#venice mallow
thebotanicalarcade · 1 month
n72_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: [Water-color sketches of plants of North America and Europe] biodiversitylibrary.org/page/48235591
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angronsjewelbeetle · 5 months
Another one because fuck it it's nearly midnight and these are FUN DAMMIT Lmao floriography interest coming in clutch here
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What kind of flowers do (some of) the primarchs gift you ~♡
Includes: Corvus, Magnus, Vulkan, Fulgrim, Jaghatai, Angron, Konrad, Ferrus, Lorgar, Sanguinius, Dorn
Corvus: dark red roses and gloxina. dark red roses symbolise loyalty, love and eternal beauty, and gloxina represents love at first sight.
Magnus: rainbow roses, and glowing primroses. Roses because they're romantic and they're rainbow because "Magnus how did you-" "-I have my ways, my dear. Do you like them?", and primroses symbolise youthful love, a representation of how he feels a little more young when he's with you. How are the primroses glowing. Magnus please tell me they aren't deadly. Please.
Vulkan: pink roses and violets, they're a little singed on some of the petals and stems, but they're still pretty. Pink roses because they symbolise both romantic love and platonic - you are both his best friend and his greatest treasure - the light of his heart, and also sweetness. Violets symbolise faithfulness. Enough said.
Fulgrim: Hibiscus and morning glory. Morning glory symbolise affection and determination and the hibiscus, beauty and happiness - your beauty brings him such a profound sense of happiness, he doesn't know what to do with himself.
Ferrus: White roses and hydrangeas. White roses symbolise new beginnings and wisdom, and hydrangeas thankfulness and understanding.
Lorgar: lilies, phlox and gladiola. Lilies symbolise majesty and virtue, phlox unanmity and harmony. Also I'm pretty sure they're both toxic, and yet, they're beautiful. Gladiolus symbolise strength of character and moral integrity.
Konrad: a handful of Venice mallows with some of the roots still on and a single tuberose with...a...bite? Taken out of it? Venice mallows symbolise delicate, fleeting beauty, and tuberose symbolise dangerous pleasure. Konrad thought the mallows were pretty. The tuberose smelt nice. That's why Konrad ate it. It didn't taste as good as it smelt. Sorry, Konrad.
Khan: hyacinth and peonies. Hyacinths symbolise playfulness and peonies prosperity and compassion.
Sanguinius: bellflowers, sweet Williams and pansies. Bellflowers symbolise gratitude, sweet Williams symbolise gallantry and ask to "grant me a single smile", and pansies symbolise sweet thoughts.
Rogal: amaryllis, asters and false indigo. Amaryllis symbolise determination and creative achievement, asters symbolise elegance and patience - he will wait for you. He will always wait for you. - and false indigo symbolise immersion and intuition. He loves you. He truly does.
Angron: daffodils and lilacs, the stems are crushed, but the flowers themselves are unharmed. You do have to pry them from his hand though. Lilacs symbolise the first emotions of love and daffodils symbolise rebirth and new beginnings. They won't last that long with the mutilated stems, but they're lovely while they do.
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jillraggett · 2 years
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Plant of the Day
Wednesday 19 October 2022
At the end of the season for the annual plant Hibiscus trionum (black-eyed Susan, flower-of-an-hour, bladder hibiscus, modesty, shoofly, Venice mallow) the bladder-like capsules are full of seed for next year’s plants.
Jill Raggett
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mysticmothership · 1 year
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Today is lovely and sunny, but a chilly breeze still blows, which kinda sums up today's reading rather perfectly. I drew Venice Mallow and Ansuz (awn-soos, which landed upright) today. Venice Mallow is meant to mean delicate, or fleeting beauty, while Ansuz is much about communication, taking advice, wisdom or the need for wisdom, and employing careful thought and deliberation. I think this signifies that this week is about needs versus wants, and having the wisdom to know which is which. What do you need? What are your priorities? What's going to set a foundation for your future, and what's going to just bring you joy in the moment? There are plenty of times to be indulgent, but this week is a time to focus on what's going to make your life better in the long run.
Hope this all made sense! Good luck and have a good week!
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patbertram · 4 years
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I’m still finding “volunteer” plants in my yard, plants that show up without an invitation. If the plants are nice, I don’t mind them being there. Too many of the things I planted never sprouted, and if they did sprout, they didn’t grow. (For example, the bulbs I planted last fall. Everyone I talked to and every article I read told me I didn’t have to water them, so I didn’t. I found out recently…
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This came up in my boss’ garden. She’d been planting various seeds and didn’t know what it was, but it could have been intentional. Sorry I don’t have a picture of an open flower, but we could all tell it was okra-hibiscus-y, so I told her I’d look it up.
Turns out to be Hibiscus trionum, a European species that was introduced for ornamental use and has naturalized. Which I think means it’s not a weed if you like it there, which she does. H. trionum has a number of delightful common names, including shoofly, flower of an hour, modesty, venice mallow, and bladder ketmia. Check out that cool seed pod.
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rjalker · 7 years
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stepfordgoth · 3 years
Okay...... I know this is an extremely long shot but it's kinda driving me nuts...... Can anyone help me ID this plant that's growing in my backyard?
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I've already tried two different plant identification apps (both said it's a tomato plant, and it is most certainly not a tomato plant), Google lens (which said it's nightshade, and it also does not look like any nightshade I've ever seen IRL or on Google images), and reddit. The only response I got on reddit was that it might be some kind of mallow, but I can't find pictures of any variety of mallow that looks like these leaves. Venice mallow is close, but not close enough to be a match.
As far as i recall the only thing I planted in this bed was catnip, and I know this isn't catnip. When I was weeding a couple days ago I was like "huh, that's a weird looking plant..... Kinda wanna see what that turns into" and that's the only reason I didn't pull it lol
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scriptflorist · 3 years
Character Template
Name: Xuesong
Nickname: A'Song
Alternate identity: n/a
Birthday: (never really thought about it)
Zodiac: -
Birthplace: a non-Earth fantasy land with Chinese inspirations
Dwelling place: the palace 
How do they live: He’s with the elder prince most of the time, since he works for him. He’s a bodyguard of sorts, but also runs errands. His “bedroom” is actually a sectioned off part of a hallway shared with several others.
Appearance: Tall, with long wavy black hair that’s partially braided and tied back with a silk ribbon, blue-green like his upturned eyes. The backs of his pointed ears are covered with brown fur, and he has a pair of brown antlers. He usually wears a navy and gray uniform, with the royal emblem embroidered on the chest, as well as black boots. 
What’s in their bag/pockets: He’s got a small bag with some coins in it. 
Species: Wood spirit
Features of the species: Appears human, but with antlers, deer ears, and monochrome eyes in shades of blue or green.
Name of parents: He was created by a group of mages.
Name of siblings: n/a
Others next of kin: n/a
Not-in-blood-but-in-bond-family: Yunshan, a younger wood spirit, whom he considers like a brother.
Family history: After he was created, he was sent to the palace and handed over to the elder prince as a magical study/training partner and playmate. He was trained “on the go”, facing some punishments at first, but he’s a quick learner. Over time, he and the young prince start seeing each other as friends (and later, romantic partners). Yunshan arrived about two years later, to serve the younger prince, and Xuesong was the one who showed him the ropes. 
Favourite colour: His magic is sort of turquoise so he’s biased to that, but he also likes orange.
Favourite animal: Not one, but he likes birds, especially little ones.
Favourite book: none
Favourite film/show/series: n/a
Favourite genre: probably adventure, he likes listening to those kinds of stories when he has the chance
Favourite food: a kind of drink/soup (it’s served in bowls and eaten with spoons) made with local berries, also egg stir fried with assorted veggies.
Favourite place to be: The palace garden, which he’s allowed in because his magic can vitalize the plants. It attracts various insects and the birds he’s fond of. 
Personality: He’s quite a friendly and kind person, who doesn’t have a lot of power but would try to help in any way he can, or at least lend a listening ear. However, he does get upset if he feels his efforts aren’t appreciated enough, though he does try to hide this out of politeness. He’s responsible in his work and is rarely, if ever, late. His ever-smiling disposition sometimes causes people to think him silly, but he’s actually quite aware of the goings-on around him, and clever enough to use that knowledge if it could aid the people he cares about. He’s not good at making very good decisions under pressure though.
Misc: He gets mindwiped for his illicit relationship with the elder prince. After the prince embarks on a journey to find the legendary cure, his memories and personality return to normal, but he has some trauma symptoms from the ritual.
Hey there stranger,
Haven’t gotten one of these in a while, let’s see what we can do for your character. Hope you find something useful in here!
Birthplace: a non-Earth fantasy land with Chinese inspirations
chinese flower language tag
 He's with the elder prince most of the time, since he works for him. He's a bodyguard of sorts, but also runs errands.
lily (japanese) – you cannot deceive me
lungwort – you are my life, though art my life
monkshood – knight-errantry, a deadly foe is near
wolfsbane – knight, chivalry, misanthropy
Species: Wood spirit
cedar – spiritual strength, strength, I live for thee, think of me
cherry blossom – spiritual beauty, insincerity, impermanence
geranium (night-smelling) – melancholy spirit
magnolia – love of nature, dignity, nobility, perseverance
sorrel (wood) – joy
southernwood – pain, jest, bantering
sycamore – woodland beauty, curiosity, reserve
wood anemone – sickness, forlornness
wood sorrel – joy, maternal tenderness
woodbine – fraternal love, affection
wormwood – absence, do not be discouraged
 black hair
black bryony – support, be my support
blackberry – envy
ebony – blackness
laburnum – blackness, forsaken, pensive beauty
mulberry (black) – I shall not survive you
poplar (black) – courage
 Name of parents: He was created by a group of mages.
angelica – magic, inspiration
fern – magic, fascination, sincerity, confidence, shelter
 Not-in-blood-but-in-bond-family: Yunshan, a younger wood spirit, whom he considers like a brother.
syringa – fraternal love, fraternal regard, memory
verbena (pink) – family union
woodbine – fraternal love, affection
 He was trained "on the go", facing some punishments at first, but he's a quick learner.
marigold – cruelty, grief, inquietude, trouble, chagrin, pretty love, sacred affection, caress, sorrow
nettle – cruelty, slander, you are spiteful
tiger-flower – cruelty, for once may pride befriend me
 Over time, he and the young prince start seeing each other as friends (and later, romantic partners).
acacia – friendship, platonic love, secret love
acacia (rose) – friendship, elegance
acacia (yellow) – concealed love, secret love
ambrosia – love returned
arbor vitae – unchanging friendship, live for me
chrysanthemum – you’re a wonderful friend, abundance, wealth, cheerfulness, truth, loveliness and cheerfulness
chrysanthemum (red) – I love.
citronella – homosexual love
clove –I have loved you and you have not known it, dignity
daisy (wild) – dost thou love me?, I will think on it
freesia – lasting friendship
geranium – true friend, stupidity, folly
geranium (oak-leaved) – true friendship, lady deign to smile
glycine – your friendship is pleasing and agreeable to me
heliotrope – I love you, the intoxication of love, infatuation, devoted affection, devotion, I turn to thee, intoxicated with pleasure
honeyflower – speak low if you speak love, love sweet and secret, sweet, secret, generous affection, sweetness of disposition
honeysuckle – bonds of love, generous and devoted affection, affection, devotion, fidelity, I would not answer hastily
honeysuckle (wild) –generous and devoted love
ivy – friendship, matrimony, I have found one true heart, constancy, marriage, fidelity, wedded love, affection
japonica – symbol of love, sincerity
jerusalem oak – your love is reciprocated
jonquil – love me, affection returned, desire, sympathy, I desire a return of affection
lilac – first emotion(s) of love, beauty, pride
lilac (purple) – first emotions of love
maidenhair – secret bond of love, discretion
motherwort – concealed love, secret love
rose – love
rose (bridal) – happy love, happiness
rosebud (moss) – confession of love, confession
snowdrop – I am not a summer friend, consolation, hope, refinement
tulip – declaration of love, beautiful eyes, fame, perfect lover
tulip (red) – declaration of love, believe me
windflower – symbol of love, sincerity
zephyr flower – symbol of love, sincerity, expectation, fond caresses
 he also likes orange
lily (orange) – hatred, disdain
mockorange – counterfeit, fraternal affection, deceit
orange blossom – your purity equals your loveliness, chastity, innocence, eternal love, marriage, fruitfulness
orange flowers – chastity, woman’s worth, bridal festivities
orange tree – generosity
rose (orange) – fascination
syringa (mockorange) – fraternal love, fraternal regard, memory
 Favourite animal: Not one, but he likes birds, especially little ones.
venus’ car – fly with me
 Favourite food: a kind of drink/soup (it's served in bowls and eaten with spoons) made with local berries
blackberry – envy
cranberry – hardiness, cure for (the) heartache
gooseberry – anticipation
huckleberry – faith, simply pleasures
mulberry (black) – I shall/will not survive you, devotedness
mulberry (red) – wisdom
mulberry (white) – wisdom, prudence
pidgeon berry – indifference
raspberry – remorse
strawberry – perfection, perfect excellence, perfect goodness
strawberry blossom – foresight
strawberry tree – love and esteem, perseverance
whortleberry – treachery, treason
 Favourite place to be: The palace garden, which he's allowed in because his magic can vitalize the plants.
persimmon – bury me amid nature’s beauties
cosmos – joy in love and life
lucern – life
tree of life – immortality, old age
 kind person, would try to help in any way he can
allspice -- compassion
blue bell – kindness, constancy, sorrowful regret, humility, gratitude
elder flower -- compassion
marsh mallow – kindness, beneficence
 His ever-smiling disposition sometimes causes people to think him silly, but he's actually quite aware of the goings-on around him, and clever enough to use that knowledge if it could aid the people he cares about.
kennedia – intellectual beauty, mental beauty
mignonette – moral and intellectual beauty, your qualities surpass your charms
rose (daily) – thy smile I aspire to
sumach (venice) – intellectual splendour, elegance
sunflower (tall) – smile on me still, haughtiness, pride, false riches, lofty and pure thoughts
sweet william – grant me one smile, gallantry, finesse, childhood, scorn
tulip (yellow) – there’s sunshine in your smile, hopeless love
walnut – intellect, stratagem
 Misc: He gets mindwiped for his illicit relationship with the elder prince. After the prince embarks on a journey to find the legendary cure, his memories and personality return to normal, but he has some trauma symptoms from the ritual.
agrimony – thankfulness, gratitude
anthericum -- antidote
azalea – take care, temperance, fragile, passion, romance, temperance, fragile and ephemeral passion
balm of gilead – cure, relief, I am cured
balsam of peru – cure
bay leaf – I change but in death, I change but in dying
bay (red) – love’s memory
catchfly (white) – I fall into the trap laid for me
cranberry – cure for (the) heartache, hardiness
dahlia – my gratitude exceeds your care, instability, elegance and dignity, forever thine, novelty, dignity
dogwood – love undiminished by adversity, I am perfectly indifferent to you, durability
forget-me-not – true love, forget me not, memories
honeysuckle (coral) – I love you, the colour of my fate
lotus – estranged love, forgetful of the past, eloquence, purity
lotus flower – estranged love
love-lies-bleeding – deserted love, hopeless not heartless, dignity, nobility, perseverance
myrtle – love in absence, love positive, love, joy
periwinkle – pleasing remembrances, sweet remembrance, tender recollections, early recollections, pleasure of memories, sweet memories
periwinkle (blue) – pleasures of memory, sweet remembrance, early friendship
periwinkle (white) – pleasures of memory, pleasing remembrance
pheasant’s eye – remembrance, painful remembrance, sorrowful remembrances
primrose (chinese) – lasting love
privet – unfading love
rose (maiden blush) – if you love me, you will find it/me out
rose (single, full bloom) – I truly love you, simplicity
rosemary – remembrance, your presence revives me, healing balm
scabiosa – unfortunate love, unfortunate attachment, I have lost all
swallow-wort – cure for (the) heartache
syringa – memory, fraternal regard, fraternal love
syringa (carolina) – memory, disappointment
yarrow – to cure, a cure for the heartache, cure for a broken heart, cure for heartache
zinnia (yellow) – daily remembrance
– Mod Jana
This blog is intended as writing advice only. This blog and its mods are not responsible for accidents, injuries or other consequences of using this advice for real world situations or in any way that said advice was not intended.
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gryphis-eyes · 3 years
Hey I’m here for the game. My initials are DH.
You give the vibe of someone who’s eccentric and extremely creative. Artistic and rebellious. A great eye for aesthetics. You’re damn smart and very good at analysing things. Really pleasant to be around. Enjoys your freedom & independence.
Thank you for doing this. Have a lovely day!
Hello 🌹
Im so glad you’re here i love your pac and so much ! The pile 2 of Advice from the divine was the reason why i started this blog 👀 and everything is true ! Congratulation
The source’s description for the art in the middle match your guide’s vibe !
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Cards : The world, Bee, Buffalo, Sacred Lotus, Venice Mallow, Anemone
I had a mixed image of a woman with a bull’s head but also a stag it was disturbing, it reminded me that thing about ancient pagan who would wear animal’s fur and head to be more close to nature. Your guide is probably very old and it made them so wise and powerful, their energy is very calm they probably send you sign during dreams especially to help you anticipate events. Like nature they can be both harsh and delicate, they know life is hard but they will still help you going through difficulties and obstacles. Don’t be shy about talking to your guide about your goals they can give you precious advice or when you’re struggling you can ask them to show you the beauty behind hardship.
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pintoras · 5 years
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Here they are! The nine paintings that got the most notes in 2019:
Jessica Hayllar (English, 1858 - 1940): Oriental Poppy and Coleus in a Cloisonné vase, with a fan on a faux bamboo table
Rachel Ruysch (Dutch, 1664 - 1750): A swag of grapes, hollyhocks, irises, mallow, African marigolds, clematis, a horse chestnut and blackberries with butterflies and other insects suspended before a stone arch (1681) 
Marian Ellis Rowan (Australian, 1848 - 1922): Barringtonia (c. 1891) 
Marian Ellis Rowan (Australian, 1848 - 1922): Brunonia australis
Antonietta Brandeis (Czech, 1848 - 1926): Canal in Venice with View of the Back of the Palazzo Rocca 
Kathryn E. Bard Cherry (American, 1860 - 1931): Fish, Fruits, and Flowers (c. 1923) 
Circle of Rachel Ruysch (Dutch, 1664 - 1750): Roses, marigolds and snap dragons on a ledge with a red admiral butterfly 
Johanna Helena Herolt-Graff (German, 1668 - 1723): A poppy in three stages of flowering, with a caterpillar, pupa and a butterfly 
Rachel Ruysch (Dutch, 1664 - 1750): Still life with flowers
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thegrapeandthefig · 5 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could get an oracle reading about what to expect in January 2020, or pretty much what is the main theme of this month? Thank you so much in advance! -M.A.F
I got for you the Venice Mallow, which stands for delicate, fleeting beauty. Its associated quote is this: “When life is not coming up roses, look to the weeds and find the beauty hidden within them.” -L.F Young. 
This card is a soft one, it indicates a optimistic outlook on life for this month. January for you might not be life-changing or filled with tempestuous events, in fact it might be quite the opposite. You are being asked to start the year in appreciation of the little things in your life. You see, the Venice mallow only blooms for an hour each day and it’s easy to miss the opportunity. Life is the same, you need to keep an eye open to grasp the good out of it. Depending on who you are it might come off as a challenge. The theme of the month is positivism and appreciation. 
I know this isn’t the most down-to-earth answer, but I hope it resonates still. 
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mysticmothership · 1 year
The technical difficulties from last week are determined to continue to plague me, so unfortunately no picture or video, but a text post.
So for this week's read, I drew Isa (ee-sah,) Venice Mallow, the Three of Wands upright, and Red Jasper.
Isa is the rune representing ice; having to do with pause, delay, and obstruction.
Venice Mallow (Hibiscus Trionum) says delicate, fleeting beauty on the card, and is further described as fraility.
The Three of Wands Upright is about looking ahead, expansion, and growth.
Red Jasper is meant to help with new ideas, meditation, and survival instinct.
So what do they say altogether?
It seems to be another week of delays and waiting... Hope is such a delicate thing, it can be so hard to keep it alive and strong. While this spread definitely feels like further frustration, it also feels like an inkling of hope... Finally seeing a potential end to the issues at hand. The plan for this week seems to be to think of alternate ways of achieving your goals, so you don't have to wait on the primary method. Take a moment, breathe, don't cancel the plans you made, but consider plans b, c, or beyond. Examine all of your options, do some research, and discuss the best course of action with the people around you that you trust the most.
I hope that made sense! Good luck this week!
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kleo1504 · 2 years
Yes I'm so excited! Especially since I'm going with my best friend 💕 We managed to get soundcheck tickets too so I can't wait to see how it will go! It's my first time actually getting such good tickets to any kind of concert so I'm elated ❤️‍🔥
Oh that's so cool! I love the Botanical oracle deck, it's one I'd love to get in the future! How is this deck from your interview experience?
I ended up tearing appart my last drawing and just made a new one that I was quite satisfied with 😂
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Not the most satisfied with the eyelid and eyebrow but overall very happy with the outcome! I'm not great with drawing though unless I have a reference to look at or a landscape, model, etc
Take care, eat well, hydrate yourself and make sure to rest well 🌸
Aww! Sounds really exciting. Have fun and enjoy the concert and at the same time stay safe. 😁 I can't leave the safety out.
All the new decks are just beatiful. And the interviews went really well, too. Let's see!
Botanical Inspirations Oracle
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1. How do you do! Please introduce yourself, dear deck. Describe yourself.
◦ Peony
◦ Bringing good fortune and ability to cherish what I have already
2. What are your strengths?
◦ Forget-me-nots
◦ Bringing back memories
3. What am I going to like about you?
◦ Venice Mallow
◦ Appreciating the beauty of the common
4. What are some weaknesses or limitations you have?
◦ Pansy
◦ Reacting to my thoughts – if they are negative, the message will be negative
5. What kind of readings are you best suited for?
◦ Phlox
◦ Group readings
6. What can I learn from working with you?
◦ Gladiola
◦ Integrity, strength, morals
7. What is the outcome of our relationship?
◦ Lily
◦ Virtuous actions
It looks like it's gonna help me to become a better person. 😂 Great! Poe turned me into thirsty monster, flowers will be the metaphorical angel on my shoulder. 😂
The Green Witch Oracle also includes flowers. And fruits, vegetables and herbs. I love it, to be honest. 💖 There isn't only oracle meaning in the booklet but also gardening tips and correspondences and little spells. So funny! 😍😂
Green Witch Oracle
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1. How do you do! Please introduce yourself, dear deck. Describe yourself.
◦ 34. Attraction
◦ It has been drawn into my life because it’s aligned with my needs and it’s time for me to relax and enjoy the connection
2. What are your strengths?
◦ 12. Affection
◦ Being truthful and open-minded
3. What am I going to like about you?
◦ 23. Abundance
◦ Mental strength and garden magick tricks
4. What are some weaknesses or limitations you have?
◦ 28. Energy
◦ The input is needed, no advice is for free, I need to work for it
5. What kind of readings are you best suited for?
◦ 37. Healing
◦ Self-care, cooperation and creativity
6. What can I learn from working with you?
◦ 13. Courage
◦ Courage, strength, affection
7. What is the outcome of our relationship?
◦ 31. Luck
◦ Awareness, harmony, inspiration
Sorry for spamming you like this. I was just so excited about these decks. 🤭
I think you are really good at drawing. It's a fantastic skill. Whatever you think about, you can draw it and make it real. It's a great and sort of magic ability. 💖
Have a great time and take care! 🌼
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winniethepoohx · 6 years
presmouse starter meme !
"i think i heard screaming coming from the swamp. wanna go check it out?”
"oh, my god, are you vomiting? OH, MY GOD, ARE YOU VOMITING -"
“i miss him/her/them/you.”
"so, spill the tea ... who do you think will be president after mickey?”
“can i hold your hand? maybe i shouldn’t have asked that ... but can i?”
“as long as we’re friends, you’re never going through anything alone.”
“girls don’t want boys. girls want other girls who will hold their hand and braid their hair.”
"hey, what should - no, stop screaming, it's just me - what should we get for breakfast?"
“alcohol isn’t my friend? YOU’RE not my friend.”
"so, like, no offense or anything, but ... is 'into the woods' ever actually gonna have an opening night?"
"have you ever slept in your life, because it sure doesn't fucking look like it."
“not everyone is going to hurt you.”
“oh, my god. you need to take better care of yourself!”
“i’m gonna bail you out of jail one day. i know it! i just know it!”
“i couldn’t fall asleep, so here i am.”
"what do you think would happen if someone just ran head first into the isle's barrier?"
"no, take me to get french toast with maple syrup. it's what i deserve."
“excuse to see you? check.”
“no. i want CUDDLES, not SNUGGLES. there’s a difference.”
"i'm not saying that one of the students here has to be powerful enough to take the barrier down, but ... that's exactly what i'm saying, come on."
"i'm bi - bilingual, bisexual, probably bipolar, too."
“oh, my god. stop calling me that.”
“well, i thought you were funny, but, hey, life’s full of disappointments.”
“put the sweater on. it’s cold, just put the fucking sweater on -”
“hypothetically ... what would happen if i snorted ibuprofen?”
"do you think all of the royals are real? one of them has to be an alien. which one do you think is the alien?"
"how come when a child has an attitude it's 'gonna get them far in life', but when i have one it's 'disrespectful'?"
“you … you never had a problem with it before.”
“i will pick you up and carry you if that’s what it’s going to take.”
“you’re only ever crying, oh my god.”
"nothing interesting has happened in forever. where did the monsters, dragons, and mysteriously dead people go?"
“you could have fucking alcohol poisoning!”
"why are you running - WHY ARE YOU RUNNING -"
“no, i cried in the bathroom. you know, like any NORMAL person would do.”
"is there even a straight person in auradon?"
"oh, fuck me ... oh, no, not literally. and most certainly not you."
“these flowers would look cute in your hair!”
"do magic, not drugs."
“you’re about as useful as an expired coupon.”
"i don't mean to sound like a bitch, but i deserve a fairy godmother."
"i would trade you for the robots any day."
"well, i could have texted, but then i wouldn't be here."
“if you were a plant, you would be a weed.”
"i'm not saying that isle food is better than this shit ... because it isn't, but -"
"please, don’t go.”
“drinking until you puke is not normal.”
"so, king adam or king beast? you know, for research."
"what happened to going with a grand, romantic gesture?"
“how long will this go on for?”
“i’m running for president. run, RUN, running for president!”
“what are you doing out here? it’s late.”
“where can i get some good cough medicine to get high on?”
"i'm not a math problem, i don't have to make sense! ... but i do!"
“you look like you’re on the verge of death. lets get you home.”
"no, i'm just kidding ... but really, though!"
“no. you’re not invited. tonight is girl’s night and you’re a dick.”
“we’ve been through so much and i told you: we’re in this together. always.”
“easy. i’ll throw myself down the stairs so you’ll have to take me to the emergency room.”
“you’re my best friend. you’re SUPPOSED to deal with the second-hand embarrassment.”
DRACO erebus | TAYTUM possible | WESLEY fenton | HADLEY long | CERIDWEN blackwell | AIKO hamada | PRIMROSE lee | LONDON lunar | EIRA wynters | BEAP meap | BERNADETTE bernard | LAVINA morte | OTULISSA showenhower | BONNIE utonium | ARTIS muir | NO-FACE too | AMERYKAH rogers | AIRLEA tesia | MINNIE mallow | MEREDITH purcelle | AMBER mclain | VENICE archer | SERAPHINA moreau | KENNETH gucci | LUCINDA tasi | ORALEE fitzherbert | GALATIA marmoreal | DESERAE tremaine | MALLORY corville | LETHE haddock | DOVE pines | MINGXIA zhang | DELTA babcock | CHAO cipher | POCKY von schweetz | JEZEBEL-VELVET cruorem | NERO flynn-fletcher |ALMERA sutton | ERO 404 error | CASTALIA lefevre | CIRCE godwin | PETAL lour | MARELLA waters | SWEETLY mosi | VIOLET rus | COPELAND coddaire | RASPBERRY pie | AUBURN bear | LEVIATHA nerezza | JULIAN theros | LUMETTE asteria | ZIMA ellisair | KELEOS leures | ELSPETH kelty | LOLITA monrova
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viridianterra · 7 years
Hi! If you haven’t filled all the spots already I’d love a Labyrinth reading possibly :)
1. Now: “Camellia” (Camellia blanc)
Your destiny is unfolding as it should. Welcome to your path. The force that guides the stars is on your side.
2.  Step: “Asters” (Callistephus)
Allow patience to sprawl in the present energy. Have the courage to believe that you deserve what it is that you long for. 
3. Know: “Hyacinth” (Hyacinthus orientalis)
Expose yourself to engage in your favorite activities. Walk outside barefoot on the wet grass; feel the dew refresh your toes. Twirl around with the soft breeze, and let the wind take your worries away. This flower reminds you to be energetic and vibrant.
4. Release: “Venice Mallow” (Hibiscus trionum)
Your heart is capable of measuring beauty. The gentle nature that you possess allows this feeling to soar in the sky; A breath of fleeting moments that are mesmerized. 
5. Learn: “Gerbera Daisy” (Gerbera)
Sprinkle your confidence onto others. You are radiating with pure intention and love when you share joy with your peers.
6. Outcome: “Sacred Lotus” (Nymphaea caerulea)
Your raw experiences are no different from your joyful ones. Honor your divine nature. The sacred lotus is always around you.
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