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ladycibia · 7 months ago
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I was carrying a ridiculous amount of weapons when I was caught by the Scoia'tael in the Woodland Beast quest...
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linagrandison · 2 years ago
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darkermandarkovskiy · 2 years ago
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geekygamergp · 1 year ago
So lovely ♡
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“Humans to the sea!”
Part 2 of my favorite scoiatael deck in gwent: ✨elves✨
Part 1
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revoevokukil · 4 months ago
TW3 Story Leaks
It's Saturday, and I bring you some cold, hard rumour.
It seems somebody on reddit is working through the leaks of The Witcher 3, claiming approximately 300k of lines relating to the previous story iterations also leaked in 2021. Much of what they are claiming matches with the leaked files from 2014. There is completely new information too, though, and they plan on publishing their work-through early 2025.
So far, this is the information I've gathered from their posts:
Iorveth's daughter was Vernossiel. Her quest had her involved with a cult of the Bloody Mother; spores from a particular "flower" affected her thinking so she got brainwahsed into being sacrificed in a ritual killing in order to rise as the Bloody Mother herself.
Cerys was fake-Ciri.
The Baron (or Baron’s men?) was originally a rapist.
The Big 4 was originally Big 5, including Isengrim. Isengrim and Iorveth had houses in Novigrad.
Vincent Meis' model existed.
There was a quest with “thralls” (most likely Following the Thread involving Jad Karadin and the Faroe island) where Geralt would temporarily get married to a chieftain’s daughter.
We’d lock Yennefer in dimeritium handcuffs at one point to prevent her from interfering with the King’s Gambit questline.
Avallac’h provided Geralt with the means to warg as a rat in order to eavesdrop on the meeting of the Big 5 (including Isengrim) on Dijkstra’s ship. (Iorveth was planning on blowing the ship up.)
The Catriona Plague questline. It had a Nilfgaardian general Martin running a krankenhaus, where was infecting his countrymen with the plague and stealing their valuables. He made deals with Gaunter O’Dimm (his involvement in HOS is as a leftover from here) to get a cure for the Catriona, then with Gaunter’s archnemesis to get to keep the cure. Geralt had to figure it all out as Catriona was becoming more and more rampant and the faction with the cure would have huge leverage in how the war questline would resolve. Geralt would get the chance to hand the cure back to Gaunter, to Radovid, or Emhyr.
Iorveth got infected with Catriona, then infected Thaler to improve his morale on getting a cure (Thaler promised Iorveth a cure for assassinating Emhyr or some such.)
The war quest lines were somehow related to the dreamer Corinne Tilly who was a Nilfgaardian spy.
Voorhis laid siege to Crow’s Perch because Temerian rebels took it over.
The Sabbath originally had slave markets, an orgy meadow, and ritual suicides. Changed after 2014.
There was an option to assassinate Radovid after taking out Roche, so Dijkstra's rule was always an option.
Roche originally preferred fighting for Temeria no matter what. Reason of State had Roche vs Thaler and Dijkstra.
Radovid was more like his W2 self. Emhyr "more like Stalin."
Radovid took over the Temple Isle.
Emhyr was supposed to appear in the army camp center.
If Emhyr lost, Voorhis would overthrow him.
All the content showcasing Nilfgaardian war crimes was cut: a Nilfgaardian general was spreading the Catriona plague, robbing his dying countrymen; Voorhis' cruelty during the siege of the Crow's Perch, Nilfgaardians' direct attack on Kaer Trolde.
Crach died during the battle for Undvik and Voorhis negotiated over his body; the corpse was returned and Nilfgaard respect local burial traditions.
Melusine quest line had more content related to blood shrines.
There was an opportunity to try and convince Caranthir to betray Eredin, after which he'd get replaced by some elven lady (Isilira?). (Conflicted about this, as in 2013 leaks it seemed Caranthir knocks Avallac’h out on Naglfar when Geralt and him try to infiltrate it.)(Isilira is the lady you meet in Avallac’h’s lab in the released version.)
There was a sequence in White Orchard in the Empress ending where Voorhis had announced he'd arrive and propose to Ciri in few days, but Ciri lost Emhyr's signet ring to prove his approval of the marriage. Then some kind of gamble ensued under the influence of a Korred, and Ciri decided if she'd win she'd marry and if not she'd run away (not sure if this shouldn't it be the other way around).
There was a 'vital spot' system, where you gained points by performing various actions and could then use those points to perform combat moves that would either weaken of 1-shot an enemy.
Manticores were cut.
Players could buy boats and horses; rowboat for rivers and lakes.
Wind tunnels and proper storms in which a boat could tilt over.
Water combat was cut.
Focus mode in combat was cut.
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manfrommars2049 · 2 years ago
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Vernossiel's Commando by Katarzyna Bekus via ImaginaryArchers
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dukeofdogs · 1 year ago
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Gwent: The Witcher Card Game | The cards that could’ve been 70/?
Vernossiel (Nikita Colobuev), (Draw Souls)
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vesemirsexual · 1 year ago
Minor Women in The Witcher 3:
Note: this is not the full list of every woman found in-game, however a list of many minor woman that do appear.
• Anabelle - Plague maiden from Fyke Island. In love with a local fisherman (Graham) but her father (Lord of Velen) disapproved. During a Nilfgaardian invasion, fled to Fyke Island to hide in a mage tower with her family. Took a paralysis potion to protect herself from assault when peasants stormed the tower, however when she woke she was unable to move, everyone else was dead, and rats descended on them, hence her ghost from a grisly death.
• Anna Strenger - Wife of the Bloody Baron, mother of Tamara Strenger. Fled from the Baron, his drunken rages and beatings, with her daughter. The Crones placed a curse on her which turned her into a monster after making a pact with them to abort her pregnancy, and she is dragged into Crookback Bog to repay her debt.
• Anisse - Young Aretuza graduate.
• Aynara - orphan found in Crookback Bog.
• Bea - Barmaid in Novigrad, non-human sympathiser and a friend of Ciri.
• Bergthora - Wife of Eiric in Skellige.
• Birna Bran - Widow of the King of Skellige, engaged in a conspiracy that ends in a massacre at Kaer Trolde due to her disdain with customs and wish to establish a hereditary rulership.
• Carthia van Canten (Cantarella/Sasha) - Head of Nilfgaardian Secret Service.
• Catarina - Actor in the Foxen.
• Corinne Tilly - Oneiromancer (deciphering the past and present in dreams).
• Dolores Reardon - Old woman, ran away from her Temerian wealthy family with her lover.
• Dora - young woman harassed by thugs who Geralt walks home (even though she can take care of herself).
• Edna var Attre - Daughter of a Nilfgaardian ambassador, twin sister to Rosa.
• Elsa - Innkeeper in White Orchard.
• Eveline Gallo - Circus acrobat, accomplished thief and an elf.
• Felicia Cori - Young aspiring sorceress, former Philippa pupil, burned by the Church of the Eternal Fire.
• Gretka - Girl which Ciri saves from wolves in Velen.
• Ingrid Vegelbud - Daughter of Patricia Vegelbud.
• Irina Renarde - Leader of the Foxen (Mummers troupe), an actor.
• Jacquette - Young woman who is engaged to a knight errant of Toussaint.
• Jonna - Alchemist in Rannvaig.
• Josta - Priestess of Freya.
• Jutta an Dimun - Shield maiden on Faroe, clan Dimun.
• Karli - Mother of two sons killed by a dragon in Fyresdal.
• Kurisu - Kidnapped by pirates, escapes and is found around Freyas Temple.
• Lena - Young woman attacked by a griffin while sneaking out to meet her Nilfgaardian lover.
• Liesje - Farmer and wife in White Orchard.
• Marabella - Teacher in Novigrad, poet and fond of horses.
• Margrit (Margaret) - Sister of Niellen's missing wife.
• Maria Louisa La Valette - Foltests mistress. A baroness, has two illegitimate children by Foltest.
• Marlene de Trastamara - Noble woman who turns away the wrong beggar and is cursed.
• Marquise Serenity - Madame at the Passiflora.
• Matilda de Vermentino - Owner of the Vermentino vineyard.
• Molly - Maid or noblewoman, depending on previous player choices.
• Nissa - Elven comedienne in The Puffins troupe.
• Patricia Vegelbud - Matriach of the Vegelbud family.
• Pinastri - Lapsed Eighth Day Flagellant, herbalist.
• Polly - Choreogapher in Novigrad. Dandelion used to hide out in her house.
• Rosa var Attre - Daughter of the Nilfgaardian ambassador, twin sister of Edna. Fencer.
• Sara - Godling "haunting" a house in Novigrad.
• Sweet Nettie - Sex worker, potential serial killer victim.
• Tamara Strenger - Witch hunter, daughter of the Bloody Baron. Fled with her mother, and joined the witcher hunters so she would be able to survive trekking into the bog to save her.
• Thecla - Wise woman in the village below Bald Mountain. Seeress.
• Vernossiel - Leader of a small Scoia'tael commando group.
• Viki - Shipwreck survivor, sheltering a young boy in Widows grotto.
• Vivienne de Tabris - Lady in waiting to Anna Henrietta. Cursed to turn into a bird when the moon is out.
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fandomwarehouse · 3 months ago
Another hc
Ves and Vernossiel team up to bully visit their respective dads
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fuck-yeah-elves · 2 years ago
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GWENT cards: Scoia'tael
Vernossiel's Commando by Katarzyna Bekus
Elven Wardancer by Bryan Sola
Dol Blathanna Bomber by Bogna Gawrońska
Waylay by Grafit Studio
Elven Scout by Bryan Sola
Dol Blathanna Archer by Ilker Serdar Yildiz
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squiddviscous · 3 months ago
I hope we get older Ves and Cerys as romance options. And Vernossiel.
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northernolddragon · 2 years ago
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Little scoia'tael.
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burnbrighterthanever · 3 years ago
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No one will give us our freedom. We must win it for ourselves!
(click on the image for better quality)
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nefrilm · 3 years ago
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Scoia’tael rock band AU
Part 2.1 Backstage
Well, it turned out to be more of “I'll painstakingly add more details and probably be done with it in a week or so” instead of “I’ll finish it tomorrow” kind of wip.
Anyway, here’s the final cut and some little snippets that were very fun to draw :3
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stillness138 · 1 year ago
modding in general has honestly made me realize tw3 outfits aren't all that hot anyway. they do their job based mostly on color scheme and vibe but every female character design has glaring issues that really stick out once you try putting them in a different setting.
syanna's outfit is the only one i don't hate, could do without heels but otherwise it's entirely practical and the little frills on her shirt are like saying "hey i'm still highborn".
anna's riding outfit and shani's blouse&vest are also cute, the bottom parts less so. yen's vanilla jacket is fine and in her case i give the heels a pass.
everything else unless it's anna's/birna's/iris's dress or actual armor (ugly, but practical at least) sucks ass.
if i had to point out everything wrong with both ciri's """armors""" i'd be here all day. yen's dlc outfit looks cool, but doesn't work even in this setting, let alone elsewhere. they wanted her to be morrigan so bad...this is "catch pneumonia in hundred and one way, the outfit". cerys and vernossiel look ok, if a bit forgettable and boring, until you notice neither of them is wearing pants. priscilla's skirt and washed up color scheme suck. the sorceress dresses (most leftover from w2 by the way) are trying to be personalized but are sure as hell a far cry from the independent fashion divas from the books (yeah most of them are in hiding. then give them pants). keira looks like the only person who knows where she is, nip slip neckline and bare feet are explainable without mental gymnastics and both versions of the dress actually look nice (and vaguely slavic). tho she should've gotten pants for the battle of kaer morhen. ves, another leftover from w2, still looks ridiculous. corinne in her dress in novigrad...im tired man. vanilla triss outfit that looks specifically made to emphasize the boobs doesn't even faze me anymore but it is still awful to look at considering. but the dlc dress... it obviously doesn't make sense for someone in hiding but even if it was in the right setting, it's just goddamn fucking ugly. uncomfortable to look at. on a male model it looks better because at least it no longer seems like your entire tits will be out the moment you bend two degrees forward but it's still an ugly mess that can't decide on pattern and style. want something vaguely elven out of this game (this game that completely shat on aen seidhe and only gave us two aen elle women, one naked and one in the elf brothel ensemble tm)? try yen's skirt and one of the sorceress dress tops, it's still ass but at least less of an affront to taste than that frankenstein's monster of a design.
i'm this close to going on a crusade against that fucking triss dlc dress
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dhelglore · 3 years ago
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