#verdugo ashley
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3psil-0n · 1 year ago
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What would happen if Leon never found Ashley or, worse, abandoned her? Saddler, Salazar or whoever infected her with the plagas didn't expect the presidents daughter to become a verdugo, yet here they were.
[AU lore and close-ups under the cut :D]
The problem is, Miss Graham was stubborn enough that even the plaga she hosted refused to conform to Los Illuminados whims, wanting revenge on the man who abandoned her with that cult.
Somehow she remained mostly human looking, something that would make it harder to eliminate the bioweapon that she was, but due to the plaga Ashley developed hemolacria (where ones tears are made partially of blood)
[If leon abandoned her] The only person Ashley likes is Luis, who genuinely did try to help Ashley and heavily criticised Leon for what he did. He begins to work for Tricell, solely at Ashleys request for him to be her handler. He can't forgive himself, he felt so guilty that he couldn't save the presidents daughter, blaming himself for what happened to her.
Ashley only has one goal now... to force Leon S Kennedy into reaping what he had sown. If he is still alive, that is...
-Close ups :3-
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prettyflyshyguy · 11 months ago
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Today's warmup that got out of hand is brought to you by chapter 5 of @cannibal-wings's RE4R Fic "You Pay the Cost"
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residentfurry · 3 months ago
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double date! ft @gigi-does-art's oc reynaldo!
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cannibal-wings · 6 months ago
i happened to stumble upon your fanfic when i was browsing for some resident evil infected Leon fanfictions, and by god has yours scaled up to being one of my all-times favourites, !! (i may have reread some stuff in it over and over again, cough cough waterhall cough cough) So i just wanted to stop by and drop off a small gift !!
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Oh gosh thank you soooo much! I've been so hyped about this art all morning. Gonna be thinking about it at work all day! (Ashley's expression is so good wow)
I'm really glad you liked water hall so much, it really makes the like, four times, I rewrote that section feel worth it. Last chapter was by far my favorite to write I think.
Thanks again ahhhh.
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alvivaarts · 2 years ago
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(This is a doodle for my fic:  Simulation Swarm on AO3!) I just realized I never posted plagas!Ashley/infected!Ashley even though I said she would be here! If Leon is infected and mutated, Ashley must be too!!! I already have his design out, but I don’t imagine hers would be too different- Saddler probably wanted to use a particular kind of plagas... which, because I think its cool, I believe would’ve been the Verdugo. (After all, having the same two little lambs get caught up in an explosive and extremely violent and precise mutation at just the right time? Genuis.)
Anywho, differences wise... In this AU, Ashley is much younger (16, but ready and revving for early college!) because of that, her shells and carapaces are much lighter and more of a warm brown color. Leon, meanwhile, has a much darker brown/almost black coloration (as well as a bit of an iridescent sheen, wahoo for dimorphism!) because he’s older. As they both age, their shelling will continue to darken over time, and the white ‘junebug’ marks will become brighter. 
Their very similar mutations also give Leon all the more reason to keep an eye out for her (she reminds him quite a lot of Sherry...)- and Ashley’s at least a little grateful she has somebody to lean on. As she’s said: ‘not every girl gets a super special secret agent’.��
I’ll draw that eventually just to help with the visual!
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catandmousebullshit · 2 years ago
ooc ;;
So I’ve been playing the RE4make...
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ask-a-w · 2 years ago
Summary of RE4R cast meet and greet on Twitch
Finally had time to watch the twitch stream of the RE4R cast meet and greet that aired last week. Here's a quick summary. General: RE4R was made 2 years ago. Everyone in the cast has become one big happy family.
Genevieve Buechner (Ashley): Been acting since a young age. Changed agencies 3 years ago and requested for video game gigs, happy to have landed the role of Ashley. Had to use a lot of her imagination on set after being on TV for years.
André Peña (Luis): Forged a RE4 replica knife and gifted it to Nick on the stream. (Beautiful knife btw!) Did go to acting school, Luis is his first professional paid acting & voiceover role. He knew he was auditioning for RE4R as they forgot to change one name in the script and he saw the name "Saddler". The OG RE4 was the first RE game he played.
Marcio Moreno (Salazar): Is tall IRL, was on his knees to portray a short Salazar while the other actors were usually on stairs. Lived in Spain for 5 years and almost forgot the actual Spanish accent so he asked his brother's gf who is Spanish to record some lines in a Spanish accent so he could remember the accent again. Usually plays villains or "stereotypical Mexicans" in acting roles and was quite happy to play a Castellan role.
Also played the El Gigante, Verdugo, Dr Salvadore, the ganados, and one of the Bella sisters. He had fun playing monsters.
Christopher Jane (Saddler): Happy to play the villain. Was initially convinced that he was only hired for just the table read and not the actual game. The director had to tell him repeatedly he is playing Saddler for the entire gig.
Jon Bryant (Mendez): Is a singer and his actual voice sounds totally different from Mendez. He does sing in Mendez's voice near the end of the stream which is hilarious. Singing a birthday song in Mendez voice was funny.
Michael Adamthwaite (Merchant): Has English heritage on his mother's side so he channeled some British twang for the role. His maternal grandfather also sells real estate IRL (if I’m not mistaken) so “selling stuff” is in his blood. 😝 Had his 10 year old son on the stream and it was his birthday, what an adorable kid.
Mike Kovac (Krauser): Does stunts professionally, used to be a wrestler. Already had experience handling knives and brought a training knife onto set on the first day. The director was happy and open to more realistic knive movements for the characters.
Based Krauser’s voice off the wrestler Jake “The Snake” Roberts and also Metallica singer James Hetfield.
Lily Gao (Ada): This is her first time doing motion capture, had a fun time despite having all the gear strapped to all parts of the body. Got stuck to Nick via velcro on the mocap suit a few times lol. Mostly acted with Nick and "a few other people". (Other than sharing scenes with Saddler, cultists, Wesker, and chopper pilot, does this mean DLC on the way??)
Actually got booked for Ada in the WTRC movie before RE4R. Did research on Ada's character despite not playing any video games growing up and admires Ada's strong character. Her agent got an email from the RE4R crew to ask her to audition for the video game role 'cos the RER4 crew saw her role in WTRC. The crew wanted to finally cast an Asian actress in the role. Lily did see what the previous VAs did and found all variations to be beautiful. Lily sent in her audition and got the part.
Raylene Harewood (Hunnigan): Did not meet the rest of the cast while working on this. Was not familiar with the RE franchise. Did one audition tape for Hunnigan by pretending to be on a computer and talking to Leon, and then she got cast.
It's her first time doing motion capture as well. Was mostly in a booth with the camera gear and reacting to Leon's lines that were already recorded.
Craig Burnatowski (Wesker): Nick & Lily were the only two people he has met so far, saw some of the others briefly. This is his second time working on a RE game, his first RE game gig was RE Outbreak. The mocap for Outbreak was vastly different back then.
Did not know what franchise he was booked for until he walked onto set and asked what game it was. 🤣
Steve Kniebihly (Cinematics Director): Have been cinematics director for 20 years, recently did the direction for RE3R, RE4R, RE8. Mostly focusing on directing cutscenes. Did a balance between grounded & realistic scenes and also catering to the fans. The bingo line was actually something else during filming but he decided to ask Nick to try out the old line instead and it was kept in the end.
Even if someone screws up their audition, as long as he can vibe with them, he will go with them instead of people who read their lines perfectly. He also doesn't like assholes and can read people. He wants someone who is nice and can take directions well… Capcom also has a say who is cast for the role as well, not just Steve.
Nick Apostolides (Leon): Nick has not met the VAs for Hunnigan & Mike in person. Cooked meals for everyone on set and everyone was raving about his cooking, especially his barbecues. Was asked to come back to play Leon.
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multi-fandom-imagine · 2 years ago
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A/n: Angst and fluff, that’s what all this fic is about.Going with Leon getting injured by Verdugo, protecting the F!reader.
Warnings: Blood, injuries { Leon gets hurt pretty bad }
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It was a blow that should have been meant for you but Leon wasn’t about to let that happen so he did what was second nature to him.
Push you out of the way.
A yell escaped from his lips as he felt the claw digging into his side and yet he knew he still had to protect you. He was lucky enough to blow the things head off before his knees hit the ground. Gasping he pressed his hands to his side, blood seeping through his finger tips. “Are you alright.”
“Me…Leon…oh god!” You didn’t even know what to say, your mind was still trying to process what even happened. Chest heaving you quickly rushed to his side. The man slumping into you as your arms wrapped around his waist. You could ask him questions later, right now you needed to get somewhere safe.
You tried to get the man to walk with you, you did your best to encourage him but he was losing so much blood. You didn’t even want to look at the trail he was leaving. Blinking back some tears you managed to slip into a empty room, a sigh or relief seeing a few medical supplies strewn about on the table.
“Leon! Hey! Nononono. You can’t fall asleep on me, you have to stay awake alright.”
Doing your best not to panic, you got to work on treating the wound. A sigh of relief escaping your lips seeing the padding took most of the blow though it did not ease your nerves watching the blood soak the bandage but at least it was stemming.
Hearing a mumble of your name, your head snapped towards the man as you scooted closer. Your bloodied hand taking a hold of his. “How are you feeling?”
“Did you drug me?”
Sighing you pushed his blond strands out of his eyes, you could see he was doing his best to not fall asleep.
“I gave you medicine.”
Blinking, he then let out a laugh leaning into your hand. “That explains why I dont feel anything.” He let out a laugh.
Shoulders slumping, you gave him a weak smile leaning in to give his forehead a kiss. “Get some sleep okay, we’re close but I can’t have you straining yourself.”
Nodding his head, Leon closed his eyes. Your voice was so soothing, so relaxing. He knew he had to save Ashley but in this state he wasn’t about to go anywhere until he gained a bit of his strength back, his hand squeezing yours.
“Hey Y/n.” He wanted to tell you before he passed out, he needed to tell you.
“Yes Leon?”
“I love you.”
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sapphire-weapon · 11 months ago
I went to get POV shots of the balcony scene, and it's goofy.
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>offers to catch Ashley >can't actually fucking see her
I think they meant for Leon's POV to be like this:
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But in order to get that shot, I had to put the camera here:
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Additionally, how good is Leon's aim in this scene?
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Bonus: Verdugo POV
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3psil-0n · 11 months ago
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"I won't rest until I'm home and I'm free." - Human, by me :D!
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polarspaz · 1 year ago
InfectionRE AU Plaga Tidbit
So how intelligent is Leon's Plaga?
Normal Plaga, the drones of the hive, are just intelligent enough to manipulate their human hosts into doing what they want and get a task done. They are incapable of having any personal wants, or desires. Everything they do is either done for the benefit of the Hive or a direct command from the Queen.
But Leon's Plaga has neither of those things, all it has it's are it's own instincts and Leon's reactions to rely on. So in the beginning, the Plaga is terrified. It's in a venerable body, it has no idea what is going and it is being attacked, constantly.
Throughout the whole escapade in Spain, the Plaga is essentially hanging on for dear life. It want's nothing more than to take their shared body and run! They are a single drone, they are no match against an entire Hive! But his host refuses, ignores it's irritation and fear and moves forward.
And slowly, with every insane victory Leon achieves, the Plaga becomes more confident, learns, and adapts. it's intelligence growing beyond it's normal kin, especially when Leon starts to communicate with it.
So, even with the constant agitation of keeping Leon healthy, combined with the insane stress of their job, the Plaga is ecstatic to have such a skilled host. With Leon's abilities and the Plaga's mutation, they've essentially become an apex predator, and for an animalistic creature like the Plaga this is very nice.
---Things the Plaga LIKES------
-Sweets, cupcakes, sugary delights. -Killing a powerful foe. -Killing those that threaten it's family/kin. -Sexy Times with Luis ((Luis in general)). -Leon ((WHEN HE FINALLY TAKES CARE OF HIMSELF)) -Ashley (she brings sweets) -Napping underneath a dozen blankets, shaped like a little cave. -Warm things -One upping Chris in fights
---Things the Plaga HATES-----
-Romance movies. Or any movies that have little to no action. -Leon ((WHEN HE DOESN'T TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF)) -Verdugo and other B.O.W.S -Needles -bright or intense light. -COLD. SNOW. ICE.
-Pain. Hunger. Tiredness.
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prettyflyshyguy · 11 months ago
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Today's warm ups are once again brought to you by "You Pay the Cost" and the one time @cannibal-wings very politely asked me for a favor:
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residentfurry · 7 months ago
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Older Ashley and Mari! This is the concept that initially started my oc x canon au, as I wanted to give Ashley more moments because I think she deserves to come back and kick ass.
Little bit of info about Older Ashley + Mari under cut!
After the events of Re4, Ashley returned home but found it difficult to return to normal after everything. When Mari shows up, Ashley learns to deal with her past and figures out her future: she wants to save people just like Leon saved her.
So she became a bioweapon hunter! No matter how hard BSAA and other organizations work, outbreaks are outbreaks, and there is still cleanup to do even after zones are declared "clean." That's when Ashley and Mari come in and take out the stray bioweapons, as well as take on missions to clean up smaller outbreaks of bioweapons that the BSAA can't outsource their people to.
They don't work with any government, as Ashley knows they would not take kindly to Mari, but they do spy on the BSAA for leads on where bioweapons might be. This is what leads them to the village after the events of re8 to clean up any remaining bioweapons ^^.
And who knows; maybe someday she'll have a reunion with people she used to know ;)
Their items:
Tracker- She has a tracker that directly connects to Mari's pack so that in the case of separation she can find Mari.
Mini testing kit and lab- A portable lab that can be used to test for infections and viruses.
Pistol and sniper rifle- Pistol is used for closer encounters while the rifle is used for further targets. She balances the rifle off of Mari's shoulder to shoot. (Mari isn't effected by the noise as her ear is located near her hip)
Flares and matches- for starting fires and signaling for help in worse case scenarios. It's not uncommon for Ashley and Mari to spend days in the wilderness tracking bioweapons so matches are necessary for cooking food and purifying water.
Knife- for combat and survival.
Survival kit- basic survival kit with extra medical supplies than normal. Full of medicinal herbs.
Backpack- for storage.
Mari's pack- Mari's pack was uniquely crafted to fit her frame and is packed with ammo, flashbangs, and smoke bombs. The pouches on the back are for quick access while Ashley stands on the metal platform. The metal platform has wheels so it may be tilted for more versatility, and the handles are for balance when Mari makes quick maneuvers.
Thats pretty much the basics! If you have any questions or comments about the AU send some asks, I would love to answer them! ^-^ Thanks for reading!
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cannibal-wings · 5 months ago
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Im dropping by to hand over this gift, thank you for the latest chapter. It was so good, couldnt stop rereading !!
Ahhhhhh! Thank you so much! I cannot stop laughing, that's it, that's the tone right at the end. Luis like, "Heeeey, so...I might be in some trouble-" And Leon just being so fucking over it.
The dog in the background all "I'm going to become a problem now." Glad you enjoyed the chapter!! I was very happy with how it came out. Thanks again!
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alvivaarts · 2 years ago
ALRIGHT! All the other buggy adjacent mutants have cool names!(Novistadores - the unseen, Verdugo - the executioner/the hanged man, Pesanta - the lap dog)
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(Note: I'm not a native Spanish speaker, so a lot of these may be mispelled or misunderstood. Please correct me if so, and I'm also VERY welcome to suggestions!) (Also note- this is for an ongoing WIP of a fanfiction!)
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regalautumn · 8 months ago
Why I hate Jack Krauser for all the right reasons
Okay, so before I get lynched by someone; this is just my opinion and thoughts, I haven't played much of the original and so I'm solely going off the remake here. [I'm sorry in advance if I end up upsetting anyone. I'd be more than happy to hear other's thoughts on the topic of Krauser.] I wanna start with the obvious reason why. Killing off one of my favourites, Luis Serra. [Listen, I know it was different in the original RE4 where it was Saddler instead but let me be salty for a moment.] Luis had the Amber, he had his ticket out. He could've escaped with Ada yet helped Leon and Ashley at the same time (I know he technically still does help even after he dies by giving the lab key) But then Krauser had to come in, kill the beloved Spaniard to retrieve the Amber and proceeded to duel Leon with the intention of killing him. Just the pure malice in his voice when he says the word "Rookie". It's enough to practically send a chill. And then when Leon had originally reached for his gun and Krauser puts the same knife he killed Luis with to Leon's throat. The speed at which he moves at is terrifying. I know there's the counterargument of Krauser being controlled by the Plaga. But I still wanna go over the boss fight Krauser was Leon's mentor, that is pretty common knowledge. But just the build up to the fight. The dog tags that were left on display and the photo of rookie Leon with the words "I'M WAITING". Like, he didn't need to do that. But he did anyway.
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And then the back and forth between them before the actual fight. Leon tries to talk sense into Krauser, but it's evident that Krauser was already too far gone. That is a shell of who he once was, and now he just wants to end Leon. Also the way his body mutates during the boss fight really puts the final nail in the coffin. The line "Dead? No, I've been reborn..." really shows just how lost the actual Krauser is inside that body. Now it was just a husk of a man, a mindless mutant that's set out to kill.
And by the end, when Leon hold Krauser's knife, he sees a reflection of himself in it. Unlike earlier when in that one sequence after Verdugo it was Krauser's reflection looking right back at Leon. It really just reflects for a moment as to what had occurred. Leon had defeated his mentor, the very person who had trained him to be the agent he was today. I know this isn't normally the type of stuff I post and this is just a rant that could've been summed up with "I don't like Krauser because he killed Luis :(" and me being salty about it. But I do see the appeal! I can see why people like him. Hell, I think he is a pretty damn good rival to Leon due to both their past together and how Krauser matches his skill and strength level (I know, he used to be his mentor, no shit). [Though I don't see why some people ship them. That's just not my thing.} Anyways, if you read all of that: I'm sorry. Why? It felt like I just pointed to the obvious things that happened in game with some parts probably being overlooked. Okay rant over. Have a nice rest of your time awake.
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