angle0fthegourd · 9 months
LDB: You don't speak of Akatosh often, why?
Jhnual: Well... *Becomes an unskippable cutscene*
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hedgehog-moss · 2 months
Last spring my neighbour asked if I could let Pirlouit mow the grass around his barn from time to time, which Pirou was happy to do at first but if I left him there several days in a row he got pretty sad about being alone (lots of wistful, melancholy braying). So this year when my donkey was hired for this job again, I went for a different formula: for the past few weeks I've been bringing all the animals to the neighbour's barn for an hour of landscaping services now and then at apéritif time.
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The fence is extremely not Pampe-proof so I have to have my apéritif while sitting on the road in a strategic position from which I can toss a stick in her direction if she tries to escape, but other than that I've been really enjoying this peaceful evening ritual, just sitting there reading and watching the animals while feeling like I'm doing my neighbour a favour. Pirlouit doesn't get all the grass to himself anymore but I've learnt that he prefers to be rich in friends than in food.
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You'll notice that Merricat is present in every photo, looking alert. She too has been hired, but for the thankless job of Thought Police. She may look like she's just napping on the warm asphalt with not a care in the world...
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... but she is working! Keeping an eye on the llamas, always.
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I've discovered that in a specific context my three cats can act as precogs and warn me of Pampe's future crimes. My theory is that they developed this skill because of Poldine, who loves cats. Any cat who enters the pasture will soon be noticed and (lovingly) chased by Poldine, who wants kisses. Cats not only do not want llama kisses, they don't differentiate between individual llamas. They are all potential kissers. So even if it looks like she's all relaxed, Merricat is constantly monitoring where the llamas are and what they seem to be planning. If we are on the other side of a fence and Pampe approaches it a bit too slyly, Merricat will jump to her feet, ready to flee (and I will toss one of my anti-Pampe sticks, and say NON.)
Merricat and I are a very good team! We've foiled several of Pampe's plots, but we need to be on the road for Merricat to remain wary (if we were in the pen Pampe's escape attempts would involve getting away from us and the cat wouldn't care.) Cars are rare so it's okay (plus it's so quiet you can always hear them coming), and on the few occasions when someone showed up and asked why I was having apéritif on the road, I pointed at Pampe and they were like, "Ah! Didn't see her here. Good luck!"
"Hedgehog-moss, you're exaggerating. Pampe can't be that—"
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She is! She is. And she always seems to notice when Merricat is on a bathroom break and I'm absorbed in a book.
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There was one evening though, when she got distracted by a fascinating new idea. I don't claim to know what's going on in this llama's head (except when she's looking at a fence, then it's easy) but as you can see, once I brought the animals to the barn Poldine started eating flowers, Pirlouit started eating grass, and Pampe started eating the wall.
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After a moment she slowly circled the barn, then stopped and lay down right next to it, settling down in a comfortable position but with focused ears and her head still turned towards the wall. It was suspicious behaviour, but on the other hand she now looked so uninterested in the road that I decided to take a risk and run home to bring back some dinner—and she didn't move while I was away! I even brought Pandolf, who is usually banned from these soirées because he would disturb my Merricat alarm system. He was happy to be finally included.
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It's unclear if Pampe was eating the wall, talking to the wall, or carefully examining various parts of the wall as Step 1 of 27 of a complex plan only she understands, but she stuck close to the barn all evening instead of lying in wait by the fence so I was able to have a picnic in the grass rather than on the road, which felt more bucolic. I know that "Pampérigouste has a new, mysterious project" is a worrying sentence but at this early stage (feasibility study) it felt to me and Merricat like a little holiday!
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hm? A note?
*opens the note and reads*
“I kindly request a Pheromones but with Tech with a mix of predator and prey into this nasty smut. But if you do not want to do this that is fine with me your majesty.”
Finally! Someone's asking me for unhinged Tech Smut 🔥🤩🔥🥵 I feel like I've waited for this one for years 😱
And I had so much trouble writing and editing my draft 😅😭 A lot of hours later: "I'm not happy with what I did here 😓
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Warnings: SMUT/Sex Pollen Trope/Unhinged Tech/ Shy Tech Turning Feral/Dubious Consent(!11!1!!)/PiV/Oral/Groping/Biting/Pining/Pinning Down/Restraining/Plus Short Dirty Dream Sequence/Angsty/Creampie/Messy/Fluff (Believe it or not)18+
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
>Master List<
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AC: This is very feral Tech, Reader is definitely having fun, but there are possible triggers, so mind the warnings!!! This one is dancing heavily on some very thin lines concerning consent and pleasure/pain. I wasn't even sure if I should post this. Guess there was a lot of pent-up smutty stuff left in my mind about this guy. Okay I tamed the original version down, a good bit, I think it was a tiny bit too much. But still, this is pretty messy.
Update: damn it, I changed this draft so often now, I don't know if it's still readable...
Wrecker, who playfully bumps into his helmet, nearly knocks Tech off balance. Tech glares angrily at his brother through the lenses of his goggles, but finally sighs and turns back to his holopad. Again and again, his gaze sneaks from his holopad to you, watching Hunter talk to you. Today, you and Tech are to complete a mission, just the two of you. A more or less simple exploration tour. His heart beats faster just thinking about it. You've been traveling with CF99 for a while now, and Tech has had a crush on you practically since day one. You smell good, you're pretty, you're curious, and you always listen to him so intently. He's been blown away from the beginning by your little laugh, the smile, the way you talk, how your fingers move when you're lost in your thoughts. Tech takes in so many little things, by now he knows so much about you, so many wonderful little things that he admires, almost idolizes. But as straightforward and logical as Tech actually is, he can be just as shy.
He hardly dares to exchange a word with you that has nothing to do with work, he hardly dares to look you in the face. So often he has dreamed of you, of touching, kissing and even more, things that have done wild things to his mind and hormones. But he can't bring himself to do it, just doesn't dare touch you. So many times he had been close to just gently touching your hand, or sliding a little closer when you were sitting next to each other, but each time he has backed down. Tech wouldn't know how to deal with you, in theory he's already read everything there is to know about intimacy, romance and the like, but the practice is somehow so damn seductive but also so incredibly scary for him. What if you reject him? What if he kisses you, and it's bad? What if you feel nothing when he kisses you? What if his touches leave you cold? What if he does something wrong, scares you away, or leaves you unsatisfied? With all these questions, his guts tighten, and a heavy pressure builds on his chest. This is a challenge that can't necessarily be tackled with logic. Love doesn't really feel logical, but it feels intense, Tech thinks silently. Another light bump against Tech's helmet snaps him out of his thoughts.
"Cut it out, Wrecker!" "Come on, you two finally alone again? This time you have some guts!" the giant rumbles. Tech hastily glances over at you, but you're still engaged in conversation with Hunter, then he looks at Wrecker and nervously waves his holopad around. "Keep it down, Wrecker, she can't hear this!" he whispers energetically. Wrecker rolls his eyes and laughs softly, "You're way too nervous, I think she likes you a lot too" Tech pauses in his tense movement and asks, "Oh yeah, did she say anything?" "No, but that one particular smile, she only smiles at you like that". Tech's gaze darts back in your direction and that's when he sees it, that smile, his face gets all hot, and he hastily turns back to the holopad in his hands. "You're such an idiot," Wrecker grumbles, "She's smiling heavenly at you, and you're staring at your holopad" "Shut up, please, Wrecker," Tech says tensely.
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The others are on their way, doing their jobs. Tech is finally alone with you. His knees are soft, he feels slightly shaky, and his pulse is permanently slightly elevated, but he's more in control than he suspected. Tech puts on the helmet he customized for you and says, "This helmet has an air filter, just like mine. We don't know what to expect yet, so we'll play it safe." He explains as you look at him questioningly through the visor. He can't really see your face, but he always senses when you look at him. Actually he is annoyed about the helmet, just because he can't see your beautiful face, but Tech also wants to protect you and when you are moving among unknown flora and fauna, this helmet is actually indispensable. "Okay," you say, groping for the helmet with both hands, an unfamiliar feeling. "Don't take the helmet off outside, please," Tech says gently but firmly, "We don't know much about the plants and animals in the area yet" You give him a thumbs up and say, "Okay, got it. We're good to go as far as I'm concerned" Along the way, you carefully take some samples of various plants, take holo-images of the environment, and look at various species of animals from a safe distance. You listen with fascination as Tech comments on some of your observations. It's so nice to spend time alone with him, you like the way he looks out for you.
You discover a cave that is riddled with glowing crystals and mushrooms. You put on your gloves because Tech told you to. "We'd better not touch anything with our bare hands for now," he notes. You nod and reply, "Sounds reasonable." With a gloved finger, you poke a neon-red glowing, thick mushroom, which then begins to blink and emit a thin cloud of spores. Tech leans over and says, "See, this is why we have the helmets, we don't know what these spores might do, hallucinations, fevers, toxic reactions..." You nod and say still intrigued, "It's blinking, like an alarm light" "Indeed" Tech looks at his watch and says, "We've been walking for a few hours, maybe we should head back" With a nod, you agree and follow him out of the cave.
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Something is wrong, he is way too warm, the outside temperatures are not that high, but his body temperature seems to keep rising. He feels strange, maybe Wrecker knocked his helmet a few too many times, maybe his filter wasn't working properly. Tech quickened his steps, and you tried to keep up with him in surprise. Arriving at the Marauder, Tech takes off his helmet, and you can tell something is wrong, the expression on his face, that slightly glazed look. "Are you okay?" "I don't know," Tech admits, "I'm very warm, and I have a headache." He blinks in surprise as you start to help him take off his gear, but he allows it to happen, he also lets you push him into his bunk and tuck him in. "You must be overworked," you say gently, "You're always working, around the clock. At some point, your body just can't keep up with your mind, Tech." He blinks, accepts the water you brought him, and says, "Maybe you're right." He likes the way you take care of him, fluffing his pillow, covering him up, bringing him water and putting a cool, damp cloth on his forehead. He feels miserable right now, but he literally melts at every little thing you do for him.
"I'm sure a few hours of sleep will do you good," you say with conviction and a soft smile. Tech looks at you from wide, glassy eyes, he gets lost in that smile of yours, and before he can pull himself together he says, "Can you stay here, with me?" "Oh," you say in surprise, "Sure." You lie down in the bunk across from his, barely two steps away from him. Tech turns to the side, so he can look at you. You say with a smile, "Don't worry, I'll take care of you". Tech's ears turn red as he smiles back. At a certain point, you both fall asleep.
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His dreams are wild, very wild, much wilder than usual. Intimate dreams are not unknown to him, but this one is very intense. He watches you suck him while his hands on the back of your head give you a wild pace, shortly after he pins you to the floor and plows his hard cock through your pussy while you gasp, sigh, moan and whimper under him. Then he spins you around and shoves his length into the tight little hole between your buns, taking you so fast and hard that the clash of bare skin, echoes loudly off the walls. His hand is in your hair, pulling at it as he thrusts ever more savagely into the tightness of your butt. Tech tears open his eyes, feeling even hotter than before, his thoughts a wild jumble of sexual acts. His cock pulses hard under his blacks, almost painfully. Everything inside him burns and screams to grab you, to take you, to taste you, to fuck you. He moans softly and wipes his forehead, a very small part of him knowing that he's thinking and intending very naughty things right now, that he actually needs to pull himself together. But this small part is lost in the wild, feverish racket of his suddenly felt hundredfold intensified sexual desires.
He is so tense with horniness that a slight tremor goes through his body. He looks over at you, you are still asleep, you are still alone and will probably be for a while. Automatically, almost of his own accord, he takes off his blacks. He looks down at himself, he doesn't see much, it's still dark, but his cock is clearly standing at full size. Against all reason that tries to survive somewhere under the wild chaos of sex thoughts, he walks over to the bunk you are lying in. In between he hesitates, this little part of him is only small, but stubborn. "You can't do that, it's indecent, you'll scare her... it's wrong..." he whispers to himself, and yet he keeps coming closer to you.
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You feel someone climb into your bunk or sit on the edge and slowly awaken from your slumber. Your eyes do not immediately adjust to the darkness. You blink, there is someone, in your bunk, you are uncovered and that someone is bent over you. "Tech? Is that you?" you ask, confused and not yet in your right mind. Your fingers grope for the nightlight and turn it on. It's not particularly bright, but enough to clearly see the naked Tech kneeling above you on your bunk. Your gaze lingers briefly on his hard length, thick, long, gently curved, the tip slightly red and swollen, a trickle of precum on the small slit. You look up at him, startled. "What's going on here?" you ask, perplexed, completely bewildered by the unexpected situation. He's not touching you yet, but you can still feel his body heat already. "Tech, you must have a fever- wait what are you doing!" Ignoring your words, Tech reaches under your sleep shirt for the waistband of your panties and sets about pulling them down. "Need you, need to smell you, taste you, feel you," he stammers as if delirious with fever.
When you automatically grab his hands in surprise to stop him, he fends you off and tugs impatiently at the fabric until it tears. You let out a startled little scream as he rips the fabric from your body, and right after that, impatiently, your sleep shirt. His eyes get even bigger behind the lenses as he sees you naked in front of him. "Tech, what are you doing....?" you ask quietly. He grabs your wrists, rips a strip off the sheet and goes to tie your hands together, but you fidget and stubbornly resist. He grabs your hands and pins them down, glaring at you impatiently. "Tech, what the fuck!" "Need you, need you to comply," he says hoarsely. "I don't understand," you say quietly. He looks at you, feverish, almost desperate, "I need to taste you and smell you and feel you, I need to have you!"
His words make you nervous, it doesn't sound like him at all, neither the pitch nor the way he said them.
Tech smells your hair and shivers, as do you. You feel his legs pushing your thighs apart, his pelvis thrusting between them and his cock pressing down on your pubic, rubbing against it. You let out a small surprised moan as the friction drives heat and wetness into your pussy.
He moans softly and repeats, "I need you." You've been into Tech for a while, but this wasn't really Tech, was it? Again he tries to bind your wrists, this time he's faster, and a little rougher, overpowering your flagging resistance and finally tying them to the headboard of the bunk. Your pulse races, your heart hammers in your chest. A startled, surprised squeak comes from your lips as he presses up against you, and dig his teeth into your shoulder, not hard enough to really hurt you, but hard enough to leave pressure marks. He licks over the spot, kissing it as his hands travel down your body. You're hot and cold, thoroughly aroused, but this seems so foreign. His body is burning hot, you are sure he has a fever. You want to tell him that he needs a doctor, but at the same moment his mouth moves to your breasts, and he begins to lick and suck your nipples, his long fingers greedily embracing the soft flesh. Your head is swept clean. You loll under him, sighing softly, he presses his lap into the mattress as he moves down your body, a low rumble coming from his chest as he sucks your nipples and rubs against your body.
Suddenly he rises, kneeling higher over you, his hard cock hovering just in front of your mouth. You blink and look past his hard length up into his face. His hand roughly grips your chin, pushing it higher, then he demands, "Open." Nervously, you open your lips as he finally presses his tip against them, letting him in. Your tongue automatically presses against the underside. You see him shiver, and hear him moan. Admittedly a nice feeling and a delightful sight. But Tech is under pressure, under fire. He grips your head and pushes further until you gag and your eyes tear as he fucks your mouth. His whole body trembles with tension. You stare up at him, having no idea how long you can keep this up or what to do when you can't anymore. But it doesn't take long, you feel him throbbing in your mouth, Tech moans out, then his semen shoots down your throat and mouth. You swallow in surprise as best you can. There's quite a bit. He pulls his cock out of your mouth again. Some of his semen trickles down your chin, but you can't wipe it away because of your bound hands. He keeps moving, his lips and tongue roaming from your breasts down, over your belly, faster and faster, as if they're impatient.
You start breathing faster the closer he gets to the heated triangle between your thighs.
There is something tugging at you, a craving, a want, something you didn't know before you had. It's weird, all of this, yet you feel you want this, you want him.
Then he's finally there, you hear him take a deep breath, feel him shakily expel the air on your wet folds. While you're still shuddering from the soft draft, his mouth is suddenly on your pussy, his tongue heatedly exploring your folds. A surprised squeak escapes you, followed by a gasp as his tongue glides over your pearl, repeating the motion several times in quicker succession. You have no idea how he does it, but his tongue is so nimble and strong, getting wilder and wilder. Your thighs tremble around his head, the gasps from your throat become faster and faster, mixing with hoarse moans. Tirelessly, his tongue flicks over your swollen, pulsating clit, again and again and again. You mewl in arousal, stir in your bonds. The feeling of his soft, wet tongue dancing on your sweet spot, that bundle of nerves is delicious.
He's rutting his cock into the mattress while he licks and sucks your clit, moaning as he does so, humming, muffled by your pussy where you very clearly feel the vibration, an added stimulus. You don't know what's gotten into him, at the moment you can't get a clear thought either. But somewhere in the back of your mind, you think back to the red glowing mushroom in the cave.
No matter how surprised and overwhelmed you are right now, you are also incredibly horny. Your abdomen trembles, your thighs quiver, the tension, the tingling and pulsating is heading towards a climax.
Tech's tongue gets faster, flicks your little clit in rapid fashion. Your abdomen tenses, your walls clench around nothing.
You almost cry out as you tip over the edge into your climax. Tech continues to lick your clit, a little too long, you become hypersensitive, and you jerk under his touch, but his hands grab your hips hard and hold you in place, pushing you into the sheets. He's still rutting his cock into the pad of the bunk, and his tongue finds your dripping opening. A little cry comes over your lips as Tech slips his tongue between your slick walls and wiggles around inside, starting to lick you out like you're candy. He's greedy, and intense and he's making a mess. "TECH!" He growls, not a word, not really a response, just a growl. His nose keeps pressing against your hypersensitive pearl, but every twitch of yours is held in check by his hard grip. "This is too much, Tech, too much!" You see him twitch, another growl, he rolls his glassy, reddened eyes back for a moment. You realize he's cumming in the sheets.
He finally lets go of you for a moment, sits up, somewhat breathlessly wipes his mouth and chin with the back of his hand and forearm, wipes away your juices and his saliva. His sweaty chest rises and falls heavyly. Tech still looks feverish, his eyes still wild and without focus. "Not enough," he says, slightly hoarse, smoky, "More!" You see that his length is still hard and erect. Then you see his gaze fall between your legs, you automatically want to close your thighs, you don't really want any more over-stimulation, but he pushes himself in between. Automatically, you want to use your hands, but they are still tied to the head of the bunk. Tech lies above you, pressed against you, his body still glowing hot. He seems to be wrestling with himself, hesitating, but only briefly. In the next moment, he has brought his tip to your hole and is penetrating you, parting your moist folds and plunging deep inside you. He's quite long and thick, you feel him stretching and filling you. "Fuck," you curse softly.
It hurts a little, but somehow it also feels so damn good. He's leaning on his hands, hovering half above you, his cock deep inside you. Sweat is on his forehead, his muscles are shaking, his reddened eyes keep blinking. He looks strained. You realize he's trying to hold back right now, but barely managing it.
This is not your sweet and shy Tech.
He starts to move, dragging his cock a bit out of your sensitive entrance, and right after that he pushes forward into you again. Slowly at first, but he gets faster and faster. He half sits up, pulling you to a different angle as he does so he can push deeper inside you. Tech moans, gasps, makes little sounds you've never heard before, every now, and then he stammers words you don't understand. His hips move faster and faster, the sound of naked skin meeting naked skin fills the room. You didn't expect it, but your arousal picks up again and as if Tech sensed it, a hand moves between you and his fingertips, deftly find your pearl. A hoarse sound passes your lips as his cock inside you, as well as his fingers on your clit, speeds up. As if of their own accord, your legs close around his hips as your thighs begin to tremble.
His name comes moaning over your lips, again and again. He stares at you, but his eyes are still so glazed and wild that you don't know if he's really looking at you. A shudder goes through his body, a twitch, then he growls softly, you feel his cock twitch and pulse in your cleft, his warm seed filling your pussy. Every other thrust, accompanied by a squelching sound. Shortly after, the knot in your abdomen loosens, tingling all the way to the tips of your toes. But Tech doesn't stop, he's still hard, thrusting into your pussy filled with his seed. "More," you hear him say in a shaky voice. You moan, "Tech, I can't take anymore." You don't know if he really understood you, perceived the words, but he pulls his cock out of your pussy with a wet smacking sound, grabs your hips and turns you onto your stomach. Your heart races, you're not sure what he's up to. His length is still full of his juices and yours as he pushes it lengthwise between your buns. His hands grip your buns pretty hard and squeeze them together as he begins to rub his cock in the crease between them.
He moans, gasps and trembles. You are glad that he has refrained from sticking it in your ass. Without preparation, that would have been very unpleasant. Tech rubs himself against your buns, panting, trembling. He suddenly slows down, then you feel his warm load splashing on your buns and your back. By now you are full of his cum, in and on you, even the bunk is full of it, everything is sticky. Tech, of all people, who is very conscious of his hygiene, has made this mess. His breath is getting shaky, you hear it, feel his cock finally softening on your buns. "Oh maker... oh no... oh hells no...", you hear him whisper, in his tone a desperation that is hard to overhear. You pull at your bonds and say as calmly as you can, "Please, Tech, untie me." "Oh my goodness, of course, right now.... I'm so sorry... really so sorry..." he continues to stammer and with trembling hands he loosens your bonds. Finally, you can sit up, turn around and look at him. His eyes are back to normal, no longer glassy, nor reddened, but his cheeks and ears are red, and the expression on his face completely desperate and ashamed. He hastily grabs a pillow to cover his crotch as you look at him.
"I'm so sorry," he says softly, almost whispering, barely managing to look at you, his gaze jerking away again and again, "I felt everything, perceived everything, but it was like my body was just a doll, controlled by overwhelming sexual desire...my mind had no control." "I figured something wasn't normal," you say dryly, looking down at yourself, "I'm all sticky," you grumble softly. "Oh maker, please don't hate me now, I couldn't stand that" he says, ducking his head. You laugh softly and say, "I'm never touching any mushrooms near you again". He doesn't feel like laughing, and your attempt to loosen him up unfortunately fails. You say softly, "Tech, well, before all this happened, you and I really liked each other, didn't we? I mean, we were just a little too shy to interact more." Tech blinks and lifts his eyes after all. His cheeks are flushed as he clears his throat and says meekly, "I've been in love with you for a long time, if that's what you mean." You feel heat rising in your cheeks and your heart beating faster. "Yeah, that's what I meant" you say nodding "The feeling was mutual by the way". Tech's eyes grow wide behind his goggles, but then he lowers his gaze again. "I guess I ruined that now".
"No," you contradict him, "you didn't. The fungus has twisted your senses, or whatever you want to call it. Nothing is broken because of it yet." Cautiously, Tech raises his eyes again. "I'd like to make you a proposition," you say softly as he looks at you. Tech nods and says, "I'm all ears." "You and I are going to take a shower together, nice and relaxed. We'll wash, maybe each other, some tender touches, no pressure, no expectation, just enjoy each other's closeness. Some tenderness after this, little disaster?" Tech blinks several times and asks, "You would still let me touch you?" You nod and admit, "It's not like I wasn't having fun at all. Besides, that wasn't really you, but I'd still like to get to know the real Tech better." Tech smiles, stands up and after a moment's hesitation, puts away the pillow he was covering his crotch with. He takes your hand and helps you out of the sticky bunk.
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Under the warm stream of water of the shower, you both slowly relax, Tech letting his tension escape with a sigh and smiling at you as you look over your shoulder while he gently washes your back. Tech says tenderly, "You're gorgeous, by the way". Your ears get all hot and a tingle spreads through your stomach as you say, "You're not bad yourself, handsome" Suddenly you hear voices, the boys must be back from their errands. Then you hear a curse and Crosshair yelling loudly, "WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BUNK!!!" You look up with a soft, "Uh oh," at Tech who then whispers, "Oh. That's probably bad." "He's going to kill us," you say, biting your lower lip suppressing a grin, "We really made a hell of a mess." "Indeed," Tech says dryly, "I'd say we stay in here for now until he calms down." "That could take a long time" Tech smiles mischievously, "I don't mind"
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
279 notes · View notes
Secret Smokes (Part 3)
Pairing: Teacher! Remus Lupin x Reader
Series Summary: When the reader bumps into the new DADA professor on the bridge in Hogwarts she begins to build a friendship with him all thanks to their shared feeling of not belonging and love for muggle cigarettes. Their friendship blooms while they both fight internal battles deciding what is wrong and what is right leading to a lot of fluff, angst, flirting and a rollercoaster of emotions.
Warnings: Swearing, Drinking, teacher-student relationship (but like it’s all legal chill), SLOWburn we’re in for a long ride
Word Count: 2038
A/N: Once again thank you for all the love this is a side blog so I can't reply from this account to you all below the post but I read every word I promise. You guys are the best ! Some people have asked about being tagged, yes I can tag you! So if you want to be added leave me a reply below and I'll tag you in the future parts and if you decide you want to be untagged just message me and I'll remove you it's okay I won't judge.
 | SERIES MASTER LIST (All chapters) |
Previous Chapter, Part 3, Next Chapter
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Over the next few weeks you committed to showing up to lessons more often, you spent time with the Weasley's but you avoided getting into trouble. People started noticing the sudden change in your behaviour and dedication to your studies, Percy was very proud of your change in attitude and believed his talk with you helped you get there, you let him believe it but really it was all profesor Lupins doing. Unfortunately his class was the one you got the worst grades in, it was okay when you didn't attend and got bad grades but even with attendance they didn't grow it was your weakest subject.
Your evening smokes continued some days Lupin was there some he wasn't but he was there often some days he wouldn't smoke he would just be there to talk with you, your conversations turned deeper than they used to be as you got to know each other and you looked forward to them, you saw him as someone you truly connected with, yes the girly attraction was still there but what girl didn't find him attractive he had girls flirting with him constantly. It did make you feel uncomfortable watching the girls put bright lipstick on before entering his class and staying behind to ask him questions or for extra lessons, but he seemed to not mind and act profesional giving the girls extra lessons and paying no attention to their advances.
You had DADA last on Fridays which normally would've meant a lot of people not paying attention and aching to leave but profesor Lupin kept the class entertaining and engaging. It was a practical lesson, the ones your dread because with lack of practice you genuinely sucked at practical lessons. But you got through it and you were excited for the weekend to start, before you left the class Lupin asked you to stay behind. So you said bye to Percy and a few others telling them you'll join them later, you weren't worried that you'll get told off like with most teachers when they ask you to stay behind it was Lupin so you patiently waited for the last few girls to say "bye profesor" while walking out and then went over to his desk where he had sat down.
"What's up?" You asked as you approached his desk.
"Please, sit down Y/N." He said quite formally gesturing to the seat in front of him, now you were getting worried. "I'd like to speak with you about your grades." He paused and saw your face drop before continuing. "Now please don't think of this as a telling off, your attendance is better this year than any year before and I've heard great things from your other teachers about the progress you've been doing." He said but you still looked worried so he added. "You should be very proud of yourself Y/N." Which made you relax into the chair a bit more. "Nevertheless, I am worried about your grades in my subject as you're doing well in the theory side however it's using the spells in practice that you seem to struggle with. I know you've had a few hard years with the rotation of teacher, some worse than others, so it's not your fault you are in this position." He said all of this formally. "Although notoriously skipping classes for the last sexi years probably didn't help." He said with a small laugh as a friend rather than a teacher. "I want to help you, I've been speaking with your head of house about how we can improve your grades and we believe you need extra lessons, practical magic like this can't be learnt through studying alone in your dorm you need real practice. So I'm happy to offer you tutoring twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays, to help you catch up." You sat silent still. "You don't have to do this, but profesor McGonagall and I do believe it is in your best interest." He added you just looked down embarrassed that you skipping classes has lead to this. "Okay Y/N I'm dying here please say something." He said casually addressing your silence.
"Thank you profesor." You said.
"How do you feel about my suggestion?" He asked.
"Embarrassed." You stated. "How so?" He asked I'm a caring tone. "I wouldn't be in this situation if I listened to everyone when they told me not to skip so many lessons."
"You're not the only student who will be receiving extra lessons, I have a small group of girls that have asked for extra time that I teach on Tuesdays. If you want you can join them so it's not just one-on-one if that's more comfortable for you?" He offered.
"But I'm the only one who actually needs tutoring. They only asked for it because they have a crush on you." You blurted out in your annoyance.
"Trust me crush or not some of those girls need extra lessons. Still after weeks of receiving them." He said honestly. "They're too busy staring at your lips to learn I guess." You said laughing to yourself, he gave you a gentle smile. "Y/N, you're a quick learner. You know the theory, with a little practice you'll be caught up by Christmas."
"Okay. As long as these lessons are done by 9pm." You said with a hint of humour.
"I would never let education get in the way of your nicotine addiction, I'm not a monster." He replied jokingly. "We have a deal." You say.
"Perfect, now enjoy your weekend." He said and you took that as a queue to leave. "And Y/N, don't let this overshadow all the effort you've been putting into your studies, you're doing amazing." He said whole heartedly.
"Thank you professor." You said leaving the classroom. You looked him as a teacher so if you needed anyone to give you extra lessons you were glad it was him.
You went straight to the great hall for dinner after your conversation with Lupin, Fred and George had a space saved for you next to them. "What took you so long?" Fred asked.
"Lupin is making me take extra lessons." You said solemn.
"Bullshit, you've been studying harder than ever."  Fred expressed.  "I know but I'm still behind, plus it's only two days a week and he said it'll only be until Christmas." You explained.
"I think it's a conspiracy." George stated. "Now why's that?" You ask amused. "They're obviously trying to keep you away from us so we don't pull any pranks." He expresses. "This has old minnie all over it." Fred adds sniffing the air comedically.
"Now that you mention it..." you say looking over at the teachers table watching Lupin and McGonagall speaking. "...Lupin did mention this being her idea."
"See! Merlin, Y/N we need to pull a prank now." George states. "Show them we can't be stopped so easily." Fred adds. "I don't know guys, I've been enjoying not sitting in detention."
"George, she's getting all soft." Fred states. "Now that's not okay." George replies and they both have a cheeky smile before they stand up and suddenly pick you up while you protest taking you out the great hall while you laugh and tell them to stop, you hadn't even had time to eat before the kidnapping and the whole school watched this happen but the boys didn't care. They carried you straight to the dorm room plopping you down on the sofa. "Y/N it's time to plan our first big prank of the year." George begins. "Perfect timing as well as we can go to Hogsmeade over the weekend to get any supplies we need."  You laugh and agree to the plotting, you plan a prank. It was to happen in the library, the plan was to hex every book, the books about animals would bite you, the books about history would disintegrate in your hands, the books about plants would be filled with soil and so on. You would obviously need to take all the real books and hide them but that wasn't a problem using the marauders map. You were looking at the map when you noticed Lupin was already standing on the bridge, you checked your watch and it was after 9pm already, he was just standing there you felt like you were missing out on seeing him plus you were scared he'd think you're ignoring him after your conversation earlier. "Boys I need to go, it was a pleasure scheming with you as always. I'll see you tomorrow." And with that you took the map, put it in your pocket and headed for the bridge. When you were around the corner you saw Lupin walking down the corridor in your direction, he must've finished smoking you thought. "Good evening professor." You said with a smile and me looked up at you with a grin. "Evening, Y/N. Evening stroll?" He questioned as if to ask why you didn't go to the bridge tonight.
"Just going to destress." You said showing him your pack of cigarettes.
"I forgot mine in my office I was just going to go get them." He explained, odd because he had been standing on the bridge for a while you think to yourself.
"You can borrow one of mine." You state.
"I'll give you two tomorrow." He replies turning around to walk with you. "I hope I wasn't too harsh on you today." He says as you walk after a moment of silence.
"You weren't harsh at all." You say with a hint of confusion.
"I didn't think you would come here today in all honesty, after the way you looked at me after class and during dinner." He said with a soft smile but you could tell there was some hurt behind there. "How did I look at you?" You ask.
"Differently." He simply stated, maybe because usually you look with admiration and a bit of lust while now you were looking at him like at a teacher for the first time.
"Well you are about to ruin two evenings a week for me by making me study." You remark.
"Is that how you see spending time with me? Am I ruining your evening right now?" He teased.
"You know what I mean, this Lupin isn't the same as profesor Lupin." You say adding emphasis to professor.
"I am the same person Y/N. If you're afraid that I'm going to be making you write essays and do homework you're mistaken, I promise I'll make the evenings fun." He says in his teacher tone. Maybe it was the mischievous energy from planning a prank that allowed you to say what followed maybe it was purely forgetting he's not your friend but you replied with. "Fun evenings? What does that mean?" You watched him swallow getting a bit uncomfortable and not knowing how to answer. "I mean don't treat it like a punishment. I'm just trying to help." Your brain went straight to replying with something inappropriate about getting punished but you held your tongue as you didn't want to push it too far.
"I hope you don't think I hate you, I really enjoy our talks." You say. I really only came here to talk to you, I feel like smoking on a empty stomach will make me feel worse." You we're over sharing now but he didn't seem to mind.
"I watched you get carried out by the Weasley twins before dinner, the whole school did." Lupin remarked unamused making your face go red.
"Yeah they were messing around and wanted to go talk as they said I've been too busy with lessons this year."
"They sound like a bad influence," He said sternly before pausing and thinking. " keep them around sometimes you need friends like that." He added.
"Profesor you're great at encouraging bad behaviour." You say laughing.
"Friendships like that are sometimes very important, if only you knew what I got up to when I was your age." He said with a soft reminding smile.
"And what would that be?"
"I can't say, I'm your teacher after all." He added a wink at the end which you didn't know the meaning of, but all you did know was you wouldn't find out anything more about his past.
NEXT CHAPTER | More stuff I wrote
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itsclydebitches · 7 months
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Yeah I've got a couple asks about it lol. (Always a terrifying experience when you log onto tumblr and immediately wonder why your inbox blew up...)
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Man, I don't even know how I'm feeling right now. We've spent so many months working on the semi-confident assumption that RWBY would be cancelled that on the one hand I can't feel very shocked about this. On the other hand there's definitely a wide-eyed part of my brain going, "Holy shit the 'RT is failing' theories finally came true O_O" I'm kinda devastated that a company that's been a part of my life for almost a decade (and for other fans far longer) is just up and gone, but simultaneously I don't care because what I loved about RT hasn't existed for some time now. We've already been dealing with that nostlgia for years, we just got a hell of a concentrated dose of it today. There's admittedly some level of vindication regarding those who've been pulling shit in the company for so long and empathy for those who were just getting by and are now suddenly out of a job. There's regret that (despite my tendency to fall VERY behind on projects. RIP I owe everyone in this fandom a massive apology) I'll probably never have an official end to my RWBY Recaps. And there's worry about how this will impact the fandom...
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Yeah, not to jump on the pessimism train, but I feel like this is going to catapult some fans' misreadings into new territory. RWBY is now forever the show that was canonically unfinished and thus its perfection is assured. Think there are major issues in Volume 9 and earlier? Nah, that's setup for Volumes we just never got. Catch a contradition or other mistake? They would have explained that if they could. Any possible issues with the show if it gets picked up by someone else? Well, of course there are issues, RT isn't writing it! This was already a fandom where having accurate, nuanced discussions about the text was hard as hell... but it just got so much worse.
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Honestly, I say let it go. If they're going to do anything I'd prefer a complete reboot/reworking so that this story might stand a chance. Airing new RWBY Volumes was already beating a dead horse. Resurrecting the horse to start beating it anew just feels ridiculous. Yes, I'm sad for those fans who wanted an official ending, but we've spent so much time waiting on RWBY, being worried about RWBY's future, and I personally have encounted so many shows lately whose finales soured my enjoyment that there's something reassuring in the combination of definitive ambuguity here: you know you're not getting an ending by RT, so just have fun imagining your own.
Overall, I feel like I've got to sit with this for a while, you know? I totally get why so many fans (partiuclarly RWDE fans) are celebrating and/or releasing a sigh of relief right now. I'm honestly surprised I haven't seen any crabs yet lol. But maybe it's just because I'm "old" my tumblr's standards, but there's something undeniably sad about losing that part of your fandom life. Or at least, losing what led to/represents that life. Getting introduced to RWBY by a friend, binging it for the first time, pulling new people in, finding like-minded friends here on tumblr, analyzing it for thousands of words, tracing its history and watching how radically it has changed... that's gone now. Not actually because RWBY still exists, as do my friends, and there's nothing stopping me from writing as much fic/meta as I want, but it still feels like someone closed a door on that part of my life. That's not wholly a bad thing given what RT has been lately, but I do think it'll take more than one post for me to unpack it all.
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ryuichirou · 8 months
OruVil HCs
Anonymous asked:
i know you don't play the game, but have you watched the new years event (the with vil)? i've recently been into your oruvil stuff and the way he dotes on and so clearly favors ortho made me think of that hehe. do you have any hcs for them? fluffy, spicy, or otherwise? (hope you're having a good day) :D
Anonymous asked:
Any thoughts on human Ortho with Vil?
Sorry for the wait, Anons, it took me some time to reply…
First of all! That New Year’s Event Vil card lives in my head not only rent-free, I pay it with my mental currency so it stays there forever. We haven’t watched this New Year’s Event (only the one with Kalim and Deuce), but we’re definitely going to do it one day. This year’s lineup is bonkers, and Sebek’s design was also great… But of course Vil is the queen lol
The fact that Vil keeps favouring Ortho and doting on him!! Thank you for lettins us know, Anon, this is the best. It makes me happy…
Alight, headcanons! Two versions, although the first bunch could work with either version of Ortho, to be honest. Maybe there was no reason to separate these two lists…
Regular Ortho
Vil really helps Ortho with his emotional development, both with the way he expresses himself and with his feelings in general. They talk about Ortho’s feelings a lot, sometimes it’s almost like Vil is both Ortho’s mentor and therapist lol But whenever Ortho suddenly starts talking about how much he likes spending time with Vil and how he wants to be closer to him, it’s always very unexpected and makes Vil’s heart beat faster.
It’s very unusual for Ortho to watch movies at the cinema and watch theatre performances, and he experienced both of these things with Vil. And while he can’t really feel pinpoint what makes the atmosphere so different and special (to him it’s all the same – just the environment is different), he has a lot of tropes in his head that he borrowed from the movies. So he’ll definitely at some point try holding Vil’s hand or even get clingy with him while watching a movie.
When Ortho got his own room, he was so excited that he invited Vil over to see it, which felt at the same time very childish and very sus of him: “let me show you my room” could have very conflicting connotations… Vil just wanted to treat him, so of course he agreed. Needless to say, the nerd den that is Ignihyde was shook to the core that day, because no one expected to see a gorgeous looking and amazingly smelling Pomefiore housewarden so up-close... the virgin igni boys got so STRESSED over the fact that Ortho brought him over, the theories ran wild for at least a week after that. Did they fuck? Did SOMEONE FUCK in THEIR DORM? The Virgin den?! Ortho, you’re such a fuckboy..!
Ortho blocks Mira sometimes. Vil doesn’t use her when Ortho is around anyway, but Ortho still doesn’t really like Mira lol Sometimes it’s almost like they have this weird rivalry.
Human Ortho
Ortho loves it when Vil styles him: wardrobe really transformed with Vil’s influence. They talk about clothes and shoes a lot, and spend a lot of time shopping together. A lot of times Vil spoils Ortho by buying him cool sneakers and jackets, but Ortho surprised Vil with designer clothes too: he’s kind of much richer than Vil anyway, so it’s only fair… and it made Vil happy…
Ortho is very clingy. Compared to the regular robot!Ortho, human!Ortho hugs Vil all the time. And it pisses everyone off, because Ortho could just sneak in, hug Vil from behind, rest his chin on Vil’s shoulder and stand like this while Vil’s explaining something to rest of the film research club. Even when Vil pushes Ortho away, he always does it in a weirdly gentle way: he scratches his head a little and then pushes him like a cat would do. While still explaining stuff to the rest of the film research club…
Ortho adores roleplay. Not only in a sexy way, but even just regularly: the moment he learned what improv was, he started to do it all the time with Vil. Of course, Vil doesn’t play along all the time, because there is time and place for everything, but he actually enjoys Ortho’s spontaneous nature when it comes to acting. Whenever Vil feels playful and gives him a “yes, and…”, Ortho gets very excited. They could play for hours… well, could’ve, but Vil is too busy for that :(
Ortho was lucky enough to receive a blowjob from Vil once, it was his birthday present (well, one of, there is no way Vil wouldn’t gifted him something else). And despite being “the hornier of two Shrouds”, it never even occurred to him how Vil would look with a dick in his mouth before. He was so happy… and way too smug afterwards lol
Despite the fact that Vil is more experienced, Ortho kind of overwhelms him when it comes to sex. He is a very fast learner, very enthusiastic, energetic and eager. Vil has a good stamina, but Ortho still leaves him absolutely exhausted after sex.
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queerbrujas · 1 year
okay i'm in a mood so we're gonna talk about my thoughts on the N route in twc book 3. they're not good so look away if you don't wanna read that etc etc
so i'd known for a while that i was going to have to bring in an oc that wasn't eva for this route because in the meantime i'd developed her enough and thought about her enough that she just didn't fit the route anymore anywhere other than in my head. i still tried it with her and i didn't like it one bit, but i thought hey, my own problem.
so i made a new detective.
let me tell you about tatiana.
tatiana is the definition of a uhaul lesbian. she's head over heels in love with nat, absolutely crazy for her, totally willing to gloss over any sort of conflict. exactly the kind of narrative the story wants you to go for (and we'll come back to this).
things that happened in tatiana's playthrough:
she confessed her love to nat only to get absolutely NO response, an attempt to initiate sex, and no commentary whatsoever in the narration on how nat didn't say anything back. like, i'm very sorry to mishka who seems to think that initiating sex is a satisfactory answer to that kind of thing and the Ultimate expression of love but i think a normal and expected reaction to this would be 'wait they didn't say it back'. i am NOT trying to say that N needed to say it back at that moment, before anyone comes for me, there are a million reasons why they wouldn't (i even had a theory that they'd freak out if they heard it!!!) but the fact that the narration absolutely does not acknowledge that fact is so excuse me what the fuck. i've been so pissed at this that i've been working on a fic purely out of hatred for that choice.
let's talk about the sex scenes. they're bad. i'm sorry, they're bad. not only in execution (who cares) but you are not going to tell me that what is essentially a quickie is Enough for a character who has been built up as an over-the-top romantic when it's supposed to be their first time having sex with their partner. i won't buy it. it's like mishka spent these past three years marinading in the asks about agent suavewell and how smooth and sexy and horny they are and when it was time to write the book that was all she wanted to write.
it all just feels so shallow. where is the romance, for fuck's sake. it all feels unearned. beat after beat after beat with nothing to make me care about it.
and, once again—this is playing the ideal version of this route. the 'head over heels' version of this route. i don't even want to touch the other variants that continue to exist despite it being increasingly clear they are Not how the story is meant to go. i'm absolutely someone who supports authors doing whatever the fuck they want with their stories, the fact that there's a playable MC doesn't mean the player gets to dictate every single aspect of their arc or personality, but don't offer the option of things if you're not gonna commit to it. don't tell me i can be hesitant about a relationship when the narrative is gonna fall apart if i decide to do that etc etc.
IDK MAN. i'm very very happy for anyone who enjoyed this route, love that for you, but also, what the fuck.
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ambermotta · 10 months
I'm using Google Translate to write this, if there's any error that's the reason.
Helloo, I hope you are well 🤍 I have a question that comes to my mind all the time but I didn't know exactly where to find that answer, so why not ask someone more experienced? hehe
I started studying about witchcraft, gods/goddesses and the like a while ago, but it's really only been theory, since because of my parents I still can't practice freely. Do you think there are ways for me to start this journey now, or do you think it would be more appropriate for me to wait?
I would love to start worshiping a specific Goddess that caught my attention and really had an impact on me. Would I be able to do this discreetly? 😭
Thank you for your timee 🤍
Hi! Sorry if I took a bit too long to answer, I hadn't seen the notification 😅
Answering your question: Yes, you can start now if you wish, but that will come with limitations. If you think it's too hard, frustrating, or dangerous to practice "undercover", then it may be best to wait.
There are a lot of tools and excuses for the undercover witch:
Crystals: "I find them beautiful/ they bring me peace/ it's decorative"
Deity imagery: "I really liked this artwork/I like X mythology a lot/ it's decorative"
Altars: they can be very hard to lie about. Buy you can have a portable altar, or a box altar. Plus, they don't need to be fancy at all. Virtual altars are also an option!
As for limitations, these often include:
Not being able to light candles and incenses.
Alternatives: fake electric candles, rbg lights, essential oils and other fragrances.
Elaborate rituals are hard
Alternatives: be simple and practical. Prayers and visualization are your best friends. Do your stuff while your parents are away or sleeping.
Resources can be scarce
Alternatives: be creative so that you can improvise. You can get a lot of mundane items and give them magical/sacred properties. As for deity offerings, stick to "simple but meaningful". If it's edible, you can eat it in ritual or after you're done with your prayers (depends on deity and culture – do your research)
I personally think worshipping a deity is easier to do discretely than doing witchcraft. Worshipping can be just a prayer, sharing a cup of tea with your deity and doing devotional acts in their honor. It can be as simple or complex as you like. It's a very intimate thing between you and the deity.
Witchcraft may require more "materials" depending on how you plan to do things and some of your stuff can really give you away. That's just my personal opinion though.
Over half the time I've been a pagan witch, I was doing it all in secret. My parents were into spirituality, but it wasn't until like.. 3 years ago that they started to be more open-minded about religions other than their own. In their mind pagan gods didn't exist and witchcraft was dangerous (even though they did it themselves, they just did not see it that way).
I was lucky I could get away with lighting candles and incenses, but living in a very busy household I felt like I really couldn't do most of what I wanted. It was hard, and frustrating. But I still kept my deities close to heart and did what I could.
With all that being said, here are some questions for you to ask yourself, to help you decide what you want to do:
Is it dangerous to get caught? If your family is extremely intolerant to the point where it can be dangerous for you, then waiting until you're more independent is probably better.
Are you okay with having limited resources?
Are you okay with hiding stuff?
Are you ready to deal with your parents if they they find out?
Could you answer their questions calmly and within reason?
I sincerely hope I was able to answer your question and give you some insight ❤️
Living in the "broom closet" has its challenges, but it can be equally rewarding.
Remember you can always start small, and if you feel it won't work out, you call it off until you're ready.
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meowcats734 · 1 year
[Soulmage] By Wizard Law, in order to learn a new skill, wizards are required to be apprenticed to a more experienced master. You, a barely trained journeyman fire mage, just took on an apprentice: a two-hundred-year-old Grandmaster Water Magic Lord.
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"The Academy must be getting desperate if you're the best tutor they could find," my new student said.
I didn't disagree, but that didn't mean the man had to be a jerk about it. "The Academy's a little shorthanded thanks to that rampaging demon from a few weeks back," I said. "Both because everyone's suddenly very interested in learning self-defense magic, and because a decent chunk of the people who were good at self-defense magic died."
"Weren't good enough, then," the grumpy, ancient man said.
"I take it your emotional attunement is being a dick, then?" I deadpanned. I was half-certain that I'd been assigned the ornery old man just because my teacher wanted to spite me.
"What did you say?" he asked.
I blinked. "Emotional attunement. The emotion that you use to power your magic. This is first-year stuff. How can you—"
"Not that, you idiot. I've sneezed out more knowledge of magic than you've learned in your life. How did you just address me?"
"I... didn't?" I asked.
He scoffed. "Young people these days. When speaking to your senior, address him by his full title."
I rolled my eyes. "Alright. Fine. Grandmaster Water Magic Lord, I take it your emotional attunement is being a dick?"
He scowled. "My full title is Grandmaster Water Magic Lord Sage Unmatched Crusader Knight."
"Fine. GWMLSUCK, you're a dick."
GWMLSUCK bristled. "Your disrespect—"
"—is a part of the teaching process," I interrupted. "Look, I'm no master fire mage, but I know basic magical theory. Each emotion corresponds to a specific school of magic. Happiness for light, sorrow for cold, passion for heat." Self-hatred to make yourself feel small, too, although I felt no particular need to share my own brand of magic with someone who went by GWMLSUCK.
"And you think disrespecting me will make me more passionate about your imbecilic lessons?" the GWMLSUCK said.
"I think that it'll make you angry," I countered, "and that anger is a type of passion."
The GWMLSUCK fell quiet. "Using anger to fuel spells is in the domain of fell magic," he finally said.
"Yeah, well, a bunch of fell mages just kicked our collective butts." I shrugged. "Desperate times call for desperate measures, GWMLSUCK."
"Stop calling me that," he snapped. "It makes me so... so..."
"Yes?" I asked, patiently waiting.
He paused, then shook his head.
"You're right. You're an arrogant little pebble, and you make me want to blow my top off. But nothing's happening. I don't have the faintest attunement to anger, no matter how hard I try."
That was what I'd been worried about. You could have all the emotions in the world, but unless you had the right attunement, you couldn't convert them into magic—and I hadn't the foggiest idea where attunements came from. It was classified knowledge, kept only to the highest-ranked witches, and there was no way anyone would tell a neophyte spellcaster like me how to—
"There are four things you need to create an emotional attunement," the GWMLSUCK began.
I blinked in surprise, but the GWMLSUCK wasn't paying attention to me. "You need to feel the emotion yourself. You need to lose the emotion yourself. You need to cause the emotion in others. And you need to take that emotion from others."
A chill ran down my spine.
"I've felt anger in my life," he said, "and I've certainly angered others. So for me to lack that attunement... it means that either I've been perpetually angry my entire life, or there's never been a time when I've helped someone else calm down." For a moment, the old man looked terribly lost and terribly vulnerable. "And I don't want either of those to be true."
I was hardly listening to the old man's words.
Because I was a witch who used self-hatred.
For me to have an emotional attunement, it meant that I had to have caused that emotion in someone else.
My head swam. Who could it have been? Who had I hurt inadvertently so badly that it made them turn their anger inwards on themself? Who...
"I don't know why I expected a youth like you to help," the old man said. He stood. "This lesson is over. I will be contacting the Academy for a replacement immediately."
"That... may be for the best. For both of us," I muttered, dazed.
And then I realized who it was. Who was responsible for the magic I held.
And I knew how to make amends.
Soulmage is a serial written in response to writing prompts. Stick around for more episodes, or join my Discord to chat about it!
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antisociallilbrat · 2 years
Comparing IT Losers Club and the Party is interesting character-wise. Which Party members represent which Losers Club in your opinion?
I have been waiting for someone to ask me this, thank you anon, you're encouraging my nonsense.
As Entrapta from spop said: “You're asking me about my theories? I've waited years for someone to ask me about my theories! Hang on, I made a model.”
So long story short, Suffer Brother wanted to direct the It remake, they got denied and so they went and made St instead. Here's an article on this, read it, it's interesting despite being dated.
They took a lot inspiration from It and this reflects in The Party in season one. I'm going to compare The Party to The Losers from how they were portrayed in season one- so no Max. Because while The Losers were the blueprint for The Party, they did grow into their own characters as the seasons went on. Also season one of St came out before the It remake the Suffer Brother's would've pulled from the It book and/or the miniseries.
Mike: he is so Bill Denbrough coded. He's kinda like the unspoken leader (this goes away after season one though I feel like) of the Party. He's the Dm after all (again, season one) He's protective of the ones he loves and is willing to go to extremes to protect them. The cliff scene. He's picked on but not to the extent his other friends are. Also he gets the girl, Billverly anyone? yes I know, I'm talking season one only
Dustin: Him and Richie would be horrible in the same room together. They're similar in their humor. He's also is a bit like Mike H, the peacekeeper. The unit that keeps everyone together, Mike calling everyone back to Derry and Dustin trying to get Lucas and Mike to make amends after their fight. And him and Mike are both kinda nerds. Well kinda for Mike H, Dustin is a nerd.
Lucas: He, like Dustin, is Richie coded. Not so much Richie's humor but more his determination, his strong personality? His fight with Mike in season one is very reminiscent of Bill and Richie's fight. Although again, St came out before the It remake so I'm talking more about how their personalities could clash in the other It medias. The two are like brothers, Mike and Lucas & Bill and Richie. I would even say he's a little bit, just a bit, like Stan, wary of the unknown and supernatural, like how he was with El. After season one he's nothing like Stan though.
Will: he's so Eddie. He is Eddie if Eddie had a good mom. Will had to be brave to face the monsters, just like Eddie had to to be against It. Physically on the smaller side, like Eddie, but he will fight for his friends and his life. But I feel his more reserved personality is more reminiscent of Ben. He's the happiest around his friends, like Ben, and he honestly just wants them to be happy too. Also they're both creative people.
El: She's kinda hard to say but she is Bev coded. The abusive father figure, running into a bunch of boys that accept her despite reasons not to-El having powers and Bev and the rumors about her, and they both end up with the 'leader' at first. But Bev ended up with Ben as adults. Will, El, and Mike is comparable to the to the Bill, Bev, and Ben love triangle so we'll see what happens. (NO I'm not saying she's ending up with Will, do not misconstrued what I am saying, you know what I mean)
I have not read the It book, just bits and pieces here and there and listened to some of the audio book. So I would love to hear from someone who has read It and has different opinions!
There are other parallels I could talk about bc I am feral for this stuff, thank you again anon for asking me this!
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hopeswriting · 2 years
Are are your opinions on LucexReborn and the theory on Aria's dad? Yuni's dad is Gamma far I am aware.
hi nonny, thank you for the ask!
if we're talking canon, i do think there's room for the possibility of romantic feelings between luce and reborn, or at least from reborn to luce. i think that based on one (1) scene lol, but look at it:
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[ID: Panels from the manga Katekyo Hitman Reborn, showing Gamma and Reborn talking to each other.
"What is it you want to ask me?" Gamma asks. "Calling me way out here..."
"You... How do you feel about Uni?"
"What kind of random question is that?!" Gamma says, taken aback.
"You know that Uni admires you, right?" Reborn says. "I know it's none of my business, but there's no time. If we waste any more time, then they'll... slip through before we know it. I know you're aware... that the Sky Arcobaleno is blessed with deep emotion, and has a smile brighter than anyone, but they also shoulder the heaviest responsibilities and are taken away from us by destiny." The next panel here shows Gamma thinking of Aria. "There's no time to wait until she grows up," Reborn continues. "Stop treating her like a baby and look at her. Look at her soul." /End ID]
i think it's obvious how they're discussing romantic feelings here, however ambiguous amano chose to make the relationship between gamma and uni, for some reason lol. so when reborn is clearly talking from personal experience here, and not just from factual and objective knowledge; when he says "they" and "we" and "us", i think it's safe to assume he's saying to gamma the words he wished someone would have told him or that he'd have realized in time as he thinks back to his own relationship with luce. that, plus how fondly and warmly he describes the sky arco to be, and how he's the arco closest to uni (iirc he's the only one uni calls "uncle") and presumably had a close relationship with aria too, it's clear he cared a lot about luce at the very least, and still cared about her even after the curse and her death.
(interestingly enough tho, this says nothing about luce's feelings for him. like here, luce & reborn relationship is paralleled with gamma & aria's, but as much as we know aria reciprocated gamma's feelings to some extent, the way reborn says it, "wasting time" and the sky arco "slipping through before they know it", it seems he never got the chance to tell luce how he felt about her. so luce's feelings for him could have been platonic unlike him, or like with aria and gamma, she might have chosen to not act on her feelings even if they were there because of the curse.)
if we're talking about how i feel about the ship, i like it! tho now i say it, i realize i've never really taken the time to think about them before, surprisingly enough, so i have little else to say about them off the top of my head. if not that, of course, the possibility of romantic feelings between them would add yet another layer of pain and tragedy and cruelty to the arco curse when it comes to them, and i'd love to delve into and explore all that angst and hurt/(no) comfort one day!
when you say the theory about aria's dad, i assume you mean how some people headcanon reborn to be her dad, right? if so, personally i really can't see it. i mean, i can see it as you can easily make it fit within canon, but for me it makes little sense character-wise even if it works timeline-wise. by which i mean, luce's shown to be visibly pregnant the day they were cursed, if not heavily pregnant too, so she did the do a couple of months prior. i personally headcanon kawahira kept the whole chosen seven thing going for a year give or take tops, but if we're strictly talking canon, i think it's more likely it only lasted a couple of months seeing as how it was all one giant trap, and kawahira probably wouldn't have wanted to give enough time to the strongest/greatest of their generation to figure it out. and, you know, as two consenting adults, if reborn and luce decided to get it on on sight, then good for them lol, but i don't think for a second they'd have been careless enough for a baby to be born out of it.
i mean, just think about it. luce knew they were all going to get cursed, knew aria would take upon the curse after her death, knew she'd die young because of the curse, leaving aria alone likely when she was still a child, but she'd still have wanted/chosen reborn of all people (or any of the other arco for that matter) to be her dad? would have been okay with that? knowing the kind of situation they'd have had to be a father and daughter in? like, at least luce got to raise aria in an adult body for as long as she was alive, you know. and this point stands especially true if luce & reborn relationship is truly meant to parallel gamma & aria's like implied in the scene above. i.e., luce wouldn't have let herself act on her feelings even if she had them knowing all she did, let alone would have let herself have a child with reborn.
on the other hand, from reborn's side of things, if we say becoming a father is a thing he wants at some point, i just don't think he already wanted to become one at that point in time tbh. or that he's the type to trust someone so much and commit to a relationship to such an extent in only a couple of months. especially not when they got to meet and knew each other in the incredibly suspicious setting that was the whole chosen seven thing, which they were all definitely more or less aware and wary of. and more rather than less, for sure.
reborn also knows to be pragmatic/rational/logical when he needs to be, and seeing that the chosen seven business was when they were all at their prime mafia-wise (or he was at the very least anyway), meaning that's also when they had the most enemies after them who'd also have been powerful, even if he wanted a baby at that time, he'd still likely have chosen to wait for another time when his child would have been less likely to be targeted to get to him. and if not that, like i already said, from the way he advised gamma, even if he already wanted and was ready to have a child at the time, it seems he thought he had the time to take things slow with luce and acted accordingly.
so for all these reasons, i personally don't think reborn is aria's dad, or that there's anything in canon that really hints at it despite how, at the same time, there's also nothing that go against it.
about gamma being uni's dad, i also don't believe he actually is either. it's purely fanon as far as i know. this is also based on one (1) scene because that's pretty much all we got about gamma & aria relationship lol, apart from gamma being/having been in love with her, but look:
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[ID: A panel from the manga Katekyo Hitman Reborn.
It shows Gamma thinking about moments he spent with Aria. One of those moments show him sitting shirtless on the window of her room, raising his hands in surrender as Aria points a gun at him, sitting on her bed and covering herself with the blanket. /End ID]
if you look at this, there was something definitely not platonic going on between them lol, so i get why gamma is made out to be uni's dad, but at the same time aria was also clearly intent on not letting their relationship become too much not platonic, no matter how she might have really felt inside or what she might have really wanted to do instead. there's also the fact that gamma explicitly says in the future arc that his feelings were unrequited. also he had no idea of uni's existence until she showed up (didn't even know aria was ever pregnant either), and when she did gamma never reacted to her like there was the possibility she was his and aria's daughter.
but most importantly, there was definitely something romantic going on between gamma and uni. and amano somehow managed to both make it explicitly clear and also ambiguous lol, but also they literally confessed to each other, you know. uni even said "i like you just like my mother did", and reborn talks about "admiration", but just look at what else he says in that scene with gamma above. so like, it's clear amano didn't mean for gamma to be uni's dad lol.
that's all strictly canon-speaking tho! as far as fanon goes, i know it's common to make gamma her dad, and like reborn being aria's dad, it easily fits within canon too. but tbh i think either their dads are some random dudes we didn't get to know and that they ideally loved, or there's NO dude at all and just. well, you know. they're half-aliens, so like. who knows what pregnancy and having children even mean for them lol.
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theresawritesstuff · 1 year
Ms. Holloway at the Gaslight
(I promise I'm also working on my Midgelenny Wips but I'm also having fun playing in this Weissman family sandbox)
Part 1, Part 2
The Gaslight, 1928
The sound of a jazz trio drifted up to greet them as Abe descended the familiar steps of the speakeasy, the lovely Rose Lehman on his arm.
"Oh Abe, this place is positively tantalizing!" she gasped. 
A shy smile tugged at his lips. "I'm glad you like it. Bertie's no stranger to gin joints and to her credit this one does offer some of the better canapés in town. I just wish they'd clean the floors more often."
"Your sister sounds like such an adventurous soul. I can't wait to meet her! You said she lives in Canada?" Rose wondered, taking in the sights of the crowded basement bar.
"Yes, she moved there about five years ago to be with her husband Lester."
"Is he a Mountie?"
Abe chuckled, finding the notion absurd. "No." 
"He's a musician. I believe he also dabbles in instrument repair," he explained.
"I see."
She looked around for an open table but her focus was quickly broken by his struggle to suppress a grin.
"What's so funny?" she asked.
Abe shook his head. "Just imagining Lester on a horse."
She blinked. "He doesn't know how to ride?"
"Of course not."
"It's not that uncommon of a skill," she sniffed primly.
He patted her hand gently, guiding her with the arm it was draped over. "Perhaps in Tulsa, but here in New York…"
Rose rolled her eyes. "There are still plenty of horses in New York City."
"People still have carts. There's the carriages in central park," she argued.
"I suppose…" he conceded unconvincingly, looking around the room.
"You're telling me you've never had the opportunity to ride a horse. Not ever in your entire life?" she wondered incredulously. 
She knew things in New York were different from life in Oklahoma but everyone she'd ever known growing up had known how to ride.
"Opportunity or not, I am a scholar, Rose. My primary goals in life growing up involved extensive reading. One cannot read while on horseback."
She scoffed lightly. "Don't be silly. Of course you can! As long as the horse knows where it's going…"
"There he is!" A curly haired woman exclaimed boisterously from across the room as she crossed to greet them. "Doctor Abraham Weissman, PHD and President of the snooty-booties-who-only-like-to-talk-about-how-smart-they-are club."
Abe chuckled as the petite woman planted a kiss on his cheek. "Professor Weissman, Bertie. Please," he corrected. "I'm useless if someone in here has a heart attack. Don't go giving anyone the wrong idea."
His sister laughed. "Nonsense. You can exclaim e-gads he's having a heart attack! with the best of them."
"When have I ever uttered the phrase e-gads?" he contradicted.
Bertie ignored him, turning to acknowledge his date. "You must be Rose."
"Lovely to finally meet you, Bertha. I've so been looking forward to getting acquainted," Rose greeted. 
"Oh, aren't you a doll! Abe, you really undersold how gorgeous she is. Yowzers! Love the bob."
"Thank you." Rose blushed, running a hand through the ends of her hair modestly.  
"Come sit, come sit! I promise the chairs don't bite," Bertie welcomed.
Once they were seated, she turned a curious brow on her younger brother.
"So Professor," she drawled. "I take it the job offers have already started pouring in?"
"They will…at some point. I had an interview with Columbia recently that I think went rather well. I made sure to bring up some of the newer theories within my expertise that I intend to teach on, if hired. They also have a very elderly mathematics department. I sensed a few impending retirements when I was there."
"Columbia would be lucky to have you," Bertie assured him.
"Tell her about the apartment," Rose prompted.
"Apartment?" Bertie's eyebrows lifted in question.
Abe exhaled modestly. "I've heard rumors that a professorship would come with housing as one of the perks of the position."
"They let you have your pick of dormitory?" Bertie teased.
"The university owns a few apartments on the Upper West Side they reserve for their more prestigious instructors, especially those with a family in tow. And given that my dissertation was very well received and I've been making strides within the field while completing my degree, it seems within the realm of possibility…"
He glanced quietly at Rose as he mentioned family, keeping his hands clasped tightly on the table, likely in an attempt to keep himself from reaching for hers.
Bertie bit her tongue to keep from commenting on it.
She'd been more than a little miffed with her parents when she heard they'd hired a matchmaker for her brother. Butting in on her own love life when she was a singleton was one thing. She knew what to expect and what was expected of her. She could handle herself. But Abe had a tender heart behind that enormous brain of his. He could not withstand a true heartbreak if things fell through.
She blew out a breath, focusing on the part of the discussion she knew he was comfortable with.
"An apartment on the Upper West Side, a professorship at a renowned university. I can hear our parents kvelling from here," she beamed, shaking her head. "It will be all they talk about for the next year, mark my words. Abe Weissman, esteemed professor of mathematics and pride of all Manhattan! Were it not for the grandchildren I've given them, it would already be Bertha who?"
Abe let out a laugh at her playful ribbing. "How are the children? Did they enjoy the train ride?"
Bertie slumped dramatically in her seat. "Did they ever! Sherry kept pestering the poor chap working the dining car about the recipe for the cake she had and Jacob ran around the car until he passed out. Tishy napped most of the way. Speaking of which!"
Looking past them into the crowd, she called out, "Lester, dear, who's got our little Canadian contraband?"
"Just got her back from Viola. She insisted on giving her a bite of pickled egg just to see what she would do with it," Lester said, coming to join them, a baby wriggling happily on his hip.
"There she is!" Bertie cooed at the sight of her daughter.
"Oh!" Rose gasped in surprise as Lester joined them before she could stop herself.
"Miss." Lester gave her a smile. "Abe. Good to see you."
"You brought the baby? Why isn't she asleep at her grandparents' like the other children?" Abe wondered, turning to his sister in surprise.
"I can't be away from her all night. My tits would explode," Bertie replied with a laugh, watching her brother squirm a bit at the uncouth mention of lactation. "Besides, after that nap today on the train there's no way she would sleep through the night. Trust me, Mama doesn't need to take that on."
The little girl looked up as she settled in on her mother's lap.
"Oh, hello there! Aren't you a pretty little thing. What's her name?" Rose asked, fawning over the little cherubic face looking over at them.
"We call her Tish," Lester added, pulling up a chair and fixing the little one's sock.
"Would you like to hold her?" Bertie offered.
Rose blanched slightly, looking from the baby to her new designer dress. 
"Well, I um…alright," she replied, caving to what felt like a test of her maternal qualifications.
Bertie handed her over, the little girl flashing a grin at being passed to someone new.
The smile quickly faded into an inquisitive, serious expression as she looked up at Rose, tilting her head slightly.
"Huh. That's odd. She's usually such a giggle goose," Bertie mused.
Rose blinked, plastering on a smile. 
"Oh she probably is just curious about the pearls," she laughed, dangling the long strand for the little one to see.
"Abe! Great to see you Old Sport."
Abe looked up as one of the musicians came to greet them. "Chester! How long has it been?"
"Ages, chum. We must catch up. But first, I am parched! Can I convince you to tickle the ivories for me a spell?"
"Oh I don't know…" he replied modestly.
"I was actually going to tap in on the bass for a song or two if you care to join," Lester offered.
Abe bit his lip, wavering noncommittally. "My improvisational skills might not up to par these days. I'm so out of practice."
"You're welcome to stick to the script if that'll make you more comfortable. I brought a few pieces I've been working on."
Lester waved the sheets of paper he'd been keeping tucked in his pocket.
"Really?" Abe brightened, his interest piqued.
"You'd be the first to play them other than myself," Lester replied.
"Well in that case. That is if–"
He turned to look at the table.
"Go! Both of you. We girls can keep each other entertained without you just fine, can't we Rosie?" Bertie insisted.
"Rose?" Abe asked.
Rose nodded. "Go ahead, Abe. I know how much you adore playing. And I always love to hear you."
"We'll play something real sweet for you," Lester promised.
The pair of women watched them go as the men reacquainted themselves with the instruments.
"He seems nice," Rose observed.
Bertie nodded, smiling softly.
"He is."
Rose bounced Tish on her knee softly, sorting through just how she wanted to phrase what was going through her head. "So um, how did you two…"
"Fall in love?" Bertie offered mercifully.
The older woman glanced fondly at her husband. "I can't speak for him but for me it started right over there."
"Here? In this very room?" Rose wondered, already caught up in the tale. She'd always adored a love story.
Bertie nodded. "Part of why I like to swing through this part of town when we visit. I'm a bit sentimental. It was back when I was still trying to get my hat in the opera ring. Trying being the operative word. I had drifted in for a pick me up while I was working on an audition piece that had me completely stuck. I could not for the life of me get the language of the song to flow properly. It was from Carmen, I remember. Habanera specifically."
"Ah! L'amour est un oiseau rebelle. Beautiful number," Rose sighed.
Bertie chuckled. "You can say it better than I ever could."
"Well I spent a little time in Paris last year," Rose admitted proudly. "But do go on. Please."
She obliged. "Anyway, there I was, right over there, with my music and my martini, muttering the phrases of the song to myself over and over and over. And then the piano starts playing along."
Rose let out a gasp. "Was it Lester?"
Bertie smiled to herself at the younger woman's enthusiasm.
"It was indeed. I was so embarrassed at first but he had such a kind smile. We just ended up laughing and that led to talking and talking led to singing…" She sighed happily at the memory, growing thoughtful. "I remember he told me not to worry so much about the words and to just trust my gut. Riff a little. So I did. I don't think I'd ever truly loved performing until that moment. All those lessons and recitals growing up. The years at IMA. I knew I was meant for it. But I didn't love it until I knew him."
Rose blinked, touched by the notion.
Bertie smiled, brushing it off casually. "Anyhow, after that I knew I needed more of Les in my life. His smile lit up my whole world that night."
Rose felt herself grow a bit misty. "Oh my... That's actually quite beautiful."
Bertie shrugged. "Yeah it's not too shabby of a meet cute."
"And you knew he was the one right then?" Rose wondered.
Bertie thought for a moment. "No. I think I realized he was the one when I was struggling to come up with a stage name and he got so fed up with me pestering him for surname ideas that he said I should just borrow his since he wasn't using it."
Realizing she should explain, she added, "He goes by Jacobs when we're performing. Makes for less trouble if the show billing gets out to a more closed minded member of the public. But those who are fans of the act know the truth."
She took a sip of her water, looking into the glass as she held it in her hand. "It's funny. He lent me his name for a night and I finally felt like someone worthwhile. Like it was who I was meant to be."
Rose looked over at the stage as Abe began to play. 
"Must have been comforting having someone so decisive in your corner."
There was a wistfulness, a longing in the young woman's eyes. And a trace of uncertainty.
Bertie followed her gaze. 
"Something we have in common."
Bertie chewed the inside of her lip. It was heartbreaking to see the poor thing pining. Especially when it was clear that Abe was smitten.
Or at least clear to her.
But not everyone knew him like she did.
After considering her words a moment, Bertie said, "My brother is not always the easiest man to understand. It can be difficult for him to share in words exactly what he feels. He can often get caught up in his work. To those unfamiliar with his character, he can come off as uncaring. Or just oblivious. But he does love very, very fiercely. His loyalty to those he gives his heart to is unparalleled."
She set her glass down, looking Rose head on. "I suspect once his position with Columbia is secured, he will have a few things he'll want to share with you. And a few questions. Or at least one. I hope you'll have your answer ready when he does."
Rose's smile bloomed brighter at the reassurance.
"My answer has been ready for a long time."
"I'm glad to hear it." Bertie reached over, giving Rose's hand a squeeze.
Tish began to giggle as she watched Rose's expression grow happier.
"There it is!" Bertie laughed.
The two women sniffed as an odor wafted from the beneath the little one.
"Oh boy. Hang on," Bertie chuckled apologetically, scooping her daughter up.
She took a peek down the back of Tish's diaper.
"Just gas. We dodged that one," she assured the younger woman with a laugh, settling back down.
"Oh. Good," Rose laughed uneasily.
Watching the little one snuggle into her mother's arms she couldn't help but ask, "Is it worth it? All the mess and crying?"
Bertie smiled softly, glancing at the stage as the song came to a close.
"With the right person it's all worth it."
Rose smiled as Abe took a modest bow, clearly tickled by the applause.
Looking back to his niece before her, she couldn't help but note the family similarity in the child's warm brown eyes.
Three children seemed like a bit much. But she could probably handle two.
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earlgreytea68 · 1 year
Hi! Some time ago, like earlier this year, you talked about how it is sometimes very scary to wait for a continuation of something you’ve been enjoying, be it a show, a book series, new album etc. and that you are scared for a different reasons, like, would it be as good, would I love it, how will the fandom change after that, and about a lot of other different things, that could impact your enjoyment of it. And I don’t know if you know, but you probably have seen by now, Good Omens 2 came out, and the ending of the season… let’s put it that way, if the writers of 3-d potential season would use your golden ratio of angst and fluff system, we still have a chance in the future, but otherwise… fob stuff is saving my sanity right now, it’s really a great timing, to be honest! And I like what laudanumcafe said on this matter, that who could’ve imagined, that reality would be soothing us after watching a new season of our comfort show. So anyway, now I’m going to reread the musical peterick fic of yours, because it was always one of my favourites, and it got mentioned a few times recently. Also, I would bet my actual MONEY, that if they magically decide to write a musical, and someone casually drops the name “Stumped” as a possible title, Pete would immediately run with it and stick with it until the end.
Oh, nooooooo, I'm so sorry, this whole Ask speaks of pain and I know well that feeling and I really feel deeply for you. :-(
I've seen Good Omens S1 but I haven't watched S2 yet and although I adore the book and I adore both David Tennant and Michael Sheen it isn't a fandom love for me BUT also thank you for this warning because I don't want to be sad so I'll probably avoid watching it lol
ANYWAY, I'm glad you have comfortfic to read, that is honestly for-real the reason I write comfortfic, so I'm glad it's there for you.
And I really am so sorry about the S2 thing. As you know from having referenced my previous post, I get how that is just the worst feeling. :/
(I think my post about being nervous is here, but I also wrote one about S3 of Sherlock which...we all know how that turned out lololol.)
(Also here is my post on my Golden Ratio Theory, if you're curious -- and how television series almost always mess it up.)
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
I know it's been a while since you reblogged the ask game above, but if you're still down I have a few questions for you!
9: What genre is your favourite to write?
17: Could you or could you not successfully pull of a murder (at least in theory)? (<- I understand if you'd rather leave this one unanswered for legal reasons lol)
30: What is, in your opinion, the greatest achievement that you have reached in writing?
Bonus if you feel like it: What is your favorite writing memory that you still look back on fondly?
PS: I love your writing style so much & I can't wait to catch up on all your works I missed because life was keeping me too busy!! Got some real treats to look forward to these next few days, hehe <3
Hello there, anon! Is 💚🌻 your anon signature? I will add it to the list!
And no worries, I did reblog that a while back, but I'm happy to answer any questions at any time! Any ask game that I reblog, people can send me asks from it any time they like, even if it's been a while lol. I don't mind!
9: What genre is your favourite to write?
My favorite is fantasy without a doubt! That's one of the things I love about Obey Me, too, is that yeah we got a lot of romance happening, but they've also got ~magic~! And demons! And angels!! I'm so into that kind of thing. But when I write original works, it's always fantasy or some kind of fantasy/sci-fi mashup. I just really like worldbuilding and messing around with the possibility of things like magic. It's fun to see how stuff like that can change a story's plot. I also like how no matter how fantastical you get, people and their relationships still tend to work the same way.
17: Could you or could you not successfully pull of a murder (at least in theory)? (<- I understand if you'd rather leave this one unanswered for legal reasons lol)
Listen I might be concerned about answering this if I was at all competent lol. But the reality is that I can't even kill bugs, so murder is just not something I think I would be capable of to begin with. However, if we're considering whether or not I could get away with it, pretending that I was somehow able to commit one in the first place, I still think the answer would be most likely not. I think I'd feel so guilty about having killed someone that I would turn myself in, even if I had some amazing plan to get away with it.
30: What is, in your opinion, the greatest achievement that you have reached in writing?
Okay, well. I am nothing if not the ultimate cheeser. So while I might talk about awards I've won or projects I've finished, I honestly think the greatest achievement I've reached has been right here on this blog. Some of the reactions I've gotten to things I've posted are truly the highest of achievements. Because when I write, my goal is to make people feel something. So when they actually do, then I know I've written something that does what I set out to do. I think this is why I write fluff so much. Because I like making people feel warm and fuzzy. It makes me feel accomplished in a way that awards and such never really have.
Bonus if you feel like it: What is your favorite writing memory that you still look back on fondly?
When it comes to fanfiction, I would say it was the time I was writing Lord of the Rings fanfiction by hand in a spiral notebook and someone in my class was like "Are you writing about Arwen??" And then I had to explain that I was writing fanfiction and it was so embarrassing lol. This was many years ago but it makes me laugh now. I used to write by hand a lot, but I think that was the only time someone looked over my shoulder to see what I was writing.
For original works, it was the time I found my mom had kept almost the entire manuscript of the very first novel I ever wrote. I was fourteen when I wrote it and I printed out every chapter for her to read as I finished it. Years later, in my late twenties, she found it and gave it to me. I read it and oh my gosh it was so funny. But! It's missing the last couple of chapters and I sure don't remember how it ended lol!
writer ask game!
And also I'm so glad you love my writing style!! I hope you enjoy reading what you've missed and welcome back! <3
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ambrosiafaery · 2 years
Heya Vtubers! It's nice to see people moving over from twitter - as much as people joke about "amping up the cringe" to drive people off, tumblr's more welcoming than you're expecting!
My ask box is definitely open if people have questions and I've seen some help starter guides floating around, and figured why not make my own too?
This isn't about how to use tumblr though it's about a lot of the common in jokes/memes that float around. Tumblr culture works very different than Twitter culture - memes dont really come and go, they stick around. Part of this is because you can reblog posts multiple times - and yes I know good memes stick around on twitter too, but it's a very different slowness to Tumblr meme culture
This does in fact mean someone can and will flood your dashboard with repeats of the same post and yes I'm looking at you reg
We've got some silly weekly traditions like out of touch thursday, wizard wednesday, and fingers in his ass sunday and yes people Do re-reblog that shit every week. If you tell me "I like your shoelaces" I will, very stupidly, blurt out the first thing that comes to mind and it will be "Thanks I stole them from the president"
The rest shall be under a readmore because this got Very long. It's not all the memes but its a lot of my favorites that I see pretty often.
the "color theory" post
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if someone says anything about color theory especially if they mentioned "children's hospital" they're likely referring to this
The skeleton wars preceded my entry onto tumblr but that was in fact a thing learn your history
Mishapocalypse was also a thing, but more relevant, is our newest holiday, Nov 4-5th
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I hate to say you had to be there, but it really was a sort of manic energy you can experience in the moment. It didn't matter if you liked supernatural, destiel, sherlock, or anything, we All held hands on Nov 5th
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The queen's death came mildly close, but there won't another queerbait like it. This is also the origin of the superhell meme for my fellow LGBT+
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Speaking of the queen, tumblr had been waiting to celebrate her death for a Long time. People will be respectful about how her death affected shit for everyone, but they aren't going to be respectful towards her or the royal family here. We had our crab raves ready for Years before she finally kicked the bucket.
We did enjoy the sexyman polls btw, even if you twitter people were silly enough to host them offsite
"Daily Dracula" isn't just tumblr specific, but it is very popular here. It's an email newletter that sends snippets of the classic novel in real time with dates from the book.
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horse plinko.
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I don't have room for the entirety of the Connecticut Clark saga but its a lovely comic and Cark and Malfina are All our blorbos
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You may be familiar with tumblr celebrating the Ides of March (also a very real holiday respect our traditions), so heres another history meme we've got. If people joke about the value or copper or Ea-nasir, theyre referring to this post
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Around 2017, there was a time where nazi, pedo, terfs and other sorts of shit blogs were taken over by someone using Toy Story's Woody as an icon and Howdy Pardner as a blog title. Eventually the whole thing got out of hand but whoever originated Woody's Roundup was pretty funny
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Popularity on tumblr is hard to gauge, but theres a few blogs out there that just Everyone knows.
We know Sixpenceee for the "Sixpenceee Heals" incident among others,
we know about thejorie's Three Weed Smoking Girlfriends,
we had bone stealing witches at one point, but not sure if they're still hanging around
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thecybersmith is well known for being the Human Pet Guy among other incredibly weird takes. i think they also went to twitter but they've got a Reputation here for sure
we are Very Aware about John and Hank Green due to an incident when editing other people's posts was a thing, and people edited one of John Green's posts to be very nsfw. There's a bit of a back and forth on this one whether it was actually funny or not, but this incident did drive them off tumblr which makes John Green's recent string of tweets Fascinating
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The wizard blogs are special to us, please be polite to them and pay your wizard tithes on time. I don't listen to the wizard council though, I'll cast transmute idaho if I want to.
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People are sometimes really bad about reading the op of a post, and one-time-i-dreamt is well known for jumpscaring people with posts that seem like almost real encounters until you realize the blog title means this was something someone dreamed
There's definitely more but i woke up in a cold sweat at 3:30 am to write this and its now 5am so I'll leave it at that. add your favorite tumblr specific memes if you'd like.
tumblr loves to beat a dead horse (or put it in a plinko) so dont be afraid to reblog old jokes, or put a new spin on an old joke, or be like Reg who regularly reblogs the "i control the paladins" tiktok fifty times in a row when people get a bit too weird in their notes (not an exaggeration. I learned tumblr hotkeys for you my beloved mutual)
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multi-writer · 2 years
Love in the Past: Chapter 7 – Running Up That Hill
Eddie x 2022! Reader
(time travel reader)
Chapter 6: The Crazy Van Dude > < Chapter 8: The Lovers Lake
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Summary: who would have thought that a simple investigation of events that happened more than 30 years ago would lead to an unforgettable and somewhat bizarre journey?.
Author´s note: Guess who has been crying all weekend? Me lol. But I can finally sit down to write. Good news! This week will be my last week of classes in my college so I'll finally be able to write again every afternoon and bring more stories. Spoiler! I'm thinking about the second part of "Tolerate It", a new story besides this one (also with Eddie because we need to fix some emotional damage) and I think I will change the ending of this series (so it will have a few more chapters based on the end of this season and what we know about the fifth one, I'm just telling you that a lot of things are coming). I hope you enjoy this chapter!
When you arrived at the school you all went out of the car quickly so that no one could see you. Steve led you to a window that was ajar and helped you first to enter. Inside, the silence of the place caused pressure in your chest as if you were waiting for something to appear. The place was dark, when you turned around you saw Max trying to go up, you quickly helped the girl to enter, the next one was Dustin, who was a little more difficult than Max but they managed to help him, both teenagers went to the classroom door to investigate that there wasn't someone else in the school, they opened the door and silently went out.
The last one to go up was Steve, who did it without any problem. The man, seeing you nervous, just smiled and put his hand on your shoulder.
"Relax, you're with us, nothing is going to happen to you" The man´s comment made you smile. At the door, Dustin and Max were waiting for you to leave.
"Here they are..." and then began to read the documents. Steve, Dustin and you stared at Max as she read silently, concern was filling her gaze. "Both of them had the same symptoms; headaches, nosebleeds, nightmares, visions... and from there nothing else. All with in the same order..."
"Perfect!" said Dustin. "Looking at the dates you can see that the last thing that happened was the visions and that was one day before his death. With that we will know who will be next!"
"Max?" The girl's face looked distressed, which is why you decided to talk to her. "What's wrong?" You asked her.
"I... I've had the symptoms too" She commented quietly. The atmosphere became tense. "I'm next..." she said as she looked at Dustin.
"No, definitely not. We won't let anything happen to you" Steve assured.
"If Dustin's theory is correct...I only have a few hours left...I've already had the visions Steve..." the girl's eyes began to fill with tears that she quickly cleaned.
"Steve is right, we won't let Vecna near you" You demanded. "Nothing will happen to you as long as you're with us." You held her hand tightly trying to convey confidence and security. Everyone was silent thinking of some idea to keep Max safe until a noise in the hallway interrupted you. Max jumped in shock and you, without thinking, stood in front of the red-haired girl in case you had to keep her safe. Dustin stood next to you so you were all together while Steve unplugged a lamp in the office.
"Everyone stay here, don't go out" the man ordered in a low voice. Concern gripped the three of you as Steve slowly opened the door and walked to where the noise had been heard. You could hear your heart beating, Dustin looked at you worried while Max squeezed your hand trying to calm down. With slow steps you started walking towards the door, you turned to look at the clock and back at the door. Time seemed to be passing very slowly.
As you left the office you saw Steve at the end of the hallway with the lamp over his right shoulder ready to strike if necessary. Max and Dustin were behind you as you led them to where the man was, Steve stopped for a moment before turning into the next hallway while the three of you kept walking trying to catch up with him, as if you had made a silent pact not to leave Steve alone against whatever had made a sound.
The noises could be heard closer and closer making you hold your breath, they were slow but they could be heard perfectly close to where you were. You saw Steve take a breath of air and then jump in front of whatever was there. Both he and a boy screamed at the sight of each other.
"Damn it Lucas. What the fuck are you doing here?" replied Steve angrily as he lowered the lamp. As he turned around he came face to face with you in surprise. "Shit! I told you to stay in the room!" he yelled.
"We weren't going to leave you alone! You're crazy if you thought that!" you replied as you advanced towards him to see who was responsible for your scares. In front of you stood a boy wearing a jacket from some team.
"Lucas? What are you doing here?" asked Max approaching.
"I've been looking all over for you guys! The team has been looking for Eddie and therefore Mike and Dustin! I've been leading them the other way while I've been on my way here."
"And how did you know we were at the school?" asked Dustin.
"I saw Steve's car parked outside while I was looking for them. Who are you, by the way?" he turned to you again.
"(y/n) a new friend who wants to help them" you raised your hand in greeting. The boy raised his hand likewise. While they were still talking one person in the group had disappeared.
"Hey... and Max" asked Lucas causing you, Dustin and Steve to look mutually alarmed.
"We'll split up and look for her! First one to find her yells to find out where she is!" commented Steve. You all took different hallways to cover more of the school and find Max.
The hallways were a bit long and spooky because of how dark and lonely they were, perfect for a being from another dimension to attack. You had never run so fast. Worry filled your body again as you thought of Max. You stopped at every door to see if she wasn't there. When you didn't see her, you became more desperate remembering that she had said she only had a few hours, maybe less given the situation. Turning around in the hallway you could see a red-haired girl staring at the wall. You ran as fast as your legs would let you until you reached her. The way Max was standing made the worry you had turn into fear, her eyes were looking up while she was immobile, so you grabbed her shoulders and started shaking her.
"MAX!!! MAX WAKE UP. GUYS I FOUND HER! MAX, PLEASE WAKE UP" One of your hands went to her cheek to hold her face. In the distance you could hear the hurried footsteps of the boys, who were soon beside you and started shouting Max's name. A few seconds passed before she took a breath of air causing her to fall to her knees and her eyes to return to normal. The four of them followed her to the floor of the school to hold her down so the girl would calm down.
"Vecna!... He... He is here," the girl said between breaths. "There was a clock, a very old clock. It's always a clock" Steve turned to look at you and you just nodded.
"Time to go." Quickly everyone got up, Max with help from Lucas, and went back to the counselor’s office to grab the sheets they had found and take it with them in case it would be of any use.
You went out the same window they came in through and everyone ran to Steve's car, the three teens in the back and you accompanying Steve in the front.
"Where are we going?" you asked as you adjusted your seat belt. "To my house, it's lonely at the moment so it's perfect to come up with a plan." Steve said as he started his car. The drive wasn't that long, upon arrival Max headed to the kitchen table while the rest of you stayed in the living room to think. While Dustin told Lucas everything you had discovered, Max asked Steve for some paper and a pen and then began to write on different sheets of paper.
You sat down on the floor and opened your backpack, inside was the walk-man that was supposed to be your cell phone, when you opened it there was no cassette, so you were surprised but you did not give it much importance, along with this were some car keys, apparently, that had also changed, but you did not know where it could be, the candy had also changed era. Finally, you found a lighter that belonged to a friend of yours and you had it because she asked you to take care of it. When you saw what you had you were discouraged because none of this would help you in case you fought with whatever was looking for Max.
Your thoughts were interrupted when the girl came over to give the boys cards. "Don't open it!" she commented as she saw Steve was opening his. "In case something happens to me...I want you to know how I feel about you all..." she commented making Lucas get up from the couch.
"Max, nothing is going to happen to you" He said grabbing her arms, Max only moved to pull them off of him.
"Just in case something happens to me" he commented then turning to look at Steve. "Steve, I want to go to my house to see my mom, can we?"
"Sure, we'll be right there" replied the man without hesitation. Everyone got up and you quickly stuffed all your stuff into your backpack and then clutched it in your arms.
Remembering that Max's house was next to Eddie's and you had already been there, you knew they wouldn't last long in the car. Upon arrival, Max ran out to her house while you stood outside waiting for her. It didn't last long before she came out of her house. Her face looked upset.
"Hey, everything okay?" asked Steve.
"Yeah...can we go to the cemetery?" his question made you look at her with surprise but you decided to stay quiet. Steve just started the car back up and set off. When he got to the place she wanted, just like at home, she got out alone and with quick steps walked over to a headstone where she sat down.
"She lost her brother while fighting a monster last year at the mall. He sacrificed himself for Eleven" Dustin explained to you as he looked at his friend.
"Eleven? The girl with powers right?" you asked as you turned to look at him.
"Yes, she has superpowers" Dustin answered causing Lucas to punch him in the arm and signaling with his eyes to not comment further. "What? She's from the future, I don't think a girl with powers is something weird" Lucas turned to look at you.
"Nice to meet you" you moved your hand closer to shake his. "I'm (y/n), I'm from the future where technology has advanced, nothing paranormal happens and where girls with superpowers are indeed strange because in any year is not something you see every day" Lucas let out a laugh as he shook your hand. Letting go he turned to look at Max seeing that she was still sitting down.
"How's the future?" asked Lucas.
"Boring" you sighed. "A lot of things are happening but at the same time not. Everyone is connected on the internet and a lot of electronic devices are going to change more than you think" You decided to leave your information as general as possible, no knowing if talking about the future was going to change if you told them anything more detailed.
"Hey... Max took too long already" Steve commented looking towards the window.
"She's with Billy, let her talk to him" Dustin continued.
"No, I'm serious, Max isn't moving" After that, the oldest of the group opened the door and got out to yell at her, when Max didn't answer you all got out of the car to run to where she was. Just like at school, her eyes were looking up, the first one to grab her was Lucas, who started yelling at her. Dustin pulled out his Walkie Talkie while trying to communicate with Robin and Nancy hoping for some information, Steve was yelling at Max while you were thinking of some way to wake her up from her trance.
They kept yelling at her until a noise came out of the device in Dustin's hands. "Music... use... music" the connection was failing but that was enough for the three boys to open Max's backpack and pull out his Walk-Man and search through her cassettes for something. While they searched, you sat down next to Max and grabbed her hands trying to wake her up, they were ice cold. When you saw her feet move and felt her get up that's when you yelled to the guys.
"Boys! Hurry! Something is happening!!" you shouted making them get desperate.
"It's happening! It's happening to Max!" yelled Dustin into the Walkie Talkie.
Lucas quickly placed a cassette in Max's device and placed it in her ears before it was too late, 'Running Up That Hill' could be heard from it. You let go of her hands as the girl rose higher causing you to pull her hair out of desperation and start yelling at her along with the rest of the guys.
"It´s happening the same thing Eddie told us about with the girl in his trailer" you commented causing your eyes to fill with tears, scared for the girl.
This can´t be happening
tags: (the ones in black are the ones i can´t tag and i don't know why :c) @lillyof-the valley @jedinerd27 @greekktragedyy @preciousbabypeter @joukiworld @hellojameshowyadoin @sleepgod182 @knowledgefulbutterfly @totallynotkaibiased @felicityofbakerstreet @beatrizsunflower @stitchattacks @tyunite @thcorvi @im-nada @intergalacticaquarium @thedoubleexposurephotography @edenstarkk @bubblebuttwade @mouseymagines @notjosepedrobalmacedapascal @abbygraceasd @becc-wa @science--hoes @frozenhuntress67 @bucky-babygirl @mcueveryday @madhatterweasley @aspcun11 @allmixedlove @tina1938 @smolserpent @bilbobag9ins @little-diva-gurl
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