#verse: the missing nin
shinobinvku · 3 months
@bladedhunter sent: "You're making a big mistake." -ZABUZA
She creates some distance between the Kiri swordsman up high in the tree branches, crouched in a defensive stance within the shadows, ready to dodge the mighty swing of his Kubikiribōchō if need be. The Dragon has vaguely heard the rumors of the Demon of the Hidden Mist and his savagery toward Konoha-nin. All alone and not seeking a death wish today, she treads carefully.
“And what mistake would that be?” She asks calmly. Her heart, however, is racing. 
“Are you not Momochi Zabuza of the Seven Swordsmen? Perhaps you’re mistaken in assuming I’m one of those self-righteous Konoha-nin. I’m here seeking your services if you think the price is worth it.”
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rewrittn · 2 years
send  “  who  did  this  to  you  ?  ”  for  the  sender  to  find  the  receiver  injured  and  demand  to  know  who  did  it. | accepting | @allgather​ asked: “who did this to you?” with a protective iruka & injured (again) kakashi. perhaps for some spice this is their missing-nin verse and Iruka is ENRAGED bc they are supposed to be SAFE here 💕
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Kakashi likes to go out into the woods that are near the little town they’ve settled into and made home, he goes there to train and stay in shape despite the peaceful lifestyle that he has taken up with Iruka and little Naruto. It’s best to never let his senses become too dull even if there is peace, it would be good in the long run for them. 
Him keeping his senses from becoming dull is what keeps him from dying there in the woods alone with Iruka and Naruto not knowing where he was or what happened. He handles the situation as fast as he can and stumbles his way back home, hands shaking ( one tingling from use of the chidori as it always did after using such a move ). He quietly enters their home, realizes that Iruka and Naruto are both taking a nap and he tries to quietly go to the bathroom.
He’s only there for a solid minute before he’s Iruka’s reflection in the mirror along with his own. Shit. Busted. He turns to face him and reveals the wound fully even though it was glaringly obvious he was injured from the blood that dripped against the floor, sure to stain the wood and have Naruto asking questions if they didn’t clean it soon after. 
He leans towards Iruka, resting his forehead against the other mans and he already knows his hands are going to be swatted away from the wound so that Iruka can assess the damage to his stomach. ❝ I handled it. ❞ That’s not the answer Iruka would want, it’s not the right answer to the question he asked.
❝ It’s fine. I’m fine. ❞ He gives Iruka a reassuring smile despite the fact that he feels dizzy, despite the fact that his legs feel weak and his hand is still tingling like electricity is still running along it. 
❝ I’m sorry. ❞ He finds himself apologizing like he’s at fault for the situation when in reality he didn’t do anything wrong, all he did was fight against some random shinobi that decided to fight him when he was training all alone. ❝ I really am. I should’ve been more careful. ❞  
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sharkfinx · 1 year
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@silent-killing-demon​ asked:  [AIM]
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               “O—ho! Good one. Someone scrawny like you, already getting used with their weight like that? That’s something else, neee. ~ ”  It’s true that the circumstances they both became missing nin were drastically different from each other. For Kisame, Zabuza’s dreams were silly. However, since they had became one of the seven swordsman of the mist, Zabuza deserved nothing but his pure respect. Training together as a fellow swordsman without attacking each other was just etiquette.               “Is it true what they say? Does it heals with blood?”
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yuesya · 4 months
I’m entranced with the idea of Shiki as a root!agent
In all honesty, Shiki as a Root agent in Naruto-verse would probably end up with her deciding to slaughter her way through the entire organization. I guess we'd go straight into a missing-nin AU from there? Not that Shiki would even consider herself to be a ninja in the first place...
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So my sibs and I were watching (in my case re-watching) and around that time where Zane was in the sick bay they immediately went:
"Why are the readings for a human—"
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[The Ninjargon on the body map above read, from top to bottom: brain, face, torso, arm, belly, leg, knee, front leg.]
Which, to be fair, is a very good question. I propose two theories on this:
I. The systems were rigged that way to make it easier to understand. II. Zane has a heavily human-based system.
My rationale for each one is under the cut and, yes, it's long.
Yes, I have assignments and I am in college! Why'd you ask? :P
I. The systems were rigged that way to make it easier to understand.
I think the only persons who are well-versed in mechanical stuff is Jay and Nya. With all the disastrous situations Zane finds himself in usually land him in the sick bay, and as with a human patient you usually have to have someone looking over them.
Now technological whatnot is going to be hard to understand for someone who doesn't have a background in it (except maybe for red is bad and green is good idk), so I think Jay and Nya made it so that the displays show what it would look like for a human. Because who isn't familiar with heart monitors and stuff?
I like the thought that Jay and Nya amended the systems for the others to better understand it and so that when something goes wrong they can immediately be told what's wrong, which can save time. I think it's pretty neat.
(Disclaimer: Yes, I still am mildly affronted by how... inaccurate the systems are, but that's a discussion for another post.)
And the one I prefer:
II. Zane has a heavily human-based system.
(People who read spinchip are probably either rolling their eyes or leaning forwards. Or both)
You might tell me, 'Well, duh, Nin,' but hear me out.
Julien predated Borg when he created Zane, and it's all but implied that Zane's blueprints were probably what Borg used to create Pixal and consecutively what the Overlord used for his evil clone army back in S3.
Now take into account that Julien has had no other reference for creating an android out of what mechanics he already has in mind. Also that Zane was created with two main purposes: to be a defense droid ('protect those who cannot protect themselves') and to be Julien's son.
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[The Ninjargon on the screen reads, from left to right, top to bottom: rpm, 34/56, heart, lungs.]
Here we can see he has lungs (I personally think that's just the cooling fans because idk how you'll make artificial lungs out of metal or smth) and a heart (his core most probably, though I really don't think it's gonna be a pump but something that disperses electricity through the body the same way the human heart distributes blood around). There's also a spine—probably where all the sensors find their locus.
Though I'm wondering why just those three on the screen? We don't even have the neural network there (unless you count the spine being that?? Somehow??)
The fanfic potential of this thing HM-
TLDR: I. The systems were rigged that way to make it easier to understand. II. Zane has a heavily human-based system.
Feel free to add onto the discussion or ask me stuff; this was written on a procrastinating streak, so I probably missed a few things or the essay is a bit blurred.
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what do you think about this post? https://www.tumblr.com/irl-saiki-k/757754607555477504/is-anybody-well-versed-in-naruto-enough-to-explain
im pretty sure if kakashi hadn't taught chidori to sasuke, they would've complained about how a neglecting teacher kakashi was
I mean, he really didn’t have a lot of choice.
Against snyone else Sasuke would have been fine, but they’d seen how impenetrable Gaara’s sand shield was. Lee only got through it with sheer speed, which was backed up but him opening the gates
Kakashi had esentially two choices
Teach Sasuke chidori which could cut through the sand shield (as it does)
Or teach Sasuke the gates, which are no less dangerous (as we see. Lee almost died and almost lost his ability to be a shinobi firever.). We can also assume that even thoigh Kakashi is shown to know the first gate, he probably can’t teach Sasuke them
Or at least it would take a lot longer to do so
So he went with the option he could
Increase sasuke’s speed to match chidori, and teach him chidori
Was it too early? Yes, absolutly
But Kakashi really didn’t have a choice. If Sasuke didn’t have something to fight through gaara’s shield, he was guaranteed to be dead. Gaara was not going to hold back and i think a lot of people forget to factor that in
This Gaara wanted to kill his opponents
He went to the hospital specifically to kill lee and was only stopped by gai
Sasuke needed something, and the only options available to him were equally as dangerous for different reasons
So Kakashi went with the one that best fit Sasuke.
As for ‘Sasuke’s goal’ that was never an issue. Kakashi only had an issue with Sasuke’s goal for revenge when he turned his rage on his friends
Kakahi would have had zero issue with sasuke using it against Itachi, though he likely would have disagreed with sasuke trying to fight an S rank missing nin of any kind at his current level
He took issue with Sasuke using it against Naruto, which… fair
You don’t attack your friends with a move you KNOW will kill if it hits them, and that’s what chidori does
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minds-interlinked · 3 months
Talk to me about evil missing nin Ino, what would she be like?
[[//Ino would have abandoned the Village sometime around Shippuden. Biding her time, and learning whatever jutsu she deems necessary before making her getaway. (In this verse, Ino would have grown tired of the rules, and high expectations in place. And as distrusting as she'd grown to those around her, would have eventually dug into the Village's history, and found out some things that would make her rethink everything she'd ever grown to believe. Thus cementing her decision to leave.) Overtime, she'd grow to be extremely cold and calculating, and pretty much devoid of attachments. She wouldn't be above using others for personal gain, and betraying said person (in question) once they are no longer of any use to her. Ino's not exclusive to killing. She'll give you a chance to back off, but if not done in a timely manner, she's not above going for the kill.
((The only exception to the attachment rule would be @fuchsiafortified's Sakura, due to plotting (in my previous blog) & the close relationship between our muses. (And the fact that her Sakura was the one who intercepted Ino making her leave, though, ultimately failed to talk her into staying. This is exclusive to her Sakura only.) Ino wouldn't necessarily show her face around Sakura, but if the Haruno were anywhere near her location and was somehow being targeted, she would protect her the best she could. Not necessarily because Sakura needed help, but because it was something Ino's always done since childhood. Protecting her best friend.)) ]]
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shinobinvku · 3 months
" she is there, all alone too. go see what's the deal with her. i dare you. " " silence. don't tell me what to do. " there are four pair of eyes, two individuals keeping watch on the dragon from a perch well hidden, and they seem to be having a discussing between themselves. although it was a brief, possibly meaningless exchange, konan couldn't help but keep that mysterious lady in her thoughts after they crossed paths in a busy night market on a small village, and she has no idea why. it all felt like a weird, hazy dream and her pulse raced whenever she remembered it, even against her will. in fact, her heart started beating fast just from observing the kunoichi now, and she had to look away to her paper clone - who was the one daring her - to brush the weird sensation off, but it won't go away so easily. she is going to think about this later again and again-- oh, to hell with it. all of this is foolish, anyway. better to just end with it already. a hand sign and the second konan disappears in a swarm of papers that becomes a pair of wings that she uses to soar high in the air; circling the area before she lands right behind chitose.
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" you there. i have a question for you. " her tone was completely serious despite actually feeling nervous in the inside.
It’s the second time traveling back to Amegakure. This time, the Dragon appears to be searching for information on a powerful underground organization and was given a lead that their base of operations resides within this village. Rumors speculate that its leaders are gods, destined to reform the Shinobi world of its corruption through radical change.
While holding the same royal blue wagasa, Chitose stops along the muddied path to check her resources, questioning whether she is on the right path, when suddenly a beautiful woman with delicate, paper wings descends from the sky behind her. The Dragon makes no sudden movements. 
A woman with papered wings; Chitose recalls the rumors warning her about the one they call the Angel. The Angel sees all, they said. This doesn’t seem to strike fear inside the Dragon, for she’s certain this woman can lead her to her next destination. 
“Alright, but tell me,” Chitose murmurs, glancing over her shoulder, “Are you the Angel, a member of the organization, Akatsuki?” 
She turns fully to face Konan, wearing a calm, stoic expression. “I’ve been summoned to this country to meet with the one they call God. If you are the Angel, then I’d appreciate some guidance. Now then, what did you want to ask me?”
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rewrittn · 2 years
send  “  who  did  this  to  you  ?  ”  for  the  sender  to  find  the  receiver  injured  and  demand  to  know  who  did  it. | accepting | @henshyne​ asked: “  who  did  this  to  you  ?  ”    obito to kakashi ~
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He’s not a medic nin, never has been, one could say that they finally found something that the Hatake was bad at and he’d agree with them entirely. Of course, this comes to bite him in the ass today of all days. Akatsuki members were set into pairs for a reason, he of course didn’t feel like he needed a teammate of sorts and tried to do everything all on his own ( though this time really wasn’t his fault if he thought about the fact of it being an ambush ). It wasn’t like he and his swirly masked partner were even to their destination for their next assignment even, Tobi had went practically skipping off to get some extra supplies and Kakashi found the silence to be a little nice but, it left him to thoughts that constantly plagued him and he found himself wishing Tobi would hurry back instead. He had new reasons to wish Tobi would return when he had been ambushed. Shinobi normally would flee on sight when they spotted the cloaks with red clouds littering them but not this time, not given where these shinobi were from, not given their skill level. 
Tobi did return, after Kakashi had dealt with most of the issue and made others retreat, though not before being left with a few injuries in return, a stab wound in his torso, but he was sure he’d be okay, maybe. He’d been sitting there propped against a tree with a hand pressed against his bleeding wound trying to catch his breath before working on an attempt at patching the damage when Tobi returned. Both eyes met the one visible eye of Tobi’s and he’s waiting for Tobi to panic and run around like a bumbling idiot but that’s not what happens at all, not in the slightest. The voice that comes from the mouth hidden by that orange mask is deeper, less playful and a hell of a lot more serious. It catches the Hatake off guard, it has both eyes widening ever so slightly but then he checks off somethings from a mental checklist, a fake voice, a complete act. 
❝ Huh. So you aren’t all sunshine and rainbows, look at that. ❞ He chuckles for a moment, only for it to turn into a bloody cough, copper taste coating his mouth ( not the best sign to receive when having a wound ). ❝ Getting tired of playing pretend with me ? Are you finally going to be real with me now ? ❞  He takes a deep breath and tries to sit a little straighter, then push himself to his feet somehow with the help of the tree behind him. ❝ Oh y’know, saw some old friends from my Anbu days. They were happy to say hello and leave a present after all these years. ❞ Konoha Anbu, all the way out here, probably only straying from their mission because of it being him ( unless their mission had to do with him which wouldn’t surprise him in the slightest ).   
❝ It’s to be expected, is it not ? ❞
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
for the ship meme, gaara (whether adult or time travelling or whatever), big expectations placed on them as kids, kinda demonised for meeting those expectations, treated poorly for zero reason, not loved enough by the narrative
So I've looked at Shisui/Gaara briefly before-
"Gaara: the ANGST, the TENDERNESS. Shukaku is losing his fucking mind that the person Gaara dates is the Uchiha with the ability to rewrite reality and this has the potential to be absolutely hilarious. Also Gaara's ultimate defence shield against Shisui's Shunshin would be so so fun, wandering the dunes together and being murder husbands with gentle words ❤️‍🔥 Shisui, through growing up with Itachi and also helping Tenzo, will be well versed in helping Gaara navigate his lack of socialisation as well as bloodlust, Gaara will be able to look into Shisui's darkness and touch him very delicately and deliberately. This whole thing screams knowing silences, dramatic landscapes and very carefully chosen words with a wealth of meaning behind them. Also imagine the serial killer AUs. Yes, yes I have been revisiting Hannibal (TV) fanfic."
- when I talked about theoretical Rookie Nine Shisui pairings and I really like it!
Time travelling Gaara is a personal favourite of mine, there is a Gaara/Tobirama/Izuna fic out there that literally changed my brain chemistry, so Gaara time travelling by accident and ending up at the time of the Massacre so deciding to get involved because Danzo needs stopped sooner rather than later, the loss of the Uchiha clan destabilised Konoha, Itachi shouldn't become a missing nin, and he wants to visit Naruto~ saving Shisui, who Gaara probably didn't even know about, is a happy coincidence. Shisui is like holy shit a suna nin saved me, we're not allies, wait hold on YOURE A JINCHUURIKI? and Shukaku is rolling in his grave seal because noooooooooo Mangekyou lil bitch, Gaara is kinda invested now and Naruto would want him to fix Sasuke's life so blah blah shit happens, and Gaara goes home to suna because he should probably explain some stuff to mini-him and help out, shisui starts taking literally every mission to wind country and they become known an international boyfriends and everyone is like "hey Gaara, your bf is here again" and Gaara is like 0_0 okay and kankuro is only like 12 so he's a like EWWE GAARA HAS A BOY FRIEND and Gaara is like shisui is a boy and i suppose we are friends yes *very slight softening of his face because this is novelty* and shisui is like "DEFFO NOT COMPLAINING BUT WHY DO PEOPLE THINK WE'RE DATING?" and then is like "okay but you should kiss me then~" and shukaku is wishing for death 🥰
I went a bit overboard, Hiding, but enjoy lmao~
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dilfsuzanneyk · 1 year
Since With Teeth is on your mind, I must ask... How do you feel about The Line Begins To Blur?
hi snowy!!! soo i saw this a bit ago but i wanted to properly listen to the song again first (error: ended up putting it on repeat and now am going slightly insane)
as a song i really like it!! maybe not as impactful or powerful (to me) as a few other songs, BUT i think the song itself fits into the rest of the album really nicely.
i think it carries that same kinda vibe of losing your sense of personality and your sense of direction in life. a lot of the lyrics in it are really interesting also!! the second verse stood out to me a lot. just that kind of sense that you've come so far, you got what you thought you wanted, what do you do need? did you even want this, really? should you stop because you want to or keep going because no one's told you to stop yet?
it's less emotive? to me? but also i do think the song is like a little moment the speaker is kind of reflecting back on his life and where he's at but in a REALLY passive way. the speaker kind of feels like,, all this shit's happened and he's in a really shitty place but it's too late for him. he can't fix it. he'll always be missing that something, but he's come too far in his endeavours to stop there. so i think the music does add to that. the repetitiveness of it all and the passive sense you get.
i tried to think about like. if the song wasn't in the album would anything change or does it really add to everything? and i think it's a nice transitional song from Sunspots to Beside You In Time. the song Sunspot having this sense of "i have to keep going. why would i stop? it's good here. i'm good here." and then The Line Begins To Blur being that resigned realisation that the speaker is NOT good at all, but he's too far gone. and then Beside You In Time being that moment of him disregarding his awareness because he doesn't think he can do anything. but the whole time he's hyper-aware of the fact that he's not doing good at all and he's lost his sense of self and direction.
overall a great song, but i'll say that about almost any nin song LMAOO thank you for asking though snowy <33
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sharkfinx · 1 year
❝ Oi Kisame... ❞ Obito leans on the side of the counter that was empty, head resting in his palm wondering if his fellow friend still retained his shitty sense of humor from those days. Hmm... Now was a good time as any. ❝ I tried to catch fog the other day... Missed. ❞ Now he watched for the Shark-nin's reaction from the corner of his eye. // post-war verse sskkssk hehehehe
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"Hai hai?" Looking to the side, the fisherman stops briefly his writing in a little notepad. He listen, curious eyes stare directly and quietly to the Uchiha. How can anyone hold fog? Is his head right? It's quite worrisome. "Obito-san, are y.......................—AaaEeehhhhh!!! KekeKEkeKEKkeKkKEKEKEEKEKKkekekekekek!!!! "
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He starts to laugh soundly as his shoulders move slightly. "Good one neeee! I mist!! Kekekekekekekkeek. Good one." He give light taps over the counter. What a good joke.
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I am working on others but here's three of Ami's complete AU verses
Naruto | Part 1
V: Childhood & Genin | Raised in Suna Not trusting the man that her husband was turning into, Jo gained permission (with help from Nara Shikaku) to register her newborn daughter as a resident of the Hidden Sand Village. This meant that Ami is raised by her maternal grandfather to have a more normalised childhood. She grows up with the Sand Siblings and makes a habit of drifting in Gaara's direction, seemingly unconcerned that he could easily kill her.
Gap between Naruto & Shippuden
V: Wandering Medic Despite becoming the only other Chunnin alongside Shikamaru, the Elders of Konoha gave the now lone Firesword two choices: Either join one of the big Clans or hand in her forehead protector and live as a civilian. But with her family now dead and all the Clans being firmly in her corner, Ami swaps her Konoha headband for one with Firesword written in Kanji on it. She leaves the village not as a missing-nin but as a wandering medic with family ties that link her only to Sunagakure.
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dawnedon · 1 year
Verse - Naruto
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Name: Hikari Yuki Hara
Affinity: Ice Release (kekkei genkai), Water Release, Wind Release
Affiliation: Kirigakure (Village Hidden in the Mist)
Hikari was born in the Mist Village during a time where those with Kekkei Genkai were still looked down upon. Her mother was a traditional dance artist after retiring from a life as a kunoichi, while her father worked as a high ranking hunter-nin, tracking down many of the village's missing-nins and carrying out assassinations.
Their family kept their clan lineage a secret, masquerading with a differing last name to protect themselves. Hikari's mother, Ayako, forbade Hikari from becoming a kunoichi herself, trying to goad her daughter into following her footsteps. Ayako had always kept her ice release under wraps, only utilizing her wind and water releases. Hikari wasn't keen on following Ayako's wishes, however.
When Hikari was only 6, her father was killed in action during an assassination attempt on one of the village's defectors. This only ramped up Ayako's controlling further. Hikari had to practically sneak off as far as enrolling in schooling went.
The training at Kirigakure's Academy was much more brutal and thorough than the other schools seen in other villages. When Hikari touched chakra paper for the first time, it did not damper nor slice in half. It froze solid, and she became an immediate target.
Ayako was livid when she learned of her daughter's antics, though a deal was struck between her and the Mizukage of the village. Hikari happened to be a perfect vessel for harboring a shinigami. In exchange for immunity, Ayako gave Hikari away.
Hikari was still young, no older than 8, but her body was able to withstand the sealing process. They sealed a fearsome shinigami known as Giratina within her, preventing the demon from wrecking further havoc in the world, and thus gaining a new piece of power for their village as well.
They fortunately allowed Hikari to return to the academy, resuming her brutal training. She excelled in ninjutsu, along with kenjutsu - a common, more advanced technique taught in their academy compared to the other academies in the other villages. She refrained from using her ice release around others, taking to doing so in private.
Hikari's relationship with her mother was effectively destroyed after she gave up her daughter. She was infrequently home, avoiding the place as much as possible. Ayako was still furious at her daughter's enrollment in the academy.
For Hikari's age, she became a prodigy at Kirigakure's school. Her ninjutsu skills were leaps ahead of everyone else in her class, as was her kenjutsu and chakra control. The shinigami within her, however, wasn't agreeable to Hikari. It was difficult to control Giratina at times, and one such time Hikari lost control was during the academy's chunin exams.
She lost control over herself and wreaked havoc on her opponent in the finals, bloodying them and nearly beating them to death with raw strength alone. It took several jonin to pull her off her foe, restraining her with seals and a formidable barrier. When Hikari came to, she had no recollection or memory of what took place.
The Yuki clan had always been a cursed clan, after all.
The higherups of Kirigakure were quick to cover up the incident, not wanting to have another graduation similar to what they had seen with Zabuza. Those in the stands were put to sleep with a genjutsu, and had their memories of the incident erased and replaced. The student in question also had their memories changed after their recovery. Instead of memories of Hikari beating them nearly to death, they simply had put a memory into them of being knocked out.
After the exams, Hikari was removed from her squad. They feared she would lose control and hurt them, and so she was forced to do her missions solo. With her prowess, it wasn't a big deal, but she missed the camaraderie of her team.
She wasn't kicked out of Kirigakure, though she was intentionally sent on much more difficult missions - be it the fact she could handle them, or they secretly wanted her to be killed in action was unknown at the time. To their surprise, she handled these missions in stride.
In the span of a few years following the exams, she went from a liability to an important asset of the village. There were a few times on A and S-rank missions where she did lose control, as she had in the past. The village turned a blind eye to this, as no witnesses were ever left, and it didn't happen within the confines of Kirigakure. It wasn't their problem.
When Hikari was just 15, she was granted the rank of jonin. They were wary of letting her have her own squadron, however, and continued to have her carry out missions for the village on her own. The missions only grew tougher, causing her to be away from Kirigakure for longer periods of time. This was still fine by her, as she would readily jump at any chance to be away from her mother. Hikari had only seen her a handful of times since she became a chunin, and she was glad for it.
During her missions, she would visit many different villages and meet many different people. Hikari found she enjoyed traveling, feeling free to do what she wanted more or less. It was only when the Akatsuki began cropping up that she realized there may be a problem. Losing control became a much more dangerous idea, not wanting the information of her harboring a shinigami falling into the wrong hands.
At age 17, Hikari was brought into the ranks of Kirigakure's hunter-nin's. The influx of corruption under the Fourth Mizukage was immense, and the village had numerous defectors. She was tasked with assassinations, hunting down defectors as they were a threat to the village's security and held many secrets about Kirigakure.
As it stands currently years later, Hikari is still part of Kirigakure's hunter-nins. Despite the way the village has treated her, she still has a deep loyalty to Kirigakure. She carries out normal missions too, still forced to work alone. She still grapples to keep Giratina under control and to reach a mutual understanding with the demon.
Other Info:
Hikari wears her headband around her right upper arm.
She wields a sword that she often imbues with wind chakra, making it very sharp and deadly. Though the legendary seven swords of the mist have fallen nearly out of Kirigakure's control due to defectors, Hikari has a goal to find and obtain at least one of them for herself. When she isn't on any missions, she travels still in order to seek out these swords.
With Kirigakure's overall view towards those with kekkei genkai improving, Hikari tends to keep her lineage under wraps when in the village. In other villages, she doesn't keep it much of a secret at all.
She hasn't spoken to her mother in many, many years. Hikari has gotten herself a home in Kirigakure that's very far from where Ayako's home is situated.
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allgather · 2 years
If the conditions were right, would your Shisui ever become a missing-nin?
YES !! I have thought about this a lot, thank you so much for asking.
shisui stays in konoha post-massacre and following his injury for a few main reasons. primarily, he stays to raise sasuke, because as much as he is afraid for his life and can't stand the isolation and grief which comes from living in the village that condemned him and his clan to die, he is much more afraid for sasuke. there is also an inherited responsibility and a deep love for sasuke that prevents him from abandoning him, so he chooses to stay, every time, if he has a choice in the matter ( i will return to this ). shisui also stays at first because he is too injured and too unfamiliar with navigating the world and, importantly for becoming a missing-nin, fighting without sight.
life in the village is horrible for shisui; it is breath-taking, suffocating, pressing the life out of shisui the longer he stays. i have talked about this at length with @xhatake, that shisui and kakashi dream of leaving the village and the way it's oppression and control over shisui's life leaves him so rigidly controlled, gasping for air. the way the two of them feel like the rug has been pulled out from under them and they are some of the only people who now see the village for what it is. violent, corrupt, unlivable if you aren't in its good graces. they talk and plan and dream of taking sasuke and running, just as soon as shisui is well enough.
and maybe in some verses they succeed, but we've also talked about the very real possibility that recovery is long, the time is never right, and sasuke's building anger becomes much more of a concern than their dreams of escape. and then sasuke leaves first. and for shisui, as much as he knows this place is poison, this terrifies him, the thought of sasuke going where he can't protect him. and this, in my mind, is the strongest impetus for shisui to leave.
i've also now have a verse with @kamuito where obito rescues shisui from nakano river following danzo's attack, helps him heal, and allows shisui to join in the eye of the moon plan. this is very much a shisui and obito get to do anti-state things and shisui re-builds a connection to his cousin who he hasn't seen in over a decade type beat, which i adore. working with obito and the akatsuki, taking down the village and the system that condemned him to die, and yet, like obito, he survived. and he uses this second chance to take this world apart at the seams, in hope for something better to take its place, even if it is in the form of unreality, a wonderful dream.
anyway tldr; shisui should get to leave konoha because the place is poison in his veins and suffocates the life out of him every minute he stays post-injury and post-massacre. free my boy!
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maudlxne · 20 days
Maomao Naruto verse idea. Please note I am a bit rusty on all of Naruto's lore involving shinobi. So this will be tweaked as I go it's just a rough idea.
Maomao doesn't belong to a hidden village like most, despite having the chakra and ability to be a medic ninja. She was born and raised in a brothel ( much like in her primary show ) and her adoptive father's apothecary. From a young age, she was exposed to how to heal people using herbs and medical knowledge versus jutsu. Most men, women, and nonbinary people who have made their homes in the city/town she grew up in are civilians. Her adoptive father, however, is a missing-nin from a currently unknown hidden village. He's also a medical ninjutsu user.
Her biological father, Lakan, however, was a ninja. Who sired her after calling in love with her mother who was a courtesan after stopping to rest while on a mission. Anyways Maomao is immensely skilled in dealing with poison in particular and having poison resistance to the point of nearly being immune. Partly due to her own experiments with poison.
Currently, she still resides with her father and is rather keen to keep it that way. Enjoying learning and experimenting with medicinal herbs as he teaches her on the side medical jutsu. While she prefers to keep her head low and out of sight of ninja and hidden villages they are known for sometimes taking in missing-nin and rouges into their apothecary for treatment. Especially when they have nowhere else to go. Of course, they tend to try and stay away from the more dangerous ones who will attack without any rhyme or reason.
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