#(ALSO ALSO an excuse for me to get to write with your smol Levi)
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lausticzt · 29 days ago
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋! @naitfall
That boy dropped something. It was by mere chance her attention drifted that way. The streets were not particularly busy at this time. The sun was soon to set, those who had no other engagements would head home, the rest would convene with one another, gatherings in spectacles and fancy glasses, though Laura had yet to attend such events outside her own home. That boy seemed odd. He would stand out if he ventured in the middle of the streets, but he didn't. She knows, because she had been watching those pass by with an idle stare. She had to stay put. Instructions made clear by her mother. She had been talking with someone on the streets, people she didn't know, and soon after she had to leave with them to discuss private matters. It wasn't for Laura's ears. It's not often she is left alone, so she knows not to budge. Her mother wouldn't be that long, the night would not fall on her, and a part of her wonders if it could be a test, another lesson to behave.
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What was in that pouch? Coins, she would imagine. Does he belong here? He looks different. His clothes were dirty, he would probably need those coins to buy new ones, or his parents would get mad. Would it not be wrong of her to turn a blind eye? Appearances were important. Was it not etiquette to appear kind?
Curiosity was dangerous. Maybe that's what truly drove her, a light spark in her eyes ... she knows not to disappoint her mother. Though she would much rather do this then have to talk to the other nobles passing by, the men who commented on her growing looks, the strange compliments from women that felt odd in tone. She held her manners of course. Her mother would be happy by the attention she was getting.
Laura wouldn't be long, she decided, quick to venture over to the lost pouch and pick it up. Her mother won't notice if she is gone for a moment. There was plenty of time before she came back. But now he was gone from sight. The clack of heels follows her as she checks down the smaller alleys. Her mother would be very angry at her, but those thoughts seem to slip from her mind as she finally spots him.
She can't decipher what is in the pouch. The part of her that wants to know is dim, it doesn't really matter, she just had to return it. He is a lot smaller than she imagined him to be. Did he fall over? His attire seemed disheveled.
“  Excuse me. ” Oh. The look in his eyes is different as well. She hadn't been looked at like that before. He takes her by surprise. What is this feeling? Uncertainty. Intrigue. Instead of contemplating, she holds out the pouch. “  I believe you might have dropped this earlier. I wanted to return it to you. ”
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the-traveling-poet · 1 year ago
hello! this is my first time requesting anything, so kinda nervous, heh.
so, headcanon...how do you think Levi would be with a partner who has mood swings? like intense ones that they just can't seem to be able to control as much as they can?
one minute they're all happy, cheerful, etc... and then the other they just want space and stuff.
would he be tolerant, how do you think the relationship would be?
thank you! also, i absolutely love your account<3
Headcannon no. 10
Mood Swings
A/N: oohohohoo…anon thank you for giving me the excuse to write a mood swinging reader with poor confused smol boi levi >:)
and thank you so much anon i try 🤎🤎
taglist: @21aurora @deepzombieyouth @braunsbabe
Poor Levi had no idea what he was getting into when he plucked up the courage to ask you to be his.
Don’t get me wrong he doesn’t regret it one bit.
He’s just a little…confused?
He woke up at your side as per usual, stretching and groaning as his poor joints popped. He sat up, ready to start his day the moment he reached consciousness.
But you?
The groan of frustration first cued him in on your consciousness, but the near growl that followed when he swept the covers off your form?
He wondered if he should be worried. Or scared. Or both.
He’d shake you the rest of the way awake after giving you a good ten minuets to rest longer, only to be met with your sleepy smile as you yawned.
Thinking not much of it after this, he continued to go about his day.
While getting ready to head down to the mess hall for a quick breakfast before training began, he noticed you were clingier than usual.
Chalking it up to not wanting to turn in for work, (no one did) he just shrugged you off with a reminder that you both had to get going.
And just like that, he received the silent treatment for the next hour.
He tried in vain to understand it, but those pouty looks you threw him from across the training ground only furthered his confusion.
“Y/N, babe. What’s going on with you today?”
“Me? Why are you being so…so…rude?”
“Rude?” He’d ask in astonishment. Sure, he was rude to damn near everyone, but never you. He could never bring himself to be.
“You pushed me away this morning when I clearly wanted a hug,” You’d scoff, trying to conceal your pout.
“Honey, you were holding onto me for the entire time it took me to get ready for the morning. You were getting your hug.”
“Well, you didn’t hug me back,” you’d state in a louder tone before storming off.
He thought about stopping you, but decided against it. Maybe you needed some space?
Oh, how wrong he was.
Hearing his office door creak open, he peered up from his desk to see you standing there in the doorway, hugging your arms and shifting your gaze all across the room.
“Yes, darling?” He’d ask slowly, not wanting to trigger anything in you.
“Why are you avoiding me? Is it because I got mad? I-I just wanted a hug and…”
He’d catch on to the way your bottom lip quivered slightly and your watery gaze never met his. Sighing softly to himself, he stood and made his way over to you to envelope you in a hug.
“I’m not sure what’s been going on lately. Well, the past couple weeks…But I wasn’t avoiding you. I was just waiting for my happy girlfriend to come back.”
“ ‘Happy girlfriend’?”
“Yeah, my happy one. Seems I’m dating twenty women instead of one. So I was waiting for her to come back. Seems right now I have the sad one, though.”
Boi learned real fucking quick to tread lightly when you got emotional and needed support, less he’d sport a red handprint on his cheek to match the one he currently wore.
But by god he learned. And since coming to this understanding, his relationship with you would be such a healthy one. For both of you. He’d learn to quell his sass, and you’d learn to verbally communicate your moods as you felt them.
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snkpolls · 7 years ago
SnK Chapter 105 Poll Results
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1,749 Responses
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78.5% of the fandom reacted positively to “Assassin’s Bullet”, rating it a 4 or 5. While still high, this is down 20% from last month.
"Did you not understand the contents?" - Isayama, probably
I cried because of a work of fiction for the first time because of chapter 105. Isayama has achieved something not even Up or Infinity War could not. Great writing on Isayama's part & I am excited to see where he takes this story to next. Also, WERE GOING BACK TO PARADIS AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH
Holy fucking shit. I read the chapter before work and I lost my mind. I couldn't process anything and then Sasha was shot. I flipped! An amazing and incredible chapter.
My reaction to chapter 105 is basically just lying face-down on the floor.
Depressing. Amazing. I'm dying.
1,722 Responses
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Connie’s sweet OT3 embrace and admission that Jean and Sasha were special to him topped the list of emotional moments. “All of the above” and Eren’s mental breakdown at the news of Sasha’s death came in 2nd and 3rd.
At this point I numb myself and just ignore each chapter after I read it because it's getting too painful and I just wanna live my life you know
Attack on Suffering
Connie can not catch a fucking break.
Potato girl's death hit me hard, especially after that look on her face when Connie hugged Jean and herself. Poor Connie, the new master of suffering!
This chapter has had me so depressed. It's been days and I'm still not over Sasha, I still can't believe Potato Girl is gone forever. I'm worried for Eren, for what this loss of faith from the others will do to him, for the distance between him and Armin and Mikasa. Their strained dynamic is HEARTBREAKING.
1,694 Responses
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In a chapter filled with great moments, leaning the identity of Rope-kun was picked as most surprising with 30% of the vote. Confirmation that Zeke was working with Paradis came in a distant second.
I hate this.  I have resisted SO HARD, for SO LONG.  One hundred and five chapters later, I'm finally (FINALLY) invested in a Levi storyline. ��How dare you, Isayama?  How dare you Jaime Lannister me this way?
I can't believe the paid actor bs was actually true lol. But I'm sure Zeke has his own objective and isn't actually on Paradis side even though they might benefit from his plans.
On chapter 105: arguably the best chapter so far in my opinion. It had so much going on. I was so excited to see the Zeke betrayal theory confirmed. Also even though Sasha is dead I feel really bad for Gabi. She's as much a victim in this as everyone.
1,743 Responses
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We knew it was coming, we’ve been talking about it for years, still more than half the fandom was profoundly affected by Sasha’s death. At the other extreme, 22% expressed ambivalence.
SaShAaAaAaAaAaAaAaaaaaaaaaaa I will still be crying next month
I feel nothing about Sasha's death, mainly because she was saved by the editor before something I dislike happening. Another motive for my apathy related to her death is because of the massive nosense hate Gabi is receiving. People forget she's just kid, brainwashed and she doesn't know Paradis like we do or Reiner does.
Erwin was my favourite male character and Sasha was my favourite female character. Isayama Sensei, I don’t feel so good…
I can't really bring myself to care about Sasha's death. She's been dragged along for over 70 chapters now and it was time for her to die.
I have mixed feelings about Sasha's death. On the one hand I think had she died when she was supposed too, I would have felt more emotional about it. On the other hand, I'm glad there was another girl from the 104th still there during the RtS arc, and I liked her reactions there as well.
I'm still not over it and will probably be mourning Sash for the rest of my life.
I am still sad! I will be heartbroken if we see Sasha's family in the next chapter
1,692 Responses
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Isayama outdid himself with the various expressions of grief in this chapter. The fandom was divided three ways, but it was Connie’s quiet heartbreak that prevailed by a slim margin.
Now my two favourite SnK girls are dead. I knew that this could happen, but being killed because of Marcel or by Gabi... It was really twisted. Mikasa's cry broke me, because she was one of Sasha's best friends.
Eren's reaction to her death was very disturbing. At first I thought he was overcome with grief and crying, but upon further inspection he was laughing like a maniac.
we knew sasha was going to die for years now but that fuck! that really didn't have to happen!
Why did sasha have to die isayama :( She was a gorgeous woman with a great personality and just fjsfkskfkd FUCK OFF CONNIE DIDN’T DESERVE THIS KIND OF BIRTHDAY PRESENT
Isayama, why?
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Falco is best boy and Floch is worst. Isayama scored only marginally better than Zeke. Levi received 60 more marriage proposals than Eren. Yelena got the highest number of kisses.
We did some digging into the poll numbers to see which platform was most compassionate when it comes to Gabi. Discord and Instagram were the kindest, with  61% and 64% of respondents selecting “marry/adopt” or “kiss”. Tumblr was next with 54%. Reddit was the harshest. 2/3rds of all reddit respondents selected “kill” for Gabi.
OMG throw Floch out of the zeppelin the fucking shitbrain smartass.
WTF happened to Floch I thought initially he would be a voice of reason but evidently not…
Falco you cinnamon roll, too precious for this world, so pure and smol.
Gabi should feel the might of Ogweno's knee for all eternity.
Gabi is a precious bean! Don't talk to me or my daughter ever again!
Gabi can do us all a favor and swerve into oncoming traffic
Eren did nothing wrong
eren is irredeemable and now the villain.
Wanna kill and marry Eren at the same time.
I'm flying to japan to fist fight isayama
Definitely wanna marry Levi. Wanna hug all 104th squad (even sasha) and also the warriors and kids, they deserve it.
Isayama's story is practically screaming against wanting to kill traumatized kids, no matter their actions. *side eyes fandom discourse on Gabi, wonders if humanity is doomed*
Kiss Isayama, maybe If you gave him some Love,  He would stop being so cruel.
1,716 Responses
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Eren received quite the scolding when he arrived on the airship. Nearly half of the fandom agreed that he deserved the harsh treatment, while about 28% of the fandom thinks that the Survey Corps could have handled the situation a little better.
If only the blimp’s door would’ve been closed earlier. I’m hoping the SC does realize that they’re being too harsh on Eren in upcoming chapters.
Honestly I'm surprised they threw the blame. Not actually surprised surprised. But in the past it was always push forward and keep moving with no regrets. And it seems they have fallen back on that. I think even though Eren's actions aren't justified and I don't think he's an innocent bean, but he managed to take a lot from the enemy with his move, with a minimal loss.
Eren didn't do anything that the SC hasn't done to him many times. Using him as bait is always their go to plan.
Erwin didnt lose an arm for this.
I see a lot of people excusing Eren's actions because things mostly worked out in Paradis's favor. However, that doesn't mean that A) it was a good decision, B) the survey corps couldn't have come up with an even better plan that--among other things--may have lessened civilian and foreign diplomat deaths, had they been given the time and opportunity, or C) that Eren should be let off the hook for going AWOL and teaming up with the foreign operative responsible for their commander's death. I still like him as a character, but Eren did a fucked up thing that is sure to have international consequences, and he more than deserved that kick and the distrust of his allies.
1,677 Responses
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We still don’t know the full story behind Eren’s actions, but regardless of his intentions, many people were hurt in the process. 46% of the fandom believes that Eren’s actions will result in a positive outcome, while over half the fandom is either undecided until they have more information, or cannot look past what he did at all.
Team Eren! The losses are nothing compared to the gains. The world had declared war anyway, and they'd already de facto been at war for a decade. Wiping out an entire fleet, capturing the Warhammer, and successfully extracting Zeke was more than worth it. Very said about Sasha though, of course. Can't wait to go back home to Paradis again. Falco and Gabi are going to have their minds blown.
I believe that if Eren and the SC worked together with their plans and made compromises for one another then the result could've been even better, since Eren would have an entire military intelligence to help and not a man [Zeke] that can't truly be trusted.
He acted independently without the approval of the Paradise Government to terrorise a festival full of civilians.  His actions resemble a terrorist, arrested is being let off easily. Jean is right about the situation, Eren is the biggest reason Sasha is dead, he manipulated the Military Operation in which she died.
Eren told Reiner he now understands RBA's actions...but neverthless he's repeating them, even more cruelly perhaps. If he won't understand that the cycle of violence must be stopped in order to reach real freedom then I don't think he will ever get a happy end (beside the fact that he's going to die at 23 anyway)
I'm glad that we finally got confirmation that Eren was just his usual egoistic self that went on his own and everyone has to save his sorry ass. Again.  Bless Hanji for calling him out and roasting him once again. Can't wait to see another jail time for Eren. (Though I have the feeling he will get around it or that it will be skipped.) Too bad Eren just doesn't give a flying fuck about being punished or losing the trust of his comrades as long as he got his will.
Give eren a break please. He deserves it.
Erwin is turning in his grave.
Erwin would have called Eren a hero.
1,685 Responses
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Jean didn’t hesitate to call Eren out for being the catalyst for Sasha’s death. 49% agree that Eren isn’t solely to blame and that many parties are responsible, while 11% agree with Jean completely.
Death happens in random ways, if it’s heroic or humble, no one should get blamed for it since it is gonna happen one day or another,
In the end we can all blame Ymir Fritz for this fucked up planet this story takes place on.
War means death and they are clearly in war. So many people already died and Sasha was one of the many victims of war. She was not murdered by Eren or his decisions in my opinion.
None is at fault or everyone is at fault. Early celebration, no spotter for the guy that had yet to board the zeppelin in enemy territory, Eren forcing their hand to act prematurely all being part of it. But none can be single-handedly blamed.
War is hell.  People die.  If Eren didn't invade, they'd get invaded, and someone would die.
I think he's very emotional at that moment and is blaming Eren but in reality there are a number of attributing factors.
bit of all of these, but mostly war is war. it's amazing beyond belief new-squad-levi all survived as long as they did, and thru everything that has happened thus far. I'd argue the casualties had Paradis not taken the initiative blow could have been that much more devastating
1,683 Responses
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With one big Zekeret out of the way, we asked the fandom whether they feel he is to be trusted or not. Nearly half the fandom agrees that Zeke’s only real alliance is with Eren, sharing a goal to free Eldia. A small 10% believe his intentions are genuine. The remainder of the fandom is still wary about his intentions altogether.
Do NOT drop your guard.  I trust Zeke about as far as I can throw him, and since my 100-pounds-soaking-wet best friend can beat me in arm wrestling, it's safe to say that that's NOT very far.
He's too cold - I don't trust him in the slightest. He probably still wants to end this tragic history - but in a final-for-all-humanity kind of way. He must be stopped!
I don't think he's being 100% genuine. I think he has his personal goals and his own versions of a free Eldia. There will be so Sure, he's supporting Eren but, I still think that he has his personal agenda, so I don't know if he just wants to free Eldia just because.
Zeke is concerned with Zeke. I think he was once tasked with the Owl's legacy as well, but now wants to double-cross everyone.
Zeke wants to try sour cream really badly
I believe that Zeke is working more or less for his own goals which is a free Eldian continent. Any alignment with the SC is because heads like Hanji support that ideal. Zeke also has personal interest in his brother and I doubt that he would stay on the SC or even Eren's side all that long if they conflicted with that goal.
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For now it seems that Zeke and Eren likely allied due to a shared interest to free their people. But 55% of the fandom believe it’s too early to make that judgement call.
I'm unsure the Yeager brothers have quite the same desired outcome in mind. I wonder if they have different ideas of what "saving Eldia" actually means; On Zeke's part it could be saving all of them period. On Eren's, it may just be Paradisians. And if a disconnect like that exists, I can only imagine what their vision is of how to accomplish it. I think Eren's heart is still trying to stay in the right place but his mind can't be trusted to make sound, beneficial decisions.
I believe Zeke has his own agenda and it worries me. There is also the chance of Eren coming in terms with sacrificing Historia when "royal" Zeke starts doing his own thing.
Zeke is working with eren for as long as it conveniences him, but as soon as it doesn’t go his way he won’t hesistate to turn on him
Not at all. Zeke is the least trustworthy character of the series, I wouldn't be surprised if he was actually manipulating Eren. I wouldn't trust Zeke as far as I could throw him.
I'm a bit worried about Zeke's influence on Eren and his true agenda...as much as I want to believe Zeke is a great big brother, I'm still a bit suspicious.
1,685 Responses
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Now that we’re starting to see the effects of EMA separation, it’s clear that Eren and Armin’s relationship is strained. Almost half of the fandom believe that they will work through it and remain friends, while many are apprehensive and think that things can go either way. Only a small amount believe that their friendship is still solid, and just a slightly larger amount believe their friendship is dead.
I expect them to become more distant while still caring about each other. Isayama stated that they would chose different paths anyway.
Eren has become shady, untrustworthy and even more reckless in a colder sense. Armin is less warm hearted, still quite emotional, and it probably hurts to see his best friend, Eren, become what he has. Mikasa has clearly grown. She doesn't care for Eren as much as she did before, and while she definitely still does care, she's less impulsive and shortsighted to what Eren has become. They've all grown. They've all grown as individuals. They've all grown apart. They say you become what you hate the most, which is only relevant in certain circumstances, but it's never been more represented than by Eren.
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Levi expressed a sad and disappointed look at Eren as he likened him to the people from the underground city. 53% of the fandom believe that this is due to the lack of passion in Eren’s expression, while a good 33% believe it has more to do with Eren’s underhanded behavior by defecting from the Survey Corps.
Eren reminded him of his younger self.
I think Eren may have reminded Levi of his childhood, (while Eren was sitting there). Eren has become filthy, shady, untrustworthy, rogue and looked lifeless- much like the people of the Underground.
Is Eren's comment "did you not understand the letter" a reference to Levi's lack of education during his upbringing?
when Levi first met Eren, he decided to look after him because he saw something in Eren, a fire, a desire for life. now that fire is nowhere to be seen, Eren is just doing what he has to do to survive, like the people in the underground. Levi used to be one of those people and it’s not a coincidence that Eren’s expression parallels that of young Levi. So we could say that Levi didn’t expect Eren, of all people, to become like that.
Eren is evolved from edgy teenager to protagonist od scandinavian crime stories. He only need alkoholism to fullfile the picture
I believe it was a response to Eren's impertinence in asking whether Levi did not understand the contents of the letter, Eren said it in a challenging way, or could be a commentary on Eren's miserable state, but I believe it to be the first, this was my first impression while reading the chapter
1,654 Responses
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Close to 70% think Gabi will soon learn the difference in offering someone less than half a potato. In Marley it makes you the worst of all the devils, but on Paradis, that makes you best girl.
I might be in the minority but I really like Gabi, I find her really interesting and she has the potential to act as a foil to Eren. She has the opportunity to see the other side of the conflict and change her ways and possibly help put a stop to the fighting.
I'm excited to start seeing what paradis has been up to and what falco and gabi will think of the walldians
She's been indoctrinated, mistreated, and trained to kill her whole life, which is an absolutely sickening thing to see happen to a child. I do hope that by going to Paradis she may finally start seeing things the way Falco does.
She has been raised in pro-marley family, she strongly believed that people from Paradis were evil, she saw death of her best friends and believed that her goal was lost because of attack. I believe that Gabi will change her mind about the whole situation soon.
Yeah, yeah, we all get that she has her own perspective, but she is crazy. She acts out of impulse and has a one track mind
I would like to see Floch shouting with Gabi. Or pushing her off the zeppelin.
gabi saved the manga, let her kill more
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Over forty percent thought the Scottish ”You’ve been a great cunt” would summarize their life. An almost equal amount preferred being called either a great bastard or a great friend. Only 17.5% want people to think of them as a great guy once they’re gone.
Surprisingly enough nobody mentioned Falco being a great cunt in the comments. Gabi on the other hand...
1,693 Responses
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While more than 72% still have confidence in Eren, more than a quarter of the fandom now views him as untrustworthy.
Whatever Eren does, I feel like he's justified because he only has what, a fucking year left and he's just trying to fix what he can. He knows that he is going to die and doesn't give a shit because he cares about the greater good, even if that means losing all his trust from.. well everyone.  
"Hange has lost all trust in Eren. Have you?" I have. If 'Humanity's Greatest Hope' suddenly ran off and had some of our people killed for his own plan, then manipulated us so that we had to go along with said plan, (without trying to 'make a compromise'/'have a mature discussion about it'), I would lose all trust as well.
Everyone's deaths are on Eren's shoulders here.  He went off like a loose cannon and acted on his own, putting everyone at risk.  The Survey Corps losses are his responsibility and his alone.
Excited for the next coz we're most likely see Paradis after 4 years timeskip. I'm still bitch about Hange saying losing their trust in Eren. RIP Sasha Blaus
Eren betrayed their trust, but in return he got what he needed with very minimal casualties. And it's not like he didn't care.
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The “nays” prevailed by a razor thin margin. When we segmented this data by single platform we found Tumblr to be far more appreciative of Yelena’s appearance. 60% of Tumblr users selected “bae”. The opposite was true of Reddit where 62% selected “nay”.
bless this chapter for giving us lesbian Pieck and another ship with a great height difference and blonde/brunette visuals (eruri, yumukuri, kenuri, reibert... I see what you do there, Isayama).
I'd let Yelena lead me to a trap door.
Yelena X Levi
Yelena x Pieck
Yellena/Zeke fics when?
1,638 Responses
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72% hope the boi gets his shoes back in chapter 106. We have nothing more to say about this, but it’s a good place to drop some of the cracky comments we received.
Did they bring sour cream to the party on the airship?
its laurel not yanny
2/10 not enough snails
I've seen official art of Levi being a chef before, I'm wondering what kind of meal he's planning to turn Zeke into. A Beast-Titan Burger? A Zeke Zucchini? Or perhaps an Ackerman sandwich?!
1,668 Responses
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While 17% of the fandom enjoyed Zeke and Levi’s exchange and appreciate their dynamic, 74% agree that Levi is getting no pleasure from this alliance and is cooperating strictly because humanity demands it.
it was really interesting seeing them interact, the tension was palpable and the conversation hilarious (though I know it was pretty serious).
Almost shipping Zevi but I want to keep my pov rational and logical so yeah, they hate each other but they'll work together for the mankind's benefits
As the supreme lord of ironic Zevi shipping, I am torn between that and the canon facts that Levi wants to gut him.
Clearly he is there for Levi's fine ass
I have no real opinion but I’m slightly disheartened by the first option for this answer. This might be one of the more disturbing ships.
He will keep his promise and kill Zeke in the end. Whenever that will be.
I love the hate-flirting but for real, Levi loved Erwin and has to get revenge for him
SNK is going to become the first mainstream goru-omorashi-amputee  yaoi series
They hate each other but have to work with each other given the circumstances but really I'm super into enemies-to-lovers ships
Ohohoho, ahahahaha, ahahhahahahahahahahhahaha. All 3, really.
You guys are disgusting, I hope Zeke dies soon horribly
wtf dude?
1,679 Responses
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Almost 90% of the fandom believe Levi and Mikasa will remain the sole Ackermans of the story. 10% believe Zeke might have found an Ackerman ally of his own.
Hope Yelena is an Ackerman. That way we will have a person whose strength is comparable to Levi or Mikasa, but she is from the enemy party (is it really an enemy party or not. idk even.) It will be very interesting to see if Ackermans work for different sides.
Yelena will 100% be this series Brienne of Tarth, but unfortunately I don't think Zeke will get a redemption arc like Jamie Lannister did.
Chapter 104 Questions
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The majority feels both Bertolt’s and Armin’s Collosal Titan are a good reflection of their respective owners. 37.8% think both titans are impressive as well. Bert’s (33%) iconic Colossal Titan is prefered over Armin’s (20.7%). When asked which CT is more powerful, four times as many people seem to think Bert’s was. And 21.5% can’t be bothered with this question at all.
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Nearly 6 of 10 respondents think Jean hesitated to kill the cinnamon roll. 22.1% think he was ready to shoot a hole in the vanilla bean donut, while about 1 out of 5 people aren’t sure.
jean hesitated to kill falco but he still aimed perfectly at him and pulled the trigger if it wasn’t for pieck shifting the spear direction with her steam falco would have been killed. blown to pieces.
keep the kids away from him will you?
1,709 Responses
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Just when we thought Reiner couldn’t become any more beautiful, Isayama gives us the doki doki version of the armored titan. Unfortunately only 25.9% agree with us. A similar number of people just want Reiner to die. Maybe it’s because you wish to be his mercy angel, maybe because the unarmored titan now haunts your dreams and you’d like to be able to sleep again. That’s what 26.9% of you at least seem to hope for. Over a fifth of all respondents just wants Beardner back.
Reiner looks good with the beard but isayama doesn’t know how to draw facial hair properly most of the time so i hope it’s gone for good
Just let Reiner die man, he’s gone through so much just let him R E S T
It feels like Reiner half-assed his transformation and what we saw was the result.
RIP plot armor
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It seems obvious that Eren got the Warhammer titan, but 12.3% of you are still holding out hope that Porco drank the Tybur flavored protein smoothie.
WH’s death was unexpectedly brutal.
I don't see why it's believed that Eren didn't get the warhammer power. You could see the flash that we have seen before, along with the expression in which is the same of when he receives memories.
Why is there still discussion over who got the WHT? We got a very clear shot of Eren getting some sort of "flash" while inside his Titan. I'll watch the live-action movie if I'm wrong.
1,662 Responses
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The verdict is clear: 87.5% think Pieck will live. Let’s hope she’ll be able to meet Yelena again before shifteraids strikes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
I know we've seen Ymir survive much worse, but I think Pieck might die. Her pantzersquad is toast, Zeke is gone, I can't imagine Pieck as she is will be useful without either to support her. I think she's on death's door and they're going to try to pass her power onto Colt.
I do hope that Pieck's not gonna die yet.  Isayama already killed a major character. And he once stated in an interview that he would kill jist one for now.
she's probably safe for now, but I don't see what else she'd be needed for story-wise now that she's revealed Zeke was a traitor
I'm mad Pieck is still alive.
1,684 Responses
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“You get a clinical depression! And you get a clinical depression! EVERYBODY GETS A CLINICAL DEPRESSION!” More than half of you think Reiner will be the most depressed, while almost a ¼ of all respondents think Connie will be. Porco has about 13% of all votes.Most of you think Pieck will be okay (or more okay than anyone else on the list).
gheez stop providing me more depressing options
Omg, you are cruel people, I can't choose one
The fans. We cannot watch, yet we cannot look away.
the state of all the Survey Corps members (except for Floch, fuck him) is, in my opinion, the worst. Reiner's is obviously horrible, too; but for some reason, the fact that he's so okay with giving up almost makes me less worried about him. Death, for me, has always been sadder when the person who passed had adamantly wanted to stay alive.
when Reiner wakes up and wants to die because of everything that happened, let me die with him
A couple years ago one Connie was half of Reiner in terms of height, and now he has half of Braun's agony, great character development for my boy
I think Sasha dying was something that needed to happen but can Connie catch a fucking break, Isayama, holy shit
Me T____T
1,665 Responses
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Reddit reigns supreme, but compared to previous months, Tumblr is up 5% while Reddit is down the same amount. Discord participation is also up marginally.
314 Responses
We received over 300 responses, and several of those weren’t even in English:
Должен же уже кто-то наказать Эрена?
Кто-то должен наказать тебя за ответ не на английском.
Où était éditeur-kun?
Jokes aside, enjoy more of the comments from this chapter:
Finally, the meat of the story
We got dem zekerets
I'm really worried about this new Eldian empire, that is not going to go well. So many questions to ask about what was happening on the Paradis side during the timeskip, I think it is time for some flashbacks in the next couple of chapters.
Fuck this whole depressing reality.
I just really want Zeke to die at this point. I don't care how he's working with Eren or the SC. It's his fault Erwin died, he ruins everything, he fucked over Reiner and Bert, and he's obviously going to fuck over the SC too.
I feel like everyone will (soon) have to come to terms with the fact that the Yeagerbros' plan was the right/only choice, as shown by them going silent after Eren and Zeke point out the benefit of this operation.
I refuse sasha's death
I feel that everyone jumps to conclusions EVERY chapter, because you’d think we’d know by now that not everything is what it seems and Isayama enjoys messing with us.
I think this chapter was not criticized enough. It was basically a vomit of revelations strung together with some cliche plot
I wonder how Historia will react to Gabi and Falco upon learning of Sasha's death. I'm also curious to see how she will react seeing Eren again and meeting her relative from overseas. You know where these thoughts are going: I want to see older Historia next chapter!
Levi beating the shit out of eren is Big Mood
I'm really not upset with Jean; it's unfair of him to say that, but he's always used anger as a way of dealing with things; the fact that Eren has fucked up already makes it easy to redirect his anger.
Dina is alive and Zeke is visiting her for mother's day
It's good to see that the SC members still have their minds right (except Flocke, but he's a fucking meme), and I hope to see how Hanji acts. I've seen her too impotent in this chapter, unlike how she was in Kenny's arc.
Petition to let Levi enjoy his 40s onwards in goddamn peace.
I believe the end almost always justifies the means, but the thing is... it's important to plan, to avoid any unnecessary evils. Impulsive and reckless natures always annoy me because they often don't avoid those unnecessary evils, if anything they cause more.
Why do Hange and Levi suck at aging?
105 killed me and then killed me again. but then zevi being officially canon and jaegerbros interaction revived me and sudddenly everything is ok. anyways, kidding aside, it was really interesting to see the changes in the sc members' relationship and dynamics with eren, especially armin and levi 👀
105 is absolutely my least favorite chapter this arc. so rushed and boring.
for the god of love please let Levi die. Being forced to work with the man he swore to kill is just humiliating.
I can't wait for Levi to kill Zeke.  Part of me worries Isayama is gonna rob him of that chance because fuck happy endings but maaaaaaaan I hope it's epic.
The grand ironic tragedy. An Eldian believing anti-Eldian propaganda kills another Eldian to avenge Eldian friends.
Where the hell is annie
It was great, hoping for an information dump next chapter, along with Annie returning soon and Reiner suffering even more (is that even possible?) after he's now pretty much lost everything he cared about.
Zeke's "free Eldia" line is shady af
Zevi is real, but not really. Protect Gabi at all costs. Flock is my boy. Zeke is trash but also god.
I hated it, and I hate this arc, and I hate all the side characters, and I don't care about any of it, and I can't freaking believe Isayama made Eren turn his back on all the morals Eren is BUILT on. I feel betrayed. So angry.
Boring chapter the only thing i enjoyed was gabi being an absolute badass. zeke and levi’s conversation was cringy af.
I just need the Warriors and Warrior Cadets to be okay and ALIVE throughout the series to the very end. I can't wait to learn more about Yelena and if Porco actually got the War Hammer, while it's unlikely, I've been wrong before.
The story feels completely different than it did when I first got into it. I’m wondering how Isayama plans to wrap things up after everything we’ve seen.
I just have so many feels for this chapter. After all the action in the previous ones, this one landed a punch straight in my gut. Thanks, Yams, I hate this.
I'm glad the battle is over. This turn of events offers new perspectives around. Between Falco and Gabi going to Paradis, Zeke probably having his own goal, Marley rebuilding after purging the unnecessary elements, there's plenty of material for a final arc.
Can we get the next one please? I can't take all these damn cliffhangers. I WANNA FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!
this was an excellent chapter. The tension felt from the scenes in it was so strong you could slice it. Connie's reaction is quite heartbreaking and frankly, I felt quite uncomfortable just seeing the looks Armin gave Eren and Mikasa. They've all changed quite a bit. Even when Jean blames Eren for Sasha's fate, I felt like it was more out of grief than ire.
Can't wait for Reiner to come back
I had genuinely hoped that over time, more people would sympathize with Gabi, especially since shes a kid and has worked her ass off to make a better life for her and her family. Turns out, people only seem to hate her more now. I'm not thrilled that she killed Sasha but in her perspective she's an enemy and part of the reason her friends and allies were killed. War has two sides, people! That's kinda the whole point of the marley arc…
The new chapters are my sole reason for living now
I've been seeing a lot of hatred for Gabi this month, but I honestly can't get mad at her. It's understandable for people to be angry (especially big Sasha fans), but I really feel bad for all the shit she's gone through and how completely brainwashed she is.
each chapter makes me love and appreciate the warriors even more
I`ve seen people saying this chapter is the worst because of how easily Levi and Zeke "became friends”  and are provoking each other. To me, it's clear that Eren forced the survey corps to capture Zeke to fulfill his unknown agenda, and that Levi hasn't forgiven Zeke for what he did to Erwin + 200 other Survey Corps members. I also hope that Zeke is just continuing Eren Krueger's secret plan (giving the Attack Titan to Grisha so he can get the Founding Titan while Zeke stays on Marley as a double agent). That would be the most badass plan in all history.
We read each and every comment!
Thank you for participating. The poll for chapter 106 will go up on June 10th!  
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sugarplum-senpai · 8 years ago
Thank you for reading
Guys… <3 I have to get this off my chest since I just can’t keep it in any longer. So please excuse this shoutout post to people who are being amazing. 
I know I’ve been a bit overly productive (yet again) with writing and uploading fics recently. It’s somehow how I always seem to end up writing: either all at once or nothing at all is coming out. Writing is a tide for me and yes, I know, lately it’s been a flood. I’ve been waiting for it for weeks—longer even, months—complaining crankily to lots of people about not knowing what words even are anymore. In between it truly felt like I couldn’t write anything anymore, but I kept on hoping the words would come back. They luckily did…as expected/hoped for.
What I did not expect though is your amazing feedback that has reached me in so various way. 
There are readers who reblog my stories on here, spreading the fandom love and this is such a wonderful and important thing. Thank you for recommending my fics by hitting that rebloob button! And I see your tags…they make me so happy! 
There are readers who leave bookmarks with lovely notes on AO3. Thank you, you wonderful people! I see your notes. I read them. I embrace them. I treasure them all! Every. Single. One!
There are some wonderful readers out there, who take their time to leave a comment. There are those that tell me what exactly it is they liked and assure me in what I intended worked, which I wouldn’t know otherwise. There are those who simply leave a heart or a simple “amazing” and thank you so much for doing so! I know commenting is so hard sometimes. There are readers who scream in the comment section, telling me they can’t comment any longer because they read through my collection and the fanfic daze has set in. You wonderful people. Thank you for reading my stuff (that I write in my free time with no clue if it will be any good) until it makes you dizzy. Please take good care of yourself and eat and drink in-between. Maybe something with sugar…I know that fangirl feeling that keeps you up way too long and gives you a nasty fanfic hangover on the next day. I’ve been there myself more often than it must be healthy. :P Thank you for telling me I could give you one myself, you’ve got no idea what a huge compliment this is to me!
Then there are those that not only comment, but even answer back to my replies and you…you are a blessing! THANK YOU! Thank you for whole conversations about Levi and Eren and writing and sensibly dissecting writing styles and talking about AU verses canonverse stories. 
There are those of you who don’t comment on AO3 but message me up here and thank you so much for this as well. Some of you told me what my writing does to you, what it makes you feel and some of you even told me some pretty personal stuff that made me cry and laugh and beam, because you told me you love my writing and what it caused inside of you. I still am trying to process everything I heard and the fact that my writing could touch you. 
There are those who end up talking with me about stories or books in general, who I have learnt so much from and who are simply amazing by sharing a passion, but who on top of that are also absolutely incredible people. 
There are my beta readers and friends and mutuals who listen to me complain and listen to my enthusiasm and somehow seem to love me for both? I don’t know how you guys do it, but thank you! My stories wouldn’t be the same without your incredible support and your wonderful beta sparkles. 
Writing fanfic is a hobby to me. It is something I do in my free time, to challenge myself with the English language (which is not my mother language) and to give the two characters I love a story that makes me happy. You readers do not have to leave a comment, to share my stuff, to like it, to leave kudos or hearts on here, to go further in your feedback than a quick “<3”, are not bound to do any of if. But thank you so much to those who do because it means a lot! You keep me motivated. You keep me going. You make me so incredibly freaking happy! To know/hear/read that my words can touch something inside of you, no matter how small or big or in how many words you do so, is such a wonderful thing. Such a huge compliment!
And I can’t thank any of you nearly enough. But I will try. And here it goes. THANK YOU!
@raindrop-rouge, @erenbaegerr, @chiruchill, @fourletterwordsstartingwithl, @perksofbeingawaifu, @appleapplepeach, @synstruck, @mongoose-bite, @monsoondownpour, @christmasrivers, @glassesgirl0401, @cloudflowerkami, @smol-bokuto, @milleandra-nebula, @nywata, @dreamxxdream, @sirelo, @bfketh, @lavenderhedgie, @strangie, @erwin-smith, @smexyjun, @airisu7425, @levi-snk, @anemone-blu, @ittybittyteapot, … and so many more I can’t find here. I hope none of you feels offended(/dragged into the light) by appearing on this list. It’s why I added the “read more cut”. Feel free to message me if your name on this list makes you feel uncomfortable, but I wanted to let you know how much your support means to me. <3
Thank you, you wonderful people! You are amazing!
I love you!
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nebulaedaniel · 7 years ago
for the dnp ask: I will go down with this ship? :)
I will go down with this ship: talk about your otps
oh shit this is gonna be a mess
first one is dip n pip, obvs, do i even need to explain? they’re so perfect for each other i cry
okay so the next 2 are bts ones, which im lowkey uncomfortable with (its a long story) buuut they are suga x jimin, and rm x jin! main reasons for shipping them are just bc,,,, they have such cute moments together and shjdhibsd im fine
the rest are lika anime ones bc i am the Trash
so we have victuuri, of course, i love them, i live for them. they might actually be my otp. okay anyway so they’re just so perfect like the yin and yang like yuuri is shy n shit and victor is fuckin outgoing and will literally show you his dick when you meet for the first time (smol ref to the anime im soz)
OTAYURI okay, these two got me shook?? i dont even know what to write omg yurio is so clearly happy with otabek and im just,,, crying on the inside bc of them
asanoya?? my other otp fuckinG HELL i love this ship sm omg ok so this is asahi and nishinoya and i dont even have words for how perfect they are for each other okay like nishinoya is smol but will fight you, and asahi is tol but will cry if you basically look at him, yknow (i have so much to say abt this but im gonna stop now)
this might be a rarepare, im not even sure if they have a ship name, but its mina and tsuyu, from boku no hero academia, and i love these two sm omg i hope they get more time together later in the anime bc i need it so bad
and last but not least, fuckin ereri, eren and levi, attack on titan, i cry every time??? they have got this, excuse my language, sexual tension that i cant handle?? nsdjkh also levi is such a daddy i scream every time i see him
ask me dnp themed asks!
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