#venture save me
radiolore · 3 months
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copy pasted from my tiktok plus some :3
• wants to take care of plants but cant due to their job
• forgets to drink water a lot
• one time passed out due to dehydration, the wayfinder society found them in a cave and they had to be in the emergency room for a day
• since then, they got an app on their phone that buzzes when they should drink water and itll water a virtual plant :3
• unironically loves classical music
• likes to scour the internet in their spare time to listen to different music genres from different eras
• wishes they could learn intruments, especially ancient ones that people dont typically play anymore but cant cause of the time their job takes, but they still admire people who do play those intruments still!!
• their parents are missing and are pressumed dead and they hope that by being an archeologist they can find them one day
• used to cry as a kid when people would squish ants :(
• they think they dont have time for a partner, so theyre not really looking for one, but wouldnt be opposed to having one if they met the right person
• if they did meet someone they were interested in, would be super estatic and friendly, talking to them a lot, looking for them when they enter a room, etc
• would prefer an in-person relationship, they would be willing to try long distance but with how much they travel for their job, they will end up not being happy because they feel like they have to choose between their partner and passion :((
• they would end up romantacising the person theyre interested in and get disappointed when they dont live up to their fantasies
• really good at coming up with art n crafts ideas, bad at executing them
• autism
• used to be super interested in internet history as a kid, like random events that went down on the internet n stuff, but not so much anymore since theyre an archeologist now
• fav ice cream is rocky road (who would've guessed)
• messy eater
• love language is gift giving and quality time
• speaking of gift giving, if they liked someone they would def research crystal meanings and give them specific crystals based on their meaning
• need some extra luck? they're giving u aventurine, got into trouble recently and need protection? boom amethyst, they like you but they're too scared to say so? they're giving you rose quartz daily and hope you get the hint
• LOVES those shark tooth necklaces and wears one under their sweater (mostly just cuz they don't want it to get caught on something while working and have it fall off)
• any vacations they get from work, they always make sure to visit their grandma and tell her all about their adventures and findings !!
• thinks people with crooked teeth are the absolute cutest (totally not a self insert for me cuz I got crooked teeth ahahahaa nope)
• when they paint their nails they always just do it messily and just let the excess nail polish on their fingers to fall off ☠️☠️ (same)
• can def carry a conversation if ur shy or just don't talk a lot
• has a social media platform where they post cool things they find, after becoming associated with Overwatch, it gains traction
• after their profile gains attention, it actually becomes an in-universe meme/rumor that they chipped their tooth eating a rock
• Sloane thought it was funny, but they eventually come out and make a post saying they chipped their tooth after a rock came flying at their face while drilling 😞
• asexual cuz I said so
• u know that one dinosaur death pose fossil? they have something like that tattooed on their body
• also a compass tattoo probs
• is the BEST hugger
• when they're excited to see you, they'll hug u n pick u up n spin u around n everything
• is the type to see smth random and go "so-and-so would like this" and just get it without seconds thoughts
• used to draw in high school, but kinda stopped after joining the wayfinders
• is incredibly embarrassed by said drawings and would only show you if you either also showed something equally embarrassing or if yall are extremely close....
• had a lego phase
• Sloan and Junkrat send each other random cryptic texts that wouldn't make sense to anyone else looking at them, but it makes sense to them (it'd be stuff like random images or words or gibberish that'd make u go "what ☠️") (and it'd be at such random intervals like a random text from junkrat at 2am and Sloan doesn't send anything back until 3 days later at noon like???)
• I'm sorry but they're a bad texted lmfao they forget to check their phone all the time
• but they're def not a dry texter tho, they'd use faces like :D D: :p :) :3 >u< ): and type in all caps when they're excited with typos
:3 eeeee
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mickpandesal · 2 months
sick to me stomach rn… aurgh…. 🏴‍☠️
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sourjabloki · 4 months
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no matter how many hyperfixations i have i still return to this man
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worblewobble · 11 days
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some perfect stranger, my imitation
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dipblip · 2 months
ohhhh sloan cameron ohhhh venture :>
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useeer · 5 months
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self indulgent cuddles
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miphza · 4 months
“Venture here!”
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ashascoven · 5 months
☽ ✯ venture x witch! reader pt. 1! ✯ ☾
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✯ welcome to my first venture fanfic ever!! ╰(*´︶`*)╯
✯ my venture fixation and endless fanfic reading of them has led me here, hours deep into writing my own...
✯ now that im typing this at 4 am on a school night.. i might have to post this in multiple parts..... 23 pages of fanfic that's still a wip uh oh!!
✯ ahem, i hope theres some fellow venture lovers out there who'll enjoy this! happy reading! :D
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☆ FANFIC DEETS! venturexreader ☆
reader is a female who practices witchcraft! i wrote her that way because i also am a witch irl! :,)
VERY lengthy build-up fanfic (LOTS of reading.. i type a lot i think?)
venture is referred to as sloan <3
lifeweaver is besties with the reader, referred to as niran!
everything related to witchcraft here may be exaggerated / inaccurate for fanfic purposes.. but i tried writing it all into an experience > just reading!!
eventual ritual smut....
feel free to hmu, hope u enjoy :D
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For every night that the full moon showed her face, the couple would be outside to accompany her. •°. *࿐
They'd bask in her glow to the grounds below, cherishing the energy of grace that she brings with her starry companions and practicing gratitude with her.
Both of them would dance around in the grass with bare feet, laughing away at each other's joys until they're so dizzy that they land into the planet’s arms, hand in hand, heart to heart. 𓆩♡𓆪
Gazing at the shapes of the misty clouds above their heads, they'd point out whichever ones reminded them of each other with giddy smiles on their faces.
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Sloan would roll over with that sweet, chipped grin of theirs, facing you and holding your face gently.
Their thumb would run along the corner of your lips, eyes sparkling at how much they could just take you under the skies right now. 
“ah, mi cariño, you're so.. beautiful. no crystal in the world could ever compare to your beauty.”
You'd turn to face them, putting your hand above theirs with a blush on your face.
“oh, sloan! you're too kind, my charming agate..”
“anything for the gem that makes my heart race.”
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The two lovers would giggle at their silly rock jokes, holding each other close under the night’s gentle breeze. 
Never wanting their time together to end, they'd lean into one another, eyes fluttering shut as their lips meet once again. 
The natural softness of your lips pressed against theirs sent shockwaves through their body, none that their drill could ever replicate on a battlefield. 
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You made them feel so warm and loved inside, especially with the way your hands made it to their hair every time you two kissed.
It felt like the world had stopped, and all they could process was how needingly their hands moved all over your body in response, taking their time with each mark, crease, and even speckle of hair.
They loved everything about you after all.. each “flaw” of yours was just another spot that they had the honor of touching and kissing. <3
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They'd pull back for a breath, but really it was just to take you in once more.
“you’re so special to me, mi vida, you know that?”
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The moon was going to show herself at her fullest tomorrow, but curses, you were dreading her appearance..
“something's brewing.. tomorrow won't be a good day, i can feel it.” You mumbled to yourself, glaring down at the black candle you held with its own silver plate. 
The flame that once stood still flickered at your words in response, emitting up to you in what felt like commiseration.
“mm, something's gonna happen, right? go on, you can tell me~..”
You poked your index finger at its flame in a petting motion, watching as the flickering intensified. The shape of the fire leaned away from your touch in shame.
“don't be sorry, it's not your fault.. shh..”
You tilted your head at it and cooed with a comforting tone, holding the candle closer. 
The flickering stopped and the size of the once spirited flame dimmed down into a ball of burning light.
Moving your gaze back to the rain outside of the window you stood in front of, you sighed.
“just, please protect them for me, okay? i know you can do it, take this and keep them safe..”
You held the candle steadily in front of your face, careful not to drop it with one hand. 
The other hand reached down into the drawer of your altar’s nightstand, pulling out an old, used incense stick.
With the edge of it, you used the dripping wax to draw out a sigil onto the body of the candle, whispering an affirmation in hopes that it reaches the universe in time.
Then, you placed the candle down, thanking it for letting you borrow its energy.
You looked back at your sleeping lover, resting peacefully in the bed you two shared.
They hugged a pillow that you had nudged in place of where you were laying, already drooling all over it. Their hair was a mess and their body already took over most of the bed.
Yeah, they were just in a grey T-shirt and purple boxers with lightning bolts patterned onto them, but god, they were such a sight to take in.
You smiled, before looking back at the window and its altar, your heart feeling a little lighter for the night.
“yeahh.. they'll be alright.”
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“moorningg sunshiinee~! (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )”
“mmhh.. whehh..”
“i mean, it IS raining.. but i made you sunny eggs anyway!”
“actually, i dunno if they're.. exactly.. sunny? they're all nice and poached up for you though! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ”
You felt a plate nudge at your side, earning a groan out of you.
“c’mon mi corazon! you gotta eat something!!”
“por favoorr!!! pleaasee wake up, i wanna hug you before i go! (っ´ω`)っ”
“whuh- huh??”
You finally budged at the gloved hands that were lightly shaking at your shoulders, pushing them away.
Squinting at their blurry face, you rubbed your eyes to get a better view of the person in front of you. 
“before you.. go? you don't normally leave this early, sloannnn..” You yawned, looking up and down at their work clothes in confusion.
They had a different color jacket on today, but your tired mind didn't think to question it, figuring it was because of their job.
“yeahh I knooww my love, but there's some.. new ruins that my buddies found at work..! r-really important duty calls, and history awaits!”
“here, eat this for me! please?” They grinned, holding the plate in front of you as you sat up.
“mmh, promise me you'll stay safe baby.” You shoved a piece of burnt toast in your mouth without really looking at it.
“of couurrssee, y/n! don't you worry your little pretty head about me, i'll be fiiinee~ (つω`。)” They sat the plate down next to you, wrapping their arms around you and snuggling their cheek on top of your head.
“mmhmmm, you better be, or i’ll keep every mirror and glass in this house covered when you're dead!” You reached up, playfully smacking the top of their head.
“nooo!! :( how am i gonna talk to you when i’m a cool mummified spirit thennn?ヾ(  ̄O ̄)ツ"
“no matter how much your ghost bangs on my crystal ball, screaming ‘y/nnn!! mi amooorr.. my priiinceeessss!!! myy woorlldd!!’.. you'll be talking to yourself.”
“baby nooooo :((, pleeaaase don't abandon me like thaatt, really! don't worry about me, i’ll bring back goodies for you n’ everything! (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ” They pecked your lips, holding your face with the cutest puppy eyes ever.
“awwe, fiinnee. i believe in you, sloan.. i won't curse you with being a lonely spirit.. yet. (´-.-`)” You joked, your hands making it on top of theirs. 
They rolled their eyes, continuing to make a mess of your face with their honey-coconut chapstick.
You happily absorbed all of their pouty kisses like a crystal soaking up a person’s energy. 
You could've sat there and let them kiss you awake forever..
..but unfortunately, the excavator had a job to do.
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With one last kiss on your lips, they hurried over to the bedroom’s closet, snatching up a backpack and their signature drill from it, and they waved their way out of the door.
“alright baby, i gotta go now! i love you, i miss you already! (´ ε ` )”
“oh-! i love you more! thanks for the food! ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡” You blew them a kiss.
“nonono, thank YOU for leaving those drinks by the window for me! :D” They peeped their head out of the doorway one last time before rushing through the house.
“don't forget to tell the bugs goodby- WHAT.”
“LOVE YOU MOST!! (o^ ^o)ノ”
You watched them scurry down the road from the window, familiar looking jars clutched in their arms with a grin on their face..
They just took your jars of moon water to work.
You've been carefully curing those jars with salt under the moon light for literal years.
What the fuck.
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With your palm now on your face, you sighed.
“there's no way they just- okay.”
You pressed your hands together and closed your eyes.
“i won't sacrifice them to the gods in their sleep tonight i won't sacrifice them to the gods in their sleep tonight i won-”
The smell of egg and toast hit your nose, making you look down at your side.
The plate of breakfast was still sitting there.
“oh, hm.” You picked up the fork and sliced an egg open with it, watching how the yolk oozed out slowly, inviting you to enjoy it. 
‘chef sloan, huh?’ You raised a brow, bringing a piece of it to your mouth.
‘did they.. try poaching eggs this time? weird, i thought they were in a hurry.. it’s cooked wel-’
You immediately stopped chewing, the slight taste of metallic water failing to compliment the wetness of the actual egg.
You felt your right eye twitch, hoping that the egg wasn't boiled with what you thought it was.
It was then that the adventurous Sloan Cameron was destined to die by the hands of their own lover.
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They jogged through the rain in a hurry, abruptly halting at the bus stop they almost just ran past.
They knew you would've gotten onto them for not taking an umbrella, even more for snatching up their water jugs, but they figured they'll make up for it by kissing you all over later.
With their bags strapped on, drill in their hands, and their girlfriend’s jars now burrowed in their pockets, they were amped for their own little mission awaiting them at a site reserved for the Wayfinder society. 
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See, they weren't actually called for any “important duties” at work, nor were any new ruins discovered.
Rather, they had their own plans for today's solo expedition, and that included secretly taking a trip down an untouched mine.
It was near one of the less active dig sites at their main workplace, hidden under old, giant tires that probably haven't been moved for years.
How did they find it? More like, how didn't they?
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Their bus arrived, and they climbed on, paying for themselves and the one other person behind them with a ‘oh, don’t sweat it!’
They casually sat down towards the front of the bus, careful not to bang their filled pockets against anything, and sighed in relief. ( ´ ▽ ` )
Them and their drill both took up four seats, all dripping wet from the rain outside. 
Some people gave them looks, but they were oblivious to it, one hand patting their drill while the other held the edge of their seat.
They looked to the front window of the bus with a smile, bopping their head side to side while thinking of you. (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b
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Any worries about being found or getting in trouble for working on a site alone was out of the window; today was a paid day off for workers in the society.
But Sloan? Oh, Sloan Cameron was the most committed and daring worker that the Wayfinders had. 
If they weren't invited to anything for the holidays, they'd gladly spend their days putting in more time at work, not caring whether it was even meant to be a work day or not.
If they felt like digging, they could dig that!!!!
No one else at work ever minded anyway, their proven ability to work efficiently and optimistically is what earned their reputation of being reliable enough to be left alone.
Uncovering stories of the past cost them nothing more than physically getting active until they felt like bugging their girlfriend to cuddle them to bed.
..Sloan only ever really took their days off if it meant staying home with their beloved now.
Otherwise? They essentially were paid really well just to do what they love; collecting pretty rocks and bones for their lover, going on fun expeditions for their love of archaeology, and building big muscles in the process.
It was a triple-win in their eyes, they wouldn't have life any other way. No bad day or sudden curse could ever change that..
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Oh, how they felt themselves warm up at the thought of their goddess at home, but quickly shook their head, reminding themselves why they were here at this specific site.
To think that such a cave with so many marvelous finds was right under everyone's noses was bizarre to them.
Sloan was so happy that they were the only one to know about it, gushing to themselves about all the crystals they'll bring home for their witchy wife to work with. 
They let their mind wander again, imagining the smile you usually have on your face from their grand returns home. 
Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→ Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→
You'd rush out of your little sanctuary shack that was on the side of the house to the sound of the doorbell, nearly breaking through the wall to wrap yourselves around them, kissing their dirt-covered face without a care in the world.
‘welcome homee babyy, i’ve missed you soo much, muah muah!! how was work? anyone i need to curse today? are you hungry?? thirsty?’ 
They chuckled to themselves at the thought of your voice, unconsciously rubbing a hand on the side of their face with a ‘shucks.. (ง ื▿ ื)ว..’
They thought about how you'd take quick notice of the extra bag they've come back with, panicking and offering to help them carry their things inside. 
Then, they'd shush you, shuffling over to the living room mat to empty said mystery bag, revealing an endless galore of a crystal witch’s dream.
From that point on, you'd probably tackle them down and they'd laugh, laying there to suffer the wrath of your kisses with no complaints.
Their imagination strayed towards admiring you.. how kissable your neck always is, how holdable your waist was… how much they wanted to take in the view of you on top of them and absolutely devour-
Nonono, they had a mission right now, and that was to acquire stones for their magical wife!!! ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
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Sloan eagerly lowered themselves down into the tunnel of the cave, rope in one hand and flashlight in the other.
Their mining goggles were on, their backpack was on their back, and their jackets were off, leaving them in a white tank top. The jars they stole borrowed from you were now in the pockets of their pants.
Water and sweat dripped all over their arms and neck from how humid it was, but they were too excited to care.
They quickly scouted the place out like a sailor, the grin on their face growing at the sight of all of the crystals already visible to the surface.
It was like this mine was carved out for them, each colorful gem crying out ‘take me home to your lover!!! (」°ロ°)」 take me home to her!!! (」°ロ°)」’
Oh, did Sloan listen to their pleas alright, setting their bag and jars down near the entrance, instantly getting to work with their handy pickaxe.
They would've used their drill, but they stuck to pickaxes for these types of missions, wanting to bring home actual clusters of gemstones for you and not.. pellets.
Besides, whole rocks would be easier to preserve in water than crumbs, right?
Everytime they brought their pick down to the deposits of stones, the grin on their face widened in joy.. It was probably bright enough to start emitting light in the darkness of the mine.
The sound of the axe hitting the ores was music to their ears, so they kept swinging and chucking each one of your gifts into their bag, not a single worry in the world to bother them.
“ooohh, myy y/nnn! i can't waaiitt to bringg these homee to youuu~!!◝(⁰▿⁰)"
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“i can't wait until they get home so i can kick their ass.”
You crossed your arms with a huff, staring in disbelief at the jars of moon water that were, in fact, missing.
Only one jar remained, and it was in the sink, empty.
Your eyes made way to the pan left on the stove, some pieces of egg still floating in the foggy water.
Your right one was probably still twitching, but you were just too distraught to notice.
“is this what i was having those feelings about?”
You clenched your fist, bringing it down to the counter.
“today was feeling off because my own partner decided to.. snatch ALL of my jars on the way to work.. as if that's something they normally do!?”
You looked at your flytrap plant pet that sat nearby, shrugging in a ‘wtf’ kind of way.
One of the plant’s traps closed themselves in response, slightly seeping downwards.
“ugh, i know, right?! it beats me why they'd just.. DO that, ya know?”
Another trap closed themselves, joining the first one in silently chiming in and sagging down.
“see, i really want to trust in sloan, i love them with my entire life! anndd afterlife! but.. also, who the fuck just steals a witch’s water?! not even a burglar would do that!”
“like, i was curing those for years, man! if sloan lets sunlight touch any one of those jars, i'll curse them for eterni-”
Both of the closed traps opened quickly in unison.
“..you're saying i.. shouldn't? curse them?” You raised a brow, a hand now on your hip.
The plant pods closed themselves back, not dipping their heads downwards this time.
“hm. i guuueeess that's true.. i was considering the voodoo doll approach to really teach em’ a lesson but.. you're right.“
“i can just sacrifice them another day.. today can be ass-kicking, tomorrow will be their downfall.”
You finished with a grin, starting to put some plates away as the flytraps reopened their mouths, sitting as if nothing had changed.
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After a couple minutes of washing and drying used dishes from the night before, you felt something soft rub against your leg.
“wha- oh my gosh!! hii squuiishhyy!!” You squealed, lifting up the fat, fluffy creature that nudged its head on the back of your calves.
It wasn't exactly a cat.. or a dog..
Actually, it was a raccoon, a big albino one, and he was here to distract you from the bones you had to pick with your partner.
“myyy fluuffyy companionn, how aare youu?? :D”
You snuggled him, rubbing his face against yours.
He kind of just.. didn't react, cutely letting you hold him with a neutral •ᴥ• on his face.
Then, another soft creature rubbed against your ankles.
“aahh, spaaarkkyy!! my other fluffy companion!! what about you? how aree youu doingg todaay?? >:0”
You smiled, lifting it up to rub the other side of your face.
It wasn't a raccoon this time, but a black possum, and he had a white patch of fur in the shape of a star on his back!
He curled himself into your grasp with what seemed like his own little smile :0)
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Both of the pets were adopted and well taken care of by you and Sloan.
Your partner found the possum on the way to work one day, insisting they kept him and named him Sparky because of the way his pointy teeth sparkled.
They couldn't stop running their fingers along his teeth for weeks, having to be dragged away by you for the possum to find some peace.
‘look at how razor sharp they are!! do you think his teeth could bite my fingers off?! id pay him with food, then i could get cool omnic prosthetics-’
‘sloan! that'd be-! ..messy actually, if you're gonna get blood everywhere, at least let me hire a vampire first.’
‘mi amor.. :( vampires only really existed centuries ago! how would you even find one for me right now? are you gonna make one of those cool pacts or something??’
‘id sacrifice you to one from the pas- nevermind, ‘cause you'd probaablyy want that, so i’ll just.. pretend to sacrifice you and not actually do it. (っ˘ω˘ς )’
‘nooOOO!!!! >:((((‘
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As for the raccoon, you had found him while having a cleansing session in the woods, luring him with fruits and veggies that you had originally brought along for any wandering fae.
(You also made sure to come back later that day with more goodies as an apology to said spirits, leaving them with fruits, nuts, and honey.)
When you brought him home, you named him squishy, simply because he was fat and.. well.. squishy.
Sloan tried to play with his teeth, followed with their failed attempt at getting the two new pets to play a game..
‘y/n, look! they both have the cuuteestt baby hands!! that gives me an idea..’
‘you hold sparky like that ʕ •̀ o •́ ʔ, i’ll hold squishy like.. this! ʕ •̀ ω •́ ʔ we can play rock-paper-scissors! here, this'll be rock..’
And with that, you two now lived with Squishy and Sparky (and other pets being your plants & their bugs too).
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A doorbell going off ended up interrupting your moment with your companions, earning a startled jolt from you.
‘oh? who could that- oh my stars-!’
“i forgot niran was coming over! Σ(O_O)”
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✯ if you've made it this far, thank you for reading! <33
✯ here is the link to part 2!!, also on my profile.. here are the borders used!
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✯ enjoy your day/night, stay hydrated, and keep loving venture <3
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krittykrat · 7 months
bless 🙏🏾🙏🏾
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tadaoren · 3 months
lifeguard save me in ankle deep waterr, the water is taking meee..
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radiolore · 4 months
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venture I luv u pls don't ever die
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shipspainfulships · 25 days
Reddit posts about dead boy detectives scare me.
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bellasmeiia · 5 months
venture getting zero skins upon release besides recolors of their default. AND THENNNN they finally get a new one and its a shop skin. i will give you a billion dollars for venture things Dont play with me but like 😭 omg😭💔
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vbros · 1 year
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🚨ALERT🚨 Deviantart AMA confirms Pete White smells like soap 🧼🥺
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dr1lldash · 2 months
why am i so anxious for classes tmrw >.>
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m-v3nus · 3 months
aging yeehan where hanzo gets a little pudge but cas goes full on bear mode yes sir
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