#very tiny medical sitch stopped that
ginneke · 1 year
In which we're a step closer to the culprit...
Pairing: Link/Revali
Rating: T (mild innuendo, mild swearing.)
(Chapter 5 of 5 now 5 of 6)
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vexicwrites · 11 months
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warnings: canon-typical blood and injury
Tim grunted as he woke to a stinging pain in his arm and a slightly duller one in his stomach. He didn't know why it hurt, just that it did, and tried to pull away.
"Don't." Bernard's gentle voice roused him further and he finally registered his boyfriend's fingers holding his wrist and the feel of a cold cotton swab slipping up his arm. Oh. He was probably hurt then. Why couldn't he remember last night?
"S'appening?" Tim slurred, forcing an eye open to look up at Bernard. The older man's brow was creased in worry and Tim wanted to kiss the frown right off of his face.
Bernard took a shaky breath and turned his attention back to cleaning Tim's wounds. "You came home around half an hour ago, bleeding out and unable to speak. I was able to stop the bleeding for the most part but we need to get you real medical attention as soon as possible."
"Oh, baby," Tim said, reaching up to stroke Bernard's cheek clumsily. "M'sorry, you must've been so worried."
Bernard let out a watery chuckle. "I was certainly anxious." Distraught, more like, Tim thought.
"H'bad is it? Can you sitch- stick- dammit. Stitch. It."
Bernard shook his head. "I've got the wound on your stomach packed and as soon as I've got pressure applied to this one I'm taking you to S.T.A.R. Labs." He replied, picking up the gauze and beginning to wrap Tim's forearm.
Tim finally turned his attention to his arm and his stomach dropped. It looked like Killer Croc himself had tried to chew the entire thing off. He swallowed as he clenched and unclenched his hand, grateful that it seemed to still be attached. Thank god.
"I don't think it's as bad as it looks." Bernard said quietly, moving his hand from Tim's wrist to lace their fingers together and stroke his thumb across the back of Tim's knuckles. "Most of it appears superficial. It'll scar but I don't think you're going to lose your arm or anything."
Tim shot him a tiny, grateful smile and Bernard leaned down to press a gentle kiss to his forehead before taping down the end of the gauze tightly and wrapping an arm around Tim's shoulders to help him up.
"Do you think you can stand? You lost a lot of blood, I don't want you passing out on me again."
Tim nodded and allowed Bernard to help him to his feet, dizziness and nausea rolling through him. He took a deep breath and smiled at his boyfriend reassuringly. "I'm ok; just a little woozy."
Bernard looked him up and down with a small frown and moved his arm to Tim's waist to hold him a little more securely. Tim took a step forward and his vision dimmed suddenly, his knees giving out as he rapidly approached unconsciousness but never quite reached it.
"Oh, god, Tim-"
He knew Bernard was stronger than he looked but it was still slightly surprising and very hot when the older man caught him and scooped him up bridal style near effortlessly. Tim let his head drop onto Bernard's shoulder and enjoyed the feel of his man's strong arms around him, feeling light-headed and delirious.
"So sexy, baby." Tim slurred, nuzzling Bernard's collarbone and making a disappointed noise when he was set in the front seat of Bernard's tiny blue electric Mitsubishi.
"Is now really the best time for flirting?" Bernard muttered, fastening Tim's seatbelt gently.
Tim tipped his head back and shot him a little grin, feeling heat rising in his cheeks. "Can'help it. I have the bes'boyfriend. You'worth it, baby."
Bernard huffed a laugh and pressed a quick kiss to his forehead before shutting the door and running around to the driver's side. He slid in and buckled up with an amused look on his face before pulling out smoothly and joining the early morning traffic towards S.T.A.R. Labs.
"We'll get you patched up soon, I promise." He said, reaching over to take Tim's hand. "Just stay awake until we get to the lab. Tell me about your night, what do you remember before...whatever the hell happened?"
Tim smiled a little and tried to remember, starting to drift in and out of wakefulness and desperately fighting it, not wanting to worry Bernard further. "Not much. Had to meet up with...with Jason early on. Don'remember why but we split up after and I...think it was somethin'bout stopping a trafficking ring." Tim mumbled, struggling to concentrate.
Bernard squeezed his hand. "That's okay, how about we talk about something easier to focus on? ...Tim?"
Tim grunted in response and let his head fall back against the headrest, feeling Bernard increase their speed a little.
"Tim, sweetheart, stay awake for me. Please." Bernard's voice was filled with worry and Tim fought hard to stay conscious, trying to focus on the beat of his heart and the hand in his own.
"I'm...'m still here, baby." He slurred softly, his eyelids drifting closed.
Bernard cursed softly just before Tim lost consciousness again.
Tim woke again feeling floaty and disoriented, an IV drip filled with morphine in his left hand, his right arm entirely numb. He forced his eyes open and felt his heart squeeze almost painfully when he saw Bernard there, dozing lightly in a chair next to him in the most awkwardly uncomfortable position.
"Baby...?" Tim muttered, his throat dry and painful.
Bernard blinked awake and rubbed the back of his neck to get the kinks out. He smiled tiredly when he saw Tim was conscious and moved closer, shifting the chair so that it was next to the bed.
"Hey. You're awake." He said softly, brushing a stray hair back from Tim's forehead and pressing a gentle kiss to his temple. "You had me worried for a while there."
Tim smiled a little and tipped his head back to give Bernard access to his lips which Bernard gladly accepted.
"M'sorry, baby." Tim said once the kiss had ended, Bernard resting his forehead against Tim's own.
"It's okay, you don't have anything to apologize for." Bernard replied, something in his voice making Tim think he may have been thinking that this would be the last time he'd see him alive. Tim reached up with his good hand to cup Bernard's cheek, pushing the thought away before it could take root.
"M'okay now. It's okay." He said softly, trying to reassure the older man. "Promise I won't make you worry like that again."
Bernard chuckled and pressed a tired but fond kiss to Tim's lips. "You will, because I'll always worry about you, but I wouldn't have it any other way."
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