polinscarriage · 3 months
EXCUSE ME, WHAT? I'll go insane now
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yeah…. yeah.
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littlespoonevan · 2 months
With all due respect that you deserve but, EXCUSE ME? WHAT THE FUCK? [crying intensifies]
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askjdfh sorry!!!! i'm sorry!!!!!! but that chris line from 4x14 hAUNTS me because of the Implications. because when he buck replies with 'yeah like the ones who fixed me' chris is reassured!!!!! so i can only imagine what conversation chris and eddie had back during 2x18 to make him feel like that, y'know?????
and then the lightning strike of it all and the way buck on the ventilator probably reminds eddie of shannon on the ventilator and how the fuck is he supposed to explain that to chris because the last time someone they loved was in this situation she died and this isn't like the truck bombing where buck was alive and holding his hand and screaming in pain because buck's heart stopped. he died for 3 minutes and 17 seconds and at the point in the ep he still hadn't woken up and i just wonder if eddie was waiting, trying desperately in vain to brace himself for what he thought might happen even though he couldn't let himself believe that it would.
and then hearing chris tell buck he had to come back to them askjdfha absolute iNSANITY someone trap buck and eddie in an elevator and make them talk about how they reacted to each other's near death experiences please
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I need you to see the 8th slide NOW
OH MY GOD?????
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gag me with it rafa
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thatbuddie · 2 days
I'm not only listening Maria, I'm setting up the whole sound for the arena and equalizing that shit so it can be heard for MILESSSSSS, YESSSS YESSSS FUCKING YESSSSSSS (moaning very loudly)
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pxrxmoore · 2 months
AHSJJDKDKRKFKR ok babe i see how it is 😔🤘
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eddiediaaz · 2 months
Hi Alie, we don't talk much ofc but I wanna wish you a happy birthday, another cycle completed and the start of a new one. Wishing this new year for you comes full of new experiences, growth and good health 💜💜💜💜
THANK YOUUU joe!!! that's so sweeeet <333
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spotsandsocks · 12 days
FUCK IT FRIDAY! 📚📚📚📚📚💙💙💙
So I wanted to share a little more of my current wip and when better than FIF. So here’s a bonus chapter of author!buck au tagged by @evanbi-ckley @theotherbuckley @tizniz thank you 🥰
The Write Way to Love (bonus update)
Chapter 5
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Eddie is extremely entertained by this meet and greet , much more than he expected. After the initial shock of Evan Buckley he’d settled back to watch the man. Names have been guessed and now the children start to shuffle into groups around the table for their first activity. It’s obvious they’re all completely charmed by their favourite author and it's hardly any time since he came into the room. Eddie can hardly blame them, personally he can’t seem to take his eyes off the man. He doesn’t know what to think, or maybe he does but  he’s just not letting himself think it. 
It’s been a very long time since Eddie has felt drawn to someone like he does right now. First the encounter in the hallway and now this. How’s he supposed to feel anything but fascinated? The man is ….. well, he’s somehow else and Eddie desperately wants to get to know him more so safe and hidden at the back of the room he lets himself look and tries to stop his heartbeat from racing quite so fast with some calming breaths.
So this is E Buckley, Evan, or perhaps it’s Buck. Whatever name he goes by he has the children eating out of his hand. He’s all happy smiles and enthusiasm as he moves around talking to them. The word puppy comes to mind as Eddie watches, already feeling far too fond of this stranger.
Tags under cut but join in if you want and tell me to go away if you don’t want to be tagged at all 💜
@hoodie-buck @monsterrae1 @the-likesofus @bi-buckrights @shortsighted-owl @loserdiaz @rogerzsteven @fiona-fififi @bekkachaos @thekristen999 @ronordmann @caroandcats @hippolotamus @spaceprincessem @bidisasterevankinard @underwaterninja13 @wikiangela @stagefoureddiediaz @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @thewolvesof1998 @exhuastedpigeon @weewootruck @honestlydarkprincess @elvensorceress @daffi-990 @diazsdimples @steadfastsaturnsrings @rainbow-nerdss @lover-of-mine @actualalligator @watchyourbuck @loveyouanyway @saybiwithme @cowboycart3r @inell @shipperqueen6 and anyone I missed
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I want to spread some positivity so what are the blogs that bring you joy here 💖💖
There are so many, i hope i don't forget anyone!!
@basil-bird @softboynick @bigassbowlingballhead @taste-thewaste @eusuntgratie
@lfg1986-2 @firenati0n @myteavsricochet @porcelainmortal @faketrex
@mylucayathoughts @insecuregodcomplex @onthewaytosomewhere @caterpills @cha-melodius
@caressthosecheekbones @anti-homophobia-cheese @tailsbeth-writes @meraki-yao @almightaylor
@caterpills @handotcom @sheepywritesfics @thesleepyskipper @haeva
@doublecheekedkinard @fullerthanskippy @sparklepocalypse @artofobsession @papiercranes
@sincenewyorks @cowboycart3r @rmd-writes @14carrotghoul @hollivens
@likearainbowinthedark @klexquisite @adropofred @piratefalls @iboatedhere
Okay that's a very long list already so i'll stop here but there's dozens more 💖💖💖💖
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basil-bird · 2 days
I want to spread some positivity so what are the blogs that bring you joy here 💖💖
you are awesome for spreading this around. thank you for multiplying joy instead of hate :)
alright everyone. buckle the fuck up. you all bring me joy whether you like it or not.
@imfallingthroughtime @splendidemendax @malcolm-f-tucker @weirdness-is-good @theydjarin
@ahsoka-in-a-hood @ongoingpanicattack @hortensius @quietandburning @nudityandnerdery
@just-late-roman-republic-things @almightaylor @bigassbowlingballhead @england-would-fall @captainjunglegym
@eusuntgratie @helen-of-sparta @texasbama @mylucayathoughts @myteavsricochet
@sincenewyorks @taste-thewaste @sparklepocalypse @softboynick @mossy-fae
@stratocumulusperlucidus @adropofred @henrysfox @everwitch-magiks @artofobsession
@wouldgaysexfixthem @cowboycart3r @pangur-and-grim @straycatj @todaysbird
@dear-ao3 @somecunttookmyurl @thoodleoo @faustandfurious @catilinas
@captainkaltar @lone-rhapsodist @loquela @en-theos @curioscurio
ily all. thanks for the happy chemicals.
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hippolotamus · 21 days
Not sure if you are still doing wip tag for in case you are TSoA Coma!Eddie and buddie actor AU sounds so good
I am always down to discuss WIPs. Thanks so much for asking! Both of these WIPs came about from listening to Taylor Swift (nobody look at me) 🙈
TSoA coma!Eddie (also asked by @stereopticons)
a combination of everything has changed, and The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. To the surprise of no one this is an angsty lil thing that opens up on a memory of Buck reading a passage of TSoA to Eddie. Then it switches to present day in the hospital, with Buck watching over his husband, once again waiting for him to wake up from a medically induced coma. It will be told from Buck's POV with tiny sections of Eddie trying to find his way back. Previously posted snips here and here.
Buddie actor AU aka lights, camera, bitch smile
Associated T Swift song: I Can Do It With a Broken Heart
The only snippet that exists so far is here and I only have a few details sketched out at the moment.
Eddie is a well established Hollywood actor whose life is an outright mess following his latest girlfriend leaving and his son choosing to live with Eddie's parents. (Basically following the timeline of S7 but without Kim). His agent, Anita Mills, chooses to take a step back from him and gets him set up with Bobby Nash - agent to previous Hollywood Bad Boy Evan Buckley. While Buck has cleaned up his act it doesn't mean he doesn't still come with a boatload of insecurities underneath it all. The fic will follow a strangers/rivals to lovers structure as both men learn to deal with their shit and be the people they long to be.
ask me 'bout my wips
also tagging some belovedswho showed interest in one or both of these @theotherbuckley @diazsdimples @daffi-990 @tizniz @rainbow-nerdss
@elvensorceress @dangerpronebuddie @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @hoodie-buck @bekkachaos
@steadfastsaturnsrings @cowboycart3r @bucksbiawakening @bi-buckrights
@queerbuckleys @loveyouanyway
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I what joe.
say it.
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thatbuddie · 2 months
I think 'La Haine' is that 90's french film, I don't know exactly what is it about but I recall it was riots and fighting lol
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hmmm you’re writing about a 90s french film on your coworker’s insanely attractive instagram picture??? hmmmm french…. french kissing…. kissing… GAY!!! THAT’S SO GAY!!!
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 6 days
what toast are you
tagged by @gayhoediaz @wh0re-behavi0r @hippolotamus
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tagging @spaceprincessem @shitouttabuck @queerdiazs @spagheddiediaz @elvensorceress @cowboycart3r @devirnis @lemonzestywrites @butchdiaz @madneywedding @shyaudacity @transboybuckley @transbuck @andrewblur @turgite @lafdhoncho and anyone else who wants to give it a go!
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butchdiaz · 1 month
@cowboycart3r me looking at my bank account when i spent all my money on treats and now i have no money:
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10 TV shows
Game: Add 10 gifs from your favorite shows and tag 10 people.
Tagged by @cowboy-eddie-diaz MWAHHH Thank you! I'm going to try to use gifs that include my favorite characters from each for fun lol
9-1-1 (shocked gasps from everyone)
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2. Hannibal
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3. The Bear
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4. Supernatural
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5. New Girl
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6. Firefly
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7. Psych
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8. Star Trek: Voyager
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9. The Mandalorian (season 1-2 spec.)
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10. Smallville
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tagging people: @alphadaddyderek @heart4buddie @suavecitodiaz @bucksboobs @eddiediazismyhusband @cowboycart3r @jackwhiteprophetic @murdockbuckley @wellcollapse @just-ffox
and @ anyone who sees this and wants to do it, consider yourself tagged by me!!!!
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