klauswalbrou · 2 years
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associationraven · 2 years
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Visite chez le vétérinaire pour les 3 chatons. Âgés de 4-5 mois environ visiblement. Infestés de vers et puces pour le combo sympa. 😉 Retour dans un mois pour les vaccins et stérilisation/identification. #RAVEN #association #sanctuaryoftheraven #associationraven #animaux #vimartinsurorthe #nature #mayenne #sarthe #orne #biodiversite #biodiversité #refuge #abandon #cat #chat #vermifuge #antiparasitaire (à Association RAVEN) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjldgKDrXUF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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scienceoftheidiot · 8 months
So yeah I said I was on holidays and I could draw but that was not counting on
As in "horse related bullshit" but also litterally related to horseshit, because our boarding place is just. Doing bullshit. With our horses.
So yeah I was away all afternoon because of it and it's not done yet.
"you shouldn't give your horses dewormers because it's bad for them too many chemicals"
*we give dewormer given by our vet anyway because. It has. To be done. (Also fuck you)*
"Oh no you gave that dewormer it has the wrong molecule but now you have to deworm your horses again boo because now we have decided deworming is good actually" (plus implying we are bad owners thank you)
*gives me another dewormer*
New given dewormer has the same exact molécules in it with the same exact concentration and posology as the one I have given before. On my vet's advice.
I have not told them. I will have to get my horses' poop checked. Before I give them another round of dewormer that early. It's their fault. They should have dewormed THEIR horses. Now our horses have probably caught the worms back because they refuse to do it.
But that conversation. Not going to lie, being told by someone who thinks they know better than you that digestive tract parasites aren't transmitted between animals sharing the same pasture and pooping in it and in their damned food is a surreal experience.
And honestly I don't think the good chunk of my master's degree I spent on parasitology has a say in this, I mean it's just FUCKING COMMON SENSE
Also "but your horses are too thin! It's the worms, your dewormer didn't work"
Je vais. Cramer. Des gens.
(Can't say that in English because I am going to burn people definitely doesn't translate the sheer amount of hatred and anger I have for this kind of people).
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vintage-tech · 1 year
sanitized for your protection
(by putting shag carpet over her 1970s ‘shag carpet’)
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I saw this vintage sexy photo and said, “hey, my grandparents had that Zenith television!” Watched Lawrence Welk on it in elementary school, I did. It has those handles on the bottom front panel and scrollwork back piece on the top, both designed to make your TV look like it were a dresser or cabinet, but there are no drawers on the bottom, the handles are just for decoration.
Back then, a “remote control” was your grandfather sending you to turn the knob to change the channel so he didn’t have to get out of his La-Z-Boy. That box on the top, for your information, is an adjustable UHF antenna, since that aerial on the roof isn’t doing quite enough and three clicks clockwise make Channel 47 (KYVE, Public Television) come in a little less fuzzy.
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detroitlib · 8 months
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View of an advertising card for F.E. Smallidge, depicting a young woman reading a ghost story by candelight. Printed on back [in part]: "The ghost story! The moral of this, the sixteenth card of our series, is that, if young ladies would avoid creating a scene, similar to the one the artist, Mr. R.W. Buss, gives us in this admirable picture, they had better forego reading ghost stories at bed-time. Presented by F.E. Smallidge, 701 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Mich. The Major & Knapp Lith. Co., N.Y." Includes description of Dr. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge and Dr. Jayne's Sanative Pills.
Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library
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rootandrock · 1 year
Much Belated Hagging Out
Wormwood is a powerful vermifuge. At least, that’s what they say. Some say that it is a poison that kills the parasites and others suggest that it’s more about cramping so hard you do the expelling manually.
It ejects, it scours, it cleanses. Not so “scorched and salted earth” as some herbs, but it uproots violently and throws [whatever] out in its face. Green Lady isn’t strictly a “wormwood”, though her Southernwood family is known for keeping out pests through their pungent lemon-camphor scent. Magically, however, she shares in that empire of purgation.
I should have expected that doing this Work would have side-effects. 
I did not. Because I’m kinda dumb.
I have told Green Lady’s story before. Over, and over, and over. There’s not much new to say. Our paths are probably too entangled to untangle. When I felt a call to do a specific Work I knew it would be with her. There is no other candidate for this intimate exploration except her. This is like trying a new sex act, or traveling to an unknown country: You do it with someone you trust implicitly, explicitly, and completely.
I’m not going to spell out what The Work is - it’s not quite ready to describe, if it ever is - but it begins with an infusion of plenty of Southernwood into pure grain alcohol. 
I trimmed a ton of her bitter, feathery, bits in the appropriate day and hour (she’s damned near doubled in size since then), and I lovingly air-dried them on the top of my altar, turning daily until they were crispy enough to crumble with my fingertips. And infuse I did. 
What I expected was a slow batch that took days or weeks to darken. What I got was an instantaneous flush of green so intense that it looked like ink. I didn’t realize it was possible for chlorophyll to just… do that. I’ve paid for watercolor paints less intense.
(She won’t let me take a photo, but I want you to imagine a small sample of Moldavite-green liquid in a large vintage glass canning jar.)
In a previous “infusing” Hagging Out, the one where I re-batched my altar oil, I explained how she holds an untarnished moment for me. She’s got a little piece of the parts of me from Before. She kept it for me, the way I kept a bit of her.
It was then that I started this Work without even realizing it. I hadn’t quite kicked the hornet’s nest yet, but I was certainly lining up the punt. I began to kick up the Weird just to see if-… see what-… 
Okay, let’s be brutally honest: To see if I was still me. If the woo was still there. If the connections I’d worked so hard to establish were still alive. I’d been in a fallow period with my practice since my mother died.  I kicked things up to see what was left in the smoking crater. And if the crater was as bad as I thought and, well…
It wasn’t bad at all, really. The crater was me, not around me. The destruction was upstairs, not out there. They had all been patiently waiting for me to perk up. 
But then (because I am me) I went “You know what’d be a great idea? If I didn’t ease back into things at all, and instead walked directly up to the most monumental Work possible, and started a hockey brawl with it.” And then I intentionally, willfully, wantonly, attempted to throw hands with the Numinous. Within a day the synchronicities started to happen. The weird ones. The ones where you can’t be shocked or skeptical you just sort of go “Well, that’s… a thing that happened.” And it kept happening. People I hadn’t thought of or spoken to in literally 20+ years started sliding across my Tumblr dashboard or showing up as moderators on facebook groups being suggested to me. But did I stop? God no, why would I do that?
Buy the ticket and take the ride. And the ride has been intense. Better I avoid toeing up to that topic, honestly.
Since this has been two years in a row of revisiting this particular relationship in this particular way, I’ve decided to enshrine it. Whatever moon is full earliest in June is Green Lady’s Moon. The new moon begins the process of reconnection with the plant world, strengthening of ties, etc. The full moon will be for re-establishing connection with myself and my personal ties in Ritual. And the waning moon… Purgation. Heaving whatever isn't working, and is just "taking" out the door, kicking it in the ass for good measure. 
This entry is heavily redacted. If the tone seems weird that’s because it’s been edited, edited, and edited again.
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triciamfoster · 1 year
Essential Oils: Bergamot  Citrus bergamia  
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The following information is from Essential Oils for Beginners: The Guide to Get Started with Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Althea Press.
DESCRIPTION  This golden-green essential oil has a thin consistency and a fresh, citrus-like aroma with floral undertones. When used in aromatherapy blends, it is considered a top note.  
ORIGIN  Mediterranean countries, United States 
PROPERTIES  Analgesic, antibacterial, antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, deodorant, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, laxative, sedative, stimulant, tonic, vermifuge, vulnerary  
APPLICATION  Dilute by adding one part bergamot essential oil to four parts carrier oil. This essential oil is suitable for direct inhalation and ingestion, and for diffusion and topical application when diluted.  
PRIMARY USES  Alleviates painful skin conditions, including acne, abscesses, psoriasis, and boils; relieves itchy skin; balances oily skin; comforts coughs; reduces cold symptoms; soothes insect bites and cold sores; prevents halitosis; promotes feelings of peaceful relaxation; alleviates stress and anxiety.  When used in meditation, bergamot essential oil can support healthful detoxification from drug and alcohol addiction and aids in smoking cessation.  
SAFE USE  Bergamot essential oil is generally considered safe; however, it is not recommended for use with children younger than five years old. Applying bergamot essential oil without diluting it first can cause skin irritation, and repeated use can lead to contact sensitization. It is extremely phototoxic; direct sunlight and UV light should be avoided for as long as seventy-two hours after use.
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aurevoirmonty · 8 months
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« Leur seule excuse [aux journalistes], c’est qu’ils n’ont aucun talent ; toujours du bon côté du manche : d’ailleurs ils le tiennent. Ils vivent de l’air du temps dont ils sont une émanation comme un mauvais gaz. Ils ont le droit de vous insulter, de vous diffamer et calomnier sans jamais en payer le prix. Incorrigibles, indéfendables, intouchables. Des parasites et des ténias. Comme on ne peut ni les raisonner ni les vermifuger, reste le duel. »
François Bousquet, « Éloge de Bernard Lugan », dans le dernier numéro de Revue éléments.
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lecritoire-victorien · 3 months
Liste de plantes utilisées en médecine au Moyen-Âge
1. Mandragore (Mandragora officinarum) : Utilisée comme sédatif et anesthésique. Associée à de nombreuses superstitions, on lui attribuait des pouvoirs magiques.
2. Angélique (Angelica archangelica) : Considérée comme une plante protectrice contre les maladies et le mal. Utilisée pour traiter les troubles digestifs et les infections respiratoires.
3. Consoude (Symphitum oficinale) : Utilisée en cataplasme pour accélérer la cicatrisation des plaies et des fractures. Soulage la douleur et réduit l’inflammation. 
4. Chélidoine (Chelidonium majus) : Employée pour traiter les verrues et autres affections cutanées. Également utilisée pour ses propriétés détoxifiantes pour le foie.
5. Fenouil (Foeniculum vulgare) : Utilisé pour faciliter la digestion et comme remède contre les troubles respiratoires.
6. Millefeuille (Achillea millefolium) : Employé pour arrêter les saignements et traiter les blessures, ainsi que pour ses propriétés anti-inflammatoires et analgésiques.
7. Tanaisie (Tanacetum vulgare) : Utilisée comme vermifuge et pour traiter divers maux, y compris la migraine et les rhumatismes. Attention, à fortes doses, elle peut être toxique.
8. Véronique (Veronica officinalis) : Employée pour ses propriétés expectorantes et comme tonique pour les troubles respiratoires et digestifs.
9. Absinthe (Artemisia absinthium) : Utilisée pour stimuler l'appétit et améliorer la digestion, mais aussi comme vermifuge. L'absinthe est également connue pour ses effets psychoactifs lorsqu'elle est consommée en grandes quantités dans la boisson du même nom.
10. Pulsatille (Anemone pulsatilla) : Utilisée pour ses propriétés calmantes et contre les troubles nerveux, mais elle est toxique et doit être maniée avec précaution.
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jojobegood1 · 3 months
8 vermifuges naturels pour chiens 🐶✅ | Sont-ils DANGEREUX ?
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ravenwastaken · 1 year
restaurant but the menu items are things you can eat in fromsoftware games
dappled white cured meat
widow's lotus
blooming purple moss clump
eel liver
old spice
umbilical cord (one third)
black bug pellet
dark moon grass
gold-pickled fowl foot
stanching boluses
egg vermifuge
blood dreg
fine snow
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lemondeabicyclette · 1 year
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VIENNE - Le politicien autrichien Herbert Kickl est un complotiste pro-russe et anti-américain qui défend le vermifuge de cheval (ivermectine) comme remède contre le COVID-19 et veut transformer le pays alpin en une « forteresse » contre l'immigration.
Il est également le favori des chances de devenir le prochain leader de son pays et le prochain gros mal de tête de l'Europe.
Le Parti de la liberté d'extrême droite de Kickl est en tête des sondages nationaux du pays de plusieurs points depuis novembre, alors que la hausse de l'inflation et une forte augmentation des demandes d'asile alimentent le mécontentement à l'égard du gouvernement actuel, une coalition entre le Parti populaire autrichien de centre-droit et les Verts.
Avec l'autre principal parti d'opposition, les sociaux-démocrates, en proie à des luttes intestines, le parti de Kickl a les meilleures chances depuis des années de prendre le pouvoir. [suite]
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im doing a very video gamey diversion.
im stuck on a midgame boss and i would like some more attack power, but the stat that my weapon (that im only using for a meme) scales with is already at the cap, so i need to upgrade my weapon directly. it uses a resource called dragon scales to upgrade, and those are really rare (they're technically farmable but they're a rare drop and there are only 10 directly available as loot from around the world, which incidentally is exactly as many as i need). all the rest that i don't have require killing things except this one. there is an npc in the game that trades certain items for certain other items, but only once, and you do it by accessing a secret area, dropping the item into a bird's nest, and reloading the level by quitting the game. this npc gives you a dragon scale for an egg vermifuge, and the best way to get egg vermifuges is from another npc. but in order for that npc to sell you egg vermifuges, you need to be infected by the thing the egg vermifuge cures. in order to get infected, i need to aggro an enemy that has a brain parasite, and wait for it to do an attack where the brain parasite jumps out and bites at my head. this only has a chance to work, so i did it five times for good measure (if it worked, your character's idle animation will be scratching their head). after that, i need to wait five or so minutes for the egg to hatch, and then the npc will start selling me the cure. i get two of them, use one on myself, then go all the way back up to firelink shrine to access the secret area by jumping off a moving elevator and curling up like an egg in a nest (different from the one the npc is in). then i go to the nest i need, put the egg vermifuge into the nest, save and quit, re-enter, and then pick up the item and now it's a dragon scale, and i can go to a bonfire and upgrade my weapon.
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publicite-francaise · 2 years
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Le bon vermifuge Lune, 1937.
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khodorkovskaya · 1 year
holy shit you guys, i went to see a medium today and it was insane.
everyone had to sit around in a circle and he would place his hands on the shoulders of every person for five seconds. and then you had a minute long one on one chat with him. here is what he told me:
im hypersensitive. i mean duhh obviously, we been knew. that is my biggest obstacle in life and always has been.
my hyperhidrosis comes from the fact that my liver is too hot. which is interesting bc i never thought about it this way but it makes sense that my liver doesn't function like a regular person's. because i have trouble digesting alcohol and sugar. and that's what the liver does, right? and combined with the fact that im always sweaty and overheating it makes even more sense. he also said that having a hot liver is linked to me being hypersensitive. which idk what he meant by that but why not.
i have scoliosis. which is probably true idk. my body is not super symmetrical and im tall so i know im probably gonna end up with back problems when im older. but compared to my peers who complain about backpain 24/7, i can't relate. my back never hurts and i have quite good posture. so idk about scoliosis. but it wouldn't surprise me bc i remember in kindergarten the nurse told my father that i might have scoliosis and he cussed her out and said that she was stupid and that she made it up. but hey, maybe if he had actually listened to the nurse and taken me to the doctor, i could've known sooner.
i need to take vermifuge ????? like wtf. do i have tapeworms??????
anyway, yeah, it was crazy. he also said i have anxiety and self esteem issues.
but like... im not over the tapeworms thing. if it's true im gonna kms. it sounds terrifying. and my stepdad keeps laughing at me! he's been schadenfreude-ing about it the whole day today! like "ohhh you're gonna have to poop in a jar and a doctor is gonna stick his hand up your butt to pull the worms out". like jesus christ... i wanted to see a medium to ask him for help with my drivers test. and what did i get instead?? "you have tapeworms and scoliosis". fml!
anyway, today i had my last exam of the semester and it was horrible. i have a cold and a fever and it was just not a vibe. i think im gonna complain to the student union because this class was just a joke and it's unfair how the professor can do whatever he pleases.
this night i had a dream about sarajevo and B. and you know, i wish the medium could've pointed that out and helped me get over B. but nooo. fucking tapeworms!
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i ate the egg vermifuge bc whatever that thing turns into down the line is probably extremely cool but ultimately i need the head armor slot more rn. dont hate me
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