#vhas creates
vrs-culdesac · 2 months
Introducing: Lightning!
Introducing "Lightning", my first novel - hitting shelves (hopefully) by early 2026!
I've been working on this project for the past 1.5 years, on and off, with my editor @starrynightarchive / @six-white-venus.
Lightning is part 1 of a 4-novel series titled "Human Conditions."
If you're looking for a series with queer representation, South Asian/Indian main characters, nuance and a lot of dialogue on various topics - this is for you.
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It's an absolute honour to be sharing my works with you all. Stay tuned for more information on "Lightning" in the coming days!
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astrals-and-pirates · 8 months
(rambly) spoilers under the cut but like
ohmygod rwd s5ep4 was so GOOD
the description mentioning a new god was so intriguing but i didnt expect austin pulling on some wild dnd lore and creating a super interesting challenge, it was really cool
the individual scenes showing off everyones personalities and arcs sooooo well and the dice playing in line with the rp, from vhas' impulsive and carefree personality paying off (i liked vhas before but i really like him now) to vr-la engaging w the mental aspect of the maze instead of the physical (and that WILD alternate timeline dream)
kyana's trial sucked so bad for her but it also made so much sense narratively?? the point of the maze was to develop a deeper understanding of the self and commit to a goal or path and kyana doesnt seem to have a solid long term goal for the future; her whole thing is running away but at some point thats not gonna be sustainable and her reluctant choice to run from stability reflected in the dice
dani's future choice is so interesting to me and feels like a very satisfying moment for a final season arc, especially since i was relistening to older episodes and saw how much dani grew in little ways (sophia describing dani as an asshole for bullying egan, still being mean to davion but now having a sense of respect; the self realization at pandemonium and trusting herself to be able to fix anything she puts her mind to; her becoming the captain of her own ship). i think i wouldve given dani a different choice in the moment, but i think sophia chose the right pressing decision for dani
my perfect episode, chefs kiss, im so seated for the rest of the season
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memphisflash · 7 months
𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑
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Pairing: Evelyn Harper (OC) x Elvis Presley
Word count: 2,1K
Chapter summary: Elvis knows he can't drop the truth on Evelyn like a bomb, and he lets her walk away. Not wanting to force her into anything but not wanting to be without her for longer either, he impulsively accepts Red's offer to bring in the help of a witch.
Chapter warnings: Elvis' pov! (not a warning but y'know), strong language, blood consumption.
Main m.list | Series m.list
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Shit, shit, shit.
Me and my big damn mouth. This wasn’t supposed to happen – hell, Evelyn Harper should not be standing in front of me right now.
I knew this day would come eventually, though. She was the daughter of Christian Harper, once the nation’s best hunter, and I was… well, me. Christian didn’t like me and never had, so I wasn’t surprised he’d send one of his little minions after me, but I didn’t think he’d stoop that low to send his own daughter.
Especially considering our past together, but then again, Christian Harper wasn’t the saint he portrayed himself to be.
The fucker probably set me up with the murders too.
Sure, I killed people, but not to the extent one might think.
I was a predator, unfortunately for me it was imbedded into my DNA after I was turned into a vampire, but I wasn’t a young fledgling anymore. I learned from my mistakes in the past where I’d go out hunting unsuspecting humans just for the heck of it. Nowadays, I only killed when it was absolutely necessary – whether I, or my people, were in danger for example.
I didn’t murder the girls I’d take into my room in cold blood.
I didn’t even sleep with them most of the time.
I fed and healed them, and then compelled them to forget what they’ve seen and that they’ve been to my room in the first place. I had too many people depending on me, too many eyes on me at all times to be reckless. Leaving mutilated bodies behind in the alley of the International to let them rot by the trash cans? Not my style.
Either it was the job of another vampire in town that wanted to fuck up my reputation, or Christian Harper was behind it.
My gut told me it was the latter.
“H-How… How do you.. How do you know my name?”
I widened my eyes a little as I looked at the brunette in front of me, panic tingling my bones as I saw the look on her face. She was confused, and I could sense she was trying to hide the fact that she was growing nervous. I was the same, and I masked my feelings before she could pinpoint them.
Taking a step back to create space between us, I fought the urge to run a frustrated hand through my hair because they were still covered in Richard’s blood.
A death I’d have to grief and beat myself up for later.
“You should go,” I told her, opting to place my hands on my hips as I avoided eye contact.
I couldn’t just blurt out the truth to her. Not now.
I couldn’t tell her that she was being lied to by the people she loved and that her and I had a past together. It wasn’t something that one would just throw out there, as if it was no big deal.
“No,” Evelyn stood her ground as she pushed herself off the wall and stood straight, her eyes boring into me. “I’m not leaving before you tell me how you who I am.”
She’d always been stubborn. Something I liked about her but sometimes it got on my nerves because it would get her in trouble. Now was one of those cases.
Looking up at her with a serious expression, no more smug grins, I shook my head.
“You’re staying at the hotel I got plenty of connections in. Besides, it ain’t like the VHA is some secret operation vampires don’t know about. Don’t flatter yourself, sweetheart,”
The words came out more harsh than I intended to. But I needed to create distance between us, keep her at bay… at least, for now. It’s been three years since I’ve seen her and talked to her, and I needed to get my head straight. Despite not showing it, I’d been going through inner turmoil the second I saw her in the crowd tonight.
Once upon a time she looked at me with love and admiration in those beautiful chocolate eyes of hers, and now there was nothing but indifference, hatred for the creature I was.
They’d brainwashed her, the way I do to the girls that I feed from.
“I don’t buy that,”
Goddamnit, Evelyn.
“You know something and because of that, you think you’re already one step ahead,” she continued, taking a step closer to me. My jaw clenched as I looked down at her, forcing myself not to look at her lips. “I’d be careful making your next victim if I were you, Elvis, because I’m-“
My eyes lowered to the jewelry around her neck, silver pendant with a small ruby stone resting over her collarbone. “Ask your father where you got that necklace.”
She shut up at my interruption and frowned, her dainty fingers touching her necklace for a second. She slowly looked back up at me and it caused a shiver to run down my spine, but I managed not to show it. “M-My… father?” She whispered.
“If he truly cares about you, he will tell you the truth and it will set you free,” I told her pointedly, my voice dropping to a whisper too. I slowly brought my hand to her necklace, groaning softly at the feeling of the vervain laced jewelry underneath the pad of my index finger as I caressed it. I could hear her breath stammering slightly and as we looked at each other, my fingertip ghosting along her clavicle.
I wanted to grab her and kiss her, make love to her until the sun would rise again and drag us back to reality. But I couldn’t. We couldn’t.
“You need to go,” I told her once more as I pulled my hand back, veins crawling underneath my eyes as my vampiric face threatened to come through my human one. Not because I wanted to sink my teeth into her soft skin, but because it was hard to control myself this close to her, in all senses of the word. “Please leave, Eva,”
I cursed myself at the pet name that was only used by me for her, but a sprinkle of hope sparked at my heart as she looked at me with slightly widened eyes.
Could it be...?
But then she took a step back and turned, walking to the door and that spark of hope was killed as fast as it had grown.
She looked at me once more as she stood in the door opening and I mentally begged her to speak, to say something, but instead we just looked at each other for what both felt like an eternity and a split second. And then she was gone, taking what was left of my undead heart with her.
The Memphis Mafia was used to my raving and ranting whenever the opportunity called for it. They’ve been around me long enough to know what I was like.
I was the one who turned most of them into vampires.
Some willingly, some not.
I now realize how selfish I’d been in the past, but I couldn’t stand to face an eternity all alone. I needed companionship around me and I gave them everything they wanted and needed…
Protection, money, status, luxury things.
It made them stay and now that the person I needed most wasn't by my side anymore, I couldn't stand the thought of my guys not being in my life either.
But I knew they were unhappy with me killing Richard.
The vampire that had fallen into Evelyn’s trap had been with me since the early sixties. I liked the guy and regretted taking his heart, but the guys also knew who Evelyn was and what she meant to me. I would kill for her, no questions asked.
And they didn’t ask any questions. They simply got rid of the body, grieving their friend silently and didn’t mention a word to me.
All but one were afraid to speak to me about the situation.
“Breakfast, boss?”
I looked up as the door to my bedroom in the penthouse opened and Red appeared into view.
It was 4 o’clock in the afternoon, the usual time I’d come out of my cocoon and get ready for the night’s show. I hadn’t rested or even slept a wink because my mind had been racing with thoughts.
Consumed by one person.
Evelyn Harper.
“Yeah. Come in.” I told Red as I waved him over, sitting up straight against the headboard of my bed. The curtains of the canopy of my bed were drawn at the window’s side, engulfing me in my own dark shelter. I turned on the light on the bedside table and cleared my throat a little, thanking Red for the tray he put on my bed.
Fruits, bacon, coffee and blood.
The usual.
I reached for the crimson liquid that had been poured into a mug, taking a sip of it as my eyes followed Red’s figure around the room. He sat on a chair near the bed and leaned his arms on his knees, looking at me knowingly.
“How do you feel?”
An uncomfortable question I didn’t know if I was able to answer. I felt a lot of things and even after thinking things over for the entire night, I didn’t know how I was supposed to feel.
Hurt, angry, frustrated, heartbroken.
“She don’t remember me, Red. I knew she wouldn’t, but goddamnit, seein’ her like that.. it.. it’s hell, man.”
Red nodded his head a little, rubbing his hands together. He’d been there when everything went down – he knew the reason why she didn’t remember anything and he knew how much it broke me.
Back then, and now all over again.
“You know how easily this can be reversed, right? We get her here alone and undo the compulsion.”
“And then what? We’d have to fight off hunters for the next ten, twenty years.. Take her whole life away from her. I can’t do that, Red.”
Red sighs deeply and looks down at his daylight ring, twirling it around his finger. “You’ve done it before..”
His words were low and maybe he didn’t mean for me to hear them, but I did.
I was aware he didn’t mean it in a malicious way and his intention wasn’t to hurt me, but the words made something inside of me snap.
I threw the mug of blood against the nearest wall, shoving the tray off my bed, not caring about the mess it made.
“I did not take her life away from her,” I gritted through my teeth, standing at the side of my bed as I pointed my finger at the other vampire. “We loved… we love each other.”
Evelyn might not remember me, but that wasn’t her fault. It was the fault of the people she called friends, of the people she called family. In my heart, I knew she still loved me.
And I wanted her to remember, more than anything in the world, but I’d never experienced someone being uncompelled.
I didn’t know what the aftermath would be.
Would it even work? Would she remember everything or just small snippets of the past? Would it hurt her?
Would she even want anything to do with me?
Hell, who knows. It could possibly even kill her and I'd rather step into the scorching Vegas sun without my ring rather than for that to happen.
At least now I had her nearby and she felt something, hatred of all things, but that was better than nothing.
By uncompelling her, I’d turn her whole life around.
Red got up and raised his hands as if he was surrendering, knowing not to anger me further. I groaned and sat down on the edge of my bed, my head in my hands. I felt Red patting my shoulder twice, releasing a low sigh through his nose.
“I know you did. She loved you once, Elvis, and she can do it again. There’s plenty of witches running around Vegas, just say the word…”
I stayed silent, listening to Red’s soft footsteps walking to the door. I wasn’t sure what the best way to handle all of this was yet, but I had to have at least a back up plan.
Raising my head, I spoke up before Red could leave the room.
“Yeah, boss?”
He looked back at me as I got back into the bed, grabbing onto open curtain of my bed. “Make the call.”
With that, I pulled the black velvet curtain closed, drowning myself in darkness before the show tonight.
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blackluxechau001 · 3 months
Chauffeur service – A smart alternative to boring public transit means
In the era of the hectic world where comfort becomes paramount, chauffeur cars Melbourne are evolving as a great transportation solution. It is challenging the conventional dominance of public transit means such as cabs, buses, and rails. The service covers an array of luxury cars like BMW, Audi, and Mercedes to serve transportation purposes. Certainly, these cars are not reserved for the upper class of society only. But has become a viable choice for those seeking stress-free journeys. The evolution of the transportation industry has made chauffeured-driven luxury cars affordable for seamless traveling. That’s why these cars are preferably used for private traveling, occasions, and business needs.
The perspective of using chauffeur service Melbourne
Thinking about chauffeur often conjures to image of luxury, sophistication, and professionalism. Subsequently, you may believe that they are only hired to drop celebrities at premiers of movies and transport the rich. However, the scenario has changed now since chauffeurs are available to everyone for private tours Melbourne. Thus, you can enjoy the serenity of luxury and class with the assurance of the best comfort and commitment to excellence. Check below for what purposes you are likely to get served by an expert luxury car chauffeur.
Corporate traveling – Attending meetings & conferences
The significance of using luxury cars in the corporate world is high. These cars heighten the professionalism of companies when it comes to impressing clients during meetings. So, you can use luxury for corporate transfers Melbourne to create lasting impressions. For important business meetings to attending conferences and treating VIPs, these cars are hired by companies. The core commitment to punctual pickups, style, and comfort provided by these cars is unrivaled. That’s what makes Melbourne chauffeur service a feasible choice for business travelers. 
Private travels – Sporting events & long-distance rides
The comfort and convenience offered by chauffeur hire Melbourne make this service a must-have solution for private traveling. Depending on your interests, you can hire a luxury fleet for sporting event transportation. You can arrive in style to watch the Melbourne Underbear Dance, Bravehearts Marathon, and many more. Also, you can hire a luxury car for Melbourne private tours to your favorite sights like Great Ocean Road, Yarra Valley, etc. No matter how long you are traveling, your doorstep pickup by a chauffeur is guaranteed.
Selecting the VHA chauffeur car service
Luxury chauffeur Melbourne services are intended to take your travel experience beyond expectations. The service is delivered using VHA cars which is a specialised license to operate luxury car transportation. Also, the chauffeurs of these cars are highly experienced personnel. They have gone through intensive driving guidance with defensive training. Thus, ensuring you have a high level of safety whilst traveling. Moreover, ride the fleet pared with amenities like water bottles, personalised playlists, AC, newspapers, and plush leather seats. It would certainly elevate your travel experience which makes you feel astonished and treated like a VIP.
The final words
The above-stated information is enough to acquaint you with Melbourne luxury car hire uses and features. So, if you want to take your travel experience to the heights, contact Black Luxe Chauffeurs. This is a premier company offering a myriad range of luxury cars to choose from. You can book one online with a tailored travel itinerary to get meet-and-greet service. The service is readily available with travel flexibility and at competitive prices.
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kemetic-dreams · 3 years
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The Kingdom of Mapungubwe (or Maphungubgwe) (c.1075–1220) was a medieval state in South Africa located at the confluence of the Shashe and Limpopo rivers, south of Great Zimbabwe. The name is derived from either TjiKalanga and Tshivenda. The name might mean "Hill of Jackals". The kingdom was the first stage in a development that would culminate in the creation of the Kingdom of Zimbabwe in the 13th century, and with gold trading links to Rhapta and Kilwa Kisiwani on the African east coast. The Kingdom of Mapungubwe lasted about 80 years, and at its height the capital's population was about 5000 people.
This archaeological site can be attributed to the BuKalanga Kingdom, which comprised the Kalanga people from northeast Botswana and western Zimbabwe, the Nambya south of the Zambezi Valley, and the Vha Venda in the northeast of South Africa. The Mapungubwe Collection of artifacts found at the archaeological site is housed in the Mapungubwe Museum in Pretoria.
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The largest settlement from what has been dubbed the Leopard's Kopje culture is known as the K2 culture and was the immediate predecessor to the settlement of Mapungubwe. The people of the K2 culture, probably derived from the ancestors of the Shona and Kalanga people of southern Africa, was attracted to the Shashi-Limpopo area, likely because it provided mixed agricultural possibilities.The area was also prime elephant country, providing access to valuable ivory. The control of the gold and ivory trade greatly increased the political power of the K2 culture. By 1075, the population of K2 had outgrown the area and relocated to Mapungubwe Hill
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The capital of the kingdom was called Mapungubwe, which is where the kingdom gets its name.  There is controversy regarding the origin and meaning of the name Mapungubwe. Conventional wisdom has it that Mapungubwe means "place of jackals," or alternatively, "place where jackals eat", thavha ya dzi phunguhwe, or, according to Fouché—one of the earliest excavators of Mapungubwe—"hill of the jackals" (Fouché, 1937 p. 1).  It also means "place of wisdom" and "the place where the rock turns into liquid"—from various ethnicities in the region including the Pedi, Sotho, Venda and Kalanga.
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Mapungubwean society is thought by archaeologists to be the first class-based social system in southern Africa; that is, its leaders were separated from and higher in rank than its inhabitants. Mapungubwe's architecture and spatial arrangement also provide "the earliest evidence for sacred leadership in southern Africa". Life in Mapungubwe was centred on family and farming. Special sites were created for initiation ceremonies, household activities, and other social functions. Cattle lived in kraals located close to the residents' houses, signifying their value. Most speculation about society continues to be based upon the remains of buildings, since the Mapungubweans left no written record. The kingdom was likely divided into a three-tiered hierarchy with the commoners inhabiting low-lying sites, district leaders occupying small hilltops, and the capital at Mapungubwe hill as the supreme authority. Elites within the kingdom were buried in hills. Royal wives lived in their own area away from the king. Important men maintained prestigious homes on the outskirts of the capital. This type of spatial division occurred first at Mapungubwe but would be replicated in later Butua and Rozwi states. The growth in population at Mapungubwe may have led to full-time specialists in ceramics, specifically pottery. Gold objects were uncovered in elite burials on the royal hill (Mapungubwe Hil
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spymeister · 2 years
Bit of Headcanoning this morning. Forgive the length.
Tarnese / Kaonese
Kaonese and Tarnese contain the same basal foundation, with a very phonetic form and function. Due to the lack of adequate reading programs and a lack of access to education, this language was created around the ability to teach from one mechanism to another without the use of coursework.
Primarily, it is taught from batch leader to batch clade, and so on and so forth. In each subsequent generation the language shifts and expands as new words, modifiers, inflections, and actions are added to the vernacular. The main difference between the two city-states is the series of action modifiers that either includes factories or mining.
Basal glyph structure-
ae / ei / i / ai / ea / he / ve -
These basal sounds are the foundation of the lower levels of Kaon and Tarn. They are replicated through subvocal cortexes located within the back part of the vocalizer, or vox-coder (depending on one's construction or emergence) and simple action indicators.
Secondary Glyph Structure.
These secondary sounds are the building of the subject on top of the action indicators. The subject changes the rules of the action indicators, which allows the beginning phrase to take on several different meanings despite grammatically remaining the same.
che - to run vhe - to walk mhe- to jump
Adding secondaries such as:
sai - This one mhi - That one vha - That One (honorific- as neither basal dialect has a word for the singular possessive of "I.")
This changes with the addition to:
sai'che - this one runs mhi'vhe - that one runs Vha'mhe - The One jumps.
Tertiary Glyph Structure The last part of the basal structure is the modifier. The modifier is akin to the human adjective- as it describes how the subject is doing the action. This changes more on inflection than it does with actual word change and modification. Modifiers such as se, ve, ha, ni, cho help give the scope of what the action is doing in relation to the subject at hand.
sai/che + se = This one runs quickly mhi'cho'vhe = That one runs slowly. Vha'ha'mhe = The One ran loudly.
The modifiers help describe how the action is done, and what the subject is doing. This, of course, changes with honorifics, intent, and tone- depending on the situation at hand.
Sometimes, hand gestures can be incorporated to emphasize a point- which lends to Kaonites and Tarnians to be highly visual speakers with grandiose and exaggerated gestures. In more reserved cultures, this can be misconstrued as threatening or pompous- but it's simply because the Tarnians have had less access to the more verbose and intricate wordplay that higher Castes can utilize.
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heavensthralled · 5 years
It's good to see you posting again Sarai! I have a question though. Vhaso'a has a new tumblr now and he talks of being single. I thought he and Sarai were a happy couple. Did something happen or is he playing you? He used to be really bad about that and I hoped he was getting better, but...
First of all, thank you for the welcome back! It feels good. I’m going to do my best to get content out more, even if a lot of it is aesthetics or screenshots. I want to do more writing though!
Second: Rest assured, nothing happened, Vhaso’a and Sarai are still a happy couple. He is in no way playing me, or anyone else for that matter. After his tumblrs got nuked from orbit, he didn’t bother making them again, he was fed up. Of course, he and I continued to RP outside of tumblr, and still have that going on! However, he decided recently to revamp Vha, and have his ingame play be a new verse - specifically, his single, playboy, Priest of Menphina persona - and have that verse be his default on tumblr. Kind of a reset, if you will. (that persona is the one he enjoys best and gives him the most drive to write and create content, he told me. I’m sure he’ll explain it sometime soon.) There are still other verses to be had, of course. Which includes ours and the history we already have over the past two years. He still hasn’t worked out all the kinks on how to handle that on tumblr just yet, but that’ll work itself out soon enough.
With that in mind, for now, anything I post that doesn’t have a specific tag is considered to be in Sarai’s canon. Her canon includes her history with Vhaso’a, however that happens to work out with his own tumblr. I will have to update my tags to denote what’s what outside of canon, and perhaps create a canon tag? 
Once he’s figured out how he wants to tag/go about his verses, I’ll come up with something to match for easier tracking.
Anyway, that’s about it. Things are great, don’t worry. He’s totally awesome. I know all about the things that happened in the past and he’s moved on and become better about them. If you have any other concerns, anon (or anyone else), please come to me directly, either by ask OFF ANON or DM. My blog is really not the place to deal with drama, I only answered this so that I could explain what’s going on with his blog - he’ll be getting around to making a post about it soon, he’s told me, but said it was okay to shed light on it for now.
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Telstra Corp Ltd Analysis & Company Information - GlobalData
In December 2020, Communications Minister Paul Fletcher officially pronounced the National Broadband Network (NBN) "fabricated and completely functional". What's more, it was proposed in an Australian Financial Review (AFR) interview that an obtaining by another telco, conceivably "Telstra Corp market analysis", was not off the table as the mode to privatization, a U-abandon past remarks made in 2019. As bits of hearsay flourish about a likely offer of NBN Co to Telstra, no mystery Telstra's CEO Andy Penn had long held plans on NBN Co. Nonetheless, Australian regulation keeps vertical incorporated telcos from claiming NBN, which was the thing Fletcher had been implying when he had excused such a suggestion."As such, someone who conveys retail media communications administrations can't claim NBN. That is prepared into the regulation," he said. Could Telstra at any point avoid NBN regulation?Apparently there might be a legitimate workaround this limit and Telstra is doing precisely only that through a rebuilding that will see its business parted into four organizations to be held by a holding organization - InfraCo Fixed to possess latent foundation, InfraCo Mobile to claim the versatile pinnacle resources, ServeCo to take the retail arm and one more element for its worldwide business. The substance probably going to gain NBN Co was distinguished as InfraCo Fixed. Nonetheless, it was accounted for by AFR that Penn had conceded in a meeting that Telstra needed to go further to be permitted to purchase NBN Co. Telstra's rivals were expectedly exasperated by Penn's remark, particularly Optus. A feeling of disloyalty is normal in the event that such an arrangement was permitted to go through. NBN Co was initially framed to break the upward imposing business model that was made when Telstra was privatized in 1997, leaving different players hazardously subject to Telstra to offer fixed line administrations. In 2011, both Telstra and Optus consented to an arrangement to separately move responsibility for great piece of their organizations to NBN Co for AU$11 billion and AU$800 million. For all that to fall under the control of Telstra would leave Optus perilously burdened. TPG Telecom, presently converged with Vodafone Hutchinson Australia (VHA), would be the main serious opponent to Telstra, never being important for that arrangement with NBN and having clutched its own cross country fixed network, which it amassed throughout the long term through the acquisitions of different ISPs including iiNet, Chariot and AAPT.As different proprietorship models are being considered for NBN, there are better choices out there to a securing by Telstra, which wouldn't think twice about open access model and keep up with the fair serious climate it was expected to make. The Singapore approach - business trustSingapore's Next Generation National Broadband Network (NGNBN), embraced a comparative division model where the dynamic framework was intended to be isolated from the detached foundation. The element, initially named OpenNet, was then offered to Singtel completely possessed auxiliary NetLink Trust, yet was sent by rival telco StarHub through an auxiliary Nucleus Connect. An IPO was chosen as the method of privatization and a perplexing three-layered trust structure was created to guarantee that no predominant telecom administrator could assume command over the organization. Netlink Trust would be held by Netlink NBN Trust, and the legal administrator supervisor of Netlink NBN Trust would be held by Singapore NBN Trust of which the deedholder is Singapore's biggest bank, DBS.After Singtel pared down its stake in Netlink NBN Trust to beneath 25% following an IPO in 2017 because of administrative necessities, this implied that following 2017, there is no prevailing investor in Singapore NBN trust. For NBN to arrive at a comparative end-state, NBN would should be an alluring resource for cost well in the IPO market. NBN Co might should be cut out into an "metropolitan" NBN Co, comprising of the more productive major metropolitan regions and fiber spines for privatization, and a "provincial" NBN Co, which might need to be held by the public authority for social reasons. Typically, country broadband inclusion is upheld by a widespread help commitment expense demanded on all telecom organizations. This would be like or expect alterations to the Regional Broadband Scheme which was carried out just January 2021. Dissimilar to Singapore, which has the monetary heave of its sovereign abundance reserve Temasek and it portfolio organization Singtel to mediate, shields should be set up with the goal that a threatening takeover probably won't be an issue for the freely recorded NBN Co. The New Zealand approach - cut out to non-telco playersNew Zealand, which faces comparative geological difficulties however has had an exceptionally effective execution of their public broadband organization, got going with two separate projects, the Ultrafast broadband (UFB) Initiative and the Rural Broadband Initiative (RBI), the two of which are overseen by Crown Fiber Holdings (CFH), an element laid out by the public authority. Telecom NZ, the New Zealand partner to Telstra, had to go through a demerger into Spark, which would claim the tasks, and Chorus, which would acquire the latent framework, as a precondition for support in the UFB sending projects. Chorale would in this manner become the foundation organization to plan and construct the fiber organization. Be that as it may, three other Local Fiber Companies (LFC) were likewise chosen to frame joint endeavors with CFH for sending of UFB across different areas; two of which - Northpower and WNL - come from power organizations, while the third was an ISP laid out by Christchurch City Council's venture arm. Under the business model utilized in the joint endeavor, the CFH joint endeavor begins as 100 percent CFH claimed, however the business accomplice's portion in the endeavor increments as business take-up continues, ultimately privatizing the element naturally and totally. This component implied that the UFB brought about a serious climate with four confidential area players, yet with local syndications. Rejecting NBN regulation would inconvenience more modest playersTo accomplish a comparable end express, Telstra's rebuilding should go further to cut out InfraCo Fixed into a different fiberco that gives just discount access and that Telstra doesn't have command over. In the mean time, NBN Co ought to be distributed segments, with fibercos, for example, the completely stripped InfraCo Fixed, and non-telco players, for example, service organizations and confidential value firms permitted to take part, with the precondition of not having a retail telco business in Australia. Another less difficult and less tangled privatization approach is scrap the regulation banishing upward incorporated telcos from taking responsibility for and to have each of the three significant telcos bring non-controlling stakes into NBN. Such is the situation with the making of China Tower from China three significant occupant telcos in 2014. Notwithstanding, this may then weakness more modest players, for example, Superloop, Aussie Broadband, MacTel, and possible future contestants.Join Free Demo Secession Now
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truthshield · 2 years
Innovation revolutionary: Diversity and inclusion at the point of care
VA’s Office of Resolution Management, Diversity and Inclusion (ORMDI) focuses on ensuring Veterans feel seen and heard, ensuring VA meets people where they are. Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) can be uncomfortable for staff to navigate without a guide or additional resources. Pamela Black, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) manager at Orlando VA, had an idea to change that. A history of compassion Black is an Air Force Veteran. She learned about camaraderie and diversity in the military. That isn’t something she had experienced in her hometown of Memphis. Raised by her grandparents and single mom, she developed a passion for helping others, particularly the marginalized and underserved. Pamela Black Black began as an EEO assistant at the Department of Defense (DoD) before applying for other EEO roles at VA. Because she wasn’t yet qualified for the positions, she left her 15-year career with DoD to join VA as an EEO intern at the West Palm Beach VA. After being promoted to EEO manager at the Orlando VA in 2020, Black began questioning her capacity. “Am I really doing a service to these people on my own? I can’t be everywhere at once, but I can equip others to serve.” Diversity and Inclusion advocacy Needing support to grow D&I advocacy, Black applied to the VHA Shark Tank Competition. At the same time, VA Secretary McDonough and his team were looking for D&I projects to grow. Getting support from her facility’s innovation program, the VA Diversity & Inclusion Advocate Program (VADIAP) went live in January 2021. VADIAP trains staff to be D&I advocates, supporting VA employees and Veterans alike. Creating a culture of inclusion, diversity, equity, and access (I-DEA) and building a strong VA-wide Special Emphasis Program are just some of these advocates’ responsibilities. Supervisors nominate one or more employees to serve as a service-level Advocate. The nominated Advocate is trained by EEO staff, Special Emphasis program managers, and other VHA stakeholders. Black is looking for people who are just as passionate and active about the work as she is. Supporting Veterans After three DoD Civilian tours in Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, Black says her service has drawn her closer to the work she does. “As a civilian, the empathy and compassion it takes to serve Veterans helps me and shapes my work because I know what they’ve gone through.” A Veteran with a hearing impairment felt he was not being heard or treated fairly because he talked loudly. Black drew upon her compassion to better understand. She was able to advocate for the Veteran and educate other staff on how to better serve Veterans in similar situations. Get involved in innovation “Learning about people and the importance of taking the time to get to know them, that’s what advocacy is all about,” said Black. She has already seen a positive culture shift through open I-DEA discussions. If you are interested in learning more or adopting this program in your local VA, head to the Diffusion Marketplace site for VADIAP. Want to support VHA IE’s innovation revolution? Visit our website (https://www.va.gov/innovationecosystem/) to learn about opportunities to become involved in innovation at VA. Innovation Revolutionary is a recurring series from the VA Innovation Ecosystem. It focuses on VA employees who are disrupting the status-quo, breaking down barriers, and attempting to radically revolutionize Veteran care and the employee experience. https://ift.tt/gRnhiMH https://ift.tt/u4zvED5
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vrs-culdesac · 2 months
ocd makes my brain melt
“OCD makes my brain melt,” a piece talking about a personal struggle with obsessive-compulsive disorder and the conflicting emotions it brings forth when one gives into their mind, but against their will.
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blackluxechau001 · 3 months
Chauffeur service – A smart alternative to boring public transit means
In the era of the hectic world where comfort becomes paramount, chauffeur cars Melbourne are evolving as a great transportation solution. It is challenging the conventional dominance of public transit means such as cabs, buses, and rails. The service covers an array of luxury cars like BMW, Audi, and Mercedes to serve transportation purposes. Certainly, these cars are not reserved for the upper class of society only. But has become a viable choice for those seeking stress-free journeys. The evolution of the transportation industry has made chauffeured-driven luxury cars affordable for seamless traveling. That’s why these cars are preferably used for private traveling, occasions, and business needs. 
The perspective of using chauffeur service Melbourne
Thinking about chauffeur often conjures to image of luxury, sophistication, and professionalism. Subsequently, you may believe that they are only hired to drop celebrities at premiers of movies and transport the rich. However, the scenario has changed now since chauffeurs are available to everyone for private tours Melbourne. Thus, you can enjoy the serenity of luxury and class with the assurance of the best comfort and commitment to excellence. Check below for what purposes you are likely to get served by an expert luxury car chauffeur.
Corporate traveling – Attending meetings & conferences
The significance of using luxury cars in the corporate world is high. These cars heighten the professionalism of companies when it comes to impressing clients during meetings. So, you can use luxury for corporate transfers Melbourne to create lasting impressions. For important business meetings to attending conferences and treating VIPs, these cars are hired by companies. The core commitment to punctual pickups, style, and comfort provided by these cars is unrivaled. That’s what makes Melbourne chauffeur service a feasible choice for business travelers.
Private travels – Sporting events & long-distance rides
The comfort and convenience offered by chauffeur hire  Melbourne make this service a must-have solution for private traveling. Depending on your interests, you can hire a luxury fleet for sporting event transportation. You can arrive in style to watch the Melbourne Underbear Dance, Bravehearts Marathon, and many more. Also, you can hire a luxury car for Melbourne private tours to your favorite sights like Great Ocean Road, Yarra Valley, etc. No matter how long you are traveling, your doorstep pickup by a chauffeur is guaranteed.
Selecting the VHA chauffeur car service
Luxury chauffeur Melbourne services are intended to take your travel experience beyond expectations. The service is delivered using VHA cars which is a specialised license to operate luxury car transportation. Also, the chauffeurs of these cars are highly experienced personnel. They have gone through intensive driving guidance with defensive training. Thus, ensuring you have a high level of safety whilst traveling. Moreover, ride the fleet pared with amenities like water bottles, personalised playlists, AC, newspapers, and plush leather seats. It would certainly elevate your travel experience which makes you feel astonished and treated like a VIP.
The final words
The above-stated information is enough to acquaint you with Melbourne luxury car hire uses and features. So, if you want to take your travel experience to the heights, contact Black Luxe Chauffeurs. This is a premier company offering a myriad range of luxury cars to choose from. You can book one online with a tailored travel itinerary to get meet-and-greet service. The service is readily available with travel flexibility and at competitive prices.
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Western Wedding Event Birthday Cake Toppers
Frederick Douglass rose coming from restraint to be some of the leading abolitionist innovators and also advocates that fought to finish restraint within the United States in the many years before the Civil Battle. Wales offers a smaller countryside-link design golf experience amongst pleasant properties, estate and also b and b for those taking a look at looking into the country side. For any kind of exclusive health-care plan to have adequate motivation to match the VHA's efficiency on quality, it would have to be nearly as big as the VHA. In the autumn of 1898 I heard that Head of state McKinley was probably to check out Atlanta, Georgia, for the reason of joining the Peace Jubilee works out to become secured there certainly to memorialize the successful shut of the Spanish-American battle. Emphasis different colors for a French country style are black, red wine (naturally), russet, Today-Be-Fit.Info gold, eco-friendly and the popular combo of blue as well as yellow. Tulsa Whites eliminated 75 individuals and also destroyed a thriving Black business district in the course of the 1921 nationality riot there.
The Democrats plan to lower greenhouse gasoline exhausts "more than 80 percent below 2005 degrees by 2050," comply with Head of state Obama's assurance in the Paris Contract to maintain worldwide temperature boosts "well listed below 2 level Celsius," as well as get the nation "managing entirely on tidy power through mid-century." While a number of these are long-term goals, the system likewise calls for obtaining half of our electric energy coming from clean sources in the upcoming decade. He was actually prepared" through his precious Texas Rangers; his sibling, Mack, headed to the Colorado Rockies (a development crew that hadn't existed in the Take pride in siblings' round having fun times). In Virgo ascendant Rahu gets on with Mercury. They are actually light-coloured, along with ashen grey or even white spotted feathers and have a circular crown along with an unique apple-shaped facial disk, black eyes as well as a yellow beak. There wasn't a formal motive on the books as of Saturday, yet a witness that was actually equipped during the time said to the Louisville Courier-Journal that Shrub said whites don't eliminate whites" as he went by nonchalantly." Later on it was actually uncovered that he 'd tried and failed to go into a predominantly dark religion moments earlier. . Sometimes though you participate in country guitar ranges, it carries out not seem like c and w. In a British country manor home, the kitchen space was generated away from an additional room. Residing in Poem is going to permit you to take a trip to West as well as South West with benefit. The disparity and social exemption is actually also worse in the communities to the south of Lima, like Asia, where wealthy Limenos possess their second-homes on the seashore. Barack Obama, that are going to be actually promised in as the 44th head of state on January twenty, is the 1st African-American to become chosen to the nation's highest workplace. Certainly, we face a severe threat in Iraq - one that can easily no longer be disregarded As physical violence in the nation has actually improved substantially, our team must take action, while there is still time, to strengthen the sens of the American community. These feature exactly how large your house is actually, whether you're possessing it cleansed merely as soon as or regularly, how usually regular cleaning will occur, how many individuals stay there, the lot of shower rooms and the number of family pets, and also comparable elements. Certainly not each of the articles in your profile will certainly be actually edited all at once, however you might have much more than one post picked gradually. Well, if you're trying to find teasing songs, country and western is actually the most ideal category to discover teasing kid satisfies lady songs.Easy to create with approximately twenty hrs (approx) production opportunity, they'll be actually an additional unique gift for your country loving enjoyed one. The area feels like an area where one thing can happen greater in your life as well as whilst the country. is a lot more dependable and also seems like a clear straight process.
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Wine Tours In Greece.
Frederick Douglass climbed coming from enslavement to become some of the primary activist forerunners as well as campaigners who fought to end restraint within the USA in the years prior to the Civil War. Commonly the prospect elected in to the White House by the selecting college coincides as the one along with the best votes (Dean, 2004, p. 3). Nonetheless that was certainly not constantly the scenario as Al Carnage got extra votes than George W Shrub in 2000 however the latter was actually embeded office after the Supreme Court chose that Shrub had actually gained the electoral university votes of Florida (Palmowski, 2008, p. 704). The global well-being questionnaire that was performed by Gallup between February and December 2010 based upon in person and also telephone job interviews along with roughly 1,000 grownups, aged 15, and also more mature in 124 nations regarding how they ranked their lives at the present opportunity as well as their expectations for the upcoming 5 years reveals exceptional results. This is actually an annual gathering which now gives the school eight or nine hundred depictive men and women of the ethnicity, who concern invest a time in finding out what the real commercial, psychological, as well as ethical problems of individuals are actually, as well as in creating prepare for improvement. The Academy of Country Music showed Charley Take pride in with its Leader Honor in June 1994, as well as in January 1996, in acknowledgment of his superior achievement as an African-American, he was actually provided Turner Broadcasting's Horn Honor. If our team are actually to possess any type of chance of comprehending what's incorrect along with United States's health-care system and how to repair it, that unpredicted reality requires analyzing. It appears that specifically due to the fact that the VHA is actually a major, government-run system that possesses virtually a life time partnership along with its individuals, it possesses motivations for investing in premium and also keeping its people well-incentives that are actually doing not have in for-profit medicine. Sand-blasted jeans, distressed natural leather, and more-4fitness.info also ultra-casual gown have actually become the outpost in present day western garments; which has actually become well-liked with product line dancing, western riding, and also western fashion in addition to country and western enthusiasts throughout the world. The policy of disabling advertisements on marginal as well as sensitive web content provides us the flexibility to allow premium short articles to continue to be published, simply without adds. I absolutely agree with the post - place on. Mandarin ought to certainly not be actually permitted to leave behind china. Nonetheless, besides the possibilities to enhance the job, Ireland possesses some of the most effective places to stay as well as each year 3-5 areas of Ireland are featured in the list of greatest spots to reside. Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands and also Luxembourg) as it is widely known, gives the guests an expertise that will be rich in society and regional tastes. By serving advertisements on your write-ups, HubPages gives Hubbers the option to earn coming from their published work. Cabinets or household furniture made of a coated, naturally-finished or affected want may be a beautiful cornerstone in country kitchen area design. The 2010 Chrysler Town & Country, the very successful minivan in the USA in 2010, remains to prepare the criterion advantageous lorry to relocate people as well as points without sacrificing style. The earliest American law enforcement was actually established to safeguard capitalists, or White males. Perform you enjoy takeaways supplied to your door in the Area; properly think again, in the country side these are infrequent. The graph above shows how white colored and black people experience concerning the Black Lives Issue motion.
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alicajefferis-blog · 6 years
Western Wedding Event Pie Toppers
If you enjoy your golf as well as you like to journey, then some of the most ideal points you may do is actually combine the two and also go for a playing golf holiday season in wonderful Scotland. Plant, Http://01newhealthylife.info peace, life, refreshment, nature, elegance are actually simply a few variables that collaborate to make Columbia the Cleanest Nation of the Globe. Our company raise our Pair of Color (Veggie and also White) national banner on the Independence Day that is 14th August.
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The story of how as well as why the VHA became the benchmark for quality medicine in the United States suggests that much of what we assume we understand regarding medical as well as health care business economics is actually merely wrong. 5. Carter family - This household of country singers were taken into consideration to be the 1st singing team to be country music stars. Just how countries take care of their senior citizens will certainly end up being considerably significant as the amount of people over the age of 60 is actually set to shoot up from some 809 million today to more than pair of billion by 2050-- when they will certainly account for more than one in five individuals on the planet, the record pointed out.
The Russian authorities managed to lessen American critical remarks of its own civils rights record by sustaining United States initiatives to crush the Taliban regime in Afghanistan (Port, 2004, p. 273). South Africa's authorities prepares to extend AIDS tests to the nation's entire population and also hasten antiretroviral procedure of those that check positive for the infection, the health minister mentioned Wednesday. He was made" through his cherished Texas Rangers; his sibling, Mack, visited the Colorado Rockies (a growth staff that had not existed in the Pleasure siblings' ball playing times). In Virgo ascendant Rahu is friendly with Mercury. They are light-coloured, with dull grey or white colored discovered plumes and also have a circular head along with a distinct apple-shaped face disk, black eyes and also a yellow beak. Whenever a police kills an individual or injures or hurt of color, some individuals fast to hop to the police officer's self defense. Medical professionals aren't the just one who describe the premium of your medical care. Despite that composed it, the song stays an organization preference amongst Jackson 90s as well as enthusiasts songs fanatics almost everywhere. Aside from this c and w is actually preferred and finding out to play some country guitar ranges will absolutely excite you, given that it is actually less complex to find out nation scales as matched up to other ranges like the blues ranges, heavy metal scales, oriental scales, jazz ranges etc India possesses a rich rainforest cover which has some exotic and wonderful types of animals - a number of which that are even jeopardized and also quite rare. If my lifestyle in the past has indicated everything in the elevating of my individuals and the producing of far better relations in between your ethnicity and mine, I ensure you coming from present it will definitely indicate two times as even more. All people should have great lifestyle as well as credit rating fundings or secured financing will certainly make it much better. I have crema marfil piece marble in my current residence on the cooking area countertops as well as regardless of it looking wonderful on the first day advertisement in pictures, it has been a problem.
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Her 1st favorite single in the Country and western planet was the 1985 recording, "Unhappy Times and Lonely Nights." Her second hit single came a year later on when she launched "I Carried out." Patty went on to launch her initial album, Patty Loveless, on October 1, 1986. Not all of the write-ups in your account will be actually edited all at once, yet you may possess greater than one short article chosen as time go on. Effectively, if you are actually trying to find teasing tracks, country music is actually the most ideal genre to find flirty child satisfies girl songs.
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Black is a great different colors for concealing dust and also blemishes (both of which attract attention very simply on a silver or white colored painted kitchen space sink). As being one of the most eco-friendly kinds of creating power, wind generators may assist you go eco-friendly, save you funds, as well as offer some security in these unclear times.
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timothytka664-blog · 6 years
Organisation And Sector.
A wander down any of Bangkok's for hundreds of stretching and also labyrinthine back roads may take unknown experiences for website visitors that are interested to unearth the real Thailand. White Residence flags came back to total personnel on Monday after a brief homage to Sen. In this particular and also various other methods, the inbound head of state exemplifies a brand-new creation in the White House. Produce first class web content that acquire Included: Only short articles that are Included after undergoing the Premium Analysis Refine are entitled to turn up on Relevant articles. He shielded recent troubles in Memphis and New Orleans where white mobs got rid of loads of dark Americans in a biased rage by claiming that his political enemies had actually radicalized black Americans. 2. White colored and also dark America's examination of President Barack Obama's effect on nationality connections commonly contrast. HubPages is not a 'receive rich quick' system, yet may undoubtedly settle for those who agree to invest the amount of time and also initiative needed to create a strong, absolutely useful, search-friendly profile of articles. Paint the video game board red as well as white (or whatever shades you like) and after that embellish the rest of the item any type of technique you yearn for. His home condition provided him with a life time success award in January 2008, sponsored due to the Mississippi Arts Payment. Scotland might not be the very first nation that comes to mind when people think of lovely islands, yet this is actually where the wonderful Island of Skye is located. The United States movie, Grandeur of 1989 is actually based upon the true historical tale, of the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Grunts, as translucented the eyes of the commanding officer Robert Gould Shaw (a white colored police officer) during the course of the American Civil Battle. Water could be picked up in the dam throughout the day and also this could be used to create energy during the course of height durations. Speaking about his father, George Romney, Mitt pointed Check Out best-beauty-look.info that had he "been birthed of Mexican parents I 'd possess a far better chance at gaining this, yet he was regrettably birthed of Americans residing in Mexico." When a wealthy, white individual would like to be a Mexican, even momentarily, then you know that this is genuinely no nation for outdated, white colored men. I will very advise all of them as a superb company" - John Andersen, Cleansing Companies Manager of Wembley Park Arena Ltd Making use of white shade cabinets in some of the styles discussed may perform a style which is timeless and also remain stylish for years to come. For the functions of this checklist however, I am equating GDP (PPP) per head as the truest type of wealth in each country. Visit sam phillips's quotes on getting a white youngster to vocalize dark songs, and just how he merely went ape when he located elvis. The chart above reveals the difficult portion of black folks who state they have actually been addressed unfairly when compared to whites. To know the larger lessons of the VHA's turn-around, it is actually important to pause momentarily to think about what consists of top quality medical care.
White colored and also dark are typically taken into consideration to be contraries, however like love as well as hate, they are actually very similar. While there were exemptions in every body, as an example some employers paid out a residing wage to their employees, American units and their institutions were the resource used to apply bigotry all over the nationChina, the planet's greatest energy consumer, is actually boosting its push right into well-maintained electrical power with a revised renewable resource aim at. While Africans are actually going through a lot in their house nation, dark Americans are staying pleasantly in United States.HubPro Essential articles may be actually secured for a couple of days, while HubPro Fee posts may be latched for as much as a couple of full weeks. South Africa, house to the globe's biggest populace of folks dealing with HIV, pointed out Thursday it had actually protected a bargain to purchase a vital anti-retroviral (ARV) medicine at the lowest cost ever before.
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10 Resources for Living Independently as a Senior
National Council on Aging - Charity organization that works with individuals ages 60+. Their website has resources on anything elderly individuals could need. They include updates concerning legislation that affects seniors, and they work with nonprofits and businesses to provide community resources that aid in financial security and healthy living.
AARP - A nonprofit organization that works with adults ages 50+. AARP describes their organization as “We work on important issues, such as: Leading efforts to update Social Security and promote other retirement savings efforts to help everyone achieve lifetime financial security.
. Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE® - Assists people 55 years and older by providing and coordinating care for seniors living in longterm care facilities.
Eldercare Locator - Eldercare Locator is a free service offered by the US Administration on Aging. The service provides seniors with information regarding local resources ex: legal and financial support, transportation, caregiving services etc.
Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) - AAA is a network of over 620 organizations that offer various resources for seniors ages 60+.
National Institute on Aging - The National Institute on Aging is underneath the National Institute on Health and is a research based organization that provides health resources for seniors.
Meals on Wheels - As the name suggests, Meals on Wheels is a meal program that is operated independently through 5,000 local programs. The program provides meals based on local need. 
Health Finder - Operated under the US Department of Health and Human Services. The website “provides links to helpful health-related websites, support, and self-help groups, in addition to as government agencies and nonprofit organizations that assist seniors.”
Guide to Long-Term Care for Veterans - Provides veterans enrolled in the VHA health care system with resources and information about long term care.
The National Directory of Home Modification and Repair Resources - Provides seniors with local resources that can be used to modify their home for to create a safe environment and one that allows for better mobility. 
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