#verse: mandalorian main
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universeofmuses · 10 months ago
It was a curious thing, after all of the time he had spent with the kid it was like they had developed some sort of connection with each other. He wondered how much of it was a connection with him because of what they had been through together, or if it had something to do with his jedi powers.
Either way it was something that was a bit of a comfort, to know what the kid was saying without him actually saying anything. When the kid sent the orb towards him Din had a feeling he knew what he was asking, "You want me to play with you?" he asked making sure he was understanding what the kid was asking, "Sure, we still have some time before we get to where we're going." he said as he took the orb and gently took the orb and then carefully sent it back to the kid to catch with his powers.
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Instead of following the orb, he reached out a hand to summon it back to him instead.  Twisting his hand he made the little ball levitate a moment, before it landed in his palm. Letting out a giggle he looked up to meet his gaze with a smile. Of course there were accidents on occasion, but he would never purposely do something to endanger himself, or both of them. Holding up the shiny orb, he gave him a  curious look for a moment, as if to ask if he needed it back already. He hoped not..
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gentrychild · 2 years ago
AU where the great deity Gentrychild gets yeeted into the canon BNHA-verse and single-handedly consumes AFO's soul, effortlessly saving Japan as her rat companions feast upon his flesh
1 - In true isekai fashion, I was hit by a truck and sent to the canon bnhaverse. Barid was driving it and was distracted by Moonpaw's shiny colors as the neon cat was walking down the street.
2 - I landed in the middle of Mustafu, immediately recognizing the canon BNHAverse and thinking that no one would bat an eye at my appearance since it's a post Dawn of Quirks world. I was very disappointed to see all of those people running away screaming from me. I guess that appearance-based-discrimination is still a thing.
3 - Despite what the prompt asks of me, I have no intention to derail the story. Izuku is in the middle of his beach training and yes, I took one thousand pictures (and several selfies) but apart from that, I didn't intervene in any way. I want All Might to have his Kamino moment. Instead, I keep stealing Nighteye's merch and watch him implode in fury, putting dirt all over Chisaski's stuff and ripping Destro Junior's remaining hair tuff by tuff.
4 - All was well until someone not only tried to cut the line to get raspberry ice cream but actually elbowed me to do so? Who does that? I politely informed him that I was here first and that he better get back to end of the line. The very rude man wearing what I first believed to be a Mandalorian helmet insulted my feathers then said that my quirk was fascinating and was about to put his hand on me! So I did what everyone would do in this situation! I ate his soul, messily and painfully. He begged a lot on his way out of life and into my stomach. But hey, at least, the line cleared out and I got my ice cream faster than expected to wash out the taste!
5 - Unfortunately, I eventually realized that I had just killed AFO, aka the main villain of the story. Shigaraki couldn't be expected to replace him, as he was still in his League of Legend phase. So I figured out that I could just kinda piece him back together and use him as a puppet so he could still play his role. After all, I have written so many AFOs, it should be child's play to keep in character and probably make him a more competent villain than what we've seen lately in the manga. Unfortunately... I didn't realize that wherever I go, the rats follow.
6 - I tried to tell them to stop by screaming that they didn't know where AFO had been but they only chew faster.
7 - Since AFO is dead and BNHA is now deprived of its villain, I have no choice but to take responsibility and to assume the role. I shall now become the new villain of the BNHA world. Wish them luck.
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cliff-and-the-kid · 5 months ago
(Noodling around with different 'verses, since that seems to be a Thing happening more often lately)
Main TFP universe, aka Cliff Lives
My first and foremost setting for Cliffjumper and Sierra, based on some fan fiction I wrote several years ago. Unless otherwise specified, this is where I'm working from concerning interactions, whether that means a thread is taking place in my AU, or Cliff and Sierra have un/intentionally gone universe hopping. Their groundbridge acts screwy plenty often, no need to elaborate beyond that.
This one comes from @sparkmender, who's shared a frankly fascinating giant-magic-insect AU that I'm dipping my toes into, with red lily beetle Cliffjumper pretending he isn't breaking any rules by smuggling a teenage human into Iacon Hive, and said human changeling Sierra figuring out how to poke her magic into revealing itself. And also how to avoid being eaten.
Look. I'm a self-published author with one (1) novel to my name so far. Sarant is a big massive complex world I've been building over the past fourteen years, there's a tabletop roleplaying game I started crafting alongside the various book plots, and I will absolutely take any excuse to put some free publicity out there while also having fun amusing myself and friends. Hence Minotaur!Cliff and Quirren!Sierra and a few others I've been putting together.
Aaand this one I blame @ghostlyvisage for; mentioning a Mandalorian bounty version of Ghostspire instantly catapulted my brain towards all the space-magic shenanigans Cliff and Sierra could get into with the Force. So, introducing Devaronian Jedi Master Cliff Jammp'r and his human padawan Sierra Redsand, blue and green lightsabers respectively.
SO THIS ONE HAS A FEW DIFFERENT ITERATIONS, depending on which way the cards fell in Sierra being cyberformed via Omega Lock, yes there will eventually be fics for each. The main line is her alone going into the goop and coming out a brand new Cybertronian, except in an initially inert form that means Cliff and the others leave her for dead. Once the kid wakes up, however, the Decepticons quickly scoop her up as a 'recruit' (aka ace in the hole for taunting the bots), and it isn't until her path crosses with Cliffjumper again that Sierra remembers herself, remembers being human, remembers him. They escape, and the 'verse goes from there. Alternate Option! My girl isn't the only one cyberformed, because @convenientkeystorage and I are suckers for letting Sierra and Jack act like bonded cats even when they've become amnesiac alien robots. These posts are additionally labeled Sunset AU
Vaguely D&D, mainly just high fantasy shenanigans, with dragon!Cliff toting around young elf wizardling Sierra. So far this one's mostly art, we'll see if I ever get around to writing for it
Less sorcery and more swords, featuring Sir Cliff the Jumper, Knight of the Autobot Order, and his young squire Sierra of Jasper. Also mainly art for the moment
I'm not calling this one an X-Men AU, but. That's essentially what it's based off of. Established superhero and mutant boarding school gym teacher Cliffjumper generally likes all his students, but there's this one little spitfire with energy powers that he takes a bigger shine towards and invites to be his part-time sidekick
There are really only two ships I'll ever write on this blog, and that's Sierra/Jack and Cliff/Arcee, with a longterm endgoal of next gen fluff. I've got the name 'Gatecrasher' picked out for a dark magenta colored mechling, and 'April' for a human great-granddaughter, and at some point there might be some time travel shenanigans purely so I can give them a bit of the spotlight
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cas-readsandwrites · 5 months ago
~~ Masterlist ~~
Thank you for stopping by! This blog and my writing projects are a giant work in progress since starting up writing again about six months ago. I don't keep a posting schedule though I do try to stick around and be active, but it comes and goes with seasons of life. Feel free to peruse, drop me a message, or suggest something new for me to read!
The Last Of Us
Lavender: Interludes
Set in Jackson post TLOU S1 in the Lavender universe by @justagalwhowrites, a few little scenes of Joel, Doc, and the fam in Jackson. Listen I am not pregnant, I have no desire to be pregnant, so I don’t know WHERE this came from, but I love soft Joel healing from his trauma and finding love and joy in his family! Many thanks to Kit for being totally cool with this fanfic of her fanfic and encouraging me to post! All character credit, plot, and setting to her. Content: Reader is described as pregnant. There is smut. And fluff. And love. Grab some ice cream and your heating pads if you’re in the same time of the month as me. Minors DNI. 3.6k words One-shot, complete.
Traipse - in progress!
For @justagalwhowrites Birthday Challenge for our favorite TLOU main character. Prompts: Nightmares and Feral Joel. Setting: TLOU HBO series, set within the period of 5-20 years after the outbreak. Characters: Joel x OC Female, Tommy, Tess. Projected length: 10k+ Author’s note: This is literally the worst birthday present I could give anyone. Content warnings for canon-typical violence, character deaths, suicidal ideation, substance use. It is not a happy ending. It’s gonna be kind of long. Someone toss me down a well after this.  Credit to the lyrics of Traipse by Tremonti for story title and chapter titles 🖤 AO3 link
Setting: TLOU, right after S1 finale, back in Jackson Characters: Joel x OC reader, Ellie Length: 2.5k Rating: This one is all-ages fluff (…for now?) Stands as a one-shot for now, might grow in the future!
[untitled] - prompted by a reblog *shrug*
‘Verse: TLOU, TV series, set before the show timeline Characters: Joel x Female Reader, only physical description is “not petite” so all you smol Joel lovelies can just imagine him effortlessly handling you. Length: 1.7k Rating: M, 18+ only, unprotected P in V, consent is sexy, practice safe sex IRL friends! One-shot, complete
The Mandalorian
Tiny Chaos, Big Love: a holiday fic challenge with Hallmark-levels of cheesiness, featuring The Mandalorian x reader, their favorite little green sidekick, and a community holiday celebration.
Grogu's Dream - my very first fic shared here, dedicated to my subreddit friends and those who encouraged me to get back into writing and fanfic <3
Setting: The Mandalorian, doesn’t matter when, Din exists, that’s all we need to know for now! Characters: The Mandalorian x female reader (AFAB, no mention of breasts) Length: 1.8k Rating: Minors do not enter! M for mature. Here be smut. That’s all it is. One-shot, complete
To Leave The Green - Ezra & Cee, for @burntheedges roll-a-trope challenge prompt: groundhog day
Setting: Prospect. Set between the shootout where Ezra and Cee first meet and the end of the film… and how do we know it didn’t actually happen? That the Ezra we see in the film hasn’t already lived it a millenniary of times? “I like to think about what happens between what’s already been written, so I add new scenes sometimes, because then I get to spend more time in their world.” -Cee  Rating: PG-13, not quite as bad as the movie’s R, less language, similar content. Length: 2k One-shot, complete AO3 link
Narcos - coming soon, see WIPs below :)
Star Wars misc
May the Fourth challenge
‘Verse: Star Wars, Rebels, set within S2 finale Characters: Chopper, Kanan, Ezra Length: 1.4k Rating: PG Oneshot, complete
The Old Guard
A slice-of-life dive into the characters' lives, following Nile's 3rd-person POV. Set immediately after the end of the movie and will stretch a few decades into the future as Nile settles into her new life and we see a glimpse of how the guard adjusts to gains, losses, and life between harrowing conflicts. There will be a few nods to the graphic novels throughout but this is mostly my "what happens next" after immediately finishing the movie. Series complete. Rating: We'll stick with the movie's R for language, canon-typical action/violence. AO3 link
A Sleep Token Collection: An anthology, very much a work in progress. new 2.21.25
Bravery - poetry prompt from @arianathepoet : Write about someone who taught you to be brave; what does bravery mean to you and how did that person teach you to embody it?
@pascalsanctuary fics of the day
WIPs and sneaky-peekies
Upcoming Joel Birthday Challenge ; and more ; another
I Won't Leave You
If Javi Calls ; and more ; a little more at the end here
WIP Tag Game ; another round
Firefly/Mando crossover
Triple Frontier... Frankie afterwards, more
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loverboy-havocboy · 9 months ago
*slides in a home-made cookie* Any headcanons or info about the characters included in the aliit verse you're able to share? Whether it be the main gang or anyone else?
i spent hours telling @the-starry-seas about the boys (mostly sinker) last night, so here are some thoughts from that convo as well as some fresh ones. some of them are also from rolling the blorbos around with @executeness
sinker has pretty severe adhd and his favorite fidget toy (besides boost) is one of those 3D printed slugs. it probably has a normal person name like james or something so he can say he needs to "fiddle with james".
boost got into a lot of fights in high school. he had a lot of rage after his parents died and he used it on anyone who tried to bully sinker or comet (or really probably anyone - i see boost being the kind of guy to step in even if he doesn't know the kid getting bullied).
before meeting gregor, comet was a sleep-until-the-afternoon type of guy, then he adjusted his sleep schedule so it would be easier to get up closer to gregor's time whenever gregor was on leave. he's still not an early riser by any means, but those few extra hours with gregor when he's home mean the world to him.
wolffe and gregor's relationship is the definition of "you came." / "you called."
sinker doesn't try to set his dates up with boost, but if they're not at least a little bit interesting in him, i think sinker is less likely to pursue a relationship. related to this is that boost loves befriending sinker's boyfriends - i mean, they share an interest in boost's absolute favorite thing in the world, after all.
sinker is a he/they in my mind though it is not canon. i could also see boost using he/they, but in a lack-of-gender way unlike sinker's abundance-of-gender way.
people have a tendency to underestimate sinker because of his bleached blonde hair and neurodivergence (they assume he's "ditzy"), but he's incredibly intelligent and he uses their assumptions to his favor.
i headcanon thorn as having had metoidioplasty.
echo uses a wheelchair on days that his pain is too much or he just can't be bothered with his prosthetics.
this can't go in the story, but the dominos and the pack are all stoners on some level To Me. echo and thorn have chronic pain from their injuries and the pack just seem like they smoked a bunch of weed behind the mall in highschool.
gregor's favorite music is rock, especially from the 60's-70's.
comet's favorite band is placebo. brian molko was a big influence on his gender expression. he also loves david bowie - both his music and his role in labyrinth.
sinker is a model so he sometimes gets to take clothes he wears for shoots, but his favorite pieces are things he's bought from small businesses/artists. clothes that are hand painted or beaded or given zest in some other way. he likes supporting them and he also likes wearing their love around and looking hot as fuck while he does it.
the pack were not normal about my chemical romance in high school. sinker's favorite album of theirs is danger days, boost's favorite is bullets, and comet could never choose between them.
tupma are unwritten at this point but here are some for them:
background is they met in college. dogma is a he/they transmasc, he cracks tup's egg and helps her become comfortable in her identity as a she/they/he* transfem. *she does get comfortable reacquainting with he/him pronouns eventually, in a "he's my girlfriend" type of way. after college, they moved to keldabe (mandalorian nyc where the rest of the aliit gang lives) together.
tup has 3 sisters and 2 moms, so as the only "man" in the family, their coming out as transfem is the funniest thing they could've done.
dogma is autistic. his special interests are bugs (especially spiders), and idk i feel like he's a minecraft and animal crossing man.
dogma has a tarantula named daenerys. tup saved up the money for him to pick her out and all the stuff she would need as a gift. tup may or may not have a pet lizard of some kind.
dogma's parents are divorced, his mom remarried and he got a little brother who's in elementary school now who likes to hunt for bugs with him.
tup sews and paints as hobbies. she likes to alter clothes she thrifts, and also makes dogma patches for his shorts and jackets to add a little spice.
i'm really going now but i think i will leave it here. thank you so much for asking, my dear, this was really fun 💖💖💖
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setaripendragon · 9 months ago
Trying to organize my ask notebook better since I've run out of space under general fandom asks and I would like to know what fandoms you are in so I can ask the correct people about the correct fandoms.
I think my main ones are Bagginshield/The Hobbit, Sherlock/Johnlock, Dragon Age Inquisition, {Pippin/Faramir Merry/Eowyn}/The Lord of the Rings and I dip my toes in a few that I currently can't remember but ones I don't engage in canon at all are Good Omens but only for Crowley/Azirapheal ship, Stranger Things but only for Steve/Eddie ship, The Witcher but only for Geralt/Jaskier things and Ladybug and Cat Noir but only for Adrinette .
Also do you like getting asks that are or include story ideas or snippets?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer within a certain amount of time or at all.
Ooh, I am in so many fandoms XD It wouldn't actually be easier to list the ones I'm not in, but sometimes it feels that way.
Definitely there with you on The Hobbit and Bagginshield and Lord of the Rings and that whole 'verse, and I'm all in on the Good Omens and The Witcher (well, all in on most of the fandom, I've read some of one of the books, played some of one of the games, watched some of one of the shows... XD).
I also enjoy me some Sherlock, but my preferred flavour is Elementary, rather than BBC.
At the moment my main fandoms are One Piece (catching up with the anime atm, it's taking a while XD), Supernatural, and Star Wars (pretty much entirely second hand, except for the Kenobi show and recently being bullied into watching the Mandalorian with a friend =P).
Okay, I'm going to try and be concise now because otherwise we'll be here all day. Here are fandoms that I've written stuff for (published or not): A Song of Ice and Fire, Alice in Wonerland, Assassin's Creed, Avatar the Last Airbender, Black Butler, Bleach, James Bond, Charmed, Criminal Minds, Critical Role, Emperor's Edge, Fairy Tail, Firefly, Frozen, Fruits Basket, FullMetal Alchemist, Girl Genius, Rise of the Guardians, Harry Potter, Kingsman, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Merlin, Chronicles of Narnia, Naruto, Avatar (2009), Once Upon a Time, Peaky Blinders, Percy Jackson, Pride and Prejudice, The Sandman, Shadowhunters, Sinbad (Dreamworks), Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, Teen Wolf, The Untamed, Torchwood, White Collar, X-Men.
I'm not, you know, deep in the fandom of more than usually three or four at a time, but my muse wanders like she's got itchy feet. And I'm probably at least passingly familiar with several other fandoms: I'm enjoying watching Dungeon Meshi at the moment but I haven't yet got the itch to play in that sandbox, I love reading Scum Villain's Self Saving System fanfic but I don't feel I know the characters well enough to write my own, I watched basically all of the Disney animated movies as a kid but I haven't yet had a solid enough idea to write, I have seen some of Stranger Things but I watched most of it while somewhat sleep deprived and that is not the best way to watch horror ^^" I've played FF7, I've read the Hunger Games, I've watched Yuri On Ice, etc, but I don't have a convenient list of those, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I won't make this any longer than it needs to be going into my ships unless you ask specifically, but let it be said that I'm a polyshipper in a big way (nothing gets my brain to go brrrrrrr like complicated relationship dynamics =3), and making it onto my NoTP list takes some seriously rancid vibes and/or overly pushy fans, and it's always safe to ask me about a ship =P
Story ideas are very welcome! The muse needs constant feeding =P I won't make any guarantees about them going anywhere, but I love seeing them all the same. Snippets... are probably the same? I don't know, I've never been sent one. I'm probably even less likely to do anything with them, just because of stupid brain quirks, but who knows?
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triscribe · 1 year ago
WIP Tag Game
Tagged by @crystalshard, which may prove to be a miscalculation, 'cause boy-howdy do I have a lot of works in progress...
Rules: In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
/cracks knuckles
Star Wars: -Fulcrum & Family, the new Tano & Twins re-write -Dreamwalkers Luke and Leia -History Reversed with sequel trilogy Ahsoka, Luke, Ezra and students dropped back in the Clone Wars -Birds Fly sequel Can We Start Over, Bly's pov -Something Big is Happening (Misc/Understudies crossover) -Clone Wars Cass (DC/Batman crossover)
Marvel -The Big One (5+1 Spidey saves Morgan, Pepper meets Doc Strange, Another Chance conclusion with Wanda) -Kids Club, post-Civil War kidnapping fixit -MCU Miles Morales, title tbd -Spider Assassins AU, multi-continuity-combination -X-Fire, Laura/Wolverine, Gabby/Honeybadger, and Rachel/Phoenix -Heroes of Tomorrow re-write with way more kids from different superhero groups/families
DC -Pantheon AU -the revised Alf-verse (22 Bat-grandkids and counting) -Rotten Luck re-vamp (Young Justice season one Team in the Justice League Unlimited universe) -Continuations: The Batman "seasons six and seven" if I ever get around to re-writing the early stuff (my very first fan fic ever, I've improved a lot since those high school days) -Teen Titans meet Robin's horde of younger siblings (original cartoon) -Battorian AU (Diana is human, Clark's a demigod, Bruce came from another planet) -Mandalorian/Star Wars AU (Mando Alfred adopts orphaned Bruce. This is the Way.)
HP -Pair of Potters sequel, year two for Heather, official year one for Harry, the beginning of a long headache for Dumbledore -Founder Foundlings, reincarnation fic -Cheers to the Wish, more Guardian Ghosts Lily and James -Philosopher's Mirror, canon-divergence of the unintended resurrection variety -the third effing chapter of Muggle is as Muggle Does -Thief!Harry AU, my all-out middle finger to the Author Who Shall Not Be Named
Transformers -Terratron AU (Bee meets Dragonfly, Elita makes Artemis, Bee and Fly stumble across Megatron and Rion, Prowl and Beats, Beats finds Jazz, accidental babysitter Serrate, Hornet and her big race, etc etc) -Hard Facts and Simple Truths, humanformers AU -TFAnimated swapped 'verse, with Elita Prime and her team of spacebridge technicians: Arcee, Ironhide, Wasp, and Jazz -G1 sparkling-Starlane AU -TFPrime crossover with Hot Wheels: Battle Force Five
Atla -follow-up to A Small Condition, aka the "Monk Gyatso goes into the iceberg with Aang and Zuko assumes *he* is the Avatar" AU -continuation of Ursa leaving royal life and stumbling across a dying dragon who entrusts her with a baby and two unhatched eggs -Avatar!Yue learns airbending from Aang's grandkids and that whole big mess of world-altering changes
My Hero Academia -Doubles AU (finishing Brand New Day and getting a move on with Double Take as a canon re-write with Pro Hero Shimura Tenko) -continuation for Great Beasts of the Mountain -third chapter of Instinct, my first A/B/O attempt -more next generation fluff, the Archive and Guardian saga
Misc -Sea Beast fic where Crow gets injured, suffers total amnesia, the doctor who patches him up sends for Jacob, and there's a very awkward dance between them and Maisie and Blue as the old man slowly gets his memories back -The Faceless Wolf, a mildly (make that incredibly) ambitious Game of Thrones canon-divergence attempt -Jamie Reagan and the Terrible Horrible No-Good Very Bad Day, a Blue Bloods whump idea I've had rattling around for a while -Milo and Claggor Survived AU from LoL Arcane -Grandboss Gibbs, a bittersweet NCIS fic that would, in my opinion, have been a better end to the series than trying to go on without the main character of the show -Storm Hawks past-and-present-collide idea with some previous generation OCs -Edge Chronicles TWIG GETS TO MEET HIS MOTHER DAGNABIT -may as well throw in what will be my second self-published book, Trials of Youth, because the current draft is definitely a work in progress
Aaand we'll call that good. Now to see if I get any nibbles...
(I know the game says tag a person for each WIP but I don't think I've got that many writing acquaintances on here, so instead I've got one person per fandom grouping)
@wafflesrisa @eirianerisdar @jinxquickfoot @theredscreech @resamille @tarisilmarwen @icarussmicarus @gallusrostromegalus
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lauramkaye · 1 year ago
oh no I just realized that if this song was ever translated into Mando'a it would probably be called Nar dral'shya!
And then my brain would not. rest. until I had translated it.
Yes I really translated this song into the made up Star Wars Armor Guy Language I'm so sorry my brain is just LIKE THAT
(my special interests, let me show you them... under the cut)
(also I welcome alternate translations for some of these lines from others because I'm just winging it here)
In the interests of space I won't list every repetition, but:
Ah... push it = ke'nariti - to make this scan you'd want to kind of run the first two syllables together, so it would come out something like "k'na" on the "ah" and "riti" on the "push it"
push it good = nar dral'shya
push it real good = ke nar dral'ne - where "nar dral'shya" is put/do/act more powerfully", "nar dral'ne" would be "put/do/act THE MOST powerfully". The "ke" makes it imperative, which is kind of understood in the phrase already, but adding it in here makes it more emphatic and also the right number of syllables for the song.
Ooh, baby, baby = oooh, cyare, cyare - this fits perfectly. Note that "cyare" is pronounced SHAH-ray. You could even do the "ba-baby baby" thing. It would sound like "shah-shahray SHAHray."
get up on this = ke shaadl'at ni (come towards me). An elided way to say "ke shaadla at ni" that will fit the scansion.
Salt N Pepa's here = Translating this really depends on if you are assuming that Salt N Pepa are recording a translated version of their song (in which case you'd either leave it as is or use "Salt bal Pepa") or if you are trying to come up with some kind of AU Mando version of Salt N Pepa. Seasoning and spices are actually huge in Mando culture and there are a number of words to choose from; the main issue is going to be getting the scansion right. "X is here" in Mando'a is "X cuy olar." However, the verb "to be" is usually dropped in Mando'a and you get a lot more latitude on contractions in poetry and songs, so I would probably translate this line as either "Salt bal Pep'olar" (assuming the band keeps their name) or "Hetiklyc olar" if it was an AU band. Hetiklyc means "spicy", with the particular connotation of a particular sinus-burning type of spiciness prized in Mandalorian cooking.
Note: for the verses I don't have the time to make everything scan so I'm going to say that the rapper should freestyle appropriately so it fits, okay?
Now wait a minute, y'all = pare sol, ad'ike (using "ad'ike" in the informal sense of "guys" or "lads" here)
This dance ain't for everybody /Only the sexy people= Anade nu’redalu /Shi Copyc’ad redalu jii (Everybody doesn't dance - only attractive people dance now)
So all you fly mothers, get on out there and dance. Dance, I said! = Jor'bic an copyc’ad, ke redalu. Redalu! (therefore all attractive people, dance. Dance!)
Salt N Pepa's here, and we're in effect = [use however you've decided to translate "Salt N Pepa's here" above], bal mhi tsikala
Want you to push it, babe = Vercopa nar dral’shya, cyare
Coolin' by day then at night, working up a sweat = Kih’ciryc ibi’tuur, projor tal’onidi ibi’ca (A little cold today, then giving it our all tonight)
C'mon girls, let's go show the guys that we know/ How to become number one in a hot party show = Okay this one was tricky but I ended up going with K’olar, ad’ike, tengaana anade mhi lise /Cuyi parjii o’r akaan be copad - (Come on, guys/lads/friends, we demonstrate that are are all able to/become the winner in a war of desire). You could also use vode instead of ad'ike; rapper's choice, I'd say.
Now push it = ke'nariti again here
Yo, yo, yo, yo, baby-pop= I'd use "cyar'ika" for "baby-pop." for the "yo, yo, yo" you could use "su cuy" or possibly, for better scansion, something like "oya, oya, cyar'ika"
Yeah, you, come here, give me a kiss = Lek, k’olar, ke murcyu ni
Better make it fast or else I'm gonna get pissed = Ke shaadla iviin’yc ra gar ni skana’din - essentially "move fast or you will infuriate and annoy me"
Can't you hear the music's pumpin' hard like I wish you would? = oh geez this one was HARD. I ended up going with bes’laar nar ori’dral sa vercopa gar nar dral’shya? (the music does it very hard, like I wish that you would do it harder)
Now push it = ke'nariti or you could substitute nar dral'shya for emphasis
Boy, you really got me going = Cyare, gar ni vercopa’din (you make me feel desire)
You got me so I don't know what I'm doing = Gar ni lararyc’din ganar gar (to try to get the tone I went with a less literal translation here - something like "I'm drunk from wanting to have you". I feel like I should have a copaani in there somewhere but it didn't seem like it would fit - maybe it could get a poetic contraction like "copaa'ganar gar" or something)
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serenofroses · 2 years ago
Reposting from inactive blog to here.
Regarding the topic of Sign Language in star wars universe.
I unfortunately don't really sign, but I relied on hearing aids and lipreading quite heavily but not perfectly well. It's something I lacked in life for communication and projecting my disability onto OCs for this verse.
Again, this is my personal headcanons for my legacy and everything here are strictly fictional asdfghjkl.
The point is, I know it is common to rely on ASL and BSL as the base concept to use for deaf and mute characters to sign. Personally for me when it comes to deaf characters in my legacy verse, namely Ania and Jazz who are hearing impaired, there are more than two Sign Languages to range from within the galaxy's regions. I find that using ASL and BSL in star wars really awkward because you'll be asking 'where's american/british comes from in star wars???'. I won't be using that for a specific reason.
Ania and Jazz both have hearing aids and implants to help them, but Kritanta and Vowrawn made sure to teach the twins on sign languages under circumstances.
The first one being the Galactic Sign Language, shortened as GSL, which was formerly known as Republic Sign Language but the Senate elected to change it to Galactic for universal purpose. This can be roughly connected with Basic speaking language being mostly common. GSL is the SW equivalent to ASL (american sign language).
Tau Idair in this legacy was fluent in GSL due to one of her parents being deaf. Tau communicated Jazz in GSL within crowded places when she struggled to hear (and hearing aids can pick up a lot of noise frequencies at once, which can be distressing to deal with).
Secondly, with the resurface of the Sith Empire's existence, there is an Imperial Sign Language, shortened as ISL, as opposed to "Republic" Sign Language. It is the main sign language within Imperial core worlds. It is mostly common among Agents and Soldiers to communicate with each others for covert missions or radio silence. ISL is the SW equivalent to BSL (british sign language).
Kritanta and Vowrawn are fluent in ISL due to their daughters being hearing impaired when they found out they were born profound deaf. However, neither of them shy away from learning GSL. Not to mention that Kritanta wore a mask 24/7 for health reasons that hid away the ability for his daughters or anyone else to lipread.
Marr and Jadus were fluent in the knowledge of ISL and GSL the same reason for wearing a mask and communicate with hard of hearing officers. But generally this applies to masked characters who can take up the options of learning basic knowledge. As Ania relied on lipreading the most, Marr and Jadus didn't wait to linger long so they can take their mask off in private to communicate with her.
Thirdly, much like ISL but there's another one used within Imperial core worlds known as Sith Sign Language, shortened as SSL, commonly used amongst Siths or force-users to communicate and possibly talk shit and gossip behind non-force user's backs.
An idea brought to you by darthvronton that I'm including it in this legacy. It is possible that SSL borrows sign words from ISL purposely. a suggestion to take note brought by a friend.
Fourth, not all neutral core worlds like Tatooine or Nar Shadda followed GSL. The Hutts introduced and spread the influence of Huttese Sign Language, shortened as HSL, across neutral aligned factions. This was to go on par with characters speaking Huttese.
Especially the likes of Blizz who may have known HSL because they do communicate for trading. As part of the deal with the Jedi and Republic to keep out of trouble rather than going to jail, Blizz agreed to be an interpreter for the deaf Jedi… which they eventually became Jazz's main interpreter.
Lastly, the fifth being exclusive only to Mandalorians as they invented and translated their language into Mando'a Sign Language, shortened as MSL, for deaf and mute mandalorians without feeling the need to remove the helmet out of privacy.
All in all, I had to avoid using Basic Sign Language for universal use because when you shortened it as BSL, it can get mistaken for British Sign Language. This is why Galactic was a more appropriate choice.
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universeofmuses · 2 years ago
"We're going together." Din said firmly, even though he was going to 'accept help' from this woman he still didnt trust her as far as he could throw her. "We go together or we dont go at all." he reiterated leaving no room for discussion. "My ship will need some fuel and the right engine will need some looking into, it shorts on sublights." He added after a moment, he wanted to make the run in his own ship where he could control everything about this supply run.
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@universeofmuses continued from here
“Fair enough.”
Leia replied with a faint nod of her head.
“Do you have a list? Or would you like us to go on a supply run together?”
She wondered out loud. As she thought about this she figured that that definitely would draw people’s attention. If the people didn’t recognize her, they would be staring at him. Not to mention his little green child.
A child that was a LOT older than he looked. She had learned that much from her first interactions with Grogu.
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trashquisitor-shirozora · 2 years ago
Another anon here, once again thanking you for your service validating the confused masses for whom s3 is not clicking for. In response to another anon response, and the fact that faloni recently said that "you don't need to watch clone wars to watch ahsoka" do you think he's trying to get a bunch of new people to go in blind so they don't know how nuanced these characters used to be?
Bo for me is the main thing. Like, this Faloni wrote a terrorist, and then gave her backstory, understandable if deeply flawed motivation, and a skewed worldview to the point where a few seasons after she's introduced as a part of Death Watch, we are rooting for her and Obi Wan as they work together even though we know she's done terrible things, because more importantly she knows she's done terrible things. There's no redemption for her mainly because it never felt like Bo was looking for it.
I just feel like the Disney execs running all this have never seen Clone Wars and are now just brushing it off as a kids show for kids and not realizing that the character they are trying to elevating to main character perfection is a war criminal.
Also, good luck on your writing!!! I shall have to check out your AO3 now!
Hello there, another anon! I appreciate your kind words and I do hope you've also found your way to other people's many thoughts on various aspects of the way Season 3 is simply not working for them. It fascinates me how we all have been taking different things from this season compared to the previous two (and personally I find it helpful as a writer writing stories).
Forgive me for not having the cool vocabulary or know-how to use that vocabulary to talk about these things. These are just my opinions as a layperson who spent a long time in fandoms and thinks too much too critically. I didn't see a single episode of TCW until last year when I was doing research on Mandalore and Sundari. I never saw Rebels. My knowledge of these two shows came primarily from Wookieepedia, friends and fellow fans, and the mobile game Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Personally, I think Filoni & Co. are trusting the long-time Star Wars fans and the newer fans won over by The Mandalorian to keep them sailing onward toward the Thrawn crossover movie on the horizon but I feel that once the novelty wears off, the General Audience will have a harder time keeping up because they didn't watch TCW or Rebels or know anything about either the original Thrawn Trilogy or the new Thrawn novels. I know I'm going to have a tougher time because I don't know these characters that well and need to be convinced to care. I do think Filoni is going to have to brush aside or flatten/simplify character traits and histories just to engage viewers who are coming into this for the first time. He and Favreau were smart to introduce Ahsoka and her future path in the D+ verse with a Mandalorian episode, though who knows what actual damage that did to The Mandalorian (a lot), so that people become familiar with her and what she wants. Now they have to convince people they want to know where Ahsoka is going and who these other people are, and why it matters that Thrawn is back.
I have read so many meta and critical posts these past few weeks breaking down this whitewashing and rehabilitation of Bo-Katan. She has such a dark and complicated history and I love that for her! I loved her appearances in Season 2 because it felt like a continuation of what I read about her in the Wookieepedia and in posts and commentaries all around the Internet. She's a Messy Bitch and a foil and an antagonizing force, and that's what I expected going into Season 3. Seeing her mope around on the throne, having given up because her fleet dumped her ass for failing to get back the Darksaber, was really jarring and I couldn't understand what Filoni and Favreau were planning to do with her. WELP. NOW WE KNOW. They needed her to be at her lowest so that she can see a sleeping water dragon and hit the reset button, I guess.
I think the decision to erase a huge part of her past has less to do with making it a kids show for kids (because TCW showed what she did and the consequences of her involvement) and more to do with Disney trying to recoup the twin costs of buying Star Wars and launching a streaming service that lost them, what, a billion bucks? They need to sell her as a heroic figure now, a princess and a girlboss because girls and women can't relate to male characters I guess?????, but she has to be safe and palatable to market to the masses so we lose her Death Watch past and we lose the death of her sister. We lose count of how many times she already lost the Darksaber. We lose her messy past, her ambition and drive, and we forgive her for her crimes because she... saved Din's life when he sank in the waters like a rock?
This version of Bo-Katan just does not work for me and the idea that we're now following her redemption arc when this was not what I was sold just... it makes me angry when I don't have enough sleep and really, really sad when I have enough sleep. Bo-Katan could've been a wonderful tragic figure, the cautionary tale the Armorer warned Din about in another lifetime, but now I just look at this season and the direction of the D+ shows as a tragedy itself.
Thanks for stopping by, another anon, and I hope my fics are to your liking!
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arc-77 · 1 year ago
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE ? In armor, ozone. Blasterfire. Gunpowder. Light dusting of oil and acrid smoke. Out of armor, shaving product. Natural male pheromone. If he's been out in the wilderness, also a little campfire smoke, and a brushing of the local flora (e.g. pine).
WHAT DO YOUR MUSE’S HANDS FEEL LIKE ? Not as calloused as they ultimately could be. He does not engage in the kind of repetitive tasks that would lead to them save for weight training, but proper form minimizes their development. In verses where he settles down, they develop more callousing as he spends time taking care of the homestead. In verses where he has cybernetics, they're covered in synthflesh unless battle-damaged.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY EAT IN A DAY ? The entire contents of a 24 hour ration packet if he has the opportunity to sit down and heat things up. If not, a simpler ration designed for consumption while closer to combat. Cuberats if really pressed. If he's not in a war zone and he doesn't need the calories he'll eat less ration components and substitute whatever the base is offering, or other local food. In a home environment he eats a lot of eggs, bacon, waffles, etc. breakfast food.
Alpha-Class ARCs have big appetites. If you serve it, they will eat.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE A GOOD SINGING VOICE ? It's not deliberately trained, but he can sing decently enough. He knows a selection of trail, folk, shanties, and Mandalorian songs by heart. You may hear him hum or quietly sing them while going about his business.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY BAD HABITS OR NERVOUS TICKS ? Generally he's keen on identifying these sorts of things about himself and shaving them away, so that he may be all the "better" an individual. If he is to survive and lead he needs to diminish all the flaws or weaknesses within his control, so it frustrates him when one sticks around.
To this end he is often prone to overworking himself. Long hours, not enough sleep. He needs to give himself a break more often.
As for other bad habits, well. In much later years in the main timeline he's prone to... violence. Murder. If he's at a cantina and somebody bothers him or says something he doesn't like, he'll shoot them, or bash their head into the bar. There's always a provocation in his mind, it's never for no reason or against innocent bystanders, but it's reckless and unnecessary behavior that he's stopped giving a shit about holding back. And why should he? He's invincible. No law enforcement or bounty hunter in the New Republic could take him down. He's freer that he's ever been and he can finally afford to give in to these urges and make these mistakes.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY LOOK LIKE / WEAR ? The grand majority of people only see him in his armor. Outside of that, rugged clothing befitting of ranch work or hiking. Boots. Sturdy jackets, jeans, and button up shirts or their GFFA equivalent. In a city environment, dark colors with red highlights. Leather.
He keeps his facial hair cleanly trimmed, only letting their hair on his chin grow out in long established home settings. Greying at the temples. Standard Jango Hair.
IS YOUR MUSE AFFECTIONATE ? HOW SO ? He lives a touch-starved life, so once he likes and is comfortable being around someone, he can be surprisingly heavy on the physical-contact. Loves to sit or lay with his partner, play with their hair/lekku, have them run fingers through his hair. Very cat-like.
Love languages aren't real but Fordo is a gift giver. He finds or creates bespoke objects for people he likes. Woodcarvings, knives/tools, modified blasters. He figures out what they need or could use and gets them something special.
WHAT POSITION DOES YOUR MUSE SLEEP IN ? He's a back sleeper, but he's learned not to be picky. The battlefield necessitates getting all the rest you can wherever you can, so just as often he's in a sitting position. In a safe home environment he would fall asleep in a dad recliner, but not by accident.
COULD YOU HEAR YOUR MUSE IN THE HALLWAY FROM ANOTHER ROOM ? It depends. Due to spending so much time in armor, he's learned how to minimize the clacking it makes, which means when he's out of his armor he moves silently like a cat. In the armor, you may still hear him. Later on he acquires sound dampening field technology that nullifies the sound of even his heaviest armor completely.
Speaking wise, likely not. He is careful about maintaining the right level of volume when walking and talking with someone, especially if the matter is private. If saluted, he generally acknowledges non-verbally.
tagged by: @donutdollie (Thank you!) tagging: @iconaclysm @reachfalls @mandogold
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wild-aloof-rebel · 2 years ago
Leslie! What is new? Are you in any new fandoms? Loving baseball? We miss you!
aww, thanks, anon! 💗 what is new with me... i guess the main thing is that i got a new job, which is nice. it's been much less stressful so far than my old one was for most of the last year, so i've been slowly regaining some of my mental energy (and a more regular sleep schedule), and that's letting me finally start to [just barely] dip my toe back into writing. that's prob still gonna feel like the gears are grinding for a while, but i know it'll eventually get easier as i get back into it more
no new fandoms, though i've been taking a little detour back through an old, persistent one and doing a chronological rewatch of all the star wars-verse movies, shows, and shorts over the last few weeks. i just finished the mandalorian again for that, which puts me at 86.87% of the way done with everything now. (you will probably not be surprised to learn there is a spreadsheet to keep track of it, lol)
definitely still watching plenty of baseball, though i've only managed to make it to one regular-season game in person so far this year. we went to nine games in five days during spring training and the world baseball classic though, so that makes up for it a bit. and i'm gonna make it to every game of a three-game series in a couple weeks, so i'm looking forward to that. still not loving the rule changes this season though, but what can you do? 🤷‍♀️
otherwise, def still thinking about sc and missing david and patrick, and i'm hoping that once i get my writing brain actually working again i can finally finish writing the other chapters of the hardest part. i'm def still here on tumblr, too—not nearly as much as before my job blew up last year, especially during the work day, but i am indeed still kicking around here most days, any time anyone feels like saying hi!
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sinfulneverlcnd · 2 years ago
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†  What have I b e c o m e...            my sweetest f r i e n d Everyone I know goes a w a y...                 in the e n d  †
—— ☨ RULES  ☨  MUSES  ☨  ABOUT  ☨ MESSAGE  ☨  CREDIT ☨ ——
SOME FANDOMS INCLUDE // BUT NOT LIMITED TO: The Last of Us, Supernatural, The Rookie, The Mentalist, Star Wars, The Mandalorian, Harry Potter, Maze Runner, Original/Custom World. TUMBLR OR DISCORD ROLEPLAY.
Current Main Muse: Willow Hale (Open to Others xxx)
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formthree · 4 months ago
formthree.   obi-wan  kenobi,  of  lucasfilm’s  star  wars saga.   prequels   &  legends  based,   &   written  with  influence  from  tropes  cognate  to  the  mythology,   fantasy,   &   cosmic  horror  genres.   nsfw   +  sensitive  themes  present.   mutuals   &   18+  only.   ♡
   *    exploring      :      goodness  hard  fought  for   &   well  tempered.   outliving  the  end  of  your  myth.   only  in  darkness  are  we  revealed   &   the  love  was  there   (it  didn’t  save  anyone,   but  it  still  matters  that  the  love  was  there).   
guidelines beneath the cut ,
interaction. i favour the third person present and practice quality over quantity - i'm not a stickler for matching length, and i wouldn't ask you to do the same.
feel free to turn inbox memes into threads; it's one of my favourite ways to start something unplotted!
i prefer non sw muses to have a compatible sci-fi or fantasy verse prior to interacting (of course, this is non applicable to blogs i follow first).
i  only  practise  mains  as  it  applies  to  characters  within  obi-wan’s  inner  circle  –  these  are  the  versions  of  muses  whom  i’ve  extensively  developed  a  strong  dynamic  with.  if  you  see  your  muse/s  on  this  list,  please  know  i’m  not  disinterested  in  writing  with  you.
shipping.   obi-wan  is  pansexual  &  panromantic  &  ships  must  have  chemistry  to  become  serious.  
nsfw  &  sensitive  topics.   my  writing  will  broach  themes  such  as  child  loss,  child  soldiery,  grief,  systemic  oppression,  fascism,  etc.  i  tag  as  much  as  possible  without  being  reductive;  the  format  for  your  blacklisting  purposes  is  ‘//  [topic]’.   
canon.   beyond  the  ot  and  the  prequels,  my  portrayal  draws  major  influence  from  eu  media;  most  importantly  the  apprentice  series,  rogue  planet,  wild  space,  and  the  gambit  duology.    
*    this  blog  interprets  anakin  and  obi-wan’s  relationship  as  primarily  parent  /  child  (as  opposed  to  teacher  /  student),  and  an  outlier  within  the  hierarchies  of  the  jedi  –  as  such,  i  am  not  open  to  exploring  obikin.  this  is  applicable  to  the  rest  of  obi-wan’s  lineage.
the  interpretation  of  the  force  in  use  here  is  pro  jedi  /  balance  =  the  dark  side  does  not  exist.
please  be  aware  that  i’ve  not  seen  much  (in  some  cases,  any)  of  the  tv  shows  as  my  interest  lies  majorly  in  the  comics  and  books.  for  transparency’s  sake,  i’ve  outlined  the  areas  of  my  media  blindness  below:   i  won’t  be  following  muses  exclusive  to  these  pieces  of  media  first,  but  i’ll  happily  follow  back  on  the  understanding  that  you  have  read  my  guidelines  and  are  willing  to  be  patient  with  me  when  plotting.  please  do  not  assume  that  aspects  of  obi-wan’s  characterisation  (or  events)  applicable  to  the  shows  are  applicable  to  my  writing. 
the clone wars  (although  i  have  read  around  it),  resistance,  the  bad  batch,  rebels,  tales  of  the  jedi,  the  acolyte,  the  mandalorian,  the  book  of  boba  fett,  andor
fin.   ty  for  reading  this  far!  my  name  is  lucy  (she/her)  and  i’m  gayyy  asf.  typically  found  hanging  out  in  the  horror  /  fantasy  rpcs.   hmu  if  you  want  my  disco!!  i  love  getting  to  know  people  ooc!  
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alexversenaberrie · 6 months ago
This is Hiba’s sister Minerva:
Name: Minerva “Minnie” Ailyn Bridger-Wren
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Year of Birth: 15 ABY
Place of Birth: Mandalore
Parents: Ezra Bridger (Father) and Sabine Wren (Mother)
Siblings: Hiba (Sister), Kanan (Brother), Eleni (Sister)
House: Kryze
Clan: Wren (Formally of House Viszla but switch affiliation with House Kryze by Countess Sabine Wren, Minerva’s mother, in 10 ABY.)
Titles: Princess of Knownwrest, Countess of Lothal, Senator of Mandalore, and Mayor of Sundari (During the Age of Resistance)
•Light brown Skin (Middle Eastern X East Asian)
•Diamond-shaped face
•Has long natural black hair
•Brown eyes
Notable Skills:
•Combat: Unlike her sickly older sister, and like most members of her family clan, Minerva is well rounded in various combat skills. This includes hand-to-hand combat skills, martial arts, handling various types of Westar blasters, and being able to wield a light saber without issue
•Ship Building: Minerva is highly skilled in the construction and reconstruction of various ships that are used for transportation purposes. She first conceives blueprints of different ship designs that each have their own purpose. She has designed and built ships for her people on Mandalore, for the New Republic, for the Resistance, and currently for Rey’s newly established Jedi Order.
•Ship Engineering: Because Minerva builds different types of ships that each have their own purpose, she develops each and every one of them their own engineering needs that aims to not only allow them to travel for long periods of time, but also, design them to where they’re less likely to sustain major damage from collision or conflict with battle fleets and type-fighters in space. Reducing the mortality rate of all on board. She’s also developed software in her ships that allows pilots and their crew to immediately call for help from any neighboring planet to come to their aid when in distress, which again, saves lives and prevents tragedies.
•Athleticism: Due to constant training by both her parents and by Prince-Consort Din Djarin-Kryze, Minerva is very athletic.
•Computer Hacking: Minerva has a reputation for being to hack into both Imperial and First Order computer systems in order to obtain information about their future assaults, which then, can allow her to warn targeted planets ahead of time and prepare them to stand up against the invaders.
•Intelligence: Genius-level intelligence, excelled well at both the newly reestablished Royal Academy as a youth and in training with her clan. Considered prodigal.
•Diplomacy: Due to her skills in ship building, ship engineering, and in computer hacking, Minerva has earned herself the title of “Countess of Lothal”, where she conducts most of her work but has served as both a senator to Mandalore and as the mayor of the newly rebuilt Mandalorian capital of Sundari during the Age of Resistance.
Force Sensitive: No
Additional Information:
•She’s the second of four children born to Sabine and Ezra Bridger-Wren.
•Has been considered an engineering prodigy since she accidentally fixed Hera Syndulla’s ship “The Ghost” by defrosting its frozen engine with her mother’s flamethrower during a blizzard on Madurs. She was three years old at the time.
•She was born six months after her parents married on Lothal.
•Has a very tight-knit relationship with both her family clan and other members of the Ghost Crew.
•Although she lives on Knownwrest with her family, her main base is on Lothal.
•Has demonstrated willpower and determination by never going down without a fight.
•If her mind is set to it, she can get anything done.
•Her skills and knowledge with computer systems and how to hack them are dangerously adept.
•She’s constantly able to think things through and stay focused when in battle and during her builds.
•Has a strong void of fear.
•Despite being both a Senator and later a mayor, Minerva is not the best politician and has been known to sabotage the political careers of senators and other problematic political figures by hacking into their personal computing systems, exposing holo-messages that she deems “disturbing” and “scandalous”. Much to the dismay of everyone in the Senate.
•Can be very cocky at times.
•Is known to get reckless, which can result in freak accidents.
•She’s known to be very impulsive.
•Helmet: A Wren-styled Nite-Owl helmet that was reforged from a helmet that once belonged to her late maternal Uncle Tristan Wren. She had decorated to look similar to what her mother’s helmet looked like she was still a member of the Rebellion with the “Wren feathers” crowned with two different color shades.
•Chest and Neck Pieces: Similar to her mother’s but features a decal that’s almost identical to one her maternal grandmother once had on her own armor during the Siege of Mandalore.
•Pauldrons: Similar to her mother’s but with a Starbird signet that serves as an ode to her mother and a wolf signet to represent the Jedi routes of her father.
•Gauntlets: Similar to her maternal grandmother’s in both style and how they function in combat.
•Hand armor: Similar to her mother’s.
•Knee Armor: Similar to Ahsoka Tano’s from when she served the Nite Owls during the Siege of Mandalore.
•Shin Guards: Heavy Shness shin armor that’s attached to the knee armor like her mother’s.
•Jet pack: Inherited from her late maternal grandmother.
Armor Color Scheme:
•Oxford Blue
•Alien Grey
•Slate Grey
•Blue Rhapsody
•Shuttle Grey
•Light Gold
•Dull Yellow
•Oil (a shade of brown)
Soft Parts:
•Similar to her Mother’s.
•A Single waist belt attached to a dull yellow sash that holds two holsters.
Weapons in Possession:
•2 identical Westar blasters
•1 Beskad Sword
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It was also difficult to make XD
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