#vetyver soaked stars
wovendeath · 20 days
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its not often Kaine left the company of the Clone Pack, but today was busy, and the rest of the pack was doing their own things. leaving the red and black clad spider to hang out on his own at HQ, though he wasn't big on socializing with the majority of the Society. most of them were just different flavors of Peter Parker, all of which he was sure had their own clones to deal with, why add another one to the mix?
so he heads to the gym instead, taking in the other spiders sparring or working out before heading to a machine, leaning against the wall before asking the person using it,
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" How much longer till you're done? "
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@vetyver-soaked-stars | Dani liked for a starter!
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inhcritance · 30 days
@vetyver-soaked-stars liked for a starter: For: Dani Watson
"Is it true, then?" Harry asks, as he waits for the coffee machine to release the plastic cup with what is supposed to be coffee. "You have an arachnid vigilante here in Boston too?"
He's heard the rumors, of course, but he's intrigued... and it might be an avenue of experimentation worth considering, if Oscorp here managed to capture them... for all that Harry won't be in Boston for long, and the Goblin showing up just when he does would certainly be a problem.
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supraxstcllas · 3 months
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@vetyver-soaked-stars | Bumblebee:
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damn warp gate.
it's not the first time it's malfunctioned, and it won't be the last. at least this time he'd been sent somewhere somewhat familiar. at least, he thought so. the desert had more outcroppings and pillars than he remembered, but he did recognize something along the unfamiliar. he sees a yellow car in the haze, and he makes a beeline for it, assuming it was Hotshot out on a drive. the young spark was always doing something he wasn't supposed to be, and Star would call him out to his face once he's on the ground.
so sure was he that the yellow car was his teammate that he didn't bother scanning or pinging the comms, he just went ahead of the other and transformed mid air, the shifting of machinery loud as his engines as he touches down in the car's path. he wasn't worried about humans seeing him, he'd never seen a human this far into the desert.. at least not that he'd ever seen.
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" Hotshot! Does Optimus know you're out here wasting time? "
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bonesandbrimstone · 28 days
@vetyver-soaked-stars asked || Sensual Meme
21 + Dani <.<
"C'mon...c'mon, Dani..." Johnny coaxed the Spider, his voice a husky whisper, hips bucking hard into her from behind over and over again. Rough hands explored her nude body, caressing over curves, fingertips gliding over faded scars and beads of sweat.
Oh, he enjoyed teaming up with her. The shameless flirting, the adrenaline rush that came from taking down some goons and c-list baddies together...and what came after, when they needed an outlet for all that pent up energy.
Like right now.
He slid a hand into her short red hair and gave it a tug...not hard enough to hurt her, but rough enough to earn him a squeal of delight. He kept a firm hold, thrusting harder and deeper.
"Show me what you got..." he continued to tease her, moaning for her. "Fuck me...fuck me hard, ya ain't gonna break me."
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collectingmuses · 3 months
@vetyver-soaked-stars asked:
“My insurance policy doesn’t cover acts of demons.”- Nancy to Danny
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"Yeah they really love to cheap out on those sorta things." Dan deadpanned, offering a small smirk in response. "So...let's send 'em back to where they came from before they can do any serious damage."
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buryme-withmyspurs · 28 days
Ted is looking at Inez respectfully <.<
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well, so long as it's RESPECTFUL.
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spokewar · 1 month
"Master, you seem a little... unhinged lately. Are you alright? Is it Anakin again?" - Xipha
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"Unhinged?" Obi-Wan had no right in sounding so offended—faux as it was—his reputation hadn't defined him as a man of renown nor calm in several years and any Jedi who believed otherwise was gradually coming to terms with it. "I will have you know any of my unhinged behavior as of late has been a result of myself alone and not my wayward padawan.
"As much as I'm sure he would love to take credit for it." For a moment, he couldn't help but wonder what propaganda Master Plo was spreading about him. He wouldn't deny being chaotic, but he was surely no worse than Kit Fisto or even Yoda himself. "No, no. I fear it is just the nature of battle getting to me once more. Despite my efforts, it sometimes slips under my skin and I forget my place. In truth, I hadn't imagined the war lasting so long."
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watsonjackpot · 4 months
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+ @vetyver-soaked-stars liked for a one-liner!
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+ " Perfect timing, that conversation we had the other day , almost like Janine HEARD us . "
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psyknife · 3 months
@vetyver-soaked-stars: x
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“If you stuck around more often, perhaps you wouldn’t have to wait so long to be graced by my presence.” She was being sarcastic, of course. “How have you been treating yourself?”
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ascendedpath · 5 months
🌺 send this to blogs you think are wonderful 🌺
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//Aw, thank you Parker! <3
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symbioteburnout · 6 months
@vetyver-soaked-stars cont.
"Coach is doing fine. We both are. He was dead for a bit but he got better. We both got bleached though." She continued to hold Dani close, as if releasing her from the hold might mean she would disappear.
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"He's the new Anti-Venom. I go by Silence now."
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loyaltyandchaos · 2 months
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@vetyver-soaked-stars (Bastila Shan) liked for starter
"Captain Howzer reporting for duty, sir. How may I assist you?"
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themxtleycrew · 4 months
@vetyver-soaked-stars (Bumblebee)
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"Wasn't exactly the smoothest landing I've done in the Rod Pod, but you know what they say about any landing you can walk away from." He's so casual about the fact that his pod crashed down and caused hither to unknown amounts of property damage, not just to the docks, but he probably took out a few buildings too.
Magnus was probably going into conniptions on board the Lost Light, and while they COULD have just docked the ship, Rodimus just had to make an entrance... to the bewilderment of everyone.
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bonesandbrimstone · 10 days
@vetyver-soaked-stars asked:
“   My off putting looks, awkward demeanor, and strange behavior have captivated you. ” - Dani (because she would)
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"I do have a soft spot for dorks, it's true." he smirked, lifting a hand to ruffle Dani's hair. "Off putting looks, though? Dunno about that...I happen to think you're pretty cute."
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indomitus-ferox · 7 months
“That thing’s crushing us and we’re waiting for backup? They’ll be backing up a graveyard.” - Quinn
An echo of words spoken a seeming lifetime ago.
A cave, a six-man fireteam. A disagreement, a plan, skepticism that they could pull things off. Eventual success, coming at a great cost— a victory short-lived.
Artemis shook her head, and willed herself to focus. Now wasn’t the time for the rest of that conversation — “All our nukes are either out-system, or went down with the ships that carried them. You’re preaching to the converted.” — to drift through her mind like smoke, causing unwanted distractions. They were just words; it was just a coincidence.
She had a job to do.
She turned to the Spartan-III beside her, black RECRUIT-class helmet canted at an angle, and bit back a sigh. That thing being — a Scarab stalking past, its legs bristling, Covies patrolling every level and chattering to themselves — merely a CCS-class battlecruiser. Troublesome, unideal, but much, much easier to deal with than a supercarrier and everything that kind of behemoth could throw at them.
“It looks like we’ll have to make something up on the fly.” she murmured. This colony, as small and struggling as it was, depended on them, relied on them for aid. It was only one ship, and only a ragtag bunch of ex-Covenant who were more criminal than religious... And only two Spartans and a handful of local planetary militia, the latter of which seemed more keen on begging the UNSC to send reinforcements rather than allowing the Spartans to take matters into their own hands.
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collectingmuses · 20 days
@vetyver-soaked-stars liked for a grifter starter!
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"Sorry, mistook you for someone else." Cole muttered, rubbing his face as he pulled himself up into a seated position. In his dazed state, her platinum hair reminded him so much of Zannah.
"What the hell hit me?" he grumbled, still groggy from the blow that knocked him loopy. "Where's my gun?"
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