#via verdi
parolerandagie · 2 years
Un caffè ed una pastiglia che causi una sordità selettiva verso tutto quello che arriva da Sanremo ma che non è musica, grazie.
Perché, non so a lei ma a me che, complessivi e male contati 84 minuti di musica, arrivino incartati in una settimana di attesa ed anticipazioni, 25 ore di diretta televisiva distribuite in 5 serate, una settimana successiva di polemiche, discussioni, celebrazioni ed accuse, piace tanto quanto se, questo caffè, me lo correggesse con la salsa aiolì!
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clawmarks · 8 months
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Portrait of a young lady holding a cat - Antonio d'Ubertino Verdi, called Bachiacca - 16th c. - via Christie's
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irlvernon-moved · 1 year
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vernon 📍 verdy's party via dailyfashion_news
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lewki · 6 months
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Home race and some 𝑽𝒆𝒓𝒅𝒚 cool characters to go with it ✌️
This year's Japanese Grand Prix was a collaboration with Verdy! We asked them to create a new character based on our trademark autumn leaves! So cute 🫠 We're looking forward to racing at Suzuka with Verdy's design that is full of his unique worldview!
via @.yukitsunoda0511 on X
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djuvlipen · 7 months
A 6yo girl died of electrocution in a Romani camp in Italy last month. this is what racialized poverty looks like; children are always among the first victims. may she rest in peace
04 March 2024
The Saturday before she was due to start school, six-year-old Michelle died by electrocution in the Roma camp in Via Carrafiello di Giugliano in Naples. Despite desperate attempts to resuscitate the girl, who had brushed against exposed electrical cables, she was pronounced dead at about three p.m. on the 13 January 2024. 
Allegedly, distressed family members caused a disturbance at the hospital and were accused of attacking health care personnel and police. This ‘chaos’ quickly became the focus of local media attention, and coverage of the tragic death of a child quickly morphed into an issue of public order and security.   
Deputy Francesco Emilio Borrelli of the Alleanza Verdi Sinistra, weighed in by describing the Giugliano camp “populated by violent people whose lifestyle is many times beyond the law” as one of many “outlaw settlements where children are abandoned to degradation”; and declaring his solidarity with the emergency room doctors and the police. 
After a meeting of the committee for public order and safety, the prefect of Naples, Michele Di Bari, set the objectives for the local administration “Clean the camp from waste in the next few weeks and start the transfer of a Roma family of around 40 people, to an asset confiscated from organized crime.” 
The authorities responded with a blitz on the camp coordinated by local police, and supported by Carabinieri, military personnel and employees of the water company. Waste was removed, electrical cables made safe, vehicles seized, and the water supply was disconnected, leaving about 450 Romani people without access to water by 25 January. Behind the expressions of concern about the safety of children, the official stance is – to borrow a phrase from Matteo Salvini – one of “Legalità, ordine e rispetto prima di tutto!” (Legality, order and respect before all).
The reporter from Avvenire tells a different story, of bereaved families, wrongly accused of affray at the hospital, routinely scapegoated and repeatedly evicted. After the seventh eviction they ended up on this long-abandoned industrial site, amongst the rubble and mud, without water or electricity, except for illegal connections – an ‘informal settlement’ in officialese. In reality, a squalid and precarious site, where 200 Romani children subsist in conditions that do nothing to nurture “an atmosphere of happiness” for the “full and harmonious development of his or her personality”, envisaged in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
In a submission to the UN Human Rights Council back in 2014, ERRC research revealed that Romani children raised in camps across Italy were prone to a number of severe and debilitating conditions: they suffered from high levels of anxiety, were more frequently born underweight, and became ill with respiratory disease in greater numbers. They suffered more often from poisoning, burns and accidents at home. There was a greater incidence of “diseases of poverty”, such as tuberculosis, scabies, and lice.
The roots of the crisis can be traced back to official policies in the 1990s which placed Roma in segregated ‘nomad camps’. Things worsened with Berlusconi’s illegal declaration of a State of Emergency to combat the so-called ‘Roma menace’ in 2008. This overtly racist demonisation of Romani people heralded a prolonged period of mass evictions and destruction of camps, harassment, expulsions, mob violence and pogroms against Roma communities. Up to this day, the legacy of this illegal state of exception still afflicts Roma, as successive governments have failed, or simply refused to honour the commitment to ‘get beyond the system of camps.’ 
For its part, the European Commission chose to remain silent in the face of mounting and overwhelming evidence of systemic anti-Roma discrimination, forced evictions and camp segregation. On 6 April 2017, The Financial Times reported that the European Commission had repeatedly blocked publication of a report which recommended sanctions against Italy for mistreatment of its Roma minority, in an attempt to avoid a damaging public row. Seven years later, little has changed in Brussels, and the Commission has consistently kept schtum on this issue.
On 20 May 2019, in response to an emergency case was brought before the court by Associazione 21 luglio and the ERRC, the European Court of Human Rights ordered the Italian Government to provide suitable accommodation for the 73 Romani families who were forcibly evicted from Giugliano the previous week. The court recognised the right to family unity and the need to provide adequate housing to the 450 Roma who had been evicted, and were camped in an area with no shelter, and were forced to sleep inside cars or outdoors, despite the difficult weather conditions, without access to electricity, clean water or toilets. And this is where Michelle and her friends spent the next four years.
Despite the availability of EU funds, the precarious living conditions endured by the Roma remained unresolved. On 12 January 2021, the Campania Regional Council approved the "Abramo" project worth €846,000 for a path of housing, work and social integration of the Roma populations of Giugliano in Campania. As is all too painfully evident, no tangible progress had been made on housing, and as Avvenire noted, in the aftermath of this latest tragedy “now the focus is on the reuse of houses confiscated from the Camorra.” As part of the education path of the Abramo project, “Interventions on school integration have started and yesterday Michelle would have gone to school with the apron and backpack given to her.” Instead, on that first day at school for the cohort of Romani kids, one desk remained empty.
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anchesetuttinoino · 3 months
- Noi l’avevamo detto che Ilaria Salis sarebbe stata la nuova Soumahoro. E infatti sono bastati un paio di giorni da neo eurodeputata per convincere Angelo Bonelli a "scaricare" di fatto la santa protettrice degli occupanti abusivi. Non ci credete? Dovete sapere che oggi l’Adnkronos ha raccolto una storia meravigliosa riguardo le occupazioni abusive di immobili. A Napoli infatti un povero cristo, di nome Umberto, un bel giorno si è ritrovato la sua casa popolare improvvisamente nelle mani di uno sconosciuto. E sapete chi l’ha aiutato con tutte le forze a riprendere possesso dell’immobile? Francesco Emilio Borrelli, deputato di Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra, ovvero lo stesso partito il cui leader - Bonelli - si commuove per l’elezione in Ue di Ilaria Salis. Capite il paradosso?
- Umberto peraltro ha inviato un messaggio alla Salis che si spera che la deputata possa leggere: chi pensa che le occupazioni sono sacrosante, dice il pover’uomo, dovrebbe “provare la sensazione di rientrare dal lavoro, dall'ospedale, dal supermercato e vedere che la chiave non apre più la porta di casa tua, che qualcuno si è infilato nel tuo letto e si è disfatto dei tuoi vestiti, ha ripulito il frigo e buttato via i mobili dalla finestra come fossero spazzatura”. Altro che “occupare è logorante”, come sostiene Ilaria. Umberto per 9 giorni ha dovuto dormire in auto in attesa che qualcuno cacciasse gli abusivi.
Via Il Giornale
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abr · 1 year
Basta uno spot senza bimbi di colore, coppie Lgbtq, slogan green e ammennicoli politicamente corretti vari per farli uscire pazzi. Bollato subito come "tradizionalista" e "contro il divorzio", anche se si limita molto delicatamente a rimettere al centro i bisogni dei bambini.
via https://twitter.com/jimmomo/status/1706640660239982880
lo spot è un indicatore di stato: INDICA che i markettari han rilevato una fetta rilevante di "mercato" fatto di famiglie tradizionali.
Probabilmente sono i primi ad aver fatto uno studio sul mercato reale, invece di tentare di anticipare il futuro desiderato da gattare coi capelli verdi, sulla base del rumore di fondo dei social e delle piazze: approccio che sta facendo letteralmente FALLIRE aziendine tipo Walt DIsney o Cocacola.
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jkjmbtsarmy · 10 days
240914 Hoseok update via Verdy (@ verdy) IG
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feraltwinkseb · 1 year
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August 19, 2001 - Budapest, Hungary Source: Andreas Rentz/Bongarts/Getty Images & PIERRE VERDY/AFP via Getty Images & Steve Mitchell/EMPICS via Getty Images
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intotheclash · 2 months
ce n’ho abbastanza per comprarmi una bottiglia di vodka un chilo di arance un amburg il pane tondo una birra un pacchetto di marlboro. E poi mangio l’amburg col pane tondo tostato e bevo la birra e fumo la marlboro e poi spremo due arance con la vodka. E poi esco e incontro la più grande figa della mia vita con gli occhi verdi e le ciglia nere e la bocca rossa e le mani nervose e decidiamo cazzo di non fare nessun film di non scrivere nessuna stronzata di non recitare nessuna cagata e di non andare in campagna e di non occuparci della casa né della merda né dei capelli né dei comunisti. Io butto nel fiume il trench di mio fratello io compro i biglietti per la partita roma-river plate io raccolgo gli occhi nella spazzatura io accompagno mio figlio nel paradiso totale senza nessun pericolo né gas né elettricità né politica né bicchieri né coltelli né stanze di pavimento. E lei scompare come le ore e appare come le ore e me ne frego della pensione e me ne frego di morire me ne frego dei fascisti e dovunque mi sdraio sogno e ho sempre voglia di baciarla e gli alberi respirano e le nuvole di merda si spaccano e da dentro partono razzi luminosi e dovunque sono vivo e non ho nessuna paura né dei rinoceronti né dei serpenti né degli appuntamenti e butto via l’elmetto e esco dalla trincea delle spalle di piombo e mando affanculo tutti gli stronzi cagacazzi della terra e grido come un’arancia stellare e viaggio nella luce dell’ananas e cago cicche d’oro sulla faccia dei nazi-igienisti maledetti puliscicessi. Buttare via il tempo della vita a lucidare i bidè e conservare i bicchieri e sorridersi a culo sbarrato e invecchiare come i più stronzi prima di noi. Maledetti cagoni falsi e vigliacconi. lei apparirà. Bruciando i tampax dell’anima sanguinante. apparirà con gli occhi verdi e ciglia nere e bocca rossa anima luminosa come arcobaleno puro radice che spiega con tutta la chiarezza perché questa merda è merda e finirò di vivere la vita con la paura di vivere la vita.
Victor Cavallo - Ce n'ho abbastanza
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oltre-la-linea · 3 months
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Dopo aver tentato inutilmente con Liberali, Socialisti e Verdi e puntualmente respinti perche' non desiderati.. ora i grillini ci provano con il gruppo della sinistra Europea di Fratoianni ricevendo un primo via libera per l'adesione.
Umiliazioni ed elemosine di un uomo rancoroso che riesce a collezionare solo figuracce
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lostuntothisworld · 5 months
If the first 5 seasons of ML is a 15 year time loop crack-prediction summary:
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Universe 1
Mio Dupain Cheng is the First Ladybug. He is a walking disaster, and some of his hobbies include video games, and dumpster diving. His Black Cat counterpart is Celeste Agreste.
The pair are an unstoppable duo, but there is one problem: Mio is in love with Celeste's icy civilian identity, and Celeste is in love with the fact that Mio's kiss can sever him from the Bad Luck Curse of the Black Cat. Whose idea was it to make these stupid jewels impossible to take off???
Anyway, Mio does end up falling for Celeste's fiery hero identity, and Celeste ends up actually falling in love, too. Feelings he never was able to express properly because of the guilt he harbored from lying to Mio about his motivations for his romantic displays.
The pair's journey comes to an abrupt end when Mio, as Ladybug finally declares his feelings for Celeste's Black Cat form, just before the pair discover where the still anonymous Monarque's lair is located.
Distraught, Celeste admits to the other boy the truth that he was just using him, but then developed actual feelings along the way. Celeste explains the Curse of the Black Cat. Mio is upset, but agrees to one kiss, before they separate for good.
Celeste is conflicted, but the Curse of the Black Cat is too great for him to bear. The pair kiss, Mio sees his partner's secret identity of a famous model and heir to the Agreste Empire. Celeste removes the ring, and Mio promises to pass it on to someone worthy, along with explaining the Curse. They tearfully separate forever.
Mio decides alone that nobody should have to carry the Black Cat's curse ever again, and puts on the ring. He combines the Ladybug and Cat and confronts Monarque alone.
It more or less goes about the same as the finale fight except that Monarque threatens to snap Celeste if Mio doesn't give up his Miraculous. Because Mio is wearing both, he can freely take off both. So he does.
Mio begs Monarque to not snap Celeste, but he does anyway. What's the point of complying if he was just going to Wish a new universe?
He makes his Wish, and within the confines of such a complicated Wish, Mio loses his humanity. Celeste is split into two: Adrien and Felix (This is the first split of one person)
Universe 2 (Possibly Universe 3 instead.)
Shone Bianca is the Second Ladybug. She is an Olympic level figure skater and cross trains in ballet. She is serious and steadfast, always going in a straight line towards the most streamlined solution. Her Black Cat counterpart is Adrien Agreste.
Reverse love square: Shone is in love with her Chat Noir. Adrien is comphet "in love" with Shone...
Shone loses her humanity in Monarque's next Wish, and Monarque is split into two: Gabriel Agreste and Colt Fathom. (This universe, be it Shone's or Marina's is the second split of one person)
Universe 3 (Possibly Universe 2 instead)
Marina Verdi is the Third Ladybug. She is extremely smart, and cunning. She is passionate about computer science. She has tendency to overcomplicate things, and her plans always involve a multitude of steps. Her Black Cat counterpart is Adrien Agreste.
The Hate Square: MarinaBug hates Adrien, and AdriChat hates this Universe's Ladybug.
Marina loses her humanity in Monarque's next Wish, and Emilie is split into two: Emilie and Amelie. (This universe, be it Marina's or Shone's is the third split of one person)
Universe 4 (Must be number 4, because of the connotations, along with other reasons)
Marinette Dupain Cheng is the Fourth Ladybug. She is very much like the Original Flavor of Mio, but from trial and error via Shone and Marina, has been perfected. She will bring about the New World.
Season 1-5 happen as in the show. The only difference is stuff that happen off screen. With the Wish, Gabe trades Emilie's and his life for Nathalie and Colt. Marinette loses her Humanity for Colt's.
In season 6+ the audience unravels the fact that there were 3 previous Ladybugs and that Lilamoth has been systematically stealing the identities of and taking their places in every Universe. Who would miss sentimonster kids anyway?
Mio is now a homeless orphan, and Shone and Marina are in a group home (The same group home Luka and Juleka were in when they were young, a completely separate, but related story).
Mio, Shone, and Marina are given locking bracelets which were once part of the Native American Miraculous Box, but crafted into something new via Tomoe and Colt. Those are their amoks.
Marina: Coyote
Shone: Falcon
Mio: Raccoon
Mio is confused because he (and only he) remembers the last two Universes in flashes, and he had the Coyote, and was the leader. Tomoe insists that it is now time to let go of tradition and embrace the new. The trio become Lilamoth's lackeys.
Season 6-8 ends up with Lilamoth as the main villain with her lackeys and various akumas. We find out that Mr. Lee is a pseudonym of Colt Fathom's and Zoe is the half sister of Felix. She is not a sentimonster. Yet.
We find out later on that Lila moth knows of a secret Universe 0, and ships the male Ladybug and the female black cat there. She wants to take the place of the Black Cat and have Adrien as her Ladybug, as it should be, in her eyes. (More on Universe Zero below)
Lilamoth has been pulling the strings from the very beginning, when she was originally the first holder of the Fox Miraculous.
She has plans for 2 more lives to steal before she makes her own Wish.
Zoe Lee and Marc Anciel are in line to be the Next Ladybugs...
The audience uncovers later on that Felix remembers his past as Celeste the Black Cat and how he betrayed Mio, and him trying to make things right. This explain his motivations in previous seasons, and future ones.
We also find out that Adrien is his own twin sister. Adrienne didn't "snap out of existence" as much as her sentimonster embryo merged with Adrien's in the next Universe. Felix does not have her DNA, only Adrien does, and thus why Adrien has the twin rings as his amoks. This will give narrative weight to Adrien wielding both Cat and Ladybug Miraculous in the final battle of the Supreme (the Final Big Bad of seasons 9-12).
Marinette still has her arc of confessing to her Princess and saving her from the Evil Queen: it's Dragon Princess Kagami and the Evil Queen Tomoe.
We also find out that Kagami’s creation was what broke the Peacock Miraculous (She was the first “perfect” sentimonster created in Universe 4). She along with Mio were grown in womb-like versions of Emilie’s coffin instead of gestating like regular babies. This is how Mio can be Marinette’s twin brother without most people knowing… until the big reveal of course.
(Marigami, Lukadrien, and Felix/Mio are endgame)
Secret Universe 0
Celeste Agreste is Ladybug (his name I'm still workshopping), His twin sister Adrienne is the Black Cat Peursephone. (French for Fear + Persephone which means Destruction)
The Alliance rings are a thing, but instead they are called Horizon rings and marketed as the Perfect Horizon, a play on Celeste and Adrienne, the two avatars' names.
Adrienne was too impulsive and ended up getting Celeste snapped before they could confront Monarque together. Luka saw his beloved Celeste snapped out of existence and is too distraught to fight off akumitization, and succumbs. With the new villain name of Hades, Luka hand delivers the Ladybug earrings to Monarque.
Monarque tells Adrienne that she is his favorite child and much too valuable to snap out of existence. Monarque makes his extremely complicated wish and Adrienne is sacrificed for it. This sets off a course of events in the next Universes that cause a multitude of other Wishes.
Adrienne vows that her father cannot kill her in a way that matters.
[[[[Will edit more later for clarity but PLEASE for the love of god does any of this make sense????]]]]]]
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fridagentileschi · 1 month
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"Prima dei sei anni, mia nonna, mia madre e mio padre mi avevano insegnato che se tutte le cose verdi che crescono venissero tolte dalla terra, non ci sarebbe vita. Se tutte le creature a quattro zampe venissero strappate dalla terra, non ci potrebbe essere vita. Se tutte le creature alate venissero strappate dalla terra, non ci potrebbe essere vita. Se venissero portati via tutti i nostri parenti che strisciano e nuotano e vivono nella terra, non ci potrebbe essere vita. Ma se tutti i naziislamocomunisti venissero portati via, la vita sulla terra rifiorirebbe."
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polaroid240 · 29 days
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I discovered something horrible today and I won't let it die due to language barrier issues.
"Deputy Marco Grimaldi of Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra has submitted a parliamentary question to the minister of culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano, denouncing an arson that occurred on 6 June at the National Cinema Library of the Experimental Centre for Cinematography (CSC) in Rome. The arson was particularly significant and caught deputy Grimaldi's attention, because it hit cell B4, destroying a significant amount of nitrate films from the 1930s and 1940s, part of the Italian cultural heritage. But, above all, Grimaldi accused the CSC of «trying to keep it a secret».
An official statement on CSC's website (published on June 12th), which reported details about the arson, would have been removed shortly after, creating additional concerns about how the event has been managed. «After the intervention of both the fire department and police, so far the only concerns have been: sending an email to employees so they could prohibit them from revealing the event to outsiders and signing a contract with a private security company in order to supervise the deposits», Grimaldi denounced.
CSC informed Domani that the fire would have damaged only a small portion of the entire film archive, so the reels should already have a copy each. Right now, the complete census of the works that have been destroyed has not yet been completed». Meanwhile, the causes of the fire remain uncertain and are currently under investigation. The president of the foundation, actor and director Sergio Castellitto, said that CSC had already raised concerns about the safety of the archive's conservation status, a matter which the CSC had promised to address with the help of the Ministry of Culture, like exploring the possibility of more suitable structures for the preservation and restoration of italian's film heritage. A source close to the Cineteca revealed instead to Domani that the investigation is trying to determine whether the causes of the fire were intentional or not and if the damaged films are the original reels, and not «copies of copies»."
I tried to translate it as good as I could, still, have the original source and some more:
Editoriale Domani:
Repubblica's online articles are always behind a paywall, but it's a major italian newspaper, so I have to include it.
Quotidiano Nazionale (video):
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marcoleopa · 2 months
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E sti cazzi
A19 PaCt, fiumi in secca, desertificazione, qualche mandria di bovidi/ovini al pascolo (di cosa?), ovunque il giallo in tutte le varianti di tonalità, sparute zone verdi ai margini degli argini delle fiumare (asciutte), scene surreali da villaggi Western e, il saccente in felpaverde vuole costruire il ponte, invece degli acquedotti e dei dissalatori.
Ma vada via il c...
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anchesetuttinoino · 21 days
Disinformatori di professione. Ci riferiamo alla redazione del Tg regionale del Piemonte, a partire dal capo redattore Francesco Marino e dai suoi diretti collaboratori Matteo Spicuglia e Chiara Pottini. Per ben tre volte, negli ultimi due anni, Democrazia Sovrana Popolare ha riempito, con numerose persone, saloni con assemblee e riunioni con i leader nazionali e, quello che dovrebbe essere il contenitore pluralistico della televisione di Stato in Piemonte, foraggiato con le tasse della collettività, cancella la nostra presenza. Non è un problema personale, nè di polemica partitica, perché siamo sicuri e ne abbiamo certezza, che l’ostracismo e la cancellazione della verità riguarda tutte le notizie scomode per il sistema di potere che, guarda caso proprio nella città degli Elkann e degli Agnelli, consente a quelli che vengono definiti come “giornalisti” di scegliere a loro piacimento le notizie nel loro bel baraccone costituito da un costosissimo isolato tra via Verdi e via Po a Torino, con i loro inutili uffici, dove giocano a fare la cosiddetta informazione. Facciamo girare questa vergogna tra i cittadini ed il popolo, affinché resti in memoria ed azione politica, verso questi che altro non sono che disinformatori di professione in una delle regioni più importanti del Paese. Nel nostro totale disprezzo, ci auguriamo ancora per poco, la Germania insegna. (Marco Rizzo).
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