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Update: Moje mnenje, glede na to da teh vrst uhanov še nikoli nisem nosil
Trikotni uhani na klip VS. Uhani na vijak, FIGHT!
(meritev višine, dolžine in širine so na približno, if ya think you can do it better, ste lahko moj gost in učitelj tbh)
Trikotni uhani: 10 kosov v enem pakiranju. Uhani pridejo v zlati, srebrni in platina barvi. Cena: 1.30€
Na ušesu zgleda lepo, neopazno, in klip je enostaven. Kontakt je manjši kot pri okroglem klipu, zato stiska še močneje.
Težko ga je bilo sneti, ampak ali je to zato ker so uhani čisto novi in še ne razrahljani ali ker so moja ušesa občutljiva, ne vem. To be examined further, če rečem na kratko.
Če se izkaže da se s časom razrahlja in moj ušesni meček ne bo več rdeč kot paradižnik po 5min nošenja, bo to super alternativa okroglem klipu.
Uhani na vijak: 4 kosi v enem pakiranju. Uhani pridejo v zlati, srebrni in platina barvi. Cena: 1.85€
Na ušesu izgleda lepo, skoraj neopazno odvisno kako ga nastaviš.
Poleg vijaka, se uhan lahko odpre tudi na večje, da se ga lažje nastavi.
Vijak drži dobro, uhana ni možno potegniti dol če se vijaka ne odvije. Vseeno nekoliko težje sname, ampak lažje kot trikotni klip.
Kljub majhnemu kontaktu, se lahko sam odločiš kako močno je treba zategniti vijak in tako moja ušesa niso trpela.
Zaključek: zdi se mi, da bodo zame boljši uhani na vijak, razen če mi uspe klipe razrahljati tako da ne bom zaradi stiska dobil glavobol (I am a delicate, sensitive lil flower).
Summary for any english peeps that checked this out: Soft, sensitive ears (such as mine) will be thankful for the screw earrings, while thicker ones can probably stand the strenght of the triangle clip-on.
BTC hala A6 Levček še enkrat preseneča, in zahvaliti se moram temu da sem parkrat poudarila da uhani potrebujejo luknje na katere se lahko obesi stvari.
IN GOSPODIČNA, kot da ni bila poslana od božanstev vsega kar je DIY, REČE "Samo malo... Kaj pa tile?"
Dve vrsti, V TREH BARVAH?!
P.S. Imajo tudi FIMO maso, in folijo ki se skrči, SEPRAVI ZBOGOM RAYHER!
Na redke petke si mi služil dobro ampak tvoj čas je minil.
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Some rough Josef doodles! I never draw him consistent but that’s okay because he ISN’T consistent!
He escapes an abusive family as a teen, only to immediately sell his life force to a magic-eating demon in return for HRT. But he has a happy ending :)
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Vijak are a race of numbat-like marsupials who live in family-based communities in the deserts of the Open Plain’s Up Over. They are an artistic people who value creativity and compassion above all else. Known for being open and accepting, they are at the forefront of many rights movements and are considered a socially progressive people, especially with their strong connections to the minority races of Ilyris.
Their first Starbearer was Dune, who brought the arts out of the Open Plains and across the rest of Ilyris.
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Lanci gusenice za bager Caterpillar 323D2L od 49 clanaka ul190b1g49 www.grucom.rs 0659930900 #lanac #lanci #bager #bageri #caterpillar #vijak #navrtka #sraf #matica #323d2l #49clanaka #clanaklanca #gusenica #hodnistroj #donjistroj #donjerolne #gornjerolne #rolna #rolne #roleri #pogonskireduktor #pogonskitocak #pogonskizupcanik #zatezanjegusenice #zateznitocak #idler #vodecitocak #spaner #spanergusenice #grucomdoo (у месту Grucom doo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZe-UMIs7fF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Hey! Go and check out my website!
It’s still a work in progressbut I’ll eventually be putting up information on everything to do with my fantasy series of Ilyris! I just finished the Vijak page today, please tell me what you think!
I want someone to draw Vijak sleeping in a paint spiral <3
Wanna know what I mean? Go read the link! ;D
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@curriculax made this species
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🔴 Sketch No. 14- Daily sketch challenge Inspiration Photo: @Vijak Mohindra
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Makita DDF453SFE
Da se končno malo lotim tudi druge sfere tehnike in tehnologije, ki me zadnje dve leti zelo zanima - orodje. Sicer nisem zelo natančen tip, ki bi izdelal vrhunske izdelke iz lesa ali kovine, položil doma ploščice, nato še privlačno sosedo in zazidal svojo rojstno hišo. Znam pa zvrtati luknjo, privijačiti zadeve, žagati les in kovino in po potrebi tudi kaj popraviti (ali pokvariti). Prvo orodje sem si začel kupovati ko sva se 2020 s punco preselila v stanovanje brez pohištva, kjer je bilo marsikaj za uredit in sem si neprestano moral sposojati orodje od očeta in od tasta. Oče je tako kot jaz velik fan Makite in bom tudi njegovo zbirko enkrat predstavil. Zraven Makite uporablja tudi električno orodje Milwaukee, RYOBI, Bosch in Parkside, ampak v glavnem prisega na Makitin LXT 18V program. Oba se sicer strinjava, da je Milwaukee najboljša znamka za električno orodje (predvsem akumulatorsko), ampak je zelo drago in namenjeno profesionalni uporabi, za hobi je totalni overkill. Že Makita hitro postane predraga za hobi DIY zadeve, sploh BL program brezkrtačnih motorjev in XGT platforma.
Makita je sicer znamka, po kateri običajno posegajo profesionalci in tisti, ki doma resnično nekaj neprestano ustvarjajo. Jaz jo imam zato, ker sem ta komplet dobil za ceno 170€, ki vsebuje vrtalni vijačnik DDF453 in dva LXT 18V akumulatorja s kapaciteto 3.0Ah, kar je za hobi program perfektna vsestranska mašinca, ki pride v namenskem kovčku za prenašanje. Drug razlog je LXT platforma za akumulatorje, ki omogočajo uporabo med različnimi napravami. Imam tudi ročni sesalec DCL180ZB, ki ima enak akumulator kot vrtalnik. Res je, da v tem kompletu pride počasni polnilec, namesto hitrega (če kupuješ in nisi prepričan, v modelu oznaka SD pomeni navadni polnilec, RC pa je hitri polnilec), ampak niti nimam potrebe po hitrem polnjenju, ker je kapaciteta akumulatorjev dokaj velika. Obstajajo tudi druge različice tega kompleta, na primer DDF453SYE, ki ima dva akumulatorja s kapaciteto 1,5Ah, kar bi zame bilo bolj primerno, ker so tudi lažji, ampak mi sploh pri sesanju avtomobila prav pride večja kapaciteta. Profesionalci običajno uporabljajo 5.0Ah akumulatorje, za hobi program je to overkill, razen če uporabljaš kosilnico na LXT platformi ali pa verižno žago. Te naprave potrošijo ogromno energije napram manjšim vrtalnikom in ročnim sesalcem.
Vrtalni vijačnik kombiniram s 43-delnim kompletom Makita nastavkov za vrtanje in vijačenje, ki je sicer zelo ugoden, ampak tudi malo nekvaliteten. V rahlo vlažni kleti so nastavki na površini začeli rjaveti, kljub temu da niso bili na tleh ampak na polici v zaprtem ohišju za prenašanje. Tudi material je mehak in se hitro obrabi, svedri so srednja žalost, tako da odsvetujem nakup tega kompleta - raje kak malo dražji komplet nastavkov, ki so po možnosti magnetni, ker to zelo olajša delo. Ker je v kovčku prostora za tri akumulatorje (če enega pustiš v vrtalniku), sem nabavil še en komplet nastavkov Makita, ki imajo etui v obliki LXT akumulatorja, kar je zelo priročno za prenašanje v namenskih kovčkih od vrtalnikov. Če uporabljaš njihove Makpac kovčke, ti je načeloma vseeno, kakšna je škatla od nastavkov. Kupil sem tudi manjši komplet svedrov Makita, kjer so pakirani trije za kovino, trije za les in trije za beton v različnih dimenzijah. Etui od svedrov je dovolj ploščat, da tudi paše zraven v kovček, če ga položiš na polnilec. V drugem kovčku z ročnim orodjem imam še tri komplete po pet svedrov Parkside (Lidlova poceni znamka za orodje): enega za les, enega za beton in enega za železo. Bili so poceni in sem jih nabavil, ker sveder lahko hitro zlomiš in mi jih ni škoda - potrošni material. Realno so za hobi program več kot dovolj dobri. Za težko dostopne vijake imam tudi kotni nastavek Parkside in upogljiv nastavek Parkside. Pri uporabi moram posebej paziti, ker je maksimalni zatezni moment vrtalnika večji od priporočenega za te nastavke. Tudi ročnega orodja imam veliko od Parkside, sploh stvari, ki jih redko uporabljam. Moram priznati, da je kvaliteta dobra, sploh za zelo nizko ceno in sem velikokrat zelo navdušen nad to znamko. Seveda je to za hobi program, za profesionalce se odsvetuje. Več o mojem kovčku z ročnim orodjem bom predstavil enkrat kasneje.
V glavnem z Makita vrtalnim vijačnikom sem zelo zadovoljen, ampak so moje zahteve minimalne in težko podam neko realno oceno, niti ni moj namen, da bi orodje ocenjeval. Sem zadovoljen in presega moja pričakovanja. Lahko bi izbral kakšno cenejšo znamko ali pa njihov CXT program, ki je ugodnejši in ima vseeno široko paleto orodij, ki uporabljajo CXT akumulatorje. Z izbiro LXT sem na nek način future-proofal, če bi kdaj potreboval tudi akumulatorsko kosilnico, verižno žago itd. da vedno kupujem med seboj kompatibilne zadeve. Hkrati sem želel dolgoročno kvaliteto, za katero vem, da jo Makita omogoča, ker je njihovo orodje izjemno vzdržljivo in veliko prenese. Verjetno bo kdo mislil, da je ta objava sponzorirana. Bi si želel, ker bi ekstra denar prav prišel, ampak sem zgolj velik oboževalec te znamke.
Torej če potegnemo črto - vsak “pravi ded” bi moral imeti vsaj en vrtalnik doma. Priporočam, da se kupi kvalitetnejšega ker se na dolgi rok to obrestuje. Dobro je pred nakupom preverit, koliko stanejo nadomestni akumulatorji (kdo še sploh na kabel kupuje, se ob tem vprašam) in koliko različnega orodja in ostalih naprav je možno poganjati z istim akumulatorjem (orodje brez akumulatorja je lahko zelo ugodno, če že imaš akumulatorje od prej). Znamke, ki jim zaupam so naslednje: Stanley, DeWalt, Makita, Milwaukee, Bosch Professional, RYOBI, Metabo in Hilti. To še ne pomeni, da so ostale, ki jih nisem navedel slabe. Če googlaš best power tools hitro najdeš tudi druge dobre znamke, ampak z njimi nimam izkušenj in jih zato nisem omenil. Če imaš bolj tesen budget imajo ljudje, ki jih poznam dobre izkušnje z Lidlovim Parkside električnim orodjem. Tudi akumulatorji so poceni kar je velik plus. Iskro odsvetujem, njihova kvaliteta izdelave in uporabljenih materialov je katastrofalna in orodje zna biti nevarno ob uporabi. Res škoda take znamke, ki je nekoč bila sinonim za kvaliteto. Spomnim se, da je dedek imel en električni vrtalnik od Iskre (še na kabel, vpenjalna glava se je zavijala s posebnim ključem). Verjetno se je že zdavnaj vrtalnik vrgel stran, ker je bil star že takrat ko sem bil majhen - ampak verjetno bi še zdaj delal isto dobro kot ob dnevu nakupa. Morem pa priznati, da je deda svoje orodje dobro očuval in z njim lepo rokoval, kot se za ključavničarja spodobi. Škoda, da ni enako dobro skrbel za svoje zdravje. Njegovo znanje in kirurška natančnost bi mi pogosto prišla prav pri kakšnih izdelkih iz kovine.
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The other two mcs are Strong Kick the Tail-Hopper and Dedamirr the Vijak (Numbat/Aardwolf person) who are lesbian thieves who fight crime by commiting crimes against evil criminals and help Abernach and Cavaran find their murderer :D
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Croydon’s first NFT art exhibition opens today!
Last month, as part of our plan to start the conversation about NFTs in Croydon, we interviewed local artist Marc Craig about his (Forbes featured!) online gallery and learnt more about how he got involved in the NFT scene.
Our mutual excitement about NFTs and the potential they hold for Croydon’s creative community led to us creating Croydon’s first ever NFT art exhibition which officially launches today!
sees work from East Croydon Cool, Johnny Howl Club and Marc Craig displayed in the virtual Chopperchunky Gallery for the whole of October.
A full description of all the NFTs can be found at the end of this post but to summarise:
The East Croydon Cool NFTs incorporate NFT and Cryptocurrency language (with a tongue-in-cheek twist) to help educate people on some of the key terminology.
The Johnny Howl Club NFTs showcase a selection of Johnny’s hand-drawn digital impressionist pop art pieces which celebrate a selection of well-known names, buildings and cartoons.
The Marc Craig NFTs give a taste of some of his recent collaborative pieces in which he has worked with famous photographers and metaverse designers to incorporate his trademark doodle signature and bring a new perspective to their work.
The announcement of this NFT project has led to several other Croydon artists reaching out to express their interest in this new creative revolution and we hope to run many more online NFT exhibitions featuring other Croydon artists in the future.
The project has also helped connect us with other local creatives who are embracing the NFT world. Legendary DJ and Croydon Boy, Plastician, (a pioneer in dubstep and grime) initially dabbled in NFTs back in 2017 (having been gifted a Crypto Kitty) but got into it in a much bigger way this year. He believes the potential of them becoming the new way to sell music (which better benefits both the artist and buyer) is genius. He explains more in this video interview (the first hour is well worth a listen as it focuses on his music career which is heavily rooted in Croydon but the NFT chat kicks in around 1 hour 1 minute).
The project has also brought our awareness to another key Croydon creative – Darren Cullen. As well as being the only graffiti artist approved by the UK government, Darren is also the founder of Graffiti Kings – a collective of graffiti artists, street artists, animators, filmmakers, illustrators, music producers & DJs. After coming of age in the “golden era of UK BMXing and Skateboarding” and “kick-starting the birth of UK Graffiti & Hip Hop”, adulthood brought out a new side to the Graffiti Kings who started painting walls legally and became UK’s first professional graffiti and street art company. Graffiti Kings are also BIG advocates of NFTs (we actually bought our first NFT from them!)
Graffiti Kings set up their Graff PUNK$ program to help educate young artists about NFTs and the new digital world – from onboarding to minting and teaching them all things metaverse so they can keep doing what they love to do: creating. To help fund this project, the Graffiti Kings team have created & sold NFTS on the Wax blockchain with 100% of profits being put back into the Graff PUNK$ project. Further details can be found HERE.
The announcement of our NFT project has also seen us introduced to Dr. Vijak Haddadi, the CEO of Syndikat, a digital transformation agency dedicated to accelerating human potential through disruptive technologies and progressive mindsets. Dr Vijack is setting up a Tech Innovation Hub at the new LSBU campus that’s opening in Croydon and is also running a conference at their Elephant and Castle campus next week. “Enter the Cryptoverse” is ideal for anyone keen to learn more about crypto, defi and NFTs. We will be exhibiting at the event and meeting with students to explain more about the ‘Croydon Creatives – the New Frontier’ project. So, if our project has raised your interest in the topic, do come join us at this free event!
Full list of NFT art on display at ‘Croydon Creatives – A New Frontier‘
East Croydon Cool NFTs
Croydon Collateral Collateral is something pledged as security for repayment of a loan – something that can be forfeited in the event of a default. Laced with a touch of irony (given Croydon’s current financial situation) this piece is a nod to the fact NFTs can now be used to provide collateral for loans.
Minted in the Cronx Minting is essentially the process of turning digital art into a part of the Ethereum blockchain as a public ledger. The Cronx is a portmanteau of Croydon (or it’s postcode; CR0) and The Bronx and has been used as an affectionate reference for the often maligned Borough. Croydon is not generally considered one of the most affluent areas of London and not many of us are “minted” but perhaps the NFT revolution will change that?
Gas Up Croydon Gas fees are the transaction fees that users pay to miners on a blockchain to have their transaction included in the block. In ‘The Ends’, to ‘gas up’ is to inflate somebody’s ego via compliments, praise, or actions. Croydon doesn’t always have the best of reputations, so this NFT is a reminder to residents that we need to support our local community.
Cronx Coin Taking reference from the original Cryptocurrency – the Bitcoin – the Cronx Coin could well be the currency of the future! The word bitcoin was defined in a white paper published in 2008 by a pseudonymous person or group of people named Satoshi Nakamoto. Who will be Croydon’s Satoshi?
Johnny Howl Club NFTs
50P NFT Hand-drawn on a tablet, the 50P NFT depicts one of the most iconic buildings in Croydon, No. 1 Croydon. This piece will also be released as an A4 and A3 physical print in November 2021.
Michaela Coel A hand-drawn digital impressionist portrait of the multi-award-winning actor, screenwriter, director, producer, and singer.
Audrey Hepburn Originally released as a piece of street art known as ‘Shoreditch is Always a Good Idea’ pasted up just off Brick Lane in East London.
Forbidden Love A fun, hand-drawn piece depicting Samantha Stankey and Milhouse Van Houten from The Simpsons. This piece can be found pasted-up on Surrey Street in Croydon.
Marc Craig NFTs
President Barack Obama x Anna Wilding x Marc Craig This collaboration was months in the making and is based on one of Anna Wilding’s iconic photographs. Anna had a tenure at the White House during President Obama’s term and amongst the many pictures she captured was one she named “When an Invitation wasn’t a question”. Marc’s doodle rendition entices the viewer in to further to pause and reflect on Obama’s incredible life.
Ribergeena Marc was successful in buying one of the much sought-after NFT collectibles from The Notorious Frogs of Frogland (aka FROGLAND.IO). These 10,000 hand-drawn generative NFTs are hugely popular and profitable In the NFT space but require a lot of interaction with the community. The collectibles have the option to be transformed as a derivative and this portrait is Marc’s first rendition.
An Ode to Anna Natter Like many artists, Marc has been discovering the joys of creating GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) art. Having been a long time admirer of Anna Natter’s work (who shared with him the technology that enables written prose to be turned into art work), he has dedicated this abstract collage – a visual poem of gratitude – to her.
Tank Man This piece provided Marc a once in a lifetime opportunity to work with legendary photographer Jeff Widener. It is based on one of the most influential photos of all time which was taken by Jeff in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, when the Chinese troops attacked pro-democracy demonstrators. Marc has given it his trademark doodle stamp, to bring fresh energy to this historical moment. The piece will be minted as an NFT on 1st November 2021 with Jeff doing some talks on Clubhouse throughout October.
To visit the online exhibition, CLICK HERE.
This content was originally published here.
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Quick concept for Freedom Calls (previously Chip); a little tail-hopper / vijak mix!
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She's in art school
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Thailand’s Central Bank Eyes DeFi Use Cases for Its Digital Baht
Thailand’s Central Bank Eyes DeFi Use Cases for Its Digital Baht
Thailand’s central bank is looking at smart contracts and decentralized finance (DeFi) implementations for its national digital currency, the digital baht.
Vijak Sethaput, senior developer for the Bank of Thailand’s (BoT) central bank digital currency project Inthanon, discussed the country’s CBDC progress in an interviewhosted by a global think tank for central banking, the Official Monetary and…
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Med lokvanji slišim nimfe, ki pojejo v harmoniji. Glasovi se božajo in nežno dotikajo v megli. Valovi lezejo v receptorje kot v električnih sanjah. V vezju moje glave nekaj čisto tiho tli.
Rad bi prišel čisto blizu, a ne vem, če smem. Ne vem, če sme steklo gledati, če sme jeklo čutiti takšno lepoto.
Zakorakam v barje, v rjavkasto odplako olja. Po podplatih začutim prasketanje čipov, ki se dviga do kolen.
Vse bližje so. Tako blizu, da jih lahko že čutim. Vsak korak je globlji. Vsak vijak bolj zrahljan od tekočine. Vsa zlitina je kot da se spaja v eno.
Končno pride.
Trenutek, ko se vse odvije. In nič. Ko letiš in si obenem čisto na miru. Ko se vse zasvetli v modri svetlobi neona. In lahko krvavim. In lahko diham. In sanjam.
In ljubim.
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Vijak Třeska - Tadeáš
V poslední lavici u okna, sedí největší nezbeda. Říkáme mu Tadeáš.
Je to takový obyčejný, chlupatý veselý kluk s mírně namodralou pokožkou.
Často vyskočí na lavici a volá: "Já chci být partyzán !" Říkáme mu Tadeáš.
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