#verse : married pre canon
commbowman · 4 months
Am I really going to ask him this? Now? What’s the worst that could happen?
“I’ve been thinking… do you want kids?”
Back to the pre-canon au where they’re married? @frankpooleunofficial
“W-well I—.”
Suddenly the room felt much too warm for him, he tugged at the collar of his shirt. Dave was a paler man and that meant when he got flushed it was far more noticeable than he would’ve cared it to be.
“I can’t save I’ve really thought about it before, really.”
His focus had always been elsewhere. He had always been open to the eventual conversation yet found himself unprepared when it actually arose.
“Suppose I can’t wait to answer when I’m older?” He asked, laughing slightly at his own hilarity. He wasn’t getting any younger and if he did, want kids, it’d be better to be alert and aware rather than tired all the time.
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lenievi · 3 months
My fave spones fics
It's spones day!, so I decided to finally publish this extremely subjective short list I wrote years ago (hence no new fics). If a link doesn't work, put it through a wayback machine.
TOS McCoy/Spock romance, friendship, anything in between
A Man of Integrity by Jane Carnall. M. 18k. A mirror ‘verse story. Spock didn’t mind meld with McCoy, but kept him for long enough that the rest left without him. Will McCoy get back home? Written in 1989. (ao3)
Blue Under the Colourless Sky by vail-kagami (LJ). T. 4k. This. was. so. good. And melancholic. And bittersweet. And saying more would spoil it. (death is discussed)
Catharsis by babel. E. 40k+ still WIP. This is all I ever wanted from a McCoy/Spock fic. Follows season 1 of TOS. What if Spock and McCoy had an arrangement.
Coming Through in Waves by Cirth. T. 6k. “Spock dislikes doctors.” This was just lovely. A great character study from Spock’s POV. Includes room sharing and bathroom sharing. 
Deepening of the Spirit by lynndyre. G. 1k. A short fic set after the last film. Sweet and warm, finally getting together after all those years.
Distances series by berlynn_wohl. G-E. 54k. The first story is pre-slash and can be read as a standalone mission fic. A nice series spanning years. Written in 2007.
Down The Long Corridors Of Air by Thistlerose. T. 7k. This is another fic that demonstrates quite well what I like in the pairing. “A circle has no end. Spock and McCoy over the years.” Spoilers up to ST VII. Written in 2009.
Further Study Needed by J. Rosemary Moss. G. 2k. Cute pre-canon fic. McCoy tries to teach Spock how to flirt. Pre-slash. Written in 2008.
My Little Town by Phoenix. M. 8k. Post-movies. McCoy’s mother dies, and McCoy goes back to Earth to sell the old house. Spock accompanies him. A bit sad, melancholic story where the two of them finally stop avoiding what’s between them.
something bright, traveling fast by lupinely. G. 7k. “After fal-tor-pan, Spock considers existence.“ Movie-era, really lovely.
Spock of Baker Street by K. V. Wylie. M. 18k. Crossover with Doctor Who. The Guardian of Forever “kidnaps” Spock and McCoy, and throws them into late 19th century Britain. They meet a guy named Arthur, and live at Baker Street. And investigate a murder. Established relationship.
Teshuvah by K. V. Wylie. PG. 20k. A reincarnation AU - i.e. McCoy gets to relive his life again.
The Secrets of Pine Cones by K. V. Wylie. PG. 9k. Movie-era. Married Mc/S. McCoy is observing Ramadan, and this year, after many years spend together, Spock stays at home and keeps him company for the first time. A very lovely fic, written from Spock’s POV.
Through A Glass, Darkly by Jane Carnall. M. 67k. mirror ‘verse. pon farr. mind bond. Written in 1988. (on ao3: prime spones part and the mirror spones 3-parter)
AOS McCoy/Spock
This Must Be The Place by therev. M. 38k. Spock learns that Spock Prime and his Leonard McCoy were in a relationship, and... This was one of the first mc/s fics I read, and it’s still among my favourites. It also showed me that aos!mccoy/spock could work. The mood is a bit melancholic (and perhaps a bit slice-of-life-ish), it’s set post-Beyond, and it has Joanna.
also older spones fics recs (i.e. written before the reboot)
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leletha-jann · 7 months
Went outside to pull velcro plant out of the yard, which let me tell you does not take brain cells, so also spent the time thinking about the "WTF, Bill Heterodyne, why trust Lucrezia and not the Jägermonsters" dilemma.
And what I settled on was the concept of - indeed, the allure of - redemption.
Long post under the cut...
Bill Heterodyne, after all, could have inherently been a Thing of Evil (as he saw it; I'll put the more pulp black-and-white concepts in capitals), but instead was Redeemed by the Love of his mother Theodora, who stood between her children and their objectively monstrous father. Bill's entire life story, which he would have profoundly internalized, is that he would have been something else, something dangerous, if he and the people around him hadn't worked - constantly! - to make him a Force for Good instead.
And indeed, he and Barry went out and performed this redemption narrative in their role as the Heterodyne Boys. They were famously active, visible, persistent Heroes, trying to rewrite the story the rest of the world (after a thousand years of "Heterodyne" meaning something quite different) wanted to put them into. And it worked!
In that light, we have two separate case studies:
Lucrezia's story, at this point, parallels Bill's in ways that he would have been drawn to. (We are, of course, not looking at everything that's happened to Lucrezia since then. We're in pre-canon Lucrezia territory.) Young Lucrezia Mongfish comes from a similar background - a powerful Spark from a family of Deep Evil. But in flashback, we see her choosing - performatively or not, however sincerely or not - a different path by choosing to become one of the Good Guys and marry Bill. (These things seem to have gone together, which is a whole different story.) This is an active choice. This, I argue, is what Bill was attracted to: the idea that you, no matter who you are, can choose your nature and your fate. You can become Good - but it is a choice.
That was, after all, the story Bill was telling himself. Lucrezia's choice validated his - and his mother's choices too. The choices Theodora had died for. The Path of Righteousness could be chosen - indeed, had to be. And it's that element of choice that makes the difference here.
It's a very tempting narrative, for someone raised to despise and fear the more infamous side of his family - and indeed himself.
The Jägermonsters, on the other hand, take orders from the Heterodynes, and always have. Are famous for it, actually. Bill could have told them to be Good Guys now, and they would have listened! Dimo tells Agatha that it sounded like fun, and they wanted to try! If Bill had only enlisted them in this fine new game. But it would have had to come as an order from the Heterodyne. It wasn't their idea, and they wouldn't have done it on their own. Do you see the Horde sitting down and considering their ways and having a mass - or even individual - change of heart? No, me neither, and neither did Bill. Receiving and obeying an order to "be good guys now", to Bill, wouldn't count. Not with centuries of destruction apiece behind them. That wouldn't be a true change of heart, it would just be another order.
If just one or two Jägers had gone to Bill, individually, and said, (in the appropriate accent) "Master, we understand, we want to Be Good and do better, can you show us how?", would Bill have believed them? Welcomed them as converts? Could things have been different? I don't know, but I think yes.
Redemption is active. Redemption is a thing you do. It's a thing you work at. That's what Bill was drawn to. Not Evil itself, but the refutation of it.
Forgiveness, by comparison, is passive. Forgiveness is a thing you receive, sometimes whether you work for it or not.
(We're also into pretty solid Catholic guilt territory here, by the way, rarely to be overlooked with creators with Italian surnames. I could cite Bible verses if I really wanted to take the time, but I DO NOT.)
...I don't know if this is coherent, or new, or relevant, but those weeds were really boring, so this is what you get when I have to do yardwork.
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alishaaxo · 5 months
im sorry but i can never be a lyanna stan guys.
just lemme explain.
obviously this is only if she willingly went w rhaegar
To begin with, the situation in its simplest form is that Rhaegar and Elia are married, amicable yet not in love, and Rhaegar runs off with Lyanna, causing chaos to ensue amongst the realm.
Even if no war occured and everything was fine, how can Lyanna try to justify running away with a married man, especially on the way to her brothers wedding which feels very selfish, even if Brandon didn’t want to marry Cat, like she still ruined their wedding day.
Not to mention, that running with Rhaegar meant that shes inserted herself into his marriage which is Elia’s place. How nonsensical it is to run away with a married man and somehow marry him!
There’s two routes people go to justify it, and I’ll explain why I think they suck:
1) E-R-L is a polygamous marriage: This is not appeasable to the realm at all! Nobody will accept that. The only reason Aegon+Rhaenys+Visenya were accepted was because they were conquering Westeros, and like you can’t say shit about the guys conquering you!! Also the Targs were on thin ice then, and Maegor also tried, and look what happened afterwards!
2) E-R was annulled and R-L are married: I don’t think this is reasonable at all. Considering that Rhaegar is only HEIR, just like Daemon, for example. Both wanted annulments and both need the permission from the King and/or High Septon, but also considering how the likes of Aegon IV couldn’t annul his own marriage, do you really think a measly heir could?! At least in Daemon’s situation, he had no children, but as Aegon IV and Rhaegar both had kids (Elia giving birth twice in 3 years) theres no grounds for annulment, and it would disinherit his children potentially anyway, or even start a second Dance. As soon as you have a second wife, whether polygamous, annulled or dead first wife, war will be almost inevitable between the potential heirs.
Also Ik its not possible.. but can we stop with the E/R/L shipping in a serious manner (crackship is fine but in canon is 😐)
Like genuinely thinking mid-20s Elia would want to romance a 14 year old girl, would be fine with her husband romancing said 14 year old, or join in together, is so crazy to me. Like, yes Rhaegar is very much in the pedo-realm but why would Elia also follow suit??!
And like not to be a huge Robert Baratheon stan here (i hate GOT era him) but you can’t deny that it is the rebellion+it’s repercussions on his life, that change him so heavily into this twisted abusive, pedo man. He was not a great guy pre-rebellion, he slept around, was loud and rowdy, but I feel like you can’t really say that Lyanna somehow predicted that he would be this abusive evil man, tbh it seems like she just disliked his promiscuity which is valid, but in doing the same to Elia, her point gets invalidated in my eyes.
Also next point is the age-situation.
Now i know that obviously in a real life situation, a 14 year old girl is at no blame for the groomer actions of the adult…. however just look at how GRRM perceives this. like not as an “oh medieval girls married at 14, its fine” because they were still mentally children… but i mean how GRRM perceives relationships akin to R-L and characters by Lyannas age in ASOIAF-verse.
Ok so GRRM thinks R-L is romantic, which means that the groomer undertones aren’t necessarily meant to be there, and its meant to be more of a Romeo-Juliet situation (which heavily fucked over Romeos girl Rosaline ie Elia). He also believes Dany-Drogo and San-San is healthy, so I don’t think age heavily affects characters romantic feeling and actions much then.
Then if we see character Lyanna’s age, they’re treated as adults (yes some do have child impulses but overall adults). You have Robb acting impulsively like a kid, but ultimately being treated as an adult and being killed. I feel like even though they have kid impulses, they’re meant to get adult consequences for their actions.
Also ages as a whole is fucked up in ASOIAF in comparison to real world, like you have baby Rickon Stark going feral in Skagos, you have 3 year old Joffrey Velaryon/Strong squaring up to Aemond, and you even have 11 year old Benjicott Blackwood being an absolute beast of a warrior when in the real-world, he’d be just a kid, useless in defence.
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patchofgrey · 2 months
Neji Hyuga and Hyuga Clan Head canons
NejiTen Head cannons | Tenten Head Cannons | Nejiten Family Head Cannons
Alright, let's talk about the Hyuga Clan. There are still a lot of plot holes in terms of how the clan actually functions in certain ways as well as the whole genetics situation. My head cannons are strictly based on what is already established in the anime/manga. Kishimoto seemed to have jumbled some details together especially during the war;
What is Cannon that we can all agree on: 1. The Hyuga clan is the most prestigious clan in the Land of fire. Somewhere down the line, the Uchiha clan is related to the Hyuga clan (as explained by Kakashi during the chunnin exams when trying to tell the children about the byakugan...this is the first plot hole tbh) 2. Pre-war, there are two branches to the Hyuga clan; main branch (where they are unsealed and are involved in politics, and branch (the sealed, and protectors/bodyguards/serve the main branch. Main branch members may not become clan leaders or be involved in politics). 3. Post War, it is unclear however, heavily implied and then addressed by Hiashi that Naruto had a great influence on changing the structure of the Hyuga clan; there may be no such thing as the main and side branches, which means that the curse seal may no longer be in practice. However, it is just assumed since Neji is dead (based on this, it is possible that Neji's children would not be branded with the seal). 4. Birth order holds heavy meaning; Hiashi was the first twin to pop out, so he was part of the main branch. Hizashi was the younger twin and was branded for the side branch. 5. For Hiashi Hyuga, leadership of the Hyuga clan is at the digression of the current clan head; Hiashi chose Hanabi over Hinata to become head of the clan. 6. Hyugas can marry outside of their clan. We see this with Naruto and Hinata. It also worth saying that we do not see Hinata and Neji's mother's eyes in both the manga and anime (here's the other plot hole for Hyuga lore). If the Uchihas are distantly related to the Hyuga's, the mutation had to occur due to a mix of genetics outside of the clan (again, it's as if Kishimoto fucking forgot he had Kakashi explain that the Uchihas and Hyuga's did share a line at some point and pulled a fast one during the war to try and explain everything, but it fumbled the lore even more.) 7. It is possible for a Hyuga to not have the byakugan. There was a filler character who only had one byakugan eye. Himuwari also does not have the standard Hyuga eyes. This can also be related to the Uchihas if we are following the genetic line; the Uchihas activate their sharingan, just as Himawari activates her byakugan Here are my Hyuga Head Cannons: 1. The byakugan is a dominate gene. Due to the fact that we see that characters can have the kekkei genkai without having the signature eyes, it is possible that the two Hyugas who possess the byakugan can have a a child who does not have it and vise verse; BB, Bb, and bb traits for the Byakugan. Based on the traits, the child could also not possess the byakugan at all due to the bb recessive trait. A child with a mixed Bb gene may not have the standard Hyuga eyes until the Byakugan is activated like Himuwari. 2. All marriages must go through the clan head for approval/blessing. To keep the prestige of the clan nice and clean, it wouldn't be surprising if there needed to be some screening process or request made in order for a Hyuga to be married. Even if the marriage is between clan members. 3. Arranged marriages are based upon request. If a Hyuga clan member has not been approved for any self-picked marriages, the head of the clan may be inclined to suggest an arranged marriage. It would be more for the main branch of the family instead of the side branch. 4. Hiashi Hyuga already started implementing some change to the Hyuga can after the death of his brother. The guy was traumatized when Hizashi took the L for him, Hiashi was probably fighting with the elders on traditions and policies that in order to prevent something like that happening again. He also saw how traumatized Neji was upon seeing his father's corpse. It is possible the Hyuga elders and Hiashi held tension after the death of Hizashi, which prompted the lord to go against the birth order rule (by making Hanabi the heir to the clan instead of Hinata due to competence and potential) Allowing Naruto and Hinata to get married was one of the biggest changes to the clan due to Naruto's connection with Neji.
Okay, onto my head cannons for our bestest boy <3
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Neji's mother died soon after his birth. We see mostly Hizashi with his son in the manga and anime, and there is no mention of a mother, but I feel as though one of the main reasons why Neji had such a strong bond with his father was because his mother was not there. His mother could have also have been a distant cousin of Hiashi and Hizashi in order to maintain the dominate byakugan gene.
Hizashi remarried a civilian to take care of Neji. As much as I would love for Hizashi to be a single dad, it would make sense that he would remarry someone who was not a shinobi in order to look after Neji when he was on missions or handling clan duties with Hiashi. When Hizashi died, we see a woman sitting besides Neji, to whom we can assume was a mother like figure for him (that or a cousin...) Neji’s step mother is named Shizukana Hyuga.
Neji's stepmother is well taken care of by Hiashi. I would like to believe that Hiashi held a lot of guilt and pain over his brother and in order to rectify the situation in some capacity, he took it upon himself to become financially responsible for Neji and his step-mother. He sends money quietly, not wanting to make a big deal about his support, which can be why Neji is able to live comfortably...which goes into;
Neji and his stepmother do not live in the Hyuga compound. With the mess of the main and side branch conflicts, it would be an interesting notion that many side branch members moved out of the main Hyuga compound; only the main branch members as well as branch members who directly service the main branch (we have seen the Hyuga maids in the anime...it's wild to me that the branch members are employed in such a way, but hey. It is what Kishi wrote. It reminds me of how in a monarchy, you have the queen's attendants). Neji's house is probably located somewhere around the proximity of the Hyuga compound, however far enough that there is some separation.
Neji refers to his stepmother as "mother". Following the head cannon that his birthmother passed away, Shizukana was the only other figure Neji had maternally. He is aware that she is not his biological mother, however still holds her in some high regard.
Shizukana shows great favor in Neji spending time with Tenten, in fact, she was able to get Neji to acknowledge his feelings towards her. Neji probably didn’t have to say anything when he would bring Tenten around her. Neji made it obvious he had a crush, just as Shikamaru had observed. Where Shikamaru and the guys would tease him, Shizukana was rather straight forward in talking to her son about Tenten. Neji had a hard time explaining himself to his step mother.
Neji is obviously protective of Hinata, but when it comes to Tenten, Neji will try his best not to hover over her. His role as protector is hard to maintain when you don’t want your girlfriend to be mad at you for being over protective. In the words of Megara from Disney’s Hercules; “I’m a big tough girl, I can tie my own sandals and everything.” This scene can be paralleled with how I see Neji and Tenten interacting, minus the seduction part.
Neji is always completely honest with Tenten. He would never lie to her because there was no point to. They needed to have a trusting partnership in order to function properly but he was also grateful that Tenten did not judge him even in his darkest of times.
Neji will rarely say no to Tenten and Hinata. For Hinata, that is his sister (technically) and he may still feel a sting of guilt after all those years of treating her like absolute trash. Hinata had forgiven him, but he worked hard to repair his relationship with her; he was happy to have a younger sister to protect. For Tenten, in the anime and video games we see that Neji does not say no to her when she suggests to go places, or partake in whatever shenanigans she wants to set out on. He says yes to her automatically most times.
Neji is great at handling Tenten’s temper. She’s a bit hot-headed, especially when it comes to Gai and Lee. But Neji is able to keep her grounded and makes her feel validated in her feelings.
In Neji’s Ninja journal, it is cannon that he writes about Tenten. In the light novel, Hinata shows Naruto a few lines of Neji’s journal, one of the lines is a vow of Neji trying to make sure Tenten does not get depressed. It wasn’t expanded on, however I’ll assume that he does write about her from time to time; whether it be for sparring or just to record his thoughts about her.
Neji admire’s Tenten in many ways; mostly how she handles Gai and Lee. In one of the video games, Neji attempts to compliment Tenten (and fails because he’s awkward as fuck) on how she is able to manage both green beasts with suck ease. In a way, she is like the mom friend to the team in keeping them in check. Neji also has nothing negative to say about Tenten in cannon and even allows her to assist him in Hyuga matters (like when Hinata got snatched up during the first round of chunnin exams).
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esther-dot · 10 months
lysa wanted to marry sansa and robert arryn, does that debunk the ashford theory?
I haven't read the Hedge Knight so this isn't my thing, anon, but Martin has talked about how much he knows regarding the as yet to be written story, and it is a lot. Not only do we know of certain mysteries he's unraveling across the series (R+L=J), he's spoken about how he likes to have things readers will catch on rereads, so it makes sense to me that Martin knew Sansa had been betrothed to to Joffrey, would be marrying Tyrion, that he also knew her endgame romance, and that while writing the novella, he created a little nod to it. Aligning it completely doesn't need to be the goal, anymore than we would expect a carbon copy of pre canon events replaying in canon in any other scenario, but we certainly see the echos and references of pre canon in canon, and I have to think that's the case here.
Also, Sansa is about to be present at a tourney in TWOW, she's talking about her favor, there's this whole pre canon thing about a Stark girl and Targ at a tourney, so it doesn't feel weird to think maybe Sansa was on Martin's mind. And of course, in canon, Sansa is the maiden fair which is interesting when the Ashford girl is referred to as fair maid, and this idea of a revolving door of champions is very reminiscent of Sansa's unfortunate experiences thus far, with men who help her, fail her/hurt her, and then on to the next (the Hound, Tyrion, Dontos, LF...).
A potential match with Sweetrobin doesn't feel like an obstacle to everything that does make this feel like a thing, especially when, it is not merely the matching names that connect the two, it's the details that create all sorts of parallels with Jon, making him seem like the canon Targ this will ultimately be about. Let's revisit that revolving door of "champions" for Sansa, who is the guy who killed her monster in canon? 🤔 butterflies-dragons wrote a lengthy meta in 2021 about all of the Jon hints, and I find there's too much pointing to it all as quite intentional, even with a missing Robin.
Since I've been digging around in old posts and saw a bit of the evolution on this theory, I'll just point out, a lot of people were happy to consider this foreshadwoing for Sansa and Aegon, but the "Sansa is going North" fans rejected that, and it's funny that when people started to consider that her likely path, the theory had to be abandoned when, there's a Targ in the North too.
I'll go ahead and link to a several more posts I saw about it, in case anyone is interested. 2017 post (show verse), possible reference to it in GoT, and a 2018 meta that also considers Jon.
These two 2015 gifsets use the Ashford theory for the Sansa x Aegon pairing (1, 2), these two use Jon or Aegon (2016, 2018), and here's a Jonsa one.
There's also a Jonsa fic inspired by the theory, originally posted in 2016.
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tired-jacs · 11 hours
Feel like this is a somewhat unpopular opinion bc everyone loves the angst of ExR being unrequited for the most part (me too, don’t get me wrong, I love both) but for the musical specifically- I haven’t finished the brick yet but I know their dynamic is much more strained there- I love the idea of E & R already being in an established and relatively healthy relationship for a while pre-canon and canon being a time of intense strain on said relationship, maybe the biggest serious fight they’ve ever had.
They always fight like an old married couple and they constantly get into little spats during meetings at the Musain, but this is different. This is far rawer and absent of the usual casual nature of their arguments.
Enjolras is going to get himself and every one of their friends killed, inevitably, and Grantaire knows that time is approaching rapidly and can’t take it.
This is also why I love both versions of Drink With Me in recent years’ productions: when they hug/reconcile after R’s verse, it feels like closure before the end. When R pushes Enjolras away instead, it’s all the more heartbreaking when the only reconciliation they get is a brief moment over Marius’ body, and GUTWRENCHING when R reaches for Enj before he’s killed atop the barricade (bonus points for Kyle Adams’ Grantaire’s devastating scream in this moment and for every single pair of actors that touch foreheads, it DESTROYS me every time).
I feel like all of this also adds a lot to the fact that they’re always together in Empty Chairs at Empty Tables and the finale in recent years (at least to my knowledge), giving them the chance to finally be together without the weight of the future on their shoulders, and, in the case of the latter scenario mentioned earlier, a chance to finally truly reconcile.
Idk my thoughts aren’t the most put together but I just… love the rare old married couple flavor of Enjoltaire.
It’s not necessarily the most realistic for them, but it does bring me joy lol
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
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In the mood for a Fic...
1. hii for the next itmf do you have any recommendations for fics in which sizhui is wangxian biological son? any au or length is fine thx <3
you can have the best of me, baby by stiltonbasket (Not Rated, 9k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Pre-Relationship, Dual Cultivation, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Sunshot Campaign, Getting Together, a-yuan is wangxian’s baby, Happy Ending)
five years gone by quillifer (E, 14k, WangXian, Mpreg, a/b/o dynamics, Alpha WWX, Omega LWJ, Breakup/makeup, Miscommunication, Pregnant Sex, consent is king, soft sad and horny, Happy Ending, Bottom LWJ, Top WWX, Hurt/Comfort, Modern AU, Unplanned Pregnancy)
🧡 Many Lan babies Series by LuckyMoonly (Varied, 414k, WIP, WangXian, Story collection, Mpreg, Pregnant WWX only, Family Fluff, Found Family, Kid fics) has several where A-Yuan is Wangxian's biological son
Nothing but your heart by airinshaw (E, 21k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O Dynamics, Implied Mpreg, First Time, Getting Together, Angst and Drama, Angst with a Happy Ending, Anal Sex, Whump, Breeding Kink)
Until The End by abCEE (M, 365k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, war changes people, resulting to OOC, no pinning, Established Relationship, Mpreg, Good Uncle LQR, a little grey LWJ, a bit of JC bashing from LWJ, BAMF JYL, 16 years of yearning, mainly CQL verse but has scenes from the novel as well, LSZ is WangXian's Child, WWX Has a New Golden Core, Canon Rewrite, Happy Ending, Fix-It of Sorts)
My Pride and My Prejudices by Erbyrose, TitanPandora (T, 122k, WangXian, ZhuiYi, Father-Son Relationship, Canon Compliant, Misunderstandings, Bonding Over Dead Parents, Character Study, Sizhui calling WWX Mom, Family Drama, Survivor Guilt, Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Mpreg, Suicide Attempt, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Grief/Mourning, Major Character Injury, Male Lactation, but it's not sexual, REALLY LONG CHAPTERS, Attempt at Humor)
Transcendent by AkatsukiShin (M, 162k, wangxian, fantasy au, demons, half-demon WWX, pining WWX, mpreg, childhood memories, angst w happy ending, fluff, hurt/comfort, mystery, action/adventure)
2. Hiiii! Lovely blog, you’re a godsend truly!! Anyways I was hoping that for the next itmf you’d rec some fics with identity shenanigans?
Like, it could be wwx in mxy’s body but only lwj knows so everyone else is all confused because ? Hanguanjun moved on form wwx? Impossible! Or maybe a fic where they mix it up a bit and it’s lwj that’s disguised or something like that! Basically a good old fashioned identity porn fic. Wangxian please! Thank you so muchhh
By Any Other Name by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 31k, Wangxian, Canon Divergence, Crossdressing, Misunderstandings, Identity Porn, Identity reveal)
🧡 a paper friend by soft_wanning (G, 4k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fluff, Paperman!WWX, Identity Porn, Meet-Cute, Different First Meeting)
3. Hi! This is my first time doing this, sorry ^^. Itmf lwj kind of repeating his parents story, by marrying wxx and hiding him in cloud recesses (before he dies) and maybe putting himself in seclusion? The more angst the better, but preferably one where lwj isn't toxic, just really really worried. Idk if i should ask for more or less specific things, but thanks either way! I feel like I've read every fanfic like this (I've found like, 3) and I crave blood and tears. Thanks for the opportunity ^^
it's a webcomic and it's still ongoing, but House of Gentians by Pakhnokh on tumblr is amazing
4. Hi! First of all I want to thank you for your hard work, I have found so many great fics through this blog. <3 And now I’m in a mood for a (preferably) established relationship wangxian fic where WWX is the one taking care of LWJ. Maybe some hurt/comfort and protective/possessive WWX? That would be my jam if any fics come to your mind~
hello my old heart, how have you been? by ravenditefairylights (M, 10k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Temporary Amnesia, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, Trauma, Unreliable Narrator, Pining, Hair Washing, Hair Brushing, Hair Braiding, Soft WangXian, A lot of prose, wangxian are MARRIED and they have a SON, LWJ Needs a Hug, Sleepy Cuddles)
5. Hi! I was hit with the unexplainable need for some fics with ghost WWX who's searching for something (a family member or he's connected to one of his things and people don't realize it maybe), like looking for one of his siblings or for A-Yuan or one of the Wens and just like haunting everyone everywhere (or just one place), I don't know if there's even fics like that, there should cause it's a good plot in my humble opinion lol. Thank you mods! @jiangclaritybell
scatter and sunder by silversshadow (T, 15k, XuanLi, WangXian, Temporary Character Death, Canon Divergence)
💖 Ghosts Shouldn't by ShanaStoryteller (Not rated, 15k, wangxian, canon divergence, grief/mourning, angst w happy ending)
asymptotic by chinxe (T, 26k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Slow Burn, Misunderstandings, Pining)
The Ghost of Lotus Pier by daiki (G, 3k, JL & WWX, JC & WWX, ghost WWX) Its ghost wwx but for me he is more guardian angel than ghost
6. If possible, could I also get fics with NMJ and NHS being involved in the płot or fics taking place in the Unclean Realm for one of the IITMFs? I dont wanna swamp you guys with request messages so I wanted to combine them, hope that is fine. (rest of ask in a FF)
1PB2PB3PB4 is a good author for NHS and NMJ-centric fics
7. Hello, I hope you're doing well. This request is for the IITMF.
Fic(s) where WWX is politically powerful in the cultivation world; but not as a sect leader. I mean
He's a sect heir;
Or a head disciple, but with power and authority of the same, not as how he was canon, with only responsibility but no authority.
Only canon era please.
Please only rec fics where he's a cultivator as I've read a few where he was a non-cultivator but politically powerful.
Thank you for your time 🌼🌼 @utxqia
All Things Belong by kuroi_atropos (M, 64k, WIP, WRH & WWX, WangXian, WWX is a Wēn, Abuse, Whipping, Manipulations, Warning: WRH, Smart WWX, Possessive Behavior, Warning: JGS, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con)
Lynchpin by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 103k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Time Travel, Fix-It, Lynchpin [PODFIC] by Opalsong, [PODFIC] Lynchpin by Gwogobo)
8. Hello everyone can you recommend wangxian or quartet time travel fic
❤️ Tragedy is Not the End by Hobbsy3 (T, 358k, wangxian, Time Travel, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Golden Core Reveal, Canon Divergence from Qiongqi Pass, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Yunmeng sibling bonding, good dad wwx, good dad lwj, JZX Lives, JYL Lives, Junior Quartet Dynamics)
does the requestor know about the time travel comp? that way I don't rec stuff on it already
How Much Love Has the Inch Long Grass by Vainwyrm (M, 12k, WIP, WangXian, ZhuiLingYi, XuanLi, Time Travel Fix-It, Permanent Injury, Disability, Canon Disabled Character, Physical Disability, Non-canon disabled character, Self-Worth Issues) if the requestor is okay with ‘triplet’ instead of ‘quartet’ then How Much Love Has the Inch Long Grass by Vainwyrm has a lot of interesting things going on in it for a time-travel AU
parent trap by tongzhi (T, 23k, JL & LJY & LSZ & OYZZ, wangxian, JYL/JZX, time travel, cloud recesses study arc, humor, matchmaking)
9. Do you know any fanfic where Lan Zhan is kind of rude to Wei Ying (or like, he rebukes all of WY's attempts to befriend him) only to end up regretting it when WY finally leaves him alone?
the earthquake in the room by phnelt (E, 39k, WangXian, College/University, Modern: No Powers, Canada, Getting Together, Mentions of lwj/others, inter-faculty romance, strangers to lovers to frenemies to lovers, mostly book characterisation)
Of Bunnies and Sleeves and All Happy Things by moonwaif (G, 3k, WangXian, two dorks, failed attempts at flirting, Lan Zhan is jealous, but he doesn't know it, unresolved romantic and sexual tension, Mutual Pining)
10. Hello! Idk if this is the way but I’m looking for fics where lz of the past time travels to the future and finds himself married to post canon wwx. I love those type of fics but I can’t seem to find them now :’(
An Arrow Through Time by syrus_jones (M, 166k, WIP, WangXian, Crack Treated Seriously, Time Travel, Reverse time travel, into the future, Potentially a Fix-it-fic?, Mistaken Identity, WWX is a Little Shit, POV LWJ, Angst, Gay Panic, Falling In Love Humor, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Canon Divergence, Post-Canon)
11. I’ve been playing “I say no” from heathers the musical on loop for a few Days now and now ITMF xiyao heathers-inspired? I hope someone knows one, thanks!
12. Hello! Itmf WWX being a badass swordsman? People being in awe of how well he fights: twining through enemies, sword flashing, people stopping in awe at his capabilities (like "oh, he isn't just a badass with talismans and dark energy, he was head disciple of Yunmeng Jiang for a reason!"). Thank you! (Bonus points: him wielding other cool weapons like daggers or a whip!)
A Glimpse of Past Glory by masked (T, 1k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Swordfighting, BAMF WWX)
13. Hi do you know any fics where Lan Xichen is called out for his hatred of Wwx because he thinks Wei Ying ruined both his and Wangji's life. Like it can be anyone calling him out, i just want to see him feel guilty about it.
When has silence saved anyone? by Vrishchika (T, 6k, WangXian, Post-Canon, LXC Critical, Gūsū Lán Sect, Not for LXC Fans, novel canon, Salt, Angry LWJ, Angry LSZ, Family Feels, WWX Protection Squad, LXC Gets Scolded, Based on Chapter 99 the Novel)
break by justdoityoufucker (T, 3k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, LXC Critical, JC Critical, Canonical Character Death, Guānyīn Temple Scene, BAMF WN, Protective WN)
💖After Truth Lies the Honest Path by Vrishchika (M, 10k, wangxian, canon divergence, truth serum, WIP)
aftereffect by justdoityoufucker (T, 3k, wangxian, LXC & LQR & LWJ, LWJ & LXC, post-canon, canon divergence, politics, LXC critical, JGY survives a bit longer)
Bitter Recompense by mondengel (M, 1k, LXC & LWJ, Angst)
Wasting Time, Asking Why by mondengel (Not Rated, 1k, LXC & LWJ, LXC & JGY, WangXian, Angst, Character Study)
14. ITMF for something really intense and intimate. Like the fic is written so well and intense the you get overwhelmed. Preferably canonverse, but i don't mind otherwise. Please let it really be intense and intimate. @whateverweilanlovechild
Damn I wish The Roots Grow Riotous was still on ao3 for #14. Really intense and strange but beautiful with a hopeful but not typical ending. I have it if op wants to try but mind the tags. Modern au. The Roots Grow Riotous by hansbekhart (E, 104k, wangxian, modern, fashion au, garment company, casual sex, group sex, implied/referenced cheating, switching, recreational drug use, angst w/ happy ending, single dad WWX, panic attacks, implied/referenced self-harm, grief/mourning, catharsis, body horror, floral horror)
Tempo Rubato by Spodumene (E, 107k, WangXian, Modern AU, Angst with a Happy Ending, Romance, persuasion au, Separations, Mutual Pining, Depression, Miscommunication, Emotional Roller Coaster, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Reconciliation, Eventual Smut, Jane Austen Fusion, Underage Kissing)
💖 love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360k, wangxian, immortal WWX, slow burn, pining, arranged marriages)
Vagabond by xantissa (E, 65k, WangXian, Slow Burn, Mystery, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Frottage, Case Fic, murders, Supernatural, Angst, Fluff, Happy Ending, extreme fluff, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, badass!LXC, top!LWJ, Bottom!LWJ)
i don't love you (but i always will) by sixstepsaway (E, 71k, WangXian, XianQing, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Soulmate AU, wangxian endgame!!, handjobs, this ends wangxian and happy i promise, Angst with a Happy Ending, i had to give lwj an oc soulmate, Blanket Permission, Infidelity, Emotional Infidelity, Cheating, Pegging, Bottom!LWJ, top!WWX, Bottom!WWX, slight femdom!wq, Implied Consensual Somnophilia, Cockwarming, implications of consensual polyamory, undernegotiated polyamory, internalized ableism, Grief, Pining while fucking)
simple love | 簡單愛 by auberjing (E, 19k, WangXian, Modern AU, Hurt/Comfort, Slice of Life, Getting Together, Falling In Love, Strangers to Lovers, Caretaking, Angst and Feels, Grief/Mourning, Eventual Smut, Happy Ending, Hopeful Ending, Nude Photos, Nude Modeling)
lotus flowers rising from the dark mud by nu_breed (E, 122k, WIP, WangXian, WWX/Others, MingXian, LWJ/Others, JGS/LWJ, JGS/WWX, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Courtesan WWX, Courtesan LWJ, Pining while fucking, Palace Intrigue, Rape/Non-con Elements, Dubious Consent, Non-Consensual Sex Work, Top/Bottom Versatile WangXian, Minor Original Character(s), Light Dom/sub, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Light Bondage, Hurt/Comfort, Warprize WWX, Period Typical Attitudes, Values Dissonance)
The Murder of Crows by cerbykerby (M, 101k, wangxian, slow burn, pining, yiling wei sect au, fluff & angst, dark, romance, WIP)
Turn Left by kianspo (M, 186k, WIP, WangXian, NieLan, Canon Divergence, Fix-It of Sorts, Friends to Lovers, eventually, references to child sexual abuse, not main characters, Neurodivergent LWJ, Slow Build, Lán Family Feels, specifically, Twin Jades of Lán Feels, lwj-centric, Twin Jades of Lán Dynamics, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies)
If I Could Go Back in Time by Runningbarefoot (M, 122k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Role Reversal, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Grief/Mourning, YLLZ WWX, Eventual Happy Ending, The Twin Jade Brotherhood, Hurt/Comfort, Healing, Character Study, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics, Slow Burn)
And I Will Call You Home by Spodumene (E, 42k, WangXian, Case Fic, Post-Canon, Getting Together, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Love Confessions, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood, Ghosts, Suicide, Explicit Sexual Content, Attempted Sexual Assault, LWJ whump, Original Character Death(s))
crossed the world with these empty hands by spookykingdomstarlight (E, 166k, WangXian, Modern AU, Artists, Non-Linear Narrative, POV LWJ, Established Relationship, Pre-Relationship, Getting Together, Demisexual WWX, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Happy Ending, Weddings, Separation Anxiety, Family Drama, Dysfunctional Family, Self-Worth Issues, Casual Sex, College/University, Temporary Long Distance Relationships, Relationship Pressures and Stresses, Insecurity)
The Vessel by Solmae (M, 54k, WIP, WangXian, XiCheng, Drama & Romance, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers)
A Life Without Regrets by naqaashi (M, 74k, WIP, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Crack Treated Seriously, musical cultivation, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Rogue Cultivator WWX, Murder Husbands, Happy Ending, PTSD, BAMF WWX, Cultivation Sect Politics, Worldbuilding, Módào Zǔshī & The Untamed Combination, No Yīn Iron, Genius WWX, Inventor WWX, Artist WWX, Musician WWX, Bad Parent JFM, Bad Parent YZY, Cultivation Theory, Sentient Burial Mounds, Dysfunctional Family, Grief/Mourning, Parent-Child Relationship, Angry WWX, Angst, No Golden Core Transfer, BAMF LWJ, Idiots in Love)
every love story is a ghost story by aisthuu (M, 59k, WangXian, Modern AU, Reincarnation, Character Turned Into a Ghost, Post-Canon, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Mixed Canon)
Alter by Solmae (E, 162k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Drama & Romance, Slow Burn, Rape/Non-con Elements, Gang Rape, Forced Prostitution, PTSD, Bottom LWJ, Top/Bottom Versatile | Switch WangXian, Explicit Sexual Content, Sexual Slavery, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Torture)
We can fix that by Spindoctor (E, 35k, WangXianJue, NMJ Lives, Arranged Marriage, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Cock Warming, Caretaking, Light BDSM, Thigh jobs, Everyone Loves WWX, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Frottage, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Starvation, Starvation recovery, PTSD, PTSD RECOVERY, Suicidal Ideation, Scars, Discussion of Surgery,mild body horror, discussion of starvation, body talk, cnc fantasies, Light Bondage, tender fucking, Slow Burn, JYL Lives, BAMF JYL, Erectile Dysfunction, Weight Gain, Chapter Specific Tags in Beginning Notes)
Something at the Door by Pip (Moirail) (E, 50k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Modern Cultivation, Intrusive Thoughts, Horror, Suicidal Thoughts, Temporary Character Death, Blood, Explicit Sexual Content, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mystery, Urban Fantasy)
爱不释手; never let me go by yiqie (E, 68k, WangXian, Case Fic, Blood and Injury, Demons, Body Horror)
a small change Series by celialoveslwj (T, 92k, JC & WWX, Background WangXian, JC Centric, Angst, Sickfic, yunmeng trio, Canon Divergence, Break-off before Qiongqi Path incident, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Dealing with sickness, Golden Core Transfer Failure?, Bittersweet Ending, BAMF JYL, Hurt/Comfort, PTSD, Grief/Mourning, Fix-It of Sorts)
15. Do you guys have a rec list for outsider point of view stories? People reacting to the nonsense WangXian get up to is always great fun!
My chain hits my chest/When I'm bangin' on the radio by x_los (T, 2k, wangxian, modern w/ magic, case fic, competence kink, YLLZ WWX)
boom clap the sound of—Public Displays of Affection by Whispering_Sumire (E, 13k, wangxian, modern, reincarnation au, temporary character death, heartfelt conversations, crack treated seriously, outsider pov, accidental voyeurism, scheming NHS, redemption, angst & feels, family drama, panic attacks, hugging, crying, love, grief/mourning, hopeful ending)
❤️ Attempting the Impossible by Ariaste for williedustice (T, 36k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Post-Canon, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation, Adoption, Family Fluff, Kid fic, Family drama, Fluff, [PODFIC] Attempting the Impossible by Ariaste by lunatique)
Six in one hand by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 2k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Modern: No Powers, Crack Treated Seriously, Compulsory Heterosexuality, POV JC)
16. hey do you by any chance know ff where lwj is injured and wei ying gets in his protective husband mode? angst and gore would be preferred
silk threads and precious metal by Sevidri (M, 4k, WangXian, Canon-Typical Violence, Sunshot Campaign, Whump, Blood and Injury, WWX' Canonical Vengeful Streak, LWJ Makes A Beautiful Damsel in Distress, Non-Consensual Ribbon Touching, Protective wwx, Hurt LWJ)
17. Hi!! I'm in the mood for a fic where jgy is put through torture (preferably at the hands of jgs or jin-furen and preferably psycological) and tossed to either nmj or lxc (or both). @halfwizardprincess
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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bcolfanfic · 6 months
Love your young vets au
I’d love your thoughts on how they settle into their daily routine as a new couple once they’re discharged and home; introducing each other to their families as husbands, finding a place together, Bucky wanting to take Buck on a first official date (when they realise they haven’t actually done that yet), figuring out how to live a life together outside of the routine of the army and adjusting to that 💜 basically the sweet coupley stuff they experience alongside managing poor Bucky’s PTSD
ahhh yes yes! first off bc i feel like everyone that writes post war stuff kinda spins the wheel on where they send the boys- my plopping them in sheridan came from that being where real buck cleven was living by the end of his life. in au land i’ve decided that’s where his sister lives too and some other people he knew before he enlisted.
i think they stop and see bucky's family is wisconsin before they go to wyoming. so they dont technically have their marriage on paper yet, but bucky tells his family they're planning on doing it when they're home and introduces gale as his husband anyways. still formulating all my thoughts on bucky's family- but i think at least his mom just adores gale. she knows bucky can be quite the loose canon and worries about him- so when bucky wrote about him it did her heart good to know he had someone watching out for him. and in person it just multiples because she sees the way gale looks at him, puts his hand on his back, checks in with him etc etc. knows her baby is in good hands <3
gale’s sister wants to beat his ass for the whole ‘we got a marriage license the literal second we got home, we’ll have a wedding eventually buttt’ thing LOL. loves her brother, thinks bucky is perfectly nice (and already knew about him from calls/letters etc) but she’s just a girl. her brother getting married without telling her even if just on paper is a mortal sin /j. his mama feels the same way a little- though with less baby sister theatrics. bucky is a sweet boy. they can’t stay mad that long. in my mind he's no contact with his dad...though it would be interesting to think about him finding out via word of mouth and there being some drama there.
in my head they maybe stay with his sister while they’re looking for a house? this is before bucky’s ptsd gets really bad so there’s no Incidents or anything and she’s happy to have them there. thinks bucky is cute- who wouldn’t!
this is the house they end up in my mind- at least the first one pre: josie. though i think they maybe do some renos and rip out the shower to put a tub in. it’s small- but it’s just very Them. cozy and homey.
they're such sweetie pie doofs on their first real date. bucky realllllyyy leans into the 'first date' thing because he likes that it makes gale get all red. makes him wait inside while he gets his car and drives in a circle around the block to come 'pick him up'...who is bucky really if he is not his theatrics y'know? but they're so sweet getting all dressed up and having a nice dinner together. (bucky ribs him later- later- about how he didn't seem like the type to put out on the first date)
before bucky's shit really hits the fan he truly is just so happy to be home with his gale. gale falls asleep first most nights and he loves just watching him sleep, stroking his face, lightly scratching his hair. and same vs verse with gale normally being the first one awake. watching bucky sleeping in the morning light of their bedroom makes his heart so content. that's his darling boy (,:
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khattikeri · 2 months
one of my favorite inconsequential unsolved mdzs mysteries is who was ranked 6th in the list of the clans' young masters based on looks and character (which includes how well-versed they are in the six arts).
we learn rankings #1-5 in volume 1, and rank #7 in volume 3. at bare minimum we know the list was made before the sunshot campaign.
lan xichen. he's "warm and elegant, sincerely gentle".
lan wangji. looks just like lan xichen but loses out because he's "overly aloof and stern, completely unsociable, and [keeps] others at arm's length".
jin zixuan. according to children playing pretend on the streets over a decade after his death, he was ranked this high "only for looks".
wei wuxian. a great feat since he isn't actually gentry; he was considered "charming and cheerfully handsome".
jiang cheng. implied that his hot temper is the main reason why he's ranked lower than wei wuxian.
nie mingjue. he's this low because "his coldness carried fire, a rage that might combust into an inferno at any time" and is explicitly stated to be even less approachable than lan wangji.
...so who was #6?!
since this list is from before the war, even wens could've been included.
most likely #6 wasn't wen chao, who wasn't good looking, charming, or brave, and whose arrogance "is only exceeded by his lack of any qualifying talents". he was also canonically married, but then again it's never stated that the list only has to include bachelors.
i don't count wen ning because he was very unknown in the cultivation world at that point in time even though he was the son of wen ruohan's cousin, plus his timid nature and stutter made his peers quick to mock him.
it could've been wen xu. unlike wen chao, his appearance is never actually described in the novel and he has no dialogue on-screen. the novel also doesn't ever confirm if wen xu was married.
what little we know of wen xu's personality, intellect, relationships, and abilities is entirely secondhand. his death was shocking and unsettling to many people, which implies that he was skilled enough that nobody on their side of the war would've thought he'd be killed, much less beheaded. he was entrusted with leading troops and burning down the cloud recesses, plus his father was angry to the point of wanting revenge on nie mingjue, so he may have even been the favorite son-- willing to do ruthless and underhanded things.
though we know he's capable enough in warfare and sadistic violence, we don't know anything else about him in terms of his personality or if he's good at the six arts... so who knows!😭
jin guangyao was not recognized by his father at the time and would not have been well-known in the cultivation world either. others like xiao xingchen and song lan are ~7-10 years younger than the main cast if you map out the timeline, so pre-sunshot campaign they'd have still been children, not eligible young masters. plus xiao xingchen hadn't even descended baoshan-sanren's mountain at the time.
the only other option for #6 of all the characters we actually know and who would've been in the right age range at the time is nie huaisang.
but would nie huaisang have been ranked higher than nie mingjue purely by having a more easygoing personality? even if he's good looking and approachable, his cultivation ability is low to the point that he developed a core nearly a decade after his peers, and even though he is smart, it's all spent on his own hobbies and avoiding responsibility. he isn't quite at the level of being a pitiful headshaker yet, but beyond his status in-universe he's hardly a catch.
and also... considering how close they were at cloud recesses classes, wouldn't wei wuxian have mentioned nie huaisang being on the ranking in his narration if he actually had been? he's such an easy to grasp contender for the position, and yet...
?!?!?!?! in the end, we don't know!
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for writing Wednesday - pre-canon married!malec
hey! so this magnus and alec have been married/bonded/handfasted for over a century or so now and Magnus very much doesn't like his inlaws. part of the tethers of fate verse (alec is adopted by unseelies as a child)
i hope you enjoy!
“What brings the High Warlock of Brooklyn to my domain so uninvited?”
Magnus grits his teeth, because of course Arawn would come the moment he felt his favored child pass back into his territory. Arawn would like nothing more than to keep Alexander tightly in his grip – just as Asmodeus wants for Magnus – and Magnus knows that Arawn is just waiting for an excuse to do so in the name of Alexander’s safety.
Mental or physical and Magnus will not let Camille be the blight that almost cost him Alexander twice. He’s going to deal with this himself, once he has Alexander safely back under his own wards or perhaps, even tucked away in the Labrinth or stashed with Ragnor or Tessa for a bit.
“I’ve simply come to pick up my beloved, Arawn. Nothing more, nothing less.” Magnus says, voice cool even though he knows his temper is raging fully, a twisting inferno within him that scorches him from the inside.
“Yes, it does seem that the only times you come here are to steal away my child.” Arawn is frowning at him now and Magnus resists the urge to set the flowers around his horns on fire. 
“I can hardly be considered a thief when it’s my soul his is tied to.” Magnus reminds Arawn and he gets dark eyes, flaring with hatred directed his way for a moment. “Alexander, darling. Won’t you come home with me, sweetheart?” Magnus doesn’t flare his magic, but he does send a pulse through the bond and while he hates to do it when Alexander is touching others, he’s running out of options.
Alexander moans, a little whine pulled from his lips as his body lights up from Magnus’ magick renewing its claim on him. The unseelies admire the pleasure of his face, but they still send Magnus scowls for being the cause of it
Arawn gives him a bitter look, unable to deny the fact that Magnus’ magick has the stronger hold on Alexander, centuries now after being tied to him. A stronger hold than even the magical claim of a parent.
Magnus steps over the vines that writhe around him, feeling the malice of Arawn through the very ground he walks over and he steps over a half-naked body and then bends down to cup his boy’s face.
“Can I take you home, Alexander?”
There is a nod, a tired, glazed look to hazel eyes and Magnus bites back a victorious snarl as he smirks and then picks up his boy. As he’s walking to where he can safely portal, Arawn steps out and Magnus pauses, knowing better than to try to leave by force.
Arawn leans down and presses a tender kiss to Alexander’s forehead, magic leaving his lips to bless his favored child and then he gives Magnus a look that promises violence the first chance he gets.
Magnus smirks in return, because while it may have set back relations with the unseelie king for decades, he has never once regretted his decisions to petition the Elders for Alexander to be taught in the Labyrinth. 
It’s how he coaxed Alexander to be his, after all.
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I don’t know if this is the right place to do it, but ❤️ - laenyra !!!
❤️ first kiss / realization
(Yep, this is the right place to ask :))
This is closer to canon verse than Second Conquest, but I'm still keeping Laena and Rhaenyra's pre-existing friendship from the books/in Second Conquest that isn't really in the show. Also Laena is not yet married to Daemon here.
Edit after writing: ... Somehow this turned out way more angsty than I thought it would.
"So Princess, how do you find my noble brother?"
Laena is waiting for Rhaenyra when she returns from her formal introduction to Ser Laenor.
"Agreeable enough." It's unspoken that neither of them have particularly enjoyed these last few moons. Between Rhaenyra's 'grand tour' - though one could hardly call it that as it was more a thing that happened in fits and starts around the Crownlands and Stormlands than any proper full tour of the kingdoms - and Laena's own multiple trips to Braavos, they'd seen so little of each other.
Laena snorts in a rather unladylike way. "A fit husband?"
Rhaenyra sits down next to her friend. It seems just yesterday they were flying together, and constantly arm-in-arm, no worries in the world. Now she can hear the tension in Laena's voice.
"An agreeable one."
"Only agreeable? My poor Lord Father will be devested."
"Laena." Rhaenyra says her friend's name softly, shifting closer and tentatively laying her head on Laena's shoulder.
"Rhaenyra." Laena almost whispers her name.
"As much as I would find Laenor an agreeable husband-" Rhaenyra swallows. It hurts. Everything hurts. It has hurt since they had said their goodbyes on the beaches of Driftmark those few moons ago. "I would rather prefer his lady sister."
Laena goes stiff at that, and Rhaenyra can hear her friend's sudden intake of breath. "Princess, I-" Laena's mouth opens and closes before she surges forward to kiss the surprised princess.
Laena's lips are soft, and Rhaenyra finds herself reaching for something - Laena's riding gear, her arms, anything - trying to pull her precious friend closer. Anything so that it wouldn't end, this perfect feeling that reminded her more of flying than anything else.
Even when it does end - both of them panting and still in each other's arms - Rhaenyra finds that she only wants more. And well, she is a princess. The second kiss is nothing like the first - all tenderness and softness, with no definite end as it blended into a third and a fourth. Was this, Rhaenyra thought, what the songs spoke of? Was this the love they coveted so highly? It must be. She could imagine nothing else like it save for flying.
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presidenthades · 1 year
I am doing very minor revisions of Daemon’s Handbook (mostly formatting and continuity errors), and I wanted to do some behind-the-scenes commentary before too much time passes and I forget my original thoughts. Here’s Chapter 10!
(Note that these commentaries aren’t canon to the verse until/unless the author writes them into the series. I might change my mind on a few points later, but these are the thoughts I had while writing.)
In the book, Aegon II is capable of being very vicious, and I think Tom Glynn-Carney once described Aegon as being good at spotting people’s weaknesses. So it makes sense to me that Aegon would figure out Alyssa’s weaknesses for lemon cakes and shamelessly use her to deprive Daemon of sleep.
Luce has been hiding in her family’s apartments the last three days, so when Aemond (who is probably visiting his mother) sees her from the window, he *ruuuuuuns* outside to catch her. I tried to frame it as a very romantic scene (if you ignore that Daemon, Joff, and Otto are all eavesdropping) so the rejection would be more painful. 🥲
I think when the Targ kids were growing up, they all had this implicit understanding that of course Jace would marry Aegon, and of course Luce would marry Aemond, and Joff would probably marry Daeron because she’s not going to put up with anyone else. It isn’t until the adults share their opinions that they realize this might not be the case.
The ring Aemond gives Luce is a tension ring which is useful for knitting and yarncraft. That’s why Luce wears it; not only is it from Aemond, it also has a functional purpose.
Show!Aemond seems to have a code of honor, and he realizes he and Luce acted very inappropriately. Nobody is forcing him to marry Luce, but he *wants* to. Aemond is the kind of person to hold onto the past as long as he doesn’t have closure, so he’s clinging to the relationship he had with Luce pre-Driftmark, but he’s also clinging to the letter where she wrote that she hates him and never wants to see him again.
Part of him is genuinely upset/angry that she would send a cruel message like that after his eye incident, and he wants her to acknowledge that. But Luce doesn’t acknowledge it because she doesn’t know about the letter, and Aemond is too proud to bring it up directly, so he just makes passive-aggressive allusions instead 💀
Meanwhile, Luce is confused and frustrated because she doesn’t understand what Aemond is alluding to. She thinks Aemond is putting words in her mouth, and that upsets her, but she’s also too proud to directly ask about it so she just fights with Aemond instead 💀
Of all the marriages Luce has seen, the most successful one is Corlys and Rhaenys’s (Luce wouldn’t know about their private disagreements). They never argue in public and they seem to have good synergy with each other. That is the opposite of her and Aemond, so she’s afraid that after the initial hormones wear off, she and Aemond might regret each other, even though her instinct is telling her she wants to marry Aemond (but that same instinct gets her in trouble a lot soooo…). She’s also been assured by her family that she doesn’t have to pick a husband right now, so she’s taking the gift of time they’re offering.
Aemond asks Luce why she’s saying no, and she points out a lot of the above, which is what provokes Aemond into finally showing her the letter (which he carries around because even though the contents hurt, it’s the only letter she’s supposedly ever sent him).
This is the moment that Otto launches Operation Celtigar. He previously warned Aemond not to act on his feelings for Luce but Aemond isn’t listening, so Otto is resorting to drastic measures.
Jace’s life has been seriously disrupted by her broken nose. Image is very important in this society, and if she looks like she got punched in the face right after her wedding (broken noses often come with black eyes and other bruising in the area), some people was the culprit simply because he’s her husband. Also she’s feeling very self-conscious (she’s a young girl), so all in all it’s better if she stays out of public eye until she’s healed.
It takes a broken nose 2-3 weeks to heal (thanks, Dr Google), and those 2-3 weeks are prime time for Jace to schmooze with all the wedding guests before they leave. (Most are waiting a while after the wedding to go home because travel takes a long time.) Even though she doesn’t want Aegon to break Daemon’s nose (she views violence as the last resort, not the easy solution), she does want him to confront the consequences of his actions. Daemon won’t actually be helpful interviewing the ladies-in-waiting, but it’s a punishment that works for him because he hates it so much. (I, on the other hand, would choose a royal tea party over being punched in the nose any day.)
Elinor Massey is a minor character mentioned in Fire & Blood. Elinda Massey is named as one of Rhaenyra’s ladies-in-waiting, and she’s the only named LIW on the show. I decided to make them niece-aunt in this fic. Historically, court positions like LIW could be hereditary; if you find a good servant, the first place you look to hire a new one is their family.
When the book and show canon diverge to the point of being irreconciliable, I usually pick show canon (although there are exceptions, namely Aegon being a rapist). One of these divergences is Daemon/Laena’s marriage, and the show depicts it as not as happy as it could have been (Laena says something along those lines in Episode 6). My interpretation for the purposes of this fic is that Daemon tried to make it work and he did love Laena, but not enough to make him forget about his life in Westeros with Viserys and Rhaenyra. I think Rhaena was closer to her mother, so she judges him particularly severely for this.
Garmund Hightower is Rhaena’s second husband in Fire & Blood. In this fic, she selects him as a potential husband not because of love (she and Helaena are going strong). Rhaena wants a husband who will leave her and Helaena in peace, but she wants to avoid an Androw Farman situation (Queen Rhaena’s last husband; you can read about him on the ASOIAF wiki). For a variety of reasons, Garmund suits all of her needs.
Still, Rhaena doesn’t especially *want* to marry, and she’d be okay being a spinster as long as she’s in the capital with Helaena. But she’s preparing for the possibility that she’ll be called upon to form a marital alliance, whereupon she can produce her own candidate. Of course she knows Daemon would hate Garmund on principle, so she isn’t planning to mention Garmund until she has to, but Luce spills the beans.
I also think there would have been a certain poetry in Rhaena and Helaena marrying husbands from the other’s mother’s family. It would actually counterbalance the Blacks and the Greens a little.
I said most of my thoughts above about the letter situation, but I want to point out that Luce *is* aware she’s bad at controlling herself around Aemond. She acknowledges that Daemon’s meddling played a role in their estrangement but it wasn’t the entire reason; she and Aemond need to learn to communicate in a healthy way. (Driftmark = Love Island? Lol)
Daemon thinks life would be easier with all boys, but that’s just canon HOTD and we know how that turns out…
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Chapter 11 commentary here
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acoldsovereign · 7 months
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Maiz has one future-- one where she dies horrifically. Or, she used to have only one. Decisions taken fracture her true, 'original' ending. Now, she is either doomed to live out her own personal dark, bleak future or avoid it altogether (--or to varying degrees, anyway).
MAIN VERSE (Z to Super):
Maiz makes her debut appearance Pre/During the Cell Games. Some 'space' months after the events of Broly -- The Legendary Super Saiyan, she touches down on some unnamed planet for resources, and ends up finding a frozen corpse. At first she thinks about passing it over (and does), but one of her slaves-- a Kokytan, alerts her to a thought/'feeling' they picked up: 'Pain. It hurts.'
The corpse is NOT a corpse.
Curiosity gets the better of her and she decides to bring it back to her ship for further studying. Through testing, she finds out this is a Saiyan body and drops everything to tend to him. Nursing him back to health, Broly is canonically the first survivor she ever sees since the Genocide. This also is the first time in-story she displays altruistic behavior. They eventually bond over time and become friends of the murdering kind. (Broly mentioned here is Kuro's/ @gazelessmenagerie).
Between the Discovery/Recovery of Broly and the last arc of Z, seven years have passed. Maiz at some point returns to the far reaches of outer space to continue her business; maintaining and seeking expansion of her twelve planet-empire. She officially touches down on Earth, and takes issue with the shape of the Race therein; Earthlings. She finds their mortal shells (which are remarkably similar to Saiyans) as a serious affront to her, and makes it a point to punish them for it. The majority of her exploits in-story takes place near Buu Saga and onwards:
Encountering and fighting an alternate Future Gohan that survived 17 & 18 (@likeadragcn).
Encountering, fighting and crushing on Future Trunks (@hopefromadoomedtimeline) In one scenario, he's successful in killing her but falls himself some time later and goes to visit her in Hell with King Yemma's permission.
Encountering Goku Black, allying herself with him and befriending him (@roseplendence) Other things happen. Several things happen, one of which leads her to meet Hearts (@clairvoyantcubes ) .She ... dislikes Hearts.
Encountering, fighting and eventually becoming engaged to/later marrying Future Trunks. (@peoplcshope).
Encountering, antagonizing/instigating a fight with Adult!Gohan, and being a general menace to him because his reactions are funny. (@n3rdb0x).
Encountering Vegeta and slowly bonding with him over lost culture/befriending him, encountering Turles and teaching him the old variant of the Saiyan language, encountering Granolah and antagonizing him about his Saiyan trauma when she finds out about it (@dragvnsovl).
Encountering, trying to and FAILING to antagonize Son Goku but ends up fighting him anyway (@age736).
And so on.
NOTE: Some of the verses detailed above (like the one concerning Broly) may or may not share loose/soft continuity or commonalities with each other! For example:
The Maiz that fights Future Gohan (in the present timeline) is similar to the one that antagonizes Present/Adult!Gohan. The point of canon divergence is her personality. The version of Maiz that fought his future variant was colder and harsher; she was new to the planet. In fact, this interaction is the origin story for why she despises and loathes humanity (and Earth) so much. Maiz is emotionally and physically aggressive, abrasive, and dismissive of all things not immediately entertaining or interesting to her. In the second scenario, she's visited the planet multiple times but still loathes it with a fiery passion. Present Gohan is unfortunately a victim that was in the wrong place at the wrong time as this version of Maiz has picked up the habit of choosing people (humans, specifically) at random to antagonize/'learn about'. Any and all curiosity she has surrounding Earthlings are malicious in nature.
The version of Maiz that crushes on Thane's Trunks is the one that finds out where Yusuke Urameshi (@thuganomxcs) lives by stalking him. Hilariously enough, it's the same, exact Maiz-- the condescension, the violence, the sadism, aggression and egotism. The only divergence is who she chooses (which affects how she develops). The verse where she's with Yusuke instead is a derivative of this one; she only targeted him because she found out he was an ally or friend and aimed to torture or kill him to get to Trunks. (In actuality, all Trunks did was a pick up job for him, begging the question of how exactly she came about this information in the first place).
Six months later after she failed to get a rise out of Yusuke via banter, her response was to burn his house down and kill sixteen people. When that failed, she resorted to physical violence, concluding he wasn't completely human, because his lack of 'proper' responses to her were odd. She was proven correct. With her new goal of torturing Yusuke in mind, she picked up an Earthling contact to teach her his native dialect. They're still heavily unhealthy towards each other five months later; she's eaten parts of his flesh and drank some of his blood. He encourages her behavior while teasing her (and recently gifted her some of his flesh willingly). Oddly enough, he thinks her violence and unwarranted aggression towards him is attractive whilst she's become accustomed to his voice. This is the first time in-story Maiz has developed any type of sexual masochism.**
**Maiz's budding lean towards verbal degradation applies to Yusuke, only.
Also Trunks, in-story, was the first person Maiz grew romantically attracted to since the Genocide. Her deeper feelings escape self-reflection initially but she's becoming aware something is wrong. They've been enemies ever since they laid eyes on each other, they've been fighting ever since-- and yet, at some point she's shown different sides of herself. A side that knows mercy, a side that knows when to give him a break, one that honors (or remembers) rest. A side that knows jokes and humor-- and gasp!-- she has a flirtatious aspect. A side that remembers Bardock. She does not like what's happening but subconsciously wants him to reciprocate and will not take things well if he doesn't. Their 'relationship', if it could be called that, is complicated by many things; Trunks' moral compass, Maiz's lack of transparency and control issues, miscommunication on both sides and the lack of understanding of who the other really is or could be under the right circumstances.
The tragedy of this romance (if not addressed) leads to a scenario where she dies by Trunks' hands after 11 months of fighting/meeting him. In that verse, they're finally able to make up and talk to each other normally but not at first; Maiz is despondent, reclusive, silent. It's . . . not pleasant to see. After six years of staring at nothing in Hell, she talks to him-- finally remembering how to speak. Even worse, she holds no remorse for all the lives and homes she's destroyed. Unbeknownst to her, this is now fine with him. He doesn't care-- he doesn't have to. He's dead and has no moral obligation to uphold anymore.
The Maiz that meets Goku at the End of Z is disconnected from all other storylines, as are the ones that antagonize Granolah, the Maiz that meets Vegeta and so on.
Maiz is focused on figuring out the secrets of aging to prevent it. She's close to 70, and will start showing her chronical age/her body will start to decline when she hits her 90s or 100s.
This quest for cellular dominance brings her to Black's doorstep. Err, his backyard actually-- and at night. The two are rather cordial and polite all things considered. It's not hard to see why they get along so well so quickly. Seizing his chance to learn more about his body, Black assumes the identity of a "low class Saiyan who was sent off planet" to gain her trust. Fortunately, it works. He is unaware that Maiz is very accepting-- she doesn't once ask why his Super Saiyan state is pink nor why he's like that all the time. Like with Thane's Trunks, she just assumed he was an atypical Saiyan with strange traits. These two bond, and in-story, he's her first friend and confidant, as well as the first healthy relationship she ever has. The base is not violence but one of mutual understanding, respect and civility-- this is because she sought help for her issues when she first suspected something was wrong with her. At first she thought it was a heart issue and so, sought a doctor. Hearts was who she found. It was a heart issue, but not the one she thought. She returns to Black some time later and is glad their bond has not only stayed intact but has grown stronger. They continue their occasional killing sprees on other planets (which eventually crawls into a slow stop due to lack of challenges and other reasons), tea outings and other mundane and not-so-mundane activities. He learns he's capable of caring for someone in that manner and she learns emotional honesty and patience when it comes to him. He's not well-versed in relationships for a reason . . .
This version of Maiz and Trunks (played by Jay) starts off a lot more violently and suddenly. The Maiz depicted here and the relationship itself could be a considered an extreme canon divergence of the Z version. Trunks is post Super instead of Pre Super/Post-Dabura/Dabura Era. He's also a Time Patroller. Maiz doesn't go looking for him-- he brings the fight to her. He has to. If he does not, Earth dies in a cold/heated space war between Universes 6 and 7.
Further differences are: They do not meet on Earth but on other planets. She doesn't know him, doesn't take him seriously, nor does she want to get to know him. Dislike of the other is mutual and strong, so much so that Maiz actually is trying to kill him from the start and is surprised when he doesn't die. Trunks can heal himself to a great extent but he's no Dende. Regardless, Maiz is PISSED when she witnesses him do it in front of her. She breaks a couple of his ribs with a kick for being 'dishonest'. The fighting stretches out over eight months. Both parties are tired of the other and try to end things. Doesn't work, but names are exchanged finally. Maiz is annoyed but curious about him. Eleven months later, same thing-- he discloses he's a Saiyan and his occupation, but leaves out he's only half. She's confused by his moral alignment but welcomes the fight all the same. Less annoyed by him and more curious, Maiz learns in-story to fight up close instead of constantly flinging and hitting him away. He's gotten stronger and yet, Maiz has some sort of advantage-- she's older and more battle experienced than him. The gap IS starting to close, however. He can feel it. It's not until two years later that things come to a head. The full fruits of his labor show-- he's not getting launched or pushed away so easily, and he's able to withstand her cold. Without realizing it, she's trained and conditioned him to be a tank. She's become more analytical and ruthless as well, going as far as to actually look forward to their fights. This was supposed to be the last one because as fun as it was, she couldn't neglect her planets for the thrill of killing one man. It was supposed to be the end. So why did they did end up sleeping with each other in Earth's freezing Tundras? Because she saw Bardock in him.
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Hello Steph! I was wondering if you have some Johnlock song fics? It doesn't matter what kind of song heheh
thanks and remember to take care of yourself, Hug! 💖
Hey Nonny!
Ahhh, I get asked this a few times! I never have anything really significant though, LOL, at least not in the "classic song fic" sense from MY early fandom days ("song fics" used to be fics written with the lyrics to the song inspiring each section of a fic, now I think it just means "fics inspired by whole songs"). Here are the ones I know of, from my knowledge and from the above linked tag :)
EDIT: I did a tag search on my offline lists, because I should stop being so lazy, so here you are, now I have a list! :D Thank you!!
As usual, feel free to add your own, friends!
And thank you for your kind words :)
See Also:
Moulin Rouge AU (Mine)
Song Fics (Alexx's List)
Evermore by SosoHolmesWatson (G, 2,068 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S4, 5-Year-Old Rosie, Love Confessions, Song Fic, Parentlock, Oblivious John, Pining Sherlock, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Disney Songs, Beauty and the Beast) – For the past years, John and Sherlock have lived at Baker Street again, raising Rosie together--as friends and nothing more. Ever since the little girl has watched her first Disney movie, she is obsessed with princesses. When John comes home one day, he finds his friend and his daughter in the middle of a reenactment of her current favourite. Part 1 of Made of Music
Engaged by lifeonmars (NR, 3,146 w., 1 Ch. || Marriage Proposal, Fluff, Holmes Family, Song Fic) – Sherlock did not believe in marriage, but he wanted to be married. He found this something of a surprise. Part 2 of Damage
Living Musical by VeeTheRee (G, 4,149 w. 1 Ch. || Est. Rel., Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Hobbies, Summer, Song Fic, POV Sherlock, Painting, Play Fighting, Soft Sherlock, Dancing, Love Declarations, Hair Petting, Promise of Forever) – A one-shot of John and Sherlock being domestic during summer. There is paint, fluff, and music from Imagine Dragons, namely from the album 'Speak To Me', specific song in this one-shot is 'Living Musical'. Part 1 of the Happy Fluffy Johnlock Time series
Sunday Evening 6 p.m. by Silvergirl (E, 30,712 w., 6 Ch. || Post-TRF / TEH Divergence, Grief / Mourning / Stages of Grief, Mutual Pining, Dreams, Reunion, Love Confessions, First Kiss / Time, Alternating First Person POV, Smart John, BAMF Boys, Emotional Love Making, Song Fic, Referenced Suicide, First Kiss / Time, Touching, Sleepy Sherlock, Blow Job, Villain Mary) – Six months after Sherlock jumped, he learns that John is dedicating songs to him on a requests-only radio programme. Is John just working through grief? Or is he—communicating? Fixes the hell out of S3 by pre-empting it altogether. Remember, as TAB told us, John is Pretty Damn Smart.
The Baker Street Nativity by SwissMiss (E, 99,662 w., 23 Ch. || Nativity! AU || Teacher Sherlock / TA John, Pining, Sherlock POV, UST, Angst, Christmas, Music/Song Fic, Anal / BJ’s, First Kiss / Time) –Fusion between Sherlock (BBC) and Nativity! (2009 movie starring Martin Freeman). Sherlock is a primary school teacher and John is assigned to be his classroom assistant. Together, they are charged with putting on the school's Nativity play. What could possibly go wrong? Part 1 of The Baker Street Nativity Verse
To John - love SH , how me met by Tha_shipper_Burning_void (NR, 315 w., 1 Ch. || Fluff, Angst, Song Fic) – John nor Sherlock knew of each other – Sherlock rich and John poor – but John believe someone was out there for him.
Satisfied by VTsuion (G, 1,067 w., 1 Ch. || ACD Canon || Watson’s Wedding, Toasting, Song Fic, Past Relationship, POV Sherlock) – Watson is getting married, but he will never be satisfied. Holmes will never be satisfied.
All Along There Was Some Invisible String (Tying You To Me) by Biana_Amberly_Vacker (G, 1,145 w., 1 Ch.. || Fantasy AU || Bullying, Holmes Family, Autistic Mycroft, Family Dynamics, Angst, Song Fic) – Mycroft is alone. He decides to make himself a brother. Out of wood.
Clarity by tea_and_violins (M, 1,606 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TRF, Angst, Reunion, Song Fic, Slash) – A one shot/song fic inspired by Clarity by Zedd ft. Foxes. Have a listen before or during :)
(They Tell You) Wake Up, Go Put On Your Makeup, This Is Just A Phase You’re Gonna Outgrow by Biana_Amberly_Vacker (T, 1,738 w., 1 Ch. || Trans Sherlock, Song Fic, Transphobia, Self-Harm, Hurt No Comfort) – Sherlock was always a boy. Even in his traitorous body. This is a story, throughout a childhood, of a boy who everyone thought was a girl.
Take me to Baker Street by MorganeUK (G, 2,087 w., 1 Ch. || Adult Ballet AU || Ballet Dancer Sherlock, Doctor John, Song Fic, Pre-Slash) – I always loved Sergei Polunin interpretation of Take me to the church so I decided to write a version where Sherlock is a ballet dancer in serious need of a doctor…
The Very Thought of You by reveling_in_mayhem (T, 2,386 w., 1 Ch. || Canon Divergence, Song Fic, Kitchen Dancing, First Kiss, Fluff) – John and Sherlock have danced before. For a case and for a wedding. But they've never danced like this. So why is John reaching out his hand for Sherlock's now?
Body Language by CeruleanDarkangelis (T, 2,706 w., 1 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Dancing, Song Fic, POV First Person John, Voyeurism, Dirty Dancing, Clubbing) – There is a language to dancing; a call-and-response from one body to another. Even with the poncy kind of dancing I knew he was versed in, the kind that requires classes and counting and rules, there is communication between bodies. Watching him now, I’m more than pleased to discover that he understands my dialect as well. Part 1 of the Without Words series
Jukebox by standbygo (T, 3,990 w., 1 Ch. || Friends to Lovers, First Kiss, Music, Singing, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Humour) – After the music halls of Sherlock's mind palace get damaged by accident, John learns that Sherlock never forgets a song. Even the ones he'd rather forget. But the random singalong brings some unexpected benefits.
Blame it on My Youth by standbygo (M, 4,151 w., 1 Ch. || Retirement, First Kiss, Declarations of Love, Song Fic) – “Courage doesn’t mean you’re not afraid. It’s knowing that you’re afraid, and doing what you need to do anyway.” Sherlock and John are retired, but receive an unexpected client. Part 10 of the November 2014 Song Challenge series
Lights On by SosoHolmesWatson (T, 4,396 w., 1 Ch || Post-S4, First Kiss, Pining Idiots, Angst with Happy Ending, Song Fic, Love Confessions, Dev. Rel., Emotional Repression, Bed Sharing) – Sherlock and John are living together again but things between them are far from okay. John is out of his depth until a song brings the needed epiphany. Part 2 of the Made of Music
Rumbos Secretos by Ceibos (T, 5,991 w., 1 Ch. || Unilock || Argentinian Spanish, First Kiss, POV John, Internalized Homophobia, Song Fic, Military, Autism Spectrum) – AU en el que Sherlock y John son dos jovenes alumnos de la UBA en los 90´s o Sherlock ayuda a John a estudiar para su parcial de anatomía y pasan cosas.
Dirty by standbygo (E, 5,093 w., 1 Ch. || Established Relationship, PWP, Dirty Dancing, Romance, Smut and Fluff) – “Yeah, I actually learned how to dance like that, like in the film. I was quite the hit at parties while the craze lasted. Some of Harry’s friends called me Johnny Castle, after the character. Or Swayze.” “Swayze? What kind of word is that?” John did not reply, but gazed at Sherlock, his lips pressed together but still smiling. After a moment, he stood and held out his hand to Sherlock. “Dance with me,” John said.
Take Me To Church by Daziechane (M, 6,370 w., 1 Ch. || Ballet, Song Fic, First Kiss / Time) – John’s days blurred. It didn’t even bother him anymore, that he wasn’t onstage. At least, that’s what he told himself every time he clocked in for another shift. Sherlock’s days blurred. It didn’t even bother him anymore, that he wasn’t onstage. At least, that’s what he told himself every time he stepped into 221B.
Burn by EmilyisSOgay (T, 7,481 w., 1 Ch. || Alternate Universe || Jazz Singer John, Alternate First Meeting, First Kiss, Everyone is Gay, Love at First Sight, Falling in Love, Flirty John, Song Fic, Romance, Sexual Tension, Sherlock POV, Sherlock in Love, Jealous Sherlock, Fluff) – John is a seductive jazz singer at small London club. And Sherlock gets a special birthday performance that sets his Mind Palace ablaze.
You Are The Reason by ICanDoThisAllDayy (G, 9,432 w. || Post-TSo3, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Letters, Bisexual John, Song Fic, Heavy Angst) – When Sherlock leaves the envelope for John and Mary at their wedding, he forgets to take out another piece of paper from it - the paper on which he poured his heart out while preparing the Best Man's Speech at 221B Baker Street. He intended to burn the piece right after he finished writing, but he was too exhausted from the emotions and accidentally slipped it amongst his composition for the Waltz. As things work out, somebody reads his letter. That somebody is John Watson. Part 2 of Songs-inspired fic(let)s
A Very Sherlock Musical by flawedamythyst (T, 11,980 w., 1 Ch. || Musical AU || No S3 Compliant {more tags to be added after reading}) – So, you know how musicals are set in a world where people just burst into song every five minutes, and everyone around them automatically knows to join in with the tune and choreography? This fic is set in that world. John finds it extremely frustrating that Sherlock won't sing their theme song with him.
This Is Your Song by agirlsname (E, 79,990 w., 19 Ch. || Moulin Rouge Fusion || Prostitute Sherlock, Poet John, Acting, Singing, Dancing, Writing, Poetry, Musical, Song Fic, Heavy Angst, Unreliable Narrator, Sherlock is French, Love at First Sight, UST, First Kiss/Time, Frottage, Coming in Pants, Anal Sex, Switchlock, Clothed Sex, Crossdressing, Secret Relationship, Forbidden Love, Jealousy, Terminal Illnesses, Grief/Mourning, Breakup/Makeup Sex, Past Drug Use, Attempted Rape, Canon-Typical Violence)– When John Watson is invalided home from the army in 1895, he moves to Paris to rediscover his writing and find a new meaning in life. His old friend Stamford invites him into a group of artist friends, and suddenly John finds himself auditioning to write a show for the famous brothel across the street. There, he meets the most beautiful man he’s ever seen - Sherlock, the star of the Moulin Rouge. But Sherlock is already promised to the investor of the show, the rich Duke Moriarty.
A Case of Identity – The Musical by shamelessmash (E, 83,147 w., 15 Ch. || 1950′s Hollywood AU || Musical, Case Fic, Undercover as an Actor, Dancing, Happy Ending, Kidnapping, Drugs, Fluff and Angst, Humour, Writer/Director John, Slow Burn / Romance) – A mysterious death on set causes chaos in Stamford productions latest movie. With the premiere date left unchanged, they must find a new lead actor and reshoot an entire movie in two months. Sherlock Holmes goes undercover as a lead actor in a Musical: a juggling act to solve a murder while singing, dancing and charming his way through 1950s Hollywood. The last thing he expected was to fall in love with the screenwriter along the way. Or as I like to call it: the case where Sherlock finally gets to dance. Based off this prompt.
To the Sticking Place by blueink3 (E, 121,973 w., 20 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Musical Theatre AU || Showmance, Friends to Lovers, Bickering, UST / RST, Fluff, Virgin Sherlock, BAMF John, New York City / Broadway) – Renowned Shakespearean actor Sherlock Holmes has finally burned all of his bridges in the theatre industry save for his constant director, Greg Lestrade. John Watson has made a name for himself in the musical theatre circuit, but age and injury are working against him. Can they reinvent themselves for an all-male Macbeth without killing one another? Part 1 of the Screw Your Courage series
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orangeshinigami · 9 months
i updated my VERSES page & now i have naruto & one piece verses since i have some moots from those fandoms mwahaha. (but friendly reminder that even if i don't have a verse for the series your muse belongs to, i'm always willing to plot & come up with a new au to make interactions between our characters easier!) make sure to check it ou y'all <3
mobile users can find my verses under the cut c:
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( ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆ ) v: main. | canon.
Post-TYBW. Ichigo is between 18-22 years old in this and interactions where he’s about to finish high school or already in college will be set in this verse. He’s just trying to lead a normal life… Or as normal as life can be for someone like him, at least. Though the war left deep scars on his soul & he will often have nightmares about the things he had to endure during it, he’s doing his best to heal & to finally find happiness.
He does end up finding said happiness when at last, he allows himself to acknowledge the romantic feelings he’s had for his long time friend Orihime Inoue for a while & soon after graduating high school, they start a romantic relationship.
( ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆ ) v: the one who protects. | canon; pre tybw.
Pre-TYBW, Ichigo is a high school student doing his best to protect his loved ones from ill-intended creatures (and keep his grades up while he does so, not an easy task).
All interactions taking place before the tybw & which follow canon events will be set in this verse.
( ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆ ) v: spring day has come. | canon.
Given how powerful Ichigo has become & how much he’s done to aid Soul Society in times of hardship, he has the potential to become a captain should he choose to leave the world of the living & join the gotei 13. In the end however, his human side speaks much louder than the shinigami one, love & devotion to his family keeping him in the human world– aforementioned family grows, when he gets married to Orihime & they have a son named Kazui. 
He’s between 23-29 in this & has mostly healed from the traumas caused by the war. He works from home as a translator & still acts as a substitute shinigami every now & again. He’s absolutely elated that he can finally have a peaceful life alongside his loved ones while still keeping in touch with his friends from Soul Society.
( ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆ ) v: shattered windows & the sound of drums; people couldn’t believe what i’d become. | AU.
AU with adversitybloomed
Ichigo’s powers grew far too strong for even his human body to handle & it got to a point where his mere presence in the world of the living was disturbing the balance between the human world & the spiritual one. Left with no other choice, he goes to Soul Society, has to live there now. He isn’t very pleased about that & as he isolates himself in a forest to sort out his thoughts & feelings, he ends up running into a girl, Mulan– a goddess? He doesn’t fully understand what she is, but doesn’t matter. To him, she becomes a savior, the one who gives him hope and helps him comprehend and truly control his own power, so that he can be able to return to his world, to his family eventually.
( ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆ ) v: a fate that cannot be shattered. | AU.
Follows the same idea of the AU above, where Ichigo was forced to move to Soul Society due to how great his powers have become, but with a twist: in this, he decides to join the Gotei 13 & learn how to be a “full” shinigami. He does struggle a lot with leaving his human life behind though & will frequently think about giving up the whole embracing his shinigami side thing and just trying to figure a way to return to the world he once belonged in.
( ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆ ) v: that orange haired shinobi. | crossover; naruto.
Ichigo lives in Konohagakure, has lived there his whole life. When he was around 4 years old and his sisters barely older than newborns, their parents were killed during Kurama’s attack to the village– leaving them as orphans. He, however, never directed his anger towards Naruto like everyone else did– never blamed him for what had happened either. Because his late mother had taught him to be kind & wherever she may be now, he wanted her to still be proud of him. Besides, Naruto was just like him… An orphan boy, lost and confused who had to figure out how to take care of himself. He’s always sort of felt sympathy towards that poor boy.
And that sympathy later turns into true admiration after Naruto saves the village from pain, despite having been mistreated by most of the villagers his entire life. Ichigo thinks the other really deserves the title of “Hero”.
As for his abilities, Ichigo can perform ninjutsus and genjutsus to satisfactory levels, but his strong suit is taijutsu & he will sometimes use a sword to fight.
( ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆ ) v: travel the world & the seven seas. | crossover; one piece.
This is mostly live-action based as I’m not caught up with the anime! Ichigo is a skilled swordsman, having started his training & becoming one after the small village he lived in was attacked by pirates & his family killed in the process. He swore to himself he would become strong to fight cruel people, pirates like those who destroyed his home. Now, he doesn’t really have a place to call home anymore, he’s always traveling– going from one place to the next, hunting down pirates who commit horredous crimes, such as the ones he witnessed when he was but a child.
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