#verse; fallen down [undertale]
badmusejail · 1 year
"Imagine that you've done something awful. That you've made a grave mistake."
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"Then, imagine, that by some grand miracle... time itself changes, and the thing you've done no longer happened.
"Have you still done it? Can you still bear guilt for something that, by all definition, never happened?"
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gumsnail682 · 5 months
The best fanfiction I've ever read
The house of lane 66 (It is only accessible if you have an account on Ao3)
I am no professional story analyzer, I just like reading stuff, not everything I say is correct and some things may be misremembered because I haven't done a reread of the entire thing in a little while.
There is so much to say about this fic. It builds the world so far beyond what I could have ever expected from a fanfiction, especially an undertale fanfiction. I’ve read a lot of undertale fanfics and none have captivated me like this one has. 
Instead of the skeletons being from different universes they are all brothers and are from the same universe. In a lot of fanfiction that I have read the other AU skeletons got sucked into the OG-verse usually because Sans did something with a machine. It’s a good trope but I can only read the same plot so many times without a palate cleanser. 
As of writing this the story is unfinished but I very eagerly await each update. It has a way of just sucking you in, I’ve spent hours at a time reading it forgetting I need basic things like food and water to survive because that's just how much I get sucked into the story. 
I have cried while reading this, I will not lie to you. You might not but I am a crybaby bitch and I get attached to fictional characters beyond the point of it being healthy. 
I pretty much only read reader inserts and it can be hard to find quality x reader fics, this one reached far beyond my expectations. 
I cannot express to you how impressed I am with the writing, the world building and the character development. 
To give a brief explanation of the plot; MC (reader), finds a job listing to be a groundskeeper, having been looking for a job to help pay for her college. She meets a family of monsters, skeletons to be exact.
Monsters had just come up from the underground and were working for a way that all monsters could live up on the surface. Tensions between humans and monsters are high and it is feared that another war between the two is bound to break out.
Now there is a thing that is talked about that may be a bit controversial. One of the characters admits to having fallen for a character she met when he was underage, only having grown feelings for him once he was of maturity.
Now getting into the morals and shit of that is a whole other topic that I do not want to really get into. I do just want to say I think it further builds on the culture of monsters and the way relationships work differently to humans. 
The building of an entire culture is very impressive to me. Things that are and are not normal to us and things that are and aren't acceptable. The author made it a point to say that she only became interested after he became an adult, the author did not say she had secret feelings for him before that point. To me that is a very important thing. It has been a hot minute since I’ve read that chapter so there may be some other important points that I’m forgetting but I don’t feel like going back to it right now. 
Think whatever you want about it but remember that this is having to do with a culture that is completely separate from humanity, there are of course some things that are the same, mortals that both humans and monsters share, but things do work very differently down in the underground. 
Personally if both characters are consenting adults and the relationship is healthy do your thing. If one loves the other and is not loved back as long as they respect the other person's decision and boundaries I also don’t care. Relationships can get sticky, especially if age gaps are involved. 
ALSO keep in mind that these characters are fake and do not exist so ultimately in the end it doesn't matter. The two characters aren't together and never will be together so that's another thing. 
I decided to add this part because I discovered the author's tumbler and saw they had a post about it. I don’t know, I just thought I’d give my opinion since this whole thing is about my opinion on the story. 
I want to talk about the character development, just a little bit I swear.
Spoiler warning here because I can't talk about the character development without talking about the characters and how they develop. 
I’m gonna focus on one character that I’m the most interested in; Edge
Those of you who have read the story up to the current (I am writing this while the fic is at 95 chapters according to Ao3 and 89 according to the author) know that Edge is, well, Edgy. 
He has hated the MC from the beginning of the story and only now around the current end of the story has he begun to really truly start to warm up to her. There were moments where it seemed he had opened a wall but that not really being the case in the end. 
MC acknowledges the false promises Edge has made to her which I as a reader personally forgot about until reminded because nothing came of the promise (and because it had been awhile since I’ve read the chapters in which that happened). 
His warming up to MC has been a painfully slow process but ultimately it feels more rewarding for it. Personally seeing him actually be kind (In his own way) to MC was mind blowing to me. I think it was even more impactful because of the false promises before, it seemed as though the two would just never become anything more than enemies. 
Him actually trying to put in effort to make it up to MC (for an event I will not mention because if someone is reading this without having gotten to it I don’t wanna spoil that part. It’s way too good to be spoiled in a review post. I could make a whole rant about THAT part because I have STRONG feelings about it, both good and bad.) was astounding. I fully expected the same cycles to repeat themselves but it was a very pleasant surprise to see that it wasn't the case. 
That first act of kindness after THE event was stiff and tense which makes perfect sense, It’s going to be tense for awhile and I’m not counting on it to be a steady walk to companionship. I think something else is gonna happen, something bad that tears their building relationship apart again. Maybe not something that was either of their faults, if Edge did another horrible thing I do not think MC would forgive him or give him another chance. Not after giving him so many already. 
Hell, MC might be the one to fuck up and damage the budding companionship. I don’t have any theories as to what might happen between them but it just feels like something is bound to happen. Their relationship is so rocky and fragile and I think it’s bound to gain a few more cracks. 
I personally love Edge and how he’s written and I am so extremely excited to see more of him. He’s been so scarce and every moment with him feels like something special. He seems to never fail to surprise me.
I don’t know if he and MC will ever get together, I don’t think it’s likely but I would really like it if they did. Don’t ask me why I am so weak for him, I HAVE TYPE OK!? If they do get together I think it would be closer to the actual end of the story, if it’s taken this long for them to get to the current stage it would take even longer for anything romantic to burst forth. 
I’m kinda ranting now, I need more Edge in the story aaaaaahhhh. I have audibly gasped at some of the things he’s done and I have had to put my phone down to take some time to comprehend some of his actions, most of his actions honestly. 
None of my friends have read this fic and I need an outlet to talk about it so I am posting it to my tumblr. If you did read this I appreciate you so much ahaha. 
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7grandmel · 1 year
Todays rip: 09/07/2023
Story of Undertale
Season 5 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume D
Ripped by Jamangar
Something I've expressed a lot of fondness for over the course of this blog is when rips..."escalate", so to speak. A lot of fantastic SiIva rips are simple in a way that's quite easily conveyed, and usually do what they want to achieve within just one loop. The meme medleys and fusion collabs are of course the obvious examples of rips that go against this: Changing styles althroughout their runtime to reflect a plethora of different jokes and different collaborators' styles of arranging. Yet sometimes, gold can be found in the most unexpected places.
Like often is on SiIva, the source of today's rip is coated in irony - an infamous Undertale parody called "UNDERTALE THE MUSICAL". Rather than being an actual "musical", the original video is a crudely animated parody of Lady Gaga's Bad Romance, depicting a genocide run of the game to the tune of middling autotuned vocals. Being a gaming music video on Undertale, its made its way smoonthly into algorithms of gaming Youtube everywhere, ticking all of the boxes in a way similar to how the Minecraft Parody "Revenge" did way back when. Whilst Revenge lives happily ín our minds as a well produced encapsulation of the time it was uploaded in, UNDERTALE THE MUSICAL serves as a reminder of what kids' gaming youtube really looks like.
With that in mind, Story of Undertale - named after the first line said in the original parody - had everything needed for its success story lined up ahead. Its source, an audio that had spread online like wildfire and infesting Undertale fans the world over with or without their consent. Its ripper, Jamangar, is an absolutely legendary ripper for Undertale rips in particular, with a track record including the fan favorite, 600K-views-on-YouTube, End Point. All that was left then was the rip itself, and Jamangar went absolutely above and beyond.
Due to the channel's standard expectation of most rips not having visuals, rips such as Story of Undertale come with an interesting challenge to overcome: How do you convey the escalation present in the source's animation, without actually featuring any visuals? As UNDERTALE THE MUSICAL depicts a runthrough of the entire game, so too does Story of Undertale. Only here, its entirely by audio. Undertale's distinct themes are used as baselines for every different segment of the rip - The opening plays Once Upon a Time, followed by the first verse using Enemy Approaching and Fallen Down to reflect the beginning of the game, followed therafter by Nyeh Heh Heh and Snowdin Town to reflect the player exiting the ruins and meeting Papyrus and Sans for the first time. Its a perfect play-by-play speeding through the game's key audio moments in seconds, punctuated by the use of the Start Menu theme just after the moments I just described - the moment in which the player in UNDERTALE THE MUSICAL chooses to go down a genocide path.
The entire rips continues this way, excellently rearranging Bad Romance in every imaginable part of Undertale's soundscape in rough chronological order of their appearance. Through both the original Bad Romance's escalation and this everchanging evolution in sound, the joke never gets old: It refreshes itself faster than you can process, and keeps being an absolute bop throughout. Despite most people viewing UNDERTALE THE MUSICAL with distain, Jamangar was able to perfectly wield that attachment into an absolute masterpiece.
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hxdrostorm · 2 years
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@masterofthehighgroud​ has sent: Questions Often Left Unanswered: Mun Edition 1 | 2 | 6 | 12
Questions Often Left Unanswered: Mun Edition [Accepting]
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1. Are there any characters in your fandom or faceclaims you refuse to RP with? Who and why?
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// My rules has a section showing the fandoms/communities I don’t want to interact or rp with! Here’s a reminder to it:
MLP, Homestuck, Undertale, Fnaf, League of Legends (Arcane won’t get a pass), Genshin Impact, Fnf, Disney and MCU (I’m debating on whether or not, I’ll give the comics a pass tho...)
Star wars stuff in specific.  I’m intimidated and iffy about Legends characters, simply because I’m still not 100% knowledgeable about it (I’m learning more and more about it). Kotor/jedi fallen order/any of the SW games... I’m also not well versed in them, so I’ll also be hesitant to interact with them. With all of these things said, here are my straight ‘no’s. Unless I’m well acquaintanced with the mun behind the muse, I’ll not write with any of the sequels era characters (As stated in my muses directory. Although I’ve watched the trilogy, I’m not entirely familiar with it, which contributes to my overall lack of interest in interacting with it). Then there are the Starcruiser hotel, and the theme park attractions which are at the very bottom of everything thus getting the biggest no (I don’t think I have to talk about how the vibes between those things, don’t fall in line with anything else within the SW universe, right? Nah man, y’all can keep and try to excuse the +6k dollar LARP mess [which I heard that Disney is looking to double the prices so Y I K E S])
And as I’m writing this: I also won’t RP with Andor muses, until the serie is over.
2. Are there any plot tropes you are sick of/refuse to RP? If so, what are they and why?
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// I’m not a fan of those fix-it AUs. No matter what it may be about. ‘No order 66 palpie chokes on a croissant & the galaxy is all fine & dandy uwu AU’, ‘clones are just one big family & jango is their dad uwu AU’. I understand the desire for those types of plots for fanarts and fanfics, but when it comes RP? Killing off the tragedy in SW is the equivalent of, burning down SW’s very essence. Also I’ve noticed that with these plots, they always end up watering down so many things about SW. The name of the series is literally Star wars, the war IS meant to be ugly, I don’t think anyone should sugarcoat that.
6. Is there a character that the rest of your fandom adores that you just don’t like/are indifferent to? Who is the character and why?
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// I think that the Kenobi series hype is long dead by now, SO I can finally say this, without sb coming out of the woodworks to crucify me for it. Reva was mediocre at best (the actress put on her best, it is just that the script she was handed to was bad. The odds were against her.). She most certainly wasn’t the worst thing that came out of the show, see young Leia (wtf did they do to thIS KID?) and Tala (who? I literally forgot about her 5 secs after her death).
I just wished that Lucas arts hadn’t wasted their time with fan-baiting, hate-baiting its audience, all while using Ingram as a meat-shield for every single criticism towards the show. And instead taken their time to properly iron out this character. BC as she currently stands? It’s bad... That pitiful attempt at a redemption? Yeah, it could use some MUCH needed work, instead of just slapping it on her then calling it a day. But I’ll take what we got, over whatever the drafted one had in it (Cody’s legacy is safe... For now...).
12. What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to the fandom you RP in?
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// What’s up with all the weird anons me and many of my mutuals have been getting? I’ve never had to deal with anything like it, in all of my RPing years. What’s up with people not knowing how to use the block function, and blacklisting feature?
I’ve received multiple anons, whining about the fact I write cloneshipping. Or even having meltdowns over some of my HCs. I want to believe this is the result of how the search function on tumblr now operates, so it searches with anything that contains the searched words, instead of the tags. So, I’m chalking it up to being just strangers, finding my blog unaware of what this blog is about. But at the same time, there is a part of me that thinks I’ve received hate from actual RPers over that. BC god forbid, blocking sb and moving on with their day, is just too simple.
There is never a bad reason to not block someone. Even if it may sound silly in your mind, just block/filter out whatever is bugging you. It’s a whole lot better than hate-reading, or exposing yourself to shit you know that causes you discomfort.
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variantia · 1 year
BELLUM.   speaking of so many parents
my version of Frisk HAS biological parents, and their mom is actually still alive and loves them very much
or, at least, that’s what’s up in my default verse
I’d LOVE to have kept her in somehow in this Undertale / Deltarune mashup thing I have going, just not sure where exactly she IS
they call Toriel “Mom” and their biological mother, Hope, “Mama”
their biological father died a little bit ago ... maybe when they were four or five ?
unlike Chara, Frisk didn’t run away from an unhappy life, they simply were out near the mountain having an outing one day, wandered off as children do, and had fallen down the mountain before Hope realized what happened
there’s probably a case for her to have been paying more attention to how far her kid was going, but like, their falling down the mountain wasn’t some kind of suicide attempt or attempt to disappear like Chara’s was, it was an ACCIDENT
and Hope is very happy when she finds that they’re safe and I’d imagine she learned something from nearly losing them
I’m just ... not sure what’s happened to her in the mashup verse (which I apparently use as my main verse now haha)
maybe she works a lot and is really busy and only home at nights, explaining why the Dreemurrs need a babysitter in the first place
tho, she definitely loves that Toriel and Asgore have adopted Frisk, and although she’s ... kind of unsure how to act toward Chara and Kris and Asriel and Flowey, she treats them with as much love as she does Frisk
maybe she’s trying for a job change so she can spend more time with her kids !   I think maybe she doesn’t like not being with Frisk so much, she feels like an absent parent even tho she’s trying her best to provide for them
maybe someone can tell her to take a BREAK because they’re absolutely being provided for and she doesn’t have to make all the money all by herself to take care of them
maybe she should sell her apartment and move in with the Dreemurrs because they would LOVE to have her and Frisk would love to have their mama spend more time with them
ofc, then they wouldn’t always need a babysitter and it would only fuel Chara’s insecurity of “Lo is going to never come over again if we don’t need a babysitter”
which would be fine with me bc ANGST   =)
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rewriteverse · 2 years
Multiversal Stories
From Flipped-Script!Verse (My version of a Fallen Star Sanses Multiverse)
I apologize for being go for so long! Here we go!
Title: The start of it all
The story of PJ and Stain in the Flipped-Script Multiverse! Hope you are ready for this! Crack and Fluff.
Five months.
The pregnancy only lasts for five months. Two months to build the souls, keeping the newly formed souls besides the carrier's soul. Ink, who doesn't have a soul, carries Paperjam and Stain where his soul would be. Then, one month to let the souls move down. From his ribcage to his prepared ecto-flesh. Where the souls would gather magic from Ink. The last two months are to collect extra magic and to listen/learn the voices and auras from outside of their protection.
Different from flesh monsters, Ink's "baby bump" is half the size of a normal baby bump. The reason is to protect the souls from any harm or danger. The extra magic is also what the souls feed on, some of the extra magic comes from anyone who wants to offer some to the carrier. So, that's where we find Ink and Blue.
Ink, craving Puff's (Undertale's Papyrus) spaghetti, asked Blue to take him over to see Puff and Classic. Puff obliged, making his best spaghetti for Ink as Classic and Blue talk. Blue, holding Ink in his lap, gives some of his magic to the small souls. Puff sits down to talk with them as well. Ink sighs softly, having his day free as the others fill in for his job. Some look over the AUs, while the others look for Dream, how he wishes his friend is here to hold him. Dream gives warm hugs.
Ink slowly eats his spaghetti as he listens to the conversation. He huffs slightly before feeling something off in his core. Classic slowly stops talking as he watches Ink. He notices the smaller put his plate down and move his hand towards his ecto-body. He sits forward as he watches Ink tap on Blue's hand.
"Ink, bud. you alright?" Ink looks over at Classic before shaking his head.
"I'm not feeling too good." Blue reaches for Ink's hand before feeling it melt into ink.
"Ink! You're melting!" Ink looks down at his legs before understanding what's going on. Before he can say anything, Blue cuts him off. "I'm going to take you to Sci! He'll know what to do! We'll see you two later!" With that, Blue stands up and cuts a portal to Science's lab. Leaving some of Ink's inky body on Classic's couch. 
Puff looks over at Classic before sighing. "I'LL CLEAN THE COUCH."
*** Sci was having a normal day. Outer in his lab, just floating and hanging out with him. He never minded, he rather enjoyed Outer's company. So here he was, having a nice lunch break with his boyfriend when a portal with Blue rushing out of it with something in his arms and turns Sci's day upside down.
"Blue?" Outer can barely get his name out before Blue rushes over to Sci, the portal closing behind him.
"Sci! You gotta help! W-we were just hanging out! A-and Ink started to melt!"
Sci finally recognizes Ink in Blue's arms. His body is covered in ink and seems to be more like a colored liquid than solid bone. He grimaces before remembering that Ink is carrying, and the situation grows more serious. He rushes Blue towards a small examination table. Blue places Ink down on it, not looking to see the amount of paint/ink on him.
"Sci, I'm fine. I just need some space." Sci looks over at Ink, surprised to see him awake before noticing how Ink's arm is so unsteady. He watches as it solidifies for a moment before melting once again.
"Space my ass. Ink, you're carrying two souls. We don't know what the fuck is going on. So you are going to lay there and let me help."
Sci rushes around to gather things to help monitor Ink as Blue steps out to call the others. Ink groans softly. He needs space and a lot more ink. He covers his face as his breathing picks up slightly. He needs to hold on, just till he gets more ink. Outer, noticing his friend's discomfort floats over to Ink.
"heya, pal. you ain't looking so good." Ink looks over to see Outer standing there with a worried look. Ink beckons him to lean closer, maybe Outer can help him. Outer leans in closer to Ink before Ink whispers something to him. His sockets widen in understanding before nodding. "we can go to my AU. it's quiet and roomy." Ink smiles.
"Yes, please. I'll go now, but please. A bucket would be just enough."
Outer nods with a slight salute before watching Ink use some of his magic to teleport straight to OuterTale. He hurries over to Science to explain what's going on.
"Where's Ink?!" Outer looks over to see Blue looking panicked at the empty table. Outer smiles.
"Blue! perfect!" Blue looks at Outer with confusion and panic. "go grab two or three buckets of extra paint or ink or whatever Ink has in the fountain, and bring them to my AU. there's no time to explain!" Blue nods before rushing off into the portal room to hurry to the Doodle Sphere. Sci sighs before grabbing things that he thinks he might need.
"Really? Why can't this be more simple? Why not just 'poof' and then baby? Why do we have to go and make it more complicated?" Outer shrugs before planting a kiss on Sci's cheek as he goes to inform the others of what's going on.
Ink leans against a tree in the clearing he goes to the most. It's not too cold, yet it still has soft snow on the floor. He will never understand it, but it's the one clearing he feels safe in. The one he goes on picnics in, the one that his friends will have tea parties in. He hurries to dig out a small pool for the extra ink. He groans before having to sit down. If he had enough ink, the twins would've already been here. But, he doesn't. So he needs more ink. So he doesn't end up losing most of his body to form theirs.
He waits there in the clearing, his scarf acting as a blanket as he huffs in pain. Suddenly, the familiar crackle of magic from someone teleporting close fills the area. He growls softly, ready to protect his small pool area before Blue pokes his head into view.
"Ink! I found you!" Ink smiles slightly as Blue gets closer. His smile wavers as he gets even closer to the edge and Blue notices. "Okay then. I'll just pour the ink from here, alright?"
Ink smiles gratefully as Blue pours three, four-liter buckets of ink into the pool area. Ink smiles, going to say something in gratitude but coming out as a croon. Blue blinks at the animalistic behavior before sighing. Maybe this was normal? He wouldn't know. It's Ink, nothing that would be normal is normal with him. He pulls out his phone as he watches Ink inspect the quality of the ink.
"BLUE!" He pulls the phone away from his skull due to Killer's volume.
"Hi, Killer. Before you ask, yes I found him." He glances over to see just the top of Ink's skull above the ink.
"You did?! Where is he?"
"We're in OuterTale. The small clearing we all go to? We're here." Killer smiles on the other line at Nightmare and Error with a nod.
"Thanks, Blue. We're on our way." Sci sighs before hurrying through the portal with the others.
"Alright, we'll be here." Blue ends the call before looking over at Ink. He squats down at the edge of the pool, Ink's eye lights landing immediately onto Blue. Weary of his movements. He doesn't want Blue in the ink, he's lacing it with pure creation magic to help create the bodies. "Hey, bud. The others are on their way, yeah?"
Ink looks away before dipping under the ink. Blue sighs, wishing the others will get there soon. Ink lets his body go in the ink. Letting himself become part of the ink, losing his legs and hips. Two bubbles of protection surround the two small souls He lets his magic slowly form the bodies, starting with their feet and slowly building the bones. Taking his time to make sure that every detail is right. That no bones are missing. Nothing wrong with their physical body. Other than their souls, he still won't know what they will look like until he's done.
Blue stands there, watching as the pool of black ink shifts in many different colors. Different designs and patterns swirl across the surface in a beautiful shade of ivory. He watches a faint glow coming from under the surface. He can faintly see two souls but he isn't sure.
"Blue! We're here!" Blue doesn't even turn around to see the others.
"woah." Outer floats over the pool in awe. It's so beautiful to watch.
"Holy shit." Killer grips onto Nightmare's hand as he stares at the pool. "Look, Nighty, look." Killer points at the ink level, watching it slowly drain. Nightmare blinks.
"Huh. That's interesting." Nightmare turns his attention to the two souls underneath. Watching the ink ripple in a circling manner around the two. "Is that... Inky?" Error grips the large scarf in his arms. One that he made for one of the twins. Ink had made the other, in Nightmare's hands.
"This is beautiful." Error's words are quiet, almost lost to silence.
Science's eye lights grow huge in fascination and wonder. "Forget normal births. This is amazing." He stands there and watches as two small rib cages are barely noticeable.
Ink senses the others there before circling the forming bodies. Using as much magic as he can to help the bodies finish forming. The pool of ink is almost half empty. The two twins are taking much more magic and ink than he had thought. But he doesn't mind. He continues to form their body with soft croons and coos. The others can hear the soft sounds outside of the puddle before a bright light catches them all off guard. Everyone covers their sockets before hearing two different loud cries. Nightmare, Error, and Killer all look first. Seeing Ink, half his body still ink, holding two smaller skeletons. One, parts of their skull floating in a fluid-like manner. The other, a crescent-shaped ink splotch on their skull. Ink pants softly as he looks up at the others, having used so much magic to help them.
"Inky!" Killer is about to step into the ink to help Ink, only to hear Ink growl at him. It's risky having other magic in pure ink. Emotion ink, creator's ink. Killer retracts his foot, unsure of how to get to him.
"Kiki, can we hold them now? I brought their blankets." Ink looks over at Error before crooning softly. He can't bring himself to move closer. Error notices before smiling softly. "I can use my strings, okay? I'll be careful."
Ink looks around before nodding with a whine. As warm as the ink is, the two need to be fed and clothed. He holds them close to his body as he waits for Error to guide his strings towards them, careful not to hurt the two or their souls. Ink guides the strings to wrap around them tight enough to pull them across, but loose enough that they wouldn't hurt them. Error slowly retracts his strings, pulling the twins across the pool and towards the group waiting to see them. Outer mumbles about how he could've gotten them, but feels his soul melt looking at the two small skeletons.
Sci is quick to pick up one, the second with a crescent moon ink splotch, and wrap him in a towel. Using gloves as to not touch the extra ink, he wipes off the excess before handing the now clean baby to Nightmare, who's holding the blanket with embroidered stars and moons on it. Nightmare wraps the blanket around the baby before sitting down to try and calm him down. He gently rocks them back and forth before humming to him. He smiles down at his beautiful son, the wider rib cage and smaller pelvis being the giveaway.
Killer watches as he turns to Error. "Can I?"
Error nods with a smile before handing the other blanket over to Killer before turning to Ink to help Outer and Blue get Ink out of the puddle. Killer turns to Sci just as Sci finishes wiping off the other baby. He hands the small child to Killer who wraps them in the blanket and then lays on the ground to properly swaddle them. Nightmare watches with a surprised look on his face.
"You learned how to swaddle a baby?" Killer nods with a smile.
"Wanted to learn, and did after Inky told us about them." He chuckles as he picks the baby up and holds them in his arms. "I felt bad that Inky had to unswaddle all those fruits and flour bags." Nightmare snorts before looking down at the now quieter baby.
"So, this one is-"
"Stain." Killer looks over at Ink, wrapped in a towel as well. He smiles before raising the small bundle in his arms with a questioning look. Ink lays back with a smile. "Paperjam. PJ for short." Killer nods before smiling down at PJ.
"Hey there buddy. I'm one of your dads. Nice to finally meet you." He raises PJ in the direction of Nightmare and Stain. "That's your papa and brother. And over there is your mama and other dads."
Nightmare looks down at Stain. "It's nice to finally meet you, Stain. We're happy you two are finally here."
Everything was nice for a while. Unfortunately, everything ends. Happiness always seems to end so quickly.
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friskibitz · 2 years
top 5 character theme songs
OOOH THIS IS A GOOD ONE. i'll do each entry from different series, and i couldn't resist, i'm listing 6! i'll also count from 6 to 1, and you'll see why
6. - from Marvel, Miles Morales's Spider-Man leitmotif from Into The Spider-Verse, along with What's Up Danger! i was choosing between different Spider-Man themes for this one, but Miles wins. there's a lot of great work put into this motif, how it's developed, and how Miles's identity shines through in his version, and god it sounds GREAT with What's Up Danger.
5. - from Star Wars, the Mandalorian theme and A Friend! Mando's theme is so incredible and distinctive, and i'd argue it's the most iconic SW theme in the modern day. meanwhile, i think A Friend is a great theme for Luke Skywalker, and it gives this aura of elegance and mystery befitting of a growing Jedi master.
4. - from Kingdom Hearts, Riku, Roxas, and Xion's themes, including The Other Promise, Vector to the Heavens, and Hearts As One! Riku's theme is very melancholic and captures his regret really well, and man, Roxas and Xion's themes are full of heart-wrenching tragedy. on the other hand, Hearts As One is a great triumphant finish to Roxas and Xion's stories through the Dark Seeker saga, and it's a really nice breath of fresh air.
3. - from Metal Gear Rising, I'm My Own Master Now and The Only Thing I Know For Real! i love every theme in this game, but i think these two are the best at concisely capturing their characters' motivations and stories while sounding amazing.
2. - from Undertale and Deltarune, every goddamn character theme in both entire games! i know that's cheating, but still. the thing about UTDR is that Toby's always been a musician and his strengths are in character writing, so he's really great at making every character theme sound great, work really well in the story, and capture who the characters are. for specific mentions, i love Fallen Down/Reprise, His Theme, and Girl Next Door/Lost Girl. and for extra cheating, i consider Reunited to be Frisk's theme, so. yeah
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
((HERE IS THE 900 FOLLOWER CELEBRATION POST!!! In appreciation of so many of you guys following me and sticking around, here is a full/complete story/premise of my new Undertale au! This au also has the role switches based on spinswap, but the story itself and character developments were carefully put together by me and with help of a friend with some parts of it.))
((Questions are welcome, and things will get complicated in certain parts, or a little confusing if you don't read my Fun TOTC Facts posts.))
((This au is also one of the aus that will be involved in the TOTC Epilogue/Undertale Story as well since a character from the au will be extremely important to the plot of the story.))
                There isn't that many alternate Papyruses out there, is there?
                                          Maybe...that will change....
                                          Rendering, one moment.... 
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        Ah, Reverie Papyrus... His full name being Gaioharmr, or Imago for short. Imago is no ordinary skeleton, nor is he a monster skeleton of the Undertale underground... he is a Skeleton Demon, a Overworld Skeleton Demon to be more precise. But he is a corrupted Skeleton Demons, a disfigured soul. As the more Bilhelm walks the Undertale multi-verse, the more his imprint infects the multi-verse. All though the multi-verse is not strong enough to replicate Bilhelm himself, oh, it will settle for the easier bits... his species... Skeleton Demons....
                                            The more Bilhelm stays, 
             the more the multi-verse will fully be connected and linked to 
                                                    The Unknown...
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                  The story begins with a wandering, young skeleton demon. 
    This young skelly sprout was once told never to wander too far into the forest on the outskirts of his home, as there is a cavern that leads into the roots of the mysterious mountain known as Mt. Ebott. Which not even the humans dare wander to in there surface, as the tales go all the same, one would disappear within the territory of the mountain... 
    Much to everyone's dismay, and the adventurous soul of this skelly sprout, this warning and the tales slipped from his mind as he explored to his soul's content.
                   He ran, without a care in the world, then... he fell down...
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    To no one's surprise, the skelly sprout lives, or in other words, survived the fall. All skeleton Demons have the most durable bones with no one other to compare. However, the real surprise here was that he landed on a bed of golden flowers... in a place deeper than his own home.... a place where others lived... a society of monsters... the very monsters that were said to have been casted away by the humans a century ago... oh... but the real REAL surprise here is that someone was near that has seen the fallen skelly sprout.
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   Was this... another skeleton demon? No... their soul was unfamiliar and different. Different from those who were back home... What could be gathered was that this other young skeleton means no harm... Another skeleton who may have been roughly the same or a year older than the skelly sprout.
    One thing was certainly however, this other skeleton means no harm... as he helped the skelly sprout up from the soft bed of flowers, he would ask the skelly sprout...
                                           "Where did you come from??
     The skelly sprout did not answer... his home... is what he would have said. But for some reason... those words did not form, he didn't know why... So, the skeleton asked another question...
        "What is your name? If you don't mind me asking that question!! Sorry if asking you a skele-ton of questions isn't helping you since you fell and all..."
    The skelly sprout giggles weakly at the pun, but manages to muster a answer for the other skeleton...
                                                 "My name is Imago..."
     "That's a pretty cool name!!! My name is Sans! My moms would freak out if they saw you!! We never had anyone fall down here. Welcome to the Underground!!!"
     Despite everything, despite being far from home... never to return... this other skeleton seemed to be the only presence of home. The skelly sprout never had close friends, nor did he have any siblings... So it felt nice for someone around his age range to actually help him and be so friendly to him.
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    It did not take long until the skelly sprout was taken into the other Skeletons home. The castle of the Queens of the Underground. To no prevail, the queens were indeed shocked to their cores to see their young prince bring in another skeleton. There were no other Skeletons that existed in the Underground except the prince and his biological father, who was the lead royal scientist and San's caretaker. At first, they did not believe the prince that this skelly sprout fallen from above. They thought that maybe there were other Skeleton monsters out there that they overlooked, and this monster tried to climb out from the Underground, and failed. 
    Seeing as the skelly sprout was indeed agreeing with the prince that what he was saying was true, Queen Undyne did not believe them and was getting rather frustrated. She assumed that this other skeleton was just another monster who was playing a trick on her son. Queen Alphys however, did not dismiss her son. She thought it was possible, so she called in Gaster to check the skelly sprout's soul to prove this dispute.
    Dumbfounded, the queens and Gaster did not expect such a soul. As Imgo's soul was not white, nor was it upside-down. It was right-side up with yellow and orange as his colors. The strange thing here is that his soul did not pump, as if it were not alive. This proves the dispute clearly, this skeleton is no monster. 
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    Oh... but that did not change the queens perception of the skelly sprout, as he was still a child... a very young child who was far, far away from home. There being no hope on the skelly sprout's return to his home. The skelly was reluctant at first, he did not want to wear what the queens wanted him to wear to show he has any relation to the family. But the queens respected the skelly sprout's delicious on this, as his own clothing was the only thing that came from his own home, along with the fact that if they are going to take him in, they must treat him as a son rather than property. It was only fair to let him wear what he wants and keep anything that reminds him of home. 
    Imago even let them call him by another name, as a thank you. They usually call him Papyrus, only using his real name in the more serious situations. 
    All in all, Imago was a part of the royal family of the Underground, now being the queens' second son and prince's brother. Unfortunately... Gaster has a difference perception of the skelly sprout, as he say him as something to study, research, experiment on. The skelly sprout did not like Gaster, with all his being, he did not like him one bit. When the queens noticed what Gaster was trying to do to Imago, Alphys ordered Gaster to cease his profession procedures as a scientist when in the presence of the skelly sprout, only act in the procedures as a caretaker when around the skelly sprout. 
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    Once the two Skeletons began to grow slightly older, their magic became more apparent. All monsters have magic. Since Sans was made by Gaster, his magic was rather strong on its own with little effort.... however... Imago's magic was... different... it may have been stronger than any other monster's, even the prince's. As his magic did not stay in one category of magic,  it was very interchangeable since Skeleton Demon magic is diverse, perfect/signature Skeleton Demon magic for the individual skeleton demon can only be discovered if they kept using their magic to find that perfecter/signature category to use most. Yet... due to Imago not having any other skeleton demon help properly teach, practice, and discover his magics, Imago simply went on to use whatever magic that he may muster to see what the outcomes and results occur himself. All the monsters, the queens, and sans were astonished and in joy of what Imago can do. Never did it ever cross their minds that his magic variety would pose as a threat, that is... until Gaster saw this as both an opportunity and a threat.
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     Gaster brought up the perspective that Imago's magic could potentially be dangerous to the royal family and the Underground. The queens were not entirely convinced, especially Undyne, as she found that her son's magic to have more benefits to the kingdom than anything. It took a long royal conference to finally convince her, but she finally allowed Gaster to make something that would essentially lower Imgo's magic and "protect" the Underground.
    As expected, Imago and Sans were not happy with this decision. Without any delay, Gaster took Imago away and into the lab. It was only a matter of weeks until Gaster finally make the "solution to the problem"... gloves... but these gloves were made with fabric material that came far from the Underground... fabric that eases magic to be weaker than the original state of the wearer's magic. To make sure Imago could not take them off, he enforced gold cuffs to his wrists and the gloves, rendering it impossible to simply take off the gloves. Imago was devastated... like something that was a part of him was painfully ripped away from him. From here, Imago's hatred grew more towards Gaster.
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    To little to no prevail, Sans was thrilled to see Imago come back after such period of time. Upon seeing the gloves and Imago's emotions however, Sans knew that his magic was no longer able to be in easily accessible use. Along with the fact that having your own magic taken from you is among the worse things that can happen to anyone in the Underground. Sans had empathy, he felt hurt from his brother's loss and pain. But... that did not stop Sans from figuring out a way to make his own brother happy during this time of need. Even though Imago could not use most of his magic, he knew there was some magic he could still use, that being his very whimsical leaps that can send him flying high and down with grace. So, the prince took it upon himself to kind the best shoes in the kingdom, and once he did, he gifted them to Imago. This gift meant the world to Imago, not only do they feel comfortable for landings, but they were from his most beloved and trusted person, his brother. He cherished them with all his soul, and from that day would always do so.
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    Oh... When it all seemed calm and peaceful... Something came up... it was all sudden...
   Gaster had the idea, a train of thought, that since his creation, his son, had more apparent magic it was finally time to put that magic to the test. He wanted to see what his creation was capable of, push him to his limits. He took sans from the castle for the day, the queens didn't have to allow it since Sans is his biological father, so Imago didn't know where his brother had gone for the day.
   Sans was painstakingly pushed on and on to use his magic, pushed to use all of his magic to see the power of it all. He was powerful, but not powerful enough... he was pushed beyond his limit to finally show the power his father was looking for.... but... it took so much out of his the prince's soul...so much that it made the prince fall ill afterwards. 
    It was easy to lie to the queens, his excuse being that Sans was already sick and that's why he took him to his lab early that same day. Imago... Imago instinctively knew Gaster was lying. ALL Skeleton Demons can see through all souls, and Gaster's soul was rotten... he was lying... he did this to his brother. 
    Oh, how Imago's hatred grew more and more and more and more and more....
     It was then when Imago decided to sneak out into the lab, his hatred grew into destructive behavior as he bashed and destroyed the lab machinery and equipment with his bare bones. That us until he found something... books.... these books didn't seem to be from the Underground however... they were different... The way they were crafter, so perfectly, the writing was more professional than any other writer of the Underground. A book on Skeleton Demons, they're myths histories, and inner workings. With the book was also research from Gaster, confirming how Imago was a Skeleton Demon and what he gathered from him all these years. Upon reading he book and the research... Imago finds our on his own that he could have been able to save his own brother, cure him of his sickness. Oh how he wanted those gloves off now, he wanted them off, but... he couldn't get them off... he just cries into them in defeat. But that hatred... His Hatred... it grew monstrous... his instincts were to kill Gaster...
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    The next day... it was the royal feasting. A gathering of the kingdom where everyone eats together in a harmonious celebration. Imago was not hungry however.... he had his sights on another game... The queens, Imago, gaster, and the royal gaurds were sat at their own table that faced the other tables that the kingdom's people sat upon. After a speech from the queens, and when everyone is settled with their own pick of drinks and food, Imago waited. Gaster only got a single cup of tea... when Gaster left his tea unattended for a moment, Imago took the opportunity to taint the tea with poison. After a few minutes of Gaster's first sip of the tea, the poison eventually kicked in, killing Gaster slowly and painfully. Alphys tried room come to Gaster's aid, but he dies anyway... as she did not know what was wrong until he finally dies and dusts. Imago watched it all, not in horror, but in terrifying and twisted satisfactory and joy. No one noticed Imago reacting this way.
    Queen Undyne was furious, this was no accident. It was murder, a assassination to her... everyone in the castle were frightened, but also outraged from this incident. They all knew... they knew that upon killing the head royal scientist, the prince would die... as Gaster was the only one that knew how to cure his own creation... This realization then came to Imago. He didn't want to accept this... but it eventually sunk in when he realized his brother isn't getting better... after months of still being ill... the prince was only getting worse... he was dying... slowly.
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                           The Final Day... Their Final Day... His Final Day...
    Imago, being a Skeleton Demon, knew that his brother wasn't going to make it... Skeleton Demons knew when souls were going to die... Imago knew that today was going to be the day that his brother will be the taking his final breaths... It was only a matter of time. But... Imago could not bare the loss of his brother, not now, not today, not the next, and... not ever. Since Imago was not raised long enough in his own home, he would have been more accepting that his brother was soon passing away... but having been raised in a home that was not his own.... Death was not accepted... He didn't want his brother to go... and he was ready to risk his life in keeping him alive... 
   But having he guilt that he killed Gaster, and it being his fault that he killed the only person that could have helped his brother in the first place... it weighed him down. He did not regret killing gaster, but indirectly killing his brother is what ate him up from the inside out... it was his fault that Sans didn't get better... while he plans to save his brother, he also plans to justify himself...
    Imago picked up his dying brother from his bed, and began making his way out of the castle. The queens were at the lab, desperately trying to help assist on creating a cure for their son. So they would not be able to witness nor stop what was going to happen next...
   Once those castle doors opened, revealing only the skeleton demon holding his brother in his arms at the top steps into the castle, it caught the attention of every monster of the kingdom....
                                            It was that Imago wanted...
                               Then... he opened his jaws, and confessed.
                  "I Killed W. D. Gaster. I poisoned the royal lead scientist, our caretaker... I am the reason why your prince will not be able to live tomorrow... I am the reason         why he is not healthy and well today... Do as you must, as all of you are the                                       only ones to put my actions to judgement..."
    Everyone of the kingdom... we're outraged... they were all filled with hatred for Imago.... he did this, he did that...... it was all his fault.... he is not monster... he is an abomination from hell... a demon from the heavens.... a demon of death....
    Imago accepted all the insults and words, as he began to walk down those steps and into the raging, violent crowd. He didn't care what he did to him, as long as they let him walk to his location, and let him carry his dying brother in his arms. 
    As he walked, he simply looks down at his brother has he walked into the crowd, which the crowd was now brutally beating Imago as he continued to walk and watch as his resting brother gave raspy breaths. One of these brutal blows ended up damaging and knocking Imago's head back away from the sight of his brother. He was a deep claw slash to the skull... his blood.... he bled sunflowers and Goldflowers...despite letting them all reduce imago to low health....he could not die....but his soul slowly shatters....... his head straightens up and back to his brother... Imago could no longer see his brother, but he could still feel that he was still holding him... as long as he hasn't dusted yet... until he gets to the final location... everything will be just fine.... just perfect... he had been in the Underground long enough to remember where the location was without having to see... he knew he was still going the right way...
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    They Reached it... they finally reached it... the crowd was gone... it was only Him and his brother.... the flowerbed... the same flowerbed where they first met... the flowerbed where the sky of the surface can peak through....
    Imago gracefully fell to his knees with Sans in his arms... it was finally time... this was it... 
    Sans slowly and weakly opened his eyes, to see the sky that peaked through e Underground, the flowers.... and then up to his brother... Imago couldn't see it, but sans smiled at Imago before he began to turn to dust. Imago can feel the Sans begin to dust... his gloved hands began to tremble and his sockets produced tears... he doesn't want him to go.... no... his fingertips..his claws... now that he was older... his claws were sharp enough to tear open the tips of the glove... so, he gripped what was sans tightly enough that it tore the gloves... then Imago gave it his all into using his magic to save his brother... it almost seemed too late... as sans complete dusted and Imago could no longer feel his brother in his arms. But... he sensed that his soul was still there, it was working... he kept using his magic, but the strain... the strain on his own soul that was shattering... it was going to give in... so Imago gave it his all to make sure his brother's soul did not dust...
    Upon doing so... Sans' soul remained to be alive... but Imago's soul bursted... his body, his bones... became a lifeless shell...inanimate... 
    Soon after that, the queens and the new lead scientist found Imago after what they have heard... despite what Imago has done, he was still their son... however, the queens did not notice Sans' soul... the lead scientist takes it before it could be discovered... 
                                   The Queens lost two children that day... 
    They would have prepared two different types of funerals, but they only could                                                            prepare one...  
                                        as Imago's remains disappeared...
                  They assumed he dusted too... but that is far from the truth...
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toomanysweaters · 3 years
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Okay, so @deerloved​ and I have been discussing Noelle’s presence in Undertale on the Discord for a while now and have as a result really fleshed out the verse! Evergreen already posted her dump here, and so I’ll follow suit for the purposes of my own blog!
Pretty much everything Evergreen shared in her HC dump holds true over here, too. Noelle & Dess live alone together in a cabin outside of Snowdin Town (Rudy vc: it’s so we don’t have to pay taxes), with Rudy having ‘fallen down’ before the game began and Carolle Holiday being nowhere to be found. Noelle is same age in Undertale as she is in Deltarune, with Dess being the age she would be if she hadn’t died/disappeared (so college age, early 20s). Yes, I’m aware there’s some evidence to suggest she should be younger, like Monster Kid still being... well, a kid. I, however, simply do not care enough.
With their parents gone, Dess has become Noelle’s only familial support and acts as her guardian in the verse. When she was still young herself, this led to Dess being an active thief & pickpocket to provide for them both... no one in the town really judging her for it after they lost their father. However, as she got older, she decided to instead take up an honest profession by following in her father’s hoofsteps and becoming a lumberjack. As aresult, Dess still has ripped arms in the Undertale verse, despite the lack of intense baseball competition, thanks to swinging axes and carrying around lumber for the entire town.
Don’t mistake this for a complete turning of a new leaf, though- Dess absolutely still knows how to pickpocket. She just does it to fool around now, and only robs people she doesn’t like. Moreover, Dess has taught Noelle how to do it just as well as she can, being an absolutely wonderful influence on her younger sister. Unlike Dess, though, literally no one in Snowdin suspects such mischief of Noelle, and they’ve yet to catch on to the fact Dess might not be responsible for sneaking handfuls of snow into people’s pockets. Only person that has probably realized it is Sans, but does he care? Absolutely not.
Noelle has just as much natural magical potential in the Underground as she is depicted as having in Deltarune’s Dark World, being particularly gifted in cryomancy, and having been taught healing magic at a young age. She’s likely the most powerful user of ice-magic in the Underground (not that the competition is exactly fierce, between the Drakes and the Icecaps). You’ll never have to worry about that, though- she’s staunchly nonconfrontational, even if she’s a bit more of a firecracker thanks to Dess’s influence. If you get into a FIGHT with her, you have more to worry about from her overly protective sister rushing in with a baseball bat. No, she just uses her magic for fun. ... unless you hurt her sister, but hey, who’d do that?
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badmusejail · 1 year
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"Papyrus seems to have an interest in that thing humans call livestreaming.
"While I'm happy that he's been received with such support by humans, he does have a tendency of catching my most embarrassing moments.
"I have a reputation to upkeep, people don't need to see me tripping over the wet floor signs in shopping malls."
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twixtandshout · 3 years
Tagged by @pidgeonpostal! And not tagging anyone else because I have SOILED the original template (soiled it!!) in deference to my [brushes off skirt] mostly clean public-facing appearance.
...I’ve been making a lot of Spongebob memes lately for someone who has not seen Spongebob.
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 wordcount?
...306,834. Jesus.
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Uh. Many! I do a lot of one-offs (and/or start long things I never finish) in many different places. My top three fandoms by fics written are RWBY (29), Undertale (25), Gravity Falls/Transcendence AU (4).
Bet you can’t tell where my hyperfixations have fallen. 
I’ve also got some Pokémon and Sonic the Hedgehog fics back on my ff.net account, or I think I still do, anyway, but let’s never go back there pls
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Sweeter Than Honey (Undertale): Taking a Completely unsurprising first place, with over 600 more kudos than the runner-up, the haphazard Underswap fic featuring a post-college self-insert I wrote just after high school! I shake my head some at how overblown and ridiculous the gap between this and all my other stuff is (c’mon, guys, I’ve written way better fics), but this is also the fic which prompted me (and at least one other person!) to start using they/them pronouns. I’ve gotten a lot of really sweet comments about how seen and appreciated it’s made people feel, so I can’t get down too far about it.
2. To Be A Hero (BNHA): I don’t count myself as part of the BNHA fandom, for a number of reasons, but for something that’s arguably the main motivation for the entire plot, Midoriya’s quirklessness is something I’ve never thought has been handled well. This fic marked the first time I (somewhat tentatively) claimed the disability label (thanks again to Sweeter Than for prompting that realization) to hold that lens over canon. It also really shot up my chart, dang! It’s the only thing here I’d consider “recent.”
3. Three-Sentence Shipping (Undertale): Self-explanatory.
4. Brothers Beyond Bonedaries (Undertale): Ah, the way-overcomplicated AU³ I got nowhere close to finishing. One of the things I really like about Undertale is the interface screw, how Toby Fox uses the medium of the video game to pull off crazy things and enhance his game, but most of the fic written for the fandom seems dedicated to explaining it away, grounding it, rather than taking it to the next step and messing with the medium of fanfiction when you keep the story going. I tried to do something cool like that here, playing with questions like narrator and authorship and breaking the fourth wall, even taking the “final boss” fight to a “totally separate” fic reached through the first by link – but, well, then I never finished it, which probably didn’t make anything less confusing for the poor folks who missed the intent.
5. Spirit and Such (Gravity Falls: Transcendence AU): A whole fic written to line out a particular image I had, which, naturally, never made it to the page. I consider it a bit of a cautionary tale for myself when it comes to writing (near-)original content; there’s a lot I look back on and cringe. I still love the characters, though – well, the important ones – and I think just stepping away from the tried-and-true Mizar formula nets it a star sticker here.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
>w>; I try, but a lot of the time I just don’t have anything to say? Like, oh, you liked it? Neat. There’s not much to respond to in comments like that, and then I’m weighing falling down on an ~obligation~ to respond to every message in my inbox vs annoying people with copy-paste fluff responses all down the page. Plus I know I make more of an effort to comment on things that didn’t get the attention I feel they deserve, so if I’m driving up my own comment count with nonsense, am I preventing myself from being in a position to receive more comments later? And then if I do comment, am I being too effusive or running people’s ears off explaining things they don’t actually need to know? Sometimes people just want to express interest or admiration and don’t necessarily want a whole peek and guided tour behind the curtain.
Can you tell I have anxiety? x3;
Anyway, I do respond when I can. And I keep most of the comments I’ve gotten to go back and reread. 
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hm, hmm. Lots of stuff in the TQ Nonsense series would probably qualify! I’m thinking of Unfixable, Wolfsong, and Ethanol. And there’s Bursting Through A Blood-Red Sky (I Can Live, I Can Breathe), of course, but that was always intended to have a fix-it epilogue. It’s just that I wrote it in a couple of hours day-of, stared at it, and decided I didn’t wanna just then. But now that’s As Long As You’re Still Burning Bright (I’m Still Awake), and that’s probably the best romance I’ve written, so that one worked out.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
Now and then! When the urge strikes. Uhhh, I’ve got a series of Doctor Who x Undertale crossovers I actually made a whole dang verse for that never made it to print. Get a couple great comments on that every few months or so. I think the World Trigger x Undertale crossover is probably weirder, though, by virtue of WT being a very small fandom. My enthusiasm kinda sputtered out on that one.
Mostly I just daydream crossovers with whatever happens to catch my eye at any given moment. I have a lot!!!! Though odds are out on whether I manage to remember any of them once the initial thought’s passed, lol.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Gotten a couple eyebrow-raising comments, but I think mostly I’m just too small a writer to draw that kind of attention.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t? think so? Think my tastes are a little niche for most people to bother ^^;
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I had someone apologize once for any language mistakes in their comment cause they had to run it through a translator! That’s not what you asked (the answer is no), but it’s very flattering to think that someone liked my fic enough to read and comment despite the language barrier.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! :D @pidgeonpostal was gracious enough to agree to co-write Five Nights at Denny’s with me off an idea about shoes. This has fulfilled a long-held dream of mine (collabing with someone, not the shoes) and also introduced me to some lovely people.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
Who has time for just one? ;3c Honestly, I care more about the characters and how the relationship – any relationship – between them changes them than I do about ~A Ship~ as a solid, bounded noun-object. I’ve got characters I like more and less and feelings about who does and doesn’t have chemistry in which directions with whom, but finding anything that agrees with those preferences is hard, harder when you take alloromanticism into account. I’ll play in any sandbox with cool toys, especially if other folks have already built sick sandcastles there.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
[kicks every single unfinished fic further under the bed] What nooo no WIPs here, everything on my account is either finished or does not exist
I’ve got a couple extra chapters of Sweeter Than floating around unposted, but 1. that fic’s a mess 2. high school Twixt and post-college Twixt are different people and trying to contort myself into three other me-shapes just cause people Like this fic is not something I’m super interested in 3. it’s headed for an emotional dip and I’d rather leave it where it is than post two chapters, stall out again, and leave folks with a bad end.
As for other fics... it’s looking more and more likely that v7 of my Yellow Brick Road AU will never actually make it out. >w>; I’ve got some really great ideas, but not enough to make me feel like I know what I’m doing, and that’s a big roadblock. Plus trying to engage with RT’s Atlas-Mantle worldbuilding in any serious capacity is... a headache. I can’t recommend the Happy Huntress Cinematic Universe enough, but it leaves some pretty big shoes to follow! And I’ve got small feet. <w<;
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue’s fun, probably as an extension of characterization. I love tearing into what makes people tick, especially against the backdrop of their environment, the story they’re in, and the people they’re up against. Voice is a double-edged sword; I’ve been told my writing is really recognizable and individual, but on the other hand, I’ve been growing frustrated with with the limits of my narrative ability. There’s a strong rhythm I keep when I write (you might notice it here, even) but that leaves me feeling predictable and stale. I’m not sure I’m great at setting as a matter of course, but I’m pretty good at describing setpieces where the need comes up; that comes from my background in poetry, as does the fun I have with sublimating and abstracting complex imagery. And I think I bring some needed nuance to the universal. For good or ill, I don’t do what “everyone else” is doing.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Well, writing, for one thing. If I don’t know how something’s going to go and don’t have the urge to write it, it isn’t getting done, which means there’s a billion things that will never see the page and a few hundred more that are never getting finished. I lose momentum easily and have a hard time getting started, and I put way too much standing on finding a foothold with other people; as critical as I am of my work, I have high expectations for the stuff that passes muster, and it never seems to measure up. I’m also really uncreative. Yeah, I can mix up elements and extrapolate events, but coming up with things wholesale is really hard, which is why I avoid it wherever possible and steal/reskin stuff from other places instead.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Something along the lines of “Hoo boy, I am Not qualified for this but hopefully it’s decent anyway.” Maria’s Spanish lines haven’t been a big deal – I’ve used it sparingly and, as a Latin language, it should be easy for English-speaking audiences to pick up on the gist – but I’ve had a harder time with Tai’s Chinese, both because I have Even Less background there and because it is, of course, an entirely different language system. If I write it out in English or Romanized italics, am I colonizing it or changing the meaning? If I write it out in the presumed-original characters (presumed because it’s Google Translate and who knows if I’m even barking in the right forest), am I confusing or alienating my presumed-majority-English-speaking audience? Where should I put the translations? Should I put the translations? And for Frisk’s sign language, thinking back, are the brackets I used instead of quotes alienating/infantilizing? I like that different characters give the text between a different feel, but I’m not an ASL speaker – and I’m pretty sure the word is “speaker,” which would only reinforce that that demographic would rather I didn’t do that. It’s important for all these characters, I think, that they use non-English language where it makes sense; it’s part of who they are. But as a white monolingual English-speaker, I don’t think I can really weigh in.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Thaaaat’d be Pokémon, followed closely with Sonic the Hedgehog. Whether those fics are still on my ff.net account or not (pretty sure I’ve purged them, but you never know) I’ve still got a couple saved to a folder on my current laptop, ostensibly so I can look back and see how far I’ve come and more practically to allow for the possibility of furthering group cohesion through public shaming.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I still like the idea behind The Man Who Is Atlas, and Burning Bright (Still Awake) gets props for being my current fic, though it’s currently in that spot where I’m excited to get new chapters posted but also quietly marking everything up in red pen. I think Harbinger gets the crown here, at least for now.
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itbe-jess · 5 years
Penny Parker’s Sonic fandubs are funny, but y’all are not giving her Spider-Man fandub a chance! Why??
Dubbing lines! But it feels like we should write ‘em! But it’s in real-time!  Dubbing lines! But it feels like we should write ‘em! But it’s in real-time!
“I’ll have your head! I’ll have it! I’ll eat it! EAT-IT!”
“You’ve mulled things over for the last ti- Wait, no, I’m not evil yet!”
“Then I guess you’re not invited to my birthday party!” “I didn’t wanna go to your stupid, laser tag birthday party, anyways!”
“I stole her phone. Give me all the money or I’ll kill her in the bathroom with a stake through the heart!”
Talking demon masks?!?
MJ’s existential crisis
“Take him away, boys! He stole my drink! Arrest him! Arrest that robot arm!”
“It’s my robot arm now! I bought it! I bought it with the money, that I saved, from stealing it!”
“You go faster than most cars, so you’re a legally a car now.”
The Uncle Ben call
Martin Li’s personal questions
C h a l k z o n e
“MJ!” “Hey! Me, Michael Jackson!” “M-jjjjjjj!” “Yes? If you- okay, if you call my na-” “EM-JJJJAY!” “No, literally, if you- Okay, wait. Are you like, masturbating and just like calling my name? Because I’m not here for this. You need to pay if you’re gonna do that.”
“hUhUhUhUhUhUhU. aaaaaaPpLLLLe.”
“gIvE mE. mOrE. ApPlEs.”
“These arms are jerks! They’re evil! They’re withholding food from me and they’re just saying the word apple.” 
“I remember Sans Undertale!” “I remember him too, man.” 
“And so, we saved, three people! Spider-Man didn’t do it, it was all us!”
Peter and MJ’s text chat!
“I just destroyed a very expensive television.” 
“Yeah, so, I was like, standing there, then suddenly these guys were, like, trying to take a selfie, then they shut down the highway.”
“Turn that off!” *Lady turns TV off* “We really should buy remotes.”
“Wonder what this means for my band. ...or my podcast. ...or my dream TV show.” Don’t forget your improv troupe. “And my improv troupe! Thanks birds!”
“Antidote made, and I’m naked!”
“Do you need anything? Do you need water or milk or water or milk or water or milk?”
“I’m gonna sue you like in The Incredibles.” 
“I don’t like you! And don’t like me! And don’t like spiders!”
Life Alert! What’s your emergency? “I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up! No, don’t take the bottle! He took the bottle, Life Alert!”
I’m sorry, sir, Your subscription has ended.
Penny’s Hero cover is 1000x better than Nickelback’s! XD
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nighttimepixels · 5 years
If someone where to make an underfell game, in the style of undertale where you have all the route choices and such, what would you want to see in it?
Well I’d definitely recommend in general lots of time and patience and self care for undertaking such a thing, as a creator of fangames myself (⊙ヮ⊙|||)  and wish them all the good luck!
Hmmm... In general though, I’ve actually mused on the topic myself for a long time - more as a for-fun, how-might-this-actually-work thing than a pretending-i’d-ever-manage-that thing, heh. So I actually have a few things!
1. Don’t try and 1-to-1 translate the events of Undertale.
In other words, sure, the Underground’s laid out similarly, but with such different characters - why wouldn’t events have a different order, or turn out differently? Whatever your leanings on Underfell interpretations, it is a darker world and ‘kill or be killed’ is a hell of mentality to have to live under, however strictly you interpret the characters as taking that creed.
Everything from Papyrus challenging you in the forest, to what Sans would/wouldn’t do, to heck, Undyne tracking you in Waterfall - would she be so quickly merciful? would she take a detour to take MK back? - to Alphys’ interactions with you - is she still well intentioned if misguided? would she have different ideas of what to do with you? would she have the exact same motives, or have reacted to the True Lab incidents the same? - to Mettaton - surely he’d ACTUALLY be a killer robot, and far sooner? would he have a diff. relationship with Alphys? - to, jfc, Asgore.
Would Asgore really passively wait in his castle when he heard that a human was Underground?
2. Related- I’d love to see room for the characters ‘differences’ to breathe!
Underfell has a wide range of interpretations, from dark-but-they’re-secretly-aching-to-be good, to the grimmest of vice-laden, depressing, explore-all-the-potential-traumas-and-bad-ends. I tend to not lean towards the latter, but that’s just me! Sometimes I really like that middle ground too - as much as I like my happy ends and don’t like getting invested only to not have that kinda payoff, I also can deeply appreciate and enjoy the struggle/work first, and earning that character payoff and wholesome, slow-built enemies-to-friends/allies/+!
Wherever you might lie, know that it may differ from others’ interpretations; for that reason and also to do justice to the story you’re telling, try not to just speed through the differences! Let ‘em breathe, do justice to the darker backstory they’d have and how it would affect them/their trust.
3. Speaking of- make sure you know what story you want to tell!
Honestly, I’ll give most things a chance if there’s care and some sort of purpose put to it, even if it’s not how I’d envision the set up. Before you dive into ‘starting the game’ (extremely tempting, I can speak from experience) make sure you have down what overarching story you tell. Worldbuilding’s half of it - really do think about the implications of the fell verse on surroundings, on ‘cultural’ things amongst monsters, and on characters & their outlooks - but also, know what overall tale you wanna tell.
In other words, it can be deceptively easy to jump into a game knowing the character beats, even having impeccable worldbuilding- but then, then you stall out some ways in. You’ve maybe even got cool art, and some good mechanics/scenes, maybe the first chunk of the game even if you’re lucky - but then... then you peter out. How does the story actually play out? What story beats really need to happen to connect the disparate plot bits, what scenes need to happen to further relationships with the characters, or further the players interpretation of the world & their desires for the endgame?
This is where making a game and writing a story differ the most. For me, if I have enough of a grasp on the characters, the world (I heckin’ love worldbuilding), and the general plot, I can go on - it’s easier if I have specifics, but I find if I have a good start and an overarching idea I can make it work at least for a good long while because the characters help direct it. With games, though... you can’t half ass that part. Don’t fall into the trap of making a bunch of fun and exciting assets-! .... only to never get to use them because, shit, that doesn’t actually work well, or make sense, or fit.... etc.
I suppose it’s just general advice at that point, but hey, worth saying. X)
In general though, that’d be the main stuff, considering the framing of “an underfell game, in the style of undertale where you have all the route choices and such”! Like I said, so long as there’s heart and effort put into it and the story can hold it’s own water I’d be more than happy :)
If further pressed, then my minor wishlist would just include some silly/fun but not necessarily doable stuff:
good music (I know how tough it can be if you’re not a composer)
i’m an adult so i’m biased towards ‘adult Frisk’ (esp. in Underfell) but hey
varying dialogue based on actions, at least some
perhaps some different items to better fit the Fell world, including the fallen children items?
more grillby.... because I love him and he has so much potential
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hahanoiwont · 4 years
some fic ideas i’m either writing or outlining rn:
-continuation of Aurora Borealis, showing where everyone ended up and how they’re gonna deal with that. survival drama focusing on friendship, determination, and the weird place that frisk holds in the world as the final fallen human.
-oneshot series that follows underfell!frisk on a loose journey through many different undergrounds, comparing the characterizations of their friends through different universes and also through the changing point of view of a child growing into a teen and then a young adult. probably focuses on their relationship with various sanses, but papyri keep sneaking into my ideas, so we’ll see. themes of forgiveness, learning to trust, and recovery
-action/spy movie type thing that follows ambassador!frisk, sans, and alphys through a treacherous plot to frame monsters for a terrible crime; while on another level frisk struggles with their strong pacifist ideals, flaws in the people they look up to, and the question of what they would do to protect the people they love.
-another work in the LIFE ‘verse, sort of a what-if for if the events of The Price Is LIFE didn’t happen, and Frisk decided on a plan that’s more sensible on the outset but ends worse for them ultimately. Ensemble fic following the monsters as they try to understand a world that they weren’t prepared for and track down the human best equipped to help them navigate it.
-the original script of The Price Is LIFE, before I decided to do an audience interaction portion
-oneshot where frisk learns magic; mostly character development, tbh. chara-cter development. could be in the same universe as Trying Out a Maybe?
-oneshot where frisk adamantly avoids doctors’ appointments because they’re technically kind of dead, fam. looks at some of the weird stuff that frisk does in-game (sleeps for only a few minutes at a time, moves only at a walking pace even when undyne is trying to kill them, etc.) and mashes it with my own theories.
-go back over literally any of these or my other existing fics and do the same scenes from a different perspective, or put LIFE ‘verse or Maybe!verse’s Frisk and/or Chara into the situation of a different fic (ie Aurora Borealis, spy movie fic, w/e) to see how they would change the outcome
Obviously I’m not writing 7 or more separate fics, because i’m not totally crazy. but these are my most persistent, prevalent ideas in the undertale fandom rn, so i’ll probably write some of them.
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journeyedalone · 4 years
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Anonymous asked:  How come you decided to go fandomless?
I went fandomless for a lot of reasons.
I originally really loved the universe I put these OCs in before (Undertale) and it was fun to see characters from other works (Wolf Among Us, Black Butler, etc.) be put into the same universe. But it became a problem for multiple reasons, personal, rpc-related, and character.
Personal #1- I started to feel really low, due to the universe, oftentimes, I was very limited by “being associated” with the fandom. Some people feel uncomfortable with me being attached to Undertale at all, or don’t see us possibly interacting because of the universe. Starters were a bit more difficult because when characters can’t move or are stuck somewhere, it’s hard to make a plot without it being the plot.
Personal #2- A lot of people didn’t even bother to read the bios to learn about my characters, people would assume their age or their attachments before reading the bios; or they would get upset because I get into a lot darker content than Undertale does. I spent weeks writing six page bios for eight characters--I don’t expect you to read them all, but the triggers were at the very top of them my guy. You can’t complain about triggering content when I tag it as a trigger in each post and warn you in the description, the rules, and the bios that this blog gets heavy.
RPC #1- The Undertale community rarely wants to interact with the fallen humans(aside from Chara and sometimes Frisk), it may be small, but most of the rpers that aren’t fallen humans themselves, are mainly looking for other monsters, OC or canon, which makes it hard to interact.
RPC #2- It’s intimidating. No one is unapproachable, because at the end of the day we’re all nerds who sit behind a screen but most of the rpc is either 100% in on the aesthetics that their icons, tags, header and themes are all linked by something, or they keep it really simple and focus on the writing, I’ve only seen one or two people who fall somewhere in between. And when you follow that 100% aesthetics dude, and they don’t follow back, it feels like rejection. It’s just a hobby you should spend the time with the people you want to write with, but it also feels like you looked at me like a can of soup and decided to put me back on the shelf because I’m not worth your time. It was hurtful, but something I could get over pretty quickly since most of the people who don’t follow back don’t mean to harm, or think of it as deeply as I do. This is just something I need to work past.
Character #1- My muse dies upon the realization that these characters were made to die. It’s hard to write when your muse is only shouting that there has to be more to them than just a death for plot purposes, that they don’t even get to be remembered, that they don’t have names, they only serve to help Frisk, they have two objects and a color--that’s it. The game cared about them so little because they were just a tool to move the plot forward--and as a human being, it’s depressing.
I’ll still have an Undertale verse for these characters since I worked so hard on it; but when it comes down to having characters that can grow and change, that can have their own story without any limits, or keeping a universe that I worked on for years--I’d like to think someone else would give me that opportunity if it came down to it.
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evenmywordsare · 5 years
📂 for Kris??
i really love the association of them with the light blue soul from ut!! and i recently was wondering where they might have existed in the undertale verse, provided they’re a separate person and not just a literal combination of frisk and chara (and i believe they are their own person!)
so this is in no way canon and is not a theory, but i thought of the ut version of them actually being the fallen human with the light blue soul. i’ve always been eager to have good headcanons about who the fallen humans were as people, and i think kris is a perfect fit for light blue.
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the light blue soul’s quality is patience, which is fitting for kris, who waited til the very end of chapter one to finally assert themselves. light blue’s objects are the toy knife and the faded ribbon, which to me correspond to kris’ knife in the ending scene / possibly even the sword and the first piece of armour you find in deltarune (which is of course a ribbon). at the beginning hometown portion of deltarune, one of the default items kris has equipped is a bandage, which also matches light blue’s healing item during the ps flowey fight.
since the red soul we control them with in the game is obviously not theirs, perhaps their real soul is light blue. and of course, kris becomes the exact same shade of blue in the dark world.
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light blue was only the second human to fall down in ut, the first child toriel had after chara and asriel, and i like to think they would have been with her the longest out of all them. i think it would just be really sweet if that soul was kris! also fun to think about them making their way through all the places in the underground, at least until they fight asgore, at which point they’d become the first human asgore ever murders. yikes.
in the deltarune universe, it’s kris instead of chara who ends up as a dreemurr with asriel as their brother. if kris isn’t just a stand-in for chara, this would suggest the actual chara is out there somewhere and somehow never ended up with toriel. i have no idea where humans come from in that game and i don’t know where chara would have gone, but i am nonetheless stuck on this idea that kris’ ut counterpart was the light blue fallen human!
again, this just a headcanon, not a theory. but it’s definitely a favourite of mine!
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