#venusaur kin
fairytalefragments · 4 years
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༄ | favourite pokemon graphic meme...
➳ favourite starter pokemon; Bulbasaur
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plusultrakincore · 5 years
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💚 | 003 - Venusaur
[ stimboard challenge - free to rb! ]
• Mod Deku •
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duckskinkorner · 5 years
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Bulbasaur Evo Line Icons from the Pokemon Anime (Pokedex 1,2,3)
Reblog to use!
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stimiestuff · 8 years
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Venusaurkin slime stimboard
☆ /  ☆  /  ☆  –  ☆  / ☆  –  ☆ /  ☆  /  ☆
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ghostmartyr · 5 years
Pokémon FireRed Nuzlocke [Part 8]
No grinding, no life. The Bill Gaiden Island thingamajig that starts after you beat Blaine has begun, and in the spirit of really wanting our team not to die, we’re running around doing things we don’t care about.
That’s the summary of this whole run.
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Kindle Road is a much cooler name. Why didn’t you just name the whole island that, instead of shoving it onto the beach area?
Also, I guess this means a new route!
...With... a Tentacool!
New route, old problems.
Thanks to Blaine, Zaft is now the lowest level of the party at 41. Accordingly, Zaft gets to be up front for this adventure. Good luck, Zaft. We believe in you and so on.
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Our belief is immediately rewarded with a level 35 Psyduck. Then another. At 36. Then a level 37 Golduck. Not bad. Zaft thanks you for your sacrifice.
Back on ground, Picnicker Claire wants to throw down. Starting with a level 35 Meowth. Then another level 35 Meowth. Pikachu. Clefairy. Bringing home the win is Zaft once more.
There are a bunch of rocks around here. Does anyone know Rock Smash.
...Okay, fake question.
Can a Pidgey learn Rock Smash?
tfw the real question is whether or not I have Rock Smash. I seem not to. Fine.
Camper Bryce!
He has a level 36 Nidorino that looks like a job for... uh. Not Zaft. Po, play nice. Sprinkle gets the Sandslash. Since we’re switching things up, the Raticate can go to Allenby.
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I still keep wondering if someone sits down and renames every single NPC based on localization. Keeps me up at night. Anyway, puny level 35 Shellder, you are no match for Zaft. The Cloyster is slightly more intimidating, but that means nothing. Same to the level 38 Wartortle.
A wild double battle appears, so Heero and Allenby go up front. Against Crush Kin Mik & Kia’s level 39 Machoke and Primeape. Yeah, that’s a bit more intimidating. But nowhere near enough.
More Fighting trainers ahead, so Heero stays up front. Have fun, little one.
Black Belt Shea has a level 38 Machop. You mock me, sir. The Machoke is better.
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Of the many things you could call Red’s outfit of choice, I’m not sure ‘frivolous’ fits. Black Belt Hugh. Another Machop, but this one’s level 37. Heero takes the food as a sign to learn Slash. Bye, Metal Claw. You were not very helpful. Machoke’s up next. Heero treats it similarly.
Back in the grass, I encounter a Fearow. But Spearow’s line has a check next to it for this run, so we’re still waiting for the proper first encounter for Kindle Road.
This is the only part of the run that matters.
Back to the fighting, where Crush Girl Tanya wants a fight. She has a level 38 Hitmonlee. Heero eats it. She has a level 38 Hitmonchan. Heero eats it. A good day is had.
Crush Girl Sharon is next. With a level 37 Mankey. Then a Primeape. I’m sensing a theme with some of these people.
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I’m going to be so full of hatred if this extra bit has enough routes for me to fill my Pokedex to 50. RIP Exp. Share. But apparently the Ember Spa is for healing only. Tragic.
We return to water, and so Zaft returns to the front of the squad.
Swimmer Finn’s level 38 Starmie vs Zaft. Ready, fight.
It ain’t much of a fight, let me tell you that.
Swimmer Maria has a level 37 Seadra. Naisu. Then another. This extra area likes me.
Fisherman Tommy has five pokemon, which. I do not think I’ll like. The first one is a level 33 Goldeen. Suspicions confirmed. There’s another one. Allenby, in the spirit of you not becoming obsolete, I think you can take this Trainer. Seaking, level 35. Another Seaking. One last Seaking. Good, that’s over.
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I have no memory of this place.
It seems like I need HMs.
I don’t wanna need HMs.
Even though the old man in the spa gave m the Rock Smash one.
Team Rocket is also here.
...Can Pidgey learn Strength?
Hm. Much like Rock Smash, it cannot.
Well. To the PC, I guess.
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Hey Bill, what the fuck.
I guess. Uh. The map says there’s another place south of this island, so I guess I’ll explore that and then sadly proceed to whatever it was that Bill wanted me to do for him.
Swimmer Amara, who is presumably not in love with her cousin, has a level 36 Seel. Not anymore. Oh wait, she has another one. Now she’s out, because her last pokemon is a Dewgong.
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Is this place named Treasure Beach because I’m expected to use this gen’s terrible Itemfinder. Because I don’t like this gen’s Itemfinder. I don’t like it at all.
Psyduck, I have you. Get out. Spearow, please stop. Tangela, interesting, but no. Fearow, I don’t have you, but the species clause is our hill to die on.
...Can I catch anything on this island? Beach? Thing?
Serebii says no.
I hate this fucking Itemfinder.
I guess I’m done with things here for now.
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...Were these originally in English?
I just feel like they might have been.
And then I got a fetch quest for a lost child.
Her name is Lostelle.
The Pokemon Center’s PC doesn’t work either.
Get it together.
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Ugh. I can’t remember if this is a good idea in a Nuzlocke. 5 PP and 90 accuracy. PP is something I actually worry about in this gen and with this set of limitations.
but 150 damage
Oh wait, the user can’t do anything the next turn.
Sorry Heero, no Blast Burn.
Good news, there’s a level 14 Poliwag in the water. Its name Rab now.
And once again, I’m out of things to do on this island, so I guess I’m heading to the next one in hopes that it contains Bill’s quest stuff that gives me back the access to my PC.
Oh, sorry, Bill’s PC. -_-
Bill, this island getaway you dragged a ten-year-old along with you on is found wanting.
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The Bill Gaiden is the strangest part of this anime.
Hey, Three Island’s PC works! Imagine that!
Anyway, we’ve stepped into the stage of beating up Bikers. Because this is their island now.
The first Biker’s name is Goon. Somehow, this is still probably better than going directly to Giovanni. Goon has a level 37 Koffing. Then a Grimer that looks like Sprinkle’s.
Hence, the ordeal with Goon ends.
Oh wait.
They’re all named Biker Goon.
These guys are so basic they don’t get actual names. #2 has a level 38 Koffing and nothing else. Good for him. #3 has a level 38 Grimer.
Oh good, someone with an actual name.
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For the sake of this argument, Paxton is a name. He has a level 39 Weezing. Followed by a Muk. Very on-brand. Sprinkle, go forth.
Aaaaand it’s over.
Okay, time to work out the HM problem. What out of what I have can learn both Rock Smash and Strength? And isn’t a member of my real party.
Gyarados (Altron), Onix (Athrun), Growlithe (Duo), Krabby (Tarle)--
Wait up. Tarle can learn Strength and Rock Smash, yes.
She can also learn Cut.
Quatre, you are being replaced. Even though Ren is technically the one in your slot right now. Tarle! Welcome to the wide world of being an HM slave!
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We return to our regularly scheduled grinding-that-is-not-called-grinding-because-of-the-limitations-set-by-this-run. With Twins Joy & Meg. They have a level 37 Clefairy each. I have a Sprinkle and Allenby.
Aroma Lady Violet wants to battle next. She should know better. She throws out a level 36 Bulbasaur. Ivysaur. Next one’s probably a Squirtle. ...No, it’s actually another Ivysaur. Dang it. I was expecting Venusaur. I don’t know why. This gen is very unkind to the NPCs’ pools.
Tuber Alexis has a level 34 Staryu. I have Zaft up front. Oh dear. Krabby, Krabby, Staryu, and done. Sorry kid. I’m taking your money.
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Worst ten-year-old ever.
Aroma Lady Nikki is next with a level 37 Bellsprout. Goody. Heero time. Weepinbell is next, and lasts just as long.
Then it’s back to Water. Tuber Amira with... her level 34 Poliwag. Then level 35 Poliwhirl. That one’s a better choice, kid. But then the Poliwag brings it on back.
A Swimmer’s in the water, and what do we get? Tisha with a level 38 Kingler.
Oh. It’s over.
Heero switching to the front for now. As we enter the Berry Forest. Looking for a lost child. Sigh.
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Damn it. Do I have to fight this?
Oh, cool, it let me run. Hee. The things you don’t try normally.
And through the power of completing a side quest, we return to Two Island. Now with HMs. Trees shudder before me. And wouldn’t you know that Lostelle’s dad is Bill’s friend? Yay, the quests are over. Time to smash rocks on One Island.
My reward is fighting Pkmn Ranger Beth. She has a level 38 Bellsprout. Gloom. Gloom. They’re gone now.
Hey, Mt. Ember wants me to have something nice! A Geodude first encounter! It’s level 7, but aren’t we all sometimes. I shall name him Arms.
Crush Girl Jocelyn wants a fight. She has a level 38 Hitmonchan, but I have a Heero. She has a second one. I still have a Heero.
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Wolverine’s day job. He has a level 37 Exeggcute. Oooh, and then a level 40 Exeggutor. Nice, bro. They’re both gone.
I keep climbing this place.
I hope Moltres isn’t at the end.
I hope more trainers are.
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Sigh. Back down we go.
Worse, I think after we talk to Bill... It might be Giovanni time.
After I quickly check if I could grab another Leftovers from the other Snorlax that isn’t Po.
Cool. Grabbed. Here, Sprinkle. You’re gonna be a player character here.
I’m out of Trainers.
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The team.
I’m going to do whatever I can to keep you guys alive.
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You’re actually the first trainer I found in here.
Cooltrainer Yuji. He starts with a level 38 Sandslash. Allenby, I’m wanting you to have opportunity, but really, I’m sensing that there might not be much point. You can have the Sandslash, though. Oh, and the Graveler. Sprinkle’s in the the Marowak. For Onix we can move back to Allenby. And then there’s a Graveler, and that’s good too.
I want to make sure you aren’t too weak for the winter, Allenby.
First trainer done.
Black Belt Atsushi, what do you have. ...A Machop. A level 40 Machop. Then Machoke. Allenby cleans the stage.
Okay, I think after this, Sprinkle’s in front, but if I have the chance to switch before a Black Belt, Allenby can be in front. I don’t want to divide the exp too much. Ridiculously overpowered individual pokemon is still the basic trend I’m fighting for. Sprinkle needs the levels more than Allenby.
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One level 43 Rhyhorn. Sprinkle laughs.
Cooltrainer Warren is next. With five pokemon. Starting with a level 37 Marowak. Then a Rhyhorn, a Nidoqueen, a Nidorina, and another Marowak. Geez. I feel like I’m getting drunk on the exp. So little for so long. So much is such large pieces. It’s euphoric. This must be why people do drugs.
A Black Belt follows, so Allenby’s back up front against Black Belt... Takashi. He has a level 38 Machoke. I should really consider giving Allenby a primary Fighting move that isn’t Karate Chop. Machop’s next. Then another Machoke that I Allenby has lost enough HP to worry about. Heero.
I think that’s the end of trainers I can reach without going through the whirly maze. I don’t like the whirly mazes. Too much like Silph. Bad mojo.
But we have Sprinkle! What could possibly go wrong!
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Tamer Cole has a level 39 Arbok for some reason. Uh. Po, get over here. Then we have a Tauros, so surprise, Allenby, go get it. Allenby spends a ton of time confused and we’re all sad, but then it works out.
Another Black Belt, another Allenby.
And screw it, we’re in the final chapters. Allenby can have a TM. Brick Break replaces Karate Chop, because I was tired of one of my best Attackers not one-shotting things.
Black Belt Kiyo has one level 43 Machoke. Ready, Allenby?
Allenby slays, Sprinkle goes back in front.
Just in time for Cooltrainer Samuel. He has a level 37 Sandslash. A level 38 Rhyhorn. A level 39 Nidoking. A Nidorino I gift to Po. And a Sandslash brings Sprinkle back in. On to the next.
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First out is a level 45 Rhyhorn.
Yeah. This is going to be fine until it isn’t. I’m not looking forward to that moment. A level 50 Rhyhorn pops out, and again. Yeah. Oh good, his Nidoqueen is only 44. The Nidoking is 45 because these games can’t quite help being sexist.
A level 42 Dugtrio is... last?
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I’m glad I trained you.
Now then.
I won’t be arrogant enough to say I’ve almost won. I’m the one who lost two of my team to a random Gyarados I didn’t even need. But the number of things left is shrinking very quickly.
I think our rival decides to be a pain right before the League, so Zaft is up front in case of Pidgeot. Other than that, there’s not much I really can do, short of some TM shopping I might consider once I make it through Victory Road. A little on the fence for that, still.
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I feel like we’ve done this before. :P
Hopefully this time won’t be too different.
Yep, Pidgeot first. At level 47. Ick. Spark isn’t enough to take it out all the way, so I think I might want to risk another of--okay, no. No to everything about that. No risking. Just heading on forward. That damn thing’s Quick Attack does enough damage to worry about it using other moves.
(Zaft needs another move. I thought one would’ve been learned by now...)
Great, Pidgeot down. And oh look, Turq has a Rhyhorn too. They’re very in this season. Sprinkle, if you wouldn’t mind... It’s level 45, which makes me feel slightly better about everything. Not by much, but I appreciate it.
Heero steps in for Exeggcute. It’s only 45, too.
Blastoise is up.
...Zaft. You’re using Light Screen first, but there are too few exp chances for me to spare you the risk of this one entirely. This is partially why you’re here at all.
It’s level 53. Okay. Zaft, you’re using Light Screen, hopefully living, and then not staying.
Blastoise used Rain Dance.
It is so fucking tempting to have Zaft stay in, but Zaft’s best move is Spark. Which is pretty inexcusable now that I think about it. My only attempt at an excuse would be that I could’ve sworn it was supposed to learn the whatever thing by now.
But in any case, Po. Tank us in.
His Blastoise knows Water Gun.
This game’s idea of balancing fear and actual balance is entertaining at times.
Wow, Body Slam did basically nothing. Oh well. The Blastoise can’t kill Po, so they’re staying locked in a room together until I get the outcome I want.
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Po’s a good girl.
Turq’s Growlithe is still a Growlithe, so Allenby!
Alakazam is last. Heero, take the wheel. Hot level 47 v 47 action.
I win!
Hell. Those level differences do not make me happy. Hopefully the main threat is meant to be that three of them haven’t evolved yet, and will have by the end. Otherwise, I hope Victory Road is way more full of trainers than I remember. I do not like this.
Hey, ZAFT.
Guess who looked at the wrong gen of Electrode’s Pokedex entry?
Okay, first thing on my list next time? We’re getting you Thunderbolt. Because Electro Ball doesn’t exist right now. Uh. Sorry about that. Your crippling overspecialization is. perhaps. now crippling.
Look, let’s just focus on the highs.
I have all eight badges, and I beat my rival. I’m cleared to head through the League. Good, right? We’re all fine here.
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marowreck-archive · 7 years
Pokemon starters
A masterlist 2017 by me and a friend. Context: On a bus, bored,  discussing pokémon. Roasting 90% of them.
Enormous list under the keep reading. Warning for bad opinions, and smoking?? no idea. Just read it. You will know what i mean.
Pikachu: pika. that means dick. electrick dick pokemon. i hate pikachus with a passion. Raichu: i like raichus. fat, fat rats.
Bulbasaur: Cannabis cat frog Ivysaur: Cannabis cat frog with a flower on head Venusaur: Illegal cannabis plantation on a forest cat turtle frog
Charmander: Lizard on fire Charmeleon: Slightly bigger lizard on fire Charizard: Flying lizard. on fire.
Squirtle: Turtle Wartortle: Slightly bigger turtle Blastoise: warturtle tank
Chikorita: Giant  uhh uh plant uh whatever it is i ate one once Bayleef: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh girafe with uh seed necklace Flowey Megalovania 2015: HOLY SHIT THE PLANT EAT ASS
Cyndaquil: Mouse on fire 4chan 2016 ao som de gta san andreas youtube Quilava, quipassa, quisseca: Bigger Rat on fire. Typhfphfphfphfphfhfplosion: wingless flaming uhhhhhhhhh winglesss buzzard Totodile: alligator. bigger totodile: another alligator. big aligattor: big alligartor.
Treecko: Chameleon smoking a joint Grovyle: that thing but with a leaf Sceptile: that thing but with a leaf and a forest butt
Torchic: Somebody forgot the stove on and the chicken burned how do i fix it Combusken: hot cock on fire Blaziken: taekwondo hell chicken. on fire.
Mudkip: i will pretend it doesnt exist. such a failure. what is even this thing. no. *me, crying* i love him Marshtomp: it. uh. uhhhhhhh exists. Shrek: GET OUT OF MY SWAMP
the turtle; i dont care enough about it but it is a turtle the other turtle: slightly bigger turtle i don tlike them: coconot turtl
Monkey: Monkey on fire Monkey: flaming yellow fever Monkey: another monkey on fire but it fights
Piplup: 🅱️enguin. cute. piplup with r: 🅱️igger 🅱️enguin  Napoleoff: 🅱️ig 🅱️ig 🅱️enguin, em🅱️eror, 🅱️apoleon
Snivy: pride snek Im not remembering the name: biggy pride confident snek Superior: confident snek snek pridey and big ego and no hands
Pig: fried bacon Fat pig: is fat bacon I dislike the fact that this is a fighting pig: another fighting animal.
Chespin: the hat thing on the back is assymetrical my big fat nut: he roll Chesnaughty: spin sppine sp spine spike sss
Fennekin kin: firefox that is not actually on fire Rule34: please. stop... this is a furry turn on....... pokemon co you knew it could happen,, FNAF foxy: FINALLY IT IS NOT A FIRE FIGHTING . I LOVE. FIREFOX WITH CONTROLLING MIND POWERS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Here come dat boi: o shit waddup  Froggerr: please dont run over it edge: edgy furry naruto oc too strong
Rowlet: cute. i have nothing to say. speechless. i would hug them. Owwww... it doesnt have ow on it?: badass birb Deciduieyeyuuifsjdjslfjeye: HOLY FUCK BADASS IT IS A GHOST TYPE OH MY GOD BEAUTIFUL I LOVE
Litten: i put my cat on fire Torrada: i put my cat on fire² NO. NO. NO. NOPE. ENOUGH: I CAN T BELIEVE ANPTHER FIRE FIGHTING I HATE TH- it is not a fighting. is this what im hearing? hOW. GOOD. BUT. UH. HOW IS THIS NOT FIGHTING
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