#vermilion red
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reblogs-the-art · 2 years ago
"A Color Palette I Wish I Tried Earlier"
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laserwings · 2 months ago
My three Skywings
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ncydema-hart · 4 months ago
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knifebaby3000 · 1 year ago
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wanderingaldecaldo · 10 months ago
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gothprentiss · 7 months ago
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Simone Simons · Vermillion singles
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year ago
Sahkil Tormentor, The Vermilion Mother
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"RedQueen v.2" © ArtStation user Dalisa Art, accessed at their page here
[Sponsored by @alquitranofmystara. The Vermilion Mother is not the first sahkil tormentor I've written, but she is the first canon one. I've seeded this entry with a lot of references to my original works. The name I give as her true name, Mystricia, is the genus name for the nutmeg tree, which is potently toxic and hallucinogenic.]
Sahkil Tormentor, the Vermillion Mother CR 25 NE Outsider (extraplanar) This creature appears to be a horrifying combination of crone and carnivorous plant the size of a small tree. Her face is contorted into a horrible rictus and her skeletal wooden limbs end in terrible claws. Her hair is a sea of fronds, each one of which ends in a red bud that opens to reveal a fanged mouth.
Vermilion Mother Bloody Blossom, Mystricia, The Red Weed Concerns fecundity, overgrowth, psychoactive plants Domains Charm, Evil, Plant, Weather Subdomains Decay, Fear, Growth, Lust Worshipers drug addicts, evil druids, sarmaks Minions beldams, plant monsters, sahkils (especially pakalchis and qoloks) Unholy Symbol a hand covered in creeping red tendrils Obedience Ingest a toxic plant, or sow the seeds of a toxic plant in a place intended to be safe. Gain a +4 profane bonus on Fortitude and Will saving throws against effects from plants or plant creatures. Boons 1: sickening entanglement 2/day; 2: curse terrain 2/day; 3: green caress 2/day
The Vermilion Mother is the sahkil tormentor that represents the fear that animals have of losing control to plants. Everything to an annoying weed making a noble’s lawn ugly to that same noble getting addicted to opium and running their province into the ground is under her jurisdiction. As such, her cult has an unusual makeup. Many of her followers are druids who wish to use plants to overrun and destroy unnatural edifices. Others are hedonists seeking out new and unusual highs, who often become junkies that pray to her to make their trips longer and their side effects less severe. Perhaps the strangest of her worshipers are a cult of sarmaks, which consider one of the plants native to their planet, the ground-creeping red weed, as a physical embodiment of the Vermilion Mother’s influence.
The Vermilion Mother enjoys making combats with her drawn out and painful. Whenever she chooses, she is surrounded by an aura of grasping, hindering vegetation that she can move effortlessly through, and often isolates foes further with quickened walls of thorns. Her gaze causes a profound ennui, and creatures who see her often simply give up and let her tear them limb from limb. Her breath is a potent hallucinogen, and those affected have strange and terrifying hallucinations before they fall into a coma, their perceptions locked completely within their own body. Her claws break off and reform in the flesh of her victims, creating runners of razor-sharp vines that erupt into bonethorns once they have stripped away enough muscle and other tissue.
The Vermilion Mother’s true name is Mystricia, which is a closely guarded secret known only to her closest allies. The Vermilion Mother is the eldest of a trio of allied neutral evil demigods which act as something between a witches’ coven and a family. The other two are the daemonic harbinger Decied and the green (wo)man Briarpatch, both of whom also delight in ecological devastation and the introduction of new and strange lifeforms to an area. Although the Vermilion Mother is oldest, she is not the most powerful, but her advice and experience are respected by both of her fellows. She and Mahathallah have similar purviews and a cordial, but distant relationship.
The Vermilion Mother       CR 25 XP 1,640,000 NE Huge outsider (evil, extraplanar, sahkil) Init +12; Senses darkvision 60 ft., greensight, Perception +42, tremorsense 120 ft. Aura overgrowth (100 ft.), unholy (DC 28)
Defense AC 43, touch (-2 size, +1 dodge, +8 Dex, +22 natural, +4 deflection) hp 565 (29d10+406); fast healing 15 Fort +27, Ref +28, Will +30; +4 vs. mind-influencing effects, paralysis, polymorph, sleep, stunning DR 20/epic and good; Immune charm, compulsion, death effects, disease, fear, poison; Resist cold 30, electricity 30, sonic 30; SR 41 Defensive Abilities floronic, freedom of movement
Offense Speed 50 ft., climb 30 ft. Melee 2 claws +42 (2d6+15/19-20 plus grab and implant), 4 bites +42 (1d6+15/19-20 plus bleed) Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. Special Attacks bleed (1d6),breath weapon, look of fear, rend (2 claws, 2d6+22), spirit touch Spell-like Abilities CL 25th, concentration +35 Constant—freedom of movement, unholy aura (self only) At will—blasphemy (DC 27), charm monster (DC 24), confusion (DC 24), control plants (DC 28), fear (DC 26), greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs only), nightmare (DC 27) 3/day—green caress (DC 27), empowered horrid wilting (DC 28), mind fog (DC 25), serenity (DC 28), quickened waves of fatigue, quickened wall of thorns 1/day—control weather, dominate monster (DC 29), overwhelming presence (DC 31), rival’s weald (DC 29), summon sahkil (any of CR 20 or lower, 100%), weird (DC 31)
Statistics Str 40, Dex 27, Con 38, Int 25, Wis30, Cha 31 Base Atk +29; CMB +46 (+50 grapple); CMD 69 Feats Blind-fight,Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Dodge, Empower SLA (horrid wilting), Improved Critical (bite, claw), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Quicken SLA (waves of fatigue, wall of thorns), Staggering Critical, Stand Still, Step Up, Stunning Critical Skills Bluff +42, Climb +38, Heal +42, Intimidate +42, Knowledge (arcana, geography, religion) +36, Knowledge (nature, planes) +39, Perception +42, Sense Motive +42, Stealth +32 (+40 in wooded areas), Survival +42, Swim +31; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in wooded areas Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Druidic, Infernal, speak with plants, Sylvan, telepathy 300 ft. SQ easy to call, emotional focus, freeze (as tree), sahkil tormentor traits, skip between
Ecology Environment any land (Ethereal Plane) Treasure double standard Organization unique
Special Abilities Bleed (Ex) Bleed damage from the Vermilion Mother’s bites stacks with itself. On a critical hit, the bleed becomes 1 point of Constitution bleed instead. Breath Weapon (Ex) The Vermilion Mother can breathe a 60 foot cone of toxic powder once every 1d4 rounds. Creatures caught in the area are exposed to the following poison: Vermilion Powder—contact; save Fort DC 38; duration 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d8 Wisdom damage; cure 1 save. A creature that is suffering ability damage from vermilion powder hallucinates and babbles. It treats all creatures it can see as having concealment, and has a 20% chance to fail to speak correctly, including command words and spell components. The save DC is Constitution based. Floronic (Ex) The Vermilion Mother gains a +4 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-influencing effects, paralysis, polymorph, sleep and stunning effects. Implant (Su) Each time the Vermilion Mother deals damage with its claw attacks, its victim must attempt a DC 38 Fortitude save to avoid becoming infested by its seeds. If the victim fails, the seeds sprout into vines that swiftly propagate through its body, erupting from wounds and ripping through undamaged flesh, dealing 2d12 points of slashing damage per round at the start of the infected creature’s turn. An implanted creature can remove the vines with any spell or effect that cures disease, and the vines die if the host takes 20 or more points of fire damage in a single attack. A creature that has a skeleton and that dies while implanted is consumed over the course of 2d6 rounds, after which a new fiendish bonethorn under the Vermllion Mother’s control rises from the remains. A new bonethorn created in this manner from a Large or larger body can animate only a Medium-sized portion of the skeleton, resulting in strange, partially skeletal hosts that have similar statistics to a bonethorn grown from a humanoid host. Burning or otherwise completely destroying the victim’s body before the spores complete their consumption prevents it from becoming a new bonethorn. This is a disease effect. The save DC is Constitution-based. Look of Fear (Su) 30 ft.; Will DC 36, shaken 1 hour. A creature that succumbs to the Vermilion Mother’s look of fear is filled with ennui and cannot take actions. It can make a DC 36 Will save each round to remove the ennui effect, but is still shaken if it succeeds this save. The save DC is Charisma based and includes a +2 racial bonus for the Vermilion Mother’s emotional focus. Overgrowth Aura (Su) The Vermilion Mother is surrounded by a dense network of magical vegetation in a 100 foot radius. This functions as the overgrowth effect of the plant growth spell, except that it moves with the Vermilion Mother. Creatures with the plant type and sahkils can move through this foliage normally. The Vermilion Mother can suppress or resume this aura as a swift action. Sahkil Tormentor Traits (Ex/Su) The Vermilion Mother is a powerful unique sahkil. She gains access to the following abilities
Immunity to charm and compulsion effects, death effects, disease, fear effects and poison
Resist cold 30, electricity 30 and sonic 30
Telepathy 300 ft.
The Vermilion Mother’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons she wields, are treated as epic and evil for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction
Once per day, the Vermilion Mother can summon any sahkil of CR 20 or lower with 100% chance of success
The Vermilion Mother can grant spells, as listed in her divine information
Speak With Plants (Su) The Vermilion Mother can speak with plants, as per the spell, at will as a supernatural ability.
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dinhui · 11 months ago
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amber-tortoiseshell · 3 months ago
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I'd like to submit this neat guy I found on Petfinder for the white spotting bracket! His name is Vermilion and I think he's very nice ^^
I think i have to agree
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duhragonball · 1 year ago
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It's night time, and that means it's the right time to post this commission I got from the amazing @miss-plum !!
Back in July, I had a lot of Luffa art I wanted to get ordered, but I couldn't decide which ideas to do, so I ran a poll to sort my priorities. Vampire Luffa was tied for third place, but it's the one I voted for, so that's why it got bumped up the queue. And Plum was open for comms in October and the timing was perfect.
I do these AU-themed Christmas specials every year, and in 2022 I went with a vampire gimmick. I couldn't decide whether Luffa should be a vampire or a vampire hunter, so I pressed both buttons and made an antihero. She still wants to eradicate vampires (saving herself for last), but she has needs now, Alfred. Dirty, horrible needs. And that's where Yamcha and Maron come in. Luffa forges an uneasy alliance with the Brief family's vampire-hunting guild, but she plans to take Yamcha from them as payment for her services. But he turns on the charm, and in the end she spares him... or does she? Maybe she just decided to take Maron in his place, or maybe she wants them both.
Anyway, this was a ton of fun to do. I had all these ideas for Luffa's costume, and it's great to see it all come to life like this. Its one thing for me to write down that she wears a corset and an ancient Pictish necklace, but Plum took all this and made it look gooooood.
Now I want to write a sequel just to tie it in with this scene. Or get commissions for the other AU specials. Well, one step at a time...
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m00nb04rd5 · 4 months ago
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Sally Blake @jettthespeeddemon
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cutiepieautistic · 5 months ago
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wanderingaldecaldo · 10 months ago
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lady in red
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bonguri · 5 months ago
20240814 Okazaki 7 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: 参拝者がいらっしゃいました。ていうか、この榊、樹脂製じゃん。 Photo taken at Rokusho shrine, Okazaki city, Aichi pref.
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freshthoughts2020 · 26 days ago
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