boraorar · 7 months
Já dizia o Senhor através dos seus profetas que não deveríamos acreditar em toda conspiração 
Versículos do dia:
Is 8:12-13: "“Não chame tudo de conspiração, como eles fazem;  não viva com medo do que eles temem. Considere o SENHOR dos Exércitos santo em sua vida; é a ele que você deve temer. 
Ele é quem deve fazê-lo estremecer;"
O Remanescente Fiel Confia em Deus Somente.
Is 8:16-17: "Preserve os ensinamentos de Deus; confie a lei àqueles que me seguem. Esperarei pelo SENHOR, que se afastou dos descendentes de Jacó; 
porei nele minha esperança."
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yeshuaedits · 2 years
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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"A Gift For Danu" by @tombagshaw
Mythology Eriu, though it should reach a road-end, Banba, Fotla, and Fea, Neman of ingenious versicles, Danann, mother of the gods. -Lebor Gabála Érenn
Danu did not appear in Celtic or Irish myths, and was known only through the name Tuatha Dé Danann, or “Children of the goddess Danu.” She was described as the mother of the gods in the Lebor Gabála Érenn, though this was her sole appearance in medieval Irish literature. Despite the lack of available information, scholars have nevertheless attempted to derive some sense of the goddess' being.
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Jon - chapter 2 versicle 5.
and don't you forget it.
you better get a tramp stamp of jon 2:05
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jbird-the-manwich · 1 year
Be overworked real magic into dungeons and dragons or coding? And how can I do this also
To tell you the truth I've never really had a good opportunity to participate in dungeons and dragons. I played a few times with my cousins as a tiny falsetto child, but maybe twice. I usually ended up dying horribly and then reading the manuals they had instead, far, far more stimulated by the illustrations of tight shit, which Ironically enough, I did end up manufacturing ersatz for use in my own workings purely out of convenience many years ago. Though, It would be a lot of fun, to steal away with a DMs favorite dice and conjure them to behave Erratically In My Favor (Or My Enemies Disfavor) Or learn to read dice and use numerological breakdown equations to attempt to read the dms next moves and plan your strategies accordingly.
The most pop-culture magic thing I've done was in my early twenties when I used some jupiter magic to petition a specific hour of jupiter for hunting shiney pokemon. It did seem like I found quite a few more, but in the end I ended up feeling kinda bad about it because depending how you view planetary magic you're basically asking a planetary intelligence older than humanity to perform a function you could provide for yourself just as easily with a romhack. (I was emulating). I may still end up making my besty a shiney charm for pokemon go, as it gives her joy, and I like to show my affection with gifts, but that I would work with blood, so arguably only my ancestors might give a shit and they ought to know by now I ain't got good sense so.... we'll see.
As far as programming a spell itself, that's a biiiiit of a long stretch by my magical model that I adhere to. I'm primarily an animist, so for me, the thing is, say I call or conjure a spirit to do a thing. Sometimes a whole mess of them.
If you're of a chaos magic bent you could *try* sigilizing something, as plaintext, and writing a very simple proglet to echo that text to the console endlessly, or based on a planetary hour, or select a versicle related to the purpose and echo that, or all of the above, or even a script to open and close a planetary seal in a window at certain hours, or an ASCII snip of a planetary glyph, but to my personal models, I could just as easily accomplish most of those things without electricity with rocks and sticks and bones and ink and materia, and efficiency of resource use, both physical and computational, is my guiding star.
*maybe* it could be useful, If you had a job interview, or impending incarceration, or a court date and wanted to know *something* was happening conceptually related to another pre-existing spell to feed it, but by my model of practice, this would still require off-code magic to make the spitting of characters to a console even remotely related to a spell intended to Do A Thing, and, Depending on how you view magic and transmission of intent you could hide stuff in the comments as a certain astrology app developer was said to do, but to my reasoning and practice, this is a waste of effort and a misunderstanding of a key element of what makes witchcraft distinct from other forms of magic - if a cute decor to your source code - as compilers don't include comments by default in any finished binary. Using an interpretive language would keep the comments intact with the instructions but they would still be stripped prior to VM code and thus excluded from execution.
You could, in theory, store a spoken spell as a string variable hardcoded in the binary and then call that variable to instantiate the spell in memory, perform some transformation against it so the compiler won't optimize away the "unused" string variable, and then do something with the transformation, say, walk the string a character at a time, summing their ordinal values, and printing the result every X milliseconds and immediately clearing the screen so the entire process is invisible outside a debugger, but this is an experiment I have not performed. Yes I accidentally just invented ascii sigils just now oh my god the disc horse I can hear the hoofbeast what have I done what have I done whyyy?!?!?!? WHY GODS?!?!
ohkay I've accepted it. *ahem*
It really all depends on how you use and view magic and your creative limits in regards to brainstorming how you might incorporate technology.
For my own uses, about the best purpose I could find for my programming bent in relation to magic was in the production of my digital grimoire I wrote to prepare print-pretty HTML output of spells I input as a write them for inclusion into my solid, meatspace grimoire, and offline use on any device with a web browser:
the output + indexing feature of which is complete, and is a very handy means of auto-calligraphing a spell onto paper via Thee Most Sacrede Inkjete Printinge Daimon Of Artaeaea, and it's lacking only the finishing of the plaintext console version that can run with no browser. It runs fine under LINKS2 on dos but that browser runs for shit on the newest handheld I own (I suspect a bug in the dos emulations network layer spamming the error console as the device has no network hardware, but have not poked around enough to determine if that's why yet)
The current revision even supports theming, formula storage, windows and linux, and supports a different theme for each section, with support for CSS themes, for which a proof of concept of layering and animation support is functional, for basically no good reason than I was high on eweed and was like 'hehe what if nyancat":
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I'm also currently working on retroprogramming an enumerator program to derive, accurately to occult theory, based on the qualities of arbitrary objects, correct planetary rulerships based on the doctrine of signatures and associated texts, but so far only the plant function is feature complete. The program itself isn't complete yet, and will support at least color theming:
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The photo is a very early prototype, and while I got stoned one week and wrote 90% of the functions when our internet shat out and I finally had 0 distractions from the task, I haven't fucked with it further yet. The current prototype runs under DOS emulation so I can run it on anything modern, including phones and handheld gaming devices. I may end up rolling all the pieces and parts into one program that can do the whole witchy business, possibly with a very simple natural language core shell I might call AGATHA in honor of ELIZA, the ancient ai experiment intended to simulate a conversation with a therapist. All of these are essentially iterations of the first whole program I ever wrote intended to store occult information. I called it arcana and it was lisa frank colors. I'll post a photo sometime.
i'm playing with the idea of learning enough lua to produce a more adorable version for Pico-8 or a FOSS work-alike for the planetary enumerator, but have not began this yet.
There are a few other features it needs to be generally considered a digital witchcraft assistant system, but ONE DAY.
I intend to release it all eventually, maybe on itch.io or something. Freebie wise, I'm also working on a set of scripts for AI to give them the same capabilities, but so far only bard can run it. My own model and method of Doing Pointy Hat Things relegates computers to reference tools, more or less, and not active participants, but, I mean whos to say you couldn't build a servitor as a text object on a flash drive or something? Experiment, chase results, lean into what seems like it works a little, until you have something that works flawlessly. Stepwise Refinement and all.
anyway thank you for the ask! it was a fun write-up.
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weshallc · 5 months
Bern's Night
Chapter Two: The Bonnie Lad That's Far Awa"
“His Face With Smile Eternal Drest, Just Like The Landlord’s To His Guest’s, High As They Hang With Creaking Din, To Index Out The Country Inn.” Versicles On Sign-Posts by Robert Burns 1788.
"The Needle Returns to the Start of the Song, And We All Sing Along as Before." Nothing Ever Happens, Del Amitri 1989.
January 2020.
Fred Buckle clambered up from the cellar of the Crown Inn and perched his ample posterior on a bar stool, wiping his forehead with an old bar towel he used when helping Paddy exchange the old barrels for new. Violet tutted as she placed a sausage sandwich and a mug of tea on the bar in front of him.
“Sure you don’t want one, Paddy.”
“No, I am fine Vi, just a cuppa, cheers. I had breakfast with Bernie before she went on her rounds.”
“I will have another one, Violet.”
“I am sure you won’t, Reggie. You scoffed that back like there was no tomorrow. Doesn’t your uncle feed you?”
No one replied to this as everyone knew Violet fed them both, if not at the Crown, at either her home or Fred’s.
To spare Violet’s blushes, Fred began. “I have a little beauty brewing. Be just right for Burns Night, Doc.”
“Burns Night?” questioned Vi.
“Yep, soon comes around after Christmas, Vi. Be Valentines before we know it.”
He winked, and Vi wiped a cloth under Paddy’s mug and straightened the bar towel.
“Fred, I don’t think so, not this year, anyway.” Paddy added, trying not to look at Val, who was checking the mixer fridge with visibly shaking shoulders.
“But we always do a Burns Night. It’s tradition,” protested Fred.
“No, we haven’t done one for the last couple of years, Fred, not since Wilf took poorly.” Vi had regained her composure.
“Well, it’s about time we did again.” Fred was like a dog with a bone, or in this case, a sausage.
Val, also more composed now, looked at Vi, who was in turn looking at Paddy. Tim, who had been trying to clean all the chalk marks off the dart scoreboard under Evie’s instruction, looked at his mentor and they both moved closer to the bar.
“Look, I know, Bernie. She won’t be upset because her dad’s not here to do the twiddly bits. She wouldn’t still be in Poplar if she was worried about being reminded of her dad.”
“Always wondered why she was still in Poplar.” Tim smirked and Evie frowned at him deciding it was time to enlighten everyone.
“The reason we haven’t had a Burns Night since Reverend Wilf died is because we have no one to Address the Haggis.”
“Well, Mr T could do it,” Reggie chirped in as Paddy went pale.
“Yeah, you’ll like that boss,” Val added, “any excuse to slope off and leave me on my tod behind the bar. I presume birthday girl Lorraine Kelly Mannion  won’t be working either.”
Evie and Vi sighed in unison. “What?” said Val.
Paddy turned to her, but before he could speak, Val interrupted. “Don’t tell me you are scared of haggis, as well as alpacas.”
Tim, Reggie and a lurking Jack found this highly amusing, but Evie had had enough.
“No, it’s not that, it really should be a Scot that addresses the haggis. Otherwise it’s just not going to sound right, a bit like, well like when Captain Kirk sang Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.”
“Isn’t that your ringtone, Tim?” Jack smirked. Tim ignored him, as per se.
“Weezer doing Africa,” Val was beginning to understand.
“Miley Cyrus doing Nirvana,” Tim added, still ignoring Jack.
“But, Bernie is Scottish!” added Reggie optimistically .
“Yes, but it’s traditionally a man,” Vi said nervously.
“Oh, well, heaven forbid we bring Poplar into the 21st century,” Val cried. “How do you know all this anyway, you two?”
“We have been doing this for years. Wilf was a member of the Burns Society. Val, you were there at the last one we had. Must have been?” Violet explained.
“Oh, I was there alright, working behind the bar. Sorry if I didn’t have time to memorize ancient Scottish protocol while fighting off the thirsty English hoards.”
“Can we all just calm down?” Paddy sounded exasperated, and it wasn’t even ten o’clock. “Look, I appreciate while Wilf was alive, and in Evie’s time we celebrated Burns Night.” He continued, a little firmer. “Me and Mazz tried to keep it going as long as Wilf was around, but he is gone. Let’s be honest, Wilf arranged everything. Even the piper was his mate from Kelso. Do you have his number Evie? I know I don’t.” The ex-landlady shook her head. “Come on, let’s admit it, we are just pissing in the wind.”
“But it’s for Bernie. You do know it’s also her birthday?” Val said sulkily.
“Yes. I do know, and if I know Bernie, she would rather just go to the pictures and a Parmo, then all this fuss.”
“Would she really?” grumbled Val.
“I do know how to prepare a good Burns supper, never had any complaints in all the years.” Vi sounded defeated.
“I brewed some ale specially.” Fred’s tone was flat in a way his beer never was.
“Paddy is right. Burns Night was Wilf’s night and gave him a chance to show off without having to stand behind a pulpit.” Evie reminisced. “For one night only, he could be Wilf Mannion in a kilt and not Poplar’s vicar in a dog collar. If we can’t do it properly, we shouldn’t do it at all.” Evie nodded toward Paddy.
Thank you, he mouthed in return.
“Does anyone else think we are overthinking this?” Val never took no for an answer.
“Yes.” Reggie cried.
“Basically, all we need is someone who is Scottish. I mean, if I have to hike up to the Borders myself and toss one over my shoulder and bring em back, I will,” Val quipped.
“Not now, Tim.”
“But Dad.”
“Not now, Tim.”
“Do they have to be 100% Scottish?” Tim asked, facing Vi and Evie, who seemed to be the authority on this.
They looked at each other, but Val stepped in. “I don’t know Tim. I will just look at the rule book. Oh, look at that there isn’t one.”
“I think we would settle for a left bollock’s worth right now,” muttered a despondent Fred.
“Fred, there is no need to be vulgar! Reggie don’t listen to him.” Vi reprimanded.
“I could do it then,” said Tim.
“You have a Scottish bollock, Turner. Does Lucy know?”
“Jack Smith!” Scalded Violet as Reggie chuckled.
“No, Smithy, but my Gran was Scottish.” Tim blushed from the neck up as is the way of teenage boys when the whole room is looking at them.
“Your gran, so Marianne’s mother,” Evie enquired.
“No, Dad’s mam.”
All eyes moved towards Paddy, who seemed to lose as much colour as Tim had gained.
“OK, so I don’t think we are going to get any further today. We open in five. Everyone back to work.”
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rinaizumo · 1 year
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Did you know that “Mysterious boy” of 7 stories actually has a name? Me neither. XD 
But my friends told me that he indeed has one.
His name is ‘Preces’ (as in Christian liturgical worship, preces are short petitions that are said or sung as versicles and responses by the officiant and congregation respectively. It is one of the oldest forms of prayer, rooted in the pre-Christian Hebrew prayers of the Psalms used in Temple worship). So, basically he’s ‘a prayer for something’. It goes well with the fact that he had actually made Sukuna’s wish come true.
Anyway if you’re into K, outside of writing a letter to Santa you can try asking Preces for some holiday miracle. ;)  Made as a joke, but well... Who wouldn’t want a miracle these days?
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electricpurrs · 2 years
i love going to the barbershop you get in there and there are a million posters on the walls like *drawing of a guy with a huge beard* *homer simpson drinking beer* *some dude smoking and looking badass* *comic page with like superman or thor in it* *something sports related* *inspirational quote that makes no sense* those swirly red and blue thingies they have in barbershops* *bible versicle* *the vendetta mask on the wall* *flaming skull except it has a huge beard* *a pic of the hulk looking pissed* *pictures of cars* *vintage coca cola ad*. it might be the most masculine place in existence
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yeshuaedits · 2 years
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dongiovannaswife · 1 year
Brief thought about my self ship with Knives (or as I've started to call him, Cuchillos) I haven't been able to push aside:
Thinking about how we seen him wearing white and looking like an angel absolutely (it probably has to do with other plots in the manga) and then, thinking back to my own aesthetic or style... I'm always wearing black, mixing textures, but always black and how that fact would make us look absolutely different.
And I mean, the rest of my f/o's would also have that contrast with me when it comes to style, but it's about his views and beliefs.
Maybe he'd think of me as some sort of temptation, the kind that would challenge his god condition complex (like that one versicle of the bible, get it?) I still don't know how to explain but I hope it makes sense 😅
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radiofreederry · 1 year
how are you making this they’re amazing
Zoobabu Silva was Jim Nabors Ruby shake Volusia McGehee digger normal Sulu bedeviled walk at the chicken go George Jones you know what UGG but super delicious hamburger or should I Bluetooth to solidify the Grandel celebrity Cole she would like a picture Labat who controls all set alarm Tonton shippable diesel so solution, but do you call cyclic in the middle but I was with WWW Liga novel boo was a little CD for walking like a third of the wall secret or she wants blue blue snowball my last Lubabalo little bubble half a pump gigolo Boba for less Americano supernova she negative on the fuck up.. Dot liver Augustus.. tuber in Russellville google machine in the lover but she has a purpose of the spell versicle I was really sick lullaby the Bluetooth store you were a burger.
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ethernalium · 2 years
will never understand people that ran away to twitter and they aren't even a nsfw blog or even mentioned sex, c'mon dude you almost wrote a bible versicle here and wanted to go there just because some hoes were banned for being the sluttiest swamp here
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kaimaciel · 2 years
Kai! Bom dia! U doing good? Sorry for bothering but I'm really thinking about Port and his history... By that I mean, in many times when looking for pt history it ends up with Catholic religion beign a vital part, so I gotta ask. What kind of catholic is Afonso? Like, how much does he takes it seriously? Does he have many images in his house? He goes to the missa de domingo? And what parts of it did he passed down to his children, like catequese? Or the bible versicles?
~É isso! Thanks for providing us with your amazing hcs! Lots of love!
Olá Yumi! Afonso used to be more serious about religion when he was younger, specially because he was fighting in the Reconquista and then working with the Templars. As he got older he became more relaxed about it.
He usually prays the rosário once a month, goes to missa de domingo every week (or saturday in the afternoon so he doesn't need to get up early in the morning), goes to confession when he feels like it, attends a few processions, as well as the santos populares (aka festas juninas), and goes to Fátima santuary at least once a year. He has a bible at home, a couple of images of Jesus, Santa Maria de Fátima (she's Portugal's patron saint), Santo António, São Pedro, São João Baptista e São Jorge. He puts flowers on the Igreja Templária de Tomar every year during the anniversary of Knights Templar death. Christmas and Easter are huge family events for him with lots of food.
I think he told his kids to go to catequese, pray the rosary and go to mass every sunday, and was very serious about never joking about God and to honor the Saints. Now that they are grown, he doesn't meddle with their beliefs, but when they're at his house he wants them to go to mass with him.
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kammartinez · 1 day
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deaconjohn1987 · 1 month
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kamreadsandrecs · 1 month
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