be explained?
I think something like this should be let for the audience to wonder about and I do not mind if Horikoshi never gives an answer. He has other arcs and such to wrap up anyways.
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jayfey-anime · 28 days
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Me and my little bro!
Wait thats just shoto and touya. Lol
Hopefully in another world they get to eat their favourite food together
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angy-grrr · 3 months
I can't believe Horikoshi decided to parallel togachako with shigaraki and deku, but also with kacchan and izuku, because there are multitudes into their relationship.
Ochahimi has this obvious textual side going on for a long time that its meant to be seen along Shigaraki Tomura and Midoriya Izuku: a hurt villain and a hero who feels the need to stop the pain. Two sides of the same coin. Will they take their hand? How could they reach out? Is there any hope for the rejected? We have different scenes in which its clear Uraraka and Midoriya have this idea of saving someone who is hurt even if they are a villain, the flashbacks of their conversation before the war, but surprisingly Ochako doesn't think of it as much as Izuku in this final battle -clearly stated, is when Himiko is giving her own blood to save her and explaining how she felt like her heart was floating when Uraraka touched her. The flashback reminds us of Izuku talking about how "maybe theres no way to avoid a battle, but I cant ignore what I saw deep inside him".
But Ochako isn't happy even if she got there, even is Toga tells her she made her happy. She's tired, sad, and desperate to stop her when she cant even move.
Its difficult to analyze Izuku's emotions, but once again, we can try to work with what we currently have! As far as we know, Izuku isn't really having that much of a conflict in terms of if he should save Tenko or not -the problem was external. What would the OFA users think? He challenged them by staying true to his inner core, and they accepted him, but we don't see him struggling with the idea of him reaching out to Tenko in itself like Ochako, who actively tried to forget about Himiko.
I interpret his flashbacks to his conversation with Ochako as a reminder of the person behind the villain, because he is also feeling something else: anger. Izuku was really hurt during this battle both physically and, I would argue mostly, mentally. As he himself said, he can't forgive Shigaraki, just try to stop the crying child from hurting, and the reminder of Ochako's own goals and words are a reminder of his own intentions; lets not forget, moments later he took control after seeing Katsuki's dead body, he attacked Shigaraki in ways that would cause severe damage -like in the middle of his chest, causing a hole.
Uraraka doesn't actually try to hurt Toga, but use her martial arts training in order to both dodge and tackle her, so she can hear what she has to say. I re-read the chapters around Katsuki's revival, because I was wondering, "does Izuku remember this before or after he locked eyes with Bakugou?", and the answer is after*. The other time he thought about it was before leaving the togatsuchako battlefield, when Ochako encourages him to not worry and go get Shigaraki.
So, what I mean by this is, Ochako Uraraka and Izuku Midoriya are not the same person, and they don't feel the same way for their main villains, just like Tomura Shigaraki and Himiko Toga don't feel the same for their main heroes, and are not the same. Izuku actually feels resentment and anger for Shigaraki, he cant forgive him, but he also doesn't want to kill and punish like that; he is a savior, if he has to fight he will, but in his heart he knows what he prefers' maintaining peace, and help the ones who are vulnerable. He sees the villain, and he sees the child who grew up abused and sad; he is a sweet boy, ofc he would try to stop the crying somehow. His conflict with him now, Im guessing, is that he doesn't really feel like he actually saved him -after all, he disappeared after the last punch, and he still considered himself the leader of the league who wanted to destroy everything. He gave him his autonomy back and tried his best, but his last words and request feel like a completely different "task" than what he envisioned; it makes him think, about what heroes and villains even mean in their society, and who gets to decide those things. How can he continue with Shigaraki's legacy?
In another hand, Ochako's conflict don't come from her own moral compass, but from what she is supposed to do; before she even saw sadness in her face she thought positive things about her -she has a cute smile, she is really honest with her feelings, and isnt scared to be open with others, and she envies that. She envies the villain Himiko Toga, and relates to her, and feels connected to her. So her pain feels even more personal when it shouldn't; she isnt her family, she is someone who has tried to hurt her and her friends over and over while being so happy about it. She is weird!
Besides the thoughts about society and who helps both heroes and villains, which are really important for her character and goals, the other side of their problem is... the way Ochako was refusing to see and accept her own weirdness. Interacting with Himiko was chaotic, confusing, and left her full of doubts about herself and what she wants, because isnt she even weirder if she wants to be more like her? How can she admit those thoughts out loud? Anyone would agree that behavior is disgusting, but... she can't hate her. She can't try to punch her, or hurt her, and she never was able to no matter how much she tried to convince herself this is the only way.
Her conversation with Izuku opened her mind and heart to start accepting what she truly wants to do to Himiko instead of what she has to do as a hero. What does she want? To stop her. Her hurt. Her tears. To make her happy, and to keep her alive. She wants to see everyone happy, to get peace.
This is why her conflict is both related to Shigaraki and Deku, and Katsuki and Izuku; in one aspect its about morality, heroism, villainy and society as a whole. Himiko will question how things works constantly, and she can't ignore it. And at the same time, there's an emotional side to it; she has multiple confrontations with her, where miscommunication and holding back hurts them both. She pushes herself to be more like others, but it doesn't feel right anymore; Himiko makes her see her own self hatred, and jealousy and care grow more and more. Why can't see just do the right thing to maintain peace?
Just like Izuku was surprised by Katsuki's tears during their second fight, Ochako gets concerned by Himiko's, when she interpreted Uraraka's words as her rejecting her love -and therefore, whole self. Is not until the second war that she even realizes Toga actually loves her in the same way she loves Izuku, being a little clueless herself.
It doesnt sit right with her to do the "normal" thing, because she isn't normal at all; she thinks about making a villain happy, and how lovely her smile is. Her honesty and openness to be unapologetically herself, no matter how much others try to push her down or change her attitude; she hurts others, she knows that's wrong and agrees with that generalized sentiment... but hate her for it? She tries to do it, but it doesn't work. Inside of her heart, she knows what her emotions are telling her, and its not anger.
This is messy, my head hurts, but Im hoping I can write something better and longer in the future. I guess it makes more sense that drawing of Shigaraki, Izuku, Ochako, Himiko and Katsuki all together. I always wondered, if this is about heroism and society, Katsuki shouldn't be there, and if it is about emotions and rivalries, then it would be Tomura.
If you read this far, thank you for your time, and apologies for the confusion the writing could have caused you.
*My internet is going really slow, so im not re-reading all of the chapters after Izuku's arrival in the battlefield, so I cant 100% say this is the very first time he does remember it. Once im able to, or someone checks it for me -wether im right in my statement or not-, I'll edit it to be accurate with the material.
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splo0shh · 2 months
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Can we PLEASE talk about how pretty Neito is? Like when he's not bullying Class 1A and acting all crazy, he's actually super pretty-
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