#vexatious litigation
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immaculatasknight · 4 months ago
Lawyers put in their place
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agentfascinateur · 6 months ago
“If a blog post is evidence of collaboration, that’s a stance that’s somewhat hostile to the First Amendment”
The company filed in the Northern District of Texas, where it will appear before Judge Reed O’Connor, who holds $15,000 of stock in Tesla, Musk’s other company. (Earlier this week, Media Matters lost its bid to have O’Connor recuse himself.) Media Matters has also filed to dismiss the case, which O’Connor has not yet ruled on; in the meantime, he has ordered that Media Matters must comply with an expansive discovery request from X’s lawyers.
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andreasgypsysoul2020 · 8 days ago
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A Dallas lawyer has come up with a unique way that courts could stop President Donald Trump’s whirlwind of executive action.
David Coale wrote in Salon Saturday that judges buried under multiple court orders challenging a flood of legally dubious executive actions could take a tactic usually reserved for extreme time wasters.
It would, he said, deal with Trump’s suggestion that, whichever way courts rule, his administration could just ignore them — and the judiciary would effectively be powerless to enforce it.
Coale gives the example of a “jailhouse lawyer” — such as a prisoner serving a life sentence in prison who fights his sentence by filing a multitude of frivolous lawsuits.
Judges, Coale argues, can cut through the time-wasting by ruling the filer is a “vexatious litigant” — and dismissing their claims out of hand.
The same could be done to the president's administration, Coale claimed.
“What if the judiciary treated the federal government itself as a vexatious litigant?” he asked.
“Imagine courts refusing to hear broad categories of cases where the United States is a party until the executive branch obeys court orders. The agencies and departments that make up the federal government rely heavily on the courts to enforce contracts, prosecute criminal cases, and otherwise resolve a sprawling range of disputes about the operation of government.
“A refusal to entertain some — or most — cases from an Administration that disrespects judicial authority would be a drastic but forceful step—and far more effective than imposing fines that will likely not be paid.”
The action, he said, would be like judges declaring they were on strike when it came to government business before them.
"The functional equivalent of a “judicial strike” is a radical idea without precedent,” he wrote.
“But so is an administration openly contemplating the defiance of court orders. … If court orders can be ignored without meaningful consequence, then courts will be losing cases anyway — and the most impactful ones, where the Constitution’s limits on executive power are at issue.”
#Trump #Loser
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copewatch · 2 months ago
Ricky L Pinzon reports everything I do while recording court proceedings without permission.
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garudabluffs · 7 months ago
Trump makes DESPERATE move against judge in NY trial AUG.14,2024
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copwatch2024 · 10 months ago
Ricky L Pinzon is a weirdo
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queersatanic · 4 months ago
Queer Satanic is dead; long live Queer Satanic
It’s official and it’s final: We won.
If The Satanic Temple were going to appeal its loss against the defendants it called “Queer Satanic”, the notice of appeal was due in King County Superior Court by 4:30 p.m. today. We have received no electronic notice of a filing, so we are very pleased to say that the case is finally concluded.
The nontheistic religious organization used its for-profit corporation “United Federation of Churches LLC d/b/a ‘The Satanic Temple’ ” to sue four former members of its Washington State chapter from April 2020 till September 2024. They sued us in federal court, the Ninth Circuit Court, dragged us into giving depositions for the Southern District of New York, and sued us in King County Superior Court, but TST has lost everywhere it went. The claims that we always maintained were frivolous and without merit have been found so in every court TST made those claims by every judge who has looked at them. Now, a month after TST’s most recent loss, the deadline for the Temple’s appeal has come and gone, and so we’re done.
Years ago in dark times where it seemed like there would be no end to this and The Satanic Temple and its owners would never stop being vexatious litigants against us, we wrote the bottom section. The website’s administrator was supposed to add some sort of explainer and then publish it, keeping the site up and running for as long as that was feasible for them since we would be in no position to be involved anymore.
What it talks about has not come to pass — but in other ways, it certainly has. This was not sustainable indefinitely. The machine was breaking down for a long time, grinding metal on metal without pause, but it can be turned off now. “Non serviam” — until further notice, this machine is out of service.
Certainly, there is still research to be done and still other articles to be written about The Satanic Temple, its owners, and how they actually operate in contrast to how they present themselves. But to be done by us? That’s less clear.
We don’t plan to completely disappear, and there is still some tidying up to do, but mostly, there’s some much needed rest. Just as likely, there will be other fights that now we can focus on, given the way the world is going. In either case, this sabbatical may be indefinite.
“Queer Satanic” was never an organization, never a hierarchy, only a vibe. We were Heretical Satanists, heretics of heretics, so in the midst of defending ourselves from a lawsuit, we tried to put forward positive ideas and examples about what a more useful Satanism might look like; we tried to show a radical and rebellious way of approaching and acting in the world beyond just aesthetics of painting it black or upside-down Christianity slapped on bog-standard reactionary and liberal politics.
We didn’t do enough of it, and there is still so much more to be done.
For now at least, we leave you to it.
If you’re reading this, it means we lost.
Maybe a judge ruled against us. More likely, we ran out of money to keep paying for our own legal defense and had to capitulate. Or, after more than two years — and the devil only knows how much more if you’re reading this — of assault in and outside of the courtroom, we wore down and could not find resilience between us all to go on.
For whatever reason, if you’re reading this, we lost. And we’re sorry. For whatever reason, we were not strong enough and good enough to win this fight. Maybe we weren’t even good enough to see it through to the end.
And yet the work continues. We will not be able to continue it, or at least not all of us, but the work is the work, and it never depended solely on us anyway. The Satanic Temple is a horrid, abusive organization. If we say something otherwise because we can no longer defend ourselves to prevent it, it should be obvious this was a statement made under duress. Fuck our future selves for what they say, but have compassion for them as well. Literally years and tens of thousands of dollars must separate us from each other; bravery is much easier on this side of the chasm of time.
The work continues, and you’ll have to do it. Yes, you. No one else can build what you want to see. Certainly not us anymore.
You are Queer Satanic just as you always have been.
A queer satanic antifascist is someone who detests and opposes fascism, white supremacy, cishetropatriarchy, clericalism, and capitalism. A queer satanic antifascist looks on all forms of domination and hierarchy and chooses to oppose them — actually — even if it seems the structures they oppose are omnipotent.
Lucifer fought all of heaven; can you not fight an egregore of capitalism?
Find people who want the same things you do. Work with those people to create the world you want around you. Sometimes, that is petty resistance to hegemony — vandalism, graffiti, a heckle. Sometimes it’s filling potholes or cleaning pots after a free feeding. Sometimes it’s open carrying at a queer protest. Sometimes it’s things not to be talked about digitally at all.
Be the insurrection you want to see. Be Lucifer the Light-Bringer, rebelling against ineffable tyranny at all costs.
Push grifters like the The Satanic Temple out of radical spaces with your teeth bared, call out their leaders for abuses everywhere so no one is fooled. Feed people. Shelter people. Protect people. Do it actually, not just for clout or to funnel money up a pyramid.
Use any symbol or meme or paragraph of ours that’s ever inspired you. Make your own new things to inspire others.
We are done. If you’re reading this, we lost.
But if you continue to do the work we did, we will never, ever lose.
Hail Satan! — the work continues.
Ave Satanas! — so do you.
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black-fist-order · 8 days ago
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A Dallas lawyer has come up with a unique way that courts could stop President Donald Trump’s whirlwind of executive action.
David Coale wrote in Salon Saturday that judges buried under multiple court orders challenging a flood of legally dubious executive actions could take a tactic usually reserved for extreme time wasters.
It would, he said, deal with Trump’s suggestion that, whichever way courts rule, his administration could just ignore them — and the judiciary would effectively be powerless to enforce it.
Coale gives the example of a “jailhouse lawyer” — such as a prisoner serving a life sentence in prison who fights his sentence by filing a multitude of frivolous lawsuits.
Judges, Coale argues, can cut through the time-wasting by ruling the filer is a “vexatious litigant” — and dismissing their claims out of hand.
The same could be done to the president's administration, Coale claimed.
“What if the judiciary treated the federal government itself as a vexatious litigant?” he asked.
“Imagine courts refusing to hear broad categories of cases where the United States is a party until the executive branch obeys court orders. The agencies and departments that make up the federal government rely heavily on the courts to enforce contracts, prosecute criminal cases, and otherwise resolve a sprawling range of disputes about the operation of government.
“A refusal to entertain some — or most — cases from an Administration that disrespects judicial authority would be a drastic but forceful step—and far more effective than imposing fines that will likely not be paid.”
The action, he said, would be like judges declaring they were on strike when it came to government business before them.
"The functional equivalent of a “judicial strike” is a radical idea without precedent,” he wrote.
“But so is an administration openly contemplating the defiance of court orders. … If court orders can be ignored without meaningful consequence, then courts will be losing cases anyway — and the most impactful ones, where the Constitution’s limits on executive power are at issue.”
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celticcrossanon · 5 months ago
Judge is fed up with Harry's paranoid, wild claims that he can't prove in court, Celta. Daily Mail article "Prince Harry's claims he was 'bugged' and 'tracking' devices were planted to monitor him are thrown out as judge warns Duke over use of court time" by Sam Greenhill. Harry has to either settle with The Sun newspaper or go to trial. The judge is pissed and told Harry he will not allow any more delays before the trial begins in January 2025. Makes for great reading, Celta! Feel better!
Hi Nonny,
Thank you for the good wishes.
It is wonderful news that the courts are getting fed up with Harry wasting their time on his wild claims. I hope that Harry pushes his luck and gets banned from bringing cases to court (a vexatious litigant), as awful as that is. I think he deserves it.
I wonder if Harry has been delaying the case because he knows he can't win, and this way it keep his 'crusader against the evil media' narrative alive? Just a thought.
Article in ask:
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bookworm2things · 1 year ago
Harry, the Vexatious Litigant
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year ago
From Talk Tv by u/CheapLingonberry6785
From Talk Tv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQI18GV090EThey don’t hold back !!“ H has too much time on his hands ( unemployed! ) but still wants the status and Royal protection and privileges the others get “ But also make the point that he could now be seen as a “ vexatious litigant “ - I just saw he’s appealing the verdict 🙄 - any legalese here who could weigh in on whether they might allow his appeal or not ? post link: https://ift.tt/0G5WfyB author: CheapLingonberry6785 submitted: February 28, 2024 at 07:44PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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copewatch · 2 months ago
Ricky L Pinzon illegally recorded judge Altus Hudsons court without permission
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acuar-io · 4 months ago
I was following the Mia Goth drama with that background actor and turns out that man is ALLEGEDY a vexatious litigant(which I recently learned what that fucking means) his ex gf and her step dad exposed him apparently, but yes that is crazy as fuck!!
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platosshadowpuppet · 5 months ago
Fairweather, Storm & Co is Edinburgh's oldest and most prestigious practioner of Arcane Law.
Arcane Law is a varied and fascinating area, covering trusts to manage the affairs of immortals, contracts between humans and genius loci, and uncommon law - the collection of precedent, historical oddities, centuries old squabbles and vexatious litigation that rules the affairs of the Fae.
Their faded but genteel office sits on the boundary between Tollcross and the West End. For reasons we are unable to fathom, the weather, rather than any rational basis, seems to govern which partner is available on a given day.
If your visit is lit by bright sunshine, expect to see the spare, colourless visage of Mr Fairweather looming at you from across the desk. Should you visit in inclement conditions, the impeccably attired but goat headed Mr Storm will assist you. Try not to stare if he begins to distractedly chew on his tie.
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onisiondrama · 7 months ago
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"Onision Gets A Crazy Call at 6AM (Parody)" August 9, 2024 Onision
He made a sketch about his version of what happened in the phone call.
Makes it appear the call started with Sarah "insane villain" laughing even though we know that is not when the call started. That is when he claims he started recording.
Depicts the conversation starting with Sarah telling him to leave her alone and he is confused because she called him and they haven't spoken in over a year. He calls it "really ironic." [We all know she is referring to everything he posts online about her. We all see it.]
He says vexatious litigation is a form of harassment so he has every right to defend himself. He makes it appear that Sarah is denying litigating him and pretending she doesn't know what he's talking about and calls him crazy. [Again, we know she did not actually say that and she was referring to the fact that she is not involved in the lawsuit. She is locked into it because she signed a contract. He is the one that leaked this information last year.]
In the sketch he asks her if she ever heard of pathological lying. Then "Sarah" changes her voice and says she is litigating him and he's going to lose.
He asks her if she heard of identity disorder, She calls him an old fart and cackles. He asks if he should get a restraining order on her. He says he's blocking her number and she says, "bae wait." Tells him she hopes his skin cancer comes off and his dick falls off "on god."
He calls her "the actual devil" and blocks her number "on god."
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cordycepsfem · 1 year ago
I think at some point there needs to be a limit on people like this woman, just the way there is when a person litigates too often - they become a vexatious litigant, and the courts can deny their petitions because they’re just bullshit. (Look up Russell Greer for an absolutely hysterical vexatious litigant.)
If you are challenging a book every week, you’re not spending nearly enough time reading them, processing them, looking at what the children in your area need… it’s a rote motion, not anything done out of care or actual concern.
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Censorship Georg
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