#vesselfell papyrus
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capricioussun · 5 months ago
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The phantom of the. uh. taqueria
Maskless ⬇️
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capricious-stars · 2 months ago
List of AUs n the skeleton bros from them, for reference (though questions or requests for other characters from these AUs are welcome as well, most of them just don't have nicknames yet lol)
Undertale - Rus & Sans
Underswap - Stretch & Blue
Underfell - Edge & Red
Swapfell Metal - Copper & Gold
Fellswap Glass - Ghost & Haze
Swapfell - Pup & Cherry
Vesselfell - Void & Perp
Horrortale - Dove & Patch
Horrorswap - Rust & Coal
Horrorfell - Dusk & Eclipse
Mafiatale - Hawk & Sparrow/AR
Mafiaswap - Luck & Cue
Mafiafell - Boss & Snare
Mafialovefell - Rosewood & Hemlocke
Outertale - Pictoris & Ara
Outerfell - Antares & Boötes
Outerswap - Aurigae & [nickname TBD]
Lovefell - Lace & Cire
Loveswap - Honey & Cerulean
Sweetswap - Clover & Berry
Invertedfell - Ice & Pin
Demonfell - Elester & Raviel
Glitchedswap - Uno & Sky
Heartfell - [nicknames TBD]
Orangefell - [nicknames TBD]
"Outcodes" or other Outliers
Glitchfell Papyrus - Dos
Broken OT Sans - Stargazer
UT Comic Papyrus - Comet
UF Comic Papyrus - Solar
US Comic Papyrus - Star
SF Comic Papyrus - Nova
Variant UT Gaster - Wingdings
TaleFell Papyrus - Crimson
Off Brand UT Papyrus - Calcine 
Off Brand UF Papyrus - Castor
Off Brand US Papyrus - Anthias
List is incomplete but these are the guys I feel most confident in making stuff for 👍
Also my OCs but Langolyn and Abstract are the only ones I could imagine wanting to put here at this current moment
I should also make a cheat sheet of who's like. Fully ace/aro hmm
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talesofdivergence · 4 years ago
Is Void's friendship with Flowey good/close?
They met when Papyrus was younger, but grew apart over the years. After winding up on the surface, they slowly picked the pieces back up, and became friends again! Flowey talks to Void about things he can’t with anyone else, besides maybe Frisk, and vice versa. They’re kind of each other’s confidantes! But there’s also lots of just keeping each other company and friendly teasing, and sometimes Flowey has to play the voice of reason, but yes! They’re good and close friends =<]
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snuggles-and-struggles · 3 years ago
Shorthand: TrVF
Predominant Characters: Alibi (Trafficfell Papyrus), Void/Edge (Vesselfell Papyrus), Stretch (Underswap Papyrus), Anon (Trafficfell Sans), Two (Trafficfell human), Blue (Underswap Sans), Red (Underfell Sans)
Date of Origin: tba (to be added)
TrafficVesselFell was the first AU Sacyo and I developed together involving our boys, and thusly the first we explored a poly dynamic between Alibi, Edge, and Stretch.
It all started when Alibi and Anon pulled Two from the void. Void noticed the odd occurrence, feeling it distantly while traveling, and went to check it out, as he does.
Two’s strange partial-existence was a bit of a conundrum, so Void, after meeting and speaking with Alibi and Anon, went to consult the yet unnamed council of multiverse do-gooders that Void usually works with to see how dangerous it was that the brothers had reincorporated Two into the timeline after he’d already been in the void for so long. Even they can’t really give Void any concrete answers, but it did seem to have damaged the timelines stability mildly. Timelines can withstand a low level of interference with little trouble, but this was riding the line between normal and potentially dangerous.
Meanwhile, things in Trafficfell were actually getting even worse, and the brothers began worrying about Two’s safety, having hidden his existence up til this point to keep him safe. When Void returns to speak to them again, it’s ultimately decided, for the safety of Trafficfell and Two, that he will stay in VF with Void and his husband. VF is incredibly stable, being a merged timeline (VF, US, and UT), so it can handle mild shifts like a whole new being easily. That, and being on the surface, makes it a much safer option in general.
After transporting Two, along with Alibi and Anon, to VF and getting him settled in the guest room, Alibi and Anon are introduced to Stretch, Void’s husband. They find it a bit odd he’s…another Papyrus, but they let it go easily enough. Stretch sends some schematics back with them that helps the brothers fix their machine more quickly, thus enabling the brothers to come visit Two whenever possible.
In the meantime, Void, Stretch, and eventually Stretch’s brother Blue, help Two adjust as much as possible, having been deeply traumatized by his time in the void. Between them and the brothers visiting as often as possible, Two slowly recovers somewhat and the brothers, mostly just Alibi, become more relaxed around those of this timeline.
Over the years, Asgore loses it, gets Judged, and Alibi becomes king of Trafficfell. It’s not too long after that they surface thanks to their Frisk, and Two can finally go home, now that it’s safer and they have a better idea on how his existence will, or rather won’t, impact the timeline. But they’ve since become close with those of VF, the whole crew having accepted them into the fold, especially Edge and Stretch, so they continue meet ups and visits, Alibi growing closer still, and coming to develop a slight crush on Stretch…and then Edge, too…
His “””hidden””” feelings become unbearable for his brother, who takes it to Void and Stretch, confessing for Alibi, and pleading for them to tell him no or something so he’ll stop acting like a lovesick fool.
Suffice to say, they’re shocked. Alibi is a good friend, yes, but they’d never even considered…well, not until now, anyways. Over a few days, they talk about it, trying to seriously weigh the cons and the pros, if there was potential there and they wouldn’t just be leading Alibi on. They decide to give it a shot, but they need to have a serious discussion with Alibi, too.
Being a vessel isn’t always fun and games. There are a few very serious side effects that can make Edge very dangerous at times, and if they’re going to seriously consider dating with potential for a committed long term relationship, Alibi needs to know what he’s potentially signing up for.
He hears them out, takes it seriously, and honestly, it’s not really much to consider in the long run. He’s already in deep, and is genuinely shocked they’d even seriously consider adopting him into the relationship, but he understands the weight of this decision, and confirms he understands, and would still opt to pursue a relationship with them.
And so. The decision is made. They start dating. Given how they are as friends already, and how busy all the boys are, their forms of dating are mostly just spending time together at home, but they make a point to do specific dates and whatnot, as time goes on. There are of course road bumps and misunderstandings, and times Alibi feels more like an addendum than an equal part of the relationship, but they work together to work things out, they all work on communication, especially Edge and Alibi, who both struggle a lot with direct communication, but all in all, they fall in step.
As time goes on, they only fall more and more in love, coming to understand each other very well, and helping each other grow, being there for each other when they stumble. And they’re honestly just. Wonderful together.
From that point on, the story can take many different shapes. We’ve explored many variants* and events*, so there isn’t exactly one, main, canon timeline, but typically, they wind up with four kids, five counting Two, and live together mostly in VF happily for many years. Stretch is the first to pass, natural cause, just…chronic health problems, you know? But all their kids are adults by then, and Alibi and Edge still of course have each other, and the kids, and do what they can to get through it.
Around that point, their story may become intertwined with the GS poly (to be linked back to whenever their post is written) depending on timeline.
*Events: TrafficVesselFell is sort of like our playground. It’s usually our go to when we want to explore with random shenanigans, so there are many things that are in “canon rotation”, meaning that there are tons of “events” that may or may not occur in “canon”…depending on mood or how we want to explore the characters reactions/responses. Like body swapping, height swapping, accidental time travel, getting stuck in unfamiliar timelines, etc etc.
*Variants: There are also many variant timelines, where different things happen that change the timeline as a whole. Like Trafficfell collapsing, Stretch dying, Edge getting written out of the timeline sort of, etc etc. These are usually angsty, if you couldn’t have guessed.
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capricioussun · 4 months ago
expressions ask, void with c3 bc i'm a bad person
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[Well after all, we’ll lie another day]
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capricioussun · 1 year ago
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It might’ve taken two weeks and be messy as hell but my hand is working enough to draw and that’s literally all I care about 🎄❄️✨
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capricioussun · 1 year ago
5F for void?
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I know I said it was just gunna be sketches but I only got one so
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capricioussun · 19 days ago
Wingdings and Void's relationship makes me so completely insane. What do you even do meeting an alternate reality's version of the child you lost so many years ago, turned into some otherworldly abomination that's dedicated what's left of his life to a goal you, but not you, his you, carved into his very being, in some ways damned to the same fate as you, because of– not you, another you, and he doesn't even look like your child, not really, but he is, he does, sometimes he says something or moves in just the right way and you see that little boy you abandoned all those years ago and you wonder, sometimes, what he sees when he looks back at you
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capricioussun · 1 year ago
Question for void! What is your favourite outfit??
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*He sounds nostalgic. The gift must have been from someone important to him.
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capricioussun · 5 months ago
May I ask about some lore behind VesselFell Papyrus (Void)?
Oooh, lore without spoilers hmmm... I think I've addressed his underground life a few times, esp in the doc, so how about smth a little after?
In the early days of trying to learn how to better control his traveling abilities, things were rough. Even just practicing sustained time in the void (without, uh, 'messing up') was incredibly taxing, and he'd usually be drained for hours to days afterwards.
Once he'd gotten a bit better at that, traveling short distances through the void wasn't so hard...but he had next to no control over where he went. And sometimes how far. He'd wind up in all sorts of places, and if he'd 'lost control' mid trip, he might appear in a number of places. Even including The Sky. Not an ideal place to be suddenly tossed into!
Comet and eventually Star helped him a lot back then, and it was not easy at first. Between maintaining control and not overtaxing the very-much-still-monster part of his soul, it took a good bit of time before he could travel with any measure of comfort or ease.
Of course, he learned a fair amount of other stuff during that time, too; staying "in control", keeping in touch with his soul, opening and closing tears without leaving "seams", how to influence his magic with...void. I don't know how to phrase that last one properly, it's hard to explain, but regardless, it can be pretty dangerous so he still generally preferred using regular magic attacks when necessary.
This stuff didn't just come second nature to him, and was definitely an uphill battle in the early days. It didn't help he'd just spent the last ~10 or so years fiercely repressing everything, but eh, you live and you learn
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capricioussun · 2 years ago
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I’m something of a Lyla to him. If Lyla was completely functionally useless and actively made his life worse. :*)
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capricioussun · 5 months ago
Void can use eyelights, they're just completely unnecessary and he feels they make him look unnecessarily intimidating. But sometimes he'll light them and change them into various shapes to amuse children
Similarly, I don't think Edge really needs to use them, but they maybe sharpen clarity a little and provide better night vision. He probably predominantly used them at first because they made him look more intimidating, but then just kinda kept up the habit because others have a hard time telling where his focus is without them
After surfacing I like to think he uses them less frequently
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capricioussun · 5 months ago
Considering Void's struggle with touch, does he have experience/does he enjoy non-contact parallel play/body doubling? (In specific I mean when two people are sharing the same general space but doing their own things, be it work or hobby, it can be quiet or with communication.)
What is his preferred way to spend time with others?
Yes and no, it definitely varies! He’s mostly introverted, and not just from trauma. As much as he genuinely does enjoy company and spending time with friends (and frankly should WAY more than he does), he also has a pretty low social battery, and often needs time alone to recharge.
Even just quietly working alongside someone (his version of parallel play lol) will still be draining. And sometimes, especially when he's physically and/or mentally tired, having someone just sort of there can actually be very distracting or stressful. He can "see" and "hear" beyond just the normal realm of perception, and the more "unfocused" he gets, the more...I guess I'll call it "the background noise" comes to the forefront.
This can kind of blur reality for him a little, and while (after he’s gotten more experience/control) it's something he’s very aware of and isn't an issue, having others around while he’s "unfocused" can cause a lot of unnecessary anxiety (think like being at a party and getting overstimulated, going to a quieter room to calm down, but you can still hear the party, and then someone comes to check on you before you've properly calmed down. Not a great feeling. That's sort of what any company can feel like in that state).
That being said, he does still usually enjoy it! Just has to be at the right times. It's nice to have those kinds of friends/allies where they can work together or spend time together in comfortable silence.
Though I'd say he probably prefers more active company on the occasions he’s seeking any at all, but just by a hair. Someone to chat with or even just listen to while doing other things – he spends a good deal of time alone, so if he’s in the mood for company, he generally likes at least a little more interaction like that :*)
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capricioussun · 5 months ago
Hmmmmmm, interesting, if Void wears gloves, does it help the discomfort at all?
It does, yes!! For this reason he wears specialized gloves at all times! Alphys, vf Alphys, actually made his first pair, at the request of Sans a while back. His claws were wicked sharp when he was younger and he couldn't even change his clothes without accidentally getting kitten scratches all over, so originally they'd mostly been for that reason alone, but later on, a Maddie variant who comes to work alongside Wingdings at times (whom I have not nicknamed yet </3) made him a pair with a sort of "barrier" that help disperse the sensation a bit.
Of course regular plain old gloves still help too, and it's also just a general hc I have that all Papyri deal with hand/touch-related sensory issues, but he’s very grateful to have the special ones, as they also enable him to almost sort of "feel" through them! So he can tell when something's soft or rough in a way you normally can't with regular gloves.
He alternates pairs and wears them constantly, so very very few people have ever seen his hands, but they're actually red tinted at the claws and down his fingers! How little or how much can vary, similar to his eye markings
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capricioussun · 5 months ago
Does four arms mean that Void is twice as good at hand holding? 👀
I know this was intentioned mostly jokingly but it doesn't! Not bc of the number, but being a vessel actually totally fucked up several aspects of...idk, physically existing, I guess, and made his bones super sensitive at times.
It's worse when he’s unfocused or isn't expecting it, and gets better as his overall control does, but I think I best described it once by saying that he just constantly feels like he’s got television static in his bones. At its worst, more or less, it feels like heavy burning, like painful chipping tree bark, and at its best, even waaay later, it feels like buzzing or a low pressure. And then any touch sort of draws the focus of those feelings to the point of contact/worsens it.
He’s mostly tuned it out just from how used to it he is, like most of his other oddities, but generally speaking it's why he tends to avoid prolonged contact with others!
He is very good at juggling though
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capricioussun · 2 years ago
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Deep sea Void
as suggested by _ullabug_ on ig
clearer visuals below the cut
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