#venice stood as a republic for a hundred years or more. how can i stand for anything and mean anywhere close to what it did?
t4ckie-j4ckie · 2 months
does anyone else ever get that feeling where its like.
you're fine and you're okay and you're fine and you're okay and everything's neutral and normal and neutral and below-average and okay, when you're suddenly assaulted by the bare and basic and horrifically made ingenuity of humanity. The never-ending cycle and motor of change, but it doesn't change, does it? The monolith and its ideals stand tall and ever-lasting for thousands of thousands of years and you lay there in its shadow and watch as history swirls and coils around it, century-long projects rising from marshy and swampy earth to curl in circles and domes and spires, a dizzying red white and green that lasts far, far, far, far, beyond what anyone can ever pray- because that's what they do, pray- to remember or know, the dazzling endlessness of the human want for pretty things, and all the architects and well-known magicians of the past cry and holler and yell in victory and wonder as they fireworks crack above the watery town full of alleys- we did it, we made it, we did it, it still stands after hundreds of years-
and you just sit there and look up and watch and marvel and when they ask you isn't it wonderful? Isn't our world, our work, our life, our belief in something we never see wonderful? Isn't the human life a marvellous thing? and you have to sit there and watch as pyramids are built before you yet still stand thousands of years later, and you just have to go yes, yes it is, but why do you still celebrate? there is nothing more to build, nothing more to do, all the wonder in the world has already been made.
and the ancestors of the world's people and buildings and history look down and say oh.
oh, oh. oh. oh, OH.
The world is still full of wonder-
but how do i make it? how to i push it forth when every speck of immortality has already been taken into the wonderful domes and spires and palaces of the old? How can i create wonder, when there is no more space to build?
and. and they just reply-
you have to be willing to dig.
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