kpop-lover99 · 4 years
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Your P.O.V
The warmth of the morning sun woke you up. You tried to get out of the bed, but pair of arms pulled you into his embrace. You giggled, and turned around to see your sleeping boyfriend. At least you thought that he was asleep.
You gently stroked his soft hair, and he tightened his arms around you. "Wooyoung?" You gently call his name, but you got no response. You smiled, and an idea popped into your head. You stroked his cheek, but he didn't wake up. You kissed his nose, cheek, forehead, but nothing.
You sighed in defeat. "Babe" Nothing. You tried to wiggle out of his grip, but he didn't budge at all. "Come on Wooyoung. It's already 10am. And I need to make breakfast." He continued to snore away. You understood that he was tired. Being an idol was pretty tiring, but today was his day off. You were spouse to enjoy his day off together. But right now, he was sound asleep, and you were getting bored. 
You thought of another idea, to wake your handsome boyfriend. You leaned in closer, and put your lips on his. When you tried to pull away, Wooyoung pulled you closer and started to kiss you more passionately. 
When he finally pulled away, he smirked and you pouted. "You were pretending to be asleep, were you?" He chuckled and kissed your forehead. "I'm sorry Y/n. But, I must say that it was hard not to wake up to your teasing. Maybe I should punish you for that." 
You tried to wiggle out of his arms, when he said punishment. But to no wail. So, you gave up on trying to escape. Wooyoung than stroked your cheek, and then kissed it.
You then felt his hands on your waist, and in the next second, he started to tickle you. "W..woyoung. S..stop" You laughed so hard, that your stomach started to hurt, and tears were in the corner of your eyes, but he didn't stop tickling you.
"This is your punishment for trying to wake me up Y/n." You tried to stop him from tickling you, but you couldn't. "P..please. I'm s..sorry" You said between laughter. Finally Wooyoung stopped tickling you, and kissed you. You wrapped your hands around his neck, and kissed him back.
"I love you Y/n" You smiled at him, and stroked his cheek. "I love you too Wooyoung" He gave you another kiss, and then laid down once again, with you in his strong embrace. "Hey, Wooyoung. We should get up." You said and kissed his nose.
"Nope. We are going to stay in the bed until noon, and cuddle." You giggle at him, and shook your head. "But, I need to make breakfast." Wooyoung buried his face into your neck. Inhaling your sent.  
"That can wait. I finally have a day off, and the only think I want to do, is cuddle with you all day long." You giggle at his cheekiness. "That was so cheeky." You said, and pecked his cheek. Wooyoung smiled at you, and pecked your nose. "But you love me being cheeky, don't you." 
"I do." He pulled you even closer, if that was possible. You placed your head on his chest, and Wooyoung started to stroked your hair. "I love you Y/n. Forever and always." "I love you too Wooyoung. Forever and always."
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kpop-lover99 · 4 years
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Y/n P.O.V
As usual, I was working at the cafe but it was busier than usual. Normally we don't get this many customers around noon, and it was only 10 in the morning. "Y/n, can you get the table in the back, pleae?" Jennie, my co-worker asked me. I smiled at her. "Sure. Then, I'll leave the register to you for a while." She nodded. "Leave it to me." We smiled at each other. And I went to the table in the back. When I approached the table the guys looked at me. Wow. That was the only word that I could come up with. Those guys were beautiful. Were they idols or what? I took a deep breath.
"Hello. My name is Y/n and I'll be your waitress. What can I get you?" I asked with a small smile. "We will get 2 Iced Americanos, 2 Iced Teas and 3 Peach Teas." I wrote down their order down. "Anything else?" The guy who order shook his head. "No, thank you." I nodded and smiled at them. "Alright, I'll bring your order soon." I left back to the counter to make their drinks. Then Jennie spoke up. "You know, that guy in the back keeps staring at you." I looked where I was before, and she wa right. He was staring at me. I quickly looked away and blushed. Jennie giggled. "Is someone having a crush?" I he tly smacked her. "Jennie, hush. You know my problems with guys. Right?" She nodded. "I know. But, don't you think its time for you to date again? After all, that guy is not bad looking at all. Honestly, he is very handsome l. And I think that I've seen him somewhere." She was thinking for a while, while I was making their drinks. Then she gasped. "I know! Those guys are idols. I believe they are called VICTON or something." I nodded. "Well, that means no talking to those guys and getting closer to them." She scoffed. "Come on! Who knows. One day you might fall in love with him. I think his name is Seungwoo." I shocked my head. "Jennie, that's enough. Why don't you go back to work?" She sighed. "Fine." I giggled. When u was finished with their order, I walked back to their table and handed them their drinks. "Here is your order. If you need something else let me know." The guys nodded. "Thank you Y/n." I smiled and nodded. I went back to go back to work.
Few hours later
My shift was finally over. "Finally, I can go home." Jennie giggled. "How about we go to my house to hang out for a while?" I nidded. "Sure, sounds fun. Let's go." After we closed up and made sure that all lights were turned off and the cafe was locked, we made our way to Jennie's care and drove to her house.
I plopped down on the couch and sighed. "I'm so tired." Jennie agreed. "Same girl. After all, we worked from 6 am until 6 in the evening. That's a long shift. I hope I don't have to work this late ever again." I gigglee. "Jennie, if you want the money, you need to work for it." She sighed. "Rigjt. I forgot that I live alone now." I shook my head and smiled at her. "You are so silly Jennie." She giggled. "I know I am. Now, how about I show you some of the songs from VICTON?" I was shocked. "You mean the guys from the cafe?" She gave me the "DUH" look. "Who else?"
"Jennie, I told you..." she didn't let me finish. "Dont finishbthat sentence. Like I said, you might fall in love with one of them." I shook my head. "Jennie. I might never see the guys again." She let out a sighed. "Any2ays, kwts listen to their songs." I gave up and nodded. "Fine." She showed me a few of their songs. I was speechless. Those guys were really amazing. Like. WOW.
"So, what do you think of them?" I looked at her. "It was pretty good. No, scratch that. It was amazing." We laughed. "Anywyas, its getting late. I should go home" jennie nodded. "Do you need a ride home?"I shook my head. "I'll be alright. I'll see you Monday." She nodded and we said our goodbyes.
I left Jennie's house, and I walked down the night streets. It was in the middle of the Spring, si the weather was pretty nice. You would think that it would he cold, but no. It was actually really warm. I walked through my favorite park. I decided to sit down on the bench. I closed my eyes and thought about the time when I was happy. Happy with my husband. The memories of us made me smile, but it was a sad smile. You see, not a year ago I found him cheating on me. That bastard had the guts to cheat on me behind my back until I caught him red handed. On the same day, I asked for a divorce. And of course, he begged me to stay. But I left him there with his so called "girlfriend. "
I did not realize that I was crying until someone wiped my tears away. I was shocked, so I opened my eyes to see the guy from the cafe. What was his name again? Oh, right. Seungwoo. "Are you okay?" I quickly wiped my tears away and nodded. "Y..yes, I'm fine." I gave him a forced smile. He did not take it. "Y/n. You are crying. That means that you are not okay. Tell me, I'm here to listen." He sat down beside me. I dont know why, but I told him everything.
I felt safe when I was with him. "That guy is a jerk. You deserve way better than him. You are a beautiful girl Y/n, even though we just met today I can tell that you have a kind heart." I looked away. Obviously blushing. "Here, give me your phone." I was confused. But still gave him my phone. I could tell that he was probably giving me his phone number. "Here. Text me or call me anytime." I took my phone back and smiled. "But what about your..." He did not let me finish. "Don't worry about that. I will handle it. And the guys really like you as well." I looked at him shocked. "They do? But I did not talk to them." He chuckled. "You didn't have to. They really like you Y/n and I think they will ask you over one day. So, before they go, I'll ask you first. So you want to come over one day?" I could tell that he was slightly blushing. I giggled. "I would love to, but I think I should go home now. Its pretty late." Seungwoo nodded. "Well, let me walk you home." I nodded. Who would have thought that in would become friends with an idol. But of course, our friendship did not last long. Don't worry, we didn't fight and broke our friendship. We just became more then friends. We became a couple.
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kpop-lover99 · 4 years
I decided to lost VICTON ONESHOTS on here from my wattpad account. I hope you all enjoy
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kpop-lover99 · 5 years
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My ulti bias in A.C.E ❤
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kpop-lover99 · 5 years
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This boy, will be the death of me one day...☠💖#ONEUS
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