#verse: tba;
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maaskuline · 5 days ago
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"Well, if ya ask ME—best way to learn to swim is by just doin' it, no matter how much ya suck at it! And if ya start to drown a little, well, uhhh... Hey, it builds character!"
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marshalforgotten · 7 months ago
@cosmicxblossoms continued from {x}
The fight was something eyes witnessed on accident, as she was merely traveling across nations via In-between. The thought of leaving it be crossed her mind, as what right did she have to intrude upon another's territory? Those thoughts were changed however, once soul sight beheld this so-called "Bone King"; seeing his wretched state of the spirit.
She may know very little of the individual personally, but watching one's own kind be reduced to such a deplorable condition felt unnerving if not downright insulting. No, she would not stand for this. Thus did concealed primate inform Maya that she would be out of town for an indefinite amount of time. Keeping up her human appearance happened to be important, but this felt more so.
MK's words temporarily gave her pause, making a frown appear on countenance. She supposed him taking notice eventually would be inevitable, but changing tactics did present challenges at times.
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"...And so does the pot call the kettle black," she muttered, before promptly turning to face him with a faux grin and hands akimbo to sides. "Requesting help, from a thief? You and that famous warrior truly are in a real pickle, huh? I suppose I can help, since you asked so nicely." Strangely enough, hidden baboon felt that this would be needed, so she endeavored to drain plenty of medical herbs dry beforehand.
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drrobctnik · 1 month ago
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he was new to the whole G.U.N business; not exactly a greenhorn, but a little wet behind the ears. still, julius had just turned 24, and was slowly trying to make his way up the ranks of G.U.N's frankly bizarre 'status' system. it was infuriatingly annoying trying to navigate what exactly he was supposed to do or say in order to impress enough to be risen up a rank.
julius stood at 6'3", trying not to slouch as much nowdays but couldn't help it. he also struggled with eye contact, primarily because everybody here always looked so serious. did his best to emulate them, not wanting to tarnish G.U.N's name or reputation while out and about in the field or while on missions. though, lately, julius had been noting that G.U.N's methods were... er, different than what he had expected of a military's to be.
his thought was that their job was to protect the people of earth first and foremost, and then the planet itself. G.U.N's higher ups, however, felt it was more important to keep the shareholders & those that helped fund the military happy and pleased. which meant following government orders & working so closely together with them. julius hadn't enjoyed that.
he also hadn't enjoyed his own work being passed over or looked down upon. what was so wrong with building machines with the intent to help people? to help enrich the planet; to shield nature and revitalize it? didn't these people realize that earth's resources and it's nature were finite if they weren't careful with it??
a sigh huffed from julius, as he pushed his hair back and his bangs fell against his eyes again. he should probably look into cutting his bangs, that or slicking his hair back somehow. wouldn't do him any good to be caught unawares by something just because he couldn't see past his own bangs.
"maybe i should just quit..." it's muttered, mostly to himself, turning to head into the break room that G.U.N used for it's lower-ranked soldiers. the higher ups had their own wing/unit and quarters. julius'd even heard talk of some high ranking G.U.N members having their own bedrooms / mini-apartments around certain bases--
not paying attention, julius nearly slams into someone that was leaving, "sorry," he starts, then glances up and stills. he's looking down at probably one of the most muscular men he's seen in a while, since he'd quit the gay club. jesus, those arms. no focus julius.
"....are you new here?"
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doomxdriven · 15 days ago
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A little sketch of Captain Amagai and his currrent 3rd Division peeps, done by erojiji3 !!
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ymirgel · 18 days ago
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my commission from @/mehyann on twitter came in my email just as valentine's day is upon us! look at how remarkable their art style is! im practically frothing at its beauty.
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sirenum · 29 days ago
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@el-perro-rabiosa tempted fate;
Darkness laid like a blanket over the Konni building, all was still and peaceful within those fortified walls, bar a few security guards, though their ranks were gradually being thinned by the dog prowling the corridors, until she finally made it to the high-security private apartment at the top of the building.
Deft hands worked away at the lock on the door, hidden in the shadows of night, until the door swung open, revealing a rather angry looking Makarov
."Ah... I told them stealth isn't my thing." Freya muttered, giving a light shrug as she stood to her full height, quirking an eyebrow as she looked up at the slightly taller man. "I expected you to be taller."
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Makarov would look down at Freya his eyes not flickering a single ounce of emotion even after her callous words. He was tall enough in his eyes , plus it wasn't like height necessarily meant anything when one was trying to cause destruction and unleash horrors that would twist the most fragile of minds.
However this insect before him had been a pain in his side for far to long. A little bug that had taken more than it could chew and now shed face the consequences to her actions
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" замолчи. Do not speak unless you're spoken to грызун. "
How Makarov wished to ring her neck right now. The audacity that she was here..attempting to break into his "home" was despicable. Repulsive and invasive.
He was the only one who should be allowed to break into the lives of others. The only one to destroy... so having someone attempt and fail painfully was repulsive and disgusting to him.
" you have one minute to explain before you get a bullet through your skull... or even I'll make it more fun. I will shoot both your shoulders and then plant the last one right between your pathetic eyes."
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quantumstarpaths · 9 months ago
@hoovedrycal said: " It is called morphing, it is an ability that we Cervids have."
Blue eyes widened as he looked at the other, a small smile pulling at his lips. He knew he shouldn't treat the other as though he were a science experiment, but there was certainly something fascinating about this ability, and Paul was unable to help himself when there was something fascinating.
"Morphing..." He turned the word over in his mind. It certainly made enough sense, and was easy enough to figure out. "How does it work?"
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b0kksu · 1 month ago
❝ play. ❞ the man uttered , bloody lip split ’pon the knuckles of a now very dead man. a dead man who's blood decorated Sukuna's knuckles , branding him victor ⸻ the god of his life and death in a moment of violent delight. unwinding his tie to lay over hulking , onyx piano body , he sat down right next to his captive and smiled. this beautiful little caged bird. Sukuna could remember the night he'd first entered these halls as a little ol’ grunt scrappy , hungry , young. the hunger risen in the face of this particular bird trapped in a cage gilded , watching the bird suffocate and struggle in the hands of a fist; opulence , breeding , there in the pale skin of this little beautiful man. how long has it been? how long has he fantasized this snowy bird playin’ a melody by his leave. ❝ play , and I'll release you safe and sound back into the world. ❞ he'd climbed , cheated , lied to get here “king , king upon high sitting on bodies , on bodies , piled o’ so tall that the sky grew dark”; he damn well would get his desires met.
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      HIS HEART IS ABLAZE, FLUTTERING, FOR ALL THE WRONG REASONS. Crimson, it splatters across the pristine keys as he looks to the side quickly, the smell is thick, metallic, oozing on his tongue as he finally swallows the pit in his throat. Private parties, he knew better than to take them on, rich people are a nuisance - always up to no good, he understands, a trust fund child with too much talent to burn. Concert halls that echoed in a roaring sea of applause, they love him, the entirety of the country does.
       Angelic, seraphic, they believe his talent is bestowed by the Heavens, he is their God && so many wish to be swept away in the enchantment of his devil-may-care attitude. Never does he think of it for too long, the lingering of pleasantries wrapped up in listless prayers, Satoru knows his role, he is the entertainer that shall awaken the confines of the soul be it the damned or the beloved.
           “Bastard” he seethes, gritting his teeth before spitting out the syllables with a venom && defiance, “I told you to stop, not kill the guy” irritation that is rampant as he steadied his breathing. Elongated fingers, adorned in gold && diamonds, a spoiled bird locked within his gilded cage, he reaches for the shiny black bottle of impossibly expensive liquor. The glass is cracked, half melted ice, he pours it to steady his nerves while the swill burns the remnants in his mouth, gagging, an impossibly crude sight. A wise quip wishes to depart from the bastion of his merlot stained lips, red, it looks otherworldly on a marble statue that comes to life with each stroke, every note, if one listened, they could hear him humming along.
          How could this occur? Satoru wasn’t sure, it was quick, this terrifying large being that takes up the space between them, his slender frame that trembles in terror && excitement. One moment he hears the vulgar flirtatious remarks, the next, the man is dead && he is left too stunned to scream. Men of lesser station, they often did fall that way, he thinks it to himself while the dark rim of his glasses slide down the bridge of his nose. Stormy blue hues, concentrated && each note dances before him in a symphony where he remembers his start.
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           The prodigal son, a beacon of innocence with his boyish charm, he doesn’t like to remember, doesn’t like to look back, only forward. For a second, he stops && appears to be an entity from another era. White lashes fluttering as he turns, looking up, his throat impossibly dry. “Do you take me to be a songbird that shall once more be granted flight?” pattering violently, his pulse is screaming, the organ in his chest is ready to leap from the cavern onto the floor, he must swallow it. Then he smiles, fully fanged, teasing in his mischief.
        "This piano is custom made - what a rude man, dirtying my beloved instrument”   
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chronal-anomaly · 3 months ago
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@clawsextended asked:
[ rescue ] sender carries receiver to safety. @clawsextended I just think every so often selina deserves to do the hero thing. || nonverbal conversations ( accepting. )
If Lena were conscious enough to do more than groan and shift her weight, she'd be quipping at the woman in some perpetual back-and-forth the pair always shared. The ground spun by her, quickly, nauseatingly, and she resisted the urge to get sick again. Selina would kill her if she ruined the catsuit.
Hard concrete found her, body deposited in a heap behind something that could be called cover. Behind her, the petty criminals - four, they seemed manageable - scattered, their boots slamming into the ground as they attempted their escape.
New to the city and already causing trouble. There was something to be said there, a lesson learned in the dark red that stained the front of her t-shirt. Lessons, painted in blood, scorched in scars, and left alone in the gutter.
Lena grasped at the tendrils of consciousness, weaving them together into awareness. The cool rain felt pleasant on her feverish skin, dark sky looming above. Tacky blood dribbled from the crown of her head, and something gaped and pulled at her sternum. Whatever they had shot her with wasn't pleasant.
Grasping in the mud for a phone, a weapon, something concrete that she could hold. The cat being her savior felt real, felt close, but memories are unreliable things and moving wasn't quite an option yet. For now, Selina was gone from the limited view she had. Lena pressed a sigh through her teeth.
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lausticzt · 29 days ago
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋! @naitfall
That boy dropped something. It was by mere chance her attention drifted that way. The streets were not particularly busy at this time. The sun was soon to set, those who had no other engagements would head home, the rest would convene with one another, gatherings in spectacles and fancy glasses, though Laura had yet to attend such events outside her own home. That boy seemed odd. He would stand out if he ventured in the middle of the streets, but he didn't. She knows, because she had been watching those pass by with an idle stare. She had to stay put. Instructions made clear by her mother. She had been talking with someone on the streets, people she didn't know, and soon after she had to leave with them to discuss private matters. It wasn't for Laura's ears. It's not often she is left alone, so she knows not to budge. Her mother wouldn't be that long, the night would not fall on her, and a part of her wonders if it could be a test, another lesson to behave.
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What was in that pouch? Coins, she would imagine. Does he belong here? He looks different. His clothes were dirty, he would probably need those coins to buy new ones, or his parents would get mad. Would it not be wrong of her to turn a blind eye? Appearances were important. Was it not etiquette to appear kind?
Curiosity was dangerous. Maybe that's what truly drove her, a light spark in her eyes ... she knows not to disappoint her mother. Though she would much rather do this then have to talk to the other nobles passing by, the men who commented on her growing looks, the strange compliments from women that felt odd in tone. She held her manners of course. Her mother would be happy by the attention she was getting.
Laura wouldn't be long, she decided, quick to venture over to the lost pouch and pick it up. Her mother won't notice if she is gone for a moment. There was plenty of time before she came back. But now he was gone from sight. The clack of heels follows her as she checks down the smaller alleys. Her mother would be very angry at her, but those thoughts seem to slip from her mind as she finally spots him.
She can't decipher what is in the pouch. The part of her that wants to know is dim, it doesn't really matter, she just had to return it. He is a lot smaller than she imagined him to be. Did he fall over? His attire seemed disheveled.
“  Excuse me. ” Oh. The look in his eyes is different as well. She hadn't been looked at like that before. He takes her by surprise. What is this feeling? Uncertainty. Intrigue. Instead of contemplating, she holds out the pouch. “  I believe you might have dropped this earlier. I wanted to return it to you. ”
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maaskuline · 4 hours ago
"Johnny sweetie! Did you clean your room like I asked?" She could hear him going toward the door-- and Bunny needed to make sure her boy got his chores done before he went out to play with his little friends.
Heh. The honest answer to that question? No, no Johnny did not clean his room like she asked him to. But is he going to admit to that? Nope. And now, he's got a surefire way to get out of it (or so he's hoping, anyway). Aw, yeah, avoiding responsibilities!
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"Pshhh. On God, I slayed my room. Fax! No printer. Did I mention ya look real cash money today, Mama? You're totally goated in the sauce. Now, if ya don't mind, I gotta go buy me a new pair o' jays, so that I can lay down the rizz on the ladies!"
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marshalforgotten · 4 months ago
Four monks, four primates. Who do YOU think would represent each celestial monkey well?
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recre8ed · 2 months ago
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@flybcll said → " it tastes better than it looks. " ( src. / accepting. )
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Okonomiyaki doesn't look like the sort of dish that Hakkai would have selected if given the choice, but he's sure the hesitation to dig right in has given his newfound companion some level of reservation about having picked it. As such, Hakkai can't help feeling a little sheepish about his own behavior and guilty over his unreadability.
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"I don't doubt that," Hakkai concedes. He had, after all, been the one to ask for recommendations. "It's different from the sort of thing I'd have sought out for myself. I'm not particularly picky, though, so there's no need to assure me about this sort of thing."
As if to back up his words, Hakkai promptly digs in. As expected, it's a perfectly serviceable dish; he'll have to tell Goku about it when they meet again.
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thusaliar · 5 months ago
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@asternovi: [ inspection ] Carlo inspects P for injuries after they fought a carcass together. "You have to be more careful..." 。・゚゚・🦋 - from 🐝  *  ―  𝑵𝑶𝑵-𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑩𝑨𝑳 𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑺𝑻 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺.
✧ ˚ · .
Turning back the time without Sophia wasn't a possibility for him anymore; if he got destroyed, it would be the end for him. Still, even knowing that, he was reckless in a fight. P could take a lot of damage and still get fixed, he was a puppet after all. His brother, on the other hand, was not. Perhaps he wasn't as human as he used to be, with everything that had happened to him, but Carlo's body was still much more fragile.
P huffed softly, letting Carlo check on the damage. One of the carcasses got too close, and P jumped between it and his brother. He defeated it in a matter of seconds, but it managed to hit just before that. With one eye closed due to some of the scratches landing uncomfortably close to it, P looked at his brother. The wound he was inspecting was much deeper than the scratches on his face.
"I'm fine." he said shortly, coming off a bit rougher than he intended. After all, he wasn't used to being taken care of like this. Up until Carlo woke up him, P always fought alone and took care of his damage alone. Having Carlo fuss over it was new and not unwelcome either. P simply didn't know how to react.
The damage the carcass managed to do luckily wasn't anything serious, but would still require taking care of. The equivalent of bleeding to death for a puppet would be the loss of oil that kept his body on and moving. He could shut down if he lost too much of it and that could be an issue. P reached for his belt but sighed when his hand landed on a discharged pulse cell. Well, that's unfortunate.
"I'm out of pulse cells." he admitted to his brother, looking away. Perhaps the odd feeling in his chest was shame or guilt. Requiring getting fixed and the lack of pulse cells would clearly slow them down now.
"Are you alright?" P finally asked, raising his hand to rest in on Carlo's shoulder, trying to draw his attention.
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awkwardcourage · 3 months ago
starter | @soulmissed
It's a rarity in New York to see the same person twice. There are some regulars that come to the shop, but that's different. It's not a random person on the street. Hughie's never interacted with him, but he sees him, a lot. A teenager, just a kid. Always with a backpack and yet Hughie always sees him within school hours.
It's tricky. It's not a good idea to just walk up to a kid and ask why they're not in school. He doesn't want to phone the police either and get the kid into trouble. He knows nothing about him, but he still gets the feeling that something isn't right. So, for a time, Hughie is stuck, frowning after the young figure dwarfed by the bag on his shoulders.
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Hughie had been convinced that there would never be an opportunity to figure things out, but it arrived sooner than he expected. One was going out, another going in and they colided. Hughie nearly sent the kid sprawling.
"Whoa, hey, hey, are you alright?"
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s-099 · 24 days ago
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NINETY  -  NINE  ,  FIRE  TYPE  GYM  LEADER  !        verse  link  . 
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