#viktoria modesta avatars
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avatars - Viktoria Modesta (400x640)
credit : soletear
#avatar#viktoria modesta#viktoria modesta avatar#viktoria modesta avatars#avatar rpg#forum rpg#soletear
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#viktoria modesta#viktoria modesta avatars#viktoria modesta avatar#avatar#faceclaim#forum rpg#avatars 400x640
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viktoria modesta, 1988, latvian
la galerie
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Jour 6/18 septembre : fc with disabilities
#peter dinklage#Monika Kuszyńska#sylvester stallone#viktoria modesta#avatar#avatars#avatar 400*640#400*640#underusedfcchallenge#forum#rpg#rpg français
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Viktoria Modesta - 250x400
Please, like and reblog if you save/use. Do not remove the credit and do not redistribute as your own. We doesn’t claim credits for the images used for the graphics. Thanks ♥
#viktoria modesta#250x400#avatar#photoplayer#pp#Face Claim#roleplay#rpg#viktoria modesta 250*400#viktoria modesta 250x400#model#bionic artist#singer#prototype#niko#killjoys syfy
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Still from conceptual animation music video inspired by @nasa @nasawebb // by MA+ Art talent @viktoriamodesta Director, 3D, Edit @sage_morei of @horizonlab.vision Executive Creative Director @ericalbernhard Creative Director, Stylist @ViktoriaModesta Avatar @ninocence at @liliumlabs Glass Dress @yimeng_yu Music Written by @jnayallday, Viktoria Modesta Produced by @madeaux #ModestarRecords
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All Hail The NFT Graffiti Queens
Like the immortal yew tree that regenerates and rebirths itself, we are seeing the art world growing into something new again… Another renaissance, that continuously shows us how art can keep reinventing itself into something fresh, exciting, and different… and will keep doing so for as long as we and our creative minds exist.
The riches of the past will always be treasured, but new pots of gold are being created and snapped up as we watch this new art world evolve before our very eyes. In the most furiously calm and almost silent manner, a new era is unfolding and evolving - growing out of the old. And, what our eyes used to behold has now become pixelated. Sit and observe the changing landscape of art behind our computer screen as we see art reaching for the moon… This may be one small step into the digital age, and yet it feels like a really giant leap for art – the artists, buyers, and creatives alike. This is the age that art takes one giant leap into a brave new world.
And, this is where you'll find me; a blond-haired avatar, wearing my best pixel dress and running around in a digital world that reveals its exciting and surreal landscape with every step I take.
It is here, in this virtual world that I recently took part in an all-female NFT artists exhibition called ‘The Graffiti Queens’. The first of its kind in Crypto Art History. Within this virtual world, you can walk up and around the gallery and see the art on display as an NFT.
What is an NFT? It’s the latest buzzword, an anagram phrase that brings art and Crypto together for the first time and creates great value for all involved. NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token – and is a blockchain registration of digitalized artwork. The digital world has literally found a way to verify and tag original pieces of work, be it a still or moving image and through the blockchain, we can follow its ownership journey for all eternity. I say whaaaat!
The digital doors opened in April to a Skate Park in Vegas City, which is in Decentraland*
I dropped into the space and caught my first glimpse of the art which was very cleverly surrounding a skateboard park with all its ramps and half-pipes (Yes, it really was a digital skate park - and yes, I did run up & down it for giggles).
I’m not gonna lie, I was interested in finding my piece straight away but as I moved around the edges - side-stepping like a crab, I could not taking my eyes off the work. I was blown away by the beauty and the inventiveness of this gallery collection. This place was full of great art, all created by very talented women. It’s the first time major celebrities had joined forces with NFT artists to take part in an exhibition with the likes of Viktoria Modesta & Pussy Riot showing off their skills. The buzz around this show got the attention of Paris Hilton, who could be seen chatting to the female artists in the exhibition. Talk about bringing different worlds together in a new and cutting-edge world.
After running around the park… Everyone runs here, it’s the norm, I found my Rainbow Warrior - Wisdom of Water, nestled between artists’ Artemis_Wylde and Hackatao. There seemed a natural flow in the display of the work. Hats off to the curator, as all the art pieces complementing each other. Each different. Each super fly. I viewed each piece in all its intricate glory. Zooming in and out, around and then back, seeing the work from all angles, as I worked out how to use the control panel!
I am now honoured to be showcasing the talented work by some of the women in this show. I have included the NFT links on their image, which takes you to their shop - and makes the journey easier when you inevitably fall in love with the work… and you will. Have fun bidding on your very own piece of digital art. Remember it will be an original piece of work and an expression of an artists’ soul that will exist on the blockchain forever. Yours for eternity... or, yours to sell!
After seeing the show, in all its royal glory, I can officially say The Graffiti Queens ROCK! All hail the Graffiti Queens.
Thank you GraffitiKings, founder Darren Cullen for hosting this event and CryptoYuna curator this magic.
If you want to run around the skate park and see some of these beautiful art pieces in all their digital glory, or get a clearer idea of what I am talking about… You can watch it on YouTube ‘BitCoinLive’ interview. 6 mins into the interview, the curator of this event has her Avatar hanging out around my art piece, showing it off in all its glory. Thanks, Yuna!… Link here.
*Decentraland is an online world that gives users a place to create an avatar, interact with other users and participate in everything from concerts and art shows
More articles on the Graffiti Queen exhibition: • NBC News • Bitcoinlive • Crypto Briefing • Art Rights
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Comment s’affirmer quand on est différente des codes de beauté standards ?
Dans cet article, nous avons compilé une liste de cinq de ces femmes non conventionnelles qui ont pris d'assaut les médias sociaux. Regardons ensemble leurs différents profils.
Winnie Harlow est entrée en scène lorsqu'elle a été découverte par la célèbre la productrice et l’animatrice de l’émission America’s Next Top Model, Tyra Banks, qui l'a vue sur Instagram. Bien qu'elle souffre d'un type majeur de vitiligo, elle n'a jamais reculé face aux défis. Après son apparition sur ladite émission, elle a acquis une immense popularité et a été signée en tant que visage de marque pour Desigual. Depuis lors, elle n'a pas regardé en arrière et continue de marcher pour de nombreux défilés de mode, et a même été une militante de premier plan pour Swarovski et Diesel. Winnie Harlow a courageusement accepté son état de peau et est devenue un modèle pour des milliers d'hommes et de femmes dans le monde qui ont une faible estime de soi en raison de problèmes de peau.
Ce modèle du Sénégal s'est très justement baptisé « la déesse mélanine ». En tant que jeune fille, Khoudia Diop a été ridiculisée par les gens pour être trop sombre. Cependant, lorsqu'elle a décidé de visiter Paris, elle a en fait été conseillée et parfois même approchée pour travailler comme mannequin, grâce à sa peau d'ébène et sa beauté non conventionnelle. Elle a fait sa vraie percée quand elle a finalement déménagé à New York. Elle a été mise en évidence dans le projet Colored Girl, et depuis lors, elle a non seulement reçu d'immenses éloges pour être une personne à la peau sombre, mais aussi pour la façon dont elle s'aime pour être qui elle est. Elle a également été embauchée pour une société de cosmétiques, qui se concentre sur l'offre de nuances de fond de teint plus foncées qui peuvent répondre à un large éventail de consommateurs.
Ce modèle du Tibet n'a pas été remarqué en ligne, mais en réalité dans les rues du Tibet. Et contrairement aux modèles conventionnels, elle a été félicitée et appréciée pour sa structure de nez unique à la London Fashion Week. Ses traits faciaux saisissants du type avatar, ainsi que sa peau impeccable et son nez de structure unique ont fait la renommée mondiale de ce modèle tibétain. Ses photos Instagram sont concentrées sur son front proéminent et la structure unique de son nez, ainsi que les nombreux points de beauté sur son visage.
Va -t-elle mettre fin à la mode du nez avec la forme tant apprécie du nez à l’européenne et qui fait l’objet des demandes récurrentes de chirurgie de rhinoplastie.
Sophia Hadjipanteli
Une autre compte Instagram trouvé sur cette liste, celui de Sophia Hadjipanteli. Elle aurait facilement pu être juste une jolie fille au hasard si elle avait décidé de dessiner ses sourcils. Cependant, elle a laissé les choses telles quelles et a choisi de ne pas laisser sa beauté être définie par les normes de la société. Ses sourcils ne semblent pas touchés par les pincettes ou les fils, et pour être honnête, ce sont les parties les plus captivantes de son visage et de son profil Instagram en lus de ses jolis yeux. Et Sophia laisse sa section de commentaires sur Instagram polarisée également - certains soutenant totalement son choix et sa beauté non conventionnelle, tandis que d'autres sont ennuyés. Elle continue d'être un modèle pour les personnes qui ont de grands sourcils. Mais pour combien de temps les gardera-t-elle ? on la voit apparaitre sur des photos avec des sourcils épilés. Info ou intox ? on ne sait pas.
VIKTORIA MODESTA : La femme bionique
Ce modèle de Lettonie, Viktoria Modesta, a dû se faire amputer le bas de la jambe afin d'améliorer sa mobilité et de s'assurer qu'elle ne rencontrera plus de problèmes avec sa jambe à l'avenir. Elle est entrée dans le monde du mannequinat à l'âge de quinze ans, puis est devenue par la suite chanteuse-compositrice-interprète et artiste de scène. Cette femme aux multiples talents est une véritable œuvre d'art en soi. Elle utilise différentes structures dans le cadre de différents appendices, ce qui fait de son corps une œuvre d'art. Elle n'a jamais laissé aucun obstacle la retenir, alors qu'elle continue à danser, chanter, jouer et marcher sur la rampe, qui est suivie par des milliers de followers sur son profil Instagram. Elle est une véritable inspiration pour chaque personne dans le monde, et son histoire montre que si vous suivez votre passion avec un travail acharné et un dévouement, rien ne peut vous arrêter !
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Each week Nikolas Badminton, Futurist Speaker, summarizes the top-5 future looking developments and news items that I find to be inspiring, interesting, concerning, or downright strange. Each day he reads through dozens of blogs and news websites to find those things that we should be aware of.
In Exponential Minds’ Future Trends – Plantoid Blockchain we look at how SV is erasing your individuality, Primavera De Filippi’s new species on the blockchain, startup gym pods in China, winning the cyborg olympics, and cyborg pop with Viktoria Modesta’s ‘Prototype’.
How Silicon Valley is erasing your individuality
Along with Facebook, Microsoft and Apple, these companies are in a race to become our “personal assistant.” They want to wake us in the morning, have their artificial intelligence software guide us through our days and never quite leave our sides. They aspire to become the repository for precious and private items, our calendars and contacts, our photos and documents. They intend for us to turn unthinkingly to them for information and entertainment while they catalogue our intentions and aversions. Google Glass and the Apple Watch prefigure the day when these companies implant their artificial intelligence in our bodies. Brin has mused, “Perhaps in the future, we can attach a little version of Google that you just plug into your brain.”
Read more at Washington Post
Primavera de Filippi – Plantoid & DAOS: Blockchain Based Life Forms
Artist & researcher Primavera De Filippi has created a new species. It’s called Plantoid, and it’s difficult to describe in a single sentence. At first glance, it appears to be a mechanical sculpture, but taking a closer look it reveals itsself more as a mechanical creature. Primavera tells the story of the Plantoid as a “distributed autonomous organisation” or DAO, which is a quasi-legal entity that exists as executable code on the blockchain. Every Plantoid implements its own DAO, allowing it to interact with the real world.
Startup launches gym pods across China
There’s now another way to keep fit in China, as the Chinese company Misspao has launched the ‘pod gym’, a mini-gym just large enough for one. The initial launch has been such a success that Misspao plan on installing 1,000 of the pods across the streets of China by the end of the year.
Although the gyms are very compact, there’s still enough space within them for a treadmill, screen (for music, TV or movies), an air purifier and a range of portable fitness accessories. The pods are also cleaned on a regular basis by a team of maintenance technicians. Booking a place in one of the pods is very simple. There is a companion smartphone app that handles all the bookings and payments and then the user scans in a QR code when they arrive at the pod to gain entry. The pods are very reasonable too, with costs working out to be about USD 0.25 a minute.
Currently there are no plans to launch the pods outside of China, but if they prove to be as successful as Misspao hope they will be, then a worldwide release is almost a certainty.
Read more at Springwise
How We Won Gold in the Cyborg Olympics’ Brain Race
Our group in the brain-machine interface lab at the other Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), in Geneva, fielded the Brain Tweakers team to compete in the Cybathlon’s Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Race. Gold medalist Poujouly was one of our two pilots, both of whom propelled their avatars through a racecourse by mind power alone. As with any BCI system, signals recorded from the pilot’s brain were fed into a decoding algorithm that translated the signals into commands. In this case, the commands were used to control the pilot’s avatar, but other BCI systems could be used by people with severe motor impairments to control a variety of devices—including wheelchairs, prosthetic limbs, and computer cursors.
The Cybathlon criteria allowed for only noninvasive BCI systems, which use electrodes placed on the scalp to pick up neural signals; experimental systems that use electrodes implanted in the brain tissue weren’t permitted. Noninvasive systems pick up noisier neural signals, but paired with the right signal processing software, they can yield information that is good enough to work with—and they don’t bring along the medical risks of brain surgery.
Teamwork was key to our success. We developed the technology with feedback from Poujouly and our other pilot, Eric Anselmo; they helped us determine the mental commands that gave them intuitive and reliable control of their avatars. Our system also created a symbiotic relationship between man and machine, in which the pilots and the BCI software adapted to each other during the training process. Both of our pilots made it to the final race, and Poujouly’s gold medal offers definitive proof that we had a winning strategy.
Read more at IEEE Spectrum
Viktoria Modesta – Prototype (Cyborg Pop)
The post Future Trends – Winning Cyborgs appeared first on Nikolas Badminton, Futurist Speaker.
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name: Lauren nickname: Morphy zodiac sign: Leo height: 5 ft. 3 in. orientation: Panromantic Demisexual ethnicity: White favorite fruit: Oranges favorite season: Autumn/Winter favorite books: oh fuck, so many.....the 2 that come to mind right now are Vlad: the Last Confession and The Scarlet Pimpernel favorite flower: uhhhhhhh idk honestly favorite scent: Citrus, vanilla, or pine trees favorite animal: Sharks, snakes, and tigers coffee, tea, or hot cocoa ? Tea or hot cocoa average hours of sleep: 7-9 hrs. cats or dogs ? *shrug* favorite fictional character: oh my god I literally cannot pick just one ;-; I have faves in pretty much every piece of media I enjoy dream trip: Ireland, Iceland, New Zealand when was your blog created ? June 9, 2016 what do you post about ? Hanzo, his interactions, and my ships w/ him do you get asks on a regular basis ? Nah, not really, but that’s okay aesthetic: ?????????????? *shrug* favorite band/artist ? Steam Powered Giraffe, A Tribe Called Red, Dr. Steel fictional characters i’d date: so many hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
countries i’ve lived in: only the U.S. favorite fandom: at the moment, Overw.atch and Pe.rsona 5 languages you speak: English favorite film of 2016: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk last article you read: i think the one about why no one’s really excited for the Avatar sequels shuffle your music library and put your first three songs here: ”Pirate Fight” - from Stardust; “Only You” - Viktoria Modesta; “The Rising” - Michael Flatley last thing you bought online: a Ryuji shirt from Redbubble how would your enemies describe you ? uhhhhhhh idk, probably as an ugly fatass who’s creepily quiet who would you take a bullet for? fuck, idk man........
tagged by: @ampitup-frogboy
tagging: uhhhhhh whoever wants to and hasn’t yet!!
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Still from conceptual animation music video inspired by @nasa @nasawebb // by MA+ Art talent @viktoriamodesta Director, 3D, Edit @sage_morei of @horizonlab.vision Executive Creative Director @ericalbernhard Creative Director, Stylist @ViktoriaModesta Avatar @ninocence at @liliumlabs Glass Dress @yimeng_yu Music Written by @jnayallday, Viktoria Modesta Produced by @madeaux #ModestarRecords
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Still from conceptual animation music video inspired by @nasa @nasawebb // by MA+ Art talent @viktoriamodesta Director, 3D, Edit @sage_morei of @horizonlab.vision Executive Creative Director @ericalbernhard Creative Director, Stylist @ViktoriaModesta Avatar @ninocence at @liliumlabs Glass Dress @yimeng_yu Music Written by @jnayallday, Viktoria Modesta Produced by @madeaux #ModestarRecords
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