#verse: LoZ
a-girl-named-angel · 9 months
I Know Those Eyes (Closed)
Whether it was an act of bravery or pure stupidity, Angel had no clue. But one thing was certain, the gloom that consumed the land was growing and was treating to come to destroy her home village. She had heard rumors of the source if the destruction, this “Demon King” was currently in the village in search to rebuild his army. So that’s where she’d go.
Packing what little they could spare, and mounting her companion Orion, the you Hylian woman left promising to return of good news, stop the gloom entirely, or die trying.
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The trek across Hyrule was easy enough. Familiar turf, easy access to resupply. But once she found herself at the border of the desert. She felt an uneasy feeling in her stomach. This was it. But she had no other choice and they moved onward.
Despite moving in the cool of night, Angel found herself depleting of her supplies and with no grass or water for miles, what little she had, she gave to Orion. He carried her this far after all. She could bear the hunger pains.
Unfortunately, the dehydration, she could not bear with and would find herself passed out underneath a large stone. Dragging her in the direction of the shade and huddling her for warmth at night, Orion did the best he could to try and wake her. But to no avail.
That was till she showed up.
She was simply on route for finding fruits for her stand but when she found the passed out Hylian and deer like mount lying beside her. No one came out this far, much less a Hylian due to the risk of their King returning. But, she couldn’t leave the two to die. So, after a gentle convincing with some extra fruit for the deer, Nisiki picked up the burnt thin thing and placed her in her cart. Hiding her under a blanket.
It was hard to convince the other about the creature but the story about it simply being spooked from its heard seemed to work for now and was taken in. But the transfer of the outsider to her home was a whole other ordeal. But not an impossible one.
After a gentle cleaning, thorough skincare treatment to help with her burns, and a gentle helpful drink of water, she let the outsider rest. Hoping she would wake.
She would pretty soon and after the shock wore down, the two would become fond friends as Angel recovered. That was all about to change however. And it would change for the worse when the guards bursted in out of nowhere and took Angel and Nisiki to the throne room to be questioned by the King himself.
Angel on her knees, bowed low to the floor, trying hard to avoid his gaze as her friend did her best to defend her and explain the situation when asked.
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sabertoothwalrus · 1 year
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skulltula man
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The most anticipated link and zelda, cartoon verse of course
No funny page tho, just imagine excuse me princess echoing in your brain chamber
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honeypawsart · 9 months
*combines my two favorite pieces of media* what are you gonna do about it?
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mueritos · 1 year
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posted link hole on my $8 tier for my patreon ^-^ havent played totk yet but i am in love with the frostbite shirt 🫣 will be drawing more sidlink soon….
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It wasn’t fair. Princess Zelda did not look at Harper the way Lady Impa looked at Zamir. Princess Zelda did not give him a special smile, softness in her gaze. She did not look for him when she entered a room. She did not walk more quickly to catch up with him. And yet Lady Impa did all that for Zamir. It shouldn’t be allowed! It was uncouth, it was not proper!
Link was a commoner too. Why did he have the Princess’s affection? And how in Hylia’s name did he appear so unaffected by it? The boy’s ingratitude was just insulting! 
A new song came to mind. Not a love song, but a song of anger. A song of hate. A mean, mocking song.
Harper would never play it in public, of course. But everyone needed to vent once in a while, didn’t they?
So he took up his pen and began to write the meanest things about Link that he could think of.
A trip to the Spring of Courage raises Harper's suspicions about Zelda and her knight. As his jealousy grows and finally explodes, he makes a mistake that may just cost him his career as a court bard.
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fwoosheye · 11 months
*sighs* Not again
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Okay so it's another LU idea and can someone please adopt it so it will leave me alone? Anyone? I have too many projects already. Someone please save me!
Anyway. This is a "Legend is the last one to join the chain" idea. He was practically raised by Fi after he pulled the Master Sword for the first time (was it @bokettochild who came up with that? I know I've read some really good fics with that but I'm not sure I remember by who correctly. Please correct me if I've mixed people up), and it takes place on Lorule's Death Mountain. Link is a regular at the Treacherous Tower, because it's an easy way to earn money and with the Triforce restored the monsters aren't as mindless as before so he actually befriends them (though I hc the monsters in the T-Tower were the least mindless to begin with (at least the ones in the audience, maybe the ones one fights were caught mindless ones), probably around the level of Blind the Ex-Sage the Thief, and that they just became more "stable" and better att communicating when the Triforce was restored). Anyway when the story takes place, Link is actually filling in for the final boss because the Purple Moldorm is sick and their new Union demands sick time or something.
When the chain appears in Lorule it's fairly near the T-Tower and when they ask the Devilish Girl about the Hero and learn he's the final boss, they realize someone will have to get up there and defeat him for his shift to end. She will only let one of them enter, so Sky, Warriors or Wild traverse the Tower with the Master Sword in hand (and I'd pick one of those three because they're aware of Fi's presence. Wild might be post-TotK Wild).
When Sky/Wars/Wild finally makes it to Legend there's some brief chatting, and when they attempt to attack each other they simultaneously get their hands burned and Legend accidentally hisses an undignified "Mom!" at Fi making the other Hero realise this teen was practically raised by a sword (and yes this is the scene that gives me the urge to write this, please save me). It becomes a sword-less battle, because Legend shift won't end if he's not defeated and his (magical?) contract don't permit him to hold back more than making it non-leathal. Tri-Force Heroes might've taken place before ALBW for this fic so Legend actually can use doppels/doppel medallion/etc so there 3v1 for a bit. Surprising move from Sky/Wars/Wild eventually sees Legend defeated and he meets the rest of the chain. He probably offers to guide them to the Castle to talk with Princess Hilda, if it doesn't turn out they've managed to get the information they want from the monsters on the audience while they watched. Maybe the chain are chatting about different friendly/civil monsters they've met during their adventures while descending the mountain. And/or Sky/Wars/Wild asks Legend why he addressed his sword as mom.
And because I am utterly incapable of keeping a story idea short, I was also considering to make it so Link is stuck in Lorule because the bracelet only had enough power left to send one of them home to Hyrule and both Link and Princess Hilda agreed Princess Zelda should be the one to return. Ravio would in that case likewise be stuck in Hyrule because he didn't have enough magic. He had probably managed to sneak into Hyrule's Sacred Realm trying to go home and met Zelda as she came back so he knew Link had won, though he might've left before Zelda made her wish (or even woke up?) and thinks Lorule and Link is gone. Maybe. It has some sweet juicy angst potential to let Ravio think his home and hero are destroyed. But also including this would for sure make it a longer fic...
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eerna · 1 year
would u still love me if I said Sword & Soul was a TOTK Zelink fansong
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mielmoto · 1 month
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@obraveyouth asked:
does honey mind if the hero keeps fairies in bottles? and/or do the fairies under her care ever seem to mind or does it depend on which great fairy they serve ( such as the fairies in ww looking sad to be kept in such a way )
Heh... well, as we've glimpsed (in a botw/totk setting at the very least), Honey certainly does feel strongly about the practice, which aligns with much of her core character sentiments—freedom, in both the physical and metaphorical senses, being a concept she values above all else. being somewhat bound to her fountain/shrine in any given LoZ iteration is already more of a tether than she prefers, goddesses forbid the idea of being sealed inside a pocketable prison only just big enough to hold oneself in the first place.
Rest assured, if she witnessed a fairy being snatched up, she'd certainly have something to say about it... or most likely she would, anyway.
I think there's room for variance in the fact that not all of the sprightly, little fairies which occupy the realm appear to have the same level of... sentience? agency?
We see fairies which speak and move freely, who have clearly established personalities—like Navi, Tatl, and the Kokiri companions in general—and obviously, as you highlight (and as I often think about): the WW fairies are visibly emotive/expressive, and they do not seem to appreciate being bottled... but then, on the other side of the coin, there are the fountain fairies. Moving in idle patterns but never leaving, seemingly only fulfilling their purpose or any meaningful role when someone appears in need of healing.
This, I think, is where the main differentiation occurs, and where her opinion flexes. As I see it, fairies can either be born directly from natural forces, possessed of a will and mind of their own, or they can be a physical manifestation or extension of a great fairy's power and spirit—think, perhaps, of the stray fairies in MM, which were literal portions of a "shattered" great fairy. In the case of the earlier, Honey would, indeed, mind; but the latter? situationally.
She doesn't take kindly to the hero just snatching the poor things clear out of the air without warning, but, if the being's sole purpose is to mend a weary warrior's wounds in their time of need, it does seem more prudent to have them on stand-by rather than hoping their broken body magically appears at a fountain in time... so, he might as well take them along.
If it's one of her fairies, she'd maybe make a little fuss at, again, how small the bottle is—"could you at least put a little bit of water from the fountain in there? maybe a shiny shell, something to make them feel at home—and don't keep them in there too long! come switch them out for a different one if you HAVE to,"—but, ultimately, acquiesce with little real resistance.
Her fairies wouldn't mind on their own, lacking the cognisance to do so, but it most likely does vary based on which great fairy they serve, and the nature of their birth.
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sorinsart · 2 months
intro + meet the artist!!
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+ more me X33
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waywardsalt · 3 months
While Ganondorf is busy as king of the Gerudo and Linebeck is often out at sea, they hardly manage to find time to spend together- but with the right timing and allowances, find time for a bit of desert exploration.
ganonbeck fic complete!!
here's a new link to chapter 1, and chapter 2 is finally up as well.
FanFiction.net version: X
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a-girl-named-angel · 9 months
★ (From Ganondorf)
Send my character a ★ and I’ll bold everything they feel toward your character.
I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
Added: I don’t know you that well // I wish you were better //
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narwhal77 · 4 months
Ok, so, I was digging through my old google docs, and I found something from last year (Technically 2022 but whatevs) . I was taking a Creative Writing class during fall semester, and I found my old poetry portfolio that I had turned in. I don't remember what the prompt for this one specific poem was, but I DO remember that it was subtly written about TOTK and the long wait for it to be released.
I am no poet, but here it is!
Watching the Clock Tick
I am waiting for a new world to discover
its stories, its secrets
And I am waiting 
to come home and see it
and I am waiting to forget the the real world
And dive into a world of a team’s imagination
And I am waiting for a beautiful story
in a world
So carefully crafted
And I am waiting, watching the clock tick
Until the ever-awaited day arrives
And it is released into the world
And I am waiting, 
so patiently waiting
Fiddling with my fingers and pencil
for something, a special something
for the long-awaited game
to be awaited no more
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same energy
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monstersmade · 6 months
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Cool green eyes watch as he lingers from a distance, taking in the loud human. Ah, that strange lingering familiarity that comes occasionally - he pushes it aside, it isn't his and unlike Kadaj, he simply doesn't care. He doesn't care about that but he is interested. Interested in the loud human, because he reminds Yazoo of someone he actually knows.
He walks forward, pushing a few people out of his way without looking, without bothering with their reactions - most people go quiet at the sight of the gun in his hand and he likes that.
When he is closer, he raises his Velvet Nightmare, level with the loud human's head.
"My brother would like you. You should meet him."
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Princess Zelda screamed, “NO!” and pushed Prince Link behind her. She faced the Guardian down, pale, trembling, terrified, and yet so very brave. She held her hand out as if to ward it off somehow. There was terror in her gaze and a protective fury.
With all the light and power of the sun, magic burst from the Princess. Sacred light encased her, swelling like a tidal wave. It burst out in a dome, covering the entire field.
For one glorious moment, all of Harper’s fears vanished. It was warm, it felt safe. So familiar and yet completely alien. It was awe-inspiring, divine, perfect. It was a light that promised safety and strength. A protective power, handed down from the Goddess Hylia time and time again.
The power to seal Calamity Ganon, to seal away any evil and save them all.
Harper was sure he would never, in all his days, see anything remotely like it again.
As the Calamity strikes, Harper and some surprising new friends make a desperate escape to Kakariko. At Blatchery Plain, he witnesses Link's sacrifice and Zelda's powers awaken.
In the aftermath of so much destruction, Harper assigns himself a mission.
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