#victon seungsik oneshot
moonlit-seren · 4 years
Cuddly Fumbles Pt.2 || Kang Seungsik x Reader
Summary: Being in a relatively new relationship, you constantly find yourself in fear of being overly clingy, but your boyfriend loves every side of you and wants you to know that.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: This is part 2 of @aveluant1a’s Cuddly Fumbles piece, which I received her permission to continue. Here’s the link to part 1 if you guys haven’t read it yet:
It’s really cute, and I’d highly recommend checking out her other Victon content!
(By the way, I’m experimenting with a new way to do my photos, does it look okay or should I just stick with what I’ve been doing prior? ;-;)
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“Hyung, they’re both asleep still.”
“Let’s let them sleep for a few more minutes then. We still have around twenty before our dance practice starts.”
The younger male nodded in understanding, his eyes never leaving the sight of the two sleeping figures in the center of the room. His companion raised an eyebrow at his troubled expression, prompting him to share what was on his mind.
Getting the nonverbal cue, he glanced down at his feet before hesitantly speaking up again. “Hey hyung?”
“Do you… Think that I’ll ever find someone too?”
Seungwoo laughed, gently nudging the maknae out of the way so that he could close the door to Seungsik’s room again.
“Of course, you will Subinnie.”
You stirred a little, hearing two whispering voices fading further away. Opening your eyes, you blinked slowly a couple of times to adjust to the pitch blackness surrounding you.
“Where am I?” You thought, looking around to the best of your ability without lifting your head off of the pillow it was laying on. Due to the limited lighting in the room, you could only make up the vague shapes of the furniture decorating the space.
It was only then that you realized that the bed you were laying in wasn’t yours at all. Goosebumps rippled across the skin of your arms at the daunting epiphany as the fear coursing through your veins fully woke up your sleep dazed mind.
Slowly sitting up, you glanced to your left spying a digital clock sitting on the nightstand. The small device blinked back 6:36AM at you, the crimson light casting cool red shadows across your face.
You squinted a bit at the sudden brightness, a sense of nostalgia hitting you as you examined the clock a bit more carefully. Hadn’t you given that to Seungsik for his birthday?
Right. Seungsik.
Memories of the night before flooded the forefront of your mind from the casual movie night to the way you fell asleep wrapped securely in Seungsik’s embrace. It seemed that you had wiggled your way out of his grip sometime ago, most likely having found it too hot given that you hadn’t changed before falling asleep.
Turning your head to your right, you spotted the man in question sleeping sounding on the pillow laying next to yours. A soft smile made its way on your face as your eyes traced the outline of his features through the receding darkness.
The first glimpses of the sun flickered past the partially closed blinds on the window, scattering soft golden strips of light on the covers and on your lover’s slumbering body. You instinctively reached your hand out to catch the warmth of the rays, slowly rotating your wrist as you watched mesmerized at the shadows your fingers left on his face.
Suddenly hit with the strong craving for touch that regularly frequented your mind, you hesitantly reached down to brush the silky strands of hair off of Seungsik’s forehead before ghosting a soft kiss on the exposed expanse of skin.
Carefully sliding out the bed, you walked up the window while making sure to keep your footfalls as quiet as possible. Glancing behind you to make sure that Seungsik was still deeply asleep, you gently lifted the binds to let in more light as the sun languidly crept further past the horizon.
Taking in a deep breath, you allowed the faint aroma of the room to completely take over your senses for a few moments before giving in to the need to exhale. This was the first time that you had stayed the night at Victon’s apartment, yet despite that, you felt right at home surrounded by the familiar scent of Seungsik's cologne.
Suddenly the loud clanging of metal resounded from somewhere nearby, followed by a hastily shouted apology. You flinched, sighing tiredly when you realized that all of your efforts to stay silent were now wasted.
“The maknaes must be trying to make breakfast again,” mumbled a drowsy voice behind you. Moments later you felt a pair of arms slide around your waist followed by the weight of a head resting on your shoulder.
Having been caught off guard, you stiffened briefly before relaxing into the backhug. You hoped that Seungsik couldn’t see the faint blush coating your cheeks, though you doubted that he wouldn’t spot it once he drew away.
“Good morning,” he whispered, a teasing lilt in his voice. You looked up, realizing that there was a pretty clear reflection of the two of you in the window you were standing in front.
“M-morning,” you stuttered back, knowing without a doubt that your blush had worsened. Finding the need to hide it, you slowly turned around to bury your face in the velvety material of Seungsik’s sweatshirt.
Your boyfriend laughed, planting a lingering kiss on the top of your head.
“Why are you so cute?” He asked, trying to pull back so that he could see your expression. You whined softly, tightening your hold on him before relenting and letting go. Seungsik took a small step back then reached up to cup your face with both of his hands.
You blinked in surprise, wide eyes meeting his to try to decipher what he was planning on doing next.
“Love, there’s no need to be shy around me,” Seungsik teased, leaning forward to nuzzle your nose with his.
Despite still feeling a bit flustered, you smiled brightly at his words, nodding to let him know that you’d try your best to feel more comfortable initiating and reciprocating skinship.
Deciding to start now, you closed your eyes and placed both of your hands over his before leaning further into his welcoming touch.
Seungsik beamed at your actions, an action that you couldn’t see but you didn’t have to in order to feel the warmth of the expression. You could feel his face getting closer as the proximity of his breath decreased until you were inhaling and exhaling the same air.
Just as you were sure that his lips were about to touch yours, the door to the room abruptly swung open causing your eyes to shoot open in surprise.
“Hyung, we have to g- oh… Oh. Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
Both of you turned to see who had barged in, well, more like Seungsik glanced over his shoulder and you had to peer around him given the fact that his hands were still holding onto your cheeks.
That aside, you found Sejun awkwardly shuffling by the doorway with the tips of his ears burning bright red in embarrassment.
You opened your mouth to assure him that he didn’t do anything wrong, but Sejun seemed to misinterpret what you were going to say and quickly blurted out another apology.
“Sorry, sorry, I’ll leave now! Hyung, we’ll be in the car, come down once you’re, uh… Done.”
With that, the frazzled male dashed out of sight, leaving you and Seungsik standing in a confused, albeit slightly amused, silence.
“You should probably go, they’re waiting for you,” I suggested, gaze wandering away from where Sejun had stood moments ago back to Seungsik.
“Yeah, I probably should,” he mused, finally retracting his arms back to his side. Yet despite his words, he made no move to leave as his eyes continued to search yours with an over exaggeratedly lovestruck expression.
Giggling, you lightly shoved him in the direction of his closet with a sharp ‘Then go!’ before exiting the room. Two months is by no means a short amount of time yet Seungsik’s heart fluttering sappiness still left you a flustered, bumbling mess.
Shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you headed to the kitchen to prepare a slice of toast for Seungsik to eat on the drive to practice as a way to occupy yourself while you waited.
Humming to yourself as you walked around, you completely missed the sound of approaching footsteps and the proximity of the person they belonged to.
“Hey, y/n?”
“Yeah?” You responded absentmindedly, slipping the warm piece of bread into a ziploc bag. You spun around, only to have your lips captured by Seungsik’s before you even had the chance to face him properly.
Gasping inaudibly, it took a second for you to understand what had just happened, but the shock eventually dissipated and you tentatively reciprocated his actions.
The kiss ended just as quickly as it started, with Seungsik drawing back with a goofy smile on his face.
“You shouldn’t sneak up on people like that!” You protested, once again finding yourself blushing furiously as you swatted at Seungsik’s arm. He laughed, easily skirting away from the half-hearted attack.
“Are you saying you didn’t like it?” Your boyfriend asked with a playful grin, grabbing a hold of both of your wrists before you had the chance to try again.
“What?!” You exclaimed indignantly, struggling to release yourself from your restraints. Giving up rather quickly, you pouted childishly, unwilling to answer the question as you deemed it unfair.
Seungsik chuckled, pecking your lips again as your silence told him exactly what he needed to know.
“How long is practice going to take?” You asked, deciding to change the subject before he had the chance to tease you again.
“A couple of hours I think, my schedule’s free after that though,” Seungsik answered, a fond smile remaining on his lips as he looked down at you.
“Will you cuddle with me once you get back?” You asked cautiously, still getting used to the fact that Seungsik was fine with your clinginess despite how many times he’s reassured you that he loved it.
He nodded without hesitation, engulfing you in one final hug before he headed toward the door.
“Of course, anything for you.”
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pocket-scenarios · 5 years
Flowers - Seungsik
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(Admin: Sxng)
You let out a heavy sigh standing from your seat the waitress that had seated you turns towards you. She sends an apologetic smile your way that you return. You let out a heavy sigh brushing your hair away from your face taking quick steps towards the exit embarrassment finally creeping its way up your spine. You press your hand against the back of your neck using your other hand to push the door open leading to the dark outside of the restaurant. You keep telling yourself that he must have a good reason, he couldn’t have forgotten.
You let out a heavy sigh attempting to hail a cab but failing miserably the three attempts you make the cab drives past you without a sign of slowing down. You drop your head holding onto the strap of your bag heading down the road towards the bus stop deciding that it would take less time. You sit down on the bench letting your head settle in your hands while you wait, occasionally taking glances up to make sure the bus was not arriving. Your phone buzzes in your pocket, you take it out Seungsik’s name flashing on the screen,
“I’m so sorry,” he rushes out before you have a chance to even greet him, “where are you now?”
“The bus station, not far from the restaurant,” you mumble quietly, “I couldn’t catch a taxi,” he lets out a sigh of relief.
“Wait there for me.”
He ends the call afterward, you let out a small sigh leaning against the glass behind you shutting your eyes listening to the sounds of cars passing on the street. The bus pulls to the stop, but you stay seated glancing down the street towards the restaurant in an attempt to catch sight of Seungsik. The bus pulls off shortly after the woman that had been sitting on the opposite end of the bench gets on. Seungsik arrives shortly after the bus pulls off rushing to stand in front of you slightly winded and a bouquet of flowers in his hand.
“Did something happen?” You ask any amount of anger you felt earlier had long been replaced with worry.
“Yes,” he rushes, “my friend and his girlfriend got into a wreck, I was so caught up with that I forgot to call,” he continues to ramble about it apologizes slipping through in between the words.
“Are your friends okay?” You ask pulling him by his forearm to sit next to you he hums.
“His girlfriend is in ICU, he said something that made me remember it was our anniversary and I felt like an ass,” Seungsik admits, you take the flowers from his hands holding them in both of your hands on your lap.
“I’m not mad,” you say taking one of your hands off of the flowers petting his hair softly, “I was worried.”
“I’ll make it up to you, I’ll take you out tomorrow, we’ll do whatever you want all day,” he assures making you laugh.
35 notes · View notes
syuga-s · 3 years
just another night
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w.c 5.2k
pairing. Seungsik x gn!reader
genre. fluff, friends in love
a/n. lmao, I can't believe I'm here again after 5 MONTHS, and basically, I'm here again bc Seungsik has been living in my head like a cute lil parasite for weeks. i truly love this man and I just had to write something very self-indulgent,,, ALSO i know I'm very late for valentine's, tried to post this like 2 weeks ago but look where we are (and warnings?) mentions of alcohol, moderate consumption nothing extreme, also alcohol preparation? the word sex is there, food is mentioned too, nothing crazy i swear
You and Seungsik have been friends since high school. It’s been about 10 years since you’ve been in each other's life. You’re always texting each other, even if you don’t see often. He’s your best friend. You’ve fallen into a comfortable friendship when you see each other every other month. When you both feel it’s been too long, and you need to catch up with your lives. It wasn’t until two days after Valentine's Day that it occurred to you that you hadn’t asked him what he did on that day. Unfortunately, you had your own little love “trouble” that you forgot to ask him about his day. The reason is, that your ex hasn’t left you alone for months.
He’s been begging you nonstop to go out with him. Telling you he’s changed, that he wants to treat you better for once. You know they’re just easy words. But the part of you that feels great when you’re with him would like to believe everything he says.
“I want to take you out to dinner” “I intend to keep knowing you, please don’t shut me out” “We can go to the movies, for coffee, you name it” “Please let me see you again”
It’s so funny how you may have wanted this years ago. And now, when it’s actually happening, him telling you everything you wanted to hear. You ended up falling for it. Despite not wanting to be in a relationship with him anymore, you finally caved in to his pleads, and it’s like he shifts into someone else every time we get to this point.
This time his text said, “what are we supposed to do on a Thursday?” idk bro, everything? Anything? BE TOGETHER LIKE YOU WANTED? “I guess you could come watch anime? i mean if you want” By no means I’m saying it’s a bad idea but, why does it only have to come to that EVERY time?
Whatever you have with him is difficult. Your love life (or lack thereof) is beyond hard, for sure. Feelings are difficult. So, your head has been on that topic for a few days because he asked you out for the 14th, and you couldn’t even muster up the energy to answer him.
You just wanted to see your best friend.
When you texted Seungsik on Wednesday night, you finally asked him if he had an eventful Valentine's Day. And when his reply was, “i didn’t do much, had a lot of work”, you immediately knew he was upset.
Now you needed to call him. He picked up at the first ring. Before anything, you spoke, “what happened with Sol? tell me everything.” He groaned, apparently not wanting to discuss it, but he knew you knew something had happened, and he clearly had to let it out.
“They were avoiding me, they barely wanted to go out on dates, always busy with who knows what, so when I wanted to plan something for valentine’s they simply said no. Obviously, I got upset, we got into an argument, and you know how that ends.”
While you were listening to him, you suddenly came up with a plan.
“I’m sorry Seungsikie, I always knew they were too boring for you.” You said in a teasing tone and he laughed. “And look if they never wanted to go out with you that’s their fucking loss.” “Yeah, well, I guess I was hoping things would be different at some point.” It hurt your heart to hear him say that. He’s always been a romantic, but in all seriousness, he always gets the worst partners. “I know what won’t make you upset anymore, let’s go out this Friday, you can’t say no alright, plus I really really want to see you.” “I know, we haven’t gone out since your birthday, I’m missing you too”, then his tone got kinda doubtful, “what exactly are your plans nerd?” you were both THE nerds in high school, always the ones that handed the tests at the same time, always the two that got up and solved math problems for the whole class, you’ve always been a team. “What makes you think I’ll tell you, dork? Knowing that you’re gonna see me should be enough for you” Neither of you knows how the two have been smiling just by hearing each other’s voices. You always forget how much you miss seeing him every day. He never notices how fast time goes by because suddenly, it’s been months since he felt this relaxed. And it was just your voice that made him feel at home after the past few days when he felt like shit. “I still need to know where, so I know how to pick my outfit, dummy” This man dresses better than you, so it made you laugh how he’s always worried about those things. “So?” “Oh my god, just wear whatever you like, you’re gonna be the best dressed no matter what, plus I bet you have new clothes you’ve been dying to wear so…” This time you made him laugh louder at your annoyed tone and that made him go along with your secret plan. “Alright then, but are you gonna dress cute though?” “Don’t know, maybe, we’ll see on Friday, love you bye” “Good night nerd, love you too” You’ve been organizing things all Thursday to make tomorrow perfect. Usually, Seungsik was the one that planned things when you went out, he always took you to the best restaurants, the best bars, always making sure you had a good time. So, you wanted to take care of everything this time. He deserved it. When you felt confident with your plan, you let Seungsik know that same night that you wanted him ready at 6:00 pm tomorrow. You took the day off, so you could clean your house and prep things for the night. You decided to do Seungsik’s favorite things. The first stop was to go for coffee to this new shop one of your coworkers recommended you. Next stop, go to one of his fave Japanese restaurants. Then you wanted to invite him to your apartment, so you could show him off your new mixology skills. You’ve been teaching yourself to make cocktails lately. Always on your never-ending search for new hobbies. And you felt you were pretty good at it, so you were dying to make him some of his favorite drinks. And it felt right because if you ended up deciding to get drunk you were gonna avoid a lot of, let’s say, unpleasant steps.
Finally, you were getting ready, and you decided to go for an all-black outfit. Black turtleneck sweater, black leather skirt, and black stockings. Today was cold, so a sherpa black denim jacket and black platform boots were a must. You went for gold jewelry and your beloved pink wool scarf. As for your makeup, your routine had changed to simply concealer, blush, mascara, eyeliner, and whatever lipstick you were vibing lately. You quickly gave your dog some water, food, and a little pad in case he needed to do his little business. “I’ll come back later Maxy, be good.” Grabbed all your keys and made your way to the café. Seungsik was already there when you arrived. He was waiting for you outside. It made you so happy to see him. And it may sound cheesy, but when you saw his outfit, you couldn’t help but smile. He was wearing the pink satin jacket you bought him a few years ago. Black turtleneck sweater, black denim jeans, and black boots. One would have thought that you managed to dress the same on purpose. When you got closer, you both couldn’t help but laugh at how you both looked. You were the one who hugged him first. For some reason, he had thought it was a good idea to stand outside in the freezing cold waiting for you to come. So, when he felt your hug, he was so glad you were this warm. It was one of those hugs where he could feel all the warmth radiating from you. For you, it was different. For a moment everything felt so calm, so safe, like nothing could hurt you. He softly rubbed your back and finally talked. “Let’s go inside, my face is getting numb from the cold”. You laughed in his chest, and he took you in his arms and walked together to order something. The café had this Parisian feel to it. It was beautiful and Seungsik told you he loved it. That got you happy once again. He ordered an espresso and you had a latte. As soon as you tasted them, you both looked at the eyes of each other, without having to speak you know he meant he didn’t like it because you thought the same about your drink. “You want to taste mine?” You offered. He gave you his cup too, so you could try it, and both had the same eyes again. You had to laugh now because both drinks were really bad, and you weren’t used to that. He muttered, “well at least the place is nice, we could take some photos”. Later you met the owner, and you found out that it’s only been open for three days. So, you agreed to come back another day to give them another chance. Seungsik’s been insisting on taking photos of you here. He said you looked adorable in this place and that you actually needed to update your feed. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at that. He knew you weren’t fond of taking pics, but ultimately, you gave in to his request. And he wasn’t lying, you felt cute in the pictures he took, but that was enough effort for the day. You figured it was time to take him to eat, so you got into your car and headed to the restaurant. His favorite restaurant turned into your favorite too after a few years. Since it always reminded you of him. You’ve been here with your other friends, but it’s never the same without Seungsik. Being here, watching him in the subtle red glow of neon signs, you realize how cool he looks right now, particularly with his cherry-red hair, in your eyes he’s always been the best guy ever. He is unaware of your gaze, looking at the menu, deciding what to order. The scenario you had was begging to be captured, so you took your phone out and took a picture of your best friend. He noticed after you took it, and he just gave you a sweet smile. The servers already knew you two were regulars, so they always took special care of you. Tonight you went for some gyozas, ramen, and an order of sushi to share. A few beers and you were set. “I’ve been meaning to talk about your hair” he blurted out. You narrowed your eyes and gave him a playful smile but didn’t say anything, urging him to keep talking. “You dyed it, I- I mean” he started stuttering for some reason. it was just you, though? “I really like it, out of
all your looks I think this is my favorite” and now you blushed. “When did you change it? Last time I saw you, you still had your two-toned thing going on.” You tilted your head and rested your chin on your hand to think about it a bit. “Around mid-December, I think? It was before Christmas, for sure.” “Well, I like it” you smiled with his words and he smiled knowing that his words made you happy. Your food came, and the conversation moved on to some work stuff. How you both have been busier lately. Then you mentioned your parents and what you did over the holidays. How stressed you were at the end of the year because you took care of everything those days. He told you he’s been stressed for a while too because he moved to another apartment, finally on his own. You told him you had seen Diane and Ash last week for Ash’s birthday. That her boyfriend threw her a little surprise party and how you thought that those two are gonna end up married soon. He asked about Diane. She was the only one of your friends that he really liked for some reason. “She actually moved back into my building! Her clothing line has been doing really well, that’s why she came back.” “And what about you?” He fixed his gaze on you. “What do you mean? I’ve been talking about me all this time” His question threw you off, along with his expression. Suddenly, an air of seriousness. Seungsik repeated, “About you, tell me what you’ve been up to? Who are you going out with? i don’t know something like that.” The first thing you could do was shrug. “I mean I’m good? everything’s calm for once, but — you remember Louis, right?” Seungsik couldn’t hide his disgust. He hated Louis. His face turned into a frown, and he crossed his arms. Instinctively rejecting the thought of that person. You continued telling him. “Well, it’s not actually something, but he’s still there, you know? he begs me constantly to go out with him, i haven’t seen him in about 8 months or so? Apparently, he’s dying to be with me again, but you know him.” “Yeah, good, don’t go out with him.” It wasn’t funny, but you chuckled at that. “Yeah, don’t worry, I’m not planning on it.” Seungsik hated Louis since the moment you met him. He knew he wasn’t serious about anything. And with time, he knew how unaware Louis was about all he had when you were in a relationship. He didn’t understand what you loved about him, despite all the times he heard you say it. In his eyes, you were far too much for that good-for-nothing dumbass. He figured he always thought that way because you’re his best friend. He loved you too much to see you with someone like that. But maybe somewhere along the way, he got confused about that love. Or possibly, involuntarily, he maintained that love as platonic. You raised your brow at him, watching how his mind went somewhere else, “what’s on your mind? tell me". He hadn’t even noticed he was clenching his teeth. “just thinking about how unlucky we are in love” lie. But that made you laugh. “Seungsik, you’re saying that as if it was new information”, “we’re dumb that’s all.” You took a few more beers, and he asked you if you wanted to share one of the desserts you loved in here. And you obviously said yes. He told you that he had talked to his mom earlier. “Mom says she misses you, she asked me how you’ve been doing, but I didn’t know what to tell her, so you need to visit her soon.” Moments like this, when he says those kinds of things, make you think how lucky you are to have him in your life. It’s not common to be this meshed in someone’s life. All you could do was smile and nod at him. The silence between you was starting to burn. Onset to illuminate something else. You explained to Seungsik that your next and last stop was your house, so you paid the bill and made your way out of the restaurant. The entire staff seeing you off loudly, “mata okoshi kudasaimase!”. It was getting even colder outside, making your nose turn red instantly. You had left your car a little far from the restaurant, so you clung to Seungsik’s torso. And as if
it were the most mundane act, he placed his arm around you. Enjoying the source of a bit of warmth once again. Walking along the street in each other’s embrace. Relishing in the other’s perfumes. Content. Just when you thought you were walking alone, a guy in the street approached you and offered to sell you flowers. As you were mistaken for a couple by him. Both laughed it off because that was a regular occurrence whenever you went out, but it always caught you off guard, like now. You never explained to others that you’re not together because you know the exact words that’ll come out of their mouths. “But you look so good together!” Yes, we know.“Are you sure you’re not a couple?” As far as we know, we’re just friends. It’s simply bothersome to discuss the nature of your relationship with strangers. But at the same time, one would think you were staying away from that conversation yourselves. Ultimately, Seungsik bought you a couple of flowers from the guy, thanking him for the small bouquet as you walked away. Still headed to your car, you kept laughing about what just happened. “So that was new”, you giggled as you searched for your car keys. He smirked while you unlocked your car doors, once you were both inside he joked and said, “next time pay for your own flowers won’t you?” When you entered your house, your dog Max didn’t waste time jumping at Seungsik’s feet. His little tail wagging incessantly, giving him the most enthusiastic welcome, which made you jealous. Your tiny baby quickly forgot about you as soon as he saw your best friend, which hasn’t been at your place in about forever. “Hello Maxy, you’ve gotten so big!!!” His voice getting into a high pitch as if he were talking to a baby. Which he was. He held up your dog, again, like a baby. Soon you cleaned up his mess, thankfully it wasn’t much so you got done with it in 5 minutes. You stood next to him while he kept baby talking to your fur baby. Top 10 most heartwarming scenes in your life. Finally, your dog remembered you existed and started slipping away from Seungsik’s hold. When you took him, you mumbled in your baby voice too, “oh so you like Seungsikie more than me now, huh? can’t blame you, Maxy.” Seungsik wasn’t sure if he was meant to hear that, or if he just has excellent hearing. However, he got this fuzzy feeling even though your place was freezing. His eyes followed you as you set your dog in his tiny bed with a little bone to chew at. He noticed how you were rushing to do things just so you could give him all your attention again. A sensation burning brighter. You finally came back to him and pushed him into your kitchen, which made him laugh at your action. You brought Seungsik to your little island and made him sit on a stool. When he saw everything you had left on the counter, he asked, “what’s all this?” “Behold!” gesturing him all your things neatly put in a stand which included a shaker, jiggers, various strainers, and a mixing glass. Along with bottles with different liquors and some new glasses you had bought for tonight’s drinks. A few herbs, leaves, and orange slices weren’t missing either. You were so proud of your setup that it had your hands on your hips with a proud look on your face. Then you clapped your hands together, making Seungsik jump at the sudden sound. “SO, I have everything for your faves, get ready to have me as your favorite bartender from now on.” A smug expression now on your face. First, you got some coffee out to start making a cup of espresso. While you allowed the coffee to steep, Seungsik was wrapped in the smell of the coffee grounds, already knowing which drink was coming his way. His view was a bit limited from where he was sitting, all he could see was how focused you were on doing this and that in the counter. You actually know what you’re doing with alcoholic drinks, so you can say they’re pretty easy to make. But the chances of messing them up are really high too. Mixology really is an art. You prepped the glasses with ice cubes and poured the Liquor 43 in each
of them, all that was left was the espresso, and they were done. You and Seungsik have had them with a lit-up cinnamon stick on top, which is an excellent plus, but maybe it’d be too much now when it’s just the two of you. Handing him the glass seemed like an accomplishment. You’ve been thinking about this moment for days. You wanted to clink glasses, and he got up from the stool. Suddenly, you felt how tall he was as he was facing you. His eyes crinkled when he said, “cheers!” You knew the drink was good, you MADE IT. But now you needed to know if it had lived up to Seungsik’s expectations. You were holding on to your glass for dear life, just waiting for a sign, an expression, anything. He wanted to toy with you. He saw the anticipation in your eyes. And in your whole body, actually. You seemed like a puppy waiting to be picked up. Trying his best not to demonstrate any emotion, he placed the glass on the counter and spent a few minutes squinting his eyes, pursing his lips, as if he was some connoisseur all of a sudden. Catching up on his game, you rolled your eyes and lightly hit him in the arm. Now he threw his head back in amusement, touching the spot where your hand had touched his arm. Still laughing, he finally assured you that he loved it. “it’s so good i can’t believe you” — “never thought you’d make drinks this GOOD.” “and if you keep that game going on that’s the last one you’ll get” you retorted. But soon your exasperation turned into a beaming smile followed by a giggle. Even prouder than before. “you’re so annoying, i swear.” As you slowly emptied your glasses, you started telling him about your journey in making cocktails. How you just decided one day that you wanted to learn how to make good drinks and spent several weeks attempting to master some recipes. You told him it’s not really hard because it’s not like you’re set on becoming a pro, but that you still needed a lot of practice and patience. “i can teach you later if you want.” After those words, he felt motivated to finish his drink and return to the kitchen with you. It was amusing seeing him like this. He looked awkward at your kitchen, not knowing whether you were gonna let him do something or just explain the steps to making a drink. The next drink you had thought of was even simpler. A gin and tonic with frozen berries and mint leaves. You urged Seungsik to get closer so he could see everything going on. When you reached for the alcohol and tonic water, you asked him to fill other glasses with berries and a bit of ice. When he brought them back, he stood beside you, watching how you filled them with the new mix. Shortly, you grabbed the mint leaves you had in front of you and handed some to him. “go crazy.” You were about to taste it when he stopped you because he wanted to clink glasses again. Or so you thought. Because in fact, he cheered softly, “to another 10 years”, which made you lock eyes with him. You could only muster up to raise the glass. You moved to your sofa and started talking about your friendship. Which was brought up from his most recent words. “can’t believe it’s been about 10 years and we’re still here”, “not many people get to that.” He said while facing you. It made you think. Well, certainly not. We go through so much in our lives, we grow constantly. And that means that we outgrow feelings, even whole parts of ourselves. Our lives change, and that means people leave. Friends leave. In some cases, we are the ones who end up leaving. And that never stops. So, when you acknowledge there’s someone in your life where you only feel a quiet calmness when they’re around, you have to make sure they stay a part of your life. With Seungsik, even a text or a phone call at the end of the day would always bring a smile to your face. You’ve been through enough in the past years to know that neither of you will leave the other. As time goes by, you’ve made sure to keep safe in your heart all the memories you’ve made together. From the countless nights where you went out to get intoxicated; where
you would run to him and cry your eyes out because someone had hurt you; to the days you would drag him to concerts where he didn’t know who the artist was. And the most insignificant things (to most people) as well. Like the times he would send you a song just because it made him think of you; the notes he would give you when you were in school; to even the short walks to anywhere because for a few minutes you were hugging all his warmth. You finally spoke, ”i’m really glad you haven’t left my life, i mean it” and leaned your head on his shoulder. Over the years, you had found you’re quite content in just having him nearby. Sure, you’ve been in romantic relationships before, you’ve been in love. But the love you and Seungsik have for each other is different. Even if you haven’t acknowledged it yet. The intimacy between you is what everyone would dream of having in their lives. The talking with your eyes. The way, you can’t go 2 seconds without some sort of physical touch. The back rubs when you hug. The late-night talks in your cars. And days like today especially. He had leaned his head against yours earlier. But both ended up spending minutes wrapped in your own thoughts instead of doing or saying something else. Strangely so, you’ve never had felt the rush to act on your feelings. And tonight wasn’t any different, both just enjoying how close you were at the moment. The night felt endless, you kept making drinks, but in the end, you both got drunk enough to go back to basics. Meaning beers. The heartfelt comments from earlier turned into jokes. Jokes turned into half-drunk singing to some random list of greatest hits on youtube for hours. He could hear you sing the same song on replay for days. He has always loved your voice, and tonight, he sat on your sofa to watch you sing one of your favorite songs. He could see the passion you felt, and his eyes couldn’t hide how he felt about you. For the first time in years, he wanted to kiss you. When the song ended, you turned to your left to face him. Not being sure if you or him were already very drunk, but there was something about the way he was staring at you that you felt like you were meant to fall for him all along. Both brushed off those thoughts once again when you asked him if he was already drunk. “i got sleepy all of a sudden” his code for yes. He sank into your couch and whined, “i should go before it gets too late.” You ended up cuddling next to him, drunk enough to feel your eyes closing on their own. Seungsik soon lovingly running his fingers through your hair. Relishing on how relaxed he was making you feel. You mumbled he should stay. “it’s not like you have work tomorrow.” His eyes were closed, too, and he wasn’t expecting those words at all. If he wasn’t this tired or drunk, he wouldn’t have been able to keep his composure in front of you. He even stopped the movements of his hand and stilled it at your shoulder. You gently moved your hand, so it could rest on top of his. It was just a touch. Innocent like friends. But it’s like time stopped for him. He now knew how he’s been lying to himself all along. You were touching his hand so casually, but it was driving him wild. It’s like you had electric charges in your fingertips. And he couldn’t deny he loved you more than a friend. Not a word was said for the rest of the night. You both fell asleep like that. Both wanting to stay right there a little longer. And that’s how you slept together for the first time. No kisses, no sex, just sleeping. Seungsik woke up first and saw you still asleep. Both still in the same position. He smiled when he saw you deep in slumber. He attempted to hold you closer to him without waking you up. Falling in love. Last night, he heard those words in his head. He realized he would’ve rather spent valentine’s with you. In fact, he actually never wants to have another date if it’s not with you. Currently, he hears his heart saying, you’re all i want. At long last, he decided to wake you up. He moved your shoulder, tickled your ear, and moved
his fingers through your hair again. You finally yawned, meaning you had woken up. You felt it was a miracle how you weren't feeling hungover but actually starving. With one eye open and the other closed, you turned your face upwards to get a look at Seungsik. He smiled at your face and whispered, “i’m hungry let's get some food come on” and with that, he kissed your cheek. Once you were awake enough to realize what he did, you stared at his eyes while he did the same. You don’t know if you imagined the small lingering moment, the way you’d both held your breaths as if time stopped. Both thinking that you should wait, that you shouldn’t be this close for the sake of your friendship. While the other part of you didn’t want to wait any longer and was screaming for you to finally take that step. Both knew that you loved each other without needing to say it. He ran his fingers through your hair for the second time today. You were about to kiss when your phone started to ring. The two of you were brought down back to earth against your will. You didn’t care about the call. Not planning to answer this early while you were with him, but it felt like the universe wasn’t agreeing on you two yet. Eventually, you got up from the sofa to stretch your legs and took the chance to go see who had called you. And you audibly groaned at the name that appeared on your screen. Seungsik hesitated to ask, but he did it anyway. “who was it?” Although, based on your reaction, he already had someone in mind.
"You don’t want to know,” you told him while you let out a dry laugh. Not even wanting to think about him yourself. When he asked if it was Louis and you nodded at him, he felt upset. That’s when he comprehended that he didn’t want to play games anymore. He just wanted to be with you. And by the look in your eyes, it was not just him who thought that. Finally, you were undeniably in sync with one another.
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sankyeom · 3 years
✩ ⠃♣︎ victon masterlist ♣︎ ⠃✩
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➪ [9:42pm] (234 words)   ⤷ stolen kisses (strangers to lovers, college au)
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ddaehyeon · 4 years
hydra - people have a tendency to experience whatever emotions their soulmate have pent up inside them.
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send me a member and a constellation!
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— pairing: kang seungsik + gn!reader
— genre: hurt/comfort, soulmate au
— word count: 1.2k words
— warnings: mentions of anxiousness, sadness, loneliness and rejections
— extra note: the live clip of carry on,,, wonderful
— requested by: @starrycrvty ☆ victon masterlist ;  taglist form
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leaning back to the wall, a sigh left seungsik’s lips. the stars in the night sky reflected on his eyes, creating a galaxy on his own orbitals. a gust of wind blew by, enticing chills over his body. the winter evening wasn’t the most merciful companion, but he always enjoyed the silent time he could spend on his balcony.
it was quite a long day for him with all the preparation for tomorrow’s gig. practices here and there, along with venue checks. the day sure was taxing. but at the same time, it wasn’t enough to make him collapse to the bed and sleep. a certain heaviness hugging his chest, stealing a few hours of his supposed to be sleeping time.
“you alright?” seungwoo, one of his bandmates, asked. for a curt moment, he looked at the younger then followed seunsik’s gaze, resulting in him looking at the sky.
seungsik nodded as an initial response. another sigh leaving his lips. “i’m alright, but somehow, i don’t feel exactly that way.” a faint smile graced his brim as he shrugged. “it’s weird.”
raising a brow at the other, seungwoo gave him a questioning look. a hint of concern was apparent on his expression. “how do you feel lately?”
once again, seungsik found himself hunching his shoulders up. truth be told, he had no idea what exactly he was feeling. there was a spark of joy sitting in his heart; happy with his current career as a vocalist of a band. fortunate to be given a full-packed schedule each week. to be doing what he loved doing, singing.
but he knew something was off.
the weight he had in his chest that would sometimes give his heartstrings a terrible tug, the moment of a sudden daze while rehearsing, the sudden urge to just allow tears to slip from his eyes— it was familiar, yet he didn’t recognize it as his own. it was as if he was carrying something that didn’t belong to him but was connected to him. emotions shared to him even without words. and with no available response from him, all he could do was carry the intangible yet heavy load.
“maybe your soulmate is in the opposite state,” seungwoo suggested. “maybe they’re sad or lonely right now.”
the idea made seungsik pull another breath, eyes still fixated in the sea of twinkling stars, a silent wish muttered. “i hope i can be there for them.”
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a phone call from your friend made you aware that it was already morning. the blinding glow coming from the sunlight that had been filtering through the gaps of your dimmed curtains was ignored for a moment. if given a choice, you’d stay on the bed the whole day.
“are you free this evening?” she asked.
it was such a funny question for you. the answer to that question was obvious. after getting rejected by the fourth company you applied for this month, you had a lot of time. so much time that you could probably take pleasure in doing other activities aside from job hunting.
the thing was, time alone will not be adequate to pay your bills.
“yes,” you replied, giving no effort to show an ounce of interest— even to feign joy in your tone was quite a burdensome task. “why?”
“come with me.” the excitement in her voice was good enough as a hint, it would definitely be one of these events again. “i’ll pick you up before dinner.”
you can only shake your head when you heard her drop the call. momentarily staring at the ceiling, you let go of a sigh before pulling yourself off the bed. you should go on the fifth company on your list today. maybe you’d be lucky enough to get in, land a job, and just… live the life of an office worker who can make ends meet every month .
sitting on the edge of the bed, you gazed at the unlit star fairy lights that were messily hanging by your bookshelf. a trickle of relief crawled over your heart as warmth continuously enveloped you in an imperceptible embrace. it was the only few minutes of the day that you loved— a curt moment of calm before the start of yet another stressful day.
you stood, looking over a brown folder that contained a copy of your resume. you sighed defeatedly. “whatever.”
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there was nothing more you wished to do right at that moment but to go home. it wasn’t you who had been jumping around in the upbeat tunes played by the initial bands, but you found yourself exhausted by the crowd. regardless of the amount of glee everyone had, it didn’t bring you the sense of happiness your friend probably first thought it would offer. instead, the awareness of joy other people had made you swallow another pill— it made loneliness occupy you.
you looked over the crowd to search for your friend, the next band setting up their instruments and adjusting other conditions. no attention was spared to the introduction given to them though. you wanted to go home.
it wasn’t hard to find your friend. she was just sitting on one of the couches placed in the rear part of where the audience stood. a table of drinks located just beside it. however, before you could pull a word out of the confines of your mouth, the tapping of the mic halted your actions. you turned to look at the stage; a silver-haired man stood by the center.
i see the pain i'm trying to hide, i guess i just laughed at it.
different from the previous acts, the first few strums of the guitar wasn’t of the same upbeat sound. it was calm, matching the mellow voice of their vocalist.
your heart has grown stronger, i know it's a wound that secretly pressed down.
any other noise coming from the audience faded, your ears attending only to his voice— the song he was singing felt as if the two of you had met before. as if he had sung the song to you more than a hundred times. it was as if he had been singing that song for you. and you alone.
the petty grievances are actually okay, i'll spend a day with you.
you drowned in the song, his voice pleasant to your ears. it went on and on, serving as a temporary escape.
how long had you been holding into that heavy feeling? you wondered. a light press in your chest, tears gathering in the corner of your eyes as a familiar sensation coursed throughout your body. while he performed, a sense of comfort took over.
the morning calm you loved. it was him.
as the song gradually became softer, reality came rushing in. but it wasn’t as worrisome as it was earlier.
“just go go go.” his eyes lingered on you, exactly feeling the burden your heart had become accustomed to. you wanted nothing less but to listen to the same song, to his voice, on loop. “carry on.”
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k-vanity · 2 years
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WayV | NCT | NCT 127 | NCT Dream | Stray Kids | GOT7 | BTS | ATEEZ | Seventeen | TXT | B.A.P | The Boyz | The Rose | Kard | Pentagon | Astro | Monsta X | Day6 | EXO | SHINee | SuperM | Enhypen | 2PM | Victon | Winner | Billlie | Kingdom | iKon | StayC | SF9 | ZeroBase1 |
Xiaojun | Hendery | Jaemin | Johnny | Haechan | Jaehyun | Sungchan | Taeyong | Mark | Felix | BangChan | Han | Lee Know | Hyunjin | Jay B | Yugyeom | Mark Tuan | Jinyoung | Jackson Wang | Bambam | Suga | V | Jimin | RM | Jungkook | J-Hope | Seonghwa | Mingi | Hongjoong | Wooyoung | San | Yunho | Yeosang | Mingyu | Yeonjun | Taehyun | Beomgyu | Yongguk | Hyunjae | Sunwoo | Q | Younghoon | New | Dojoon | BM | Yanan | Yeo One | Kino | Wooseok | Kihyun | Minhyuk | Hyungwon | I.M | Young K | Jessi | Lay | Taemin | Shownu | Jeonghan | Jeno | Baekhyun | Kai | Minho | Jungwon | Sangyeon | Seungmin | Eric | Sehun | Sunghoon | Heeseung | Joohoney | Juyeon | Jungwoo | Jun K | Wonwoo | Chanyeol | Joshua | Jin | Seungwoo | Soobin | Jun | Suho | Ten | Jongho | Woozi | Hongseok | Hanse | Seungsik | Yuta | Yangyang | Shotaro | Junho | Mino | Hoshi | Jisung | Vernon | DK | Eunwoo | Dino | The8 | Scoups | Jay | Moon Sua | Tsuki | I.N | Wonho | Dann | Huening Kai | Jake | Kevin | B.I | Isa | Woosung | Kun | Chen | Seungkwan | Hwiyoung | Wonpil | Rowoon | Inseong | Changbin | DPR Ian | Matthew | Doyoung | Haknyeon |
x Reader | x Member | x OC | No Pairing
Smut | Fluff | Romance | Angst | Drama | Fantasy | Action | Crack
Oneshot | Series | Drabble | Social Media
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kpop-lover99 · 4 years
I decided to lost VICTON ONESHOTS on here from my wattpad account. I hope you all enjoy
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sejunsneezing · 7 years
Please enjoy some fluffy Seungwoo written vaguely to Stars by The XX 
Generally, when you hear three solid knocks against your window pane, you should call the police. But when I drag my fuzzy socks across the carpet and tug the curtains open, I know the slender knuckles on the opposite side of the glass belong to Han Seungwoo, so I pull the window up with little hesitation. His dark hair is tousled from the wind and his pale cheeks are dusted with a faint blush, courtesy of the brisk, early summer breeze following his lanky frame as he leans into my bedroom, lips curled into a charming grin. “Did I wake you, angel?” He croons playfully. Despite my bleary state, I flush pink and shake my head no, stepping back so he can clamber gracefully into my bedroom. In the blink of an eye, his slender arms wind around my waist and his chin rests atop my head. My face is settled comfortably beneath his throat and when I inhale his scent of clean laundry and mint, I find myself practically going limp in his arms. “Missed you.” Seungwoo murmurs into my hair, kissing my temple. “Missed you, too.” I answer quietly into his worn cotton tee. When he pulls back, his grin has softened into a tender smile. Intertwining our fingers, he whispers, “I have a surprise for you.” My eyebrows arch skeptically. “Surprise?” He nods assuredly like a child who knows he’s destined to snag the last cookie from the cookie jar. “Shoot.” “It’s a surprise, baby.” He stresses, padding around my slightly disheveled room and fishing out a pair of flannel pajama pants and a sweater from the mop of clean, albeit unfolded, laundry atop my bed. “First, we’ve gotta bundle you up. Can’t have the birthday girl getting sick now, can we?” I wrinkle my nose as I step lazily into the pants, pulling it over my ratty basketball shorts. A squeak leaves my mouth when Seungwoo tugs on the waistband to pull me nearly against his hips and tie the strings into a startlingly neat bow. When I glance up at him, flustered, he simply smirks down at his handiwork and teasingly pats my tummy. In spite of myself, I giggle sheepishly. His finger taps the tip of my nose and he breathes, “Cute,” before guiding my arms through the sweater. “I believe this belongs to me.” Seungwoo muses quietly. “Oh! You can have it back, I’ll just-” “I’m not just talking about the sweater, sweetheart.” I exhale in surprise and hide my face in his chest, groaning quietly. He cards a hand affectionately through my hair, chuckling.  I slide my feet into a pair of sneakers and slide my phone into my pocket. Seungwoo helps me through the window, effortlessly lifting me up and frankly, it takes a lot of effort on my part to refrain from thinking about the way his biceps must have flexed to support my weight. The mode of transportation tonight is his trusty bicycle. It’s not unreasonable to say the bike catalyzed our relationship; after all, we wouldn’t have started talking if Seungwoo hadn’t run into me and knocked me over. I balance myself on the pegs and rest my hands securely on his broad shoulders. “Do I at least get a hint as to where we’re going?” I fight the urge to absolutely whine at him. “No, just be grateful that I’m not blindfolding you.” A string of mild profanities might have left my mouth but I sigh in defeat and let Seungwoo lead me because he’d never lead me wrong.
I’m not sure how long it takes to arrive at the mysterious destination because between his cheesy jokes and suave compliments, I find it exceedingly easy to lose track of time when I’m with Han Seungwoo. “No way.” Before me are several large domes, resting upon a marvelously white building. The sign reads ‘Space Observatory’ and when I look back at Seungwoo, he seems to be observing me with a quiet smile on his sweet face. “Surprise?” He offers, interlocking our fingers. “But...how?” My brow knits in confusion because visiting hours are definitely over, but Seungwoo jingles a pair of keys and whistles breezily because our night has barely begun. “I might have friends in special places.” He says, shrugging playfully, bumping his shoulder against mine. I shake my head. “You never fail to leave me in awe.” I offer a sidelong glance and he winks, squeezing my hand. “Not for lack of trying.” Though it seems illegal, the empty observatory is soothing. Seungwoo’s boisterous laugh bounces off the walls and echoes beyond the equipment and metal and paint and glass, etching itself into my memory. I’m caught up reading a display detailing black holes when he calls my name sweetly, beckoning me up the stairs. We find ourselves on the rooftop and across the way is an imposingly large telescope. The city lights twinkle vaguely in the distance and when Seungwoo tilts my chin upward, I gasp at the stars sprinkled against the darkest blue canvas of sky. After several moments entranced by the night sky, my gaze flickers to Seungwoo. His smile reaches his bright eyes and he gently brushes my cheek with his fingers. “What do you think?” My mouth opens and closes several times before I manage a coherent response. “I think I...oh my god Seungwoo this is…” I trail off when I feel a lump of emotion in my throat. “This is...more than IcouldeveraskforandIloveyou.” His eyes widen in surprise and my face flames; it doesn’t matter that it’s dark, he can probably still see the violently red tint to my cheeks and oh no why did I ramble like that why don’t I have self control what if this totally scares him away UGH DUMb- Seungwoo crashes my panicky train of thought my cupping my face and leaning down to press his mouth softly against mine. I sigh, pliant in his firm hold, and he strokes my cheeks with his thumbs, humming happily as I wind my arms around his neck. He smiles into the kiss and when he pulls away, his eyes burn brighter than all the stars suspended in varying degrees of gravity, millions of light years away, just above our heads. “I love you, too.” His voice is low and soft and the most idiotic, bashful smile spreads across my face. “I’ll tell you I love you for every star in the universe.” Still blushing, my voice cracks slightly when I roll my eyes and scoff, “Seungwoo, there are like millions and billions-” “Then I will kiss you.” This shuts me up quickly and when he leans down for another kiss, he brushes another happy birthday wish against my mouth.
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for @hanseungwho HAPPY BIRthDAY BOO ILY I hope you liked it 
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saltys-writings · 4 years
Victon Masterlist
Full Masterlist
f = fluff, a = angst, s = suggestive, tw = trigger warning, req = requested
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7 Minutes in Heaven | f, (s)
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Morning Cuddles | f, drabble - req
Midnight | f, smut, oneshot, royalty AU
Reunion | f, drabble - req
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Victon Hugs | f
You being cuddly when you’re tired | f, req
Comfort Blurbs ✨
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soulangel · 4 years
Victon Masterlist
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Genre Key:
M-Mature // F-Fluff // A-Angst // S-Series // SM-Social Media
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I Told You F
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Look At Me F
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soulangel · 4 years
Victon Masterlist
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I Told You
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Look at Me
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