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dc41896 · 5 years ago
The Flu
Another quick idea I had that I wanted to write about 😊. Hope you guys like it!
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Pairing: Viktor Drago x Black Reader
Warnings: None
“Vik, it’s time to wake up. You gotta take your medicine.”
Stirring from your touch, he slowly sits up but not before letting out a bark like cough that you could hear rattle in his chest.
It was currently day two of him having the flu, so there was no real change in his symptoms yet. You tried to explain how that could happen sometimes to Ivan when he called earlier to see how his son was doing, but of course he said it was because the medicine wasn’t going to work and how you didn’t need to listen to the doctors.
“Fight through with exercise and let run course. This is the Russian way,” he informed, to which you politely said you��d keep the suggestion in mind if what you were doing didn’t work.
“And after you take these pills, you need to take this too so your cough can go away,” you instruct handing him the small cup of cough syrup, causing him groan.
“Why not pill for cough?”
“Because this is what the doctor recommended as the best to take,” you answer as he hands the medicine back.
“I’ll be fine, it’ll go away.”
“It will, but if you take medicine it’ll go away quicker love. Plus you don’t want it to get so bad that you have to go to the hospital do you?”
Hearing the word “hospital” seemed to quickly change his opinion as he downed the syrup in one gulp. Not without scrunching up his face in disgust after though and making you giggle.
“Alright shower time! Do you think you’ll need help?,” you ask helping him out of the bed and leading him to the bathroom.
Lightly shaking his head, he takes his arm from around your shoulders to clean himself up. “You don’t have to stay, you’ll be sick next.”
“I’ll be fine, plus the doctor gave me medicine to take too so my chance of getting sick won’t be as high. Like it or not, you’re stuck with me Drago.”
Standing on your tip toes, you kiss his cheek causing him to softly smile as he turns to run the water.
Gently placing the tray of soup on his lap, you slide into bed next to him and cut on Netflix to watch a movie. Holding his hand, you snuggle into his side as he eats his food.
“How are you feeling?,” you ask looking up at him.
“Better, still weak,” he answers, taking a break from his soup to drink some Gatorade. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, you know I’m always here for you. Plus I’m sure Ivan would not be happy if he found out I didn’t do anything to help and you ended up in the hospital getting a shot or-”
“No shot,” Viktor quickly replies, looking down at you.
“It’s ok, you won’t need one since you’re taking care of yourself,” you answer sitting up, rubbing his back as you kiss his shoulder.
“Good. I don’t like needles.”
“Yea I can tell,” you softly laugh followed by Viktor doing the same as he looks down in his bowl.
“Big scary boxer afraid of shot doesn’t look the toughest huh?”
“It’s normal to have fears Vik, and just because you have them doesn’t mean you’re not tough. In my eyes, you’re still the big, scary boxer that I love.”
Turning to look at you, he smiles before leaning down to kiss your forehead as you wrap your arms around his waist, returning to your cuddled position within his side.
“I love you Y/N.”
“I love you too Viktor. But next year though, we’re gonna have to get a flu shot to avoid this from happening again.”
Letting out a low groan, he continues eating his soup as you rub his abdomen, happy to be with your teddy bear of a boxer.
Taglist: @crushed-pink-petals @fumbling-fanfics @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @nina-sj @itshinothey @wildfirecracker
If anybody wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged but don’t see your name, or only wants to be tagged for someone specific I write for just let me know🤓!
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dc41896 · 5 years ago
Trick or Treat
Hey guys! In honor of it being Halloween, I wanted to write a quick imagine with someone different, and I hope you like it!
Pairing: Viktor Drago x Black Reader
Warnings: None (all fluff!)
Word Count: 1,408
“Okay, so you watch scary movies to be scared on purpose, but you don’t like to be scared..,” Viktor repeated trying to make sense of how you chose to spend Halloween. As a child in the Ukraine, he didn’t really celebrate the holiday so now that he was living in the states, he wanted you to tell him everything he needed to know.
“I know it sounds crazy, but yes. With movies I know it’s not real so I’m fine but actually having it in my face like with haunted houses, I’m not the biggest fan,” you admitted with a laugh making him smile. Sitting on your couch, you both shared a bucket of popcorn as you watched Friday the 13th, one of your favorite horror movies. Your plan tonight, as it was pretty much every Halloween, was to stay inside your apartment and have a movie marathon while handing out candy to any kids who may come by.
So far the only trick or treaters you had were a couple with their infant, who were dressed up as Ariel, Prince Eric, and Flounder which made your heart melt. Not being familiar with Disney princesses, Viktor didn’t fully understand your excitement, but agreed that they did look cute.
“Why he kill all the teens?,” he asked focused on the screen in front of him currently showing Jason stabbing a girl in the woods as her boyfriend fled screaming for help. “Well it goes back to when he was a kid. He drowned while at that camp since the counselors weren’t paying attention and originally his mom went after them for revenge, but then her son, Jason, started killing them after being motivated by her to do it,” you finish trying your best to sound creepy and wiggling your fingers mystically.
“Oh ok and it take a lot to scare me Y/N,” Viktor softly smiles gently bringing your hands down. “You say that, but I can see the fear in your eyes Drago,” you smirk before being pulled closer by the gentle giant.
“Mhmm sure,” he replies before kissing your forehead. Catching you off guard, you hear a loud knock at the door slightly making you jump and grab onto the boxer, which of course caused Viktor to let out a rumble of a laugh, “Looks like someone else is scared.”
“I’m not scared, it just surprised me there’s a difference!,” you laugh hitting his arm as you stood to make your way to the door, which he probably hardly felt due to his huge stature. “Do you want to hand out the candy this time?”
“No it’s ok, you do better job,” he nervously smiles. He wouldn’t admit it, but you could tell he was nervous about it due to his fear of how people might react. Adults he wasn’t too concerned about, but he didn’t want any kids to be scared away because of his towering frame and his reputation as this heartless monster. You wanted to tell him that it was ok and he had nothing to worry about, but not wanting to go about it the wrong way you kept quiet and just replied with a small smile.
“Trick or Treat!!,” the older kids loudly greeted as they held out their bags. “Here you go, Happy Halloween guys!,” you replied giving each of them a handful of candy from your cat covered bucket.
“Whoa is that Viktor Drago?,” one of the kids asked softly, who was coincidentally dressed as a boxer. “Yea, do you want to meet him?,” you ask matching the boy’s whisper.
“No um, it’s ok. Thanks for the candy,” he nervously answers before walking away, whispering with the other boys with him. With a small shrug, you close the door before setting the bucket back on the table and joining Viktor back on the couch.
“What costumes?,” he asked bringing one arm around your shoulders and using the other to pull the blanket over your legs. “Ninja, Batman, and a boxer,” you answer nudging him at the mention of the last costume, causing him to shyly smile.
“Next time the doorbell rings can you please hand out candy with me? I know you’re nervous about scaring people away, but I promise you won’t and everything will be fine love,” you try to reassure as you take his hand in yours to kiss. “We’ll see,” he answers after leaning down and kissing your lips.
Now on your third movie of the night, Hocus Pocus, you and Viktor were still in the same position on the couch. You thought he probably wouldn’t be interested in the movie and rather watch something else, but to your surprise he was just as focused on this one as he was the others. You also gave him the option to pick which one he would like to see, but he wanted you to choose instead, saying that you were the Halloween expert and would know the perfect movies to watch.
More trick or treaters of all ages came to the door throughout the night. Each time you would look at Viktor with bright eyes as a signal to see if he wanted to hand out candy, but he was still a bit apprehensive about it and would lightly shake his head.
Seeing that it was getting late, you figured things would start to die down soon. Plus you were starting to run out of candy, which meant that you’d definitely have to call it a night. Hearing a knock at the door once again, you got up to see what costumes would be behind the door this time, but were surprised to hear what sounded like a bunch of excited whispers.
Opening the door, you were met with a crowd of teens, kids, and a few parents all smiling while some held pieces of paper and pens. “Sorry to bother you again. I promise we’re not here for more candy, but we were wondering if we could take you up on that offer to meet Mr. Drago?,” the boy from before who was dressed as the boxer asked with his best smile.
“Speak for yourself, I want candy too please!,” a small child exclaimed from his parents arms, making everyone else around laugh, including yourself. “Um hold on let me see,” you answer sweetly before leaving the door cracked to call for Viktor.
“You ok?,” he asked concerned meeting you at the door. “Yea I’m fine, but take a look outside,” you answer opening the door, excited to see his expression. Scanning the crowd in front of him, his green eyes went wide as he was met with cheers and excited squeals.
“You do this?,” he asked turning to you thinking this was your plan to get him to try to lose his nervousness. “No, your fans just wanted to see you,” you smile rubbing his back and making his soft smile return again.
“Mr. Drago can I have your autograph? Unless you’re busy then it’s ok,” the young boy asked nervously switching from standing on one foot to the other. “Not busy and I’d love to,” he replies with a smile as he bends down to the boy’s height.
One by one Viktor began signing autographs and taking pictures with his fans. They asked him all sorts of questions from if he and Adonis were friends to when his next fight would be, and with who, which he couldn’t say. He tried to get to everyone, but a visit from the landlord saying how that many people in the hall was a fire hazard quickly shut everything down and people began making their way out of the building. That is, not before doing a small “Drago” chant, which made him blush.
After locking the door and putting away your bucket, you and Viktor snuggled back on your couch to continue your marathon. “See I told you, you have nothing to be afraid of,” you say wrapping your arms around his waist as you lay your head on his shoulder to which he leans his head on top of yours.
“Thank you,” he spoke after a few moments of silence passed. “For what?,” you ask playing with his fingers.
“My favorite Halloween,” he answered kissing the top of your head before returning back to the movie with you.
Taglist: @melinda-january @honeychicana @themyscxiras @lady-olive-oil @fumbling-fanfics @crushed-pink-petals @lovelymari4 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @nina-sj @itshinothey @wildfirecracker
If anybody else wants to be tagged, only wants to be tagged for a specific person, or has asked to be tagged and don’t see their name just let me know!
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fumbling-fanfics · 5 years ago
Ivan when he called
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But I wanna cuddle up in bed with a sick Viktor and watch Netflix. Love your fics as usual @dc41896
The Flu
Another quick idea I had that I wanted to write about 😊. Hope you guys like it!
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Pairing: Viktor Drago x Black Reader
Warnings: None
“Vik, it’s time to wake up. You gotta take your medicine.”
Stirring from your touch, he slowly sits up but not before letting out a bark like cough that you could hear rattle in his chest.
It was currently day two of him having the flu, so there was no real change in his symptoms yet. You tried to explain how that could happen sometimes to Ivan when he called earlier to see how his son was doing, but of course he said it was because the medicine wasn’t going to work and how you didn’t need to listen to the doctors.
“Fight through with exercise and let run course. This is the Russian way,” he informed, to which you politely said you’d keep the suggestion in mind if what you were doing didn’t work.
“And after you take these pills, you need to take this too so your cough can go away,” you instruct handing him the small cup of cough syrup, causing him groan.
“Why not pill for cough?”
“Because this is what the doctor recommended as the best to take,” you answer as he hands the medicine back.
“I’ll be fine, it’ll go away.”
“It will, but if you take medicine it’ll go away quicker love. Plus you don’t want it to get so bad that you have to go to the hospital do you?”
Hearing the word “hospital” seemed to quickly change his opinion as he downed the syrup in one gulp. Not without scrunching up his face in disgust after though and making you giggle.
“Alright shower time! Do you think you’ll need help?,” you ask helping him out of the bed and leading him to the bathroom.
Lightly shaking his head, he takes his arm from around your shoulders to clean himself up. “You don’t have to stay, you’ll be sick next.”
“I’ll be fine, plus the doctor gave me medicine to take too so my chance of getting sick won’t be as high. Like it or not, you’re stuck with me Drago.”
Standing on your tip toes, you kiss his cheek causing him to softly smile as he turns to run the water.
Gently placing the tray of soup on his lap, you slide into bed next to him and cut on Netflix to watch a movie. Holding his hand, you snuggle into his side as he eats his food.
“How are you feeling?,” you ask looking up at him.
“Better, still weak,” he answers, taking a break from his soup to drink some Gatorade. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, you know I’m always here for you. Plus I’m sure Ivan would not be happy if he found out I didn’t do anything to help and you ended up in the hospital getting a shot or-”
“No shot,” Viktor quickly replies, looking down at you.
“It’s ok, you won’t need one since you’re taking care of yourself,” you answer sitting up, rubbing his back as you kiss his shoulder.
“Good. I don’t like needles.”
“Yea I can tell,” you softly laugh followed by Viktor doing the same as he looks down in his bowl.
“Big scary boxer afraid of shot doesn’t look the toughest huh?”
“It’s normal to have fears Vik, and just because you have them doesn’t mean you’re not tough. In my eyes, you’re still the big, scary boxer that I love.”
Turning to look at you, he smiles before leaning down to kiss your forehead as you wrap your arms around his waist, returning to your cuddled position within his side.
“I love you Y/N.”
“I love you too Viktor. But next year though, we’re gonna have to get a flu shot to avoid this from happening again.”
Letting out a low groan, he continues eating his soup as you rub his abdomen, happy to be with your teddy bear of a boxer.
Taglist: @crushed-pink-petals @fumbling-fanfics @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @nina-sj @itshinothey @wildfirecracker
If anybody wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged but don’t see your name, or only wants to be tagged for someone specific I write for just let me know🤓!
157 notes · View notes
fumbling-fanfics · 5 years ago
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@dc41896 does it again!!!
Trick or Treat
Hey guys! In honor of it being Halloween, I wanted to write a quick imagine with someone different, and I hope you like it!
Pairing: Viktor Drago x Black Reader
Warnings: None (all fluff!)
Word Count: 1,408
“Okay, so you watch scary movies to be scared on purpose, but you don’t like to be scared..,” Viktor repeated trying to make sense of how you chose to spend Halloween. As a child in the Ukraine, he didn’t really celebrate the holiday so now that he was living in the states, he wanted you to tell him everything he needed to know.
“I know it sounds crazy, but yes. With movies I know it’s not real so I’m fine but actually having it in my face like with haunted houses, I’m not the biggest fan,” you admitted with a laugh making him smile. Sitting on your couch, you both shared a bucket of popcorn as you watched Friday the 13th, one of your favorite horror movies. Your plan tonight, as it was pretty much every Halloween, was to stay inside your apartment and have a movie marathon while handing out candy to any kids who may come by.
So far the only trick or treaters you had were a couple with their infant, who were dressed up as Ariel, Prince Eric, and Flounder which made your heart melt. Not being familiar with Disney princesses, Viktor didn’t fully understand your excitement, but agreed that they did look cute.
“Why he kill all the teens?,” he asked focused on the screen in front of him currently showing Jason stabbing a girl in the woods as her boyfriend fled screaming for help. “Well it goes back to when he was a kid. He drowned while at that camp since the counselors weren’t paying attention and originally his mom went after them for revenge, but then her son, Jason, started killing them after being motivated by her to do it,” you finish trying your best to sound creepy and wiggling your fingers mystically.
“Oh ok and it take a lot to scare me Y/N,” Viktor softly smiles gently bringing your hands down. “You say that, but I can see the fear in your eyes Drago,” you smirk before being pulled closer by the gentle giant.
“Mhmm sure,” he replies before kissing your forehead. Catching you off guard, you hear a loud knock at the door slightly making you jump and grab onto the boxer, which of course caused Viktor to let out a rumble of a laugh, “Looks like someone else is scared.”
“I’m not scared, it just surprised me there’s a difference!,” you laugh hitting his arm as you stood to make your way to the door, which he probably hardly felt due to his huge stature. “Do you want to hand out the candy this time?”
“No it’s ok, you do better job,” he nervously smiles. He wouldn’t admit it, but you could tell he was nervous about it due to his fear of how people might react. Adults he wasn’t too concerned about, but he didn’t want any kids to be scared away because of his towering frame and his reputation as this heartless monster. You wanted to tell him that it was ok and he had nothing to worry about, but not wanting to go about it the wrong way you kept quiet and just replied with a small smile.
“Trick or Treat!!,” the older kids loudly greeted as they held out their bags. “Here you go, Happy Halloween guys!,” you replied giving each of them a handful of candy from your cat covered bucket.
“Whoa is that Viktor Drago?,” one of the kids asked softly, who was coincidentally dressed as a boxer. “Yea, do you want to meet him?,” you ask matching the boy’s whisper.
“No um, it’s ok. Thanks for the candy,” he nervously answers before walking away, whispering with the other boys with him. With a small shrug, you close the door before setting the bucket back on the table and joining Viktor back on the couch.
“What costumes?,” he asked bringing one arm around your shoulders and using the other to pull the blanket over your legs. “Ninja, Batman, and a boxer,” you answer nudging him at the mention of the last costume, causing him to shyly smile.
“Next time the doorbell rings can you please hand out candy with me? I know you’re nervous about scaring people away, but I promise you won’t and everything will be fine love,” you try to reassure as you take his hand in yours to kiss. “We’ll see,” he answers after leaning down and kissing your lips.
Now on your third movie of the night, Hocus Pocus, you and Viktor were still in the same position on the couch. You thought he probably wouldn’t be interested in the movie and rather watch something else, but to your surprise he was just as focused on this one as he was the others. You also gave him the option to pick which one he would like to see, but he wanted you to choose instead, saying that you were the Halloween expert and would know the perfect movies to watch.
More trick or treaters of all ages came to the door throughout the night. Each time you would look at Viktor with bright eyes as a signal to see if he wanted to hand out candy, but he was still a bit apprehensive about it and would lightly shake his head.
Seeing that it was getting late, you figured things would start to die down soon. Plus you were starting to run out of candy, which meant that you’d definitely have to call it a night. Hearing a knock at the door once again, you got up to see what costumes would be behind the door this time, but were surprised to hear what sounded like a bunch of excited whispers.
Opening the door, you were met with a crowd of teens, kids, and a few parents all smiling while some held pieces of paper and pens. “Sorry to bother you again. I promise we’re not here for more candy, but we were wondering if we could take you up on that offer to meet Mr. Drago?,” the boy from before who was dressed as the boxer asked with his best smile.
“Speak for yourself, I want candy too please!,” a small child exclaimed from his parents arms, making everyone else around laugh, including yourself. “Um hold on let me see,” you answer sweetly before leaving the door cracked to call for Viktor.
“You ok?,” he asked concerned meeting you at the door. “Yea I’m fine, but take a look outside,” you answer opening the door, excited to see his expression. Scanning the crowd in front of him, his green eyes went wide as he was met with cheers and excited squeals.
“You do this?,” he asked turning to you thinking this was your plan to get him to try to lose his nervousness. “No, your fans just wanted to see you,” you smile rubbing his back and making his soft smile return again.
“Mr. Drago can I have your autograph? Unless you’re busy then it’s ok,” the young boy asked nervously switching from standing on one foot to the other. “Not busy and I’d love to,” he replies with a smile as he bends down to the boy’s height.
One by one Viktor began signing autographs and taking pictures with his fans. They asked him all sorts of questions from if he and Adonis were friends to when his next fight would be, and with who, which he couldn’t say. He tried to get to everyone, but a visit from the landlord saying how that many people in the hall was a fire hazard quickly shut everything down and people began making their way out of the building. That is, not before doing a small “Drago” chant, which made him blush.
After locking the door and putting away your bucket, you and Viktor snuggled back on your couch to continue your marathon. “See I told you, you have nothing to be afraid of,” you say wrapping your arms around his waist as you lay your head on his shoulder to which he leans his head on top of yours.
“Thank you,” he spoke after a few moments of silence passed. “For what?,” you ask playing with his fingers.
“My favorite Halloween,” he answered kissing the top of your head before returning back to the movie with you.
Taglist: @melinda-january @honeychicana @themyscxiras @lady-olive-oil @fumbling-fanfics @crushed-pink-petals @lovelymari4 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @nina-sj @itshinothey @wildfirecracker
If anybody else wants to be tagged, only wants to be tagged for a specific person, or has asked to be tagged and don’t see their name just let me know!
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